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,V>: U. S. Government Wins ■11 Off-Shore Oil Rights

4.'- V:' WASHINGTON (UPI) - The Supreme charters granted them title to seabeds up its constitution permitted jurisdiction up Court ruled 8 to 0 today that the federal to 100 miles off their shores. to 30 miles offshore. i government alone has oil drilling rights in Justice Byron R. White wrote the The court referred back to a special nearly 200,000 square miles of the Atlantic court’s opinion. Justice William 0. master more technical questions about Ocean beyond the three-mile limit. Douglas, who is recovering from a stroke, how far out Florida can control Gulf of The ruling means the United States can Mexico seabeds. f W did not participate. immediately resume preparations to The justices had ruled in 1960 that grant leases for exploring the Atlantic to In a separate companion case, the Florida had historic title to 10 miles of determine where potentially vast amounts justices ruled that Florida aiso must obey Gulf seabeds, but the state and the federal of oil are located. the three-mile limit established in the government were contesting how the In asking the high court to affirm Atlantic by Congress. Florida had claimed boundary was drawn in the Florida Bay. federal ownership of the offshore oil rights, the Interior Department said the potentiai fuel reserves could help ease the energy shortage in the coming decade. New Isolationism The justices accepted a special master’s report which rejected claims by 12 Atlan­ tic Coast states that their colonial Coticerns President WASHINGTON (UPI) - President Ford Washington. While it did not mention the today warned against a "new controversial subject of aid to Indochina, immt isolationism” in U.S. foreign policy and White House sources indicated Ford might NEWS said foreign aid must be continued for both depart from the text, possibly to urge CAPSULES diplomatic and humane reasons. Congress to approve emergency aid for Ford took his foreign policy and Cambodia. There were indications during Shamrock Bombs economic recovery messages to South the weekend Ford might settle for far less (Herald photo by Pinto) Bend, Ind., and told a University of Notre than the $222 million he first asked for. BELFAST (UPI) - Police in British- Dame audience developing nations "must His speech stressed the need for in­ ruled Northern Ireland warned residents Bake St* Patrick’s Day Cookies be able to defend themseves. They must terdependence among nations and today to beware of bombs in their have the assurance that America can be America’s “moral commitment” to help shamrock cards on St. Patrick’s Day. With the wearin’ of the green, Mrs. Patrick’s Day party as she spoons left, holds the measuring cup for the counted upon to provide the means of starving and technically underdeveloped During a weekend of violence that left Joan Young in a green dress and green dabs of cookie dough onto a cookie security as well as the means of countries. right ingredients. In the , four persons dead, postal workers Satur­ striped apron (she’s Irish, too) helps sheet ready for baking. While Lee holding little shamrock men, are, left sustenance.” “The answers to the world food problem day found six booby-trapped green The President’s address, in conjunction are to be found in interdependence,” Ford members of her kindergarten class at Wichman, right, reads directions to right, Melanie Bodin, baker; Robyn greeting boxes labeled “Happy St. Buckley School prepare for a St. from a cookie book, Craig Fichtel, Leyser, cook; Alan Borgida, mixer. with his receiving an honorary doctor of said. “We can and will help other nations. Patrick’s Day” and defused them. Most laws degree, was to be followed by But simplistic paternalism may do more were meant for Roman Catholics in this meetings with regional news executives harm than good. Our help must take the predominantly Protestant province. and governors. form of helping every nation to help The Notre Dame speech was released in itself.” Search Resumed Mideast Peace Shuttle SUFFIELD (UPI) — Authorities began searching a wooded area of Suffield today for a downed airplane believed piloted by Federal Agents Probing Connecticut massage parlor operator Martin Ross and a female companion. Enters Round Three Police said a weak electronic radio signal believed from the downed plane Possible Overcharges was pinpointed to a large wooded area TEL AVIV (UPI) - Secretary of State third shuttle “will mark the start of real Kissinger will bring back Sadat’s covering part of Suffield and the nearby WASHINGTON (UPI) - Federal in­ —A three-way FEA investigation of Henry A. Kissinger flew off today toward haggling and one can expect the going to response Tuesday afternoon. towns of Agawam and Southwick, Mass. vestigators are looking into the possibility alleged manipulations by oil suppliers, Aswan, Egypt—and an Egyptian be rough.” On Kissinger’s way here last Friday, a Ross, 35, of Bloomfield and Donna of petroleum pricing conspiracies during shippers and brokers that may have raised sandstorm—for round three of his shuttle This could go on for a week or more, and senior official said Israel would have to. Hoadley, 21, of Norwich have been mis­ last winter’s Arab oil embargo which may petroleum product prices as much as 300 diplomacy search for a new Israeli- the tempo of Kissinger’s shuttling is come up with something new for Sadat to sing since late Wednesday when their involve billions of dollars, per cent between refineries and con­ Egyptian accord on further Israeli expected to become quicker, they said. keep the negotiations going. Cessna 150 left Groton Airport in Trumbull “The investigation could result in tens sumers such as electric power utilities, withdrawal in the Sinai Desert. in inclement weather. of millions of dollars in overcharges being hospitals and schools. Kissinger said he had a “very good and returned to consumers,” said a Federal FEA officials said it had been alleged constructive" meeting with Israeli Sen. Fears Economic Body Found > Energy Administration spokesman. that one utility company alone was negotiators today, but Israeli newspapers Officials said Sunday subjects of the in­ overcharged $15 million. Sources said GALENA, 111. (UPI) — The nude, frozen reflected dissatisfaction at the Egyptian vestigation included kickbacks and total overcharges uncovered in both in­ body of Joseph Didier, was discovered by proposals Kissinger brought here Friday. payoffs to brokers, excessive brokerage vestigations might run at least as high as two scout troop members checking a cabin The Jerusalem Post said Kissinger also fees, excessive transportation or handling $1 billion. The 'Washington Post reported it Impact of Bottle Proposal at a Boy Scout camp near the Wisconsin was disappointed that the Israeli cabinet costs, violations of regulations governing could be as much as $3 billion. state line Saturday. The eighth-grade son had not taken any significant new distribution of available supplies, and un­ FEA sources said a major announce­ of a Rockford alderman was abducted two decisions Sunday. HARTFORD (UPI) - Sen. Audrey P. necessary unloading or physical move­ ment is planned soon. The Post reported pioneered the use of cullett, or crushed weeks ago when he was delivering Kissinger breakfasted with Israeli Beck, D-Storrs, said today a bill banning ment to increase costs. grand juries have been convened in glass, in making new bottles and is the newspapers. It has not been determined Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and then no deposit-no return bottles would harm An American Petroleum Institute state­ Jacksonville, Fla., New York and Los largest glass recycling plant in the United how long the youth had been dead. met the full Israeli negotiating team for the already troubled economy in her dis­ States. ment said it "cannot dismiss the Angeles in connection with the customs’ 90-minutes to get the answers he hopes trict and would have few economic advan­ “The total effort of Glass Container in possibility” of some violations, but “we probe. The story said other grand juries will keep his mission going. He had a tages. Dayville is considered by the federal Plans New Cabinet reject the implications that the nation’s oil might be called in Houston, Philadelphia, green light from the Israeli cabinet to con­ Mrs. Beck told the Environmental Com­ government the most advanced experi­ LISBON (UPI) — Portugal’s new companies have been parties to a massive Baltimore and Boston. tinue negotiations but it was unclear what mittee that the issue is not one of wasting ment in glass recycling in the nation,” she strongman Prime Minister Vasco Gon- conspiracy that has resulted in alleged proposals he was taking back to President bottles but one of how bottles are said. “But it needs a given volume of glass calves told his ministers Sunday the overcharges of from $1 to $3 billion.” Manchester Farmer Anwar Sadat as he began his third shuttle recycled. production to produce an economically cabinet would be dissolved in the next few Spokesmen for the U.S. Customs Service between the two countries. “It is a question of the form in which viable recycling effort.” days. A new one will then be formed to and FEA said the investigation had two Seeks Extension “It was a very good and constructive bottles are returned,” she said. “It is a The ban could undermine the effort of carry out leftwing policies. The military main thrusts: meeting this morning,’’ Kissinger told question of returning whole bottles versus the Dayville plant, she said, and the gas­ regime, over the weekend, nationalized all —Investigation by customs agents at 40 Of Trailer Variance newsmen. “We reviewed once again the returning smashed bottles.” oline needed to provide trucking for an Portuguese-owned insurance companies ports around the nation of possible docu­ ideas which I brought from Egypt and the Rep. Alan J. Mazzola, R-Willimantic, elaborate bottle returning system could following the expropriation of the nation’s ment falsification by importers and A zone variance granted to Manchester Israeli reaction as well as the con­ said that the measure would through 750 eliminate eliminate any potential energy commercial banking system. suppliers to double the apparent cost of farmer Alex Yakaitis a year ago—allowing siderations which the Israeli cabinet are employes of the Glass Container Corp. in savings. foreign oil shipped into the United States. him to house seasonal farmworkers in a asking me to take to Egypt.’’ Dayville put of work, nearly three trailer on his land—comes before the Egyptian officials said in Aswan that quarters of its work force. Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) again Egypt expects tough bargaining on terms “I am not ready to make that kind of tonight. ■ » of a second-stage disengagement agree­ trade-off,” Mazzola told the committee. ?, f ' y Tonight’s ZBA public hearing agenda in­ m S m va. ment with Israel and that Kissinger’s Mrs. Beck said the Dayville plant has I® n-■ cludes a request by Yakaitis to renew a t one-year permit to house agricultural S - s i # • k'. t J V ; workers during the farming season at 406 -• ! Burnham St. Last February, the ZBA unanimously Onassis Interment granted the variance to Yakaitis, over ■#1 objections of his neighbors. Two of the " 0 neighbors—David and Mary Frazier of 396 To Be on Skorpios Burnham St.—took the matter to court, ♦ I and their legal challenge of the ZBA deci­ sion is still pending. PARIS (UPI) — Mrs. Jacqueline in 31 B.C. where Augustus Caesar defeated . The ZBA public hearings are scheduled Kennedy Onassis, now twice widowed, Mark Antony, the body, accompanied by to start tonight at 7 in the Municipal will take the body of millionaire Aristotle members of the Onassis family and Building Hearing Room. Other items on Onassis to Greece Tuesday for burial on household, will be placed on a hearse for the agenda: the shipping magnate’s private island of the 10-mile ride to the fishing port of • George Negro is seeking extension of Sfeorpios, a family spokesman said today. Nidri. 'M a one-year permit to park up to 18 buses on Orly airport officials said a special Nidri lies across the bay from Skorpios his property at 775 Vernon St. Such a tem­ Boeing 727 of Onassis’s Olympic Airways and the last part of the journey will be M porary variance has been granted twice t A was scheduled to leave for Greece with made by motor launch, a spokesman said. before by the ZBA. Onassis’ body, his widow and his daughter, Onassis died of bronchial pneumonia in • Barney Peterman is petitioning for a Christina, between 9 a.m. and 10 a.m. the American Hospital in Paris Saturday special exception to convert at two-family Tuesday. after five weeks of treatment. house at 73-75 Union St. into a four-family Legal experts in Athens said most of his John Kennedy, Jr., and Caroline house. Peterman intends to build an addi­ half-billion dollar fortune was expected to Kennedy, the children of the late Presi­ tion to the existing Residence C Zone go to Christina, 24, but that Mrs. Onassis dent, flew to Aktion via Athens today .The structure, according to his application. might inherit as much as $125 million. two children, who were accompanied by • The ’Talcottville Development Co. is Some legal sources familiar with the Mrs. Hugh Auchinloss, mother of Mrs. \ again seeking a variance to erect a larger- Onassis fortune said, however, the mul­ Onassis, will go from Aktion to Skorpios Ills* than-allowed sign near Interstate 86 to timillionaire gave his wife $10 million by helicopter, an Olympic spokesman advertise the new Quality Inn motel on when they were married and she said. Tolland Tpke. The company’s first request renounced any claims on his estate. A motorboat will take the body to the was deni^ by the ZBA two months ago. small 200-year-old chapel of Panagista Onassis associates said the aircraft • Gulf Oil Co. is seeking a special excep­ amidst orange and cypress trees and carrying the body will land at Aktion, an 'it. tion for approval of extending its location airport near Skorpios, the island which flowers that Jacqueline herself planted area and changing a service station struc­ overlooking the Ionian Sea. Onassis bought in 1963. ture at 250 W. Middle Tpke. From Aktion, scene of the naval battle In the chapel, dedicated to the Virgin Mary, Onassis married the widow of President Kennedy in 1968 and buried his i u. beloved son Alexander in 1973. Inside Today Onassis, a painted ancient ikon of the Area P ro file...... Pages 4, 9, 20 The Weather Greek Orthodox church on his breast, lay Business news...... — Page 14 on a bier surrounded by white flowers Chatting at Democratic Club Fete Dear Abby...... Page 8 The Connecticut state weather forecast: today in the chapel on the grounds of the staged at the Knights of Columbus Mostly sunny today and Tuesday with American Hospital where he died 34 days U. S. Rep. Christopher Dodd, right, D- dance of the Democratic Club of MCC Calendar ...... Page 5 high temperatures both days in the mid after a gall bladder operation. 2nd District, chatted with Irene Manchester. Mrs. LeMay was in- home and about 200 persons attended. MACC N ew s...... Page 7 40s to low 50s. Mostly clear tonight with One orchid sent by his widow was placed LeMay and James Holmes Saturday stalled president of the group (Herald photo by Dunn) Scene from H e re ...... Page 10 lows in the 20s and 30s. on the bie>', family friends said. night at the fourth annual dinner- succeeding Holmes. The event was Thoughts ApLENty...... Page 11 PAGE TWO - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Mon., March 17, 1975 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Mon., March 17, 1975— PAGE THREE UNTITLED SEQUEL HOLLYWOOD (UPl) -- Jim ­ Found Guilty NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE FORECAST le 7AM EST 3- l«- 75 my Walker, comedy star of Mayor To Hold Prayer Breakfast OKLAHOMA CITY (UPI) - the “Happy Days” television MCC Calendar A federal jury found former V ^ ^ 30.24 series, will make his motion Gov. David Hall guilty Friday \ ^ ^ J9.77 30.00. Mayor John Thompson, who Juice, coffee and buns will be cil on World Hunger. on all four counts of an in­ picture debut in the untitled Manchester Community • Happiness Is... »E A T T L 1 sequel to “Uptown Saturday Manrhealer Community has proclaimed 1975 “A Year of available for those not fasting. East Catholic Hi; terstate extortion and bribery College Bridge Club, Room 102, Night” which Sidney Poitier College offers ihig calendar Concern,” has called together Proceeds from the breakfast students will serv' conspiracy scheme. Hartford Road, Open to all ; A REALLY GLEAN LAUNDROMAT ^'ill direct. «af evenig’in (he inleregt of the religious, political and will go to the Manchester Coun­ breakfast. • Hall faces a possible 35-year j i t AIR CONDITIONED BOSTON community. All (he MCC players, $1.50 per person. professional leaders of -the com­ prison term. gpongored aetivilieg ligted Film — 8 p.m., “Owl and the 3000 FAIR Lee Grant will star in the title munity for Manchester’s first THREADLESS SEWING “ I’m very much disap­ lielow are open to the public Pussycat,” Auditorium, Main ■ TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY SPEaAL uT role of “Fay," a projected new Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast pointed,” said the 44-year old N EW YORK and many are free of charge. Campus, free. LINCOLN, Neb. (UPI) - Sonic the 1950s for plastic rainwear. television series which Alan Wednesday at 7:30 a.m. at Democrat. In addition to publicizing •Indoor Gardening — 7'|j.m., Center Congregational Church. sewing machines that use air The air pressure they create Arkin will direct : 8 Lbs. DRY OEAN!NG...*2.00 eventg and activitieg in­ 6 weeks. Room 103, Hartford lliose attending the breakfast pressure to fuse seams may causes vibrations of very high ? \ I Road, tuition $15. some day make thread obsolete, frequency. The vibrations cause SAN FRANCISCO dividually, the College hopeg will join in prayer and discus­ VITAMIN that the Calendar will gerve ag •Non-credit community ser­ sion of community and world says Gail Skinner, extension friction, which causes heat and ! BELCON LAUNDROMAT Come To vice courses. Open on a space a reminder of all (hat ig needs. Resource people who clothing specialist at the Univer­ bonds or fuses fabric. Once 'HEADQUARTERS available at Manchegter Com­ available basis. have been to areas in the world, sity of Nebraska-Lincoln. fused, an ultrasonic bond cannot V. ••Tickets may be purchased Miss Skinner said the be altered. In fact, the bond out­ Liggett Parkade LOS ANOELES Manchester munity College. which are suffering from star­ Low Prices' The MCC gtaff lookg at the college bookstore. vation will be at each table. machines have been used since lasts the fabric. Country Club forward to geeing you on eampug and at the varioug lOyEST TEMPERATURES eventg. Call 646-2137 for Restaurant further information on any ‘32 ON of the artivitipg ligted below. EVERYONE’S JOINING IN CALDOR’S SENSATIONAL PRE-EASTER 727 SOUTH MAIN STREET T4" •LEGEND' for your Monday, March 17 r s * Business Luncheons “Wines of Europe and OF 50 or your America — 7:30 p.m., 9 weeks, Social Affairs MS-130, Main Campus, Tuition sex' c- We have the Wood- Z.'li ■ 5 0 f^^r^SHOWERS ^ FLOW $30. bridge Room or our SALE STARTS MONDAY, MARCH 17th THRU SATURDAY, MARCH 22nd UFI WEATHER FOTOCAST ® Dining Room to accom­ •Intermediate Bridge — 7:30 p.m., 8 weeks. Room 216, Hart­ Author-Photographer and Book Lovers modate groups from a Come In And Pick 19™ 4^0 dozen to a hundred or ford Road, tuition, $17.50. P la s tic Up Your Copy of i.M s p Yolla Niclas, author and photographer, shows one of her way she illustrates them. She has recently illustrated a more. Men’s Our Latest Circular pictures to Gemma Dubaldo and Michael Tanguay, story about a rabbit family that lived in Wickham Park Tuesday, March 18 For Period Ending 7 AM EST Tuesday. During Monday night, snow is likely over parts of J a m b o re e ! secretary and president, respectively, of Book Lovers Are near her home. Her appearance was one of several events Tel. 646-0103 •Intermediate Bridge — 9:30 Jew Spring Styled the upper Lakes region and northern Rockies, while rain falls across the Gulf coastal Service front a.m., 8 weeks. Room 216, Hart­ Aim Toothpaste states. Elsewhere, generally fair weather should prevail. Minithum temperatures in­ Marvelous (BLAM) at Waddell School. Miss Niclas spoke planned by BLAM for students at Waddell. (Herald photo SPORT COATS • 14 Qt. Spouted to students of Grades 4, 5 and 6 about her books and the by Pinto) 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. ford Road, tuition $17.50. clude: (approx, max. readings in parenthesis) Atlanta 44 ( 68), Boston 32 (46), Chicago 39 ••Luncheon — Noon, Food Pail 6.4 oz. (53), Dallas 42 ( 69), Denver 27 (56), Duluth 26 (48), Houston 50 (72), Jacksonville 54 (74), Service Dining Room, Main Our •Vegetable Bin Reg. Kansas City 38 (58), Los Angeles 48 (66), Miami 69 ( 82), New Orleans 53 (76), New York 35 Campus, $1.50 per person. 95' 6 9 * = (51), Phoenix 44 (76), San Francisco 50 (63), Seattle 41 (53), St. Louis e8 (58), Washington ••Dinner — 6 p.m.. Food LADIES‘ Reg. • Perforated 40 (58). Service Dining Room, Main MIX ’N 34.99 Campus $4.50 per person, reser­ Slide-A-Tray Breck Shampoo TV TONIGHT By Popular Demand, We Are Continuing New! Contrasting double vations suggested. MATCH 3 IIKM K Our i Fantastic ~ Weekly Specials! stitch on wide lapel . . . YOUR CHOICE Comedy Film Series — 6:30 SEPARATES or handsome leisure g ('■Vmr 15oz 6:00 10:00 11:30 (9) “Kelly and Me” “CLIP & SAVE THIS AD” p.m.. Student Center, Main coals in solid or fancy Our News...... 3-8-2-30 Medical Center...... 3 (1957). Vaudeville man acciden­ Campus, free. Pants pattern, 38 to 46. Reg. Bewitched ...... 5 News...... 5 tally teams up with a dog. Van Speaker — 7:30 p.m.; Ms. 1.59 9 9 " The Untouchables ...... 9 Caribe...... 8-40 Our MON.-TUES. THEATER SCHEDULE Johnson, Piper Laurie. Ma-Ma Mia^s Mary Roodkowsky; Food Needs Caldor Doubleknit For normal, dry or oily hair 12 O’clock High...... 18 Challenge of Truth...... 18 Here and Abroad; Room 206, Reg. 6.99 1.57 99« BOTH CINES The Honeymooners...... 20 Hello, D ali...... 24 Cuisine Hartford Road, free. SLACKS Our Reg. to 2.49 Johnson’s Vernon Cinema 1 — UA East 2 — “Frafferty and Electric Company ______24-57 Straight Talk...... 57 "The Family Reslauranl" Film — 8 p.m., “Northwest with STRETCH Waist "Thunderbolt & Lightfoot” Lycanthropy is the occult Shirt baby / the Gold Dust Twins” 6:30-8:10- Bonanza ...... 40 10:30 471 Hartford Rd. • Corner of McKee Street Passage,” Student Center, Baby Powder CAAN AND ARKIN (R) '7:30-9:30 practice of allegedly changing powiler 9:45 6:30 New York Report ...... 9 Main Campus, free. Our Cinema 2 — "Freebie and the humans into animals, usually • Round or Rect. “ FREEBIE AND THE BEAN" UA East 3 — “Alice Doesn’t News...... 3-8-20-22-30 Connecticut R eport...... 18 Reg. Bean’’ 7:15-9:15 wolves. According to folklore, a LOOK! HERE ARE MA MA MIA’S By Laundry Baskets Live Here Anymore” 7:15-9:15 I Love Lucy ...... 5 Behind the Lines ...... 57 7.99 Leading UA East 1 — "Art "In man changed into a wolf would Wednesday, March 19 Reg. SHOWN 7:15-9:15 Showplace — "Blazing To Be Announced...... 24 American / Celebration” 2:00-8:00 Saddles” 7:15-9:00 11:00 revert back to a man after nine WEEKLY INFLATION FIGHTER Comedy Film Series — 6:30 12.99 Mfr. • Bowl, Mop \ Zoom...... 57 News...... 3-8-18-22-30-40 Shirt Burnside Theatre — Closed years. But in each subsequent p.m.. Student Center, Main and Holder 6:45 The Best of Groucho...... 5 DINNER SPECIALS! Jac Exclusive wide elastic action for renovation generation one family member Campus, free. Great lor babies of all ages' Economics 201 ...... 24 Harness Racing ...... 9 waist, forever pressed; 30-42. Showcase Cinema 1 — would also turn into a wolf for Your Family A Treaty and •Astrology 11 — 7:15 p.m., 8 Reg. YOUR CHOICE 7:00 I Love Lucy ...... 20 weeks. Room 206, Hartford 8.99 TAKE ROUTES IS ■ 14 . RE (EXIT 9S| “Earthquake” 7:15-9:40 nine years. Come To Ma }fa To Eat!'’ Men’s Long Sleeve Tampax Tampons News...... 3-22-40 Captioned N ew s...... 57 Road, tuition $17.50. 'M i l Note: Special Late Show Long sleeve full ■ -1 r|;l Turtleneck Regular or Super CLINT EASTWOOD Andy Griffith Show...... 5 11:30 MON., TOES., and WED. SPECIALS! •Advanced/Intermediate /, PLUS ACAD. AWD. NOMINEE\ Friday and Saturday Eve 12:15 placket shirt in white Truth or Consequences...... 8 Movies ...... 3-9 SERVED FROM 4:00 TO 9:00 P.M. Bridge — 7:30 p.m., 8 weeks. or print; doubleknit JEFF BRIDGES (R) 21 99 Showcase Cinema 2— “Infer­ MOODY BIBLE SHIRTS Ironside ...... 9 St. Patrick’s Day Parade Room 216, Hartford Road, tui­ polyester pants and Pk. of 40 THUNDERBOLT & UGHTFOOr no” 8:00 INSTITUTE • ROAST TURKEY • ROAST REEF Our Dick Van Dyke Show ...... 18 ...... 5 Potato and Vegetab!e Potato and Vegetab!e tion $17.50. shirt jac in bright Reg. Showcase Cinema 3 — “Len­ Spring Green. Pullon 6.99 5 .7 0 2.37 Reg. Our Reg. to 3.49 SHOWN 7:30-9:30 m m ny” 7:35-9:50 Film ...... 20 Wide World M ystery...... 8-40 Men’s • BAKED MEAT LOAF • ROAST PORK Health Study Group — 7:30 pants fit beautifully. 1.69 SAT-SUN Pinocchio’s Potato and Vegetab!e Potato and Vegetab!e Smooth Orion acrylic Note: Special Late Show To Tell the Truth...... 30 Johnny Carson ...... 20-22-30 p.m.. Women’s Center, Main All lOtolB. flat knit. Sizes S to XL'. Phone 649-9333 1 & 3RM. Friday and Saturday Eve 12:00 Consumer Survival K it...... 57 1:00 Glee • CHARBROILED CHICKEN Campus, free. Potato and Vegetable Showcase Cinema 4 — 7:30 Tomorrow ...... 20-22-30 “Young Frankenstein” 7:25- ’The Price Is Right ...... 3 Club • SHELLS with MEAT BALLS Thursday, March 20 Caldor’s Famous Amplon^j Sunbeam AC or Champion 1:15 EAST CATHOLIC Men’s Short Sleeve 9:40 Hogan’s Heroes ...... 5 Joe Franklin Show...... 9 • SPAGHETTI with MEAT BALLS ••Luncheon — Noon, Food Mist Stick (It^THEATRES EAST HIGH Parity Hose Spark Plugs MIDDLE TPKE., MANCHESTER SH. PARKADE* 649-5491 Note: Special Late Show New Candid Cam era...... 8 Service Dining Room, Main Dress Shirts AUDITORIUM Our Curling Iron Friday and Saturday Eve 12:10 Wilburn Brothers...... 18 Campus, $1.50 per person. 2 Call of the W est...... 20 MANCHESTER Your Reg. PR. $ 1 Our R eg...... 11.99 CONNECTICUT Your Family Tree — 7:30 now ' Hollywood Squares ...... 22-30 Choice 1.69 PKG. Our L im it Monday Movies MARCH 20, 1975 p.m., 6 weeks. Room 211, Hart­ Reg. You Pay Caldor 9.99 ' 10 Antiques...... 24 ford Rd., tuition $14.50. All nude or reinforced top; p e r 7:30 P.M. The Above Served 3.99 Less Refund C u s t. Polka!...... 40 4:00 (9) “Shake Hands with Spring Jazz Concert— 8 p.m., 2 sizes, 4 shades. 1 be w “!N CELEBRATION” With Roll and Butter Martin Agronsky ...... 57 the Devil” (1959). An American Sponsored by Stan Kenton, Glastonbury High from Sunbeam 3.00 TRINITY IN Y M Q P P Merv Griffin Show...... 5 Jeff Hunter, Pat O’Brien. Long Sleeve split ends: cool tip. #WC1 lUAKEf 9:00 (20-22-30) "Im passe” Our All Weather • I.D. CARDS REQUIRED WHERE APPLICABLE • 9:00 Friday, March 21 Cardigans Reg. STATE Maude...... 3 (1969). Adventure drama about •Beginning Bridge — 9:30 Motor Oi! a hunt for $3 million in gold 9.99 S.W.A.T...... 8-40 a.m., 8 weeks. Room 216, Hart­ General Electric Our M R oil; The Other Six Days...... 18 during World War II. Burt Classic brown or black in C i r s “DQ” FAMILY DAY! ford Road, tuition $17.50. Reg. Our Limit Reynolds, Anne Francis. sizes 6-1/2 to 12, widths D Lighted Dial StiCWCASE CINEMAf M ovie...... 20-22-30 ••Luncheon — Noon, Food 7.99 1234 11:30 (3) “The Rising of the and EEE. Reg. Per 9:30 Service Dining Room, Main Snooze Alarm f; 74' 1-84 EXIT58-SILVER LANE-ROBERTS ST. Moon” (1957). Three segments 100% Wintuck cardigans Cust. ' Rhoda...... 3 Campus, $1.50 per person. • EAST HARTFORD • 24HR. TEL. INFO. 568-8810 of film about the Irish. TUESDAY, MARCH 18 with pretty pointelle treat­ Boys’ Polyester • FREE LIGHTED PARKING* We Honor MASTER CHARGE Romantic Rebellion...... 24-57 Duplicate Bridge— 7:45 p.m., ment; 34 to 40. Built-in additives fight MCC Novice Game, Room 103, Sport Coats engine deposits, car runs Hartford Road, open to all smoother. Nom. ■' ' Spring players with 0-20 master points, Our Mark IV Mon. thru $1.^ per person. 1 1 9 9 Handbags Reg. View alarm shows it alarm is Dispoz-A-Lamp Thurs. Eve Duplicate Bridge — 7:45 p.m., 15.99 set. Repeats to let you nap. 7:39 Our Reg. Our Reg. ail Manchester Bridge Club, Room 10 7.99 to 12.99 Fully lined, well tailored Sandalwood. #7270K 9:50 102, Hartford Road, open to all doubleknits in solid colors. Our players, $1.75 per person. Sizes 8 to 18. Reg. $ 9 Spring Fashions in M Y DAD'5. Coffeehouse — 8 p.m.. Stu­ 1.49 dent Center, Main Campus, Boys’ Dress or Casual Costume Jewelry R T H O IM K i A C6A L free. Dressy or casual style Handy in car, handbag, etc. FAMILY Polyester 6 Academy Nom. leathers, vinyls, novelties. HAM! Greet values! Mon. thru Knit Slacks Our 2 Academy Nom. Saturday, March 22 Big 5-Web L Thurs. Eve . . . .’.w r Thure. Eve 7:15|^ Reg. ■ »,»»111 •Backyard Gardening — 9 OH Our L7:25, co8>B>8j8^AChoolsfarf>^ Reg. 1.88 Folding Chair gat your foMahotwcaaer'------' i. j * a.m., 6 weeks. Room 15, Main Reg. Low to to 2.88 fBWdllWn CMPri fWMf I Campus, tuition $20. '35% Prices 6.99 Brilliiant, bold colors Duplicate Bridge — 1 p.m.. Machine washable double- I Girls’ New Necklaces, chokers knit solids. Regulars 8-18, ] earrings, bracelets. I MONDAY THRU FRIDAY ONLY I Spring Fashion slims 8-16. ^ Slack Sets i Checks or Plaids, Reg. 7,9 9 ...6® ^ i I 8”x10” or 5”x7” 4 to 6 x Reg. to Infants’ & Toddlers’ | Picture Frames Full 6-Web 10.99 Chaise Lounge I DONUTS I Coats for Boys & Girls | BONANZA EVERY TUESDAY brazier dogs 7 to 14 (REGULARS) ABOUT Reg. to Reg. 13.99 to 1 0 8 8 NIGHT RIB-EYE SPECIAL TOWN Polyesters, denims or twills 13.99 FOR in crisp Spring looks. West­ Dressy yet practical; all Gold tone frames, perfect erns, screen prints and weather styles included; for home or office. Special Big frames for seatino $469 ***^ ***“** • purchase. THE 4 ^ more! i \ 12-24 mos., 2-4 yrs. comfort! American Legion Auxiliary will meet tonight at 7:30 at the Dairij Post Home. Mrs. Mary LeDuc One Year PRICE Served with baked potato and Count 'em! Four of our Scrumpdillylshus Polyester Du Pont Dacron^ is in charge of a "Foreign Unconditional Brazier hot dogs for just a buck! Each Guarantee! crisp salad, with a choice of dressing, Queen Relations” program and Doubleknit Fabrics Red Labei OF one a tasty treat—plump Brazier wiener, and Texas Toast. refreshments. SOLIDS FANCIES Bed Pillows steamed bun, zesty Brazier sauce, and mustard. Tell the neighbors. Start a The executive board of the y parade. Bring everybody! It’s family day 1 9 9 Our with each cup of coffee Women’s Christian Fellowship I RR*g.h .2.99 2.99 R«g. 3.99 at DAIRY QUEEN! of Second Congregational Reg. New! GAF Personal Pocket Camera brazier. New Spring colors, machine 3-Lb. Insul 300 Sleeping Bag Church will meet tonight at 7; 15 3.29 wash/ dry. All 60" wide. LU'A-: Only 1-3/4X4-1/2 Flannel lined cotton A t the sign of the H appy Donut! in the Eells Room of the inches, narrower than Good wholesome American food "No tippin g please. Acrylic Knitting Yarn ' 88 shell, 100' full 44 •LET'S ALL GOTO DAIR.V QUEEN* church. Plump, resilient! Linen fin­ a pack of cigarettes! spearating ipper. at right neighborly prices. Just Imve us with a smile” 4 oz., 4 ply pull ish or perma-press tickings. Easy drop-in loading, Special WashabIB.' skein, mach wash & ^ U C uses X-cubes. I Intioductory 3 ^ IBaton TDonut^ The United Methodist Women 21x27” cut size. ‘ Price! Our Reg. 18.99 BROAD STREET of South Church will meet dry. Reg. 79' w w si,. After Sale 14.99 I I Manchester ^ 277 W. MIDDLE TURNPIKE tonight at 8 in the church recep­ tion hall. Mrs. Raymond 3 WAYS TO CHARGE SALE; J^^150 Center Street 467 Hartford Road ^ DAIRY QUEEN BRAZIER Merriman will demonstrate MANCHESTER MON. thru SAT. HILLSTQWN ROAD and SPENCER ^ — I g g u n a ' UMAmiicMo 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. 242 BROAD STREET MANCHESTER Easter crafts and decorations. Lydia Circle is in charge of “Reg. U.S. Pat. Off. Am. D. Q. Corp. ® 1973 Am. D. Q. Corp. 1145 Tolland Turnpike fellowship, and Stanley Circle, baqiltality. PAGE FOUR - MANCHESTER EVENtf^G HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Mon., March 17, 1975 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Mon., March 17, 1975 — PAGE FIVE South Windsor Considers d ip th « » Stepdancers Human Relations Question S h e H e r a l d To Perform Area Profile Students of the Ann-Marie v id iia b le I Judith Kuehnel O’Keefe School of Irish Step­ commission may at any time dancing in Newington will pre­ Correspondent request a special meeting be Council with membership open 644-1364 to any interested groups and in­ sent a program Tuesday for the called the chairman is a formal Easter Egg Hunt Set OOillKMlS Gibbons Assembly, Catholic Should South Windsor es­ dividuals in the town. written is submitted. Ladies of Columbus at 7:30 p.m. tablish a Human Relations The council shall make known Within five days of receipt of at the KofC Home. Commission or not? the request, the chairman must the commission’s function, and PrfcM affective Moa, AAarch 17 -^ , AAardi 22 ANDOVER a n d sa v e ! Miss Beatrice Sweeney and This is the question the Town call a special meeting for a purpose to the community; of Regional District 8 Board of Donna Holland /Vny or all coupons may be redeemed with one $5 purchase. Miss Mary Fraher are co- Councii wiil throw out to the time within 10 days after the serve in an informative Education at its regular public Tuesday night at 7 and relationship to the commission Correspondent meeting tonight at 7:30. chairmen of the event and will date of the call of the meeting. be assisted by Mrs. John Clif­ later vote upon during the coun­ A quorum must exist at any on behalf of the community and 646-0375 Early Dismissal With this coupon t^d a $5 purchase. ^ ford, Mrs. Leo Colburn, Mrs. cil’s regular meeting. meeting and a vote of majority aid in promoting cooperative Robert Post and Pat Students at Andover Elemen­ The regular meeting, normal­ efforts in the community in sup- Perreault will co-chair an tary School will be dismissed at Raymond Hagedorn, Mrs. John of the commission present at Harrower, and Mrs. Maurice ly held on Monday night’s, has prt of the commission’s objec­ Easter Egg Hunt at Post’s farm 12:30 p.m. Wednesday. G eisha m any meeting shall be required O'Connor. Mrs. William been delayed by a day due to St. tives. March 30. Teachers will be participating for any action taken. Stenger is in charge of table Patrick’s Day. — To engage in study and Anyone interested in helping in workshops. SolidW hiteTuna^^ | The purpose of the commis­ (in water) ' ~ arrangements. Earlier this year 50 residents research and to public reports with the event, by donating Special Meeting 250 sion, as outlined by the council Limit one can per customer. Good Mon., March i7*Sat., March 22. After the program, petitioned the council for the designed to increase awareness hard boiled eggs or prizes, There will be a special in its ordinance (if passed), refreshments will be served establishment of an ordinance and understanding within the helping color or hide the eggs, meeting Wednesday at 9:30 are: and there will be a business ses­ allowing the new commission. community. is asked to call Post, 742-6334, a.m. at Andover Elementary — To foster m utual un­ sion. Members planning to at­ Since then, in spite of some — To receive complaints and or Mrs. Perreault, 742-8959. School for all room mothers and derstanding and respect among !St^ioo()(i(j(ioi)(i tend the theater party at the strong doubts expressed by the requests for assistance in Post held the first Easter Egg members of the Parent With this coupon and a $5 purchase. persons and groups of diverse Coachlight Dinner Theater may council, the council has decided regard to situations coming Hunt on his farm four years Teacher Association (PTA) backgrounds. pick up their tickets at this within the scope of the com­ ago. executive board. to hold a public hearing on the — To pursue a com­ Stop& Shop meeting or in the theater lobby matter. munitywide program of educa­ mission’s purposes, and to refer Correction the same to the proper agency the night of the performance. Under the proposal, a nine- tion that furthers inter-group It was incorrectly stated in Tomato Juice 32 oz. bottle member commission would be understanding, tolerance and having jurisdiction in the par­ Friday’s Herald, that Betty I Limit one btl.^er customer. Good Mon., March 17-Sat., March 22. 251 formed. Three members would acceptance. ticular matter. Kowalski, chairman of the Education Costs serve until next year, three un­ — 'To secure equality of treat­ — To carry out such projects Board of Education, said the til 1977 and three until 1978, for­ ment of and opportunity for as shall be assigned to it by the principal (of Andover Elemen­ Go Up in State Scouts to Hold ming a staggered commission persons and groups of diverse Town Council. tary School) was hired at a low HARTFORD (UPI) - The IlKK Craft Workshop — To offer its services and salary with the understanding on which there would always be backgrounds, including cost of private education in With this coupon and a $5 purchase. An arts and crafts workshop cooperate with every other he would get a large increase some experienced members. members of racial religious and Connecticut is going up, with .C i will be conducted for Girl Scout agency and department of the following the first year and Members of the commission ethnic groups, as well as price tags of $4,000 to $5,000 Penn Dutch leaders Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. at town in promoting a healthy following raises would be as would be selected from a broad women, elderly, young, low in­ expected next year at the Community Baptist Church. community. large. cross-section of the community come and the handicapped. state’s private boarding The art of making finger — To submit to the Town At the Board of Finance E l ^ N o o d l e s so as to include members of — To cooperate with schools. nf what you need? We puppets, hand puppets, corn Council annually, or more public hearing on March 13, 16o z. bag 252 ' diverse economic, social and governmental and non­ For non-boarding schools the Limit one bag per customer, Good Mon., March 17-Sat., March 22. husk dolls, various means of frequently if the council so Mrs. Kowalski was defending a cultural elements within the governmental agencies and bill will come out to about $2,- printing, weaving and basketry,, requests or the commission so proposed increase of $2,500 for ]000f)!)0000fl0ui)y How do you o h ^ 'S o r& S b o P '®'®"‘^|ns?ea?o(*yo°r usual town. organizations having like or 000 to $3,000 under new fee and double eyes of God will be desires, reports concerning the the principal to finance board Nominations for the ap­ kindred functions to those of schedules. 1 on out demonstrated. Simple folk activities of the commission. members. pointments would be sought the commission. Tuition increases in the com­ games and dances will be 7 — To promote activities and from the public at-large by The Human Relations Com­ She said. “The principal is ing year will range from a low With this coupon and a $5 purchase. the programs to carry out the shown. notice, published at least 20 mission duties, as outlined by generally hired low with a first of $50 at the Choate-Rosemary purposes of the commission. A table with handmade crafts days before the appointment. the council, include: year substantial increase after Hall School in Wallingford to a Kleenex Earlier in the year the coun­ will be on display. Any leaders Also, nominees should have — To work with federal, state the school board sees how he high of $700 at the Loomis- with a craft they would be cil expressed doubt over the has performed his job.” ten expressed an interest in the and town agencies, as well as Chaffee School in Windsor. formation of this commission, Teri Towels 3 ply 55 sheet roll ^ willing to share, are asked to aims and program of the com­ with private, civic, religions, She said the board feels Administrators say increased place name and phone number fearing it would feel itself a ^ Limit one roll per customer. Good Mon., March 17-SaL. March 22 Tim eisnaW '® ^,avoriul. 't’s mission as set fourth in the or­ business, industrial, labor, and David Kravet, principal,, is costs of food and fuel are on item and bring to the “ troubleshooter or dinance. other organizations, groups and doing an outstanding job. leading the trend toward in­ make it tender control the meeting. For more informa­ troublemaker’’ agency. Any vacancies on the com­ persons, and to recommend to Kravet learned of the creased education costs. tion. call Jo-Ann Gray, 649-6334. Councilman Robert Hornish mission will be filled by ap­ the Town Council any programs proposed raise for himself a ''"'I wav, too. tederaiiV and Lenoard Sorosiak, bo{h, pointment of the Town Council arising there - from which will couple of weeks ago after it was With this coupon and a $5 purchase. temperature o u r assigned to study the proposal, for the unexpired portion of the help all members of the com­ discussed and voted on by board backed formation of a commis­ mspeoted rrreat P ^ term. munity enjoy equality of oppor­ members. Watch Your sion as part of town govern­ / MANCHESTER The commission will hold a tunity in all phases of communi­ Bulletin Board Ajax 7 9 ment. beet, .''abbb ,goder- minimum of six meetings each ty life. The Board of Finance will Sorosiak said he initialiy had p l a s t i c /\ HOSPITAL year at regular intervals. Any — To assist in establishing a hold a special meeting tonight Laundry Detergent 49 oz. box ' to keep go when doubts, think a voluntary agen­ three members of the proposed voluntary Citizens Advisory at 8 at the Town Office FAT-GO ______L im it one box per custom er. G ood M on., March 17-Sal., March 22. NOTES cy apart from town structures Building, would give the agency time to The Law Enforcement Com­ Lose ugly excess weight with the justify its need. sensible NEW FAT-GO diet - it's ready tote ’ ^ ^ „ o w mittee will meet Tuesday at 8 plan. Nothing sensational lust Discharged Thursday: Councilman Howard Fitts p.m. at the Town Office steady weight loss for those that Stop & Shop Great Beef “Quality-Protected” Beef. Almeda Mailman, East Hart­ said he does' not question the VobrSWP^twillbeiu'oy Building. really want to lose. and yon kn Wsgteat ford; Rose Leonard, 55 Bilyeu Council Meets Tuesday functions of the agency, but The Board of Selectmen will A full 12 day supply only $3.00. Rd.; Angeline Mistretta, prefer to see it affiliated with 1 / 2 meet Wednesday at 8 p.m. at Ash Liggett Drug Store about the FAT-GO Bidwell St.; Vincent Popeleski, the independent Community- - atelt'sohlV SOUTH WINDSOR Guild to Meet the Town Office Building. reducing pian and start losing weight 112 Helaine Rd.; Evald John­ Services Council during its ear­ son, Staten Island, N.Y.; Judy Kuehnel The meeting of the St. The Young at Heart will meet this week ' a t Stop & Shop! ly stage. Money back In full If not complete­ gallon The South Windsor Town Margaret Mary’s Ladies Guild Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. at the Mabelle Edgett, 23 Locust St.; Council will meet Tuesday The issue is expected to bring Andover Congregational ly satisfied with weight loss from BeefClmdi South Windsor; Margaret of South Windsor, at which A1 out numerous residents and will the very first package. evening at 8 in the council Juster, professional hypnotist Church. plastic jug Wilson, 107 Summer St.; chambers instead of tonight. probably receive comments School Program DON'T DELAY Frances Bell, Marlborough; will appear, will be tonight in from many segments of the get FAT-QO today. A public hearing on the the church rectory basement, The Rham Grade 7 Carol Wilmot, 51 Division St. community — professional peo­ Also, Michele Hamon, 119 Human Relations Commission rather than in the church hall as cooperative teaching program Only $3.00 at ple, clergy, etc. C em etery Rd., Vernon, ordinance will precede the originally planned. will be discussed with members LIGGETT DRUG Blade Steak Priscilla Bates, 24 Fairfield S t; meeting at 7. Juster will demonstrate MANCHESTER PARKADE Bone-in A The regular council meeting several facets of hypnosis in­ When you spend dollars for Lena Anderson, 513 Taylor St., Vernon; Donald Preuss, South agenda will include discussion cluding a demonstration of beef, make sure you get Glastonbury; Laurie Barry, of a resolution opposing the group hypnosis, regression and great beef. . . Stop & Shop Warehouse Point; Patricia proposed abandonment of walking hypnosis. Great Beef! Kingsbury, 56 Park West, ,• railway Branch Line 685, East He will show the use of hyp­ Rockville; Michael Durkee, 39 Hartford through East Wind­ nosis in dieting, the stopping of Spruce Lane, South Windsor: sor. smoking, memory improve­ Simply Super-Uniformly good everytime Deborah Durkee, 39 Spruce The council is expected to set ment as well as how hypnosis Lane, South Windsor; Melissa a time and place for a public in­ can be used in medicine and en- O'Connor, Enfield. formation meeting on Avery tistry. Also, Sharon Wood, Jan Dr., Brook downstream im­ The program will begin at 8 Ground Beet Hebron; Allen Trombley. 28 provements. p.m. The church rectory is 'Simply Super regular ground beef contains not Worcester Rd., Vernon; Bever­ Also expected is the appoint- located at 80 Hayes Rd. more than 28% of fat. „ment of a member of the Mass ly Gluhosky, 77 Shallowbrook Transit Commission to fill an |Simply super ground beef is lean, fjn to a s t Lane; William Titone, Stafford Worship Tuesday Springs; Peter Kishemski, 333 unexpired term ending The South Windsor Board of fresh, juicy and flavorful every time! o iH'M Bidwell St.; Amy Wells, 82 December, 1975; the appoint­ Education has scheduled a JO ment of a member to the 7ft Plymouth Lane; Patrick Cyr, workshop, open to the public, 51 Wendy Dr., South Windsor, Capital Improvements Com­ for Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. Jeri Rae, East Hartford. mittee to fill an unexplred term Supt. of Schools Robert W. r'-llliilV'’ C 'l 169 ending December, 1977 and the Only Stop & Shop has White Gems. These chickens are Goldman is expected to discuss specially bred to make them meaty, moist, tender and \b appointment of a member to MWM facilities. The meeting will be delicious. Then carefully deep chilled to lock In the Economic Development held at the Union School, 771 their fresh flavor. We've tagged the flock with extra * Commission to fill an unexpired Job Openings Main St. special prices all this week to give you your Stop term ending November, 1977. The Parks and Recreation & Shopsworth great value Unit of the state Department of ■------^o o sw o rth with this great Environmental Protection will W h ite Gei your Stop & Shop , conduct competitive Morra Says Drop U.S. Grade A get examinations for state park U.S. lifeguards on Saturdays — no. •. , _ March 29, April 12, and April 26 Verbal Exchange — at Central Connecticut State College. For more information, call BOLTON The Republican Town Com­ cut-up or s p lit. . . please mittee will meet Tuesday at 8 566-2304. Donna Holland When you buy U.S. Grade A White Gem chickens p.m. at the Town Hall. p o ta to g Correspondent you buy the sweetest tasting chicken money can buy. 646-0e7.5 Bolton Senior Citizens will Robert Morra, Republican meet Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. at l i s t e d flavors the Town Hall for card playing. Cut or Split Chickens 2/-3ibs 45; Sleinein I’raises \oters Town Committee chairman, HARTFORD (UPI) - said over the weekend, The Women’s Auxiliary of the lb \ b Bolton Volunteer Fire Depart­ White Gem U.S. Grade “A” Chicken Parts Sale. Feminist Gloria Steinem. “Charges and counter charges bag I visiting the nation's only coiild go on forever over recent ment will meet Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the firehouse. Breasts W M eo r 89s Chicken Thighs 79s woman governor, praised criticism of the selectmen’s Connecticut voters Friday for rejection of the proposed Chicken Wings 55s Drumsticks 89& ; mashed. setting an example for other charter for the town. states to follow in the election “1 feel there is no advantage Project Vote This night was made ____ rf/!'''' 255 I of female candidates. to the town in continuing this Progress Noted Ms. Steinem met with Gov, political exchange by either Ella Grasso at a luncheon. party. HARTFORD (UPI) - Prime ^ Shop’s having a sausage sale! 7 for vintage wine, "I hope that the women in Secretary of the State Gloria “The town must come first, \ this state, because they are so not politics, for after the elec­ Schaffer says 57 high schools Motor ^ ^ 1 9 ^ V 256 free well organized and so devoted, around Connecticut have sweet whisperings and a tions are over we will all still be Italian Sausage Sweet because they do have a woman agreed to take part in a voter neighbors, hopefully working governor, will be an example registration program for \ together for a better Bolton. Sausage Meat 1 ■}. rolMrozan 79= Fresh Pork Sausages 99s for the country, " Ms. Steinem 18-year-oids. phone call ahead to be sure. “I don’t want to see the town \ said. split to the extent that healing Mrs. Schaffer said Saturday A phone call ahead can save you a lot. Time for one thing. Breakfast Sausage pkg.-frozftn 69= Jones Sausage Links fro2«? ^ 1 she was pleased with the of political wounds can’t take And not a little embarrassment. But most important - money. KoHun Sees Kxplosion place. number of high schools that Because that call costs so httle. ««ICAIP “ Continuity of town have signed up for Project Vote GRAMBLING, La. (UPI) - but hopes more will join before You might want to wait for evenings, nights or weekends. Both '■ Nationally syndicated colum­ leadership is essential for a They cost even less then. Smkii, town such as Bolton." the May 9 deadline. Navel Ofanges coupons » i st0p » *®SJLain fli^^P -- nist Carl Rowan says the 50 per Rulletin Board The schools will compete for So phone ahead. Phone south to see when the zoo opens. California Sunkist may he » cent effective unemployment The Board of Selectmen will six prizes awarded on the basis Phone norm for the weather. Phone east to say "hi" to a friend. Great for snacks and redeemed l rate among black-teen-agers meet tonight at 8 at the Town of the percentage of registra­ Phone west to reserve that table. loaded with Vitamin C could spark an explosive reac­ Hall. Note the meeting time tion of their eligible students. You save whenever you dial yourself without operator 8 - 9 8 “ tion. In falm M i to all of our cualomera, we raaarye the rioht to llm ll aalea to Ihraa packagta of any Itam excapi whera oUtarwiaa noiad Mami in ? 1 He said Friday education was change; all meetings will begin assistance. And these days, couldn't you use a httle extra money? saia not availabit In caaa Iota, or to othar rataJi daalara or wtiolasaiart. Moaf ilema apadalfy aale priced; aoma at our evafyday low p rtw .” ” at 8 p.m. until further notice. the most effective method for The Board of Finance will A University of Missouri pro­ blacks to ready themselves for meet tonight at 7:30 at the fessor, Dr. William E Robertson, a ll s to p & SHOP s to r e s o pen a a .m . a nationally depressed job Town Hall. has spent five months in Hong It’s lower than you think within Connecticut. market. The police study committee Kong directing a model pro­ In a society which hasn't will meet tonight at 8 at the gram in resettling refugees for daily fo r y o u r s h o p p in g CONVENIENCE! eradicated racism, “the easiest Town Hall. the United Nations. person to discriminate against is a dumb person,’ Rowan said.

