
Important MCQs and VIVA Points 

 The internal iliac is the principle artery of the . is 4 cm long , begins as  and bifurcates into internal and external iliac at the level  of the IV disc between the L5 and S1 vertebrae. The ureter crosses the common iliac artery.  Before birth umblical arteries are the main continuation of the internal iliac arteries .  Prenatally umblical arteries conduct oxygen and nutrient  deficient blood to the placenta for replenishment. arises close to the origion of umblical artery.  The inferior vesical artery occurs only in males. Being replaced by in females. The uterine artery is the additional branch of the internal iliac  artery in females usually arising separately and directly from  internal iliac artery. Vaginal artery is homolog to the interior vesical artery in males. Vaginal artery arises from initial part of the uterine artery instead of arising directly from the anterior division. www.themedicalglobe.com / www.mgElearning.net Page 1 of 4 

arise independently from the internal iliac  artery. The is larger in males than in females  Internal pudendal nerve passes inferolaterally anterior to the piriformis muscle and sacral plexus. Internal pudendal nerve leaves the pelvis between piriformis and  coccygeus muscles by passing through inferior part of the greater sciatic foramen.  is the largest terminal branch of the anterior division of the internal iliac artery.  Ovarian artery arises from the abdominal inferior to the .  Median sacral artery is a small unpaired artery arises from posterior surface of .  External iliac lymph nodes lie above the pelvic brim.along the external iliac vessels.  External iliac lymph nodes receive lymph mainly from the inguinal lymph nodes.  Sacral lymph nodes lie in the concavity of the , adjacent to median sacral vessels.  Common iliac lymph nodes lie superior to the pelvic brim along the common iliac blood vessels.  Sacral plexus is located on the posterolateral wall of the lesser  pelvis. The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body. Sciatic nerve is formed by large anterior rami of spinal nerves L4 -S3 converge on the anterior surface of the piriformis. www.themedicalglobe.com / www.mgElearning.net Page 2 of 4   The pudendal nerve is the main nerve of the perineum.  Pudendal nerve is also the chief sensory nerve of the external genitalia.  Coccygeal plexus is a small network of nerve fibers formed by the anterior rami of S4 and S5 and the coccygeal nerves. Coccygeal plexus lies on the pelvic surface of the coccygeus and  supplies this muscle , part of levator ani muscle and the sacrococcygeal joint.  Pelvic splanchnic nerves arise in the pelvis from the anterior rami of spinal nerves S2- S4 of the sacral plexus. IMHPypUogQasstrAic pNleDxusVesIaVreAneQtwUorEksSoTf IsyOmNpaSth.etic and visceral nerve fibers.    Branches of internal iliac artery.(BD)  Arteries of pelvis table (klm)  Ovarian artery (klm)  Lymph nodes of pelvis (klm)  Sacral plexus (BD)  Hypogastric plexus and it’s types klm  Urinary bladder in detail (BD)  Parts of male urethra (klm table 3.6).  Innervation of (BD)  Ductus deference (BD).  Prostate complete (klm)  Uterus and its relations (BD). Round and broad ligaments. (Klm) Hypospadias (klm) www.themedicalglobe.com / www.mgElearning.net Page 3 of 4 Copyright: Medical Globe 2020

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