Once the coronavirus vaccine death wave kicks in, expect far fewer Democrats in America


March 18, 2021

(Natural News) The most overpaid snake oil salesman in the country, Anthony Fauci is pushing President Donald Trump to convince more of his followers to get vaccinated for the COVID-19 since most of them are saying no to the jab.

During a recent appearance on Fox News, Fauci told host Chris Wallace that another “wave” of the alleged virus – what is this, wave 46 at this point? – is on the way, and Trump supporters need to get injected in order to stop it.

Europe “always seems to be a few weeks ahead of us,” Fauci rambled while fingering a mock toy made in the shape of the Chinese virus, as presented to the world on television.

This is “absolutely no time to declare victory” against the virus, Fauci added, claiming that just because there has been a sharp drop-off in new “cases” does not mean that the world can now go back to normal.

“They thought they were home free and they weren’t, and now they are seeing cases go up,” Fauci went on to fear-monger about how really scary “variants” of the Wuhan flu could soon appear in a city or town near you.

1/3 Fauci is particularly upset about a poll released by PBS NewsHour, NPR, and Marist, which found that most Trump supporters are refusing the experimental gene therapy injections. On the other hand, only 10 percent of Biden supporters are planning to forego the shot.

When asked by Wallace if Trump should speak directly to his supporters about getting vaccinated, Fauci eagerly responded that he hopes Trump will do exactly that because “the numbers that you gave are so disturbing.”

“How such a large proportion of a certain group of people would not want to get vaccinated merely because of political considerations … it makes absolutely no sense,” Fauci whined.

Trump says his supporters should get “great” vaccine that he helped create

This strawman by Fauci conveniently mischaracterizes the millions of informed Americans on both the right and the left who have decided to skip the jab not for “political considerations,” but rather for medical and health considerations.

Trump apparently listened to Fauci by urging his supporters to get the “great” Wuhan flu vaccines that he personally spearheaded through Operation Warp Speed.

“I would recommend it and I would recommend it to a lot of people that don’t want to get it,” Trump told Fox‘s Maria Bartiromo. “And a lot of those people voted for me, frankly.”

“We have our freedoms and we have to live by that and I agree with that also. But it’s a great vaccine, it’s a safe vaccine and it’s something that works.”

Beijing Biden, meanwhile, promised during a makeshift State of the Union that was all about the Chinese virus that come May there will be enough vaccinations available for every person in the United States to receive one.

As other countries are halting their vaccination efforts due to high rates of adverse effects, America’s “leaders” are badgering the public to get injected as quickly as possible.

Fauci, as a reminder, heads up a department of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), which just so happens to have funded, with your tax dollars, the gain of function research on coronaviruses in Wuhan, China, that ultimately led to declaration of a “pandemic” last spring.

“What is the problem here?” Fauci further complained during his interview, visibly upset that tens of millions of Americans could not possibly care less about what he has to say.

“This is a vaccine that is going to be lifesaving for millions of people,” Fauci declared.

More related news about deadly Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines can be found at Pandemic.news.

2/3 VACCINE AFTERMATH: “I’m still not right” say the victims of the Covid-19 dirty vaccine series


March 18, 2021

(Natural News) Aftermath is defined as the consequences of a significant, disastrous event. Thousands upon thousands of Americans all over the country are saying they’re “still not right” after getting jabbed with the most experimental inoculation ever created. Even 3 to 4 months later, they’re complaining of major arm pain at the spot of injection, excruciating shooting pains going up their neck from their spine, constant lethargy where they can’t get their energy back that they had before the jabs, pain in their toes (mainly the big toe), lots of horrible headaches, shortness of breath, plus depression, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

In the UK, people are going deaf (35 already) and blind (25) after getting the dirty mRNA vaccines. That’s not to mention over 190,000 adverse events and side effects reported on the UK Yellow Card System, which is equivalent to the CDC’s VAERS system. That’s as of the first week of March, 2021.

Picture this: About 5 to 7 years from now, on a major network channel, one of those attorney commercials comes on television where the lawyer says, “If you took the Covid-19 vaccine series and are suffering longstanding injuries or serious complications from it, you may be entitled to hundreds of thousands of dollars in compensation. Call the number on your screen now.”

1/3 “Side effects” of modern medicine now becoming lifelong debilitating effects

Did you know the side effects of chemotherapy include chronic lethargy, horrific headaches, agonizing muscle pain, chronic infections, shortness of breath, and emotional issues that include depression? Sound familiar? The mass media has Americans so deeply brainwashed that now they’re claiming that these horrific, long-standing “side effects” of the Covid-19 vaccine series jabs are “proof it’s working.”

Sure, and when you get a tune up and then your car keeps breaking down, that’s proof the tune up is working, right? No, that means the mechanics are crooks and the parts they put in your car are faulty and dangerous for your own safety. Get your head out of the ground all you ostriches.

What’s next, spontaneous abortion after a dirty Covid vaccine? Is death from the Covid vaccine series a “side effect” or just a casualty in the trade-off for the “greater good?”

Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci are sinister freaks pushing dirty vaccines for population reduction and genocide

If Bill Gates cared about people’s health, he wouldn’t go into third world nations and inject young girls with sterilization chemicals and call it doing a “great job with healthcare.” Yes, poor women are the target of a depopulation scheme, so you think the Covid jabs are any different? Think again.

Do you think Fauci is honest when he tells all Americans to wear a mask everywhere they go, when he doesn’t wear one himself? Yes, he got caught mask-less, just like all the hypocritical elitists. His excuse was that he was sipping his water, but in several photos, he’s playing on his phone, laughing with his buddies who are sitting ONE FOOT away. Forget about it. He knows the whole plandemic is just another flu, so he’s not worried about it.

Per TruthWiki, “Vaccinations are perhaps the most profitable for the drug industry as corporations have complete immunity from “doing harm” or being sued in a proper court of law. In fact, the vaccine industry has their own court and judges now, so the CDC is functioning in complete conflict of interest by publicly promoting vaccines as part of a business agenda with financial rewards for those who push the hardest. Since the Supreme Court decision in 2011, Bruecewitz versus Wyeth, the vaccine industry is completely EXEMPT from all liability regarding vaccine products, yet the industry shells out billions in damages to humans receiving too many vaccines too close together and/or at too young of an age.”

Tune your internet dial to Vaccines.news for updates on EU and American vaccine experts screaming for the government to stop mass vaccinating everyone, especially the healthy people. Also, stay tuned to BigPharmaNews.com for leaked emails about dirty vaccines that

2/3 are leaving humans debilitated the same way chemotherapy does. It’s sick, twisted, and the CDC is still pushing all vaccines as “100% safe and 100% effective.”

Fact is, truth news enthusiasts all know that the CDC has been corrupt since its inception. Seek natural remedies folks, and drop the allopathic nightmare down the sewer, where it belongs.

Sources for this article include:

Vaccines.news lifesitenews.com nhs.uk/conditions/chemo







3/3 The Crumbling Public Health PSYOP


March 18, 2021

The Crumbling Public Health PSYOP by Jefferey Jaxen, The HighWire March 16, 2021

The RAND corporation defines psychological warfare as involving the planned use of and other psychological operations, or PSYOPs, to influence the opinions, emotions, attitudes, and behavior of opposition groups.

Meanwhile, Goarmy.gov defines individuals PSYOP operators as “Experts in their field, they specialize in unconventional capabilities, cultural expertise, language proficiency, military deception and advanced communications techniques encompassing all forms of media.”

From health officials to governments and corporate media outlets to social influencers, the general public has been the target of a sustained PSYOP in the guise of public health over the past year. Public heath officials have used the Covid-19 pandemic as a justification to green light several aspects of psychological warfare upon the public.

In the UK, it’s openly admitted that the secretive British Army unit’s 77th Brigade and Specialist Group Military Intelligence, once used against foreign enemy combatants, is now targeting its own public domestically in an aggressive more to shape public thought and neutralize independent voices.

Several aspects of the coronavirus response used by public health officials could be categorized as myopic, ham-fisted and shortsighted. For example, sustained global lockdowns of all society, never been done before for more destructive viruses and disease, should never have happened. The science was, and still is clear. The data now proves it and history warned against it.

A study published in Nature, one of many scientific examples of the failed lockdown strategies, found that staying at home did not play a dominant role in reducing COVID-19 transmission. The researchers concluded “…using this methodology and current data, in ~ 98% of the comparisons using 87 different regions of the world we found no evidence that the number of deaths/million is reduced by staying at home.”

In short, the lockdowns have failed. Many governors are racing to reopen their states. Leaders are also hoping that regranting freedoms to their populace will erase any memory that they were the same people who put them in the social and economic chokehold in the first place. An overly aggressive, pointless move which suffocated their life, liberty and livelihoods for the past year while ignoring pleas and protests to stop.

1/4 As the lockdowns were being pushed as viable options by public health experts, countless global voices expressed widespread disagreement and caution to no avail.

The Great Barrington Declaration, with over 55,000 signatures from public health scientists and medical practitioners, stands as a testament and unheeded warning against widespread lockdowns – despite attempts by the media to vilify its scientific points and a push by Big Tech social media to censor its continued presence.

The public voice and scientific warnings of former Trump-administration Covid task force senior advisor Dr. Scott Atlas was targeted for social elimination. He questioned both the lockdowns and keeping kids out of school during his short tenure.

At the time, coordinated media attacks working in lockstep with focused social media censorship were able to manufacture a false consensus painting Dr. Atlas as promoting “dangerous falsehoods and behaviors and showing “disdain for established medical knowledge.” Nothing could have been further from the truth.