-•at. W' * ■ • . « -4 . 4 4 . •

A 13 4V S O'd 1) ! W ! r 0 :j MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn.. Mon., March 17, 1975- PAGE SEVEN PAGE SIX — MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Mon., March 17, 1975 PTA To Hear The University of Pennsyl­ vania at Philadelphia founded Iflaurlipstpr Euriitnn HrralJi the nation’s first medical school Illing Tuesday in 1765. ABOUT TOWN OPINION Another First, for There are still some 300 Arthur H. Illing of Porter St. Manchester. The first Mayor’s patients at the Meadows alone will be guest speaker Tuesday at the Washington School PTA 'HERS OPEN Prayer Breakfast calling who need someone to care The Mannchester League of editor of the Health Center Tickets are $1.50 and may be James Church will meet enough to visit occasionally and '-ineeting at 7:30 p.m. in the together leaders of our com­ Women Voters will meet paper, will discuss and show purchased at the door. Wednesday at 8:15 p.m. at the OvR 40 Y am g| UoMcaOMl l•n ric• munity from every religious, send a card now and then. school cafeteria. slides of the / center at the FORUM The guest speaker will show Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Edward Ristau, Open 24 Hours Dally Promises, Promises political and professionai Kiwanis Club of Manchester, The Manchester Italian 25 S. Hawthorne St. Co-hostess World Hunger slides of Manchester and give a home of Mrs. Eileen Stern, 34 background will be convened by South Farms Dr. The subject Inc. meeting Tuesday at noon at American Society will hold its will be Mrs. Paul O’Neil. FOR EMERGENCY SERVICE The Democrats promised no new fiscal policies rather insulated from Mayor John Thompson at 7:30. Another first. Two of historical background on some the Manchester Country Club. regular meeting tonight at 8 at Manchester’s finest will stage a of the places shown. will be the local league’s plan­ realities. a.m, Wednesday at Center A1 Lammey is program chair­ the club on Eldridge St. taxes. playoff Saturd^, March 23 at Students from Grade 3 ning program. The league will Manchester Congregational Church. man. ^ The past matrons of Temple The Democrats have enacted a one- The Democratic attorney general Spree. Ralph ^ c a rro n e and through 6 are invited to attend then concur on its energy A moment to pause, reflect, Preceptor Gamma Chapter of Chapter, Order of the Eastern M©bil Is Fortunate Rick Kroll are staging a "ping the program only if accom­ course statement which will be HEATING OILS cent increase in the sales tax effective said he would not seek renegotiation and rise up renewed in hope and Beta Sigma Chi will meet Star, will meet Wednesday at 8 pong marathon” with all panied by a parent. Entrance is presented by Mrs. Shirley To the editor: faith in one another. The Bethany Group of Center Tuesday at 8 at the home of p.m. at the home of Mrs. April 1. of certain state leases unless he can proceeds going to the at the cafeteria door. Fitzgerald. Congregational Church invites OIL BURNER A I would like to correct a misimpression Mayor Thompson has Mrs. Edgar Ansaldi, 101 Robert Richmond, 19 Clearview Manchester Council on World The media center at the HEATING INSTALLATION The Republicans promised the come up with evidence of fraud. The that I apparently created during my proclaimed 1975 to be “A Year all women of the church to sew Princeton St. Ter. Mrs. Robert Eells and Hunger. A really neat idea. school will be open from 6 to Ivan Robinson of the Univer­ with them Wednesday at 10 current fiscal year would end with a abuse of political influence is not suf­ remarks to the Town Board of Directors of Concern” for Manchester. In Mrs. Richmond are in charge of 7:30 p.m, for the school’s an­ sity of Connecticut Health a.m. Luncheon will be served. 643-5135 at their March 11 meeting when a ramped keeping with that spirit, the The Mothers Circle of St. refreshments. surplus. We are now told the deficit ficient to break a lease, Carl Ajello' nual book fair. Center, science writer and 315 Center S!. Manchester entrance to the Municipal Building was conference has invited our peo­ may be as much as $90 million, all of said, and pointed out political in­ being considered. Your March 12 report ple to come together to thank which cannot be blamed on the reces­ fluence seems to be more the practice stated “ Manchester architect Arnold God for the many blessings He Lawrence, a member of OTH, said it’s to has bestowed upon the people of than the exception. sion. , his and the town’s chagrin how little Manchester to. ask God’s Well, so much for campaign So friends, party labels to the con­ architectural aid for the handicapped forgiveness for the times we there is in Manchester.” promises. trary, the establishment goes on. have failed one another, and to I believe I said “I am chagrined at the renew our commitment first to What we must address ourselves to Those headlines criticizing Gov. absence in Manchester of an active Local God and through Him to one The now is perform ance in the light of the Ella or chastizing former Gov. Tom Employ the Handicapped Committee.” another, that we may be a This was actually self-criticism or, to be source of hope, stren^h, and realities of today, rather than the are part of the game to make each of more accurate, criticism of the Gover­ comfort to the world around us. hopes of yesterday. you think the other is to blame. They nor’s Committee on Employment of the We ask all of you who have Handicapped, on which I have been ser­ not been able to join us in per­ SATURDAY We think there should be a vigorous say that only more taxes, more state ving for 14 years, for not being able to son to join us in prayer debate on the plan to use short-term aid, more federal aid, more govern­ stimulate and sustain a viable local Wednesday morning before, borrowing to cover the expected ment, more bureaucracy and, of Employ the Handicapped Committee. after, or over your coffee. Although there could be an association, it A Spanish fishing village (Photo by Steve Dunn) deficit. We are concerned that course, more Republicans or was not intended to be critical of Emergency Pantry BANK pays borrowing merely postpones the in­ Democrats, can save us from dis­ Manchester’s response to the needs of its Please keep this community handicapped citizens. effort in your thoughts and con­ evitable. aster. To the contrary, through the years versations. Since this column It means running the state like The tragedy is that most of the peo­ Manchester’s Board of Directors past and ANDREW TULLY had to be in on the 13th of some of us use our credit cards. We ple apparently don't give a damn present, members of the General March it will be next Monday Assembly, and the Town Administration, before a report on the collection keep charging and making payments anymore. have been very sensitive to the needs of itself will be available. The each month plus interest. As long as Less than a handful turned out at the physically handicapped, mentally cooperation of school per­ handicapped, and our senior citizens. Hot Moral Issue we keep our charges down, our the public hearing on the sales tax in­ sonnel, the churches and Center To name a few considerations that im- Church’s Boy Scout Troop 25, payments stay the same, but it is easy crease last week. mediateiy come to mind, I recall 20 or so have been excellent. WASHINGTON - West Germany got I expect this issue will be raised in the neither is a constitutional authority in the on All Savings Deposits years back former Superintendent of Five women have already to be tempted to get that certain The people apparently knew that it into the abortion act recently when its courts. It is not an enviable task for the field of individual rights. Judges? They Schools Arthur Illing requiring an elevator volunteered to help staff the judges involved, for the simple reason that possess neither medical expertise nor a wanted item for only $5 a month wouldn't make any difference. If it in what was then to be the new high school. highest court ruled unconstitutional a lav.- pantry. However, scheduling that would have legalized most abortions. even the so-called experts are not agreed theological approach. more. comes to a choice between cutting Not only has that elevator served han­ volunteers for half-day service “To be realistiCi” commented a Ger­ on when a fetus, or baby, becomes a viable The crunch here is that whoever decides dicapped students well, but fs an aid to once a month, we need a Short-term borrowing by the state spending and increasing taxes, the man Embassy spokesman, “the court’s human being. Is that small thing in a must have at hand criteria which will those teachers who return from their i mihimum 61 teii to have the decision doesn’t mean much. West Ger­ woman’s body a human being from the provide a guide as to whether an unborn or for deficit, says we can have a lot of taxpayer will lose everytime. If iliis winter skiing vacation on crutches with a 3 pantry open and staffed either man women can still get abortions either moment of conception, as some right-to- viable aborted fetus is human or not. That leg in a cast, and saves wear and tear on '7 one full day or two mornings a the things we want by charging them isn't true why are taxes so high? illegally In West Germany, or simply life people claim? Does it become a is saying that the experts, or a majority of the backs of the custodial staff who week. Food for the pantry will, and only adding a little to our Of course, the politicians have the cross the border into one of several human being at two months? Three them, must reach agreement, which also formerly carried 50 gallon drums of floor of course, be available on an neighboring countries and have the job months? Not until six or seven months? is saying the criteria may be impossible to payments. This is hardly austerity in answer. They are giving us only what wax up the stairs. And that was 10 years emergency basis seven days a NEW TOP Rate Certificate done legally.” Without embroiling myself in an issue achieve. before 1965 when elevators became man­ week. Perhaps you and a friend a time of shrinking'revenues and an we have asked for and therefore we The United States is one of 25 countries that in essence is moral, or religious, I The New York Times, in condemning datory for school buildings of more than might volunteer to staff the that permit abortions liberally; that is to should not like to be appointed a judge in the Boston verdict, declared that abortion uneasy economy. must be willing to pay for it. one story. pantry together. This service is say, virtually on demand. Experts es­ this case. There is too much danger of is warranted when “the life prospects for Then there were the four classrooms particularly recommended to There appears little that can be Which brings us back to promises. timate that 900,000 abortions were per­ playing God — or, if one is an atheist — a (a woman’s) undesired progeny are par­ added to the then new Keeney Street >?? those of you who knit or done to stop the Democratic plan to Both parties have repeatedly and formed in the U.S. last year, which comes dictator in mufti. ticularly grim.” It is a valid point. The School for educable and trainable retar­ ,i crochet. out to 28 for every 100 live births. Yet For when the courts get around to it, the future of unwanted child is practically finance the deficit in this manner. It heatedly vowed their opposition to in­ dates, the first in the state for facilities of i For more information call this type to become part of a neighborhood abortion remains one of the hottest of question will boil down to whether an un­ never a bright one. But the statement appears that neither party is able or the conference office, 649-2093. dividual income taxes. school. what might be called the nation’s moral wanted child should be saved. Yes, say the brought from a reader named Matthew T. willing to make specific suggestions But performance, as opposed to The town’s first housing for the elderly issues. It was all but inevitable that the right-to-life people, otherwise the mother Martin a sharp rebuke. Board Retreat Boston doctor be convicted of and the doctor performing the abortion Wrote Martin: “ What unborn as. to where state spending can and promises by both parties, give us little followed, the 100 unit Westhill Gardens, Twenty representatives from the largest in the state at the time. An ad­ manslaughter for allegedly failing to save are committing murder. No, say the pro­ child...with a grim future is to be subject our churches to MACC gathered should be curtailed. reason to believe them. dition to Westhill Gardens came along a the life of a fetus, or baby, he aborted. abortion people, a woman should have the to your abortion rule? The Harlem black? Thursday at St. Bartholomew inalienable right to control her own body, The white Applachian? Just how would Despite headline differences, the After the state has borrowed all it short time later, then Mayfair Gardens in This was bound to happen because in Convent for an all day retreat the North End Redevelopment, with sanctioning abortions under certain cir­ including the right to refuse to give birth. you decide or have others decide? And planned by the Rev. Felix two parties seem to have a vested in­ can and raised the sales tax all it can, another project now in the offing. In the cumstances the Supreme Court failed to Both sides have a point. But the Boston would eventually your grim future doc­ Davis, Virginia Harris, Judy terest in keeping state government who can honestly say an income tax is middle of all this, the Senior Citizens address itself to a vital aspect of the ques­ verdict has plunged the controversy into a trine also support euthanasia, Torstenson, and Father Paul tion. It did not rule on the right, if any, of new thicket. In effect, the nation through genocide...’’" out of the picture? Center became a reality. Trinque. Members of the board, There is a ramped entrance to the Mary an aborted but still alive fetus to available its courts must address itself to the ques­ The Times has a point ail right. But so chairmen of divisions, and Cheney Library, ramped curbs in the medical resources which presumably tion of who among us will be judged does Matthew E. Martin. 1 do not take heads of subcommittees set qualified to decide when human life downtown area, a sheltered workshop in could save its life. The right to life, sides, but merely point out that on the aside one day a year to get to Other S.B.M. TOP DOLLAR Certificates begins. Doctors and theologians? But the Lincoln Center, approval for a therefore, is still an issue. abortion issue we’ve all got a tiger by the know one another, to pray Regional Occupational Training Center tail. together, to seek God’s will, 7 * 2 % Fighting Inflation for mentally retarded adolescents, and and to ask the presence and 7 Q f l ^ ” on m 4 Yr. Certificstes now approved for a ramped entrance to 1 a w U ■ For Deposits of guidance of God’s Holy Spirit in 11,000 or more the Municipal Building. and through the churches as It Uw E flK tin Annual Ylald In these times of financial insecuri­ Committee, and who is spearheading These facilities have come slowly, but RAY CROMLEY they come together in the con­ steadily, and within the town’s limited ty it is not unusual for some of us to economic planning in the House, is ference. Again we ask for your C 3 4 % means. We in Manchester are indeed for­ support and prayers. on say, axiomatically, that what we need II Savings Certificate also a man who knows the value of a tunate in having public officials who have 7 . 0 8 ^ 3 years maturity $100 Minimum Deposit most is to elect congressmen ‘‘who dollar. He kept his wife on the federal been sensitive and responsive to the needs Convalescent Homes It U m EfltcU n Annual Ylald of the elderly, handicapped and able- know the value of a dollar.” Well payroll for six months after they were Government Becoming Americans Business? The Sunday session at Con­ bodied alike. cordia Lutheran for those e i 2 % cheer up, we have — indeed we have. m arried. Arnold Lawrence visiting or interested in visiting on ■ 1 Savings Certificate 571 Porter St. 6 . 8 1 ^ 1-to Z years maturity One shining example of fiscal Another California Democrat, convalescent homes was well $100 Minimum Daposit Manchester attended and very well is the Effective Annual Yield awareness is Rep. John H. Rousselot Charles S. Gubser, married his ad­ WASHINGTON - A few days ago I health and medical programs could absorb strongly and defense and space spending received. ’The response was so (R-Calif.). Congressman Rousselot ministrative assistant last year looked with some chagrin at a series of between 13 and 17.2 per cent of the 1980 could run to 8 per cent of GNP in a bare favorable that another session E 3 4 % charts and tables a highly respected senior GNP. But the story is more than Social five years. will be planned in the near married his secretary last November. before he retired and continued on ■ 90-Day Notice Account policy analyst had prepared for his boss, a Security and welfare. 1 Continued deficit spending could result future. ^ ^ $ 1 0 0 Minimum Deposit While his salary is $42,500 per year, he paying her the then-maximum salary 6 . 8 8 ^ member of President Ford’s cabinet. Reflections: Mothers who It Hit EHtcUw Annual Ylald Government subsidies for energy, in a national debt by 1980 which would cost showed great fiscal sharpness and The figures indicated that within five of $32,000 annually. Add Daytime agriculture and environmental protection 2 per cent of the GNP to finance. have young children are urged years, government — federal state and to bring their youngsters along kept his wife on the payroll, also, at Rep. Charles H. Wilson, California local — would be absorbing and managing are expected to run into the hundreds of TV Programs There is doubt whether private profits when they come to visit. The her salary of $20,000 per year. Democrat, has security on his mind as 35 to 40 to 45 per cent of the gross national billions. would be able to sustain such an sight and sound of youth can be To the editor: product, depending on which set of To take one example, it’s estimated the a real day-brightener to our This is one method which the con­ well as financial well-being. His I want to thank The Herald for adding astronomical government overload. assumptions was used. petroleum and other energy programs will elderly citizens now confined to gressman has taken to personally bat­ daughter-in-law works as a secretary the “Weekend” portion in its Saturday The most likely figure was in the middle require between $700 billion and $820 But even if the financing is possible, it is a nursing home. TOP Rate on Regular Savings tle inflation. at $8,400 per year, while being a full­ editions. However, since Cable TV has of this range. billion in private and government finan­ The Meadows also houses now come to Manchester and your paper clear such heavy government intervention Think of what this will mean o middle cing over the next decade. Some put the handicapped and retarded When a question of the ethics of this time student at American University. very proudly is announcing that you will could have serious and uncertain effects class taxes. With lower-income families figure as high as $1 trillion. patients from Mansfield. Some list the programs for the added channels, on our private competitive economic arose. Congressman Rousselot said he His son is on the payroll as a House excluded from a hefty share of the levies, of these young people, many of why don’t you start the TV listing from the and with superhigh incomes too few in the It has been expected that private in­ system. Government and academic was assured by m em bers of the House elevator operator. Wilson says the economists already are worried by the whom have been in­ morning on rather than from 6 p.m.? aggregate to meet government needs, the dustry could put up $450 billion of that stitutionalized for years would Ethics Committee, that he was not anti-nepotism law is a crime and While 6 p.m. is fine for employed persons, strongest blows will fall on those who are total, leaving a gap of $250 billion to $370 detrimental results of current government spending and are shocked by studies which blossom in the loving attention violating the law. what about the “retired” , the “senior in between. billion or even $500 billion, depending on would like to hire his other two sons. show how discouraging too-large govern­ of a “grandmotherly” or citizens”, the “handicapped?” A variety of Social Security, welfare and which figures were used. It is now “grandfatherly” friend. However, they said that he couldn’t He has a strong feeling of tribalism Hoping that you will include the daytime believed the current stagflation will, in ment has affected industrial technological raise her pay level, and Rousselot saying that you can trust a relative, programs, I remain a Faithful Herald sub­ one form or another, be with us for years, growth in some other nations. cleared any doubts of his virtue by scriber. TODAY’S with industrial growth, industrial profits but not some of the others. Mrs. Sally Goodstine and GNP not again achieving their former ‘Oid Ironsides’ saying that he would not. Many other congressmen are 25 Brookfield St. THOUGHT vigor within this time period. This would Manchester mean industry will have less to invest, Rep. A1 Ullman (D-Ore.), the man showing equal fiscal enterprise. Those Reopened to leaving the government a lion’s share of who succeeded Wilbur Mills as chair­ fellows really know the value of a The woman taken in adultery, presented in John’s Gospel (8:1-11), is a symbol of all the task. Visitors man of the House Ways and Means % iEitpninri Brralii dollar. Christians, especially during Lent when Energy is just one problem. The United BOSTON (UPI) - The we are so mindful of our sins. States is running out of available crop FOUNDED OCT. 1, 1881 world’s oldest commissioned Published The adulterous woman encounters un­ land. Development of the additional by the Published every warship, the USS Constitution, Manchester evening except Sun­ All Accounts now Insured up to $40,000.°° by F. D. I.C. expected acceptance and forgiveness, acreage deemed necessary would require Publishing Co.. Herald days and holidays. has reopened to visitors. divine love expressed in Jesus. There is a an investment of $30 billion to $40 billion. Square. Manchester, Entered at the The 204 foot ship, nicknamed Conn. 06040. Manchester. Conn., level at which she experiences dialogue Telephone 643-2711 • I ; 3 The specialists expect a great share of this Post Office as Second “Old Ironsides,” was built In Compounded Continuously • Credited Monthly • Day of Deposit to Day of Withdrawal** < 5 6 J 8 9 10 with God in faith, perhaps unsuspected but must come from the government — that is, (Area Code 203). Class Mall Matter. 1797. It is being overhaued at a |l 13 13 1< IS 16 II nonetheless present. It is an encounter I! 19 10 II 21 13 14 from the taxpayer. b u r l L. LYONS. PUBLISHER cost of $4.4 million by the Navy. 'Unless you have $100,000 or more JS 36 II a 19 30 almost in silence, despite the noise of her A ribbon-cutting ceremony with ALMANAC Then there’s the environment. Other SUGGESTED CARRIER RATES 'So long as $5 remains in account 'til end of period accusers. government experts laugh at the En­ Secretary of the Navy J. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE The only words she hears from Christ vironmental Protection Agency estimate 'William Middendorf II of­ By lJnile4l Press International are “I do not condemn you...but avoid the Single Copy ... 16t 3 Months of $200 billion or so required over the next W e e k ly ...... goc . $11 70 ficiating marked the opening to 6 Months . $23.40 • Today is Monday, March 17, the 76th day HERALD sin.” ONE Month .. $3.90 Island, N.Y., for one hour and 45 minutes. decade. They believe the figure may be One Year . $46.60 tourists. of 1975 with 289 to follow. This is St. In 1912, a group of young women to be We are the adulterous people, unfaithful double or triple that total. In any event, Mail Hales Upon Raquusi “Old Ironsides” was placed FDIC regulations permit withdrawals Patrick’s Day. ___ YESTERDAYS to our covenant with God. Yet, from Tims Savings Accounts before known as "The Camp Fire Girls” was they think the cost too great for U.S. in­ Subscribers who p m. should lelephone in drydock in April, 1973, for the matuiity provided rata of Interest ' The moon is approaching its first formed by Mrs. Luther Gulick of Lake withdrawing from a noisy world, in dustry to absorb and stay solvent, Here, ail to receive their the circulation depart- extensive overhaul, the ship's on amcAmt withdrawn Is reduced to quarter. silence, we can encounter likewise a Herald belore 5 30 menl. 647-9946 passbook rate and three months Sebago, Maine. then, is a likely sinkhole for hundreds of first since the 1930s. Interest Is forfeited. The morning stars are Mercury and Christ who refuses to condemn and In 1938, Generalissimo Francisco Fran­ billions more tax money. Member Audit Bureau of Circulations The work is not expected to Savings Bank Years Ago Mars. co ordered the bombing of Loyalist-held therefore accepts us as we are. We, too, be completed until next year, Buckland tobacco plant fire loss set at By 1980, government involvement in The evening stars are Venus, Saturn and Barcelona in the Spanish Civil War. are enjoined to avoid “this sin” — our The Manchester but officials said the remaining $50,000. housing and construction is estimated at Display advertising Jupiter. In 1958, the U.S. Navy successfully varied infidelities to God. Publishing Co. closing hours Three levels this writer finds unbelievable. tasks are not expected to in­ . Those born on this date are under the launched Vanguard 1, a 3 1/2-pound And if we have truly encountered Christ full days prior to In the tortuous state of world affairs, assumes no financial publication terfere with on-board visiting. of Manchester sign of Pisces. satellite, into orbit around the earth. and truly recognize our own shame, there responsibility for Deadline for Herald The Constitution, which Member F.D.I.C. 10 Years Ago with Soviet military expenditures and typographical errors classified advertising: American singer Nat King Cole was A thought for the day: American is joyful trust that we can become a appearing m adver­ fought more than 40 battles Manchester Rep. Steve Cavagnaro world tensions on the upswing, world 12 noon prior to day of 646-1700 born March 17, 1919. publisher Horace Greeley said, "The illu­ ■faithful people. tisements and other publication. 12 noon without suffering a loss, is expresses disappointment at rate at which economics facing rough sledding for a long reading matter in The MANCHESTER • EAST HARTFORD • SOUTH WINDSOR • BOLTON • ANDOVER , On this day in history: , sion that times that were are better than Rev. Robert W. Cronin, pastor Friday for publication expected to be visited by time to come, U.S. assistance to foreign Manchester Evening Saturday and Mon- People-to-People Banking In 1889, a submarine developed by John hose that are has probably pervaded all State Highway Department proposes to ' St. Maurice’s Church Herald day. allies and other countries could rise thousands of tourists. Holland remained submerged off Staten ages.” relocate Rt. 6 through Manchester. Bolton MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Mon., March 17, 1975 - PAGE NINE PAGE EIGHT — MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Mon., March 17, 1975 x __ Rate Schedules Filed McGurl Elk of Year ENGAGED By Rockville Wa^r n which Rockville lodge is in­ OUR VERNON James P. McGurl has been volved. VERNON iform 2.9 per cent increase to William K. Pease, exalted SERVICEMEN all other classes of customers. named “Elk of the Year” by The Connecticut Water Co. the Rockville Lodge of Elks. He ruler, said McGurl has been an ^ L ^ e o K .-A b b will be paying more than two- This would include residential, active committeeman since commercial, industrial, and was presented with a cer­ thirds of the rate increase tificate Saturday night at the joining the lodge in 1972. He has Navy Quartermaster Seaman granted to Rockville Water & public and private fire protec­ been chairman of the St. Happy sewing begins at beaco^'^^^ Appren. Raymond A. Cote Jr., tion. r \ lodge’s annual St. Patrick's Aqueduct Co. according to rate Day dance. Patrick’s night committee for son of Mr. and Mrs. Barbara J. schedules filed Friday with the Originally Rockvillle Water two years. Pease added he is Cote of 15 Hawley St. has said it was not planning to in­ 'Die certificate was prepared Public Utilities Commission. by the national Grand Lodge. always among those to be visited Mombasa, Kenya, on The PUC, on March 5, ap­ crease those customers who use counted on to do any job. the east coast of Africa, as a a minimum amount of water. Selection was made on the basis Three-Way Tie proved just under one-third of of participation in the over-all Those on the selection com­ crewmember of the nuclear- the rate increase requested by The second alternate mittee were George Lees, powered attack aircraft carrier POMG schedule takes this into con­ programs of the Grand Lodge, Rockville Water and ad­ the Connecticut Elks Associa­ Gilbert Larson, Charles Beaconw ay By Abigail Van Buren USS Enterprise. He also recent­ monished the company for not sideration and calls for a 5.8 per Schaeffer and Edward Snydal. ly crossed the equator while on tion, and the local programs in C 1075 by ChicagoTrlbun«-N.Y. NowaSynd.. Inc. charging Connecticut Water, its cent increase for other taisrlc center a cruise in the Indian Ocean. largest customer, more for the customers with the exception of The Enterprise, homeported \^ter it purchases. public and private fire protec­ DEAR ABBY: My husband and I have been happily at Alameda, Calif., is deployed ■'The two companies have in­ tion which calls for a 2.9 per as part of the U.S. Seventh .married for eight years. (No kids.) I thought we had a terlocking relationships and W. cent increase. Fleet. PING Dance Chairman perfect marriage, and so did everybody else in town. We're Neal MacKenzie is president of The third proposed schedule AREA in business here, and everybody knows us. both. Of the $69,409 increase shows a 13 per cent decrease Donna Holland '> r . for minimum users, varying in­ POLICE REPORT Last year a friend of my husband’s was killed, and my Navy Dental Technician l.C. granted to Rockville Water, Tickets are available for the husband started helping his widow. I was never invited to Connecticut Water will pay creases for other customers, St. Maurice Council Knights of Glenn G. Conger Jr. , whose and a 2.9 increase for fire go along when he was helping her with whatever he was $46,375. Columbus St. Patrick’s Day VERNON David Brooks, 33, of Enfield Loring Photo Loring Photo wife Susan is the daughter of protection. helping her with so much. He helped her over several Rockville Water filed three dance scheduled for Saturday Bruce D. Burgess, 46, of East was charged Saturday with dis­ Mrs. Selma Crandall of 1270 The PUC must review the weekends, so I finally told her that I needed him to help ME The engagement of Miss proposed rate schedules Friday from 8:00 p.m. until 12:30 a.m. Hartford, was charged Sun­ orderly conduct and third on weekends, but she didn’t seem to care. The engagement of Miss Hartford Tpke., Rockville, proposed rate schedules to Mary Ann Inzinga of Columbia Cheryl Ann Mattarelli of East with the PUC, aS called for in at the church parish center. day with operating under the in­ degree criminal mischief in Finally, I found a Jove note in my husband's pocket. It reported for duty at the Saufley produce the additional revenue to Rudolph Pino Jr. of Williman- Hartford to Robert J. the March 5 finding of the com­ Anyone wanting tickets is fluence of liquor or drugs or connection with the investiga­ was from her to him. Signed, too. I accidentally found it in Field Naval Air Station, Pen­ needed to come up with the Florkowski of Farmington, has mission. asked to call Ray Coconni, 649- both. tion of an incident at the Caron his pocket. (This woman was supposed to have dearly loved tic has been announced by her sacola, Fla. total $69,409 increase granted. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell been announced by her parents, One schedule calls for a un- 0904, Tony Armentano, 643-4837, He was released on a $250 House Apartments. her husband.) I know that this woman and my husband had or Gil Boisoneau, 646-4472. 9 P. Inzinga of Collins Rd., Mr. and Mrs. Louis P. Mat­ non-surety bond. He was released on a $250 no previous affair going while her husband was living. John R. Smith, 50 Greenwood Coconni is chairman of the Now, my husband has moved out of our house and is Columbia. tarelli of 4f Cedar St. William F. Dizadul, 22, of non-surety bond. living with her. And on Main Street yet. I asked him if he Mr. Pino is the son of Dr. and Mr. Florkowski is the son of Dr., has entered the U. S. Air dance. Middle Rd., Ellington was Those charged are scheduled wanted a divorce, and he said: "No.” He is supporting, me Mrs. Rudolph V. Pino of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Force Delayed Enlistment The J.P. Allen quartet band charged Sunday with failure to to appear in Common Pleas and living with her. He says I am a wonderful woman but he Willimantic. Florkowski of Farmington. Programs until he reports for Some Deregionalization will be featured. Tickets are $10 drive left of a parked vehicle in Court 19, Rockville, April 1. active duty on May 14. He has was just drawn to her. He knows if I divorced him, she The bride-elect is a graduate The bride-elect was per couple. connection with the investiga­ COVENTRY selected a position in the It’s a BYOB (bring your own P would expect him to marry her, arid he doesn’t want that. of Central Connecticut State graduated from Manchester tion of a three-car accident on Mark Carilli, 17, of South St., mehanical career field. bottle) affair. Setups will be I have a question for you: Which of the three of us is the College where she received a High School in 1967 and Asked bv School Board Skinner Rd. Coventry was charged Sunday biggest fool? Me, for still caring for him? Him, for BS degree in elementary educa­ attended Manchester Com­ After completion of six weeks provided. Light refreshments Police said two parked cars of basic orientation at Lackland will be served. with second-degree larceny by destroying his image in town? Or her, for letting him live tion and was a member of munity College. She is were struck. Neither was oc­ possession. He was released on Air Force Base in San Antonio, Ping Pong Marathon To Aid World Hunger with her and ruin her reputation? Lambda Kappa Nu Sorority. employed as a legal secretary HEBRON Charles Barrass and Mrs. cupied. Dziadul was taken to a $500 non-surety bond for LEFT-OVER LADY She is a candidate for a by Slitt, Jacobs, Sullivan and Texas, he will then receive ad­ Ping and Pong, who in reality are, from left, Ralph Maccarone and Rick Krol, will conduct Anne Dallaire Patricia Mulligan, board Rockville General Hospital 7 appearance in Common Pleas vance technical training for master’s degree at CCSC. She is Jacobs P.C. a ping-pong marathon Saturday beginning at 10:30 a.m. at Spree on Broad St. The filing Correspondent members, abstained from where he was treated and Court 19, Rockville, April 8. DEAR LEFT: I would call it a three-way tie. which transferrable college Junior High School students are seeking pledges to raise funds to benefit the Manchester ohe H cralJi employed as a teacher by the Her fiance, 1964 graduate of 228-3267 voting. Mrs. Mulligan said she released. SOUTH WINDSOR Columbia Board of Education. E.C. Goodwin Technical School credits will be granted. Area Conference of Churches World Hunger Program. Those wishing to make pledges may was abstaining from voting due DEAR ABBY: I am a woman, not young anymore, and I The Hebron Board of Educa­ South Windsor Police are in­ Her fiance received his BA in New Britain, and Rets call 649-2090 or 649-0380. (Herald photo by Bevins) to the monitary involved. am married to a man who is older than I am. He’s in poor tion has voted to ask the Rham vestigating the report of the degree in political science from Technical College in Boston, is Marine Pfc. Richard J. Letts, Dr. David Cattanach, s i i l l i l health, and stubborn as a mule. He refuses to make a will, Board of Education for a study theft of two tractor trailers and I am told that if he should die without making a will, Fairfield University. He is employed by Sound Reduction son of Mrs. Frances J. Letts of to take the seventh and eighth superintendent of schools, told Use of CDA Funds filled with grocery items taken currently a student at New Corp. of Bloomfield. 376 Hartford Rd., and whose the board members he felt the the government will take half of everything he has, and t \ ) graders out of Rham High from the Gear Bros.warehouse York Law School in New York The couple is planning a May cost for the study would be there will be such a high tax on what is left over, I may have wife Kimberly is the daughter School and return them to their on George Dr., in South Wind­ City. wedding. of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Hainsey small, though a cost of $3,000 to to go to the poor farm. Is that true? respective towns. Topic of Hearing sor. The couple is planning a June ^ 5 6 yard 1 don’t have much education and wouldn’t know how to of 190 School St., all of Hebron is the first of the $9,0()0 was discussed. The study Police said the tractors wedding. talk to a lawyer, so please don’t tell me to go to one. We are Manchester, completed Infan­ COLLEGE NOTES th re e tow ns in R egional could take up to a year. were parked outside the not rich, but we have worked and sav^ for nearly fifty try Training School at the District 8 which includes An­ Cattanach said the Andover VERNON on request of Police Chief Her­ warehouse and the trailers, years and I don’t want to lose my security. Marine Corps Base, Camp dover and Marlborough to in­ Board of Education has voted to man Fritz, the method of loaded with food for delivery, WORRIED Pendleton, Calif. Among the students named to Two Manchester students have A second public hearing con­ Colleen Munroe was named to itiate such a study. make an unofficial request for choosing towing firms for the were inside the warehouse. poWf®l®%oV»ds the dean’s list for the fall the study, Marlborough, Cat­ cerning how the town of Vernon been named to the dean’s list at the dean’s list for the fall Mrs. Nancy Foote introduced police departm ent’s towing Police said the warehouse DEAR WORRIED: The place to get the facts is from a semester at Eastern Connec­ tanach feels, will also ask for a will spend funds it will be Bryant College, Smithfield, R.I. semester at Foothill College in the motion after the board read firm referral rotation. was forceably entered, the two 60 T’.T K O « lawyer. Don’t worry about your lack of education. He [or ticut State College are: receiving under the Community They are Steven W. Smith, son San Jose, Calif. She is the a letter from Selectmen study. The matter was brought to loaded trailers taken out and she] will explain everything to you in language you can Manchester; Shirley Adams, Development Act (CDA) will be of Mr. and Mrs. George A. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony F. Limoncelli of In other business, Thursday light when an Ellington towing hitched up to two tractors. One understand. And don't be ashamed to ask questions. Ralph Bernard!, Priscilla conducted by the Town Council Smith of 280 Scott Dr. and William Munroe of 501 Hilliard Marlborough who urged the Cattanach told board members firm owner, Michael Royce, of the trailers was taken as it If the bank you do business with has a trust department, Callis, Richard Dumas, David Robin L. Douglas, daughter of the total of the first draft of its at 7:30 p.m. today. The regular St. towns to consider a partial filed a suit against the town was, but one, police said, was it can also be helpful. Don't believe rumors. Get the facts; ^^v^D U P LIC A TE BRIDGE Fox, Maureen Kohler, Sylvia council meeting will follow. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred G. deregionalization. proposed budget for 1975-76 is because he was not allowed to unloaded and reloaded with you'll be glad you did. Lefort, Paul Lorenzen, Patricia Douglas of 108 Hollister St. $967,981. This figure represents The town will receive $100,000 Limoncelli said in his letter be included in the towing, different items. McDevitt, Linda Peck, Doretta over a five-year period with DEAR ABBY: I have a strange problem. I have been to David Allbee, chairman of a $130,891 increase or 15.63 per referral. Police said the trailer taken Results Friday night in the tion and prior attendance O’Hara, Lopes Salerno, Roger cent increase of the 1974-75 $25,000 to be received this year. happily married for 14 years. My father-in-law remarried six the Hebron Board of Education, On request of Councilman as it was had contents valued at in Andover Bridge Club game at required. Talbot, Laura Vitolo, Sandra The first public hearing two n and das'C ; years ago. His wife has a habit of giving me second-hand Brian R. Tevlin, son of Mr. that the Rham Board of Educa­ budget of $837,000. Thomas Benoit, the Tri-Town $2,890.93. The value of the other (asb'O^ ® Surnmef' Andover Congregational Werkheiser, Lisa Whiston, and Mrs. Walter D. Tevlin of GLOBE tion has taken the position that The board also granted an weeks ago seemed to favor gifts. Youth Services Bureau will be will not be known until a com­ soring Church are: Mr. and Mrs. Results in the March 12 Diane Wicks. spending the $25,000 for making In the days of the mini skirts, she gave me four half-slips 179 Palmer Dr., South Windsor, it cannot undertake any major extended maternity leave of discussed along with: A letter plete inventory is made. Donald Weeks, first; Mrs. Nutmeg YWCA novice game at Bolton: William Buckson, Travel Service improvements to Camp that came down past my knee, a purse with a telephone has been named to the dean’s action concerning the over­ absence to Mrs. Mary Faucher. from the town attorney concer­ Cory Hassett, 19, of 85 Willow Jerome Dvornek and Robert the Community Y are; Aneen Jane Campbell, Janet Gordon, 555 MAIN STREET Newhoca, purchased about a number in it, and six nightgowns that smelled of mothballs! list for the fall semester al crowded conditions at Rham Mrs. Faucher plans to return to St., South Windsor was charged Campbell, second; Sonja Longfellow and JoAnn Guffey, and John Muro. year ago by the town, and to the ning the PUC rate increase for This woman dresses beautifully, has excellent taste in Florida Institute of Technology 643-2165 until the General Assembly the school in September of 1976. Rockville Water & Aqueduct; a Saturday with failure to drive in Gremillion and James Baker, first; Murray Powell and Bar­ South Windsor: Daniel town-owned Valley Falls Park. clothes, and 1 cannot imagine why she would pass on these at Melbourne, Fla. A 1973 Over 30 Yeara writes new laws based on the Request was heard from letter from the Planning Com­ the proper lane in connection i.3 3 third. bara Beckley, second; Judy Cowee, Theodore Fondulas, Travel Experience Roger Thibodeau of West St. Another faction,- however, second-hand gifts to me that she wouldn’t wear herself. And graduate of South Windsor High “one man, one vote” court deci­ mission concerning the Feeder with the investigation of a one- o u r reR" she certainly can afford to buy new gifts. Pitts and Sally Heavisides, Sue Joseph Saezyk, and Nancy Authorized agent in Manchester , asked that the money be used School, he is a member of the sion. Ext., whose child will attend Rd.-I-86 widening project; a car accident on Sullivan Ave. Should I return the next gift that is obviously Results Friday night in Fenton and Inara Larson, tied Zima. for ail Airlines, Railroads and school in the fall. He said there for the revitalization of down­ college’s sophomore class and Steamship Lines. Limoncelli said he has been letter from Dr. Raymond Police said H assett was second-hand, and tell her I have no use for it? Or should I Manchester’s section Nite for third. Rockville: Marianne White town Rockville . CDA requires A is majoring in marine biology. convinced that referendum for is no visibility from the house to Ramsdell, superintendent of northbound, failed to negotiate 'J say it doesn’t fit? Or what? PUZZLED Time Novice Group of the con­ This group will have an in­ and Charles Wilkie. public hearings on thejnatter to a new middle school could not the bus stop, and he asks that a curve and struck and broke a tinentwide charity game at 146 dividual club championship Tolland: Nancy Beaverstock, insure total town involvement. schools, concerning school ad­ be successful even with a the bus go to the house. ministration space; and a letter utility pole. No injuries were DEAR PUZZLED: Accept the gift graciously, and Hartford Rd. are: North-South: game March 26. Claire Gagner, and Laurel Allbee told Thibodeau that it A proposed ordinance different site and price tag. from the Insurance Advisory reported. Hassett is scheduled dispose of it any way you wish. Peter and Mitzi Freiman, first; Smith. Your Master Charge Welcome On In January, voters defeated a has been a board policy not to regulating massage parlors will Results in the March 10 Board regarding errors and to appear in Common Pleas Charles and Yvonne Tatro, se­ Vernon: Mary Lauble and All Freezer Orders proposal to build a middle let buses travel on dirt or unim­ be discussed at the council CONFIDENTIAL TO DONALDA IN SHAKER Nutmeg YWCA game at the omissions coverage for town Court 12, East Hartford, Apri cond; Bob Moriarty and Michael Russell. school in the Regional District 8 proved roads in town, but the meeting. The public hearing on HEIGHTS: Girls who wear see-through blouses are easily employes. 1 . William Levy, third. Community Y are: North- Hebron: Debra Devine and board would consider the the ordinance was conducted seen through. by 1,501 to 1,013. Marlborough Other items to be discussed Police are investigating the East-West: Rich Rio and South: Elaine Howat and Anne Donna Keener. request and advise him later. last month but the council did voted in favor of the new school include the town pay plan; reported theft of a 10-speed Marilyn Rio, first; Mary Ingram, first; Frankie Brown Ellington: William Weidner. Discuss Program not take action in order to refer save 50c yard WESTERN BEEF while Hebron and Andover requests to waive bids on a bus bicycle which Barbara Caron of and Jane Lowe, second; Ann Everyone has a problem. What's yours? For a personal Knight and Barbara Conklin, WITH A COMPLETE LINE OF residents rejected it. The Rham seventh grade it to the town attorney for some McLaughlin and Linda Sim­ for the Recreation Department 61 Dart Hill Rd. said was taken reply, write to ABBY: Box No. 69700, L.A., Calif. 90069. second; Ed and Annabelle Columbia: Maureen Wehner. Limoncelli is asking that the Cooperative Teaching Program proposed minor changes. new blouse and dress prints mons, third. GROCERIES & PRODUCE and the July 4 fireworks; a PUC from her garage. The bicycle is Enclose stamped, self-addressed envelope, please. Bossom, third. Andover; Sandra Ledford and towns consider a “partial will be discussed with members A resolution concerning East-West; Sandy Craft and notice concerning a SNETCO valued at $100, police said. For Abby’s new booklet, “What Teen-agers Want to Donna Williams. Amston; deregionalization study and ul­ of the Regional District 8 Board sewer user charges for out-of- Eleanor Crafts, first; Carol rate increase hearing; and Know," send $1 to Abigail Van Buren, 132 Lasky Dr., Results Friday night in the Robert Lowrey. TUES. WED. SAT. timately a deregionalization of Education at the regular town users and a proposed or­ nplicate small florals printed on soft Dell’Angela and Ann Staub, se­ several appointments. Beverly Hills, Calif. 90212. Please enclose a long, Manchester Bridge Club’s sec­ TOLLAND SUN. 9 - 6 referendum.” board meeting at 7:30 tonight dinance setting charges for E lje S pastel baoKatound lor an ;m- cond; Liz Carter and Irving In executive session, the C self-addressed, stamped (204) envelope. tion of the continentwide chari­ TURNPIKE THURS. FRI. 9-9 Limoncelli is writing all at Rham High School. Vernon residents will be dis­ mistakably great ook. Polyeste Carlson, third. Guest Speaker council will discuss a law suit Enfield Police ty game at 146 Hartford Rd. Chris R. Runde of South MANCHESTER SUNDAY 9 - 6 boards of education in each of The Cooperative Teaching cussed. The council will be Avril'- rayon; full bolts. This group will have an open with Green Manor Construction Investigating are: North-South: June Hazel George Erb, a Windsor has been named to the the District 8 towns to make Program has been in operation asked to set a date for a public pair championship game March Co. of Manchester. The suit in­ yd- Roebuck and Mary Roy, first; dramatist from Boston, will be dean's list for the fall semester them aware of a possible role during the current school year hearing on the ordinance. Youth’s Death 24. Prior attendance is SPECIALS TUES., WED. ONLY! volves construction in the James Tatro and Lance Tatro, the guest speaker at the March at Roger Williams College, that they may take in this in the seventh grade only. The council will also discuss. ENFIELD (UPI) - Enfield o u r r e g . 1.d 9 y d . required. Family Pack Assorted Talcottville section of town. ABOUT second; Norma Fagan and 24 meeting of the Women’s Club Bristol, R.I. He was graduated matter. police are investigating the Robert Stratton, third. of Manchester, which will be frm South Windsor High School dehth of a 14-year-old boy Results in the March 8 East-West: A1 and Peg held at 8 p.m., at Second in 1974 and is a freshman whose body was found behind a TOWN Manchester Community LaPlant, first; Jeannine Ray­ Congregational Church hall. majoring in electro-mechanical service station on Enfield College game are: North- engineering technology at the PORK ROCKVILLE The E. Sydney Stephens Pro­ mond and John Woodman, se­ Her topic will be "Great Men Street by one of the station Mrs. Suzanne Flocken, South: Geri Barton and Floyd fessional Wildlife Award was es­ cond ; Joe Toce and Jim Polites, and Their Little Known Wives.” college. He is the son of Mr. and employes. special purchase! save 55c*1.05 yd. executive vice president of the Baranello, first; Fred Clark HOSPITAL NOTES tablished in Missouri in 1967 by third. Mrs. Erb, a former elocution Mrs. R. J. Runde of 165 lb. Police said the body of Greater Manchester Chamber and Jim Baker, second; Steve the Missouri chapter of the teacher from Malden, Mass., is Farmstead Dr., South Windsor. CHOPS William Buynicki was found 60" flocked weaves of Commerce, will be guest Hunger and Dick Petroski, Wildlife Society to honor those no'iron blue denims South Windsor Bridge Club past chairman of the directors INCLUDES CENTER CHOPS Saturday with no mark on it to third. Admitted Friday; Alvan Alfred Dr., Tolland; Alfred with exceptional length of ser­ speaker at the Rotary Club will sponsor a game Tuesday at of the Massachusetts State Admitted Saturday: Edwin indicate the cause of his death. meeting Tuesday at 6; 30 p.m. at East-West: Jim Lenertz and Ballou, North Sterling; Jane Di Mountain St., Ekert, Hammond St., vice and technical accomplish-' 7:30 p.m. at 1788 Ellington Federation of Women’s Clubs. C rab tre e, An autopsy was to be per­ Manchester Country Club, William Belekewicz, first; Stan Mauro, (Charter Rd., Ellington; Rockville; Nancy Guyette, ments in conservation. Ave., Wapping. She is a corporate member of Ellington. formed. and Mary Peteroski, second; Malden (Mass.) Hospital and Charlene Gagne, Dunnhill Rd., Discharged Saturday; Alvan Brooklyn St., Rockville; our reg. George Limberger, Pinney St., our reg. Church Women United will Results in the March 14 Jane Lowe and Faye Lawrence, Morgan Memorial Inc. and has Tolland; Susan Gilpatrick, Ballou, North Sterling; Thomas 2.99 yd. ,1.99-2.49 yd. meet Tuesday at 9:45 a.m. in Nutmeg YWCA game at the Linda Simmons and Ann Staub, Crystal Lake Rd., Ellington; Burns, Enfield; Lucille Ellington; Kyle Paluska, escorted women’s groups on Luscious embroidered-look new the library of St. Community Y are North-South: tied for third. European tours. SPECIAL OFFER! Harry Katz, Gehring Rd., MacKinnon, Eaton Rd., Esther Ave., Rockville; Emma You save a big 1.33 on every Poirier, W. Shore Rd., yard! Washable polyester-cot­ flock wovens in super patterns and Bartholomew’s Church. Sister Phyllis Pierson and Virginia Tolland; Rose Marie Pelletier, Tolland; Harry Milanese, Hart­ ton chambray type brushed and colors! Machine wash and dry poly­ Mary Patricia Cassidy of Weeks, first; Jane Lowe and For Marcli High Manor Park, Rockville. ford Tpke., Rockville; Mrs. Ellington; Mary Stolarz, Jobs regular denim; 45" wide. Limited ester-cotton blend. Full bolts. Hamden, former executive Faye Lawrence, second; Elaine WEIGHT CONTROL IS EASY! Discharged Friday: George Pamela Newman and baby, Hill Rd., Ellington; Laura quantities. director of Manchester Area Howat and Anne Ingram, third. Barrett, Woodstock; Diane Grahaber Rd., Ellington; Ed­ Waite, Court St., Rockville. So says Ms. Bovorly Hllllker, rocanUy appointed Discharged Sunday; James Conference of Churches, will be East-West: Penny Watt and Roglonal Manager of The Alpha Route to Pomianant Lo Boy Lamp Bossie, (iider Mill Rd., Tolland; mund O’Reilly, Bristol; Jack Booth, Pinney Brook, KITES guest speaker. She will tell of Ann DeMartin, first; Flo Barre Mrs. Kathleen Cane and baby, Pestr-itto, Vernon Ave., Weight Control by the Personal Dovetopmont Institiite, Ellington; Rose Breton, South her visit to Rome last summer. GARY S. SAVILONIS and Barbara Davis, second; East Hartford. Esther Ave., Rockville; Rockville; Anna Pfeifer, Mt. St., Rockville; Alice Ryehling, Baby-sitting is provided. Manchester Murray Powell and Wilma "It you’re looking tor a way to control your weight per­ Only $5.00 Richard Carlberg, Tory Rd., Vernon Dr., Vernon; Patricia MA degree Willoughby, third. Tolland; Carmela Cortese, Valias, Russell St., Enfield. Wapping Rd., Windsorville; manently," says Ms. Hllllker, "Ifs senseless to spend Collette Valkenet, Dockerel The Second Congregational Western New England A Swiss team club cham­ hundreds of dollars on special diets, elaborate health Reg. $8.00 Francis Ave., Rockville; Vic­ Church council will have a College pionship game will be played spas and mutual support groups. Certainly thoyll help toria Grover, Prospect St., Admitted Sunday: Hazel Ben­ Rd., Vernon. 7 workshop tonight at 8 in the Springfield, Mass. March 27. Advanced registra- you shod those extra poimds temporarily, but Just as Rockville; Ronnie Joppru, ton, Grove St., Rockville; Birth Sunday;. A daughter to While Supply Lasts Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Scinto, church parlor. soon as you tira of the iHscIpHno, ylMill go right back to Regan St., Rockville; Donna Glenn Caldwell, (Jlenwood Rd., get the notion to save big! Nye St., Rockville. your old ways of eating — and that same old weight A Great Value! Kobus, Burke Rd., Rockville; Ellington; Michelle Carson, Manchester Chapter, problom will return to haunt you.” Bossie Mitchell, Shore Rd., SPEBSQSA, will meet tonight The only permanont way to conhol weight, according Ellington; Janet Morrill, Beautiful and practical 8" Lo Boy Lamp at 7:30 at the Teen Center to Ms. Hllllker, Is to change those atUtudes toward Prospect St., Rockville; Susan 9 9 c Annex of Manchester Recrea­ with votive candle and choice of lovely O’Neal, Charter Rd., • ribbon spoois .. candy eating that w.e have acquired through the years. A un­ 2-20 yds. Special close-out purchase! tion Center. The meeting is ique way to achieve this is through The A l^ Route to milk glass shade or stylish frosted Rockville; William Pierce, open to all men interested in we have a wonderful selection Pormanent Weight Contnri. shade, pewter finish, quality South St., Rockville; Susan singing four-part barbershop Slivinsky, Rockville; Kenneth Choicest Meats In Town! ^ harmony. for easier no matter what your "The Alpha Route concentrates on helping poopio workmanship, perfect for any decor. ^ < fancy Isl change thoir attitudes toward oating and, thus, over­ Virkler, Davis Rd., Ellington. ¥ e SURE...BLISS has been serving the Home 99 Ideal for yourself, or as a gift... • W poiy eiastic • white and dark chocolates coming thair habit of overeating. The program works Owner for 93 YEARS. For a complete FREE Novena of the Miraculous INSPECTION of your home by a Termite Control Non-roll; our reg. 55c yd. Medal and Benediction of the • special jelly twans because It deals with the root of the probtam — not ;TUES. ONLY SPECIAL! 1 4 yds. and fairway priced tool Blessed Sacrament will be weight Itself, but the attitudes wo’vo devolopad that # Lean, Fresh M Expeh, supervised by the finest technical staff, celebrated tonight at 7:30 at the result in overweight. Onca we condition ourselves to phone our nearest local office: we have every little thingl want less food, there’s simply no need for diets, Oiurch of the Assumption, S. Trolleys Everywhere Ba n k A m e r iCaro Sale ends Saturday. Adam; St. strenuous exercising or medication. Our weight By 1918 some 80,000 trolleys : qround C Q < : problem will take care of Ksalf automaticaily." were traveling over 45,000 5 lb. . M A N C H E S TE R 389 Broad Street Ms. HIIIHier will conduct Introductory mootings to dis­ miles of track in the United 649-9240 “tvhere a I beef Limn T a ST HARTFORD Putnam Bridge Plaza 17 Main St. dollar! cuss the program. The meetings, which are free to the S ta te s . Enterprising The roadrunner, one of the BLOOMFIELD Copaco Shopping Center Cottage Grove Road Rt. 218 th e iwrocte of mom worth a public, will be held at passengers could board a car in t 9LISS TERMITE CONTROL CORP. most familiar birds of the south­ dollar" PIANO’S MOTOR INN upstate New York and by Open 10 am to 9 pm Saturdays'til 6 western United States, takes its > dowTttown m anchester^P Your Gift Gallery transferring from one connec­ DIV. OF BLISS EXTERMINATOR CO., INC. • EST. 1882 100 EAST CENTER 8T., MANCHESTER HIGHLAND PARK MARKET name from its habit of running MAIN FLOOR OF WATKINS BROS. BankAmerIcard and Maater Charge Available In Mott Stores MANCHESTER CONN. 06040 ting inter-urban line to the next 317 Highland St., Manchester—Phone 646-4277 The Oldest & Largest in Conn. along the road in front of wagons Wednesday, March 19th. 935 MAIN STREET IN DOWNTOWN MANCHESTER ride the rails all the way to o r any other slow vehicle. at 1:00 PM. or 8:00 P.M. PHONE 643-5171 Wisconsin. I PAGE TEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Mon., March 17, 1975 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Mon., March 17, 1975 - PAGE ELEVEN

