Red Bank Register Volume Lxx, No
RED BANK REGISTER VOLUME LXX, NO. 50. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1948 SECTION ONE-PAGES 1 TO 12 She Was Sorry To William H. Travii Is Merchants Can't Final Session Of Red Bank Elks Leave Riverview Bernard Leach Weit Point Graduate Mrs. Julia Throckmorton, super- Bulkhead Work Agree On Summer Story Telling William H. Travis, son of Col. Take In Several intendent of Riverview hospital, Dies In Hospital and Mrs. Harrison G. Travis of 115 says that compliments in the form Ocean boulevard, Atlantic High- of personal calls, telephone calls Closing Of Stores Last Saturday land*, will graduate from the Unit- New Members and letters regarding the wonderful After Accident ed States Military academy at West treatment given patients at River- To Start Soon Point Tuesday, view hospital arc numerous and ex- Some Will Clote All Will Be Resumed To Have Delegations ceptionally gratifying to her and Lincroft Man Hurt her staff.' Day—Others Waiting At Public Library At National And However, It is unusual for pa- Fatally In Fall Former Dickman Boathouse To Be tients to say they are sorry in leav- To Make Decision In October Stale Reunions ing the hospital, Mrs. Throckmorton Frum Drawbridge stating that most of them are very Razed In Two Weeks, Say. Mr. White Th« retail trad* committee of the Twenty-seven small boys aed The semi-monthly meeting of the girls were on hand Saturday morn- glad to go home, even though they Bernard Leach, 35, of Swimming -•- Red Bank Community Chamber of Red Bank lodge of Elks will be have expressed their thanks for the Rivet road, Lincroft, Inspector of oriiin^ to plans Red Bank lj Commerce it having ltr hands full ng at the final session of the Sat- held at the Elks home on Broad urday morning story hour at the sympathetic and painstaking treat- bridges for the New York and T-ong H<:h<;rlulorl foy "the nRW look" alone? tndeavoring to get a definite deci- street, near Front, tonight when ment received.
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