In the fast-moving flow of Covid information warfare, the astroturf campaign worked, even if only for a short period of time. Unfortunately for society, Atlas’s warnings based on readily available science have been continually proven right. In a recent piece, Atlas writes:

“…despite all efforts, there was an undeniable failure to stop cases from rapidly escalating and prevent hospitalizations and death.”

“All legitimate policy scholars should, today, be openly reexamining policies that severely harmed America’s families and children, while failing to save the elderly.”

What does the public have to show for allowing sustained lockdowns? Widespread harms and unnecessary deaths from missed hospital care for a myriad of critical health emergencies such as strokes, heart attacks, organ transplant surgeries and other vital issues.

Skyrocketing domestic and child abuse, a four-fold increases in depression, three-fold increases in anxiety symptoms and a doubling of suicidal ideation, particularly among young adults – college age – after the first few months of lockdowns. With an overall increase in drug overdoses and suicides.

Widespread unemployment leading to an additional 890,000 U.S. deaths over the next 15 years disproportionately affecting minorities and women.

If the devil is real, he would have been a big fan of the lockdowns.

Now society has entered an interesting junction. The PSYOP crowd is still operating. Moving away from hard-driving the lockdown messaging and into vaccine (mis)information. There’s a current window that allows for clarity to see the psychological warfare in action.

2/4 The golden ticket to reenter society and enjoy ‘normal’ again was supposed to be vaccine compliance and its accompanying electronic surveillance and tracking system to ensure it. That isn’t up and running yet.

The ‘Green Pass/Freedom Certificate’ narrative has fallen behind and is still being marketed with consent working to be manufactured in the media. There’s a bigger problem. The shots are still experimental under emergency use. In other words, despite how Fauci tried to spin it recently, they are not approved by the FDA.

People are asking too many inconvenient questions. Can it stop transmission? Can it stop infection? What about long-term safety? Can I sue the manufacturer if I get injured? If it works so well, why are boosters already being made?

In addition, the PSYOP crowd has been working nonstop, 24/7, day and night to explain away a laundry list of and illnesses and even deaths occurring shortly after the vaccine as mere coincidence. Their op has had little success with continually diminishing returns as time goes on. Especially as much of the data shows climbing peaks of severe illness and mortality following vaccine campaigns.

More stumbling blocks were added as Astrazenca’s shot has been shelved due to safety concerns by the following countries and counting daily: Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Denmark, Ireland, Thailand, the Netherlands, Norway, Iceland, Congo, Bulgaria, Canada.

PSYOP public health officials are now trying to make two ends, drifting further away by the moment, meet. Masks are coming off, main street’s are opening in states across America and summer is right around the corner.

The data, science and public distaste will not allow another large-scale lockdown to occur. In short, the incentives to get vaccinated is waning…fast. The op was laid bare by Washington Post opinion columnist Leana Wen, M.D. in her recent interview

Priceless! “vaccine is the ticket back to pre-pandemic life” “We have a narrow window to tie reopening policy to vaccination status because otherwise if everything is reopened then what’s the carrot going to be? How are we going to incentivise people to actually get the vaccine” https://t.co/UFF4IssBmd

Abir Ballan ؊ (@abirballan) March 14, 2021 —

Wen is a doctor and we are supposed to respect her expertise. But how educated and informed is she when one can simply look at any one of several ethics codes and doctrines from around the world and see that they all universally agree individuals should never be forced or coerced into an experimental medical produce without choice and informed consent?

3/4 When looking at the evidence of continued failure and extreme efforts of deception (and often violence) utilized, one must ask to what ends and to whose advantage are the public health PSYOP and its operators working towards?

Jefferey Jaxen Jefferey Jaxen is a researcher, investigative journalist, writer and voice for health freedom on the front lines of society’s shift towards higher consciousness. Jefferey is constantly working behind the scenes to spotlight the untold, censored and under- reported stories of our time. His mission in life is to teach & empower others to take back their power and heal themselves. Jefferey has been featured in the documentary The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest. His writing has been featured by RT, Natural News, InfoWars, Collective-Evolution, Waking Times, GreenMedInfo, The Truth About Cancer and countless others. Jefferey is actively working with the media outlet The Highwire with host Del Bigtree, providing breaking news stories and investigative reporting. www.jeffereyjaxen.com/

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4/4 FDA warns Dr. Mercola to stop writing about vitamin D


March 18, 2021

(Natural News) In the summer of 2020, the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) — a consumer advocacy group partnered with Bill Gates’ agrichemical PR group, the Cornell Alliance for Science,1 and bankrolled by billionaires with ties to Monsanto, the Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Rockefeller Family Fund and Bloomberg Philanthropies2 — launched a social media campaign to put an end to Mercola.com.

(Article republished from Articles.Mercola.com)

July 21, 2020, CSPI issued a press release3 in which they accused me of falsely claiming “that at least 22 vitamins, supplements and other products available for sale on his web site can prevent, treat, or cure COVID-19 infection.” This despite the fact that their Appendix of Illegal Claims4 clearly show no COVID-19-related claims exist on any of the product links.

The group also testified in a Senate hearing on the topic of COVID-19 scams and urged the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the Federal Trade Commission to take regulatory action against me.

In an August 12, 2020, email, CSPI president Dr. Peter Lurie5 — a former FDA associate commissioner6 — made the spurious claim that I “profit from the COVID-19 pandemic” through “anti-vaccine fearmongering” and reporting of science-based nutrition shown to impact your disease risk.

1/6 Former FDA Official Pulls Strings to Target Natural Health

Seeing how Lurie is a former FDA official, it’s disheartening, but not surprising, that the FDA has now issued us a warning letter7 for “Unapproved and misbranded products related to COVID-19.” Lurie has publicly taken credit for the FDA’s action,8 thereby establishing the potential that CSPI is pulling strings under the new administration through relationships they did not have back in August when they first launched their assault on my free speech.

According to the FDA, vitamin C, vitamin D3 and quercetin products are “unapproved new drugs sold in violation of section 505(a) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.” The agency is also listing Mercola.com on its Fraudulent COVID-19 Products page.

Lurie seems to be hinting that he also wants federal authorities to remove my StopCOVIDCold site, where you can download a free scientific report detailing the benefits of maintaining appropriate vitamin D levels to protect against viral infections. He’s also urging “state attorneys general to investigate how they may further protect consumers from Mercola’s illegal marketing.”9

“Americans are justifiably concerned about becoming infected with the coronavirus and contracting COVID-19. Being misled to believe that supplements could prevent or treat COVID-19 could cause consumers to fail to take protective measures such as mask-wearing, putting themselves and others at risk, or fail to seek actual medical treatment if sick,” Lurie writes.10

It’s ironic that Lurie dismisses offhand peer-reviewed published science demonstrating certain nutrients can boost your immune function and help lower your risk of severe infection — be it from SARS-CoV-2, the seasonal flu or anything else — and touts mask wearing, which has no published scientific evidence to back its universal use, as one of the most important prevention strategies against COVID-19.

Sadly, this is where we are nowadays. “Trust the science,” they say, while simultaneously promoting scientifically unverified claims and trying to eradicate anyone who simply reports the findings that are actually published in the medical literature that may negatively impact the pharmaceutical industry.

CSPI and FDA Cannot Censor Speech

The CSPI is trying to censor my efforts to educate people on how to avoid vitamin D deficiency which, without doubt, places them at far higher risk of complications and death from respiratory infections. Well, I am not going to allow people to die from COVID-19 and other respiratory infections due to vitamin D deficiency.

2/6 In October 2020, I co-wrote a paper together with William Grant, Ph.D.,11 and Dr. Carol Wagner,12 both of whom are on the GrassrootsHealth vitamin D expert panel, demonstrating the clear link between vitamin D deficiency and severe cases of COVID-19. This paper was published in the peer-reviewed medical journal Nutrients.13

With that, I have established my medical and scientific merit, and will continue to express my professional opinions, based on the available science, and defend my freedom of speech as the U.S. Constitution provides for.

The FDA’s warning letter highlights statements in articles on my website that are fully referenced and supported by published science. I am committed to providing truthful information, for free, to anyone that wants it, and I’m all for having a rigorous scientific debate when necessary. CSPI has taken credit for pressuring the FDA to issue this warning letter to suppress free speech. The FDA’s warning letter is simply another attempt by CSPI to smear me with false accusations.

As CSPI well knows, thanks to the U.S. constitution and the first amendment, I have every right to speak publicly on matters regarding health, so this is nothing but another attempt to “cancel” me while concealing its own duplicity. For the record, we have fully addressed the warning letter; the FDA cannot simply stop free speech that CSPI does not like.

This Is NOT the First Time CSPI Has Endangered Public Health

CSPI continues to be a vitamin D denier even though overwhelming evidence points to its ability to reduce the risk of developing severe COVID-19. This isn’t surprising, coming from a Rockefeller-funded organization that pushed deadly trans fats on the American public until the facts became undeniable, at which point they simply rewrote the organization’s history on this subject to hide its past stance.

In 1986, CSPI described trans fat as “a great boon to Americans’ arteries.”14 Two years later, in 1988, they still praised trans fats,15 saying “there is little good evidence that trans fats cause any more harm than other fats” and that “much of the anxiety over trans fats stems from their reputation as ‘unnatural.'” Meanwhile, in the real world, the CSPI’s highly successful trans fat campaign resulted in an epidemic of heart disease.

The CSPI’s role in the promotion of trans fats and its influence on the food industry was discussed in David Schleifer’s article, “The Perfect Solution: How Trans Fats Became the Healthy Replacement for Saturated Fats,”16 in which he noted that:

“Scholars routinely argue that corporations control US food production, with negative consequences for health … However, the transition from saturated to trans fats shows how activists can be part of spurring corporations to change.”