OBITUARIES SCENE FROM HERE ______By SOL R. COHEN Easy Games Don’t Exist in NCAA Playqffs .18. George P. Swanson Paul E. Jodoin Mrs. Elsie S. Swanson, 67, of Paul E. Jodoin, 63, of the 124 Tanner St., died Sunday in Rocky Hill Veterans Home and Interesting Manchester Memorial Hospital, died there Saturday. Hospital. She was the wife of Bom in Canada, he moved UCLA Discovers in Staving Off Michigan George P. Swanson. from Middletown to Rocky Hill Observation She was born in Putnam and a year ago. lived in Manchester 42 years. Survivors are two brothers, That was an interesting Which brings up our own NEW YORK (UPI) - “Once you’re in the NCAA However, the Bruins were the exception as most of the semifinals Thursday night at Las Cruces, N.M. ’ Before her retirement, she was Tenth-ranked North Carolina—you remember them, Guy Jodoin and Maurice Jo­ observation last week by Town “factor.” ranked teams won their first games handily. Fourth-rated Kentucky walloped sixth-ranked a clerk for the Clarke Insurance playoffs, there are no easy gannes.” they won the ACC tourney against North Carolina State, doin, both of Manchester, and Manager Robert Weiss, in Is it the responsibilty and. No, those words weren’t uttered by UCLA No. 1 Indiana, with All-America Scott May on the bench Marquette 76-54 at Tuscaloosa, Ala., to gain a berth in the Agency. two sisters. and it was their coach whose quote referred to the lack of justifying the permission he obligation of a municipality like all but 51 seconds to recover from a broken arm, had little semifinals against Central Michigan, which edged She was a member of North The funerai is Tuesday at 8 gave a department head to coach John Wooden—but maybe they should have been. easy playoff games-blitzed 18th-ranked New Mexico State Manchester to be responsible difficulty disposing of Texas El-Paso 78-53 in the NCAA Georgetown 77-75. United Methodist Church. a.m. at the Rocky Hill Veterans teach college courses for pay on for the schooling of future Second-ranked UCLA, which has not lost a first round 93-69 in the Eastern Regionals at Charlotte, N.C., and will Other survivors are two Home Chapel, West St., Rocky “company time.” employes of whatever town and NCAA contest in 12 years, found itself four points down to Mideast Regionals at Lexington, Ky. Junior guard John Lucas hit 19 points and fifth-ranked meet Syracuse, which beat LaSalle 87-83 in Philadelphia, daughters, Mrs. David D. Hill. Burial will be in Col. Ray­ “An important responsibility state? Is the town to furnish in­ unranked Michigan at halftime and tied 87-87 at the end of Indiana, winner now of 33 straight over two seasons and Maryland came up with clutch free throws in the final Thursday at Providence. Kennedy of Vernon and Mrs. mond F. Gates Memorial of a professional,” insisted structors who will teach for pay regulation play at Pullman, Wash.. 30 straight this season, will meet Oregon State, 78-67 vic­ minutes to pin an 83-79 defeat on Creighton and move into a Boston College used balanced scoring to beat Furman 82- Barbara McGill of Fresh Cemetery, Rocky Hill. Weiss, “is to encourage the on town time and still get their But the Bruins, whose NCAA playoff winning streak was tors over Middle Tennessee, in the regional semifinals semifinals confrontation at Las Cruces Thursday against 76 and advance to the regional semifinals against Kansas Meadows, N.Y.; a brother, Carl Friends may call at the Rose training of competent people to regular town pay? ended at 38 games last year when the ultimate champion. Thursday at Dayton, Ohio. Notre Dame. Cincinnati, which beat Texas A&M 87-79 State, which downed Penn 69-62. G. Swanson Jr. of Manchester; Hill Funeral Home, 580 Elm qualify for entrance to the field If Weiss’ theory is the theory North Carolina State, defeated them in double overtime, Third-ranked Louisville, surprised by stubborn Rutgers before Maryland’s win at Lubbock, Tex., tackles Louisville With Penn and LaSalle both losing at the Palestra, the a sister, Mrs. Albert Anderson St., Rocky Hill, tonight from 7 (of the professional doing the of those theoriticians who are in the opening half, relied on the shooting of Alan Murphy at Las Cruces. of Cotuit, Mass.; and five garnered its strength in the overtime period against homecourt advantage was never so lacking. to 9. encouraging).” seeking Utopia for municipal and Junior Bridgeman in the second half to come back Arizona State, ranked seventh, had a tough time against granddaughters. operations, then he (Weiss) Michigan to pull out a 103-91 victory. In first round NIT action Saturday at Madison Square In Weiss’ interesting, albeit from a 46-44 halftime disadvantage and post a 91-78 Alabama, ranked eighth, before pulling out a 97-94 victory The funeral is Tuesday at 2 Utopian observation, students should go one step further. Bruin All-America Dave Meyers controlled the boards in Garden in New York, St. John’s (N.Y.) won easily over p.m. at the Holmes Funeral ' should get exposure to prac­ the overtime period and scored four points as the Bruins triumph at Tulsa, Okla. in the West regionals at Tempe, Ariz. The Sun Devils led Lafayette, 94-76, Manhattan beat Massachusetts 68-51, Mary E. Nolan He should loan out his depart­ Home, 400 Main St., with the titioners (in their chosen field), scored five of the first six baskets. From then on it was all Murphy hit three straight jump shots from the corner to 57-36 at halftime behind their pressing defense, which Providence defeated Clemson 91-86 and Pittsburgh kayoed Rev. Earle R. Custer, pastor of VERNON-Miss Mary E. ment heads to colleges and un­ start the second half and put the Cardinals in front 50-46 forced Alabama into 14 turnovers, but the Crimson Tide “and not merely iversities — at the going rate UCLA. Michigan’s center, C.J. Rupee, led the Wolverines Southern Illinois 70-65. North United Methodist Nolan, 89, formerly of Elm St., academicians.” with a game-high 28 points but managed only eight of them and Bridgeman picked up the pace from there to finish regained its composure in the second half to make a game Sunday, first round action concluded with South Carolina Church, officiating. Burial wiil Rockville section, died Satur­ paid other instructors. Weiss’ explanation was to The money so earned should after halftime. Meyers had 26 for UCLA while teammate with 36 points. Rutgers was led by Phil Sellers with 29. of it. a 71-61 victor over Connecticut, Princeton routing Holy be in East Cemetery. day in RockviUe General questions raised concerning Adrian Dantley reeled off 13 straight points in the second Fourteenth-ranked Nevada-Las Vegas defeated San Hospital. go — not into the pockets of th Richard Washington added 22. Cross 84-63, Oral Roberts beat Memphis State in the last Friends may call at the teaching activities by Rec half as Notre Dame beat Kansas 77-71 in the second game Diego State 90-80 and will go against Arizona State at second, 97-95 and Oregon got past St. Peter’s (N.J.) with funeral home tonight from 7 to 9 She was born in Attleboro, department heads doing the UCLA will meet Montana, which beat Utah 69-63 for its Director Melvin Siebold from teaching — but into the town’s first NCAA tournament win ever, Thursday in Portland. at Tulsa. The Irish will take on Louisville in the Midwest Portland, Ore., Thursday. an 85-79 win. p.m. Mass., and had lived in eptember to February at Post Rockville more than 35 years General Fund. Junior College in Waterbury Then everyone would be before moving to an area nur­ and now at Manchester Com­ sing home. satisfied: Tech Forms Parent-Student Club munity College. Siebold, 39, a • ’The college or university UConn Eliminated She was a World War I Army Bristol resident, has been Robert C. Stem nurse. Most of her private nur­ which is in great need of the ‘Home’ Advantage Robert C, Stem, 57, of 119 Andrew Tomko, center, president of the newly formed Vihcek, recording secretary; and Mrs. Michelina Lauzier, Manchester rec director since expertise. sing was done in New York Ci­ May 1969. Oakland St., died Saturday in Parent-Student Club at Howell Cheney Technical School, corresponding secretary. They were installed in • Those people seeking their Thoughts ty- Weiss’ philosophy on University of Connecticut During World War II, she points out some of the club’s regulations to the other of­ ceremonies last week at the school. (Herald photo by degrees, so they might learn Medical Center, Farmington. “exposure to practitioners” first-hand how a municipality At Palestra Fails Oral Roberts Cops taught Red Cross home nursing ficers. From left to right, they are Theunis Werkhoven, Dunn) isn’t new. Work-study, intern He was the husband of Mrs. courses in the Rockviile Area. operates. ApLENty Diavana Narsiff Stem. treasurer; Chester Syble, vice president; Mrs. Julie and on-the-job-training • Weiss, who thinks it’s the She is survived by a niece in programs have been around for PHILADELPHIA (UPI) - If there is one thing that He was born in Scranton, Pa., California. responsibiltiy of a professional By Len Auster Offensive NIT Show and lived in Coventry until years. Career Days in the to take time off to teach. LaSalle Coach Paul Westhead and Penn’s Chuck Daly The funeral is Tuesday at 8:15 schools are held regularly and moving to Manchester in 1968. a.m. from the Burke-Fortin • The department head, who thought they had to their advantage entering an NCAA He retired several years ago are of great interest. In would work no more hours than doubleheader at the Palestra Saturday, it was that they NEW YORK (UPI) - Oral Roberts Coach Jerry Hale Funeral Home, 76 Prospect St., Manchester, the programs and had it right. from the contracting and land Rockville, with a Mass at 9 at contracted for but who would were playing on home court developing business because of “days” have become the rule, vary the monotony by holding However in the end, that “Sometimes our defense falls apart a little,” Hale said St. Bernard’s Church, and not the exception. Productive Weekend poor health. Rockville. Burial will be in St down two jobs. advantage didn’t turn in forward pops out and goes after his Titans had edged Memphis State 97-95 in a fren­ He attended St. George’s Stretching Weiss’ theory (he • And last, but certainly not “We’re going after Quebec for the second playoff spot,” zied National Invitation Tournament shootout. “Offense- Mary’s Cemetery,. Attleboro POLICE REPORT calls it ah important “faCtOf”^ their favor as Kansas State backdoor. If the timing is Episcopal Church in Bolton. Falls, Mass. ^ least, the town, which could use New England Whalers' Coach Ron Ryaii commented after beat Penn 69-62 in the first perfect, there is nothing the wise, we played pretty well at times. ” Other survivors are two in his decision) even further — the income from loaning out its There are no calling hours. seeing his sextet complete a productive weekend at the defense can do about it.” Memphis State Coach Wayne Yates could have said the daughters, Roberta S. Stem at into the colleges and univer­ department heads to reduce, or game of an NCAA opening sities — again, there’s nothing Hartford Civic Center. round twinbill. And in the LaSalle had an opportuni­ exact same thing -about his team. home, and Mrs. Rochelle Valor MANCHESTER today at 1:15 a.m. on Broad St. and charged with fourth-degree Police found the cigarettes at least stabilize, the tax rate. new about it. The Whalers polished off the Toronto Toros, 7-5, Sunday nightcap, Syracuse defeated ty to win the game in regula­ It may not have been of Newark, N.J.; two half- • Claybom A. Perks, 26, and and charged with operating a larceny, police said. She was behind the nearby Elsworth and To those who say, “Witness Who but law professors teach night before a near capacity crowd of 10,346 after Satur­ tion time but Joe Bryant, textbook-perfect basketball, and the inside scoring of brothers, Thomas Koch and Stephen Darling Robert A. Doran, 32, both of motor vehicle while under the released on $150 non-surety Lassow service station. all the research by colleges and LaSalle in overtime, 87-83. budding lawyers? Who but day's demolition of the Edmonton Oilers. New England is but it was spectacular and South Carolina native Alex Henry Koch, both of St. Louis, Stephen Darling, 18, of 361 E. Houston, Tex., were arrested influence of alcohol, police bond for court March 31. universities — research which The victories move Kan­ who poured in 25 points, mis­ medical men and women teach unbeaten in its current homestand and hasn’t been 10,152 Madison Square English were too much for Mo., and a grandson. Middle Tpke. was found dead in Sunday at 3 p.m. and charged said. has saved municipalities sas State and Syracuse into sed a baseline jumper with aspiring physicians? The same defeated in the Insurance City in its last seven. The a car Sunday morning in a field with second-degree larceny (by He was released on a $150 The phones at the McDonald countless savings in time and the East Regionals at two seconds left. Garden fans loved it, right the overmatched Huskies. The funeral will be holds true for accountants, off Oak Grove St. Dr. Burton possession), police said. Restaurant on W. Center St. P^iirl Mesta, money,” we can only reply: Whalers possess a 13-2-3 won-lost-tied mark at the Civic Hackett had 30 points for till the very last second Dunleavy finished with 22 Wednesday at 11 a.m. at St. non-surety bond for court April nurses, pharmacists, Providence Thursday night Meisner, medical examiner, They were found in a car 1. went dead Sunday morning just Alright, then loan out the Center. the Orange, who also got 20 when the game was decided. points and English 21 while George Episcopal Church in stenographers, engineers, when the Orangemen face ruled the death a suicide, reported stolen in Texas, police • Carol Leighton, 29, of 8 past midnight, police said. The Noted Hostess, department heads at no pay to “The club is going pretty good now. We’re much The ground rules were set Tony Hanson was high Bolton. Burial will be in East secretaries, dentists, big-rig North Carolina and the Wild­ from Jim Lee and 18 from caused by carbon monoxide said. Ward St., Rockville and Joyce employes were cleaning up for them or to the town. Do it as a stronger than we were in the past, we have seven new peo­ early and the game was scorer for UConn with 17. Cemetery. Dies at 85 truck drivers and, yes, even cats meet Boston College. Chris Sease. poisoning. Both men were released on L. Wentzell, 28, of 20 Thompson the night and noticed four courtesy. Friends may call at the governmental administrators. ple this year, but the whole league (WHA) is getting “I think the fact that we Danforth, like Hartman, reduced to the basics—the The Gamecocks will meet Mr. Darling was born in Hart­ their written promises to St., Rockville were both males hanging around, they OKLAHOMA CITY (UPI) - Holmes Funeral Home, 400 What’s wrong with Weiss’ better,” Ryan noted. Only the transplanted Baltimore established control early had criticized the scheduling first man to get the ball Princeton in one of a pair of ford and lived in Manchester appear in Common Pleas Court arrested Saturday at 4:10 p.m. said. Perle Mesta, the “Hostess with Main St., Tuesday from 7 to 9 theory, beautiful as it is, is that Blades are completely out of the playoff picture, which of the opening round games within 25-feet lets fly at the quarterfinal games most of his life. He was a senior 12 in East Hartford today. at the Stop and Shop Store on W. Police arrived soon after the the Mostest” of Washington kept the crowd from playing p.m. he wants it both ways. will encompass the top two clubs from each of the three basket and everyone else scheduled for Thursday. at Manchester High School and • Larry P. Martell, 23, of 457 phone problem in order to give society for 30 years, died Sun­ too big a part,” said Kansas at the Palestra but after the (DPI photo) Middle Tpke. and charged with He wants a municipality to divisions and two wildcards. Oregon plays Oral Roberts worked part time as a security Center St. was arrested today an escort to a nearby bank for State Coach Jack Hartman. game he appreciated the crashes the board. fourth-degree larceny, police day hire and pay with taxpayers’ guard with Purolator Security at 3:55 a.m. on Center St. and deposit of the day’s receipts. Sunday’s win was of significance. Coupled with “I don’t think the kids got home teams' hospitality. BC’s Mel Weldon Goes Up for Two With both teams big and in the other. said. “The hospital said she died of money top echelon department Inc.’s Dunbar Guard Security charged with reckless driving, They found the phone wires Cleveland’s 2-1 loss to Houston, the Whalers clinched at fast in the extreme, the ac­ Princeton gained an 18- Leslie A. Whitman They allegedly attempted to heart failure,’’ said John heads. And he wants to give nervous. They played with Clyde Mayes (34), Fessor Leonard Defend Division. police said. ripped out of the outside jax Porter, a family friend. least a tie for their third consecutive Eastern Division tion was awesome. point lead with 14 minutes TOLLAND - Leslie A. Whit­ shoplift $14.34 worth of meat, them time off, at taxpayers’ great concentration.” Survivors are his parents, He was allegedly speeding on box, police said. Mrs. Mesta, 85, was ill when FIRE CALLS crown, which adds $50,000 to their players’ pool. But when the game was on left before its third starter man, 70, of Old Stafford Rd. police said. They were each expense, to teach college The Wildcats, who got 20 Mr. and Mrs. James E. a motorcycle with a defec­ The four males were gone at she returned to Oklahoma City Quebec is presently leading the Canadian Division with the line in the last minute, was pulled from the game died Sunday in Johnson released on $15 cash bonds for courses for pay. That teaching, points each from Chuckle Darling, and a brother, ’Thomas tive headlight and he was not this time. last year and moved to the 84 points, having lost to Vancouver Sunday afternoon. New AB A Roundup with four fouls and rode out Memorial Hospital, Stafford, court April 7. he says, will give competent MANCHESTER Williams and 6-10 Carl Oral Roberts won by holding S. Darling, all of Manchester. wearing a face shield, police home of her brother, O.J. Skir- after a short illness. He was the • Deborah Chapman, 17, of training to those seeking Saturday, 8:36 p.m. England has 81 points and has played two less games than the ball. the easy win after the rest of The funeral is Tuesday at said. Court is April 1. A break into the A-1 Gas Gerlach, broke out to an ear­ husband of Mrs. Edna Taylor Glastonbury was arrested vin. employment in the same field, —chimney fire at 637 Spring St. the Nordiques. The schedule favors the Whalers, who have Memphis State had over­ the contest deteriorated into 11:30 a.m. at the Holmes • Albert A. Drumm Jr., 33, of Station at 568 Center St. was Her health never improved ly lead and opened the gap to Whitman. Saturday at 2:35 p.m. at the so they, too, can go back and (Town) the best home record in the WHA, with eight home and come a 10-point deficit in the a foul-shooting contest. Funeral Home, 400 Main St. 597 Adams St. was arrested reported Saturday morning. enough to make public 17 points midway through Mr. Whitman was born in Shoetown Store on Spencer St. teach, once they get employ­ Sunday, 12:20 a.m. —water three road dates left while Quebec has nine games final 6:42, sparked by 5-foot- Barnes Hauptfuhrer and Burial will be in East Missing is about $75 in cash, appearances or put on the kind the first half. Nets’ Defense Tenacious Willington and lived here most ment. fiow alarm at the Lydall and remaining, six on unfriendly ice. Mark Hartley had 18 each Cemetery. police said. of extravaganza for which she Penn came back to cut the 10 freshman guard Alvin of his life. But where will they get that Foulds Co. plant on Parker St. Friends may call at the was so well known. She moved When the regular season is completed, the top eight NEW YORK (UPI) - Playing “Our aim today was to contain Wright, the token human on for Princeton while Chris He was a sheet metal worker Another break was reported employment? In Manchester, (Town) lead to 12 at halftime but the funeral home tonight from 7 to 9 into a nursing home and was clubs in points will make the playoffs with No. 1 facing No. against the ABA champion New York Malone and Ron Boone and we did just the Tigers' squad of giants. Potter and Bill Doran had 12 for Pratt and Whitney Aircraft which might furnish the Today, 12:12 a.m .—dumpster Wildcats opened another 17- p.m. ABOUT TOWN later confined to a hospital. 8, No. 2 facing No. 7, etc. The ever important home ice ad­ Nets and their tenacious defense can Ed W ilson's foul-line apiece for Holy Cross. Division of United Aircraft stand on Oakland St., oolice professional to train them? fire at 126 Rachel Rd. (Eighth point bulge midway through that. It was a very important key to Those wishing to do so may Burial arrangements were vantage is what New England is after. jumper with 2:11 had given Oregon had all sorts of un­ Corp., East Hartford, until his said. Missing were several car­ Quite unlikely. It’s more likely District) the second half. Penn be hard on opposing teams’ rookies, the game.” make memorial contributions being made at Pittsburgh, Pa., Defenseman Rick Ley led the Whalers against the Toros the Tigers a 95-93 lead, but imagined difficulties with retirement eight years aeo. Auxiliary will meet tonight at tons of cigarettes and watches, to be anywhere but VERNON battled back to draw within but the dampening experience seems New York’s front line of Larry to Father Flanagan’s Boys’ Friendship Circle of the where her husband is buried. with a goal and three assists, along with being named the Anthony Roberts tied the unheralded St. Peter’s He was a member of the 7:30 at the Post Home. police said. Manchester. Sunday, 6:15 p.m. —false five with two minutes to go to have beneficial effects the next Kenon, Julius Erving and Billy Paultz Town, Omaha, Neb. Salvation Army wiil meet No. 1 star of the night. Mike Byers boosted his goal total game for the Titans at 1:17. before pulling out the deci­ United Congregational Church. Tuesday at 7:45 p.m. at The alarm on Mile Hill Rd. (Vernon but an offensive foul call on time. all contributed materially to the Net Other survivors are a son, Fire Department) for the year to 17 with two tallies with Fred O’Donnell And when Memphis State sion. First the Peacocks Citadel. Hostesses are Mrs. Mrs. Suzanne Flocken, an apparent basket by the Heralded Utah Stars rookie Moses win. Kenon topped all scorers with 26 Thomas J. Whitman of Tolland; (17th), A1 Karlander (7th), Ron Climie (19th) and Larry jumped out to a 43-34 half­ Bertha Hall and Mrs. Rhoda executive director of the Quakers’ Bob Bigelow Malone was reminded of that fact points but Erving, who added 24, turned the-ball over on a 3 daughters, Mrs. Dwight Ban­ time lead, then when the Krinjak. Manchester Chamber of Students Begin Moving Pleau (28th) each lighting the lamp once. squelched the rally. Sundaywhen he was held to just 13 provided the crucial points, canning 11 charge. Hale ordered his ning of Stafford, and Mrs. Ducks quickly gained the Mrs. Alfred German Commerce, will discuss the “Anything I say has to be points and nine rebounds-11 and in a 16-1 spurt that carried the Nets team to freeze the ball until Ellery L. Neff Jr. and Mrs. A TRADITION lead in the second half, St. COLUMBIA — Mrs. Eleanor The Manchester Civic many activities of the chamber, Right Bounces accompanied with the com­ seven fewer, respectively, than his from a 62-56 deficit to a 72-63 advan­ calling timeout with nine Leon Dwire, both of Tolland; 12 Zinker German, 44, of West St. Orchestra will rehearse tonight Peter's refused to fold. With at Tuesday’s meeting of the The Whalers were outshot by Toronto, 40-36, but pounced ment that they are a fine average in seven previous meetings tage late in the third quarter. seconds left. grandchildren and a great­ died Friday at Hartford at 7:30 and the Civic Chorale To Franklin Building HAM Manchester Rotary Club, at on rebounds with success. Five times, Toro goalie Jim with the Nets and his lowest totals in Paultz added 17 points and John “We had it set up either to six minutes left in the game, grandchild. Hospital. She was the wife of will rehearse at 7:45. Both team and played a tremen­ 6:30 p.m. at the Manchester Students at Bennet Junior For Easter Sunday both categories—while his team lost Roberts or to let Arnold th^ Ducks were forced to The funeral is Tuesday at 1:30 Alfred German. rehearsals will be at the With the renovations going than the revised schedule called Shaw made a save only to see the puck skid out of his reach dous game,” Daly said. “I Williamson, coming off the bench, County Club. High School began moving from to New York 100-89. dribble the ball and take the resort to a stall to preserve p.m. at the Introvigne-Plante She was born in Ellington and Keeney St. School. Voices are ahead of schedule like this, the for. For over 50 years we have onto a Whaler stick. And those five were converted into thought we were flat, if chipped in with 15. temporary quarters in the old last shot with three seconds its victory. Funeral Home, 95 E. Main St., lived here the past 14 years. needed for all parts in the contractor plans on getting into The steel is all in place in the been selling MORRELL FULLY scores, with Byers’ second goal a deflection of a shot by there is such a thing. I didn’t But Marvin Barnes, a first-year pro St. Louis scored the first 12 points of The recitation of the Rosary trade school back into the Ron Lee, despite shooting Stafford, with the Rev. Donald Other survivors are her chorus. Men’s voices are par- the Barnard Building earlier new gym and library building, COOKED hockless, shankless, Ley from the left point. think we had any bounce. I on the St. Louis Spirits, perhaps the overtime to grab the win. Freddie left,” Hale said. and ecumenical hour will be Franklin Building this morning Miller officiating. Burial will father, Joseph Zinker of Lake ticuiarly needed. than planned with a projected Phillips said, and it should be waste free HAMS for Easter First-string goalie A1 Smith who has a personal record of resentful of the way the Nets allowed Lewis added 27 points to the Spirits’ Arnold is Arnold Dugger, only 39 per cent, led the conducted by members of St. following an inspection of the can’t explain it.” be in South Cemetery, Tolland. Worth, Fla.; two brothers, completion date of Sept. 1 in­ ready for occupancy Sept. 1. dinners. him only four points in a game last cause and rookie Gus Gerard dumped a 6-3 sophomore from the Ducks' second-half com­ Bridget Rosary Society building Saturday by the Town 29-17-4, was roughed up for five goals but nevertheless Coach Roy Danforth’s There are no calling hours. Walter Zinker of Manchester The Concordia Lutheran stead of Oct. 1, said Phillips. Wednesday and making a strong bid Bronx performing before eback with 16 of his team- Tuesday at 1:45 p.m. in Cronin Building Committee. came up for praise from Ryan. “He makes the big save for Orangemen took a different in 21. George Carter led Memphis and Joseph Zinker of Vernon; Church Women will meet If this schedule is not in­ In addition to the famous the hometown fans, who high 21 points. Stu Jackson Hall at Mayfair Gardens. All Making the inspection with I/T’S OUR POLicY us. Toronto was swarming but he made some big stops.” ro u te to for Rookie of theYear honors himself, with 29 as Billy Shepherd added 25 and and two sisters, Mrs. Edward Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. for a short terrupted, Phillips said the con­ Morrell Ham, we will offer added 16 for Oregon, while residents of Mayfair Gardens the committee were Richard Ryan also discussed the recently acquired Climie. “It Providence—through the produced a career high 54 points and Collis Jones 22. backed Jhe smaller Wright Wendus and Mrs. Edward business meeting. At 8 p.m., tractor will be able to complete fine Hams from First Prize Adam Solomon had 24 and Mrs. Elizabeth M. Gorman are invited. Mankey, architect; John was a good trade for both clubs. He’s been a good addition 23 rebounds while leading the Spirits Barnes’ production was all the more into the lane and hit a tur- Machnik, both of Vernon. Harold Thoma of West Hartford the entire renovation and and DuBuque. back door. Rivosa, chief of Manchester, to a 122-114 afternoon overtime remarkable as it came with the han­ naround jumper that Ken Markowski 17 for St. Mrs. Elizabeth MacLachlan The funeral and burial will be will present an illustrated talk building job six months earlier Easier comes on the 30th of for us (on the left wing). He’s fit in well and gives us With the score tied at 81-81 Town Fire Department ; Arthur triumph over the Memphis Sounds swished through the net as Peter's. Gorm an, 89, form erly of at the convenience of the fami­ on the Holy Lands. All church Manchester Lodge of Masons March; so many orders are balance on the right and left side.” Climie has only six and 38 seconds left in over­ dicap of six personal fouls for the last Wethersfield, died Saturday in Palmer, project engineer; and that guaranteed St. Louis a spot in the the buzzer sounded. In Saturday’s opening ly- members and their friends are will meet Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. already rolling In for points with New England since coming over from Edmon­ time, Syracuse’s Kevin 7:12 of the game. a Hartford convalescent home. Alan Cone, principal at Bennet. In Sunday's other opening round games, St. John's There are no calling hours. Inviteo to attend. Refreshments at the Masonic Temple for Solons Offer PINEHURST fine hams... ton but he’s played good defense on the line with center King, a ^transfer from playoffs. In other ABA action, also during the The funeral was today. Burial Upon approval of the work, round games. South romped over Lafayette 94- The Potter Funeral Home, wiil be served. special communications. John Terry Caffrey and right winger Tom Webster. LaSalle, took a pass on the “We’re playing very good ball daytime, Indiana routed Virginia, 121- was in Rose Hill Memorial Mather Chapter, Order of Paul Phillips, chairman of the Views on Rail Carolina topped Connecticut 76, Manhattan topped 456 Jackson St., Willimantic, is The Whalers continue their 10-game homestand baseline from Rudy Hackett now,’’ said Nets Coach Kevin 103, and Denver edged past Kentucky, Park, Rocky Hill. The Rose Hill DeMolay, will visit the lodge to building committee, said the EASTER Massachusetts 68-51, in charge of arrangements. System Plan Wednesday night against the San Diego Mariners, who and scored on a layup that Loughery. “I’m very pleased with the 128-125 in overtime. 61-51, Oregon just slipped by Funeral Home, 580 Elm St., The American Legion Post portray the DeMolay degree. decision was made for the St. Peter’s 85-79 and Pittsburgh edged Southern students’ transfer back to the have the second most productive line in the league of An­ gave the Orange the lead for type of basketball we’re playing. Rocky Hill, was in charge of POLISH Princeton routed Holy Cross Illinois 70-65 and Providence Franklin Building today and dre Lacroix, Wayne Rivers and Rick Sentes. Friday night, good. arrangements. WETHERSFIELD (UPI) - upset Clemson 91-86. Friends wishing to do so may Tuesday. By Ray Tanguay, C.L.U. KIELBASA Bobby Hull and his Winnipeg Jets return for the second of “We have a name for that, 84-63. Gov. Ella T. Grasso said today St. John’s will meet make memorial contributions Seven Persons Die The work on the Franklin CERTIFIED INSURANCE three Hartford stops and Saturday night, Gordie Howe and the back three,” Danforth Another New York native, the U.S. Railway Association’s Manhattan and Pittsburgh to South Congregational Building was completed two plan to restucture rail service CONSULTANT Sons and the Houston Aeros are in. The latter tilt is said. “The ball goes to the Mike Dunleavy, was the • Church, Hartford. Mrs. George Hanley Sr. weeks earlier than scheduled, When Waller Silkowski hero of South Carolina’s plays Providence in a In State Accidents in Connecticut could have a The inllation that has hit housing already a sellout. center and the offensive said Phillips. worked here, he sold a lot of quarterfinal doubleheader Survivors are a daughter, Mrs. Matilda McLarnon United Press International Simsbury. The crash occurred crippling impact on the state’s costs — and everything eise — is a triumph over Connecticut. This early completion will Easter Polish Klelbasa, but Mrs. Margaret G. Kensel of Hanley, 82, of 68 Delmont St. at about 11:45 p.m. Saturday economy. problem for the businessman, too Dunleavy’s outside shooting Tuesday night. At least seven persons died on enable the contractor, Ray Has YOUR business insurance kep Frank Toros really surprised Manchester and 2 other died Saturday in a local con­ west of the Colonial Road in­ More than 150 firms would be Connecticut highways during Adler Inc., to finish renovations up with inflation? us with the demand lor daughters, 2 sons, a brother, a valescent home. She was the tersection. adversely affected with a sister, 19 grandchildren and 12 wife of George Hanley Sr. the weekend. In addition, the on the old trade building before * tV ☆ STANLEY PROVISION EASTER Mrs. Frederick Gedney, 46, of potential loss of as many as 7,- POLISH... bodies of two recreational the scheduled June 1 date, said I Have you had a current appraisal of Cinderella’ 5 Wins great-grandchildren. Mrs. Hanley was born in Suffield, died in a two-car acci­ 700 jobs ifrail service were cur­ fishermen were found in Long Phillips. In fact, work has I your commercial property? Would New England Hopes Belfast, Ireland, and lived in dent at the South and S. tailed on the 131 miles of track Reservations Are Coming In Springfield, Mass., many years Island Sound near Stratford. already begun on the top floor I your Insurance be adequate if you at Providence, R.I., against Syracuse. Main St. intersection of Suffield slated for abandonment under I had to rebuild? Call... CHARLOTTE, N.C. (UPI) - Win­ The bodies of Linwood of the trade building Nobel Flavor before coming to Manchester 17 Saturday. A car driven by her the plan, she said. •,V ’lif * ning the Atlantic Coast Conference In the other gamb here Saturday Wallace, 43, of Bridgeport, and Prof. Albert Szenl-Gyorgyi, a years ago. husband collided with another tournament only left North Carolina night, Boston College, champion in Left to Two Clubs his father-in-law, "Theodore Many commercial Insurers are opting Hungarian scientist, won a She was a member of the driven by Charles Waterhouse, 643-4151 the Eastern Athletic Conference, Bates, 66, of Strong, Maine, for 100% coverage, despite coin with more to prove, says Tar Heel Nobel Prize in 1937 for his ex­ Gospel Hall of Hartford. 34, of East Hartford. Both men surance clauses, In an attempt to ge eliminated Southern Conference were found Sunday morning. FINAL EXPENSE Coach Dean Smith. NEW YORK (UPI) - It’s up to Boston College and periments with paprika. He dis­ Other survivors are a son, were reported in “stable” con­ the jump on future Inflation. champ Furman 82-76 to earn the right covered a group of substances The Coast Guard had conducted It's all right with us...if you And Saturday night’s victory over Providence to keep New England on the college sports George Hanley Jr. of dition today at Hartford iV iV to face Kansas State in Thursday in paprika caiied bioflavonoids Manchester; a brother, John an all-night search for the two. LIFE INSURANCE want to break tradition and New Mexico State in the NCAA map. Hospital. which have been found vaiuable McLarnon of Philadelphia; two Cleye Nelson, 56, of Darien, Inventory and business machines are have a U.S. Choice Rib Oven Eastern Regionals doesn’t mean It’s night’s semifianls in Rhode Island. Joseph DiNapoli, 57, of *SOO to 'SOOO* worth more this year, too. Are yours The Eagles of Boston College moved into the Eastern in maintaining the heaith of the was killed Sunday when his car Roast for Easter. “I think we really got it together,” other brothers; a sister in Waterbury was killed when his fully covered? all downhill. Regionals in the NCAA basketball playoffs Saturday night body’s capillary system. crossed three lanes on I-9S in said B.C. Coach Bob Zuffelato. “We Ireland and a sister in Canada; car collided head-on with * * ☆ “Well, people keep calling us a with an 82-76 win over Furman in Charlotte, N. C. The four grandchildren, and four Greenwich and crashed head-on Just come to PINEHURST played with a lot of heart and I’m another on North Main St. in Last year’s tornadoes levele< Cinderella team after winning the Friars of Providence upset 19th ranked Clemson 91-86 in great-grandchildren. into a rock ledge, police said. EVERYONE ACCEPTED lor U.S. ChoIca Meats. tickled pink.” Waterbury Friday night. Three businesses as well as homes. Are you ACC tournament,” said Smith. “So we In Memorium The funeral is Tuesday at 10 Nelson was pronounced dead at Batwaen Ages 46-87 the first round of the National Invitational Tournament. passengers were taken to St. adequately insured If there are still have something more to prove. North Carolina struggled through a.m. at the Holmes pSineral the scene. No Saletman Will Call similar disasters this year? In loving memory of my dear brother. Mary’s Hospital. Once you’re in the NCAA playoffs, the first half against New Mexico Other than that. New England schools were unsuccessful Charles Leister, who p a ss^ away March Home, 400 Main St. Burial will A two-car head-on collision on Call or write and give us your dale of birth. PINEHURST State’s solid shooting but put on a 17. 1973. Justice Booth, 65, of Oxford be in Hillcrest Memorial Park, Rt. 44 in Canton Saturday there are no easy games.” in various post-season games around the country. Satur­ was killed when a car driven by UFE o f AMERICA INSURANCE CORP. OF BOSTON For straightforward answers bring The 93-69 win over 18th-ranked New spurt in the second half and won going day, Massachusetts was beaten by Manhatten 68-51 in an His memory is as dear today. Springfield, Mass. claimed the lives of three men. your insurance questions to • GROCERY As the day he passed away. his wife was involved in a one- 40 Broad St., Boston, Mass 02109 away. Smith said the squad passed up (UPI photo) Friends may cal| at the Dead are; Curtis Holda, 24, of Mexico State propelled the 10th- NIT game, while both Connecticut and Holy Cross suf­ car accident in Oxford Friday DopL06-AM-Tol. 247-1166 ^ 302 Main funeral home tonight arom 7 to Bristol, David Lamb, 19, and BEECHLER-TANGUAY, Inc. ranked Tar Heels Into Thursday some easy shots in an attempt to Spirits^ Mike Barr Dribbles Outside fered NIT losses Sunday to South Carolina (71-61) and Sadly missed by his sister evening. She escaped serious ‘Depending on age 9. Thomas Bianchi. 19, both of 13 East Center St. 646-221 night’s Eastern Regional semifinals challenge New Mexico State’s patient Princeton (84-63). physical injury. ball control offense. Bowls Over Memphis' Mel Daniels (1), Jim O'Brien PAGE TWELVE - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Mon., March 17, 197^ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Mon., March 17, 1975 — PAGE THIRTEEN Matchups Key Factor Finkel Fills Bill SCORE Johnny Miller Had Lots of Fun As Bucks Top Bulls In Celtics’ Win BOARD BOSTON (UPI) — Hank Finkel fills an unusual role for While Nicklaus Cops Doral Open the . ABA The seven foot reserve center averages only eight NEW YORK (UPI) - Kareem Elsewhere, Boston beat Houston 99- East minutes per game, but he is expected to enter a game at a Abdul-Jabbar doesn't believe his 94, Atlanta edged Phoenix 117-114, W L Pet GB have a chance at his fourth Fezler, who shot a 71 after “It’s only human that moment’s notice and help turn things around. MIAMI (UPI) - Jack “The head flew off on the , though victors in Seattle clipped New York 97-94, New York 52 22 .703 tour win of the year. going into the round tied things like that cross your Sunday, Finkelsucceeded. Kentucky 49 24 .671 2W Nicklaus won, but Johnny practice range,” he said. He five of seven games with the Chicago Cleveland shaded New Orleans 113- After hours, the clean­ with Nicklaus for the lead, mind, but I’ve played scoring six points in the final “Hank gave us just what St. Louis 27 28 .360 25Va ■m Miller just might have had had to get a business Bulls this season, have any jinx on 111, Los Angeles ripped Golden State living butdoorsman was was playing in the same quarter, and rekindling the we needed at that point,” Memphis 22 51 .301 29W more fun. enough golf to know you’re associate to find some their neighborhood rivals. 111-95 and Portland defeated Buffalo having a fine time, fishing in threesome with Yancey just Celtic offense as Boston shot said a satisfied Heinsohn. Virginia 14 59 .192 37W Nicklaus fired a 68 Sunday going to have bad times and quick-drying glue and put it 'T think its more matchups than 102-95. the lakes on the course. behind Nicklaus. down the , Following Finkel’s depar­ to win the $30,000 first prize good tim es,” he said. back together. anything else," he said after the Hawks 117,Suns 114 “I must have caught over “We both knew he made It was the 54th tour win for Tennis Title 99-94. ture, the regulars quickly West in the Doral-Eastern Open Bucks bounced the Bulls 103-90 on Atlanta’s John Brown sank three 50 bass over five nights,” he the birdie. Bert was able to Finkel was called upon to wrapped up the package. W L Pet. GB golf tournament with a 12- Nicklaus, putting him fourth CANTON (UPI) - University national television Sunday afternoon. free throws in the final 18 seconds to said. “The biggest one was see it from where he was “It had to set awhile, but I of Hartford junior Chip Gutzwa replace forward Houston threatened 91-90 X-Denver 57 18 .760 under-par 276, three shots, among all-time winners. The matchup he had to be talking hand Phoenix its sixth straight loss. about six pounds. And I had and I could tell from the got it back on the seventh and freshman Ken Barrett have (12 points), who fouled out when tiny Calvin Murphy San Antonio 44 31 .587 13 better than Forrest “Fuzzy” And he did it playing without about most was Jon McGlocklin being Charlie Scott, who scored 38 points, one that got away...well, sound of the crowd,” Fezler hole,” he said. won the second annual Univer­ with 9:17 left. In the next split the Boston defense, Indiana 40 31 .563 15 Fezler and Bert Yancey, his pitching wedge for six on the floor to help him out when the pulled the Suns even with 34 seconds you’ve all heard those said. “ Maybe that’s why we sity of Hartford Invitational 3:23, he scored six points driving to the hoop at 9:57. Utah 32 41 .438 24 who tied for second. Miller holes. Bulls' defense concentrated on stop­ left with two free throws. Tom Van San Diego 31 43 .419 25Mi stories.” both bogeyed. We were both College Doubes Tennis Tourna­ and guided the Celtics from relieved the was another shot back after ment. ping Jabbar. Arsdale led the Hawks with 27 points X-Clinched Division Title It was all golf for pretty keyed up until then a 78-77 deficit to an 89-88 ad­ pressure at 10:16 on a shooting 67. "Jon shoots very well," Jabbar and rookie Mike Sojourner had 20. Nicklaus, who won his first but after he made the putt vantage when Boston coach backdoor feed from Cowens, It was the third time this said, “and when they sag on me, it Sonics 97, Knirks 94 victory since last we felt like we were playing HonoraryChairman called him and Cowens put the game Sunday's Games year rival superstars gives him a chance to shoot. He Fred Brown, taking up the scoring Nicklaus and Miller have September—the Tourna­ for second place.” HARTFORD (UPI) - E. back to the bench. away, converting a St. Louis 122, Memphis 114 Clayton Gengras, president of makes them play me honest." slack with Spencer Haywood out sick, met, but the first two were ment Players Division Before Nicklaus birdied, “I’m glad I was able to three-point play with :36 New York 100, Utah 89 the Connecticut Bus Co., has McGlocklin saw limited service in scored 16 of his 37 points in the second championship at Atlanta. Fezler and Yancey, \^ho had help,” said Finkel, known remaining when Houston Indiana 121, Virginia 103 no-win affairs. been named honorary chairman the first quarter and Jabbar, under quarter and hit a clinching jumper in He fashioned rounds of 69, a closing 67, had charged to for his outstanding attitude. guard Mike Newlin was Denver 128, Kentucky 125, OT Until Sunday’s round. of the 1975 Sammy Davis- pressure, made only three of his first the final seconds as Seattle beat New 70, 69, 68 over the tough par within one shot, and after “I went in once before in called for a blocking foul. Miller had been complaining Greater Hartford Open golf 14 shots. He blamed the performance York. Earl Monroe scored five points 72 Doral “Blue Monster” Nicklaus birdied and they that type of situation and it “ No w ay,” said John NBA he wasn’t playing well, but tournament. on the "little things," near misses of his 30 points in the final minute to course for the win, but had bogeyed, the spread was didn’t work out.” Egan, coach of the Houston he was “having a good which he conceded gave him a “ bad" cut S e a ttle ’s lead to 95-94. But to put down late charges by three. “ I was probably the Rockets. “That was Eastern Conference tim e.” Driver Killed start. Brown’s 10-foot jumper with 14 Fezler and Yancey. In Nicklaus’ last tourna­ (UPI photo) coldest guy on the bench, probably the biggest turning Atlantic Division GAINESVILLE, Fla. (UPI) But when McGlocklin got into the seconds left closed out the scoring, (UPI photo) Sunday, he was both It took him until the 18th ment, the Jackie Gleason and I certainly didn’t expect point of the game and I W L Pet GB — An exhibition car driver, game, the Bulls had to change their (iavs 113^ Jazz 111 playing well and having a hole to shut the door. There Inverrary Classic two weeks ’ to shoot much,” Finkel thought it was offensive Boston 50 20 .714 reportedly seeking financial tactics because he began firing from Jim Brewer tipped in the final goal Bucks Gary Brokaw Loses Ball Nicklaus Raises Arms in Triumph good time, but the five-shot he used a three-iron to punch ago, he blew what seemed to added, “but I guess I was a charging. Mike did just the Buffalo 43 28 .606 IVz backing in his quest to attempt outside and he wound up with 10 field with just seconds left to finish with 24 Chet Walker (25), Jerry Sloan in Footrace New York 34 37 .479 UVa Acknowledges Cheers after Taking Golf Title lead he spotted Nicklaus the ball out of a divot to be a comfortable lead. He a new world land speed record, little lucky.” right thing to handle that going into the final round goals in 12 attempts and 21 points. points and 14 rebounds as Cleveland type of play.” Phil. 33 39 .458 18 within 20 feet of the pin and said that experience didn’t was killed Sunday when his beat New Orleans to take a half-game was too much for him to Jabbar. at the same time, dropped 10 “But that wasn”t the only holed the putt. bother him Sunday. rocket-powered vehicle edge over New York for the wild-card slammed into a guardrail at of his next 14 shots to total 32 points in key factor. We got into foul the game. playoff berth in the East. Central Division over 268 miles per hour. Crowd Disappointing trouble,” he said, “and the W L Pet GB Russell Mendez, 35. of Tam­ "I got to shoot," McGlocklin said. Lakers 111, Warriors 95 prevented us from being as Gail Goodrich scored 37 points and X-Washingon 52 19 .732 pa, was killed in the accident an "That's why I play on his side. I try to aggressive as we should Houston 37 36 .507 16 instant after a run down the get the ball into him and if they sag off had 30 to give Los Marshall Arrives in Camp have been. Cleveland 35 37 .472 17% quarter-mile drag strip in his and I can't do it, I better shoot." Angeles only its second win over “It’s especially tough Atlanta 29 45 .392 24 Va rocket-powered dragster “Free Along with Bob Dandridge, who had Golden State in the last nine meetings NCIT Title To Drake New Orleans 19 50 .275 32 (UPI photo) Spirit." when two forwards (Ron over a two-year span. Elmore Smith 24 points, Jabbar and McGlocklin Riley and Ed Ratleff) are had 22 rebounds and blocked 10 shots Jimmy Connors Towels Down keyed the Bucks to their sixth win in fouled out of the game," As McGraw Heads Other Way Petty Cops the last nine games and strengthened for the Lakers, who had 16 blocked LOUISVILLE, Ky. (UPI) - Drake rigged lo cnoxe otf his scoring and he Western Conference added Egan. “Mike might After Winning $10,000 Top Prize BRISTOL, Tenn. (UPI) - their bid to a playoff berth. It was the shots — the most in a game in the Coach Bob Ortegel concedes it would was surrounded by Bulldog defenders Midwest Division agreement with his The lone run in the and the Minnesota Twins never have been forced into NEW YORK (UPI) - As But after a collapse to Richard Petty, NASCAR's NBA this season. Rookie Keith Wilkes be nice if his basketball team could nearly every time he went up for a W L Pet GB Philadelphia game came seventh loss, in . nine games for the that position if we had had one miracle man was on his employer whereby he fifth place last season, the scored three runs in the first alltime leading winner, drove led the War tiers with a career-high 31 pull an “Indiana” next .season, but he shot. Chicago 41 29 .586 when Allan Bannister Bulls, moving them closer to the our full complement of way out of Florida Sunday, doesn’t have to report to Mets peddled their ace inning to beat Luis Tiant and his Dodge to a record speed and points. says don’t bet on it—even if they did Rounding oiit the all-tourney team KC-Omaha 39 32 .549 2V2 pack, though they still lead the forwards.” another was on his way in; camp until he has finished reliever to the Phillies for singled, moved to second on the Boston Red Sox 5-1, finished six laps ahead of the Blazers 102, Braves 95 win the National Commissioners In­ were Purdue’s John Garrett, who had Detroit 35 38 .479 7% a passed ball, took third on Midwest Division. .The entire game was Relief pitcher Tug up his winter term duties as Del Unser and John Stearns John Mayberry hit his nearest challenger Sunday to Sidney Wicks scored 27 points and vitational Tournament Sunday. a tourney high 34 points in the 102-96 Milwaukee 34 37 .479 7Va an infield out and then beat a Connors Secures "We need consistency," Bucks punctuated by referees’ McGraw was sent back to an instructor at Michigan — giving Philadelphia its first home run of the spring take the Southeastern 500 and loss to Arizona Saturday night, and $6,850 first prize. Coach Larry Costello said. "We just LaRue Martin added. 10 in the final Top-ranked Indiana won the first whistles. The final statistics Philadelphia by the Phillies State University. Marshall badly needed stopper. throw to the plate on a to help Kansas City turn Bowling Green’s Jeff Montgomery, Pacific Division The veteran Randleman, want to get in the playoffs and we've period as Portland beat Buffalo. Bob edition of the Commissioners tourney showed Houston charged W L Pet GB for an examination by a was expected to arrive at After pitching just two in­ fielder’s choice. back Texas 7-5, M orris Mall Tennis Title got to get over the hump to do it. McAdoo paced Buffalo with 32 points. the sparkplug in his team ’s upset of specialist to determine if the Dodger camp from his nings this spring, thePhils The Dodgers exploded for Nettles rapped three N.C., driver averaged a record in St. Louis last year and went on to an with 33 fouls, Boston 28, but Golden State 41 32 . 562 97.053 miles per hour in picking Maybe this game will be the start." Tennessee Friday night. East Lansing home Monday decided McGraw still had three first-inning runs off singles, scored a run and unbeaten season which the Hoosiers the Rockets were only given Seattle 35 37 .486 5% surgery is needed to repair up his second career victory at The championship game actually Hoiiston starter Doug stole a base to direct HAMPTON, Va. (UPI) - tory over Connors, took hope to cap with the NCAA cham­ 14 opportunites at the foul Portland 31 40 .437 9 recurring back and chest and was scheduled to see ac­ not recovered from his back the Bristol International was won at the free throw line, where Komeezny to put their game Jimmy Connors’ win in the home $4,000 for second pionship this year. line; the Celts took 35 free Phoenix 29 41 .414 11 pains. Those same pains tion right off the bat when ailment and sent him back California to a 4-2 win over Speedway. Drake cashed 23-of24 attempts. our of reach early. Coliseum Mall international place. NHL Roundup "We’re just losing too many key throws. Los Angeles 26 45 .366 14 crippled his performance LA takes on the Texas to Philly — where surgery Milwaukee, and Montreal Arizona had only eight foul shots and X-Clinched Division Title The New York Yankees tennis championship kept The win was Connors’ fifth seniors off our team to be thinking in “I can’t buy it,” said with the New York Mets last Rangers this afternoon. would knock him out of ac­ pushed across all its runs in hit on six. scored five times in both the the eighth inning to beat two streaks alive. of the young season and terms of an undefeated season next Egan, “I’d like to see some season after he led them to a The 31-year-old Marshall tion for five to six weeks. Vitale Winner “I know it looks disproportionate Sunday’s Results second and eighth innings to Houston’s B team 3-2. It was the third straight boosted his earnings for the year," said the 34-year-old Drake film of this game. There’s National League pennant the pitched in a National League “The main thing now is to MIDDLETOWN (UPI) - when we had three times as many foul Boston 99, Houston 94 destroy Pittsburgh 12-3, and In Arizona, Joe Rudi, win for Connors in the year to almost $200,000. skipper after his Bulldogs downed no way there should be that year before. record 106 games coming get the surgery done with as John Vitale of Cromwell was Injured Parent Pains shots as they got,” Ortegel said. “But Atlanta 117, Phoenix 114 Wilbur Wood stretched his Gene Tenace and Phil Hampton tourney, and his For a while, it appeared 17th ranked Arizona 83-76 in the much of a difference. No And as McGraw left with out of the Dodger bullpen soon as possible so that we the overall winner at the you have to consider the type of game Milwaukee 103, Chicago 90 string of scoreless innings Garner hit round trippers to fourth straight win against Kodes might finally begin to nationally televised NCIT cham­ way.” the hopes of a Philadelphia last season on his way to can get him back before the seventh annual Kowal-Giza they were playing. They had to play Seattle 97, New York 94 ths spring to 12 in guiding give Oakland a 13-4 win over Jan Kodes of even things out with Con- 10-mile road race here. pionship game Sunday. The Celtics hit the road Cleveland 113, New Orleans pennant strapped to his winning the Cy Young season is even a month old,” aggressive catch-up ball most of the the Chicago White Sox to a 6- the Angels’ B team, Chris Czechoslovakia. ndrs. Vitale's lime of 49:58 Sunday “We’ve been sneaking up on people briefly this week. Tuesday 111 back, Los Angeles superman Award. said Phillies’ General Kings with Whitewash game and any team playing that way Manager Paul Owens. 1 rout of the New York Mets. Speier homered to pace San Connors, the world’s top- The 29-year-old Czech was a record for the .Amateur all year and I’m just happy we con­ night they’ll tap off against Los Angeles 111, Golden State Mike Marshall was on his is bound to commit more fouls.” Cincinnati edged Detroit rated player and top-seed in broke Connors’ serve once in Athletic Union-sanctioned tinued to do so in this tourney,” said the Detroit Pistons in a war­ 95 way to Vero Beach with the McGraw had a Marshall­ Neither the Phils nor the Francisco to a 6-1 triumph Wiping out a 16-8 Arizona lead, in the 10th inning 6-5 on a the tourney, turneii back a the first set and then held event. NEW YORK (UPI) - Angeles 3-0 to virtually “ I guess 13 is unlucky” , Ortegel, whose team finished the mup for an important con­ Portland 102, Buffalo 95 hopes of the Dodgers like year in 1973 as the Mets Dodgers needed their over the Chicago Cubs and Drake jumped in front to stay at 18-17 double by Merv Retten- game Kodes bid Sunday for for the 6-3 win. In the second Philadelphia goalie Bernie eliminate the Kings from a said Edwards. “We just got regular season with a 16-10 record and test Wednesday night. dangling from his muscular won the pennant. The flaky crack relievers Sunday as rookie Mike Ivie tripled and Rutherford Wins Parent received a whack on chance at catching Montreal to shake our heads and go on on one of Haralson’s patented high- Philadelphia nipped St. mund, Don Baylor hit a pair doubled to lead the San a 3-6, 6-3, 6-0 win and the set, the left-handed Connors was third in the Missouri Valley March 19, Boston will visit WHA right arm. left-hander appeared in 60 PHOENIX, Ariz. (UPI) - in the NHL’s Division 3. from here.” arching bombs with 9:16 remaining in of home runs to lead Diego assault in a 4-2 win $10,000 first prize check. broke Kodes in the second his collarbone Saturday that Conference. the nation’s capitol in an East games, winning five and Louis 1-0 and Los Angeles Johnny Rutherford, 1974 In­ the first half. The Bulldogs increased Baltimore past Atlanta 8-5, Kodes, still without a vie- and fourth games to take a 5- resulted in “a lump the size ‘‘The Flyers played a The Flyers now are within ‘‘No one expected us to beat attempt to close the gap the W L T Pts Marshall has a unique saving 25 others. destroyed Houston 7-3. over Cleveland. dianapolis 500 winner, staved their lead to 34-29 at the half and shot 5 81 0 lead. Kodes rallied to win of an egg.” Sunday, Parent strong game,” Los Angeles six points of clinching first Southern Cal in the first round Washington Bullets enjoy as New England 38 24 off repeated challenges by Gor­ into their biggest margin at 62-48 with Cleveland 29 36 3 69 three straight games, but popped some pills, shrugged Coach Bob Pulford said place in Division 1. The Thursday night and I don’t think we the NBA’s winningest team. don Johncock and a late race 10:12 left in the game. Chicago 26 40 1 53 then Connors held serve to off the pain and shut out Los after the nationally- Stanley Cup champions were favored against Bowling Green The Celts have a good shot bid by A.J. Foyt to win the Mainly due to the outside shooting Indianapolis 17 46 3 37 '^RSox’ Wise Ready even the match. televised contest. “We had stand at the top with a 42-18- in the semifinals,” he said. “And I at the top spot, which earns Bricklin 150 Indy Car Race Sun­ of Jim Rappis, Arizona managed to But in the deciding set, day at Fastrack International good chances to score but 10 record for 94 points. know we were the underdogs against the homecourt advantage in trim the final margin to seven points West Champion Connors completely owned Speedway. the puck just wouldn’t go in.” Elsewhere, Minnesota the playoffs. this strong Arizona team, especially as he meshed five field goals in the W L T Pts To Contribute Kodes, losing only eight edged Detroit 4-3, Buffalo after they knocked off Purdue in the Houston 45 22 0 90 last seven minutes. Making points along the way. None of the 26 shots on ripped Toronto 11-3, Boston semifinals." Phoenix 34 27 7 75 Laver Wins In addition to the outstanding play WINTER HAVEN, Fla. (UPI) - Rick Wise sees a silver “I had to work really hard goal by the Kings made it whipped St. Louis 7-2, Among the seniors Drake loses this Minnesota 35 29 2 72 SAO PAULO (UPI) - Rod of McKissick and Haralson, Drake got San Diego 33 3 Demands I. lining in his effort to make a substantial contibution to the or I never would have won,” past Parent despite the pain­ Pittsburgh kayoed Kansas year are Terry McKissick, the leading 29 69 BASKETBALL Laver of Australia Sunday won 17 points from its “shorty” center, 6-7 Baltimore 18 48 3 39 Red Sox this year “because I don’t think I’ll have to try to Connors said later. “Jan is ful bruise on his collarbone City 6-3 and Vancouver scorer against Arizona with 24 points; the World Championship of that teammate Bobby Ken Harris, and 12 points and nine RICHFIELD, Ohio (UPI) get away with garbage.” ., the kind of player who never Tennis Blue Group tournament nipped Chicago 5-4. Larry Haralson, a deadly longrange " o . 6 ggjj got it back in the FEE WEE Clarke described as a “lump .North Stars 4, Rod Wings assists from guard Terry Benka. Rap- Canadian — Muhammad Ali’s trainer The right-handed pitcher gives up.” here by defeating Manuel gunner despite his 6-foot-9 size, and next inning.” Clinching first place last Kodes agreed. ;SS>- the size of an egg.” Parent 3 pis, with 16 points and nine assists, W L T Pts says he wants the no foul said Sunday that’s the way it Pasarell of Puerto Rico, 6-4, 6- Andy Graham, another 6-9 giant. Tim McCarver, Boston’s Saturday was Groman’s with a and A1 Fleming, with 13 points and a Quebec 42 27 0 84 was with him last season, “I always give him a hard 4. sustained the injury against Norm Gratton’s second For Haralson, 'Winning the NCIT BOWLING rule strictly enforced when 14-6 win over VFW at the Com­ Getting things moving is our Toronto e7 31 2 76 third-string catcher who time, but he always beats In doubles play, Australians Toronto. goal of the game, a power game-high 10 rebounds, provided the world heavyweight his first with the Red Sox, munity Y. Alex Glenn was best business. We lake pride in was a special thrill because it was Vancouver 33 30 2 68 was behind the plate when Ross Case and Geoff Masters An X-ray Sunday showed Elliott’s chief support for Arizona. champion defends his title following the torn muscle he for the winners with 10 points me,” he said. “I promised play blast from the slot ear­ played in his hometown and he was Edmonton 32 30 3 67 Wise was throwing well for teamed to defeat Brian Gott­ our etfective handling of real no serious injury but doctors Just before the final game, NCIT of­ . MERCHANTS - Ding Balch March 24 against Chuck sustained in his right while Billy Hill’s four were best myself that I’m going to estate purchases, sales and ly in the third period, broke able to make a major 20-point con­ Winnipeg 31 31 4 66 the St. Louis Cardinals in fried of the United States and advised Parent to sit out the ficials announced the tourney would 144-141-403, Norm Kloter 159- Wepner at the Coliseum. shoulder while pitching in for VFW. beat him this year. I don’t leases. Call us at 646-4040 a 3-3 tie to lift Minnesota tribution in the final. Haralson and X-Franchise Transferred 1973, was encouraged after Raul Ramirez of Mexico, 6-7, 7- game. Coach Fred Shero had return to Freedom Hall here next 365,- Charlie Banks 138-360, the cold and rain at Fenway know where, but I am .” and get your deal moving. over Detroit. Detroit took a Mckissick were named to the all­ from Michigan “I am responsible for laying handling the pitpher in his 6, 7-6. lined up Wayne Stephenson March 11-14. They said they were not Reggie Tomlinson 139-356, Harv the groundwork for my fighter Park in April. In the doubles cham­ 5-3 manpower advantage tourney team selected by writers and three-inning effort. Laver played a highly to replace Parent but the dismayed by the relatively low atten­ Johnson 150-389, Steve Lauretti and I want it clearly spelled Wise has taken two major pionship, Ian Fletcher of into the closing seconds in a broadcasters. Sunday’s Results “ He still isn’t throwing technical game with powerful goalie who insisted on dance of 4,161 for the championship 147-145-393, Steve Mikolowsky Houston 2, Cleveland 1 out that the world heavyweight steps here this spring and Australia and Ian serves and superb ball place­ last desperate bid for a tie However, Arizona’s Bob Elliott, a 6- the way he did over there (in playing, saying he had taken game, which was blacked out locally 136, Dennis Kauppinen 155-138- Vancouver 4, Quebec 2 title cannot be won on a foul,” both have satisfied him that Track Threatened Crookenden of Roanoke, ment. One of the highest paid GORMAN but the Nortk Stars held 10 sophomore from Ann Arbor, Mich., 425, Jim Bradley 136-138-381, the National League for pills to deaden the pain, on TV. New England 7, Toronto 5 Angelo Dundee said Sunday. he’s not going to have to de­ HARTRFORD (UPI) - The Va., split $1,500 for their 6-2, pro tennis players in the world, Edmund Gorman Agency them off. was chosen the tourney’s outstanding Ron Bauregard 146-366, Tom eight years) but some of the Commercial and Industrial went on to record his 11th “It was still better than we drew in Winnipeg 10, Edmonton 1 “Wepner’s been going around .'s.v pend on “garbage” to promoter of a racetrack in 6-7, 6-4 victory over Karl Laver walked off with a first- Sabres 11, Leafs 3- player. Turner 361, Russ Tomlinson pitches he made were Real Estate Brokers shutout. St. Louis last year,” said Tourney Chicago 4, San Diego 2 saying that his favorite punch is attempt to get batters out. Wolcott says if the cost of Meiler of West Germany prize purse of $12,000. Serving Central Connecficuf Gil Perreault and Rick Elliott topped all scorers in the 359, Harry Steullet 370, John the rabbit punch and that he’s great,” McCarver said. building the faciltiy goes up to Each of the players on the 604 Middle Turnpike East That win meant the first Chairman Chuck Neinas, com­ Izzo 354, Ed Mockus 358. “There’s no comparison and Jan Pisecky of Martin each scored three championship game with 27 points going to throw Ali out of the “They were thrown like the $50 million dollars he will winning doubles team won $1,- Manchester. Connecticut loss in 14 games for Kings’ missioner of the Big Eight NHL with the way I felt when I Czechoslovakia. goals and Rick Dudley even though the Drake defense was ring. old Wise.” probably abandon the project. 500. “oalie Gary Edwards. added a pair to lead Buffalo Conference. Division 1 ‘T think it’s necessary that tried to make starts last IMNNETTES - Helen Ran- W L T ,Pts (UPI photo) year following thq injury,” over Toronto. The Sabres’ court 177-479, Ginger Yourkas we clarify the rules before the output was their highest in Philadelphia 42 18 10 94 fight,” added Dundee, a Wise said after turning in 179-187-180-546, Liz Sutter 177, NY Rangers 33 24 13 79 RSox’ Carlton Fisk Ponders Fate history and allowed them to WHA Roundup Linda Gustafson 191, Marion hustling South Philadelphian two good innings and one FREE NY Islanders 29 24 17 75 who has been Ali’s trainer for Star Catcher Broke Right Forearm in Exhibition bad one in a Red Sox 12-5 to become the first NHL Haines 178-470, Doreen Oakman Atlanta 28 28 13 69 187-200-539, Sharon Aubert 212- more than 15 years. “B” game victory over the ONE CAN OF WILSON TENNIS BALLS team to surpass 100 points. A1 Braverman, the Worry Constant Companion 497, Ellen Bauer 452, Dolly Division 2 Detroit Tigers. Supplied by Alpine Haus of Wetherafleld Dawood 471, Carol Moriarty challenger’s manager, said he He wasn’t even dis­ W L T Pts was aware of the rule “and we NEW YORK (UPI) - voicing the prospect of the and 17th. Also scoring for the 453, Marie Bolis 459, Betty Vancouver 34 29 7 75 couraged when the Tigers Plumley 493, Joyce Corrineau don’t mind it if it is strictly en­ reat With Concern is a constant com­ Toros’ being in trouble in the East Division leaders were Chicago 33 31 7 73 came up with three runs in Hbucanlfliid 457, Pat Twerdy 487, Laurie Du­ forced.” panion for a hockey coach playoff picture. Fred O’Donnell, A1 Karlander, St. Louis 29 28 13 71 his one bad inning. “I just mont 471. “ But if Dundee is so in­ LUBE, OIL and abetter place and Ron Ryan of the New ‘‘Edmonton isn’t as far Ron Climie and Larry Pleau. Minnesota 20 43 6 46 terested about enforcing the lost my rhythm in that one behind in the Canadian Division The Toros got goals from England Whalers and Rob Kansas City 14 47 10 38 rule,” Braverman said, “why inning and I didn’t have good or a better time as it seems because it has five Wayne Dillon, Gavin Kirk, Jim NITE-OWLS - Wanda don’t we throw out the referee BOWLING control as ^ result of it,” he to care for Leduc of the Toronto Toros games in hand,” he said. “We Dorey, Pat Hickey and Richard are no exceptions to that Kaselauskas 188, Lynn Massaro Division 3 and the bell and just let them go coming to have to start playing better or Farda. 181-188-500, Gert Farrell 175, W L T Pts at it?” FILTER CHANGE your Honda. rule. our second place spot might not The win by the Whalers, cou­ Carol Michaud 486, Marion Montreal 41 11 17 99 HOLIDAYS - Marge 139- 400, Frank Calvo 351, Jim Winter. It’s the best time to see Both coaches were be secure.” "The Fuel Oil Co. That \ Smith 459, Ruth Johnston 495. Los Angeles 36 15 19 91 Agostinelli 131-371, Frieda us for expert service on your worried over their teams’ Toronto defenseman Jim ple with Cleveland’s 2-1 loss to Stanizzi 357, Bill McKinney 140- Saves You /Money/" BROnM’ S TIRE SHOP Honda. We ve got Honda-trained Houston, clinched a tie for the Pittsburgh 33 24 14 80 Madden 126 384, Ed Doucette Sr. 142-373, personnel standing by ready to performances in a wide open Dorey, a former Wbaler, gave 333MAIN ST.,MANCHESTER East Division title for New MERCANTILE- Bill Detroit 20 40 11 51 Fenichell Bob Hyde 137-392, George May v/ork on your bike... at a nice, game, which saw the the same warning about the Washington 6 59 5 17 PHONE 646-3444 Distributed by Mercury Oil Co. low price' And since we're a England. In other WHA action, Moorhouse 146, John Naretto COUNTRY CLUB - Nondo 140- 364, Dave Viara 353, Ed B&B OIL CO. zMancheste team’s situation: “We just Honda dealer, we care as much Whalers come away with a Annum 145-396, Ted Backiel 374 about your Honda as you do aren’t playing good hockey and Vancouver downed Quebec 4-2, 145-371, Jim Bell 136-393, Don Champion Doucette Jr. 143-140-403, Paul 7-5 victory Sunday night. It Division 4 Fred Baker 139-354, Larry isTOP \H and’irniH today And that's a lot. We call it if we don’t get things going we Winnipeg crushed Edmonton Mathiews 137-377, Bryce Hunt Correnti 140-146-391, Larry Hondacare"* Come see how was the Whalers’ fourth win W L 'T Pts Bates 144-406, Don Benoit 137, might end up on the outside 10-1 and Chicago stopped San 139-368, Pete Larson 139-394, Top-seeded Chris Fenichell of Bates 137-396, Mike Pagani 143, good it is. in five meetings with the Diego 4-2. Sam Little 138-139-396, Mel Bur­ Buffalo 43 13 15 101 Carl Bolin 139-378, Norm Clark Bob Mike 138-373, Gene Grillo looking in when it comes time Boston 39 21 11 89 Darien took the Connecticut 36"* £ Toros. bank 140-365, George Barber 135-379, Bert Davis 144-378, 139, Joe Dworak 174-408, Emil FREE DRAWING for the playoffs.” State Boys 16 and under Tennis 24 Hours Notico (or Defivory Toronto 28 30 13 69 Ding Farr 390, John Kristof 358, 1st PRIZE “We were flat out there after The Whalers were outshot 29- Acroi-H 2, CriiHuilcrH I 142-406, Ed Ralph 146-394, Gene Championship Sunday with a Palmier! 144-171-452, Jim Bell California 18 41 11 47 Dan Morline 144, Todd Peck ZOIhGAL MINIMUM TENNIS RACQUET our fifth goal which put us 16 over the final two periods but Marty Howe scored the win­ Phaneuf 147-380, Nick Twerdy hard-fought 6-4,1-6,6-3 win over 175-403, Dave Carlson 137-379, 147-387, Tony Vann 154-360, Bill 136, Ted Plodzik 146-362, John Russ Willhide 136-392, Tom 24-HOUR SERVICE 2nd PRIZE ahead 5-2,” Ryan said. “Toron­ scored on their first shot of ning goal and goalie Ron Michael Leach of Weston, Grahame kicked out 34 shots to Sheekey 139-160-410, Sonny Sunday’s Results R i^er 136, Joe Salafia 137-359, Schuetz 144-376, Anton Mayer 1 DOZ. TENNIS BALLS HOIMDACARE to came back at us with two each of those sessions to main­ Mass., at the Manchester Gall m pace Houston over Cleveland. Chandler 350, Ed Tomkiel 353, Philadelphia 3, Los Angeles 0 Bundi Tarca 149-364, Charlie 164-419, Dave Castagna 142-351, H ■ quick goals and I was worried. tain their advantage. A 4-2 edge Racquet Club. NAME______Climie's goal was a big one for Howe’s ninth goal in the second Jeff Miller 353, Walt Jacy 356, Minnesota 4, Detroit 3 Whelan 152-406. Jim Evans 135-138-396, Frank 649-2947 n 4 MANCHESTER in the first period put the Buffalo 11, Toronto 3 In the doubles final, Leach ADDRESS HONDA us because it gave us a two- Whalers in command and they period gave Houston a 2-1 lead. Mick Holmes 358, Dave and Roy Andrews of Concord, McNamara 158-158-449, Neal RURNER SERVICE Drawing to be Grahame, the WHA’s leading Barrera 363, Harry Boston 7, St. Louis 2 RESTAURANT - Jim Lynch 145-376, Brian Lynch 150- PHONE 24 ADAMS STREET goal edge.” never looked back. Pittsburgh 6, Kansas City 3 Mass., defeated Eric and Paul held March 31 Leduc showed even more con­ goalie, lowered his goal Buckminster 363, Ed Burbank Lambert 156-173-430, Ken 372, Pete Aceto 139-353, Hank 528-2951 MANCHESTER Mike Byerk collected two Vancouver 5, Chicago 4 Gilosa of Wethersfield, 6-7, 6-1, cern about his team’s showing. average to 3.01. 382. Mackstein 150-145-415, Rollie Frey 367. 4 . goals for the Whalers, his 16th 6-2, Irish 145-391, Frank Blank 147- PAGE FOURTEEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn.. Mon., March 17, 1975 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Mon., March 17, 1975 - PAGE .FIFTEEN i^alton Claims FBI’..□ notices...» WMiV trying Lover Up BUSINESS