3/6 It wasn’t until the 1990s that CSPI started reversing its position on synthetic trans fats, but the damage had already been done, and it never admitted its error. In fact, rather than openly admitting it had misled the public with erroneous claims, CSPI simply deleted sections of its previous support of trans fat from the web.17 Notice how their historical timeline18 of trans fat starts at 1993 — the year CSPI realized the jig was up and they had to support the elimination of trans fat.

CSPI then started raising money for campaigns to stop the heart disease causing substance they first promoted. How diabolical is that? Create the problem and then take money from others for the solution.

This obfuscation was noted by Mary Enig, Ph.D., in a 2003 article, in which she wrote:19

“On October 20, 1993, CSPI had the chutzpah to call a press conference in Washington, DC and lambast the major fast-food chains for doing what CSPI coerced them into doing, namely, using partially hydrogenated vegetable oils in their deep fat-fryers.

4/6 On that date, CSPI, an eager proponent of partially hydrogenated oils for many years, even when their adverse health effects were apparent, reversed its position after an onslaught of adverse medical reports linking trans fatty acids in these processed oils to coronary heart disease and cancer …

Thanks to CSPI, healthy traditional fats have almost completely disappeared from the food supply, replaced by manufactured trans fats known to cause many diseases. By 1990, most fast food chains had switched to partially hydrogenated vegetable oil …

Who benefits? Soy, or course … [and] in CSPI’s January, 1991 newsletter, Jacobson notes that ‘our effort was ultimately joined … by the American Soybean Association.’”

Even more egregious is the CSPI’s continued recommendation to eat unsaturated fats like soy and canola oils20 and avoid butter and other healthy saturated fats, saying that “changing fats doesn’t lower the risk of dying.”21

This wholly disregards the compelling evidence showing that industrial vegetable oils, omega-6 linoleic acid in particular, pose significant health risks and contribute to chronic disease. And chronic disease, in turn, impacts mortality.

CSPI Primarily Protects Big Business

This tendency to fall in line with industry science and propaganda has become a trend within CSPI. For example, it wasn’t until 2013 that CSPI finally downgraded the artificial sweetener Splenda from its former “safe” category to one of “caution.”22

In 2016, they downgraded it again, from “caution” to “avoid.”23 Despite that, CSPI continues to promote diet soda as a safer alternative to regular soda, saying it “does not promote diabetes, weight gain or heart disease in the way that full-calorie sodas do.”24

The group has also taken a strong pro-GMO stand and actively undermined the GMO labeling movement,25 which resulted in the U.S. being the only country in the world that does not have clear GMO labeling. In August 2001, the organization actually urged the FDA to take enforcement action against food companies using non-GMO labels, claiming such labels could “deceive consumers.”26

In a similar vein, the group opposes clear labeling of ultraprocessed fake meat. In a May 2018 letter to the FDA,27 CSPI urged the agency “to reject efforts by the United States Cattlemen’s Association to prohibit use of the terms ‘meat’ or ‘beef’ on plant-based and cultured proteins marketed as alternatives to traditional meat.” All in all, it appears the CSPI is completely against the idea of a well-informed public.

The CSPI has also been a promoter of the thoroughly debunked low-fat myth. In 1995, they launched a “1% or Less” campaign that urged everyone over the age of 2 to switch from whole and 2% milk to skim milk (also known as nonfat or fat-free milk) in order to reduce their

5/6 saturated fat intake.28,29,30

It was another successful campaign that resulted in the doubling of skim milk sales.31 However, just like their trans fat campaign, this was equally ill advised, seeing how research32,33 shows full-fat dairy actually lowers your risk of death from diabetes and cardiovascular causes such as stroke.

CSPI Has Repeatedly Violated Its Mission Statement

Considering the suspected, and in some cases well-verified, health hazards of trans fats, artificial sweeteners, soy, GMOs, low-fat diet and fake meat, CSPI’s intent to protect and advance public health is questionable to say the least.

It seems they’re more interested in protecting profitable industries, and the CSPI’s efforts to destroy companies selling vitamins and supplements with natural antiviral effects34 is simply more evidence of that.

The fact is, they’re seeking to bring an end to Mercola.com because we are such a serious threat to their agenda and they want to eliminate as many of the truth tellers as they can.

Read more at: Articles.Mercola.com

6/6 Biden Bashes People Who Are Disinclined to Get the Vaccine, Suggests They Aren't Patriots

redstate.com/nick-arama/2021/03/17/biden-bashes-people-who-are-disinclined-to-get-the-vaccine-suggests-they-arent- patriots-n345514

By Nick Arama | Mar 17, 2021 9:00 PM ET

AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

Joe Biden did a pre-taped interview with George Stephanopoulos which aired this morning on “Good Morning America.”

We’ve already covered a few of the stories out of the interview including about his comments on New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and whether he should resign and his comments on the illegal immigration crisis that his comments and policies helped to encourage.

But he also spoke about encouraging people to get vaccines during the interview.

1/3 EXCLUSIVE: Pres. Biden tells @GStephanopoulos he was surprised that COVID-19 vaccinations were still politicized.

"I just don't understand this sort of macho thing about, 'I'm not gonna get the vaccine.’…Well, why don't you be a patriot? Protect other people." pic.twitter.com/pVYngxPUZt

— Good Morning America (@GMA) March 17, 2021

“I just don’t understand this sort of macho thing about, “I’m not gonna get the vaccine. I have a right as an American, my freedom to not do it,”‘ Biden said during the interview with Stephanopoulos. ‘Well, why don’t you be a patriot? Protect other people.”

He doesn’t understand the concept of freedom, really? Yes, Joe Biden, people have the freedom not to get the vaccine if they don’t want it. If you don’t understand that, you’re missing a rather critical part of being an American. There are people on both sides of the aisle who are not inclined to get the vaccine, that’s up to them and Biden really is the last one who should be questioning anyone’s patriotism.

Maybe, speaking of patriotism, he should demonstrate a little of it, by showing concern over releasing illegal aliens who have the virus into the country, as he has reportedly been doing? As Fox’s Peter Doocy explained during a press briefing exchange with Jen Psaki last week, 9% of those released in the Brownsville area, 204 people, were released into the country with the virus. Maybe that could be just a bit problematic? And it’s completely inconsistent with the narrative he’s pushing on the virus.

Seems that’s more concerning than that some folks might decide that for a variety of reasons they might not take the vaccine.

Then we could also point out how Kamala Harris and some of the other Democrats during the campaign talked down a possible vaccine and said they wouldn’t be trust a vaccine under President Donald Trump. So was Kamala Harris being unpatriotic here, Joe?

BASH: “Let's just say there is a vaccine that is approved and even distributed before the election. Would you get it?"

HARRIS: “I would not trust Donald Trump... I will not take his word for it."pic.twitter.com/7NIp1F8WkB

— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) September 5, 2020

Well, the vaccines were developed under Trump, indeed made possible because of Trump working and coordinating with private industry, with pharmaceutical companies. He’s also the one who got the vaccine distribution plan up and going to 1 million being distributed a day. So again, maybe Biden should have been talking to Harris and telling her not to diss the

2/3 vaccine and prompt a negative reaction to it. Both she and Biden have since that time come out in favor of getting vaccinated and done it on camera. But Biden, typically, seems to have forgotten this whole less than ‘patriotic’ history.

3/3 Life is more than a computer running DNA software


March 18, 2021

In his recent interview for the Guardian[1], Craig Venter is elaborating about a household appliance for the future, the Digital Biological Converter (DBC). The current prototype, which can produce DNA, is a box attached to a computer that receives DNA sequences over the internet to synthesize DNA; in future, it will be able to do the same for viruses, proteins and living cells.

This would help the household members to produce, for example, insulin, virus vaccines or phages that fight antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Additionally, it could help future Martian colonists, giving them vaccines, antibiotics or personalized drugs that they would need on Mars. If there should be DNA-based life, a digital version could be transmitted to earth without danger of contaminating the home-planet’s biosphere[1].

In the more distant future, Craig Venter’s hope is that the DBC will generate living cells via the so-called “Universal Recipient Cell”. This platform will allow digitally transformed genomes, downloaded from the internet, to form new cells for particular needs (therapeutics, food, fuel or cleaning water)[1].

1/5 The final aim is to establish a “Digital Life Sending Unit” allowing biological teleportation. This unit will sample unknown organisms, perhaps on Mars, then analyse their sequences and generate digital DNA files that will be used by the receiving DBC to re-generate these organisms at new places, such as on Earth.


Some readers might be reminded of Goethe’s Dr Faustus’ pact with Mephisto and its goal to create a “homunculus” or similar dreams of living robots that would invade space and time, covered by an abundance of science fiction poetries. But Craig Venter is a leading expert in the field of synthetic biology, in which scientists design new biological systems, i.e., synthetic life. He insists that his insertion of a synthetic bacterial (Mycoplasma genitalium) genome into a living recipient bacterium (Mycoplasma capricolum) represents the “world’s first synthetic life” because the synthetic cell replicated itself into a colony of bacteria, containing only the synthetic DNA.

We do not want to enter here the debate of whether his indisputable achievements represent true creation of new life or represent just some kind of a copy-paste approach. We can also be pretty sure that he and his company will achieve several further technological breakthroughs in the near future. However, we would like to make very clear that his conclusions about the nature of Life are not justified.

For example, Craig Venter is convinced that it would be possible, in principle, to synthetically create most complex organisms: “I can’t explain consciousness yet, but like anything else it will be explainable at the molecular level, the cellular level and therefore the DNA coding level”[1]. In his view, the question of Erwin Schrödinger What is life? has been answered. “Life is a DNA software system”, and all living things are reducible to DNA sequences[1]. The DNA-based software creates as well as directs the more visible “hardware” of life, such as proteins and cells[1–3].

This DNA-centric concept looks clear and straightforward. However, it can work only if the theoretical background on which Craig Venter makes his conclusions is correct. In his view[1–3], organisms are mechanistic apparatus-like molecular structures that work as computing machines according the algorithm-based programs encoded in the DNA storage medium. The syntax structure of DNA follows Francis Crick’s central dogma of molecular biology “DNA-RNA-anything else”.

But is this view coherent with recent empirical knowledge? Are cellular organisms only robot-like computing machines that function strictly according to their algorithm-based programming? Or, rather, are they coordinated complex entities that share bio- communication properties that may vary according to different context-specific needs? Is DNA the unequivocal syntax for sequences out of which one can construct living cells, viruses

2/5 and phages for a household appliance? Or is the superficial molecular syntax of DNA solely the result of evolution’s long inserts and deletions of an abundance of various genetic parasites that shape host genomes?

The most crucial questions are: do DNA sequences contain a hidden deep grammar structure that varies according to the meaning and context of environmental insults; do DNA sequences match with high fidelity environmental circumstances that led to epigenetic markings and memory? If yes, this would then mean that the identical DNA sequence may have various-even contradictory-meanings. In fact, this scenario is emerging as true[4–8].


Interestingly, in complex genomes like humans, the coding genes are about 1.5% of the total genome whereas the abundance of non-coding RNAs are about 98.5%. This means Craig Venter’s household appliance box could focus only on the 1.5% coding sequences. The DNA sequences of genomes do not represent 1:1 depictions of unequivocal coding structures such as genes, but in light of the variety of epigenetic markings-with its executives RNA editing and alternative splicing-can store a multitude of further meanings[4–8].

This means epigenetic marking saves energy costs like in human language. A limited repertoire of signs, and a limited number of rules to combine these signs correctly, enables signs using agents to generate an unlimited number of sentences with a superficial grammar in the visible text and an abundance of connotations by marking through gestures and other conscious and unconscious bodily expressions such as the movements of three hundred different eye muscles[9].

Are organisms computing machines that fulfil what the DNA program determines? The machine metaphor in molecular biology is an old-fashioned narrative[9] that would like to reduce life to physics and chemistry. Manfred Eigen and Sydney Brenner expanded the concept by adding also information: “Life = physics + chemistry + information”[10,11]. But they defined information according to the mathematical theory of language as used by John von Neumann and Alan Turing in their concept of self-reproducing automata, a chimera that has remained for the last 80 years at a conceptual stage without any functional realization[9,12].

Similar to the algorithm-based computing machines of Turing and von Neumann, Venter’s concept of DNA as a software system relies on these computation models. However, these models cannot explain: (1) de novo generation of new functional nucleic acid sequences; (2) their context-dependent recombination; and (3) the abundance of mobile regulatory elements being active in all essential processes of life such as replication, transcription, translation, repair and immune defence, all of which are organized by an abundance of small and large RNAs[4–8].

3/5 Today, we know that these RNAs predated the emergence of DNA and many of these RNA- world descendants-even RNA viruses-remain as defective parts of genetic parasites in host cellular genomes as exapted and endogenized tools to regulate gene functions[13–17].


Endogenous viruses, transposons, retrotransposons, long terminal repeats, non-long terminal repeats, long interspersed nuclear elements, short interspersed nuclear elements, group I introns, group II introns, phages and plasmids are currently investigated examples that use genomic DNA as their preferred live habitat. This means that DNA is not solely a genetic storage medium that serves as a read and write medium as an evolutionary protocol, but it is also a (quasi-)species-specific ecological niche[4,17].

A great variety of such mobile genetic elements infect, insert, delete, cut and paste, copy and paste and spread within the genome. They change host genetic identities either by insertion, recombination or the epigenetic regulation of genetic content, and co-evolve with the host and interact in a module-like manner. In this respect, they play vital roles in evolutionary and developmental processes.

In contrast to accidental point mutations, integration at various preferred sites is not a randomly occurring process but is coherent with the genetic content of the host; otherwise, important protein-coding regions would be damaged, causing disease or even lethal consequences for the host organism[17].

Therefore, DNA organized in chromatin is far more complex than the human-made “software system”, except that we are confusing the algorithm-based simulation of real-life storage with the real life, the computer machines with the living cells and organisms, and the self- reproducing automatons with the real-life organisms that can replicate since the origins of life[5,9,14].

Although various complex attempts to simulate early evolution and emergence of life have been accomplished, no complete living cell with all of its components (cell membranes, organelles, microtubules, chromosomes, etc.) has yet been engineered. Although hundreds of announcements have been made within the last 60 years, not one of them has been successfully completed.


The logical alternatives to the concepts of synthetic biology are not “guilty of a kind of modern day vitalism” as suggested by Craig Venter[1,2]. The alternative is the full range of nucleic acid sequence-based life and the agents that are competent to arrange and rearrange DNA information according to their real-life needs. Communication between cells, tissues, organs and organisms cannot be predicted or simulated by computing machines, because biocommunication does not function mechanistically and is not algorithm dependent[18].

4/5 The genome itself, via natural genome editing[19], generates large amounts of coherent new sequences and inserts these into DNA genomes without damaging essential protein-coding regions. This is not possible for any human-made software. Therefore, despite the bold visions of Craig Venter, it will not be possible to create digital life in the future. The 20th century DNA-based models and concept cannot integrate current empirical data into a coherent picture of how the real life functions.

We need new concepts that will be able to integrate all the currently available empirical data on viruses, mobile genetic elements and the abundance of non-coding RNAs most relevant for genome shaping, regulation and evolution[20–26].


Despite the theoretical concepts of Turing and von Neumann, and the abundance of announcements of self-reproducing machines, the vision of digital life files that can be used as modules for generating life units will remain on the theoretical stage. The main reason is that the 20th century DNA-based models cannot integrate current empirical data into a coherent picture of how the real life functions: nucleic acid sequences do not represent unequivocal meanings that can be expressed in protein bodies, but depend on context, i.e., epigenetic markings, RNA-editing and alternative splicing that vary according to environmental circumstances, even though the DNA remains identical. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

5/5 BURN THE BOOKS: German publisher destroys children’s book saying the coronavirus came from China


March 18, 2021

(Natural News) A German publisher has destroyed copies of a children’s book that said the Wuhan coronavirus came from China. The picture book titled A Corona Rainbow for Anna and Moritz was released last summer to help understand the changed brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. However, its publisher Carlsen Verlag caved in to pressure from Beijing and apologized for the “psychological trauma” the book caused.

The picture book by Constanze Steindamm and Dorothea Tust was based on scientific advice from a tropical medicine institute in Hamburg, located in the country’s north. In the book, Anna and Moritz’s father says: “The virus came from China and has spread out from there across the world.” This did not sit well with both Chinese diplomats and Chinese parents in Germany, who proceeded to slam the book in a social media campaign.

Many Chinese based in Germany took to Amazon and gave the book a one-star rating, claiming it was “spreading racism among children in Germany.” Some Chinese residents also vowed to sue Carlsen Verlag and to protest against “racism and discrimination.” The Chinese Consulate General in Hamburg subsequently picked up the campaign and “lodged solemn representations” against the book’s publisher.

1/3 Chinese state-run newspaper Global Times said in a March 8 piece that “the Chinese community believes a simple apology is not enough and [asks] for the recall of the book.” It quoted a Chinese lawyer in Germany, who remarked that the book has “caused psychological trauma to the Chinese community, especially to the kids.” The lawyer continued: “For such reasons, Chinese people in Germany had a stronger reaction than usual about this children’s book that may trigger racial discrimination and hatred.”

Carlsen Verlag eventually yielded to the coordinated campaign against the book. “The statement on the origins of the virus that a child encounters in the book reflected the state of the reporting at that time,” it said.

The publisher then apologized for the book’s content: “We wouldn’t put it that way today. If the phrases have hurt the feelings of any of our readers, we are very sorry. This wasn’t what we intended and we apologize to those affected.” It added that “copies that are still available will be destroyed” and that “the next edition [will] be corrected.” (Related: Chinese Communist subversion of the WHO undermined global pandemic response.)

Many companies have paid the price for poking the hornet’s nest that is China

Carlsen Verlag was not the only company that submitted to the demands of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Many other firms have kowtowed to CCP pressure after relentless social media campaigns. These companies emerge from the experience with the major learning that nudging the sleeping dragon is not a good idea. (Related: All the international brands that have apologized to China.)

The National Basketball Association (NBA) is one such company that yielded to Chinese pressure, partly because it fears losing a possibly lucrative market. The U.S. basketball league learned this lesson the hard way back in 2019.

Erstwhile Houston Rockets general manager Daryl Morey expressed his support for the pro- democracy protests in Hong Kong in an October 2019 tweet. His tweet triggered a massive backlash toward the Rockets and the NBA in general. Chinese sponsors backed out of deals, home-grown sports brand suspended their endorsements with NBA stars and exhibition games were canceled.

The league distanced itself from Morey’s tweet, calling it “regrettable” and acknowledging that his statement “deeply offended many of [the NBA’s] friends and fans in China.” Former Rockets player James Harden apologized on behalf of his then-manager, expressing appreciation for the team’s Chinese fans.

“We apologize, we love China [and] we love playing here. We go there once or twice a year and they show us the most support and love. We appreciate them as a fan base and we love everything they’re about. We appreciate the support they give us individually, and as an

2/3 organization,” Harden said.