[n O V Affair Call Dog Warden, 646-4555. „ „ ------...... OIL BURNER service man, LOS ANGELES (UPI) - which may have been the Personata 2 vacations, insurance, good Home Show Due rofessional basketball star prototype for the SLA. The -----— ------S h e lte m lit ill Walton says a search for newspaper said the three con- INCOME tax returns prepared ______;______At Civic Center SUPERMARKETS s close friend, radical sports needed with Scott through the NURSE’S AIDES for 3-11 shift, riter Jack Scott, is part of an radical group soon after the Los j 263 only experienced need apply. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BI campaign to cover up its Angeles shootout last May that ' ______Highest starting salary in the The annual Connecticut lability to find fugitive heiress left six other SLA members INCOME TAX preparation - liberal fringe benefits, Home Show opens Wednesday Whole Beef atricia Hearst and two known dead. y o u r hom e o r m in e . Apply in person East Hartford for a five-day run at the Hart­ lembers of the terrorist Sym- Time magazine also reported Reasonable. By Danny Byram, Convalescent Home, 745 Main ford Civic Center, with more Tenderloin ionese Liberation Army. a “West Coast radical leader” 649-5096. Street, East Hartford.______. < •-'3 than 300 exhibitors showing "Possibly I'm being used as a asked Scott to help Miss Hearst z ------nicTrinTAMc PHONE 643-2711 money-saving and energy­ capegoat to cover up the FBI’s and her friends and other media RETURNS and accoun- oaH-time davs and niehts’ saving products. 5 '^ lability to find these three reports indicate the FBI has V Manchester East Hartford FOR ASSISTANCE IN PLACING YOUR AD eople," he said in a broadcast reason to believe the Harrises Experienced CaU D a r i'S e v 643-5691, 2-6 p.m. on- The show is produced by To- iterview in Portland, Ore. spent some time in a New York 649-9145. 'V- Ro Enterprises of Portland, Scott and his wife Micki lived City apartment Scott rented. ------!______^______INDEX Ore., with the sponsoring Home ADVERTISING y- 1 Walton’s $100,000 home in “I trust and believe in Jack INCO M E TAX r e tu r n s FOLLOWING ARE needed for NOTICES Builders Association of Hart­ ’ortland part of last year and and Mickle Scott” Walton said, p rep a re d in your hom e. second shift. (4-12 p.m. 1 *— Lost and Found ford County. 2 — Peraonali arly this year. A telephone at "They are fantastic people. Reasonable, Call H.H. Wilson, ^ j ,, y •,) RATES 3 — Announcamenli Among local exhibitors at the he home was reported to have Whatever they have been doing 649-6506. rrnssTraln T^inpmprhan^^ 1 day . . 9c word per day 4 — Entertainment 3 days . 8c word per day 5 — Auctions y show is Flair Home Fur­ ■een used for calls to the in their past lives has been for r e d u CE safe & fast with service adviser. Apply in per 6 days . 7c word per day nishings of the Manchester ■ astern P e n n s y lv a n ia commendable reasons. ’ son to Ted Trudon, Wkswagen, FINANCIAL Tt^'Shouider All Boneless Steak 26 days 6C word per day 0 — Bonds-Stocks-Mortgages Shopping Parkade, which will Pork Loin Sale! armhouse where Miss Hearst’s W alton sa id th e F B I “water pills” Liggett Parkade Tolland Turnpike, Talcottville. 15 WORD MINIMUM 9 — Personal Loans show latest trends in interior Blade Roast Sirloin Roast ingerprints were found along questioned him about his pharmacy. °° ______Happy Ads $2 00 inch 10 — Insurance designing and furniture. vith those of fugitive artist friends but that he had no infor- EMPLOYMENT Roasts Vendy Yoshimura. mation for them...... jq ggj 3 g Ung” [3 13 — Help Wanted Other exhibits are to include 14 —• Business Opportunities Bone Bone No formal warrant or The FBI meanwhile called j—, pmAMCIAL Want Ads. 15 — Situation Wanted a model walk-through house, an In In iharges have been placed for citizens’ help in locating the ^ ______in-ground swimming pool, and EDUCATION Rick Repko of Flair Home Naturally aged ^ H •gainst Scott, the FBI said, but three SLA mem bers amid ESTATE salesperson, 10 — Private Instructions Furnishings, Manchester, displays on landscaping, plants, luihonties on the West Coast reports in the Hearst family Bonds-Stocks-Mortgages 8 agg„(.y additionai 19 — Schoois-Classes and stereo equipment. Blade Sirloin lb. 20 — Instructions Wanted will discuss interior Half Half lave indicated a grand jury in newspaper the three may be in ------—; heln excellent oonortunitv for Hours are 6 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. 1.98 Pennsylvania, scheduled to the San Francisco Bay Area j right person. For confidential REAL ESTATE Make some­ designing trends at the Wednesday; 4 p.m. to 10:30 78‘«, lb 88* lb lb -econvene in mid-April, soon harbored by members of the con4, third. All kinds. Reauy interview, 643-1509. 23 — Homes lor Sale r Connecticut Home Show, H 24 — Lots-Land tor Sale p.m. Thursday and Friday; 1 ,Tiay be issuing an indictment Berkeley radical group. Rppinnlhl^® c l ------one happy 25 — Investment Properly opening Wednesday at the p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Saturday; Pork Loin Center Cut Chops lb 1.28 Today — 26 — Business Property Hartford Civic Center, and 1 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Sunday. r i d e s ’^, 27 — Resort Property Assorted FreshChicken The San Francisco Examiner formation should contact us Ai^j^ t undv Aeenev 527-7971 paid noiiaays, excellent Call 643-2711 20 — Real Estate Wanted Bone In French Fries Pork Loin Chops said the fugitives’ trail is said FBI agent Frank Perrone, ConsUtuto Hart- rnc“ToutesTand^4rBX MISC. SERVICES ' bound inextricably” to a “We need help in locating and ford. Evenings, 233-6879. '______j______31 — Services Offered Beef Rib Roast Small End 9 to 12 Ribs lb 1.48 ADVERTISING 32 — Paintmg-Papenng Extra Trim Quarters Berkeley. Calif., radical group apprehending these people,” ----- TT— CAREER OPPORTUNITY - 33 — Building-Contracting Richmond MORTGAGES 1st, and 2nd Rapidly expanding petroleum DEADLINE 34 — Roofing-Sidmg UConn Goes ^Clean’ ___ mortgages — interim financing company is seeking career 35 — Heating-Ptumbing Beef Rib Roast 36 — Flooring Breast Tg A l C i C 5 =9 9 ^ 12:00 noon the day before 37 — Moving-Trucking-Slorage Large End 6 to 8 Ribs Bone In « M/l PP - --J ~ oriented individuals for publication. or Leg w- S c’xc’ioFn ^ marketing and management 38 — Services Wanted In New Marine Lab Assoc. 646-1980. positions. Training available Deadline for Saturday and Happiness is attending Extra Boil N’ Bag Meats Monday is 12:00 Noon Friday. MISC. FOR SALE Trim r T f J I V / • I ...... *...... I®*" person. Call Ms. HAPPY a 41 — Articles lor Sale Beef Rib Steak ? THE MANCHESTER 42 — Building Supplies professor of geology in charge U rgSC l by W s i c k e r □ e m p l o y m e n t Hartnett. 872-738I for mter- ST. PATRICK’S a University of Connecticut Beef Chuck Shoulder or Cubed R o a s t in g .^r.e ftK m C PLEASE READ ? AUXILIARY-CHILD 43 — Pels -Birds- Dogs of the lab. DAY a 44 — Livestock researchers into heavy metal Chickens hs' W W l Finast S: & FAMILY 45 — Boats & Accessories Dr. Peter Dehlinger, the Beef, Turkey 50Z $ 4 46 — Sporting Goods contamination of the oceans are Hetp Wanted 13 ASSISTANT Hairdresser or YDUR AD S: SERVICES MYRNA 1 now borrowing the ultra-clean UConn professor of geology Boneless Steaks Weaver Batter Dipped Fried Chicken Meat Loaf pkgs ■ BRIDGEPORT (UPI) — “I However a state Republican ______registered hairdresser to work Classified ads are taken over 47 — Garden Products with love 48 — Antiques the phone as a convenience. S FASHION SHOW techniques of the electronics who directs the MSI, added that Porterhouse or T-Bone Steak lb 1.79 Tail-less lb 1.89 am keeping my nose out of official said Weicker could be TOOL MAKERS - All-around full-time in Coventry area. Call 49 — Wanted to Buy The Herald is responsible for and understanding, a and pharmaceutical industries. the new facility will result in Legs & Thighs...... X' 2.59 presidential politics,” Sen. trying to exclude the national m achinists and Bridgeport 423-6339 or 423-6330 Monday Wed., March 19th measurements five or ten times only one incorrect insertion and A.M.R. and C.D.J. i:j: RENTALS This breakthrough in Beef Loin B r e a s t s . ------Vs 2A9 In-Store 4 Bake Shop Lowell P. Weicker, R-Conn., figures to gain more unofficial operators. Top wages, fringe Saturday 9-4. then only to the size of the a 8 P .M . 52 — Rooms for Rent more accurate than any possi­ Bone In original insertion. Errors which Manchester Country Club . 53 — Apartments for Rent oceanographic laboratory Sirloin Steaks Party Pak Wings...... pkg 2.29 sa y s, ''a n d p re s id e n tia l control over the Connecticut b e n e f its and o v e r tim e . , n n o ir’ATmM u c i d 54 — Homes for Rent do not lessen the value of the methods came into being last ble before. politicians — until after the GOP and go into the presiden- Experience pref^red. Apply at ™n,griiatelv for second shift 55 — Business for Rent “With the new lab, we hope to Seafood Favorite Italian Bread 4 M advertisement will not be cor­ 56 — Resort Property for Rent month when the UConn Marine Pork l-oinTop®^;;rSas,...... 1.38 Sliced Bacon Mf/ p 99' Republican convention - had tial nominating convention with ^dam rstreet We have^ o p e n in g s for rected by an additional inser­ be able to measure lead concen­ 57 — Wanted to Rent Sciences Institute (MSI) 'Rainbow Trout Boned ■ • * • lb 1.19 Assorted Babkas...... 1.09 best keep their noses out of a power base. ______j______experienced lubrication help tion. 58 — Misc for Rent trations in sea water as low as Pork Loin Ribs'^si.T' . p 98' Franks 79' opened its Ultra Clean Available m Stores witfi in-Store Bake Shoos Connecticut.” In his appearance before a p r q NE FROM home to ser- for greasing trucks and trailers ten parts of lead per billion AUTOMOTIVE Laboratory at Groton. A maverick often at odds with com m ittee studying party vice our customers for super with a Mobile unit. Starting 61 — Autos for Sale “It's only been recently that parts of water. In a standard the GOP, Weicker said Satur- reforms, the senator also said earnings. Choose own hours, rate $3.75 hourly. With a chance Happiness is — t': 62 — Trucks for Sale laboratory, the dust alone can ;v Roses are red. 63 — Heavy Equipment lor Sale oceanographic scientists Sunrise Fresh Dairy Features! Treat Your Famiiy to Mr. Deii day the warning was meant to independent voters should be Cali 647-1810. fur advancement. All fringe •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Reserving a table and 64 — Motorcycles-Bicycles realized the need to have this contain as much as one per cent keep the national politicians allow ed to vote in GOP ------Uniforms and tools :j;j Shamrocks are green. selling your items at 65 — Campers-Trailers-Mobile Favorites and Save the Finast Way! Help Wanted 13 Homes lead.” away while Connecticut’s GOP primaries that would be used to INSPECTORS - For final in- furnished. For appointment call type facility in order to analyze S Class 104 WADDELL SCHOOL S 66 — Automotive Service heavy metals correctly,” ac­ Most of this lead contamina­ Richmond considers a number of party select Republican candidates in spection, minirnum five years .6 7 — Autos lor Rent-Lease a Is the best I've seen! PTA FLEA MARKET S cording to Dr. William F. tion stems from automobile reforms at the state level. Connecticut. n E a n d ^ a y r A U ^ e S IN SU R A N C E a g e n c y exhaust particles in the air, and Boiied Ham ABLE TO START April 12th., 9:30 - 3 [:• Fitzgerald, UConn assistant Weicker suggested changing Dean Machine^Products, Inc.! b o o k k ee p er. E x p e rie n c e S Many thanks. Business Opportunity 14 in the dust tracked in on the Orange Call Mrs. Richard H. Wright Domestic the Republican State Central jq2 Colonial Rd, Manchester P^referred. Send resume to P.O. AT ONCE or Mrs. David L. Caron :j: soles of shoes. Dr. Fitzgerald Freshly Sliced Committee so that only 85 of Equal opportunity employer. “ Ox 2220, Vernon, Conn, 06066. SET UP AND DISPLAY BEAUTY SALON for sale. added. Mi Juice . To Order 1 3 • Connecticut’s 169 towns and ______TRAINEES Prime location. Well es­ To avoid this, the interior of l3 llS ir i0 0 9 ^ cities would be represented on $600 a month guaranteed plus tablished. Good parking. Call the lab is pressurized slightly 643-2848. Grape, Orange. Fruit Punch the committee in one year, with incentive and bonus. Call Mr. above the surroundings, so that Swiss Cheese In-pijitcO. . . 1.69 Silvia, 569-1010, Mon. and LAMPS and lighting fixtures dust is swept out, instead of in, Round the 46 oz K ielbasa^rr ...... 1.29 C o n g ress legal notices Tues., 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Happiness is — Happiness is — v can business with large showroom, on currents of air. Fruit Drinks Clock ^ Vi 1 r l 4 x r l He said the party has nothing Doing the "Bop" at the BEING IRISH ON :i: People using the lab enter located in Vernon. Edmund Imitation to lose by making itself more S NIFTY FIFTIES HOP ST. PATRICK'S DAY [:• Gorman Agency, 646-4040. through a airlock into another i;^07 Q cc appealing to independent Notice of Intention to ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS ¥: Manchester High School Luv Ya Kraft Cheese Singles pK(] WW a pressurized room, where they Nabisco Oreoi HARTFORD (UPI) - Lack voters, whose power, he said, is file an Application for P R O JE C T : M a n c h e s te r RN-LPN, day shift. No March 21 st„ 8-11:30 P.M Y.B. i;:; EASTERN SERVICES, part- must exchange their street i)r'i Have a Happy Holiday! Kraft Mayonnaise of public trust in businessmen ^ f^^t and not speculation. a Small Loan License Memorial Hospital rotations. Greenwood Nursing time maintenance work, $7. to I shoes for special laboratory Home. Hartford. 236-2901. Choose from Our Wide Selection Ginger Ale, Orange, Root Beer, Cola Cremes and Congress is in large part “You can’t fall off the floor,” Notice is hereby given that Interior Alterations, North $10. per hour. To a responsible footwear. They also wear of Passover Foods! deserved, Sen, Lowell P, he said. the American Finance Corpora- and West Wings. Phase 1-C person seeking permanent part- specially made and cleaned lab RN - Assistant Director of time work days or evenings. Manischewitz, Margareten, Weicker Jr., has told a group of “The basic problem of the tion of Connecticut intends to ARCHITECT: Frid, Ferguson, Nurses. Well established skilled coats and hats, and personal Finast Diet Soda Help Wanted 13 Help Wanted 13 Company will furnish training, Strelts. Goodman, Horowitz Beef Chunks, Horsemeat, Lamb, Chicken Parts, Liver 15 OZ bankers. Republican party has been the file an application with the Mahaffery & Perry nursing home (240 beds) desires equipment and customers. You clothing that does not shed par­ pkg ‘‘The b ad -m o u th in g of failure to build from the bottom B anking C om m ission of PROJECT NUMBER: CONN- ambitious RN, Administrative ^ 1 ticles. pay $13.50 per week. Call 528- ^ business and American politics “P. ’’ he said. “The mandate of Connecticut for a license to con- 171, M A N C H E ST E R and Nursing skills esential. WAITRESSES - Lunch time, COLLECTIONS manager - 9951. 5 9 Experienced with people. The air in the lab must be Matzo Excellent workj^ng conditions. Finast Dog Food With This Coupon and Purchase ’5 Or More is no longer restricted to 1972 was a Republican nothing duct a small loan business at MEMORIAL HOSPITAL weekend cocktail waitresses. purified and filtered to remove ManischewH/ or Rokeacn ■k Limit One Coupon Per Customer —. Benefits. Greenwood Nursing A pply Podunk M ill, 989 Telephone work, 9-5, Insurance radicals or slogans on bathroom outside of Washington. We 985 Main Street, Manchester in S eparate sealed bids for background helpful. MISTER SOFTEE - Rare op­ all traces of lead. The distilled Gifilte Fish ^ H -t 10 Valid Thru March 22 IfJI Home, Hartford. 236-2901. EllingtonIllingto Rd., So. Windsor. portunity in Manchester area. Mani5Chewii2 Horowitz Stress walls,” he said Saturday. “It is go v ern o rsh ip s, con- accordance with the provisions General Masonry, General JobseeKers, 568-1070. water, the acids, and the tools or Diet on the mind of the moderate.” gressmen and senators, all in of Chapter 647 of the General C arpentry, M iscellaneous Exclusive franchise available. and containers used must also Sponge Cake M ix ___ half OFFICE MANAGER required RN-LPN. 10% differential. Earn $9,000 to $20,000. Low Congress "cried energy crisis fhe face of a head-of-the-ticket Statutes, Revision of 1958, and Metals, Sealants and Glazing, AVON - How to make money. be prepared and cleaned with Peclhff Coconut Or Frentri AlmonO Pepsi 93llon 40^ Off n 30^ off for general insurance agency. Greenwood Nursing Home, down payment. No winter Pepsi Cola 79' in the fall of 1973 and has yet to landslide. Regulations of the Bank Com- for the Interior Alterations to Insurance background and Hartford pays 10% differential I'll show you how to sell extraordinary care to avoid Macaroons...... payments.' Training program. With This Coupon On M) 24 oz | With FMis Coupon On (1) '; gal enact one piece of energy missioner. The business will be ih0 1st, 2nd, and 3rd floors of typing reouired. Salary open. on 3-11 and 11-7 shifts, 236-2901. cosmetics, fragrances, jewelry Experience not necessary. contamination. Ask for Mr. Donovan, Jewell- and family products part-time Max Pax : I legislation,” he said, and conducted by a Connecticut cor- the North Wing and 3rd floor of Financing available. Call or Once these precautions are Baked Fresh the Finast Way! NuSoft Coconut! England Insurance Agency, 646- at a profit. Be your own boss, Coffee Rings Fabric Softener “cried rip-off as sugar prices poration whose officers and th e W est W ing of th e write today, 1-677-9089, 198 taken, the laboratory's stan­ so a re d in 1974 and , he: Wilbur F. M a n c h e s te r M e m o ria l 4662. ARMY RESERVE set your own schedule:ne...... and sell South Road, Farmington, Conn. Proof it Pays to Shop tor Quaiity Produce at Finast! i/alid Tfi'u Mar 22 0[ 1 2 5 Valid Thru Mar 22 [mi in your own neighborhood. No dard electrochemical and spec- a simultaneously voted $80 Koad 1 acts Mgnea Hamilton, President and Direc- Hospital, 71 Haynes Street, Offers part-time income for 06032. Promoted trographic apparatus will be Finest Country Style .4 PART-TIME cleaners, work membership, earn upwards o f ^ , 000.00 sellingllir experience neessarv. million in subsidies to sugar Washingrton—A total of 1,830 tor, John Corrado, Vice Presi- Manchester, Connecticut 06040 {nornings. Manchester and yearly, by attending monthly meetinimeetings Call 523-9401, able to give results of the and two weeks summer training. LUNCHEONEHE Roger A. Dion of Manchester 12^ Off H layoff growers” ' federal-aid highway and bridge dent; Andrew J. McGehee, Vice will be received at the Hospital (Jlastonbury area. Call 649-5335. has been promoted to senior desired accuracy. Dr. Fresh Broccoli ^ or Buttermilk At the same time he said construction co n tra c ts was President and Director; John on March 27, 1975 at 3:00 p.m. Openings for men and women with or Downtown location. Owner 'I, without previous m ilitary experience. OUTSIDE summertime hot dog Fitzgerald said. vv With This Coupon On (3> bars j Wilh This Coupon On fl) 22 oz vice president in the install­ i /*' Tops in Tenderness businessmen “had years and awarded by state highway de- M. Murphy Jr., Vice President, and at that tim e publicly BABYSITTER wanted for four We'll train young men ages 17 to 26, sales people needed. Earn up to may take back some finan­ ment loan department of Hart­ The lab, which is comparable L Irish Spring gj Dove Liquid ear old boy in your home, and women 17'-i to 34 with HS diploma. $150 weekly. Call Jobseekers cing. to a similar one at the National . and flavor ... high hundreds of millions to 1074 „ post of ^•'4 Direc- opened and read aloud. Why not see if you can qualify? Call for ford Federal Savings and Loan Bread Deodorant Soap yj Detergent ± research and develop clean (toe hiiiinn ' Thomas G. Montgomery, The work consists of extensive 'other working part-time. information 568-1070. Bureau of Standards in in Vitamin C '■ ills F.J. SPILECKI Association, engines and greater mileage, rp, nnmhpr of contnets de- in terior m odernization of Sycamore Lane area. Call 643- Dally through Saturday Washington, D.C., was funded | l 2 5 Valid Thru Mar 22 0 1 7105. e A.M. - 5 P.M. JOBSEEKERS - Open 8-8, Realtor______643-2121 Dion, who has been with the bunch 49« but pleaded disaster when clean pppased 18 per cent while the V. 0 Brien, Treasurer. patient rooms and corridors, 76th DIviaion Army Reterva jointly by the UConn Research Monday-Friday. Complete association since 1953, is a p Opportunitlea • Weal Hartford: Foundation and MSI as a per­ I air started.” totel dollar amount rose 6 per rp h t n- . . alteration of one surgery area RNS - We have full-time 232-1500 Eaat Windsor 623-9441 or employment service and Situation Wanted 15 graduate of the Hartford 30* off HI 10* off “There happened American cent, compared with the same to patient rooms, together with 623-2870 (collect) counseling 7 days weekly. Call manent facility. Its special . . p o t a t o e s canto,n,a 0 QQ openings on the 11-7 shift. Institute of Accounting and the IT PAYS TO GO TO MEETINGS ultra-clean equipment cost ^ Maino Navel Oranges Size 72 Wilh This Coupon On (11 8 oz | Wilh This Coupon On (i) u business that storms mightily 1973 period. estate of julia Margaret the addition of air conditioning, Excellent benefits and pleasant 568-1070. WILL CARE for your children, American Savings and Loan Maine at federal deficits caused by kutyla aka julia kutyla...... one elevator and with working conditions. Please app­ my home, days, 2-5 year old. Institute. about $25,(KXI. '.I Russet Grapefruit Exua^'Ta“ge... 5 to, 1 .00 Sanka Instant . l Keebler PART-TIME openings after­ Baking English Muffins • • • 3 ’’e^'I.OO housing, education, poverty, —------e . Scerald.^Judy.'^da^S’M™^^ alterations to the plumbing, ly in person. Meadows Con­ Nice yard. References, 643- He is treasurer of the Fresh Lemons (or 59* Coffee j! Choc Fudge Cookies nutrition, mass transit, et I975 a hearing will te held on an appiica- heating, sprinkler and elec- valescent Home, 333 Bidwell WANTED - Experienced man noon and evenings for 1428. Plain Donuts___ 2 ‘^j r i . o o salesladies. Sewing experience National Remodelers Associa­ Engineers Meet j alid Thru Mar 22 ^OSiSl alid Thru Mar 22 [m]j cetera, but never once in six trtcal systems. Street, Manchester. to work on dairy farm. Must Bakery Items Available Tues. Thru Sal. necessary. Apply Pilgrim BABYSITTING - my home, tion, Connecticut Council, and The Hartford Engineers Club years asked for taxes to put the L E G A L N O T C E said deceased be admitted to probate as The instructions to bidders, bid know how to milk. Prefer with is past president of Franam Vietnamwarona ^PP'‘c->tion on file more fully forms, contract form, bid bond TOWN of South Windsor - Pollu­ driver’s license. Apply in per- Fabrics, Cheney Hall, 177 Hart­ days, Monday through Friday, will meet Thursday at 7 p.m. at VIC I lid 111 Wdi on d appears, at the Court of Probate on t , i \ r ford Road, Manchester. ^Inc. tion Control Department. One son. 364 Bidwell St., any age. Center Street area. The Colony banquet room, Rt. fiscally sound, pay as you go iM V I T A T in N T O R IH March ze, 1975 at 3:3op.m. form (or security), perior- position - Maintainef I - Sewage Manchester. Call 643-6656 anytime. Dion recently received the 83, Vernon. basis, he said. 1 ^ j T lu n f mance and payment bond form, Treatment Plant - Varied and WAREHOUSE driver - class II Greater Hartford Chamber of Guest speaker is Allan I. Here’s More Proof it Pays to Shop the Finast Way! Weicker spoke at a meeting w 'i f Water ^ plans and specifications may be interesting work (both inside EXPERIENCED grocery required. Full-time. BABYSITTING - Infants or Commerce “Salesman of the Edwin, president of Interactive of the state chapter of the Spiling and Well W^er Pum- , , p u examined at the following and outside) in the operation manager needed for grocery, Experience a must. Call toddlers, any hours. Off 44A Month” award for outstanding Systems Inc. of Ann Arbor, 12 0/ l2 oz Jack 1 lb American Institute of Banking w"® u „i 11,0 o isS ^ 'f Manchester places: and maintenance of Sewage dairy and frozen foods depart­ lobseekers, 568-1070. Bolton/Coventry. Call 643-8794, Fm cans 89* Total CerealI Kelloggs. . . • • pkg Green Split Peas Raibbit . pkg achievement in membership Mich. His topic: “Interaction of Canned Soda at the Sheraton Hotel Manchester property at the v.sinci ma ^ standard Builders, Inc. (the Treatment Plant and Sanitary ment. 643-1184. 15'z 0/ Q7C to oz I lb Hotel. northeast corner of Wetherell notice to creditors construction Manager) 55 Air- development. Man, Machine, and Computer. Duncan Hines!'Z'"‘. . pkg W I Toaster PastryrfFinosl. . . . pkg Jack Rabbit Lentils . . pkg Sewer Collection System. High I AM looking for work, 1 1D 6 oz Progrpsf 0 impi 15 oz Street and Hillstown Road, the esta te of Ge r t r u d e t . port Road, Hartford, Connec- school graduate, or equivalent. IMMEDIATE opening for housecleaning, any domestic pkg . ll.ili.Ui . . « can Dom ino^'"’'"'"""«Sugar. , box Quaker Inst. Grits Tomatoes site of the proposed Regional sullivan A^iii No experience required, but printed circuit board fabricator work, evenings, Saturday. Call AnPiinaHnnal Training Tpntpr Pursuant to an order of Hon. William tlCUt 06114 ^ ^ , Tired of Evap. Milkfmas...... 4 c 1 u Occupational training center. ^ pitzceraid, Judge, all claims fnusi be 2. F.W. Dodge 35 Professional ability to use common tools and for first shift, 7 a.m. to 3:30 649-4720 after 5:30. COSTS are equipment necessary. Job Hunting? i Finast Shortening . . . IZ oU irinier JOD 2. The work will consist of presented to the fiduciary named below p u Porminfftnn rnnnprtirnf p.m. Must have experience in Finast Sugar 015 Hellmann’s 4 3 3 Applications should be picked machine shop equipment and We have assignments Prospects D im •• ‘ up at the Public Works Depart­ □ EDUCATION DOWN and so Granulated 5 lb bag ■ ■ Crisco O il...... 'b,?' Mayonnaise qt jar ■ knowledge of measuring PUBLIC RECORDS ment of the Town Hall and devices and blueprint reading. available In Europe or IVETEBSFIELD (UPI) - E to and%urii£nraVrn' ™i'lMtoL'.nay‘b"obu”ea returned by Friday, March 21, Hawaii or almost anywhere There will be few summer jobs stalling the required pumping ______Hartford, Conm------P ^ Construction Manager Contact Multi-Circuits, Inc., are RETAILS HellmannsMa,onM.„so...... 79* 1975. Starting Wage $6,656. an­ 646-3800. In the U.S.A. with the U.S. Private Instructions 18 Snow Crabrneatbomng.. L" 99' open this year for high school^ system in accordance with the court of Probate upon payment of a $50^00' Finast Oil Mayonnaise Fm.«...... 1.09 nually, after satisfactory com­ Army Infantry, Armor, or Ar­ Warranty Derda * lliiilding Prrmila White TunaStr.... 69* and college youths, according, specifications prepared by The District of Manchester Hpnnsit ner set of nlans which pletion of probationary period. TRAIN for control clerk posi­ SPANISH Lessons - Adults, at FINAST... Vegetable 38 oz btl tillery. Roy K. Durant to Hamilton J, N.T. Oliva Inc. for Full Light Tuna""'“ch?:r^'’L .‘■'c.r 89' M3rQ3rin© ou.ifie;s...... p^q 75* to the Connecticut Construction L a w re n c e A s s o c ia te s . notice to creditors iTfe rSL K tion. Part-time. Experience in children. Private home or of­ and Sally-Ann McKee, property Gospel Interdenominational RN Supervisor needed - full­ Data Processing field. If you qualify (or some of our fice. Call Saturday and Sunday, Finast IS dropping the price "The m A ^s*aw"srturday 20 - estate of thomas w. vennard return of the set in good condi- at 56 Irving St., $28,000. Church, alterations to church at 48 oz cQe , ^ 4 ’f Street, Manchester, pursuant to an order of Hon, William tjon not later than five days time, 3-11 p.m., excellent Jobseeker, 568-1070. more challenging jobs, you after 3 weekdays, 289-8979. Stanley E. and Kathleen M. 735 Main St., $460. on many Items reflecting Finast Flour Finast Soda...... btl 9 9 Heinz Dills 000 of Its members are out of Connecticut. E. FitzGerald, Judge, all claims must be after hiH°q' 43* Cherry Peppers Hot MazolaM^o"^r,[l...... 89* State Department of Cliff St. Onge for Joseph Connecticut has been lobbying for the Town of Manchester at Courtof Probate, District of Manchester naie anu L,doui oidnudiu MACHINISTS new program which allows THE FINAST WAY! Finast Applesauce . 67* White Vinegar Fini French Fries ...... 22* WORK BECOME A successful hair­ Transportation against Pioneer Grenier, additions at 79 intensely for the release of the Architect’s office on or estat^ oP neluIIT ay N ^ d d ^ m lv withdraw his bid We have the following you to enlist in the Army and dresser ; Full-time, part-time Recovery Systems Inc., 3,60 Deepwood Dr., $500. Frosted Flakes Kelloggs . . pkg 99* Sauerkraut Finast . Birds Eye Tasti Fries pf" 69* federal funds for highway con- before 2 P.M., March 31, 1975, Pursuant to an order of Hon. William within^Tfi ^ av s of the actual openings; *7.00 to *10.00 enroll in college at the same classes, high school diploma not acres on northwest side of 1-86 Harold Parent for Ruth Jack struction in the State. Monday, at which time all bids E. FitzGerald, Judge, dated March 10, within 30 days ot tne actual Raisin Bran Kelloggs...... P*