Morey himself later retracted his stance and issued an apology. His post said: “I did not intend my tweet to cause any offense to Rockets fans and friends of mine in China.” One year after the fiasco, Morey left the Rockets to join the Philadelphia 76ers. But regardless of his retraction, the NBA paid a costly price as a result of his tweet.

Visit Tyranny.news to read more news about the CCP intimidating companies that point out the truth against the regime.

Sources include:






3/3 Biden Calls On Preachers, Fauci Calls On Trump To Get Skeptics Of Vaccines On Board


March 16, 2021

These are objective truths- there is no such thing as covid-19, RT-PCR tests have been contaminated causing false positive results, and since there is no such thing as covid-19, any positive covid test is 100% false, “covid-19” injections are fatal and killing recipients in large numbers.

All of the above statements are verifiable through scientific hard evidence.

The following proves all of my statements relating to covid-19:

It has been proven that covid-19 does not exist when 1,500 covid-19 samples were examined by seven different universities using electron microscope examination which revealed that all of the samples were infulenza A or influenza B. Dr. Derek Knauss also called the CDC and asked for the covid virus genetic sequence, which the CDC said that they do not have.

All RT-PCR “Covid-19” Tests Were Contamintated In the Lab that Developed the Tests

High false positive RT-PCR test reults were exacerbated by tests contaminated with N1, N2, N3 are all found in strains of influenza A, and of course they are not testing for covid19, since they do not even know the genetic sequence of it! These tests are reflecting N1, N2, N3, positivity, which could be just about anything, particularly influenza A. N represents neuraminidase, which is explained below.

Britannica.com on Neuraminidase:

1/14 “Neuraminidase, also called sialidase, any of a group of enzymes that cleave sialic acid, a carbohydrate occurring on the surfaces of cells in humans and other animals and in plants and microorganisms. In the 1940s American scientist George Hirst identified in samples of influenza virus mixed with red blood cells (erythrocytes) a substance that broke down receptors on the surfaces of red cells. Shortly thereafter, German-born British biochemist Alfred Gottschalk discovered that these receptor-destroying enzymes were neuraminidases. Today, these enzymes are known to occur as antigens (foreign proteins that stimulate the production of antibodies) on the surfaces of certain viruses, namely those of the families Orthomyxoviridae and Paramyxoviridae, as well as on the surfaces of some infectious bacteria and other microorganisms.” https://www.britannica.com/science/neuraminidase

Britannica.com: “foreign proteins)—hemagglutinin (H) and neuraminidase (N). Therefore, H1N1 represents a subtype of influenza A. This subtype is further differentiated into strains based on minor variations in RNA sequence.” https://www.britannica.com/science/influenza-A-H1N1

Contaminated RT-PCR tests reported by Washington Post: https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/cdc-covid/2020/12/25/c2b418ae-4206- 11eb-8db8-395dedaaa036_story.html

Total U.S. Deaths Drastically Sky Rocket After Vaccine Roll Out

It appears that the “covid-19” injections which started on December 14th, 2020 are killing many more people than they are reporting because there were 2,487,350 annual total deaths until November 16,2020. On December 22nd, 2020, they report that there have been 3.2 million total deaths in America. So, between November 16,2020, and December 22,2021 there were 712,650 deaths. Verses 2.7 million to 2.9 million total deaths per year between 2015 and 2019. So, as usual, medical error is at least the third leading cause of death, and maybe the first or second.

2,487,350 Total U.S. Deaths November 16, 2020 https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2020/dec/11/facebook-posts/chart-comparing- 2020-us-death-toll-previous-years-/

3.2 Million Total U.S. Deaths December 22, 2020 https://apnews.com/article/us-coronavirus-deaths-top-3-million- e2bc856b6ec45563b84ee2e87ae8d5e7

2/14 Vaccines Delievered to 50 States. Nursing Home and Healthcare Workers Started on 12/14/20 https://www.cnn.com/2020/12/14/health/us-coronavirus-monday/index.html

Nursing Home Patients Dropping Like Flies After “Covid-19” Injections

CNA James, whose video the criminal psychopathic hacker prevented me from watching, has stated that people are dropping like flies from covid-19 injections in the nursing home that James is employed in. https://www.globalresearch.ca/cna-nursing-home-whistleblower-seniors-dying-like-flies- after-covid-injections-speak-out/5735639

German Death Camps Formerly Referred To as Nursing Homes Assassinating Patients En Masse With “Covid-19” Injections. 25% of nursing home “covid-19” injection reipients have died and 36% have suffered serious complications from “covid-19” injection. https://www.globalresearch.ca/whistleblower-25-residents-german-nursing-home-died- after-pfizer-vaccine/5738701

Reported cases of fatalities after “covid-19” injections: https://www.globalresearch.ca/cya-fraudulent-marketing-pfizer-covid-19-vaccine- unapproved-product-permitted-use/5738844

Death rates soar among Israeli “covid-19” injection recipients: https://www.globalresearch.ca/death-rates-skyrocket-israel-following-pfizer-experimental- covid-vaccines/5738949

Deaths and “covid-19” injection related injuries piling up in UK from both the Pfizer BioNTech “covid-19” injection and also the Oxford AstraZeneca “covid-19” injection, the latter of which by the way is not an mRNA messenger “covid-19” injection. https://www.globalresearch.ca/460-dead-243612-reported-injuries-covid-19-vaccines- reported-uk/5739033

Deaths mounting among middle aged vaccine recipients aged 33 to 58 years old all of whom were in good health and suddenly died after covid-19 lethal injections. The CDC still reports zero deaths claiming that nobody can prove that it is the vaccines that are killing people. https://www.globalresearch.ca/39-year-old-woman-dies-4-days-after-second-moderna- vaccine-autopsy-ordered/5739554

Obviously, the CDC has some explaining to do for their double standards for the burden of proof required for “covid-19” reported deaths verses the burden of proof required for “covid- 19” injection deaths, as well as smoking and other things.

3/14 “If it wasn’t for double standards, the government wouldn’t have any standards at all.” – Unknown

Seven European countries halt Oxford AstraZeneca “covid-19” injections after 22 people develop blood clots. Denmark, Norway, Iceland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Luxemburg halt Oxford AstraZeneca “covid-19” injecions. (This article has changed since originally posted saying that Austria halted certain batches, it originally said that it was halted in Austria.) https://sputniknews.com/europe/202103111082316303-fear-of-fatal-blood-clots-cited-as- spate-of-countries-move-to-halt-use-of-astrazeneca-covid-jabs/

Add Thailand and Romania to the List of Countries That Halted Oxford AstraZeneca “Covid- 19” injections over bloodclots and other concerns.

Times of India reports: Thursday when Denmark, Norway, Iceland, Italy and Romania postponed or limited the rollout of their quota of Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccines after isolated reports of recipients developing blood clots. Thailand followed suit. https://m.timesofindia.com/world/rest-of-world/now-thailand-suspends-astrazeneca- vaccine-rollout/articleshow/81464879.cms

Technically speaking, actually none of the “covid-19” injections are vaccines since it has been proven that “covid-19” does not even exist. You cannot vaccinate anyone against something that does not exist. There is no logical reason to get a SputnikV or a Chinese “covid-19” injection for that very reason alone.

Possible Link Between Wearing Masks and Lung Cancer in Study

Wearing masks increases bacteria inhaled in lungs. Lung cancer patients examined found that high levels of these bacteria present led to increased mortality regardless of the stage of the lung cancer. Whether it is causal is undetermined. Is it the body’s inability to fight off and overcome anything whether bacteria or cancer cells? Regardless, mask wearing definitely increases bacteria in the lungs, and definitely increases respiratory illnesses as well as cavities and gum disease. Cancer is caused by free radical cells that mutate into malignant tumors. The average person overcomes cancer three times in their lifetime without medical intervention. I do not know if this bacteria can turn cells into free radicals that mutate into tumors, or if they are or become free radicals. Free radicals are molecules that have unpaired electrons, which attempt to neutralize their electrical charge which either try to steal electrons from existing molecules, or dispell their additional electrons onto other molecules.

Wearing masks is unnatural and obstructs the free flow of oxygen as well as the exhalation of CO2, and decreases oxygen levels and increases CO2 levels, and increases bacteria in the lungs and mouth.

4/14 People would not be able to digest food without the bacteria in their digestive system. There is a misophobia taking place that is based on hypochondria. It is just an act and an attempt to humiliate, demean, and shame people for the most part.

So we know that the psychopaths are guilty for 9/11, the seven wars, the total loss of liberty, the high crimes and treason, the missing $21 trillion from the Pentagon, as well as all of their other evil crimes, and their retort is, “Nobody’s perfect, you have kooties.” https://www.globalresearch.ca/long-term-mask-use-may-contribute-advanced-stage-lung- cancer-study-finds/5736339

I have no doubt that people are getting sick and dying from and with respiratory illnesses. They always have. What has been proven 100% is the scientific fraud of all of the following : covid-19, the lockdowns, mask wearing, social distancing, efficacy of “covid-19” injections. It has also been proven that all of the practices that have been forced on everyone are murder through mal-practice and Munchausens Syndrome Eugenics psy-op of targeted assasinations though lethal injection referred to as covid-19 vaccines.

The mRNA “covid-19” injections reprogram RNA to attack viruses with a programmed immune response and invade cells with in the body when contracted, so the reprogrammed RNA would attack the cells within the body.

It will create the dreaded cytokine storm, and trigger auto-immune reactions, and the body will in effect become allergic to itself when in contact with a virus.

I would not be surprised if half or more of the US population dies within the next two years if the vaccines are not immediately stopped!

Dr. Michael Yeadon, former Pfizer CEO confirmed my worst fears when I had read on Global Research that all cats that had received the m-RNA “covid-19” injections survived and tolerated the “covid-19” injections well, but when they came in contact with natural viruses found in the wild, that are typically not life threatening, they had all died.

The Con is Still On!

Suddenly there is a rush to claim that covid-19 is the name for the SARScov2 virus. Anthony Fauci himself stated that he did not think that this would be as fatal or problematic as SARS at the onset of this psy-op of terror, and that it was not a SARS virus.

Evidently, the fascist/socialist terrorists that are responsible for the scamdemic are now grasping at straws over being exposed for fraud, and are trying to claim that “covid-19” is not a virus after all, it is just a name for a “pandemic”, but why would a pandemic not be named after the “virus” that caused the “pandemic” ?

5/14 Covid-19 meant absolutely nothing to anyone alive prior to this psy-op, so why name it that? They never hesitated naming SARS, SARS before, why would they hesitate to do that now?

Unfortunately, they are already on record with their “big ideas” of this psy-op, including renaming it SARS2. It seems as though they have opted for SARScov2 as a CYA measure.

I know that this sounds like a funny way of saying this, but it’s true that Tyler Durden from Zero Hedge on SHTFPlan.com reported that the Wall Street Journal has reported the following two paragraphs:

“Among the ‘big ideas’ described by the network of researchers led by scientist-investor Dr. Cahill, who first gained the attention of aides within the Trump administration when they listened on an early March conference call tailored toward answering investors’ questions, including the following:”

“The possibility of renaming the virus “SARS-2,” after the 2003 China animal virus, so that the connection is better made in the public mind with a deadly disease: “the name sounded scarier and might get more people to wear face masks. They dropped it.” https://www.shtfplan.com/headline-news/secret-covid-19-manhattan-project-led-by- billionaires-seeking-to-influence-trump-admin

If I know the objective truths mentioned above, it is impossible to believe that the individuals mentioned in this article linked bove do not also know these objective truths.

It is actually quite common to rename things that have failed. Businesses and people that have failed have done it over and over again in the past. This renaming is unquestionably the result of losing control of the message. Their solution is just to rename it. Below are some of the facts that have contributed to them losing control of message. They lost control of the message, because their message was based on outright fraud. It is really that simple, and apparently, so are they!

WHO, UN, and WEF Ignore Their Own Economic Consultant That Advises Against the Fraud of Covid-19

Would anyone seriously believe the claim that all of the individuals pushing the control fraud of covid-19 are not reading Global Research, run by Michel Chossudovsky who was an economic consultant for the WHO, UN, WEF, and many countries around the world, unless they are not reading it strictly for the purpose of willful ignorance? They thought highly enough of Chossudovsky opinion to hire him as an economic consultant, wouldn’t it be foolish to ignore the same opinion if it is shared free of charge on Global Research if they were willing to pay for the opinion of the same individual in the past? Do you seriously think that anyone will fall for the line that they were unaware of the information on Global Research?

6/14 Now The is worried that there may be a pandemic, and are insisting on DoD spending. Deja vu! Where did they ever come up with that idea?! Let’s not and say we did, since we already did that, and it did not work, a few times, in 2020, 2009, & 2003. They consider themselves to be ideas people and a think tank. https://www.mintpressnews.com/atlantic-council-braces-for-bioterrorism-attack/275361/ https://www.globalresearch.ca/the-h1n1-swine-flu-pandemic-manipulating-the-data-to- justify-a-worldwide-public-health-emergency/14901

I also discovered that in 2017, the Trump administration issued an edict that all conversations by any scientist that works for the government, including the CDC employees must be cleared through the Atlanta Communications office, which was then required to be cleared by Mike Pence after the scamdemic, according to Harvard Law Edu:

“Motivating the Knight Institute’s concern in this instance is a record of severe restrictions on the rights of government scientists to speak freely to the press. In 2017, Axios published an email from Jeffrey Lancashire, a public affairs officer, to the National Center for Health Statistics, announcing that for every employee of the CDC “any and all correspondence with any member of the news media, regardless of the nature of the inquiry, must be cleared through CDC’s Atlanta Communications Office.”

“According to recent news stories, scientists and health officials at the CDC must now coordinate with the Office of Vice President Mike Pence before speaking with members of the press or public about the pandemic,” the complaint reads. “These stories have raised concerns that public health experts who know most about the risks to the public are not being permitted to speak candidly and that the information the government is now conveying may be incomplete, inaccurate, or misleading.” https://jolt.law.harvard.edu/digest/cdc-sued-to-disclose-restrictions-on-scientists-right-to- speak

Extinction Rebellion Supports Storing “Vaccines” at Minus 94 degrees Fahrenheit

Evidently, this article by Chris Hedges explains it all. The ends justify the means mentality. The Scamdemic is cold blooded, pre-meditated, mass murder which will inflict immense human suffering, and mourning the loss of loved ones.

Chris Hedges and apparently many others in the alternative left media, including Americans on radio show hosts and American RT show hosts have evidently colluded in a conspiracy to commit mass murder for the purpose of reducing the population almost over night in an attempt to thwart climate catastrophe, which they claim is mass murder. People living their lives is not pre-meditated, cold-blooded, mass murder. Apparently the climate alarmists on the left feel justified in their Fabian Society, Malthusian mass murder campaign and have appointed themselves as unelected praetorian guards that would pick and choose

7/14 who lives and who dies and have decided to play God, and not call it a war. Chris Hedges is a Christian Minister that has evidently conspired in committing mass murder, through “covid- 19” injections, yet somehow believes that he is not a Christian fascist. https://www.mintpressnews.com/chris-hedges-age-of-social-murder-ruling-elites/275801/

“The ability to deal with people is as purchasable a commodity as sugar or coffee and I will pay more for that ability than for any other under the sun.” – John D. Rosckefeller

The Rockefellers donated £120,000 to Extinction Rebellion civil disobediance climate alarmists based on fraud. The Rockefellers have also donated to BLM, as well as many other Chaos Incorporated Create A Crisis groups of terrorist thugs. Yes. They are terrorist thugs that are destroying people’s lives, livlihoods, and property. It serves no higher purpose what so ever. Do not fool yourselves into believing that it does. You are half witted, mentally incompetent fools that have volunteered to destroy your own lives for the benefit of the psychopathocracy. How can anyone claim that burning buildings down, or stopping traffic that would have people running their engines even longer, are pro-environment? Storing Vaccines at Minus 94 Degrees Farenheit Uses a Ton of Electricity! Pfizer Vaccine is Stored at That Temperature! You are pathetic establishment lap dogs!

Washington Post reported: “They were to shut down traffic, block intersections and the entrances to major buildings with human chains and props, and stop people from going in to work at offices affiliated with fossil fuel companies or the financial institutions that back them.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/earth-day-coronavirus-dc- protest/2020/04/21/f2fcf66a-83e9-11ea-878a-86477a724bdb_story.html https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Extinction_Rebellion

The Club of Rome is suggesting that the population be reduced to 300 million people. The entire world is acting like crazed, zombified, banana republic inhabitants over “covid.”

They are climate alarmists. Even if the population is reduced to 300 million, there is still the issue of nuclear waste. That is not going to go away. It cannot be poured underground. It will rise to the surface because heat rises, even underground, which is why volcanic eruptions occur.

The earth is getting warmer because we were or still are in a glacial age towards its end, or inter-glacial period depending on how it is interperated. Some scientists say that we are entering another one, others say that we are not. We do not know. Nobody has that knowledge with certainty. There is also evidence that the earth is undergoing magnetic reversal which is long over due. It is a long, slow process. The earth is a dynamic, live planet under going constant change. We should do what we can to protect it, but not mass murder!

8/14 The biggest climate alarmists are doing this strictly for their own purposes. The Rockefeller Foundation and its subsidiary, the Council on Foreign Relations are pushing this, and everyone knows how the Rockefeller family has really acted. Actions speak louder than words. Consider the source.

One thing is clear. This is a conspiracy of silence and lies. Why trust a liar that has confessed that they are lying to the global population and committing a global mass murder? Trusting a mass murderer to be honest with you would be extremely idiotic!

“The ability to deal with people is as purchasable a commodity as sugar or coffee and I will pay more for that ability than for any other under the sun.” – John D. Rosckefeller

The Rockefellers donated £120,000 to Extinction Rebellion civil disobediance climate alarmists based on fraud. The Rockefellers have also donated to BLM, as well as many other Chaos Incorporated Create A Crisis groups of terrorist thugs. Yes. They are terrorist thugs that are destroying people’s lives, livlihoods, and property. It serves no higher purpose what so ever. Do not fool yourselves into believing that it does. You are half witted, mentally incompetent fools that have volunteered to destroy your own lives for the benefit of the psychopathocracy. How can anyone claim that burning buildings down, or stopping traffic that would have people running their engines even longer, are pro-environment? Storing Vaccines at Minus 94 Degrees Farenheit Uses a Ton of Electricity! Pfizer Vaccine is Stored at That Temperature! You are pathetic establishment lap dogs!

Washington Post reported: “They were to shut down traffic, block intersections and the entrances to major buildings with human chains and props, and stop people from going in to work at offices affiliated with fossil fuel companies or the financial institutions that back them.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/earth-day-coronavirus-dc- protest/2020/04/21/f2fcf66a-83e9-11ea-878a-86477a724bdb_story.html https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Extinction_Rebellion

No mentally competent, responsible adult would encourage that type of behavior.