‘A- MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Mon., March 17, 1975— PAGE SEVENTEEN ' PAGE SIXTEEN — MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Mon., March 17, 1975 Apartments For Rent 53 Apartments For Rent 53 Apartments For Rent 53 Apartments For Rent 5 ^ Apartments For Rent 53 Homes lor Rent 54 □ REAL ESTATE Horn** For Solo 23 Homoo lor Solo 23 HomSo for Solo 2 3 Homoo lor Solo 23 Sonicoo Ottorod 31 Homoo lor Solo 23 Homoo For Solo 23 BOLTON-MANCHESTER town MANCHESTER - Deluxe 2- ANCHESTER - Four-room, MANCHEISTER - Convenient 6 MANCHESTER - Three liqe, large three room apart­ bedroom Townhouse, 1 1/2^ SHARE OFFICE space with ac- •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• two-bedroom apartment within VUMER APUmUNTS room apartment, carpet^, air- bedroom Condominium, 2 1/2 courftant. Excellent location for MANCHESTER - Eight-room CAPE - Eat-in kitchen - formal CONTEMPORARY Raised ODD JOBS - Carpentry, pan­ ment, stove, refrigerator, quiet baths, private entrances, walking distance to Main FiVe-room townhouse apart­ conditioned, on-site parking in­ OFFICES FOR RENT Homoo For Solo 23 dining room, fireplaced living Ranch - Large, modem kitchen baths, wall-to-wall carpeting attorney, real estate, in­ multi-level Contemporary, 21/2 eling, rec rooms, offices, neighborhood, references, $185 and full basement. I Street. Lovely residential area. ment, IVk tiled baths, 2 air- cluded. Quiet neighborhood. and all appliances included. CREAM PUFF room, 3 bedrooms, 2-car gar­ with pantry, formal dining monthly. 6465M3. surance, etc. 649-1680, 6463549. MANCHESTER - Newer 3- baths, sunken patio, panoramic household repairs. Phone 649- heat, appliances and ca 6468352. conditioners, wall-to-wall $160. Stratford Associates, 233- $350 monthly plus utilities. Three offices plus large view of Hartford skyline. That’s what this 6-room older age, immaculate condition. room with built-ins, living room 4594. $265 per month. F __ storage room or additional of­ bedroom Ranch. Fireplace, carpeting, full basement, 1278. Available March 1 M r. EXCELLENT location, 500-1500 Immediate occupan^. 60’s. home is. With 2-car garage, $36,900. Philbrick Agency, with cathedral ceiling and llJt NEW LISTING B DELUXE ONE - bedroom Dougan, Realtor, 6461021 or RENOVATED first floor apart­ fice, paneled and carpeted. possible 4th bedroom, con­ fieldstone fireplace from floor heat, hot water, appliances. Filloramo, 646-6555. square feet, heat, janitor, venient location. $35,900. Paul Warren E. Howland, Realtors, lovely remodeled kitchen, 3 Realtors, 6464200. COMPLETE electrical service apartment - Complete 643-4535. ment, available March 15th, Includes private facility, heat, bedrooms, ceramic bath, for­ to ceiling, redwood paneling, and repair. Reasonable rates. appliances, carpeting, air- Adults only, no pets. Homes lor Rent 54 parking included. As low as $75 W. Dougan Realtor, 643-4535. 643-1108. Eight room Ranch with thraa tMdroomt, rocraatlon room, three bedrooms, references per month. Call 649-5334, 643- lights and parking. Close to I- mal dining room. And priced four bedrooms, 2 full______baths., Call 646-5253. conditioned, swimming pool. MANCHESTER - Available required, security, no pets, 646 ManchMtar large family room with and playroom for tha kida. FIraplaca In tha living room, 7175. 86 (Exit 95), Vernon Circle, MANCHESTER - Just reduced. LIVE graciously in this newly at only $35,900. You owe it to $175 plus utilities. Robert D. April 1st, 5-room, first floor 4786. EIGHT room, three bedroom listed four-bedroom Colonial in SPRING SPECIAL fireplace, den or library, 5 SNOWPLOWING - Commercial cadar cloaat, lota of atoraga, and two zona haat. Murdock, Realtor, 643-2692. apartment in central location. 649-7620 Condominium, appliances, cen­ Business for Rent 55 restaurants, motel, etc. Center Street, 3-family in yourself to inspect this fine STORE FOR rent. Best Main Ground floor. Reasonable. the highly desirable Gracious brick and frame 4- sliding glass doors, 2 large and residential. Reasonable Adults only, no pets. $185 THREE ROOMS, heat, hot tral air, 2V5 baths, porch, patio, business zone II. Ideal for home. decks, 2-car garage, large lot. 122 EAST CENTiER STREET - Street location. About 1,000 Phone 6464485. professional offices or commer­ ‘‘Hollywood” area! Stately and bedroom Dutch Colonial rates. Also available as a back­ MANCHESTER - New 3 monthly. Call 643-15W. water, appliances, nice yard, beautiful large yard, full immacualte,...... featuringfrc a front- ■ ZINSSER AGENCY situated on lovely landscaped $68,500. Philbrick Agency, up rig. 646-3467 or 647-9304. bedroom Duplex, half of two- MANCHESTER GARDENS - recreation area. Carport, $350 Personal size first floor modern square feet. Same size base­ Will rent or lease all or part. cial expansion. Owner anxious Realtors, 646-4200. $170. Call 6469357. Two bedroom apartments, in office. Merritt Agency, 646 ment. For information. for quick sale. LaPenta Agen­ to-back fireplaced living room 646-1511 lot. Anxious owner must sell REALE’S CORNER family 1 1/2 baths, full base- monthly plus utilities. Option to and a comfortable large family LIGHT TRUCKING for attics, 175 MAIK STREET______PHONE 646-4525 ment, includes appliances, $275 ROCKVILLE SW .ROOMS beautiful country setting, walk buy. 6465391. 1180. Philbrick Agency, Realtors, cy, Realtor, 646-2440. IMMACULATE six-room 646-4200. room, as well as a spacious for­ JUST LISTED cellars, also odd jobs. Call 643- per month. Paul W. Dougan to everything, $184 monthly in­ ROCKLAND TERRACE apartment - Appliances, cludes heat, hot water and mal dining room. Convenient Huge 2-family. Real clean. Two new 2816. Realtor, 6461021 or 643-4535. Large and beautllul one bedroom carpeted throughout. Adults, no MANCHESTER - Six month heating systems, new roof, double gar- Autos For Sale 61 Autos For Sale 61 Autos For Sale 61 Autos For Sole 61 laundry on the first floor, epartmente, haat, hot water, all appliances. Superintendent, new, prime west side location, MANCHESTER - Two-family age.— 1. Exc-"“ ^cellent ‘ income.'------— $ti,500. — 43 pets. $225. M9-0459, 649-9004 expensive wall-to-wall ARE YOU in need of a sitter? RooHng-SIdIng-ChImney 34 Dogo-BIrdo-Poto appllancae Including dithwaeher, 6460090. Equal housing. 5-5 D uplex, 1 1/2 baths. in excellent condition. Bowers VERNON - Town House Three- after 5. carpeting, modern gas heat. All Have several people to sit, all A one bedroom ranch style diepoeal, carpeting, pool and your hardwood floors, aluminum School area. T. J. Crockett, BUUKHMDAROSSEnO BIDWELL Home Improvement DOG-CAT boarding reser­ MANCHESTER - Four-room this and much more on a tree- RMltore-MLS 646-2482 ages. Full-time, part-time or apartment community. Its own private terrace In a country tat­ CENTER STREET - Four siding, high 50’s. Hayes Cor­ Realtors, 643-1577. Co. Expert installation of vations. Combined inside/out- ting. From S180. No pate. Duplex, adults, no pets, on bus poration, 646-0131. shaded lot located on a quiet .169 Wait Canter Straat occassionally, days or spacious interior der.ign and rooms, heat, parking, im­ evenings. Call 646-2139 after aluminum siding, gutters and side runs, partitioned privacy, line. $150. Call 6465927. residential street. Please in­ HEBRON - U & R 7-room total conveniences, along with 172-4223 875-7466 5294586 mediate occupancy, ^curity quire immediately to avoid dis­ 6 4 7 1419 3:15. trims. Roofing installation and germicidal lighting. Canine its unusual architectural design BOLTON - price reduced on this Raised Ranch on dead-end STAFFORD SPRINGS - required. Call 643-5201. appointment. Mr. Matthew, repairs. 649-6495, 875-9109. Holiday Inne, 200 Shddon Road, and attractive landscaping, seven room Ranch. Three or street, just minutes from Crystal Lake privileges. Manchester, 646-5971. RENT WITH agreement to buy. four bedrooms, fireplaced Belfiore Agency, 647-1413. ODD JOBS - Trucking, home rovides for a comfortable Manchester. Family room with Custom finished family cape repairs, yards cleaned. HORACE Tetrault — Siding, First year’s rent toward living room, formal dining fireplace, cathedral ceiling cod, three orTour bewooms, Komelike atmosphere. Total Business lor Rent purchase, duplex in AA zone. Experienced handyman. Free roofing, storm windows, aw­ COCKER SPANIEL, one year electric, no pets, rentals $180 55 room, eat-in kitchen plus gar­ MANCHESTER beamed living room with RANCH - with gorgeous view. basement, oil heat, oversized nings. Quality workmanship, old buff, male, lovable, best 643-9632. age. 3/4 acre lot on dead-end estimates. Reasonable. 643- ler month. Please call 872-0528 $33,50011 fireplace, on landscaped Large living room with beamed attached two-car garage, patio, 0304. free estimates. Fully insured. offer. Call 649-8479 after 5. street. Asking $38,900. Zinsser wooded acre. Principals only. catnedral ceilings and exceptional treed lot, many 872-9187, 649-3417. londay-Friday, 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. MANCHESTER - Newer one- Agency, 646-1511. A 6 room Cape, located close 643-5535 after 5 p.m. or fireplace, formal dining room, many extras. Act fast only $36,- NEW ZEALAND white baby bedroom Ranch type apart­ MARIA NARDULLI - Custom- ATTRACTIVE four room to shopping, carpeting, weekends. Low 40’s. fully equipped kitchen with 500. Donald S. Gale, Realty Co., made draperies, bedspreads, bunnies, excellent Easter gifts. ment, private entrance. NEW HOMES - Ranches, kitchen with dining area, 3 or sliding glass doors to deck. Realtors, MLS, 289-7939. Heating-Plumbing 35 Will hold ’til Easter. 643-5805. apartment, stove, refrigerator, We have what you Includes heat and appliances, top treatments, Austrian references, no pets, $145. 646- Capes, Colonials, Splits. Many 4 bedrooms. Patio and nice BETTE DRIVE - Manchester. Huge family room with stone $175 per month. Paul W. variations. Three and four shades. Large selection of 3167, 228-3540. sized lot. For more informa­ A U&R gem, huge 4-bedroom, 2 fireplace, two full baths. MANCHESTER - New family samples, drapery hardware. SEWERLINES, sink lines, AKC registered Samoyed Dougan, Realtor, 643-4535, 646 bedrooms. Call for details. need and want! 1021. tion, call Tony Wasilefsky at 1/2 bath, 8-room home. Big lot, Philbrick■ Ibr Agency, ■Realtors, Colonial, aluminum siding, 3 Free estimates, decorating ser­ cleaned with electric cutters, available for stud service. Call Merritt Agency, 646-1180. by professionals. McKinney MANCHESTER Parkade 649-5306 today. big trees, privacy plus in this 646-4200. bedrooms, bath and lavatory, vice. Call 649-1786. 249-4915 and 646-1739. location. T. J. Crockett, oversized modern kitchen, Bros. Sewer Disposal Com­ Apartments - We now have one ROCKVILLE - Available April EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY b^room apartments available. ^ Commercial Property MANCHESTER Realtors, 643-1577. FARM - 50 acres, mostly built-ins, 24’ combination dining ANSWER YOUR phone night pany, 643-5308. TWO golden retriever puppies, 1. "Three room apartm ent, BARROWS A W A LI^ cleared and level land, 8 room and playroom, garage, just seven weeks old. One male, one Stove, refrigerator, heat, hot 1. Office Space appliances, heat, not water, $34,900 COLONIAL and day. Code-a-phone water, grounds maintenance Victorian styled older colonial house, barn, two large poultry right lot, conveniently located. answering machines from NO JOB too small, toilet female. Call 875-7966. a. Answering Service parking. No pets. Security. $155 KSST'SJ-'r FRESH AS SPRING repairs, plugged drains, kitchen and parking included for $180 monthly. 6461060. with 1,850 square feet of living houses, 2-car garage. PhilbricIhilbricK Trade of your present home $199.95. Call 643-2759. Immaculate IVi room Ranch. Agency, Realtors, 6464200 considered. $37,500. Donald S. faucets replaced, repaired, rec AKC dark apricot female poo­ and $185 per month. For more b. Architects Office space, (mostly remodeled), information, call 646-6555, S Breezeway, attached garage. Gale, Realty Co., Realtors, TWO HANDYMEN will clean, rooms, bathroom remodeling, dle pupi^. Has shots, p ^ e r convenient location, and two- $38,900 - Duplex, 6-3. Nice in­ Lovely treed lot with Cana­ CONDOMINIUM - Six rooms, 3 MLS, 289-7939. , heat modernization, etc. Free trainedled. Reasonableteasonable price. CaV (;all Monday-Friday, 9-5. Weekends c. Contractors Office family potential. Please call law apartment, carpeting, $435 rake, lime, fertilize, mow, call 649-8887.49-r" dian hemlock hedge. Lot bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, wall-to- maintainance of lawn seasonal. estimates gladly given. M & M 643-0802. d. Employment Office PRESIDENTIAL for further information. month income. Hutchins Agen­ wall carpeting! Modern kitchen Plumbing & Heating, 649-2871. cy, Realtors, 646-3166. 100x200, fenced in backyard, COVENTRY Cellars and attics cleaned. MANCHESTER - Nice one VILLAGE APTS. swimming pool. Large coun­ with built-ins, finished rec Reasonable prices. 643-5305. 2. Store Space room, central air-conditioning. $26,900 TOWNE Plumbing Service, Livestock 44 bedroom Townhouse, private MANCHESTER ODEGARD try kitchen, w/w carpeting, $32,500. Philbrick Agency, repairs, alterations, vanity entrances, and basement, patio, a. Restaurant MANCHESTER NEW LISTING fireplace, IVz baths. Master Painting-Papering 32 includes heat, appliances and REALTY^ Realtors, 6464200. Three-bedroom full-dormer cabinets a specialty. Call to REGISTERED Quarter horse, b. Travel Bureau One and two bedrooms. bedroom will take king size i.m. to 7' p.m.t 649- 14.1 hands, sound and gentle, all carpeting. $220 per month. Paul 643'4365 $34,900. Cape, double lot, 100’ from PAINTING - interior and 8:30 a.m., 6 p Near schools, churches Is all you have to pay to buy bed. Only $39,900. BOLTON 4056. tack included, $600. Excellent 4- W. Dougan, Realtor, 646-1021 or c. Music Studio private beach, large fireplace exterior, paperhanging, and shopping center, on this lovely 7-room Cape with H project. Call 646-4029. 643-4535. FAMILY ROOM excellent work. References. " d. Photography Studio bus line. Call anytime $19,900 - Five rooms, 1 1/2 one-car garage. Two full and more! BOTTI Heating and Plumbing - PASEK Seven-room Ranch with first Free estimates. Fully insured. baths, stove, refrigerator, gar­ baths, 3 b^room s, fireplaced All heating and plumbing MANCHESTER - Executive 2 289-7475 742-8243 floor family room, 3 Martin Mattsson, 649-4431. Antiques 48 e. Dance Studio 040-2023 age, nearly two acres. Hutchins living room, dining room, WARREN E. repairs plus remodeling.leling. Call bedroom first floor apartment. bedrooms, formal dining 643-1496. f. Cosmetld Shop Agency, Realtors, 646-3166. kitchen plus rec room. This J. P. LEWIS & SON - Custom Formal dining room, tireplaced SOUTH WINDSOR - Eleven- room, new kitchen with built- WANTED Antique furniture, one won’t last call decorating. Interior painting. living room, large kitchen with MANCHESTER - New 3- room U&R Raised Ranch, 2 ins, spacious living room, HOWLAND FRANK SCOTELLA Plumbing glass, pewter, oil paintings, or g. Beauty Shop Paper hanging. New Ceilings. other antique items. bedroom custom Ranch, 2 today! baths, 2 family rooms, 3 work shop, laundry room, Realtors 643-1108 - Repairs and remodeling, lovely porches, grounds, gar- h. Boutique ZINSSER AGENCY fireplaces, 2-car garage, many Remodeling. Exterior painting. sewer lines cleaned electricai- Harrison, 643-6709. Autos For S a le ...... 61 baths, aluminum siding, double oversized garage, large Gutters and leaders. Carpentry. age, basement. $265. without garage, excellent 646-1511 extras. $65,900. Owner, 644-2696. ly. Prompt service on emergen­ utilities Mr. Blanchard 646 i. Etc. Principals only. sundeck. Priced right, $41,000 Lots-Land For Sale 24 Fully insured. For estimate call cies. 643-7024. neighborhood. $47,900. Hayes 649-9658. Wanted to Buy 49 2482. Corporation, 646-0131. U&R REALTY, INC. 3. Recreational Facilities UP TO n o o Ted Trudon is celebrating St. Patrick’s Day. MANCHESTER - New listing. 643-2692 MANCHESTER - 4-family, WE STOCK 2,000 plumbing and WANTED - Wicker furniture, MANCHESTER - Six room a. Health Club MANCHESTER - Owner. New­ Flag Drive. Spacious contem- PAINTING - Save 30 - 60%. heating repair items on our JUNK CARS Appearing Monday, March 17th, between 7 and JUST REDUCED ROBERT D. MURDOCK, Realtor completely furnished, rented. Five years experience. any kind, any shape. Call 872- duplex, three bedrooms, gar­ Professionally landscaped 3- ly decorated Ranch, 3 Split Level, custom Remodeled completely three truck. Call Plumbing Shop on 0930. age, rec room, adults only. 4. Apartments 9 PM . will be the renowned St. Patrick’s Pipe Band milt, nestleditle in a 3/4 wooded Excellent references. Pete, 742- Wheels for speedy, efficient WANTED bedroom oversized Ranch, bedrooms, corner lot. Mid 30’s. years ago. Large landscaped 6117 (toll free) 5-10 p.m. Security, references. $200. prestige area, 2 fireplaces, Call 646-2984, if no answer call lot. Seven rooms, featuring TWO-FAMILY Duplex - 5-5, lot. Business zone II. Mr. Lind­ service, 646-211115. Write Box “0 ”, Manchester WE WILL PAY UP TO of Manchester. extra large living room with WANTED used play pen and family room, closets galore, 643-9985. three years old, 1 1/2 baths, say, 643-1111. PETER BELLIVEAU - Pain- high chair, good condition. Call Herald. $100 Stop in at Ted Trudon VW/Porsche-Audi huge screened in deck cathedral ceilings, 2 fireplaces, aluminum siding, good invest­ Floorlng 38 646-4934. FOR YOUR JUNK CAR each bedroom has own double ting, wallpapering, spray/brush ^ Railroad Siding Facilities overlooks private wooded ment at $53,900. Philbrick HEBRON 200 acres of painting. Fair prices, fully in- PLUSH Depending on Year and and join in the fun. backyard. Call us today. NEW LISTING bath, central air, family room. Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. woodlands and open fields on FLOOR Sanding - Refinishing ment, big private enclosed Garage. Very special home. sured, experienced and depen and Motor Transportation Model Jackston Agency, 646-1316. ■k Weotmlnstor Rood k Route 85 and Old Colchester dable. 643-1671. (specializing in older floors) patio, all appliances and FREE TWO Custom-built oversized six-r^om Don’t wait, call now. Arruda CIRCA 1723 - Exquisite 12-room Road. Owner interested in Ceilings and inside painting utilities includea. 649-0358, 643- Realty, 644-1539. □ RENTALS SAME DAY SERVICE Garrison Colonial - IMi baths, center antique Colonial completely financing. Edmund Gorman INSIDE - Outside painting. John Verfaille, 646-5750, 872 6266. i n fireplace, garage, large, bright walk- PLEASE CALL FOR restored and in excellent condi­ Agency, 646-4040. Special rates for people over 65. 2222. 3 FAMILY WITH up attic. (43,500. MinchM ltr Vicinity tion. Four fireplaces, 2 1/2 CURRENT PRICE LISTS TWO-FAMILY FurI' ully insured. Estimates given. Rooms tor Rent 52 TWO BEDROOM apartment in POTENTIAL PLUS baths, income-producing 3- Investment Property 25 Call 649-7863. 2-family, carpeting, appliances, Call 646-8390 0 a.m. - 4 p.m. 522-1104 M.H. PALMER REALTY Aluminum sided corner lot. room studio apartment and 2- parking, heat included, $220 per after 5 p.m. 247-0910 7-7-5, big lot, central location, 64S-6321 □ MISC. FOR SALE THOMPSON HOUSE, fur­ Good investment and good room antique shop. Philbrick B ZONE property, SIX room separate furnaces. A great in­ Cettmle IImMmii - MM53S Building-Contracting 33 nished rooms, centrally month. Security deposit. (;all between 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. ALLIED starter home. Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. house, formerlyrly 2-family,2-f plus 649-5608 after 6. vestment at $43,900. Call Articles for Sale 41 located. Kitchen privileges. SCRAP METALS over 4,000 souare foot building, NEWTON H. Smith & Sons - Parking. Reasonable rates. Tolland Turnpike, Manchester, 647-9386 central, good for small contrac­ 741 WINDSOR STREET ROCKLEDGE - Ten room, five Remodeling, repairing, ad­ Phone 649-2358. tor, plumber, electrician etc. ALUMINUM sheets used as HARTFORD WARREN E. bedroom brick constructed WANTED ditions, rec rooms, porches and printing plates, .007 thick, Autos For Sale 61 Autos For Sale 61 Autos For Sale 61 Low 50’s. Keith Real Estate, roofing. No job too small. Call ROOMS for rent, clean, cen­ Colonial Cape, three baths, 2 649-1922, 646-4126. 23x32”. 25 cents each or 5 for $1. fireplaces, garage. Must be Highly Motlvoted 649-3144. Phone 643-2711. trally located, parking, on bus HOWLAND seen! $68,900. M. H. Palmer Saloaman line. Phone 647-9868. REALTORS 643-1108 Realty, 646-6321. Gertrude Business Property 26 CARPENTRY — Repairs, NEWSPRINT end rolls. 25 remodeling, additions, roofing. Hagedorn, 649-0538. lor ettabllshed real aatale cents each. Inquire side door. LADIES ONLY - room for rent, Call David Patria, South Wind­ 647-1419 firm In Mancheater MANCHESTER - Main Street, Manchester Evening Herald. furnished, reasonable rates and ONLY $19,900- Seven rooms, 2 COVENTRY - Seven room Cape business zoned, four family, sor, 644-1796. ideal location. Call after 5 p.m., story. 111 Walnut Street, han- and 4 room Ranch on one lot. Contact city utilities, level lot, $600 WE BUY and sell used fur­ 644-0383. dyman’s. treasure, fire Cape has stone siding and full BRAND NEW (not completed) DANIEL F. REALE monthly income. $47,900. Hayes WES ROBBINS carpentry niture. Cash on the line. One damaged, no agents please, s h ^ dormer, Ranch income is Six-room Colonial with REALE REALTORS Corp. 646-0131. remodeling specialist. Ad­ piece or an entire housefull. GENTLEMEN only - kitchen phone 649-7925. $155 monthly. Lake privileges, fireplace. First-floor laundry, ditions, rec rooms, dormers, 646-6432. Furniture Barn, 345 privileges, central location, $40’s. LaPenta Agency, 646-4525 built-ins, bathrooms, kitchens, walk-out basement. Central. All Inltnltwi ConffdMdff... Real Estate Wanted 28 Main Street Rear, behind tree parking, references COVENTRY - North, six room Realtor, 646-2440 or Lance Act now and have your choice 649-3446. Douglas Motor Sales. required. 643-2693 for appoint­ Raised Ranch, desirable area, Kozikowski, 742-7202. of carpets, colors, etc. Low ALL CASH for your property ment only. LEON Cieszynski builder - new acre, three bedrooms, 40’s. Keith Real Estate, 646- SPRING STREET area - within 24 hours. Avoid red tape, CLEAN USED refrigerators, fireplaced, living room, 1 1/2 LAND - Nice barn, three 4126, 649-1922. instant service. Hayes Agency, homes custom built, ranges, automatic washers, LARGE Pleasant furnished Raised Ranch, 8 rooms, 3 or 4 remodeled, additions, rec baths, rec room, above ground bedroom home, baseboard bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, wool 646-0131. with guarantees. B. D. Pearl’s room, central, quiet, im­ pool, garage. $38,500. Owner, heat, Hutchins Agency, MANCHESTER $35,900 rooms, garages, kitchens “ Gotta Sellem All" Appliances, 649 Main St, 643- maculate, parking, mature carpeting throughout, family remodeled, bath tile, cement 742-9790. Realtors, 646-3166. NEW LISTING room with fireplace, patio, WE WILL buy your house. Call 2171 gentleman. Hot water,water shower. anytime, Hutchins Agency, work. Steps, dormers. Residen­ 569-2525. Six-room Cape, full shed large deck, electric garage tial or commercial. Call 649- PITKIN STREET - Large SIX room Ranch in c|uiet doors. Built in 1971. $56,900. Realtors, 646-3166. WOODEN PALLETS for sale at gracious four bedroom residential area, formal dining dormer, spotless interior, 4291. tastefully decorated, fenced in Philbrick Agency, Realtors, circulation department, Colonial, 11/2 baths, 2-car gar- room, fireplaced living room, Manchester Herald. $2.-$5. NEWLY FURNISHED room, 646-4200. SELLING your house? Call us on bus line, clean, convenient, age^ 116;fl50 treed corner lot. e. Shaded yard. Mid 30’s,30's, yard with garden area. first and we’ll make you a cash TIMOTHY J. CONNELLY Carpentry and general contrac­ good value. 646-0505. An unusual offering. Bel Air S more. Mr. Matthew, Excellent for young family. HEBRON offer. One day service. T. J. SEASONED firewood, cut, Real Estate, 643-9332. Belfiore Agency, 647-1413. Convenient location. Crockett, Realtor, 643-1577. ting. Residential and commer­ split, delivered, truck load $30.i cial. Whether it be a small Sand, gravel and stone; 643-9504 ELLINGTON - Pleasant room, 646-5200 private home, air-conditioned. SPARKLE IMMEDIATE CASH for your repair job, a custom built home after 6. FIANO AGENCY or anythingdhi! in between, call 646- Kitchen privileges. $30 weekly. property. Let us explain our References. Call 872-3148. Seven room U&R built Cape fair proposal. Call Mr. Belfiore, 1379. A-1 reconditioned color VERNON - Three-bedroom with first floor family room, 647-1413. televisions now on display in ANY TYPE Carpentry and FEMALE roommate wanted to Ranch, maintenance-free vinyl large lot, extra nice. $33,900. our show room. Most of these siding. Tremendous view. masonry work, additions and sets are in excellent condition, share house in Glastonbury. MAY WE BUY your home? $110 a month plus utilities and Almost new, 2 baths, 2-car gar- Quick, fair, all cash and no remodeling. Free estimates. A. ideal for living room or family age, large wooded lot, Squillacote, 649-0811. room. Modern TV Service, 805 security deposit. Call 568-3308 WARREN E. problems. Call Warren E. aRer 6 p.m. carpeted. Immediate occupan­ Howland, Realtors, 643-1108. Hartford Road, next to Gus’s cy. 50’s. Warren E. Howland, BUILDING - Remodeling, Pizza, Manchester. 646-2205. Realtors, 643-1108. roofing, rec rooms, additions, We’re overstocked with cars and trucks HOWLAND CASH FOR HOUSES - Buyers garages. All kinds, carpentry Apartments For Rent 53 Realtors 643-1108 with pedigrees. We buy for SWIMMING POOLS - Luxury MANCHESTER - Split 7 rooms, work. For estimates call 649- above ground pool distributor and must sell them all immediately! More cash. When we bring people to WE HAVE customers waiting 1 1/2 baths, 3 bedrooms. your home, you know they’re 1142. needs warehouse space. Will modern kitchen, dining roonv-TOLLAND - Authentic period sell and completely install a for the rental of your apartment are coming in daily and we have no place WE HAVE THEMII serious - not ‘‘just looking, MASON CONTRACTOR - or home. J.D.- - Real- al “Estate family room, fireplace, wall-to- Restoration. Main house built thanks.” Call us for action! huge 16x31’ O.D. swim pool wall carpeting, garage, large 1806, ell circa 1717. Eight Plastering, custom built stone complete with fencing, Associates, Inc. 646-1980. to park them. They must be soldi No Keith Real Estate, 646-4126 or or brick fireplaces, chimney lot, $45,500. Imilbrick Agency, rooms, two baths, five working 649-1922. sundeck, filter and pump. Now $38,500 • Ramodaled 6-6, gaa furnaca, naw wiring. Realtors, 6464200. fireplaces, two barns, ten repairs, block and cement only $795. Full price financing LOOKING for anything in real reasonable offers refused! We are taking acres. Call for details. work. New and repairs. E. available. Call Tony collect, estate rental — apartments, $38,900 • Aaaumabla 7% VA, 6-6. Naada aoma work. REDWOOD FARMS Philbrick Agency, Realtors, □ MISC.1^1 SERVICES Richardson, 643-0889, 649-0608. 203-232-6500. homes, multiple dwellings, no trades and giving tremendous allowances 646-4200. fees. Call J.D. Real Estate S41,500■ Cantral location, 5-5 flat, two flnlahad rooma Is the location of this fine nine STEPS, SIDEWALKS, stone Associates, Inc. 646-1980. (9) room Raised Ranch. SCREENED LOAM - driveway for cars and trucks. Now is your chance to In attic, 2-car garaga. MANCHESTER - , Five-room walls, fireplaces, flagstone gravel, processed gravel, sand. Three (3) full baths, five (5) Services Offered 31 terraces, concrete repairs, in­ Ranch with formal dining stone and fill. George H. Grif 3 1/2 ROOMS with heat, hot save — look at some of these prices:... Have you ever wanted the availability of extra space, but the ad­ ■ Larga 6-6. Naw roof, now carpating, rocantly bedrooms, fireplaced family room, king size master side and outside. Reasonably fing, Andover, 742-7M6. SHARPENING Service - priced. 643-0851. water, cooking gas, stove, vantages of an economy car at a iow, iow price? If so, Honda is for docoratod. Muat ba aold. $39,600 mortgaga room, eat-in kitchen, dining bedroom, partially finished rec Saws, knives, axes, shears, refrigerator, wall-to-wall could ba asaumod to quallflad buyar. room and large living room. room, one bath, one-car garage, COMMERCIAL wall brackets, you. Excellent gas mileage, low cost maintenance, and a price skates, rotary blades. (Juick CUSTOM Building - Homes, ad­ carpet, $175. Centrally located, PINTO’S GRANADA’S LTD’S Exterior is aluminum and convenient location. $32,000. service. Capitol Equipment and wall standards and wall adults only. No pets. Security r . Hugo 6-6 with 2 attic rooma, 2-car garaga, ditions, remodeling, repairs. which will fit right into your budget all add up to one of the most r brick for easy upkeep. Philbrick Agency, Realtors, Co., 38 Main St., Manchester. brackets, 16”, 18” and 20” . Call deposit required. Call 643-9678. from ^2875 from *3820 from * 4 4 0 0 largo lot. Poaalbla aaaumptlon to quallflad 6464200. Steve Casalino, experienced 646-0724 or 6462913. Honda! Transferred owner wants ac­ Hours daily 7:30-5, Thursday residential-commercial practical cars available today. buyar. tion. Priced at $51,900. 7:30-9, Saturday, 7:30-4. 643- LARGE five room flat, first builder. Call 649-6973. LEAVING U.S. thousands of TORmO’s MAVERICK’S MUSTANG’S *1974 Model SBA (quantities limited); price Includes dealer preparation and ZINSSER AGENCY HEBRON 7958. floor, Mr. Clean condition, 2 ■ Qorgaoua 6-6. Extromaly nica condition, 2 items, low, low, prices. Books, bedrooms, storage, park 2 cars, transportation. flroplacoa, 2-car garaga. 646-1511 MINI-ESTATC TOBIAS CARPENTRY Service clothing, baby furniture, dishes, froni..*3820 from *3385 from *3650 REWEAVING burns, holes. - remodeling, repairs, ad­ $225 per month.h. Lease,Le security But minutes away. Comfor­ linens, furniture, household deposit. Keith Real Estate. 646 This model was the highest in the 1974 EPA test standings for gas miieage! ' Nowar 5-5 duplox, 3 yoara old, gaa lurnacaa, Zippers, umbrellas repaired. ditions, custom building, no job table 3-bedroom Ranch with Window shades, Venetian items, lumber and tools. Prices m 2. 6464126. aluminum aiding. BOLTON - Beautiful Ansaldi too small. Free estimates. 646 negotiable. 6468768. built Raised Ranch, on acre family room, super size blinds. Keys. TV for rent. 5769. kitchen, large work room, 2- Marlows, 867 Main St. 6465221. FORD ' Brand naw 5-5 duplex. Chooaa your colora. treed lot, brick front, plastered FOR LONGER wear keep CENTRAL - One-bedroom walls, 4 bedrooms, 2 fireplaces, car garage, large deck and Idoal location. MILLAR TREE Service, Inc. Rooflng-Sldlng-Chlmney 34 carpets clean with Blue Lustre. apartment on first floor. M LLON FORD one full, two half baths, rec screened porch, well Removal, pruning, lot clearing, Rent electric shampooer, $1. E. Modern bath and kitchen ' Rockvillo. 7-unit package. Two and 5-famlly. room with wet bar, enclosed landscaped lot with many A. Johnson Paint Company. appliances. Security. $175 Good Incoma. Secondary financing available. heated porch, 2-car garage, spraying. Fully insured. ROOFING - Specializing 319 Main Stroot, Manchestor V plants. Priced to sell at $49,- Licensed. Free estimates. repairing roofs, new roofs, monthly with heat. Norman $59,500. Philbrick Agency, 500. TOOL SHED for sale, made of Hohentnal, Realtor, 646-1166. Phone 643-2149 ' Rockville. Thraa-famlly. Groat ahapa. Realtors, 646-4200. Phone 6463437, 633-5354. gutter work, chimneys, cleaned and repaired. 30 years wood to last, delivered and set­ MANCHESTER HONDA up. Contact 6469912 after 3. DELMONT STREET - Duplex, DUPLEX - Owner’s side has TREE SERVICE (Soucier) experience. Free estimates. two bedrooms, 1V5 baths. 24 Adams Street, Manchester large, modem kitchen, formal Trees cut, trimmed or topped, Howley, 643-5361. CRAIG-PIONEER 8 track appliances, no pets, security, dining room living room, stumps removed, fully insured. available April 1st. Call days. bedrooms, walliT-to-wall Got a tree problem? Well worth ROOFING - Installation and stereo, good condition, $50. Call PHONE 646-2789 646-4144 after 5 p.m., 644-1802. 643-5144 ask for Jack. carpeting, 1 1/2 baths. Other a phone call. 742-8252. repairs, gutters, storm win­ side has 6 large rooms. dows, doors. Experienced (Across from Caldor’s) FRECHEHE & MARTIN, INC., Realtors 1974 ZENITH so lid -state SUB-LET four rooms, 1V4 Convenient to schools and1 snop-shop- CUSTOM MADE Draperies, quality workmanship. Fully in­ baths, 2 bedrooms, carpeted, ping. Excellent condition. $46,- very reasonable work sured. Free estimates. Chromo-color. Price 263 MAIN STREET, MANCHESTER Like new condition. appliances and drapes. Call 900. Philbrick A gency, guaranteed, call anytime. 649- Reasonable prices. Rick Jean Howatt, 644-2w. Realtors, 646-4200 4266. Burnett, 6463005. Call 649-4031. PAGE EIGHTEEN — MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Mon., March 17, 1975 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn.. Mon., March 17, 1975 — PAGE NINETEEN


0FNOY 70 rotJ 6 0 l . O f J & A6- f'/V\ BETTfK STEP ASIDE WHILST I MAKE t h is is a ______DONT.SAY 1 ^ ALL BI6HT, G UYS-l CAME NO TV? NO RAPID? Y E A H - l U/^, YAS, LORO HOOPLE MARRIED A ) MorW oPKirJ'iT MERCURY THIS DELIVERY, SYLVESTER.' PUBLIC OVER TO HELP VOJ WITH YOUR G O O D G O SH , HOW A N ' I A N 'T O IF THEY RE THOROFARE...A4. HOMEWORK, SO TURN OFF TH' DOES HE EXPECT C A N 'T FOGARTY, KIN TO THE FITZGERALDS.' W H A T S O IR IS H , 6 ^ 0 I T 6 m i SO MY STOCK HAS PRODUCED BRiTiSH UMFMPWrMFfJf I I HAVE CERTAIN ,TV, FOR ■/ \\ . . MICKEY FINN BY HANK LEONARD BOLTON NOTCH, highway PRIVATE Gymnastics Studio 1969 AUSTIN AMERICA, low 1955 THUNDERBIRD - looking for a larger home in Excellent condition, two tops. 10,000 S&H Green Stamps FORGET ABOUT STEVE MIGHT GIVE /V\E "T H A A P H j A L L GOOP-BY, location across shopping mileage, ^ood condition, needs Friday, Saturday STEI/ei JUST' S O m CLUE AS TO WHERE YO U C O P S SENATOR/ center, 4,000 square feet Bolton-Manchester vicinity. transmission work, $250. or best $3,900. Call A1 M artin, 646-4146. and Monday Only SENATOR BARKER— F IN D H IS SHE IS/ IF you WANT /V\E i SEEM TO BE S building for professional offices Needs at least a 40x80' area offer. Call before noon, 646- will be given with the purchase I WANT TO SPEAK VO ESTRANGED TO STAY ON THIS CASE, \ A B L E T O or sales. Four acres industrial with 16’ minimum ceiling 1917. 1967 P LY M O U T H - Pow er yOUR SON, STEVE/ WIFE/ SHE'S I'LL NEED YOUR COOPERATION ) DO. IS HAND commercial, storage buildings. height. Would consider a large steering, brakes, vinyl top, 2- of any New or Used Car! THE ONE WHO HAS OUT TRAFFIC Phone, 1-223-4460. barn. Call 649-3577 or 455-0151. 1963 PLYMOUTH Savoy II, 2- door hardtop, $400. 1966 WN GRANDSONi TICKETS! door hardtop, 1968 440 cubic Rambler American - Six BROGUE, cylinders, automatic, $250 or 700 SQUARE FOOT office in inch engine, 4-speed, bucket SHOCK WAVES 3 - n ' i ’T 'L . - T lM - Vernon Professional Building. □ AUTOMOTIVE seats and extras/ Tires and best offer. 872-9819. BRAND NEW 1975 MONARCH g) 197S NEA Iw T M fitg U S Vn Cin “ - 3 -/7 Route 83. $275 monthly includes body in decent shape. Needs 2 Door Sedan heat and air-conditioning in Autos For Sale 61 minor work. Must sell im­ 1972 PINTO excellent condition, MUTT AND JEFF BUI) IISIIKK $1,900. A fter 5, 649-3390, 528- 250 cid 6 cylinder engine, selectshift automatic carpeted 2 1/2 room office with mediately. Asking $500. or best transmission, white wall tires, power steering, kitchenette. Call after 6 p.m. offer. Call 643-0458 after 6, any 5527. 7 1972 MAVERICK, 2-door, 6- power front disc brakes, rear window m l j t t : you fiEARo VEI-I/ LOOK \ WMAT 644-2314. cylinder, standard shift, radio, day but Fridays. defogger, AM radio, protective body side ABO UT TWE STRAW one owner. Asking $1,500. Call 1939 C H R Y S L E R R o y a l - ' ' ^ W HAT I I IS IT? 875-4447. 1971 OLDS, Vista wagon with Excellent condition. $1,000. Call mouldings, STK. 5E44. THAT BROKE TME 429-6223 after 6:30. 1967 K F ^ N D . / , trailer pack, excellent condi­ i CAMEL’S BACK/ OFFICE SPACE NEED CAR? Credit bad? tion, power steering, air, $1,900. Corvette 327 - 300 hp., many extras. Call 875-0437 after 6. FOR RENT Bankrupt? Repossessed? Please call between 5-7 p.m. SALE PRISCILLA’S POP BY AL VERMEER m T Honest Douglas accepts lowest 644-2048. 250 square feet, center of 1968 MERCURY Monterey 390 - Manchester, air conditioning down, smallest payments. NOT GETTIMG A HORSE WE MUST l e a r n LIKE I A Douglas Motors, 345 Main. PACER - The wide small car Automatic, front disc brakes, FOR Yo u r b ir t h d a y . TO LIVE 'WITH OUR WLIEM .1 DIDN'T and parking. Call: 643-9551. from AMC, has rack and pinion good condtion. $525 or best NEW 1975 COMET ISN'T THE END OF THE ^ DlSAPPOlKITMEtslTS' LOST MY FLY INTO TOYOTA - See us for reliable steering for great handling. offer. Call after 6, 646-8318. 2 Door Sedan 250 6 cylinder engine, Selectshift WORLD, PRISCILLA' LIB R A R V A used Toyotas w ith our 60-day Now available at DeCormier automatic transmission, all vinyl In­ CARD PANIC Wanted to Rent 57 100% warranty. We also buy Motors, 285 Broad Street, 643- 1971 VOLKSWAGEN bug, terior, power steering, power front excellent running condition, used Toyotas. Lynch Motors, 4165. disc brakes, AM radio, deluxe wheel 3 -1 7 RETIRED COUPLE wants un­ 345 Center Street, Manchester, body good shape, $1,300. 643- 5078, 646-0474. covers, protective body side ■A furnished 3-4 room heated 646-4321. NOVA, Chevrolet, 1972, four mouldings, white side wall radial tires, IT-' apartment, Manchester. $160 door, green, hydra-matic, white color, STK. 5CT2. maximum. Call 643-8820 after 2. WE PAY $10 for complete junk power steering, power brakes, 1966 PONTIAC Bonneville - CAPIAIN EASY BV CROOKS & EAWRENCE cars. Call Joey, Tolland Auto radio, undercoating, decor Four-door, V-8, automatic, WANTED - Two bedroom Body, 528-1990. package. O riginal owner, $1,- power steering, needs minor apartment in Duplex or 2- 975. 644-8885. repair but runs well. $150. 643- SALE *3793 I'M AFRAID rVE NEVER 7 A TEEN-AGE M O R E IM ­ AND YOU SAY E X A C T L Y ! you SEE-I'M INVITING 6656. HEARD OF TH15 GURU / SW AMI, OR. PORTANT, HE'S. I MAY SOON H IM TO LECTURE HERE A T a fam ily. Have small child and ALL CARS simonized $20. Com­ MAHA-GWAVM 6 ABOO 1 WISE MAN, TO THE FOUNDER M E E T H IM ? McKEE INDUSTRIE51J3 small pets. Reasonable rate in­ pounded, waxed, windows and 1967 VOLKSWAGEN square 74 BUICK $3695 GUH...WHO IG HE? S0M B\ BE EKACTl AND REVERED 1973 PONTIAC Catalina - Four- 73 CHEV. $2995 73 MERCURY $2995 74 MARK IV $7695 •^.-17 cluding utilities. 646-2009. nub caps cleaned and back, recent engine, clutch, Century 350 2-Door Hardtop, Chevelle Malibu 4-Dr. Sport Montego MX 4-door sedan, Dark brown, matching leather HINDU FAKIR? GURU OF THE brakes, tires. Running or use door sedan, automatic, power dark green, matching vinyl In­ Sedan, silver blue, matching bronze, matching vinyl Interior, Interior, dark brown vinyl root, | LOVE-LOTUS vacuumned, 528-1990, for ap­ THE BORN LOSER BY ART SANSOM J O Y A N D WANTED - Two bedroom pointment. for parts. $300. 646-4513. steering, power brakes, terior, 2 tone V4 roof, V-8, vinyl Interior, V-8 automatic, V-8, automatic, PS, PB, fee. air full Mark IV equipment In­ excellent condition, low automatic, power atearing, power steering, power brakea, conditioning, radio, whitewalls. cluding AM-FM stereo with | H A P P IN E S S apartment in 2-family. Have IT'SA^OMCAV CULT! 1972 CHEVROLET Nova, 4- mileage, $2,695. 649-26%. power brakea, factory air con­ factory air conditioning, tilt stereo tape, low mileage. small child. About $180 in­ 1973 DODGE Dart, 2-door, 6 ditioning, low mllaage. wheel, only 28,000 miles. cluding heat and hot water. 646- cylinder engine, power door sedan, excellent condition, 74 COMET $3095 A W F U L U / m MORUlUfo. 8085. Steering, vinyl roof, Chorches low mileage, standard 1968. FORD. Fairlane - Six Mercury 4-door sedan, dark 73 MARK IV $6695 #••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Motors, 643-2791. transmission. Call 643-8390. cylinder, standard, good condi­ 74 MERCURY $3895 72 PONTUC $2395 browri, matching vihyi interior, Claulc cojsper, tan leather In-1 tion. Asking $595. Call 644-0235. Monterey Custom. 2-Dr. Hard­ Ventura II 2-Dr. Cpe., yellow, economical 6-cyl., automatic, terlor, tan vinyl top, standard Autos For Sate 61 top, saddle bronze, tan vinyl In­ black vinyl Interior, black vinyl power atearing, whitewalls, Mark IV equipment Including terior, ton vinyl root, 400 V-8, root, V-8, automatic, PS, PB, radio. AM-FM stereo with tape. Cruise automatic, power ateering, factory air conditioning, sharp Control, tilt wheel, sharp carl power brakes, factory air con­ carl 74 MERCURY $3395 'Fa I ditioning, radio, radial whitewall Montego MX 2-Dr. hardtop, tires, only 15,000 miles. white with matching vinyl roof & 74 UNCOLN $6495 white vinyl Interior, V-8, auto., Continental 2-Dr. Coupe, dark PS, PB, (ac. air cond. Priced to blue, matching leather Interior, sell. white vinyl roof, all power In­ 10,000 Green cluding Cruise Control, AM-FM BY HANA-BARBERA THE FI.INTSTONES SCRANTON’S ★ MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM ★ Stereo, tilt wheel, 9,000 miles. Stamps o 117$ By N(A. Inc. T M Rtg US P|l Off With Purchase! ALLEY OOF BY V.r. HAMI.IN