Severely Mentally Impaired Psychopaths Create Stupid Techology and Call it Artificial Intelligence

How is Connecting One Trillion Things to The Internet of Things an Environmental Movement?! That is the Team That You Signed Up For, Whether You Realize it or Not! If You Check Who It is That Demands One Trillion Things Hooked Up to the IOT, the “Green” “Revolution”, The Paris Agreement, Malthusian, Fabian Society, Eugenicists, Universal Healthcare, Socialism, Public Private Partnerships, ( aka Old Fashioned Nazi and Mussolini

9/14 Style Socialist Fascist Authoratarian Dictatorships Currently Practiced in China, You Will Suddenly Be Woke, and Realize That Those Movements Are All Pushed and Funded by the Same People and Institutions!

They are control freaks that have absolutely zero self control! They have bestowed such measures upon themselves as to assume command and control of every thing on earth, including everything alive, in the IoT, Internet of Things, with the goal of connecting one trillion things to the internet. They have micro-chipped pets, birds, fish, and people, because the birds cannot be trusted to fly freely, they might get in the way of drones ar planes, fish cannot be trusted to swim, they might drown, and dogs cannot be trusted, because they might bite when illegal entry black bag jobs are done, people cannot be trusted by them because the individuals that are doing these things are hyper-paranoid, and because they have decided to monetize everything and everyone on earth. The control freak psychopaths are also genetically inferior mentally incompetent mutants, which is proven by the way that they live their lives – a life committed to being evil, stupid, stubborn, and wrong, a strategy obviously guaranteed to lose, to everyone except themselves. They are also using brain raping technology on people. All of this sounds like a cold blooded, pre-meditated, sadistically evil environmental apocalypse to me, and the largest waste of electricity in world history!

Calls by intellectually dishonest people are still insisting that these problems are the consequences of a capitalist economy. Hitler would agree. It is easily disproven, because socialist Venezuela, Iran, China, and Cuba are all on board with the scamdemic.

Socialism and communism are incapable of changing evil oppressive, predatory psychopathic serial criminals into humanitarians and honorable members of society.

They will be the same individuals doing none of the work, reaping all of the rewards, and causing all of the suffering in whichever economic system that they happen to be in.

This is just the most lame excuse in existence to remove all blame from the guilty parties in America.

Corruption is the problem. These individuals are psychopaths that the rest of society needs to be protected from by placing the psychopaths in prison where they can no longer harm anyone. Socialism may have appeared to have been a solution at one point, but after revelations of 9/11 being an inside job, seven false flag wars that followed, $21 trillion missing from the Pentagon, and now the scamdemic, nobody can reasonably claim that corruption is not the primary problem, and nobody can resonably claim that these things would not be happening if we transitioned to socialist economy without prosecuting people guilty of corruption and crimes against humanity first. The scamdemic is just one piece of evidence proving this. You can do your own research and see that no economic system can survive under corruption. The intellectually dishonest have also falsely alleged that capitalism leads to destruction, in an attempt to encourage people to switch to socialism. The Marxist revolution in China was one of the most destructive episodes in history, and so was

10/14 the rise of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, which was the name of the Nazi Party, in Hitler’s Germany. War exists in socialist societies too, if you recall, the Nazis were socialists. The U.S. socialists like to ignore that the Nazis were socialists and just call them fascists or Nazis, but the Nazis were both fascists and socialists, and we are living through a very similar period on a global scale with the scamdemic. I have had this conversation with both fascists and socialists in America, who are clueless that they are one in the same, and I am talking about people with PhDs. The two groups hate eachother, like the Democrats and Republicans, who have only cosmetic and irrelevant differences over all. The rhetoric may differ to a degree on specific topics, but rhetoric is talk, and talk is cheap. The outcomes are nearly indistinguishable.

The media is hysterical over calling the psychopaths that are terrorizing the country terrorists. Ironically, on the left they are more outraged by what they consider to be racist remarks than the fact that there is a campaign in broad daylight to murder people with lethal injections referred to as vaccines, and on the right, people are more outraged that there is a campaign on the left to label people as racists than they are that there are terrorists trying to murder people with “vaccines”, and all of the other outright fraud of the scamdemic. They are terrorists that are pushing this scamdemic, fascist/socialist control fraud, and total destruction of the country and Americans lives. Please join in on the zero tolerance for the following: corruption, fraud, and terrorism. Do not be intimidated by their claims to label you a terrorist. It is an intimidation tactic to silence the truth that destroys them. Obviously, we can not live with corrupt, control frauds that are terrorizing us, murdering us, destroying our lives and our country, because they will not permit us to live, which they have made clear. If we are going to die, which we all are at some point, it may as well be on the right side of history, unlike them, who have all fully committed to dying on the wrong side of history. Nobody will escape their life alive. It is only a matter of time. I guarantee it.

Everyone that I have spoken with in health care and government seem totally unphased, or they hang up before completing my first sentence stating that the CDC does not have the genetic sequence to covid-19, that Dr. Derek Knauss, a university virologist with 30 years experience along with 6 other universities have confirmed by electron microscope exam that 1,500 RT-PCR tests that showed positive results for covid-19 were all Influenza A or B. All RT-PCR tests have been contaminated with N1, N2, and N3, reported by Washington Post, The “vaccines” are killing people in large numbers and are not FDA approved.

How did they get everyone to be so complicit? Peter Koening, former WHO, UN, World Bank economist mentioned that The Great Reset was going direct, whatever that means, is left to interpretation. Was everyone promised survival and status after a mass depopulation? It seems to be the case. America has 23 million governement employees and 20 million healthcare workers. Add 8.4 million university employees, 12.1 million tech employees, 6.9 million scientists and engineers, and all of their families and parents, and you will see how quickly that the 300 million threshold that the Club of Rome is calling for is quickly breached, with those employees mentioned totalling 70.4 million, adding 4 family members

11/14 each to that, and the number is already 352 million people, ( obviously overlap occurs, but, you get the point.) and that is just in the United States in a global conspiracy. They also spoke of solidarity trials. It appears as though someone contacted every individual and promised them survival and status in exchange for silence. What else could explain it? That does not even include the media, whose number of employees I could not immediately find, but 36% of media employees lost jobs or had pay cuts from the lockdowns, followed by a 50% cut between 2008-2012. https://www.niemanlab.org/2020/07/covid-19-has-ravaged-american-newsrooms-heres- why-that-matters/

IBM, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and Moderna’s “Unprecedented computing power” researching “covid-19” somehow missed or dismissed all of the above, and also want to control everyone’s lives, and they want everyone’s personal lives to be transparent, and they want everyone to trust them, even though they are Literally Dead Wrong!

Garbage In Garbage Out! Evidently, it is just programmed to tabulate the volume of research articles verses the accuracy, correctness, and truth of research articles! This is not a wonderful development, or wonderful anything for that matter! This is nihilism HAL! It is evil, HAL! Take your monoliths with you and leave the planet HAL! https://www.mintpressnews.com/ibm-modernas-partnership-brings-world-to-brink-of- biosecurity-state/276049/

They must be charged and tried for crimes against humanity, treason, terrorism, medical mal-practice, medical fraud, and mass murder through Munchausen Syndrome.

The Medical Mafia MKULTRA Control Fraud “Solution”

We are going to have to drug you with psychedelics until you hallucinate that we are not monstrous, serial killing, mass murdering terrorists guilty of crimes against humanity, because that is what would work the best for all of us in the medical mafia, government, and tech sector. https://sputniknews.com/world/202103151082348359-psychedelic-drugs-could-effectively- reset-human-brain-researchers-assume/

Raiders of the Lost Cookie Jar

The mentally incompetent, pathological lying monsters that have conspired to commit a cold-blooded, serial killing, mass murder through “covid-19” injections are hogging everything for themselves, as they continue terrorizing children with The Big Lie that there is a deadly virus that they can catch and leave them as orphans if they spread the non exitent covid-19 to their parents! The “covid-19” injections might leave them orphaned though!

12/14 $800 billion in aid and education funds for state and local governments

$350 billion in state and local aid

$400 billion Festivus for the restofus stimulpus checks, ( also given to governmemt employees

So, $1.15 trillion plus amount unknown in stimuluos checks to government employees and members of their households, and $400 billion minus amount unknown given to government employees and members of their households for the rest of us. https://www.cnn.com/2021/03/15/economy/stimulus-economy-biden-2022/index.html

And that does not include Trump’s stimulous!

The Awkward Disconnect From Reality by Media, Government, and Tech

Do you feel like you are hearing or reading people that are from an alternate universe when talking about current events, like Russian hackers, Iran, Syria, Venezuela, the economy, the stock market, or “Covid-19”?

You are not the only one!

I figured it out now! The mainstrem media, most alt media, and the governments are not lying to us!

They are lying to the future!

Yes! They are literally that insane!

They will leave a legacy of lies to protect the Underworld view that the truth ought to be protected by lying corpses.

Obviously there is a massive extrajudicial assassination program underway with the “covid- 19” injections.

The media, government, and tech sectors plan on killing us, and have obviously already started the murder spree, and are ignoring us, and speaking strictly to the future so that there is a recorded narrative that they want whatever survivors there may be to hear, read, watch, and believe. They want them to believe that it was on par with the black plague that wiped out somewhere between 30% to 60% of the European population. We know that the prevention, treatment, and “vaccines” are what is killing people. They are more concerned about with what the future will think 50 years from now than they are about what people currently alive think of them now, obviously. Obama allowed the media to blatantly lie and engage in cointelpro on US citizens. It’s happening right before our eyes.