315 CENTER ST., MANCHESTER,CONN.* Phone 643-5135 St. Patrick’s Speciais 1975 TORONADO 1975 98 LUXURY GOUPt i r ’ PACER - The wide small car from AMC has a 232 6-cylinder O CO engine for good performance. Now available at DeCormier Motors, 285 Broad Street, 643- 4165. MR. ABERNATHY BY ROL.STON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY W IN AT BRIDGE Once a year the Irishman BRING BACK THE f f The bidding has been: 17 has his day, and this is it, I WANTED ,^RALL.,MONTVi Act like you have no problem Clean, Late Modal ~ v ~ West .North .South 6-way power seats, power door locks, power windows, tinted glass, 1 A floor mats, protective body side moulding, door edge guards, vinyl Power windows, power locks, power disc brakes, power steering, I USED CARS N O R T H 17 cash the four clubs, and chalk St, Patrick's Day! We’ve Jim: "Deception at the Pass 1 A Pass 2 A opera root, pulse wiper system, electric rear window defogger, clock, power seats, floor mats, while sidewall radial tires, visor vani­ Top Prices Paid AQ97 up game and rubber. ” automatic air conditioning system, remote control outside mirrors. ty mirror, cruise control, vinyl root, electric roar window delogger, bridge table is perfectly all Pass 3 A Pass ’ J j V 8 6 5 2 Illuminated visor vanity mirror, automatic cruise control, tilt steering tempmalic air conditioning, tilt away steering wheel, AM/FM stereo For All Makes right, provided you deceive by You. .South, hold: wheel, radial white sidewall tires, corner lamps, gauges, AM-FM ♦ J 4 Oswald: "The play really radio, mirror and lamp convenience group, plus many other luxury lined up a great selection of the actual card you play and not A K J 9 4 V A Q 2 ♦ J 4 3 A K 10 5 stereo radio with tape player, automatic antenna, lamp and mirror features. i; CARTER CHEVROLET 4k K J 10 5 shouldn't work. West should convenience group, digital clock, power disc brakes, power by the manner in which you What do you do now" WEST(D) EAST really be able to realize that steering, and many other luxury features as well as standard SALE PRICE ...... CO., INC. play it.” A — Bid four spades. Your teatures. A6 A 8 5 4 3 South is trying to steal a dia­ Select Used Cars for him to 1229 Main Street I oo«eS4-l partner is trying to gel to game. Bid REGULAR PRICE...... $9181 YOU SAVE $1392 V AKQJ3 V97 Oswald: "You are even mond trick. If West rises with SALE PRICE ...... 9800 Phone 646-6464 the ace of diamonds and leads a it. ♦ A 10 6 ♦ 9 8 5 2 privileged to act fast, when you fourth heart, he w ill be es­ YOU SAVE $2281 A 9 8 7 3 A642 have a problem. You just aren’t TODAY S QUESTION JOE SULLIVAN sell tonight and tomorrow,. WINTIIROP BY DICK EAVALEI tablishing a trump trick for his I S O U TH supposed to look like you have a J’our partner continues to live SALES REEtfSENTATtVE partner.” A A K J 10 2 problem, when you don’t have diamonds. What do you do now" ITfe BEEN A LO N © .Answer Tomorrow 1975 CUTLASS COLONNADE COUPE 1975 ASTRE SJ HATCHBACK COUPE Trucks lor Sale 62 r^/V\ EN TER IN G A V 10 4 one.” Here’s just a partial listing. C O N T E S T T O T I M E S I N C E IVE ♦ KQ73 1973 CHEVY % ton pick-up, 350 W I N A r e a l , L I V E p r a ’y e c ? l o r d , A AQ Jim: "West started out with Answer to Previous Puzzle TIOEROJB EUTTHIS IS ■ 72 TOYOTA CARINA $2595 72 CHEVROLET NOVA $2595 4-speed, $2,500. Call 646-4029. East-West vulnerable three high hearts. East discard­ I 2-Door Sedan, 4-speed transmission, 4-cyllnder 12-Door Sedan, 6-cyllnder engine, automatic EV\ER©ENCY/ ed the deuce of clubs on the Harvest Time M A Y c? A L £ 5 L_ E D engine, air conditioning, radio, radial tires, 25,- I transmission, radio, 26,000 miles, dark gold with O R £ u u A N T 1 P. E 1952 DODGE dump, low third lead and South ruffed. £ S £ 1 O N A I 000 original tires, aqua blue with matching vinyl I black Interior. P E S 5 U mileage, exceptional condition, West North East South. South had already seen that he ACROSS £ & T A T E s D R O L. U N S 1 D E M 643-0926. would have no problems unless 1 Small garden­ 2 Fasting period E 1 V Pass Pass Dble. M A P T e> £ i e F ■ 1 D A trumps broke 4-1. If they did ing space 3 Riotous 1 N D £ H T A T O N C Pass 2 A Pass 2 A 71 OLDS CUTLASS $1895 Motorcycles-Bicycles 64 break 4-1, he would only come 5 Biblical garden merrymaking 1_ O A D £ R w £ T T E R 170 FORD MAVERICK $1895 Pass 3 A Pass 4 A to nine tricks. So South led the 9 Gram 4 Short-necked D A Y ■ G A s T £ T £ V-B engine, automatic transmission, tinted glass, power front disc 4 cylinder engine, 4 speed transmission, tinted glass, power 12-Door Hardtop. This Immaculate Intermediate 12-Door Sedan, 6-cyllndar engine, radio, C A P £ P £ R steering, till wheel steering wheel, (ront disc brakes, sport mirrors Pass Pass Pass three of diamonds at trick 12 In this place ducks brakes, protective side mouldings, deluxe wheel discs, white stripe I teatures Strato bucket seats, 350 V-8 engine, automatic transmission, tangerine color with EXPERT bicycle repairs, all S T O A T S T A R V E s rally gauges, clock, steel belted radial tires, AM/FM radio, rear 13 Long narrow 5 Numeral suflix steel belted radial tires, radio, power steering and more. I automatic transmiaslon, radio, power steering, black Interior. Opening lead — K v three. West thought a while C O N T £ N T £ D E T £ speaker, front bumper guard, protective striping, bucket seats, makes, models anci speeds. 6 One on I vinyl top, dark green matching Interior. DIGK before playing the six spot. stripe (Sp ) o 6 £ £ “ N £ A R M O N LIST P R IC E ...... $4856.80 door edge guards, and many many other teatures too numerous to Peugeot, Raleigh dealers, S K. L. £ £ N D mention. CPNAUA Dummy's jack won. South 14 Elongated fish restricted diets w A E Manchester Bicycle Shop, 649-

H-i4-29-40 32 Unclosed I 41-45-51-55#" superlamily aware of 55 Letter 1972 CHEVROLET CAPRICE 1970 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE 1%9 TR IUM PH 650, Best offer &/4B-64-73 read words correspbnding to numbers 61-67-70 34 King of Huns ' 2-Door Hardtop, V-8 engine, automatic transmission, power 2-Door Hardtop, V-8 engine, automatic transmission, power of you^ Zodiac birth sign. over $800. Call between 3-7 p.m. TAURUS SCORPIO 36 Convince steering, power disc brakes, air conditioning, vinyl top, tilt-wheel steering, power disc brakes, air conditioning, vlnylldp, power win­ A n . 20 1 Y our 31 C arry 61 Chonges 37 Translate (ab ) dows. 643-7109. 2 Be 32 Social OC7. steering wheel, power door locks, power windows, AM/FM radio, / 62 Romance 38 Greek letter r " 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 radial tires. A r I f A r t ' \ir? HA1 20 3 Your 33 Joyful 63 Looking NOV. 21 73 PLYMOUTH $2895 67 CHEVROLET CAMARO $1195 m t,m i lilt 111 u s »« n" -'/u' 4 P io n i 34 Showing 64 Y our 39 Away from I Satellite SebrIng 2-Door Hardtop, small V-8 1^54-57-88-49 12 |3 14 1970 DODGE CHALLENGER Ralley Sport 2-Door Hardtop, 327 V-8 engine, Automotive Service 66 |>l-77-79-8l 5 M ode 35 Surprise 65 O ffe r 12-15-18-32, wind 2-Door Hardtop. V-8 angina, automatic transmission, power engine, automatic transmission, Strato bucket floor mounted automatic transmiaslon, power 36-38-84-88^ 1973 RUICK CENTURY BUZZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE 6 Ideos 36 Enjoyment 66 L ittle 41 Give (S cot) iT " 16 17 4-Door, V-8 engine, automatic transmlaalon. power steering, power steering, power disc brakes, air conditioning, vinyl top, bucket seats, AM/FM radio, power steering, radial y/hite steering, power brakea. radio, Whiteside wall GEMINI 7 Leery 37 Clouds 67 In UGITTARIUS 8 C harm 42 Self esteem disc brakes, air conditioning, vinyl top, power seat. seats. side wall tires, tinted glass, factory air con­ tires, only 57,000 original miles, navy blue with MAT 21 36 A nd 68 Confusion NOV. 26 91s 39 M ay 69 Through 44 Sea eagles 18 19 ditioning, 31,000 miles, cocoa metallic, brown blue vinyl Interior. r V Jl/N f 20 10 Now 40 O f 70 Plans D ie fv a r) 1973 PONTIAC LEMANS 1969 OLDS CUTLASS vinyl roof, gold Interior. I'M fiOlHG SEE/ I TIE A LONG PIECE , 7 p R t 6 T 0 ! ^8RAV0/T WP 41 No 71 A i l 23 EXPERT REPAIRS r K 1 3-21-30-37 11 You 44-47-53-58/^ 46 Feminine name 4-Door, V-8 engine, automatic transmission, power steering, power 2-Door Hardtop, V-8 engine, automatic tranamlasion. power INTO t h e OF THE RO PE'you UN­ 1 HE CATCHES 12 T o d o y 'i 42 Through 72 Too t n I a ^52-59-80-84 72-78-83-89^ 31 disc brakes, air conditioning, radial tires, 16 000 miles. steering, power disc t2rakes, vinyl top, air conditioning. iM 13 Be 43 Perhops 73 Income 49 Father fc o ll) 24 28 28 28 29 30 FISHING RAVELED/AROUND HIS A FISH, I CANcea w r <1 / ALL GM BUSINESS, 'LEG TO HOLD HIM. i PUJ.LHIAA U S e e 44 Y ou're 74 Successfully CAPRICORN 53 Conjunction 21 15 Fine 45 Tim e 75 Friends O fC . 22 ^ 5 T 35 1969 CHEVROLET IMPALA A - /- - / - A . CARS and TRUCKS JAPANESE 54 Farm 2-Door, V-8 engine, automatic transmission, power steering, power 22 1 6 0 f 46 A nd 76 Slow 17 Could 47 Likely 77 Lock JAti. machinery $6 brakes, vinyl top. STYLE Any and All Types of Rapaira O s 1- 8- 9-34 18 For 48 Improving 78 Criticol 2- 7-16-20#' 56 Depot fab ) tNlIh Oenuina Parts, Factory &/44-40-75 19 Flower 49 Be 79 Of 25-63-65 57 Evenings 38 39 40 20 A n 50 Regording 80 Pass AQUARIUS (poet) ■ Trainad Tachniciana, and LIO 21 Cheerful 51 To 81 Decision 42 43 48 58 Arrow poison s ' CpmpallUvs PrIcaa. » 22 Into 52 O f 82 Or 1 53 To . AU6. 22 23 Conditions 83 O f F£i. II 59 Plaything 46 47 48 W 50 51 ^2 American TRY US MB SEE 24 Should 54 D on't 84 Frier>dly 60 Antarctic sea %suN } risjMotors AND A SHORT ^4-27-33-35 25 Attractive 55 M oke 85 Worthwhile 4. 5-10-24/O 5$ 54 55 Cs>'43-50-42 26 You 5 6 A 31-42-74 61 Malt drink - 'L i PIECE LOpSELY 86 Away 285185 BROAD ST., MANCHESTER - 643-4165 1 VISGO 27 Receive 57 Cause 87 Today PISCES DOWN s i 57 58 CIRTER CHEV. £ AROUND HIS NECtC 28 Something 58 Be 88 Contocts h b n e M i ^ l / AUG. 22 83, Vernon SHOP 1229 MAIN ST. 040-6464 SO HC CAN'T 2 9W o ys 59 Doubt 89 O thers 1 Greek tetter 59 6A 61 TONIGHT ’til 9:00! i l f i . 22 30 L ittle 60 Attrocting 90 Dull MAR. MANCHESTEA SWALLOW ANY­ (pi ) 17 3-39-49-54 ^ A d v e r s e 3- 6-1M 9/OI THING BIG. A 0 '44-74-82-90 to 22-28-85-87'^ INEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN.) PAGE TWENTY - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn,, Mon., March 17, 1975 Ellington Train Band Reorganizes The name train band came ficial appearance will be in this Hathaway has donated office and the commission is making year’s Memorial Day parade. The Ellington Parish Train from the fact it was a band of space for the commission’s use plans to recognize them in some Miss Nellie McKnight, a Band has been reorganized to men who trained togther on tjie in a home he owns on Maple St. tangible way. lifelong resident of Ellington, is participate in activities com­ green. Fifers and drummers in Ellington. The house itself The commission, headed by researching to determine which memorating the Bicentennial. headed the marching unit. The was built in 1790 and was the Mrs. Sally Vaughn, has many homes in town wili be 100 years Some 30 men have volunteered men flnkwered the Lexington town’s first tavern known as other interesting programs in Area Profile old by 1976. The commission but more are needed to carry Alarm in 1775. Houiton Tavern. It also once the planning stage. Among Many of the men already will have markers made for served as the home of the these is a pian to have a muskets or flags. these homes as part of the The Rev. Sheldon Smith, signed up are playing drums Masonic Temple. Bicentennial Ball in January bicentennial celebration. Tolland Ambulance ’Unit pastor of Ellington and fifes. Rehearsal musters In connection with 1976. The Ellington Junior Congregational Church, and are conducted at the Ellington Miss McKnigh is seeking help Hathaway’s contribution, the Women will supervise this Thomas Greaser of the music Congregational Church on in this endeavor and anyone Rockville insurance firm of project. Re-Elects Charles Mayer department of the Ellington Saturdays at 8 a.m. When the who knows of such local homes Dowding, Moriarty, and Tentative plans are to have school system are in charge of weather gets warmer, and the is asked to contact her. Dimock, has had a sign built those attending wear dress of men feel they are ready for and donated it for the front of the 1776 period and to have the Vivian Kenneson — Store foods only on shelves is planning a trip to the the band. All of ^he homes that became public appearance, rehearsals the building. This bears the affair be formal. Correspondent used for storing foods. Veterans Hospital in Rocky Hill A train band existed in the 100 in 1935 are recorded plus a 875-4704 1776 period in Ellington. It was will be on the green opposite the few that have become that old Bicentennial Commission seal — Keep all poisonous sub­ on April 7. Entertainment will church. and will be installed as soon as Charles Mayer has been re­ stances in original container. include a bingo game and made up of men from the since that time. elected president of the Tolland Ellington Church parish who The wives of band members Plans are to have the weather permits. The Promised Land is a state — Discard medicine by refreshments provided by club and other Ellington women are Volunteer Ambulance Associa­ formed a local militia which woodworking classes at Persons who support the park in the Allegheny Mountain flushing down the drain. members. All club members making the “authentic” un­ tion and Beverly Trapp was re­ stood ready to defend the settle­ Ellington High School make the Bicentennial in individual ways region of northern Cambria — Never teli a child that are invited and should contact iforms. elected secretary at the ment which then also included markers. are to be known as “Friends of County, Pennsylvania. medicine is candy. Mrs. Vining. ' Hopefully, the bands first of­ the Bicentennial Commission,” organization’s March meeting. — Do not give or take East Windsor. Ellington Postmaster Earl Other members of the medicine in the dark. executive board elected were: — Read iabeis. FRESHLY GROUND GAYLORD Ruth Walworth, treasurer; March 17 to 23 is Poison David Brunette, maintenance; Prevention Week and the club Pam Matthews, public warns that aspirin is the most T relations and records; Kirk common poison cause, followed Walworth, scheduling officer; by cough and cold remedies, Robert Martin, training of­ and vitamin preparations con­ ficer; and Maureen Pratt, first taining iron. aid officer. Rfenovations of the TV A A new Blood Pressure' Clinic 1 LB. PKG. headquarters, located in the A free blood pressure barn behind the old jail off Rt. screening clinic, sponsored by LB. SOLIDS 74, are almost complete and the Tolland Health Council, will V FOR H i plans are being finalized for an be held March 25 and April 1 at open house on April 13 from 2 to the Religious Education 5 p.m. Building of the United If anyone has any kitchen Congregational Church of utensils, linens, or a sump Tolland. SHOULDN’T YOU REALLY SHOP pump to donate to the TVAA On March 25 the clinic will be they may call 875-8748 or any held from 1 to 3 p.m. and on TVAA member. April 1 from 7 to 9 p.m. Early detection of high blood FOOD MARTS... THE (»ST CUHERS CPR Course Offered pressure permits stabilization The TVAA has scheduled a and reduction through medical Food M arts A CUT BELOW THE OTHERS IN PRICE. -A CUT ABOVE THE OTHERS IN QUALITT Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation attention. Everyone is welcome course for April 30 and May 1 and appointments are not from 7 to 11 p.m. at St. necessary. REDEEM A ll COUPONS BEIOW WITH JUST ONE >5. MART PURCHASE! Matthew's Church Hall. The course is co-sponsored by Club to Meet ■1 the Tolland Knights of Members of the Tolland CHASE & SANBORN cc FRIEND'S cc I DUNCAN HINES LAYER cc Columbus. It adheres to the A WONDtRFUl SELECTION O f PASSOVER FOODSI Junior Woman’s Club will meet I standards of the American Baked Pea Beans CAKE MIXES Tuesday at 8 p.m. at the United 17 OZ. CAN Q Q ^ COFFEE I Heart Association and will be Gefilte Fish ” Congregational Church. MANISCM6WITZ OflC I completed on each night. EG. OR E LE C . P E R K ic The program will include a Sponge Cake Mix I LD.VAC. CAN The public is invited to attend 'MiANr$CH6WrT2 n . film, “Resolve to be Free,” the 7 9 ‘ 59 without charge. In order to in­ Cake Mix v..*." .’.‘’o' .29 WITH PURCHASE OF 1S.O0 OR MORE WITH PURCHASE OF tS.OO OR MORE WITH PURCHASE OF IS M OR MORE official Bicentennial documen­ MANISCHEWITZ AND THIS COUPON AT FOOD MARTS AND THIS COUPON AT FOOD MARTS AND THIS COUPON AT FOOD MARTS sure adequate instructors and GOOD THRU SAT.. MARCH II. LIMIT I GOOD THRU SAT.. MARCH II. LIMIT 3 GOOD THRU SAT . MARCH 13 LIMIT I Egg Matzo = 7 9 ' CAN ONE COUPON PER FAMILY. CANS ONE COUPON PER FAMILY. PKG ONE COUPON PER FAMILY for further information call 872- tary film for the State of Connecticut, and an exhibit of 9372 or 875-6957. Gold's Borscht ,°Tlr 4 9 ' items made by club members. Poison Week The exhibition items will in­ WALOBAUM’S KRAFT ( OCEAN SPRAY cc Sour Cream 4 9 ' MRS. ADLER’S GREEN GIANT The safety committee of the clude the categories of WALDBAUM'S ceramics and pottery, 9 9 ' GEFILTE MIRACLE WHIP Tolland Junior Woman’s Club Cottage Cheese CONTAINER NIBLETS CORN SALAD DRESSING Cranapple Juice reminds residents that the decoupage, macrame, leather- BREAKSTONE TEMPTEE WHIPPED Cream Cheese ■ OZ. CU P 4 9 ' FISH Poison Information Center, a craft, holiday decorations, knit­ 24 OZ. JAR 46 OZ. WALDBAUM'S BOTTLE division of the state Depart­ ting, crocheting, sewing, Cream Cheese 3 7 ' |C 25* 59* ment of Health, can be reached needlecraft, rugs and wall WITH PURCHASE OF tS.M OR MORE WITH PURCHASE OF $S.M OR MORE WITH PURCHASE OF tS.OO OR MORE Vita Herring 7 9 ' AND THIS COUPON AT FOOD MARTS- AND THIS COUPON AT FOOD MARTS AND THIS COUPON AT FOOD MARTS any time at 566-3456. hangings, bookbinding, stained GOOD THRU SAT., MARCH 33. LIMIT I GOOD THRU SAT., MARCH II. LIMIT I GOOD THRU SAT . MARCH 23 LIMIT I glass, woodwork, and creative CAN ONE COUPON PER FAMILY. JAR ONE COUPON PER FAMILY. BOTTLE ONE COUPON PER FAMILY In case of poisoning, the com­ material. mittee offers the following ad­ NOTE: So that we may serve all our customers, we reserve the right to limit soles to pkgs. of 3. None sold to deolers. Not responsible for typogrt^lcol errors. Members may participate in -PRODUCE ------vice: If the victim is fully con­ as many categories as they UUBIHSTHN F O O D CLUB scious and not convulsing, give wish. Those judging the items CALIFORNIA • LONG - GREEN U.S. GOVT. INSPECTED GRADE milk or water. Exceptions are entered will be Shirley Randaz- BLUBBACK APPLE WHOLE if the victim has swallowed zo of Omnibus I, crafts; Phyllis FRESH ASPARAGUS kerosene, gasoline, lighter Dowd, art; Dot Zabilansky, SALMON JUICB • > fluid, furniture polish or other stitchery; Dot Hernberg, CHICKENS products containing a crocheting and knitting; Lynn TViOZ. no,. $ 1 petroleum distillate or cor­ Winans, sewing. w w rosive substance such as lye, First place winners at this CRISP- FIRM FRESH-FLORIDA 3 ammonia, or acid, in which level will compete at a district CALIFORNIA RED TOPCO . PINK. WHITE OR YELLOW case vomiting should not be in­ level on April 2. ICEBERG SLICING VICTOR MEDIUM Facial Tissue duced. Get the patient to The arts committee will meet CLEANED U.S.D.A. CHOICE medical care at once and save LETTUCE TOMATCES ALL FLAVORS 3'> IBS March 19 at 7:30 p.m. at the Roasting CMckens AVG. BEEF ROUND the poison container and any LARGE HEADS EXTRA LARGE SIZE SHRIMP Royal Gelatin P °G S. 3 home of Corey Bock for a BO nO M ROUND remaining contents, a club macrame workship. Members $1 '/>oz. GLADE SOLID • ALL SCENTS spokesman warns. 3FOR I • CAN wishing to attend should con­ Air Freshener p‘k°gs 3 1 FRESH BRISKETS ROAST tact Mrs. Bock. The committee To prevent household CALIFORNIA “SUNKIST" . POINT CUT FIAT CUT poisoning, the committee will hold a tinsel painting NAVEL ORANGES 1 workshop March 31 at the home DECORATOR or ASORTED suggests: U-S. NO. 1 DYNAMO — Keep all drugs and of Muriel Vining. IDAHO POTATOES 99Ve ^1.19 LIQUID BOUNTY U.S.D A. CHOICE BEEF ROUND household chemicals out of The public affairs committee GREEN DIAMOND FRESH Bottom Round Steak M .6 9 children’s reach. WALNUT MEATS PORK SALE TOWELS A U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF ROUND PORK LO IN Top Round Roast M .3 9 JUM BO C ASSORTED U S O.A. CHOICE BEEF ROUND H t w Tip Roast TOP SIRLOIN ,M .4 9 ON 13 OZ. JAR WALDEN FARMS T 9 Eldridge and CHOPS U.S.D.A. CHOICE • BEEF ROUND Ileal, stem& root' IS OZ. CAN 3 Rib End • 3 Loin End • 3 Center M .4 9 LO-CAL DRESSINGS GAYLA Rump Roast ALL VARIETIES I “The Complete Plant Store" WITH THIS COUPON AT FOOD MARTS. GOOD THRU Kozy Kitten p^ d 6 SATURDAY. MARCH 31. LIMIT ONE JAR - ONE DIET Z' FOO D C LU B \ ^ FOOD C LU B I Just Arrived, a Giant Selection of COUPON PER CUSTOMER. FOOD CLU B SODA Shortening 3 LB. CAN SLICED COLD CUTS C E N T E R CUT PORK LOIN BOLOGNA LUNCHEON I NEW PLANTS! BACON PAP C^gKEDSALAMI I Special, Now thru Sat., March 22nd. PLANTERS 112 OZ.: —FROZeN FOODS- t n z . A A C JAI I CANS PORK BLADE m lb TOP FROST IM'' FLORIDA Peanut Butter 69' I . 2 9 J ^ PKO - ) FOOD C LU B CHOPS ROAST ORANGE 40Z R 16 OZ. PARKS ! 20% OFF poma'puNTS Egg Noodles PKG. Little Link Sausage M.59 JUICE ® LB LB. HORMEL HOOD’ S R IT E FO R M VLASIC n . 2 9 99 Hours: Mon.-Sat. 10:00-5:30 PO R K LOIN Cuie 81 Boneless Hamts'2.19 Ice Milk FLAVORS CAR' 24 OZ. JAR Thursday 10:00-9:00 • Phone 640-2522 Kosher Dill Spears Rih Half Roast liM.OS HOWARD JOHNSON P O R K LOIN F^rk Shoulder Roll O A IS Y R O L L M .2 9 l Blueberry Toasties -BAKMY- Srioin Half RoastJ1.19 FOO D CLU B FRESH Meat or Beef Franks 89' FOO D M A R T I) OZ. PK O . O F 4 ^ PERRI F^rk Shoulder PICNICS 59‘„ FOOD MART English Muffins 3 FRESH Italian Sausage S W EET •1.49 FARMCREST BUTTERMAID ^Pork Spare RihSL.*1.19 BU D O lO TO P FRO ST Wheat Bread U O Z.'LO A F Variety Meats ‘pVS' 2f»” 89‘ Green Beans WHITE CRESTVIEW BUTTERFARM SEAFOOD SPECIALSI M RS P A U L'S Oatmeal Bread C OUR BEST f OUR BEST ^ Rsh Cakes BREAD CRESTVIEW • BUTTERFARM Fresh Pollock Fillets l, 99‘ VIAL BREADED Coffee Rings 13 OZ PKG . Fresh Scrod Fillets ,*1.39 VIAL CHEF BOY-AR-OfiE 20 OZ. LOAF n i s s e n PATTIES PATTIES Assorted Donuts Oysters "« '1.29 TO P FROST s u n s h i n e CookeT Sole Rllets '1.29, 1 9 9 * lb.j 1 8 9 * lbJ Vienna Fingers '> c a V t o n Coffee Creamer 3 9 NBC DIP IN A CHIP WALDBAUM'S DELICIOUS NEW YORK STYLE DELICATESSENI TASTE O’ SEA ^ 3*1. Snack Crackers lo ______. SHARP CHEESE FASHION LB. M .5 9 Sian Haddock Fillet ItOZ. PKO. 9 9 DOMESTIC PEPPERIDOE FARMS ^ g% LOXSALE O R A L A S K A N '**■*' M .1 9 Turnovers h'.oipko 79 —DAIRY— BOILED H IM APPLE • BLUEBERRY • RASPBERRY OR STRAWBERRY SMOKED SABLE PIECES Kenton and his BREAKSTONE SOUR WALDBAUM'S * 1 . 7 9 LB. CHOPPED HERRING UOZ. CUP 3«C OFF LABEL CREAM OLIVE SALAD Ptell Shampoo 79‘ CREAM orchestra COLGATE] 3«C OFF LABEL LAND O' LAKES • SHARP RICE PUDDING Droll l-'OUID 70Z. 7Q^ l«OZ. STICK CHEESE AMERICAN rie il SHAMPOO BOTTLE * ** White Cheese 8 OZ. PKG. TOOTH­ lO Z CAN FOOD MART ■ PROCESSED SLICED PASTRAMI SLICEOTOORDER CHEESE ALPERT’S SLICED TO ORDER COOKED PASTE OBCrOI DEODORANT • P WHITE OR YELLOW V A L tA N T American Cheese "wh CORNED BEEF BRISKET Cold Capsules'Ko o-14 3 9 ‘ LIGHT ’N LIVELY * 1 . 2 9 Yogurt ><>4 curs GRIDDLE FRANKS NATIONAL March 20 - 8 P.M. Aspirin 'ro-vT*' 2 5 '

Glastonbury High School f - - - — — $2.50 general admission $1.00 students - 504 M C C students I 35- off 130' off 115' off 0 1 110' off ^ ! 110' off O I ! 10'off OI tickets available at M CC activities ON A S LB. BAG I ON A 32 OZ. B O TTLE j j ON A 100 COUNT PKO ! ■ ON A 22W OZ. PKG. j j ON A 12 OZ. PKG . | | ON A 24 OZ. BOTTLE j | I office (646-4900, ext. 259) or at I U- I U I L U , . * * ON A 100 COUNT PKO. |• |I pi^LSBURYPILLSBURY FAMILY FUDGE I • • J . , ! ! , « L- » i ii C a I iI Haiffll Flniir local music stores. Miracle White I CLEANER I Tetley Tea Bags j j Brownie Mix | | Total Cereal j j Log Cabin Syrup j j REG. OR unbleached UNBLEACHED | - WITH THIS COUPON AT FOOD MARTS. | I WITH THIS COUPON AT POOD MARTS. ■ I WITH THIS COUPON AT POOD MARTS. . WITH THIS COUPON AT FOOD MARTS. - WITH THIS COUPON AT FOOD MARTS. _ GOOD THRU SAT., MARCH 33. LIMIT ONE Thl» concart I. praMnlKl by M.nchnlw Community Collog. OOOD T H R U SAT.. M A R C H 21. LIM IT I I GOOD THRU SAT., MARCH ». LIMIT ONE | GOOD THRU SAT., MARCH 33. LIMIT ONE I 0000 THRU SAT., MARCH 33. LIMIT ONE I I I GOOD THRU SAT., MARCH t1. LIMIT ONE I ■^ PKO. • ONE COUPON PER FAMILY. j (^ BOTTLE ONE COUPON PER FAMILY, j BAO ONE COUPON PER FAMILY. J with th* tuppoft ol Ih. Conn. CommiMlon on th. Art* through I BOTTLE • ONE COUPON PER FAMILY. J ^ PKO. ■ ONE COUPON PER FAMILY. J COUPON PER J th. Conn. Foundation for th* Art*. UHCC WEST MIDDLE TURNPIKE PRICES EFFECTIVE IN MANCHESTER MANCHESTER PARKADE

i. a state luntain mbria r SUPPLEMENT TO MANCHESTER HERALD MONDAY, MARCH 17,1975


GIRLS'SIZES 4 TO 6X all weather coats 11.88 regularly 13.98 Choice of zip front A-line style in sizes 4 to 6x, or button front belted model in sizes 12 to 24 months or sizes 2 to 4. Solids and plaids in groups.

GIRLS' FLANNEL LINED nylon jackets 4.88 regularly 5.98 Hooded style with zipper front. Flannel lined for warmth and body. Red, navy, blue, green. Sizes 7 to 14.

BOYS' 100% POLYESTER double knit sport coats MO regularly 14.98 'Two-button style with vent back, two lower flap pockets, fully lined. Navy, burgundy, green and fancies. Sizes 8 to 18.

WE HONOR WE HONOR OPEN THURSDAY NIGHTS HOUS, HALE UNTIL9P.M. M A N C H iSn R CONNECTICUT SEE CENTERFOLD FOR "WEDNESDAY ONLY" SPECIALS AND BACK PAGE FOR "MONDAY ONLY" COUPONS Rain Checks Given When Advertised items Not Avaiiabie Due To Heavy Demand or Not Arriving On Timei Wo Reserve Right To Limit Quantities. Not Responsibie For Typographicai Errors. FRE® EASTER stoi^wide sales PRE^EASTER stci&u?idc sales ------\ ______NEW______STYLES, _____ COLORS \ r NEW AND BIG SELECTION ^tart at the top with . ^ FOR SPRING OF RAIN'N SHINE AND FABRICS Spring Separates Short Sleeve Amel pant tops Have Sprung spring 5.88 in our Sportswear Dept. Easy-care, easy-wear short sleeve pant tops in either pull-on or button-front styles. Arnel ® triacetate fabric. Popular iK < : i prints for perfect mixing and matching. icoat sale Sizes S, M, L. 100% Polyester il. swing into spring fun tops reg. 2.29 2.98 'e y Solid color 100% .a' nylon tops .with contrasting zig-zag i . stitching. Comfortably r e g . ^25 cool short sleeve styles in white, navy, pink, For only 19.90 you get a fair- I blue, and yellow. Sizes weather friend and rainy day pal. S, M, L. Regular and pant coat length in single and double breasted models i with contrast stitching. Not only axej they available In Dacron ' re g . ^50 t o *55 polyester and cotton, but also £ EXTRA-SIZE BEAUTIES! in cotton oxfords. Blue, ale, old 100% salt, navy, tan. Sizes 8 to 18, 16 SHORT SLEEVE, REG. 5.98 Polyester 1/2 to 24 1/2. Beautiful collection of values for Springl The snappiest proportioned coats styled to fit your budget. • screen print tops Made of 100% polyester Awake to colorl Sharp, bright colors abound in chic double knits and also polyester designs on white backgrounds on these short sleeve pants linen and polyester twill ^ EXTRA SI2!E screen print pant tops. Sporty button reg. fabrics. Single and double fronts with pointed collar. Sizes 40 to 46. - '• breasted models. Sharp colors 5.88 6.98 of navy, white, beige, and power. Sizes 8 to 18, 14 1/2 to 100% polyester pro­ v’ 4 1/2. REG. 7.98 PULL-ON portioned pants. • extra-size slacks Pull-on styles with y V. slightly flared bottoms Spring styling worth getting excited about — pull-on and stitched creases. EXTRA-SIZE slacks for the gals who need them. Black, berry, navy, pink, Trim and neat looking yvith stitched crease in great mint, blue, and peach. match-up slimming shades of black, navy, brown, Petite 10 to 16, Medium SPRING FORTH IN THESE COLORFUL NEW FASHIONS and green. Sizes 32 to 38. ; 12 to 18, Tall 14 to 20.

dresses 1 a special spring showing of f grasp spring in your FAMOUS NAME - clu tch es uniforms On .Saie Nowl aV^-* pant suits made of either Brand names omsale include Classic, White " ij crinkle patent I reg. $ Swan, Clinic, 24-Hour Duty, Bob Evans, or portofino ca lf. 7.98 Crest, Tiffany, Wil-ko, Donna Gay, Barco, Frances Gee, Rol-Jean, and Unifemme. jacket Reg. ■ ^^Sale . 2-For Price Price ' Price 6.98 5.99 2 for 11.50 dresses 7.98 6.99 2 for 13.00 8.98 7.99 2 for 15.00 9.98 7.99 2 for 15.00 1 10.98 8.99 2 for 17.00 11.98 9.99 2 for 19.00 12.98 10.99 2 for 21.00 11.99 2 for 23.00 \- f > 13.98 f 14.98 12.99 2 for 25.00 15.98 13.99 2 for 27.00 16.98 13.99 2 for 27.00 17.98 14.99 2 for 29.00 n reg. to *20 18.98 15.99 . 2 for 31.00 19.98 16.99 2for33;00 A super selection of happy-go-lucky Spring's newest 2 for 35.00 fashions. 100% polyester pant suits, dresses, and 20.98 17.99 The clutch bag is back — new and jacket dresses^ill put you right into the swing of versatile in either crinkle patent or 21.98 18.99 2 for 37.00 Spring. All easy-to-care-for fabrics, in colorful solids portofino calf. Swing shoulder styles Fabrics include 100% Dacron ® polyester, and patterns. Come in today and choose a style to with ornamental trims, soft clutches with carefree doubleknits, polyester and cotton disappearing handles, and softly shirred suit you. Sizes for Misses and women's. blends, cordM or. ribbed knit jerseys in m any. clutches with convertible handles. styles — pant suits, smocks, lab coats, separates, and one-piece dresses. HANDBAG DEPT. UNIFORM DEPT. ■ \ PRE^EASTER PRE E A S T E R stoi^wide sales sie^iicicte sales HOP TO IT - - - BIG SAVINGS r save 1.54 IN OUR INFANTS DEPT SAVE 1.10 SAVE 2.10 little boys polos spectacular mini little boys' little girls' save 1.54 1 . 3 8 savings in our coat polyester Short sleeve polyester-cotton blend permanent press and polos. Contrasting trim around neck. lingerie, WOMEN'S sport suits Solids, stripes. Sizes 4 to 7. POLYESTER-COTTON gown dresses corset and little boys sets hosiery depts. c o ffe e coats'^ slacks, jeans styles to by a Famous Maker greet spring 3,88 with color Polyester double knit slacks and jeans. Back elastic for fit. Two pockets, belt loops. Solid colors, stripes. Sizes 4 to 7. HOSIERY SA 7.44 reg. 14.98 save 30c Polyester-cotton mini-gown SAVE 1.10 a/r/Ec and coat make the perfect out-size evening lounge-around set. In assorted prints. Sizes S, M, L. panty hose regularly 5.98 9 9 * 't% little girls' Polyester - cotton per­ Spend your leisure hours in a manent presd blend crisp, fresh and comfy polyester- fabric is the kind mom Queen sizes A7B. Fits cotton coffee coat. From a slack sets likes 'cause you don't the X-tra size. Beige, have to iron them. famous maker, they're easy-care coffee, taupe. LADIES' permanent press - no ironing Choose from several pretty styles and colors. needed. Sleeveless and short briefs, bikinis, Sizes 2 to 4, 4 to x. sleeve styles, gripper front, in an Two-piece suits with plaid 6 assortment of prints. Sizes S, M, hipsters jackets and matching 5.88 L. slacks, or solid jacket with reg. 6.98 save 26c reg. 1.25 ea. houndstooth slacks. Sizes Lingerie Dept. Two-piece polyester knits. Cotton hip Q — 2 to 4 ,4 to 7, Checked smocked top with support buggers, nylon \ m polka dot flutter sleeves. tailored briefs ” jm Sizes 4 to 6x. panty a n d s a t in fU tailored bikinis. M hose In prints, solids J BE A SMART CHICK ------AND SAVE IN OUR GIRLS DEPARTMENT and pastels. 1.99 Sizes4-7. 63, SAVE 1.10 r SAVE 99c SAVE 3.10 reg. Z2S _ girls' 7 to 14 girls' 7 to 14 yo*i girls' hooded 70% nylon, 30% Spandex. Sizes short sleeve tops S, A, T .. XT. Beige, taupe, sweatshirts all-weather coffee, whitei:H^':.s-^5»f figure-flattering dynamic duo coats --Vi, from 'BARBARA ANN "

rep 4 50 ea save to $2 reg. 5.98 seamless tricot save 1.19 ea. Creslan acrylic, fiberfill bras cotton blend. Full reg. 2.98 reg. 17.98 zip front with C O 2 f o r seamless Polyester - cotton permanent Polyester - cotton, no - pouch pocket. $ 7 press blend needs no ironing. iron blend shell. Hooded Navy, heather S bras Short sleeves. Some with style with drawstring tie. green, heather Seamless tricot lightly lined placket fronts. Prints and Two pockets, zipper front. with Kodel fiberfill Stretch or burgundy. Sizes s, solid colors. Blue, pink. "sheer-to-wal8t" bides. White, Sizes A32-36, m, I. B32 38, C32 38 Antron III - / SAVE 1.54 panty hose briefs SAVE 2.10 SAVE $1.00 Famous name sheer- ' girls' 7 to 14 girls' 7 to 14 to-waist pantyhose. girls' 7 to 14 Sizes A-B. Beige, permanent press - taupe, coffee, white, -r reg. 1.29 bib pocket S h a p e tte " slack sets slacks -Overalls 0 m ea. body iii/iiiii save 20c regularly 2.98 ea. briefers la f/’iiiiij NEW! .'!!.'!!!!'! printed re - "push-up" polyester Fiberfill. Lycra Spandex reg. 11.98 back and sides." Sizes A32-36, B32- reg. 6.98 >6 reflii padded bras 38, C34-38. Polyester pant reg. 4.59 - r s i e c i sets for big and Navy cotton denim little sisters. No-iron blend of polyester C q 2 FOR Antron III "Miracle Back" elastic Circling bands control waist, hips overalls with bib Lovely spring- and cotton hopsacking. Assorted prints. One mesh insert allows freedom of and back. Firm nylon lace front pockets. Solid colors into-Easter colors Choice of plaids, solids, size Frts all. 5 movement. Reinforced front panel. flattens tummy comfortably. Flat and stripes. Adjustable Ban Lon nylon lace bra with of blue, pink, twills. Sizes S, M, L. XL. nylon lace cups lined with com­ shoulder straps. removable push-up pads. Sizes pressed fiberfill. Sizes B34-40, C34- mint. V. A32-36, B32-38, C32-38, Corsets Dept. 40, D34-40. FRE< EASTER sto i^ io id e s a le s EAi^R st^i^widc sales — ------\ set the scene for spring with country flowers! i 50% POLYESTER - 50% COTTON PERCALE fashion needn't be expensive « « V . .. see the exceptionai savings in our men's furnishings department Royal Bouquet" sheets and cases from SALE! SALE! Big Savings Cannon lamily on men's TWIN SIZE reg. FLAT or FITTED 2'“'7,50 4.97 ea. Handkerchiefs, FULL SIZE reg. each each FLAT or FITTED 5.97 ea. reg. 12.00 Stretch Hose, 2*°'9,50 reg. 3.98 reg. Ties 4^36 CASES 3.97 ea. e ZperPKG. 2 'O'6.50

Spring has sprung with a burst of colorl Multi- SAVE 12c ■ color overall print of country flowers on soft, men's luxurious polyester-cotton percale blend sheets and cases. Wrinkle-free no-iron softness to handker­ enjoy for years and years to come.

r r " ch iefs

,1 8 8 * SPECIAL PURCHASE! Polyester Filled reg. 5 for $ 1 LADY ALMY' »il ‘S i i Handsome ..Orion bed white on white satin striped Sayelle pillows '■ v: handkerchiefs & yarns reg. SA VE 31c 2.98 men's 1.97 SOLIDS OMBRES stretch Firm and aliergy-free Dacron < 21x27 polyester filled pillows. Corded CUT SIZE \ Knit one, purl two - create a work of art with Lady Almy'* 4 hose oz.-4-ply Dupont orlon acrylic sayelle yarns. Choose from 40 edges. Pink or blue. solid colors and 8 ombre shades. • placket front p",8 8 * irregular Chatham SPECIAL PURCHASE! reg. 2 pr. ASTROTURF "Sea Shell" knit shirts for 1.19 "Meteors" blankets 100% nylon, four-button towel ensembles '• Acrylic, nylon door short sleeve placket front. Also, polyester- 72x90 2 for ^11 it perfect 10.98 blend. Solid BATH 1.97 reg. 2.99 ^ sport shirts cotton shirts with contrasting colors. Stretches mats 80x90 for it perfect'11.98 Polyester-cotton permanent tipped collars. Sizes s, m, I, xl. to fit sizes 10 to 2 ^13 HAND 1 .2 7 press blend. Plaids and solid indoor and • crew neck •long sleeve 13. 90x90 it perfect 14.98 colors. Sizes s, m, I, xl. outdoor use 2 for ^15 FACE 0 7 ^ knit shirts • knit collar SAVE$1 sport shirts Famous Name Irregular blankets in three Subtle toned shells on ab­ • short sleeved 100% acrylic knit. Pin and men's reg. 6.98 popular sizes in blue, beige, green, gold, rod. sorbent 100% cotton terry. In dress shirts club stripes. Sizes s, m, I, xl. 100% nylon shirts with jackets 211/2x351/2 5.88 gold, champagne, moss, bonded collars. Light ties Not all colors in all sizes. Texturized nylon knit. Open Permanent press polyester- Monsanto's Astro-Turf door mats the mats for all peach, white, and yellow. • solid color background with floral prints. weave and mesh patterns. cotton blend. Knit stand-up seasons. Green with 3 white daisies. DOMESTICS DEPT Also, polyester-cotton dress shirts Sizes s, m, I, xl. collar and knit cuffs. Sizes s, 1.59 blends. All over patterns. 100% texturized polyester m, I, xl. 2 for * 3 Sizes 14 1/2 to 17. needs no ironing. Blue, • men's denim large wood - ceramic A sandstone, mint, chamois. • plaid lined reg. 2.00 • short sleeve Sizes 141/2 to 17. jeans C h o ic e of fancies and hanging planter dress shirts 100% cotton, 10-oz. blue • walk shorts jackets solid colors. Polyester-cptton permartent denim. Western style with Polyester-cotton permanent Polyester-cotton permanent S a v e 1.00 press blend. White, blue, five pockets, and regular cut press blend. Four pockets. press blend. Plaid lined. Two when you buy 3.88 beige, mint, chamois. Sizes styles. Flare legs. Sizes 29 to Solids, plaids, checks. Sizes pockets. Sizes s, m, I, xl. two ties. Add a bit of dash to 14 1/2 to 17. 30 to 44. 38. any room in your home with these decorative hanging wood with save $5 special purchase! save $12.00 ceramic insert flower planters. Sisal rope. to $10 I'C - men's / and walnut finish. men's ■"2 'j. / men s famous name sport d i! leisure slacks coats suits

save on first quality dishwasher safe! flowers ovenproof! not Rib Cord Bedspreads included usually reg. 42.00 fade proof! 49-piece M.OOand Jush style in polyester, reg. 25.00 to 30.00 17.00 LIMITED 'wool, linen blends. TWIN reg. 9.98 "Springtime' stoneware sets aUANTITIES Four patch pockets. SIZE Save 7.10 to 10.10. j Sport coat in 100% Each set consists of 8 plates, 8 cups, 8 Polyester double! 7.88 polyester double knits 100% polyester double knit saucers, 8 dessert plates, 8 cereal or salad knits, and cotton and polyester blends. Save now on these twin size permanent press rugged rib cord washaWe jacket and slacks. Con­ plates, sugar bowl, gravy boat, butter dish, hopsacking fabric Choice of solids, tone bedspreads. So easy to care for - eliminates ironing completely and adds trasting stitching on pocket, 39.88 creamer, 9" round vegetable bowl, 12” in flare leg styles. on tone, plaids, collar, front. Epaulets and to its permanent beauty washing after washing. In gold, red, blue, and serving platter. Get yours now! Solids, checks, checks. Regulars,irs, reg. 49.95 side vents. Navy, tan, blue. moss green. ' GIFTWARE DEPT.______plaids. Sizes 29 to shorts, longs. Sizes1 -SB,! Sizess,m,l,xl. m e n s CLOTHING DEPT. 42. to 46. PfCE E A S T E R sales PRE€l EASTER sto^vcide sales If you need window ideas for Spring, we have them POW POLYESTER KNITS special purchase Brighten Your Rooms With of 100% ^ FORTREL” FOR CURTAINS tel polyester \ ' \ h ,\\ I big savings on mix 'n match DACRON ®POLYESTER dresses, i i__ batiste curtains V '* «'■'! )«ai iislss' LENGTH req. reg. pant suits, 24"length 2.79 3.29 » I !1 reg. reg. 30"length 2.98 3.59 skirt reg. reg. 36" length 3.29 3.98 reg. req. 45"length 3.98 4.98 i req. reg. 54"length 4.57 5.59 reg. A reg. 63" length 4.98 5.98 ... 'i req. reg. 72" length 5.59 6.59 reg. req. SPECIAL 81" length 5.98 6.98 PURCHASE! req. req. women's sleeveless ruffled valance 1.27 save on popular no-iron ruffled 1.98 2.29 regularly to 15.00 seersucker shifts "TARA" reg. reg. Cape Cod curtains swag 2.77 3.79 3.98 add window magic with Choose from long and short sleeve models. Choose Celanese Fortrel polyester needs no ironing Wake up your windows with a lot of splash! permanent press, machine washable Easy-to-care-for Dacron ® polyester batiste from zip front, button-down, back zipper, step-in front, Washable acetate 24"length reg. 2.39 curtains that need little or no-ironing. Mix and and belted dresses. Sizes for misses and women. and cotton blend. Open Weave "Maijmo” drapes match solid colors with gay lively prints or with Sizes 12 to 20, 16 30"length reg. 2.59 other solids. All feature generous 5" bottom CASUAL DRESS DEPT. 1'2 to 24 1/2, SIZE SALE PRICE REG. PRICE hems. Colorful prints in raspberry, blue, gold. 36" length reg. 2.79 Solid colors in white, and decorator colors. 48x72 8.97 12.98 ® Dacron is 45"length ''eg- 3.98 a product of, 48x84 9.97 13.98 Dupont OFF Super Spring Buys for Swell Guys 54"length reg. 4.59 Co. 25% *96x72 21.97 29.98 SPECIALORDER 63"length reg. 4.98 r *96x84 23.97 32.98 72" length reg. 5.59 bedspreads save 54* save 3.99 *144x72 31.97 45.98 valance reg. 1.98 boys' short sleeve boys' *144x84 49.98 Our beautifully no-iron ruffle framed Cape Cod curtains are 34.97 "versatility plus"! They can be hung in many different ways [100% polyester The richly textured look in open-weave "Malimo'' drapery and in almost any room in the house. White and decorator blend in well with your living room, dining, and bedroom colors. Shirt sale! © decor. Created for the fashionably simple, strikingly casual 'Fortrel is a Trademark of Fiber Industries, Inc., a two-piece mood of today. In gold, melon, flax, green, and red. subsidiary of Celanese Corporation. reg. *Special Ordir on Double and Triple Widths. 2.98 contrast suits

Polyester-cotton blend fabrics need no ironing. Crew neck knit shirts in solid colors nylon tweed and stripes. Sport shirts in wovens, solids and prints. />Z1 rii^" , carpet runners Sizes 8 to 18. Protect carpets without save 1.21 100% NYLON hiding beauty. 100% con­ tinuous filament tweed 2.47. classic Greek Key design pattern with foam backing. boys' famous name reg. 17.98 27" wide. Red, blue, green, gold. reg. 3.99yd. Just in time for Easter and every area rugs slacks occasion where good looks count. Styled for his liking for leather-like vinyl 100% continuous filament qualify and prices you'll approve! 21 x36 2.77 reg. 3.98 Light weight, 100% polyester solid-color coats with con­ battle jackets nylon tweed rugs trasting patterned flare bottom 26x45 4.57 reg.5.98 knit slacks. In navy, green, with foam backing burgundy, brown. Sizes 8 to 18. Q Q Q reg. 34x56 7.47 reg.9.98 reg. 5.98

reg. 49.99 100% nylon skid-resistant area rugs softly sculptured in 100% polyester double knit a classic Greek key design. W affle backing. In gold, fabrics, polyester-cotton blends, Two snap flap patch pockets; two horizontal pockets with zippers. 34.97 blue, green, bronze, and red. 100% cotton corduroys, and Zipper front. Brattle jacket style. 9' X 12’ size. Choice of decorative colors. ribless corduroys. Flare legs. V Solids, checks, plaids. Sizes 8 fo Sizes 8 to 18. 16. WEDNESDAY ONLY SPECIALS PRE% EASTER stoi&ivide sales NO MAIL OR PHONE ORDERS PLEASE "Eureka" Upright Cleaners WOMEN'S REG. 3.98 BOYS’ REG. 3.98 Infants' Reg. 2.59 Complete with attachments 100% NYLON TAFFETA POLYESTER-COTTON "Surfer" GRIPPER WAIST shift gowns jackets 3.44 3.22 Spend the night in Two great looking jackets both in 100% nylon taffeta. something soft and feminine our re g . 89.90 One with Mandarin-type Short sleeve print tops, collar, concealed hood and polyester-cotton easy- pajamas with solid color care blend shift gowns zip closure, one pocket; gripper waist bottoms. In also,. Coachman styles. daintily embroidered and assorted colors. Sizes 2 to lace edged. Pretty Navy, burgundy, maize, 4. powder, Sizes 8 to 18. pastels in S, M, L. save 29.95 Wednesday Only, Boys'Dept. Wednesday Only, Infants' Dept. Wednesday Only, Lingerie Dept. Model; 1416 "Casita” 10-Panel Screen Houses WOMEN'S REG. 3.98 Reg. 4.98 Save on Girls' Presto! Instant Outdoor Luxury 4-WAY DIAL-A-NAP Lets you clean all carpets COTTON KNIT 100% Fibergias from low pile to deep shags. 100% COTTON If the gas shortage has cut off your save *20 vacation plans for a traveling vacation crewneck this year, you have plenty of com­ Powerized to clean on the floor "Puff Kin" pany. W hat better way to enjoy your or above the floor with fewer backyard more than in this 10-panel strokes. tops "Casita" screen house. Easily erected • T • briefs by two people in 30 minutes. Rugged Huge disposable dust bag has aluminum frames. Heavy duty 560 cu. in. usable capacity. $ Fibergias screening. Wall sections CLEANS for accordian hinged together. Four-ply Edge Kleener cleans that last 1 Fashioned from 100% m m reg. 209.88 vinyl roof. tough inch along the j' Fibergias in 72" length. im 1 Reg. 59c each SHAGS! baseboards. 2.88 1 with 10 pinch pleats li 1 across the top. Launders 100% cotton "puff-kin" Set of 10 Extra Panels 59.88 Short sleeve cotton knit 1 beautifully without panties for the little girls. crewneck or scoop neck ironing. Solid colors Elastic waist and leg. pant tops. All in assorted 1 include white, gold. Sizes 8 to 14. White prints. Sizes S, M, L. ^ 8 8 * ^ beige, green, blue, rose. only. s a v e 5.44 and melon. s a v e *2 Wednesday Only, Sportswear Dept. Wednesday Only, Curtain Dept. Wednesday Only, Girls' Dept. Salton Remington

Reg. 1.29 if perfect Yogurt "The Hot Pistol” WOMEN'S REG. 59c Girls' Reg. 3.98 terry velour flame retardant . blower/dtyer dish parity hose Makers towels h gowns and Model pajamas HP-1000 mreg. 11.95 reg. 24. 88 38« 1000 watts of super high blow/dry action. Separate heat An easy, attractive way of making one-quart Sparkling printed terry of yogurt to your taste, without artificial and airflow controls give you six power combinations. velour dish towels to add additives. Use natural fruit or spice Nozzle attachment lets you direct airflow to a single a little zing to your kitchen First quality panty 3.22 flavorings with whole or skim milk. 25 watts, section. decor. Soft, absorbent hose in one size 120 volts. buy them by the dozen at Flame retardant polyester such a low, low price. for all. Beige, I taupe, coffee. ;-Sgowns and pajamas w ith' Slight imperfections are smocking across bodice. hardly noticeable. Pink or blue. Sizes 8 to 14. Wednesday Only, Domestics Dept. s a v e 2.55 Wednesday Only, Hosiery Dept. Wednesday Only, Girls'Dept. Decorator MEN'S REG. 6.98 WOMEN'S REG. $2ea. Door and Wall VINYL SHELL BARBARA ANN s a v e 26^ swamp nylon to 46^ mirrors coats briefs ____ Enamel

for " Cookware Assortment

4.44 6.99 1.59 ea. Your reg. 1.59 reg. Weather resistant vinyl Choice! to 1.79 Shatter-proof for safety, constructed shell swamp coats with Anti cling briefs offer for durability - in classic sculptured rayon lining. Popular minimum control. One size /.« Cook up a storm with these savingsl Set frames designed for your taste. yellow color. Sizes S. M, stretched to fit all. White Octagon, circle, oval, and square L, XL. anrl pastels. includes a 1-qt. saucepan, a 2-qt. saucepan, and a 9" fry pan. In avocado, flame, blue, shapes. DoorJize 14x50. and lemon. Wednesday Only. Men's Dept. Wednesday Only, Corset Dept.


m V i i illilAllCH^!



3 ^ -


.' i?: ' Colorful designs on casual tops Regularly 4.88 to coordinate with pants wardrobe. Take a load off your shoulders... Washable, no-iron. Sizes 34 to 40. wear lightweight Ban-Lon* shirts of SAVE OVER $2, FULL FIGURE nylon knit. Solid colors with contrast Sizes 42-46 ...... 4.97 EA. trim. S -M -L-X L. DOUBLE KNIT DOUBLE KNIT B POLYESTER PANTS POLYESTER SLACKS SAVE AIMOST $2 SAVE ALMOST $4

3tS SALE PR. Fashion colors coordinate with tops Regularly 8.88 above. Pull-on style with elasticized Now you can enjoy all the wash waist. Sizes 10 to 20. and wear comfort of no-iron poly­ m SAVE OVER $2, FULL FIGURE ester knit slacks at a fantastic low Sizes 3 2 -3 8 ...... 5.97 PR. price. Solid colors; 30-42.

QltLETTE® BARGAIN FINDS! SAVE $4 TO OVER $5 * j^ M e n — the styter/dryer with 650 power-packed irto get you going fast Comb and brush attachments tool ' " ' ' ir purl*— ‘Dtal-A-Curr-r mist curling w a n d .. .you i%ji)e of burl for your hairl With stsfnd, cord. EA.," ir ■ 650 watt styler/dryer is the best style ktt YOUR V ^ brush, Auxiliary handle, air concentrator. CHOICf "

M Oli I ^ A V E A IM O S T EA. $5 NEWEST ‘MUSCLE' SLEEVE T-SHIRT FOR JUNIORS Be first to wear this latest version of your favorite T-style! Pastels in cotton knit with crew neck. S-M-L.

SPRING PLAIDS PEP UP NEW SAFARI JR. CINCH-WAIST PANTS JACKET FOR New style with elasticized wide waist LEISURE WEAR band, button-and-zip front. Deep cuffed Enjoy an adventure­ a- -■ legs. Polyester/cotton. 3-13. some Spring in this woven polyester jacket, designed in the hunting ^ ■■ fashion. 4 button-flap pockets with pleats; IFOR western-style back. Solid colors with con­ NYLON TEE SHIRTS IN trast stitching. Size: NEW SPRING PRINTS S-M-L. B ^ -woi " m stock up now on your most wanted style! Washable knit needs no ironing, fits so comfortably. S-M-L. m PR. REGUUR 5.97 DENIM JEANS TO LIVE IN...NOW CUT PRICED! Here’s your chance to replenish your SAVE OVER $1 flare and straights stack of cotton jeans and spend less! TO OVER $2 Long-wearing, well-made. Sizes 8-18. ■ - ^ innk >NOven, anuand '^°!TLn-Boi* Ban iwatstband , inciudes ^Hds, tanoes. P» ..Choose

PASTEL PRINT TOPS SPEClAl PURCHASE FOR A SCENIC SPRING KNIT *N’ WOVEN A . 'Landscape' prints cover this classic shirt style SPORT SHIRTS with buttoned placket front, long point collar. Quick- Stock-up during this dry nylon knit, sizes 34 to 40. SAVEAIM0ST$1 sAwri sale! Assorted styles, fe a . EA. colors including Ban- Lon® shirts of nylon knit. JR. NOVELTY TOP GRAIN 1^ HANDBAGS COWHIDE TWO SHIRTS, BETTER . -nrt long siee'io styies THAN ONE, IN SETS Quilted fabric prints in new Misses Hanbags in casual spring colors. Shoulder straps, shoulder strap styles. First B . Twins set a snappy fashion pace.. .polyester/ totes, wood trims, too! quality — so low priced! easy-oard Hnite and coliars Avril® rayon shirt over polyester/cotton Tee shirt with applique trim. Sizes 32 to 38. SET $4t0NP.VAlUElJ


DACRON® PULL-ON PANTS EA. C. Pull-on style with elasticized waist, in Dacron® WIDE NECKTIES polyester double knit. Won't wrinkle, no-iron .. .per­ ‘BINKY* SHIFTS Newest fashion widths in assorted fabrics; solids, fect for packing and wearing while traveling. Petite Attractive assortment of cotton/ stripes, fancies. (8-16): Average (10-20); Tall (12-20). polyester prints in cool pop-on- iP: style. Wash and wear. S-M-L-XL. JL. 8302 ALL B303 AU



FOR GREAT BUY! LITTLE BOYS’ BOYS’ KNIT FASHION KNIT SHIRTS ‘SNEAKS’ SHIRTS Popular solid colors! Pick from latest styles! Cot­ YOUR CHOICE 50 % Dacron* polyester/ 50% cotton. Action ton, cotton/polyester or cotton/rayon; sizes 4-7. INCREDIBLE BUY! stripes or dynamic sol­ Buy several! GIRLS’ DRESSES ids. S -M -L-X L. V Easter dress-ups at pin-money prices! 1 V Fancy detailing worth dollars morel SAVEAUROSr.f.SO Top fashion looks — without the high price tag! Take your pick from most-wanted PR. styles, all in wrinkle-free polyester knit! Pas­ HANDSOME DRESS SLACKS tel solids and combos; Little Girls’ 4-6X, COMPLETE THE LOOK! Young Miss’7-14. Buy several— and save! PR. Neatly-styled flares of polyester twill! Zip-front, RES. 4.94 belt loops; pockets — more! Solids; Little Boys' BOYS’ WCSTERN STYLE JEANS 4-7, Reg. & Slim. Permanent Press blend of 50% polyester/50% ^3 cotton. Solid colors. 8-18 Reg.; Slim. 8-16.

‘PJ’ I t

— r— j SAVE- SPraALPURCIMSil EA. EA. LITTLE BOYS’ RIB-KNIT TOPS BOYS’ STYLISH POLYESTER BLAZERS f - • A Perfect for his special occasions! Easy-care, dura­ AS SEEN Solids! Patterns! A prac­ tical buy, in no-iron ble polyester in rich textured weave. Popular wide sinfE mTY polyester/cotton! 4-7. lapels. Solid colors. 8-18. AtM0ST$1 FOR PUKE CUT! BABY DOLL SHIRTS LITTLE GIRLS TOPS S A V t M # Pretty polyester/cotton prints! Perky Peter Another top buy! Mock turtlenecks, knit of BOYS’ FASHION SPORT SHIRTS Pan collar ’n’ puff sleeves. Young Miss polyester, are great for dress or play! EA. PR. i Choose super solids or eye-catching prints! 50% Sizes 7-14. Most-wanted solids, prints. 4-6X. SLACKS MATCHUP polyester/50% cotton. Fantastic selection of Spring NEAT LITTLE BUY! KNIT colors. Sizes 8-18. SAVE TOPS FOR LITTLE GIRLS Zip-front flares have 2 OVER $2] slash pockets. Polyes­ ” • PR. Pretty practical! Coordinate her wardrobe with short-sleeve, crew-neck ter/cotton; solids, 4-7. pullovers; in pointelle-stitch polyester knit. Your choice of white or AlMp$t$2«PH •A. WOVEN POLYESTER PANTS LITTLE GIRLS SLACKS pastels; sizes 4-6X. ■V-. ipo% polyester! Slash and patch pockets, Stylish ’n’ sturdy! Pull-on flares of twill- BOYS’ DOUBLE KNIT SLACKS some have contrast stitching, too! Solids. weave polyester double knit! Choice of Durable polyester doubleknits retain shape after Young Miss sizes 7-14. solid colors; 4-6X. ------countless machine washings! Choice of solids or patterns. Sizes 8-18 Regular; 8-10 Slim. V ’ NO-IRON POLOS s « n PR. PR. Polyester/cotton; Toddler Boys’ PR. 2 T-4 T. Little Boys’ 4-7. LITTLE QIRLS LITTLE GIRLS’ SAVEOVfiH STRAP SHOES f SMART BUY! FLARE-LEG SAVE SUN G BACK 20% Shiny leather-look Comfy jute wedge. SLACKS TEAM UP! PRICE u .f ” ' Complete the look, and save! Elasticized-waist pull-ons; in waffle-stitch CUT! US. 2.M PI. vinyl uppers. Durable j Polyurethane vinyl LITTLE BOYS’ OXFORD non-slip P.V.C. soles- uppers. Crepe sole. textured polyester knit. Available in pastel solids; Sizes 4-6X. Scoop DENIM JEANS *- Sturdy cotton denim; navy only. Wipe-clean vinyl uppers; durable 8V^-4. Colors. 12-4. ’em up now at this great savings! Toddler's 2 T-4 T, Little Boys’ 4-7. PVC sole and heel. Sizes 8Vi-3. 5


Includes: French fries, cole slaw, roll, butter, tartar sauce, 4 lemon wedge. I Wom«h'V46ize8^*^' "i. ? S-FUHCTIOH! 1 FISH +. X. -5-. %

. r n PRS. SAMSONITE Reg. 2 PRS. $1 SATURN II SHEER NYLON Includes: French fries, cole BEAUTY CASE :st« slaw, roll, butter, tartar sauce, POLAROID® Ultra strong polypropyl­ KNEE H I’S lemon wedge. Spandex*elastic tops won't 108 COLOR ene body. Fashion look interior. Light. sag. Women’s size stretch­ CHICKEN FILM 8-DIGIT POCKET es to fit 9-11. Hurry in now! Color photos in just CALCULATOR 60 seconds! Load up Adds, subtracts, divides, multiplies, now, save! MATCHING % function; chain and mixed prob­ OVERNITE CASE YOUR lems, too. Optional AC adaptor. CHOICE PRS.' Includes: French fries, cole slaw, roll, and butter. PANTYHOSE! SUPER LOW PRICE '■M: srja'; A. Women’s natural stretch nylon pantyhose aren’t YOUR CHOICE SHRIMP preshaped. They always fit great! Reinforced panty QUALITY ORLON® in sizes P/A; T/Et. What a buy! 67c Pr. , SOCKS FOR MEN BAN-LON® PANTYHOSE SO LOW! Acrylic crews with rein­ 16.-^119. ‘ 1401.1 forced nylon heels. One SOOS r . B. Wear Ban-Lon® pantyhose knit of nylon for long Includes: French fries, cole SOLID M ILK »>*!l _ 'R E E S i^ ! lasting, perfect fit. Top quality, reinforced panty. Wom­ size fits 10-13Reg. 64c Pr. ’ 'i slaw, roll, butter, tartar sauce. CHOCOLATE •EANUT BUTTER en’s petite, average or tall. 67c Pr. ^ R A B B IT S . BOOS - r I PRS. BOYS’ RUGGED SOCKS m CUSHION FOOT GIRLS’, WOMEN’S C. Soft Orion® acrylic and strong nylon combined SPORT SOCKS KNEE H I’S THURS, CLIP COUPON AND BRING TO GRANT CITY THURS. CUP COUPON AND BRING TO GRANT CITY make crew socks comfortable, durable and easy-to- , FRI . SAT. , FRI.. SAT. ‘ Soft, absorbent cotton. . . \MAR. 20-22 J MAR 20-22 J Orion* acrylic/nylon cables wHh this coupon care for! 2 sizes fit e-SVa; 9-11. so comfortablel Elastic top or stretch nylon Opaques. Reg. 2 Pr. 97c ...... Sale 2 Pr. Pkg. 67c lA. ^ stays up. Reg. 2 Pr. 1.44 Girls’, Women’s fit 9-11. I # r « rfV r '.f^^MAYBELUNE* J .J £<2*. DON’T MISS OUR FAMILY UNDERWEAR SALE! PRESH A LOVELY® f f MIBS'BRECK®^ - URSnCKS ^ H A IR SPRAY .\ V *H)LYBsniin«|||| 4 SAVE 21% '??\f.,ff<^ular, Superholdljr -jj ,0 SAVE 25% Creamy, smooth, all ^ \ Non-aHe»genicf:fiII;,lof: ^ S A V E S ^ “ to 40% m Unsqented.^: . g / newest Spring tonesl ^ 4 ^- ■' \ toys, pillows. • ! 3 ■ MEN’S _ tl^YirB R IEFS EIDERION® WOMEN’S .i^AHUfelpwnimkur ^ \ l|((lpj»;p4r«Mlosiir. ■?) UNDERWEAR^ 5 ^ A M ? h i r t s - ? PANTY UNDERWEAR

t h u r s , CLIP COUPON AND BRING TO GRANT CITY THURS., CLIP COUPON AND BRING TO GRANT CITY THURS., CUP COUPON AND BRING TO GRANT CITY YOUR CHOICE FR I, SAT. FRI., SAT. i M A R '.i ^ a l 4MHi-ttipcou^ I MAR. 20-22 J MAR. 20-22 J wmt J T ^ wHh this coupon v% . V. *. S%;- SoMMSPr.Fho. SoUlnPlM.ors 4; ■sN»..^*w 80W in Pkg.^ol 3 EA. * 3 t ] sSi' iv t' V-v' S « i« .,.1.2S Sold In 3 Pr. Pkg. polyester/j 8ato...1J8 @ : - DISPOSABLE -Pakr^t**, treated cot- M Viirei:^ i f t WIHTUK^ORLOH® Iflatknitt-shirts, Nylon ’Satinette’ Bi­ ..DIAPERS J YARH BUY! 'rib . brfefs. White;' ,:tDn$hrinl(s|BS8, holds Comfort litte girls love! kinis, asst, colors; % Toddler 40’s, or ‘Day- WIHDOW SHADE ^ Its.;jbapel White: 4 oz. skein. 4 ply acrylic. ^ , Combedcotton/rayon; 5- 7. rAcetate tricot \m».. s Iz ^ ^ X L . - white-only. Sizes 'L cutto fitl - '.*TJh.Cpa>|MK.Oe(|K J briefs, asst, colors; yj* 2-6X. ^ 6- 10, : A 4 DiC.^

SHOP THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY FOR SENSATIONAL VALUES! SHOP THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY FOR SENSATIONAL VALUES! B3WEPNC SW(55) SAVINGS ON EASY-CARE CURTAINS rSi Reg. 339.96 Bradford® 15 CU. FT. M-V FROST-FREE I EXTRA-WIDE TEXTURED KNIT REFRIGERATOR • You never need defrost the spa­ DOTTED TIERS TIER CURTAINS cious 134-lb. freezer section either. 8 2 ^ X 30", 36"L. . .Sale, $3 Pr. 66"W X 30", 36"L.. .Sale, $3 Pr. Swag Valance ___ Sale, ^ Ea. • Plenty of handy in-the-door storage DtmiOrOxM'li V a la n ce ...... Sale, $2 Ea. YOUR CHOICE Tailored/Ruffled • Right hand door can be reversed. V a la n ce ...... Sale, $2 Ea. $5 additional chaige lor cokire

DI!I Reg. 224.96 SK>S A li PR. Bradford* MEANS sms**) X u * i Bradfofd* STEREO CONSOLE Grants-own brand assures your INSULATED DRAPERIES satisfaction with quality, dependa­ bility. service ... in major SW(SO-)x7r*,M‘L;8al*$12Pr. DW(100^ x 6TL . .Sal*, $25 Pr. — A COMPLETE SOUND SYSTEM appliances. TV . stereo and more 3 1MW(7S^ X tori. . .Sal*, $20 Pr. DW(1000 x 84*L . .Sal*, $30 Pr. • Make your living room a showplace at a sound saving. • AM/FM 0 IMWCTS*) X 84-L . .Sal*, $22 Pr. 2HW(12S') X 84'L .Sal*, $38 Pr. . . . all priced low.) TW(1$(n > S*'!-. ' ' Sal*, $46 Pr. stereo radio • automatic record changer with diamond stylus • aWHEriia 'Not avaHaM* In a$ ana* 8-track stereo tape player • they're all together in a pecan finish Mediterranean cabinet. iim o m ijo : 'WOO* r: SUPER SPECIAL! NO-IRON SHEER PR DECORATIVE CURTAINS ! • » 4J 7 Pr. KNITTED TIERS 80"W X 30", 36"L .Sale, S3 PR. SW|S**) X $3*. 72~,*4*l 76"W X 30", 36"L.. .Sale, $3 Pr. Tailored/Ruffled Valance V a la n c e ...... Sale, $2 Ea. Sale, 1.50 Ea. FOAM. Swag Valance — Sale, $3 Ea. 80"W., 63", 72"*, 81 "L. Sale, $4 Pr. OPEN.WEAVE BACKED We G irry a Complete ‘Not availaM* In ai araa* PANEL CURTAINS DRAPERIES Line of KilSCK Curtain 'Not avallaU* In al ana* k Panels (40"W) x 63", 81 "L; 58"W X 63", 72"*, 81 "L Sale, $3 Ea. and Drapery Hardware Sold in most Western area *Not avalltblt in all araaa stores...... Sale, $2 Ea. “. 3 I— a:. .

t :.; . A - i , * . ' SUPER SPECIAL! r SET

CORRELATED BEDROOM PIECES 7-PC. SPANISH STYLE DINETTE • Shenandoah — you can purchase this maple color finished • El Paso— the splendor of Old Madrid echoes throughout this family-size set«. - 2 PC. ‘WINNER' BATH SET hardwood group all at once, or piece by piece as your budget ' allows. • Rich Medici-oak coior Formica® table top, 42x60" includ­ Attractive matched set of bath mat and lid • Protective laminated plastic tops; dust-proof drawers. ing an 18" leaf. cover. Mat is 19 x 32 inches, deep polyester • Black vinyl upholstered chairs with black metal frames pile, non-skid back. Machine washable, bright • Sale includes: spindle bed, single dresser beise, 4-drawer chest, and simulated wrought iron bars. vivid colors. and student desk. Othar placa* alao avaiWal* S 8 T w i a flat or fittad EA. BATH Town NEW! ‘FLORAL TRELLIS' EA. NO-IRON SHEETS THICK COTTON TERRY BATH ENSEMBLE Smooth easy care 130-count polyester/cotton M ATCH M ATES — Soft looped terry reverses ^DECORATOR’ TABLES blend. Bright floral pattern. to velvety velour. Solids, florals, stripes. Distinctively designed tables at a fantastic low Double flat or fitted...... Sale, 3.68 Ea. Hand towel ...... Sale, 97c Ea. ' I sale price... in fact, they may rwver be priced Matching pillowcases, pkg. of 2 .. .Sale, 2.48 W ashcloth ...... Sale, 67c Ea this low againi Cocktail, end, and open book­ case styles in glowing maple finish or contem­ porary chrome and ‘butcher block'. SPEND LESS, SAVE MORE ON TERRIHC HOME IMPROVEMENT VALUESI B3I2 EPNCSW(S5) B31) All ■■!■■■ .a SAVE MANnUSm MMAl I

• MOverall outside measurements: 4 72"H X 123%"W X 89"D

G IA N T 10' X 7' STORAGE SHED Hot-dipped galvanized steel construction built to last! Rust and weather-resistant. • 3-layered protective finish • Roomy with wide roll-open doors • Decorative accents 10 x10' STEEL SHED SAVE $ 3 0 ...... SALE $199 Overall outside measurements 79"H X 130V«"W X 124"D *Alt ttoing* plwd* sold unasssmbM

n ■■■- T'TT " i m B U Y 4 ^ ^ ^ SAW OVER SAVE $10 I save«$3 ;.SAVE $tS 3' pvSAVE OVER $74^0 OVER $ 9 iEA., TIRE!

REG. $99 EA. ‘INVADER 20’ REG. $497 FOR Tubeltfs Blachwalls 3V2 H.P, m o w e r ** NEW ‘STINGER’ BR78-13 Tubeless W hitewall T.baleis Blackwolls V 20" custom cut RIDING MOWER** V Vertical pull starter V 8 H.P. recoil engine V Briggs & Stratton engine V 3 speed forwadl^ neutral, DEPENDABLE ‘SPORTSMASTER’ GRANTMASTER t V Loop folding handle reverse transmission TIRES V Adjustable cutting height V 5-position 32" twin blade GRANTMASTER ‘STEEL BELT GRASS CATCHER BAG AVAILABLE floating deck Fit most compact and many foreign cars! **TWm NMwtrt pan Hm Mftfy rM«lrtin«Nts Free-wheeling tread design! HURRY IN! tttablitlittf Ey hU OvMoor Ptwtr ELECTRIC START STINGER' RADIAL’ TIRES A s M c Ic tlM MOWER ...... SAVE $64 ‘FOUR 78’ TIRES F.E.T. SIZES (p e r tire ) YOU P A V » RADIAL PLY CONSTRUCTION delivers Reg. $597 ...... Sal& $533 600-12 1.52 21.88 greater tire mileage and lower fuel 10 The ideal replacement tire! 7-rib tread 600-13 1.60 21.88 B314 EPNCSW(55) stamps a generous footprint upon the 600-15 1.96 21.88 consumption, compared to bias-ply 1.54 21.88 road. Smooth-running 78-series contour: 560-13 non-belted tires! 560-15 1.79 21.88 low, wide, rugged! Buy a set today, and WHITEWALLS. SAME SIZES: ONLY $3 MORE PER TIRE • 2 STEEL BELTS for positive traction!** SAVE! WhMl not indLKled. » 2 POLYESTER RADIAL PLIES for

F.E.T. smooth ride! SIZES (p * r « r») YOU P A V BRAKE RELINING B78-13 1.84 4 for $84 F.E T. C78-14 2.04 4 for $84 SIZES (p e r lire ) YOU P A V E78-14 2.27 4 for $84 SPECIAL* BR78-13 2.16 39.88 F78-14 2.40 4 for $84 FR78-14 2.67 48.88 G78-14 2.56 4 for $84 GR78-14 2.89 52.88 Most USA Con VOUR G78-15 2.60 4 for $84 GR78-15 2.96 52.88 W ® E A . CHOICE H78-15 2.83 4 for $84 HR78-15 3.17 55.88 4Vb CU. FT. WHEELBARROW 20" LAWN SPREADER An incredible Grants value! We reline all 4 wheels, GRANTS LAWN FOOD LONO.NANDLE TOOLS •plu« F.E.T. resurface drums, rebuild cylinders, mo^et (Disc LR78-15 3.46 59.88 WHITEWALLS. SAME SIZES: Suburban styling; strong Even distribution; easy pre-set Covers 5,000 sq. feet easily. Grants Best shovel, bow head^ brakes, extra.) WhMl not indudod. wooden handles, steel body. flow rate.; ONLY $3 MORE PER TIRE Enriched for grow power. rake, hoe, cultivator. WhMl not InckidBd. ‘OfW d QraiH* Swvio* Cwriwt B316 All 11

DAILY NEEDS PRICE CUT EVEN BELOW OUR DAILY LOW, LOW PRICES! SHOP THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY FOR SENSATIONAL VALUES! Highlands regi return for a Co passage for th( area, high go tonight. A CommunisI Pleiku, the hig north of Saigor accepted by Pn in Saigon Sundi SPRING Viet Cong then

NOW THRU SAT., Gradua MARCH 22 Plan U WASHINGTC Ways and M( sidering an ei taxing heavily more than nine The proposal man A1 Ullman of seven coma It would incr oline—now 4 c next Jan, 1, 8ci the following / finally 7 cents crease of 37 c vary the dates Each U.S. n older would re :\ for the equival ? < f i ‘ nine gallons of F/ V would amount crease of 1976. '' (i To further sumption, Ulli pose on 1977 i V,-.-- penalize buyer gasoline efficii The 1977 mo< It miles per galh A efficiency tax,

V ' . : % t ’ • 21 miles per g; SAVtOVER^l I This tax woul 1981 models ge gallon would b getting less th; PR. NEW PLATFORMS AND suffer a $40 pc SAVE OVER *1 TO K ^ yo u r choice SLINGS FOR SPRING WEOOE.PIAWOIIM A. High rocker platform style In sueded leather or leather- look polyurethane. High steppers in smart colors. 5 to 10. The ^ i?**^^* rocker platform fashion with cross t)and front ankle strap. In polyurethane or pretty cotton print. 5 to 10. ’ The Connect mtton pnnts. Crepe __ Sunny thii ii uoper. C . ‘Streaker r platform sling, T-sVapped and stitched with temperatures contrast color. Vinyl uppers, wood-grain platform. 5 to 10. YOUR and the 50s ini PR. CHOICE in the 30s inla p . G lo ve soft sling back with open too, pin-tuck vamp detail­ coast. Cloudy ing. Leather-look vinyl; comfortatNe cushion insole. 5 to 10. by afternoon. I

K 19 A ll 1 2 CONNECTICUT 3CC-I EPNC TBA 3/75 ANSONIA ENFIELD ANSONIA fA fiU , 49 ELM ST. MILFORD VERNON A V O N 10S CONN. POSTCTR. tri-city plaza HAMDEN NEW HAVEN SIMSBURY WALLINGFORD PLAZA Supplement to d o w n t o w n ■■ BARKHAMSTEO MANCHESTER The Hartford Courant, New Haven Register, ROUTE 44 NEWINGTON WETHERSFIELD PARKADE 240 HARTFORD AVE. Middletown Press, Tlie Evening SenUnel, 3Ie- BRANFORD DOW NTOW N OLD SAY3ROOK AAAU riden Record Journal, Ih e Thrifty Slioppei- ROUTE 95 MERIDEN M ALI WINDSOR BRISTOL Enfield, Suburban Reminder, Tri-Town Re- MIDDLETOWN PIAINVIUE WASHINGTON PLAZA porter, Winsted Gtizen & Courier, Bristol MASSACHUSETTS Press, New Britain Herald, Holyoke Transcript HOlYOKfi Telegram, The Wallace Pennysaver, Daily ROUTES - SPRINGHELO WESTFIELD SHOPS , r o u t e 20 a l i e n s COOLEY STS, Hampshire Gazette, Manchester Evening Herald ■ inancnotler,M affiter" Ansonio,AnTol^M^'^M Meriden, Milford, Vornon Windsor 7S6N6 WEEK OF March 17, 1975