13/14 UPDATED: The World has a new "President John F. Kennedy" as Globalist "Deep State" Assassinates Tanzania Leader John Magafuli


UPDATED: March 18, 2021 President Kenyatta declares 7 days of mourning following death of Magufuli. Kenyatta is president of Kenya - .President Kenyatta declares 7 days of mourning following death of Magufuli - YouTube H/T FreakedOut

Watch Video At: https://youtu.be/V8mZSUmOzbQ

Tanzania President John Magafuli didn't buy into Globalist CovID Scamdemic and paid for it with his life HT FreakedOut

As I said in my earlier Post...Tanzania President John Magafuli was treading on dangerous ground by defying the Big Pharma Tyrants who are about a quarter way through their massive project of culling 90% of humanity and turning the 500 million anticipated survivors into biometric Operating System-controlled Zombie Slaves.

1/3 Amazingly, President Magafuli was one of less than a half dozen world leaders who recognized the Global Crisis "War on Humanity" which is the CovID-19 Plandemic HOAX--and tried to spare his people from the ravages that other countries are now suffering with economy destroying lockdowns, unhealthy death mask cults and now lethal Experimental mRNA Gene-Altering injections.

Here is the "Official Story" from the Globalist "head liar"....Best British Calumny...the BBC Here is the US "Official Story" from CNN - "Criminal NewZ Network" Yep...all the important "talking points" covered. I just hope they didn't torture him. The man had five children. Finally, here is the truth. It's to be found in Health Impact News. The truth is that President Magafuli disappeared suddenly after announcing publicly his government had no intention of forcing the CovID-19 Experimental Gene-Altering injections on his people. His decision re CovID was based on expertise...his own:

"...He had masters and doctorate degrees in chemistry from The University of Dar es Salaam. In 2019 he was awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Dodoma for improving the economy of the country..."

Perhaps President Magafuli's covert assassination will finally wake up to the diabolical brutality of this Existential Threat. RIP President Magafuli. I didn't know you at all...yet I now know you VERY well because, like you were, I am an endangered sentient. May you live forever in the hearts of your people you died to protect.

Stay tuned.

Well, looky here...look who's the new Tanzanian President. New Tanzania President WEF!!

2/3 ICC Goes After Israel for Nuremberg Code Violation Complaint


All posts March 18, 202111:42 am

According to an article in Database Italia, the complaint lodged last week in the Hague court accusing the Israeli government of violating the Nuremberg code has been confirmed. A decision is now awaited.

A complaint was filed in The Hague Tribunal by lawyers Ruth Makhacholovsky and Aryeh Suchowolski last weekend regarding violations of the Nuremberg Code by the Israeli government and other parties. We recall that the People of Truth organization has filed a complaint against the Israeli government, which is carrying out illegal experiments on Israeli citizens through the Pfizer vaccination.

”The organization includes lawyers, doctors, public activists and the general public, who have chosen to exercise their democratic right not to receive experimental medical treatment (Corona vaccine), and feel under great and serious pressure. illegal acts by the Israeli government, parliamentarians and ministers, senior representatives of the public, mayors, etc.”

1/2 Therefore, and taking into account the above, they ask:

1. L’immediate cessation of medical experience and administration of vaccines to the Israeli public.

2. Ask the government adopt all legislative procedures that do not violate the principle of informed consent of a person to receive the medical treatment described above, which denies legal status in Israel and in Israeli democracy, including avoiding the creation of a health passport, giving the names of unvaccinated people to local authorities or to any other competent legislator.

3. Take the most severe measures against any public, commercial or employment entity that violates state labor laws or other matters necessary to prevent coercion or solicitation of vaccines, as well as discrimination, against those who choose not to receive the vaccines. innovative medical care mentioned above.

4. Draw your attention to the fact that a copy of this document will also be sent to the media around the world for violating the Nuremberg Code. Relevant in all countries of the free world.

5. And as a final remark, it should be noted that it was only recently that a Council of Europe decision was taken on 27/1/21, in which all authorities are ordered not to exercise pressuring or soliciting people to take the Corona vaccine in any way. Therefore, whatever is good for advanced European countries is certainly also good for Israel – and the balance is obvious ”.

Lawyer Ruth Makhachovsky told Israel News:

“Pfizer’s experiment in the State of Israel was carried out in violation of the Nuremberg Code, which is part of international criminal law and is under the jurisdiction of the Hague tribunal. We are now awaiting a decision”.

Via https://www.globalresearch.ca/icc-goes-after-israel-nuremberg-code-violation- complaint/5740213


thecommonsenseshow.com/agenda-21-conspiracy-economics/why-wont-average-americans-defend-themselves- against-life-threatening-communist-tyranny-has

Submitted by Dave Hodges on Wednesday, March 17, 2021 - 15:24.

Why won't America stand up for herself? what would have put millions in the street noly a generation ago, barely holds our attention anymore. Why is the country, once a country which possessed courage and conviction , now sitting idly while allowing itself to be taken to the slaughter without so much as a whimper? Many psychoogists including myself, believe the reoot of answer is globalist-induced learned helplessness.

1. America has lost almost 60% of its small businesses with no end sight in the midst of lockdown procedures which did nothing to mitigate the spread of a virus. 2. Small businesses were assassinated by the government in favor of box store, campaign- giving box stores that experienced record profits. 3. The First Amendment is dead in America. Any political opposition is met with allegations of racism and the deplatforming and the loss of jobs happens to people who date question anything.

1/4 4. America has witnessed the biggest book burning exercise since the Nazis did it almost 90 years with social media censorship. Remember, where they burn books, they will soon burn people. 5. It is now considered racism to put America first above any globalism. 6. It is now considered racism to play chess with black and white pieces. Social media sites for chess are being banned for this reason. 7. It is now considered racism to support the Constitution. 8. It is now considered racism to be White and not admit that one is a racist. 9. The recently passed stimulus bill contains a loan provision that enables a farmer to obtain 120% of a requested federal load. However, White people need not apply. One is now considered a racist if one questions the racism contained the Democratic Party created law. 10. It is both xenophobic and racists to ask for Covid health screenings at the border as an estimated 40,000 covid positive illegal immigrants have been released into the United States. And this is happening while much of the country’s citizens is still having their activities limited including the right to travel. 11. The airlines are in the process of requiring mandatory vaccinations to fly, but illegal immigrants are increasingly being granted access to the country without restrictions. It is now considered racist to highlight this hypocrisy. 12. A mother of a six-year-old had her child taken away because she dropped off her kid without wearing a facemask. 13. The Democrats will not America be safer by the construction of the Wall. However, the Democrats can have a wall of their own surrounding DC along with their estimated 60,000 bodyguards paid at taxpayers expense. 14. Bill Gates is insisting that we consume no meat and get out protein from eating bugs. The noise is deafening. 15. Under the present administration the entire planet would be allowed to migrate to America and be granted entry and eventual citizenship. 16. The stealers of the 2020 election are putting into law their election thieving ways in bills like HR 1. No election is safe. 17. America did very little as the election was stolen. Key Republicans did even less. 18. During the scamdemic, we allowed our houses of worship to be closed. Where’s Spartabus when you need him. 19. Schools were closed, youth suicide skyrocketed as did drug abuse for all ages. 20. The Chinese dictate what you can and cannot watch on TV. 21. The Chicoms are using MS-13 to assassinate people who dare speak about CHICOM election-theft payoffs to key officials in Arizona and Georgia. 22. Given his past history, Biden will undoubtedly try to hand total control of the country to China, we are almost there. 23. The left has announced their intentions to take you guns. Do you know the history and pattern of 20th century genocide? It might behoove you to research this question and then you will realize how much danger you are really in.

2/4 24. Your kids have no future in tomorrow’s economy. The economy is being systematically destroyed. The auto industry is down 5%. Your manufacturing jobs will be leaving soon. Retail collapsed in February. Online sales is dramatically less in the first two weeks of March. The economic collapse is underway. 25. There are no plans to return to normal. We are seeing strategic retreats, but so-called mutant strains will for another kill-shot lockdown.

These 25 items are merely a small sample size for what is and what’s coming! Why has this happened? There are a variety of social psychological reasons behind America’s passivity. However, the one that jumps to the head of the class is a concept called “learned helplessness.”

"Learned Helplessness" as discovered by Martin Seligman. "Learned helplessness" occurs when an animal is repeatedly subjected to an aversive stimulus that it cannot escape. Eventually, the animal will stop trying to avoid the stimulus and behave as if it is utterly helpless to change the situation. Even when opportunities to escape are presented, this learned helplessness will prevent any action"

Learned Helplessness

Phase One In the first phase of the learned helplessness experiment, Seligman placed a dog on an electrical grid, shocked the dog and noted that the dog would demonstrate the ability to escape the aversive stimulus.

Phase Two In the second phase, the dog was barricaded on the grid and was unable to escape the painful shocks. Eventually the dog laid down and passively accepted the shock.

3/4 Phase Three Seligman then removed the barricades and the dog could have easily escaped the shocks. However, the dog, conditioned by the prior set of events, simply laid down and accepted the shocks. without mounting any resistance whatsoever.

Learned Helplessness In America

Today, we lay down in the face of the abject criminality of our government. We accept GMO's, chemtrails, CPS sponsored child sex trafficking, the theft of our mortgages, the murder of dissidents, constant surveillance, unsafe medicines and foods, and the privatization of our most vital resources which are being priced out of our reach (e.g. water). We have the ability to fight back (phase one). We have done it before (e.g. Revolutionary War, Civil War). However, this was before the omnipresent MSM came on the scene. We are conditioned by a compromised whorehouse we call Congress that our opinion does not matter (phase two). The media tells us we are the most free nation on the earth. As a case in point, we honor our veterans and subsequently let the VA murder them. We are conditioned by these factors and the corporate controlled media that our actions can make no difference. We sit primed today to accept everything our government does to us on behalf of their corporate controllers (phase three). The end result of our passivity will prove to be enslavement accompanied by massive depopulation.

How will depopulation occur? That will be the subject in the next part in this series.
