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1974 The aiD ly Lobo 1971 - 1980

4-10-1974 New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 077, No 125, 4/ 10/1974 University of New Mexico

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Until After Easter Nixon Delays Tape Release WASHINGTON (UPI)-Prcsident Nixon Tuesday told the House Judiciary Committee its demands for 41 additional presidential tapes for its impeachment inquiry would have to wait u.ntil aft.ct· the Easter congressional. recess. A Democratic member of the Committee immediately denounced Nixon's action as "contemptuous," of the I think I'm sick and tired impeachment investigation, and said the tapes must be subpoenaed. The Committee, which had given the White House until Tuesday to decide whether the tapes would be yielded voluntarily, says it must have the material if it is to conduct a Just What Did thorough investigation into whether grounds exist to impeach Nixon. The letter from Nixon's Watergate lawyer, James D. St. Clair, delivered by hand to the committee, did not say whether the Students Think tapes would be turned over. In fact, the letter did not specify tapes-only mentioning ''materials in que~tion." The House will return from Easter recess on April 22. St. Clair's letter said that Nixon "has directed me to advise you About Yesterday? · that a review of the materials in question is underway. We expect By KARL VERA class right now. When she gets that the review can be completed by the end of the Easter recess, Of the.Lobo Staff· out I thought I'd play it for and that the additional materials furnished at that time will There we were in the her." permit the committee to complete its inquiry promptly." sloughs of Tuesday A ·woman with what The letter seemed to be a sharll setback for the committee, despondency when the editor appeared to be a bag of which has indicated it will subpoena the tape; if necessary. The looks up from his nodding groceries almost got by White House did not request the delay, it dictated it. stupor and says= without me spotting her. Rep. Jerome Waldie, )).Calif., immediately urged the tape; be "1be students." "Wait!" I pleaded. subpoenaed because "the President has refused to cooperate with "Who?" ·• She stopped. the committee." "What?" "What are you thinking?" (conlitiUed on page 2) "The students," he She practically started repeated, "what do they running. UI don't think, .. she think?" . said, avoiding my rabid (fbotos by .Janlee Hardinl) "1bink'l" glances as she pulled away. 'People Really Don't "About what?" Out on the Mall I bumped Veterans Association Think Around Here' "1bat's it!" he said. "Ask into a student rubbing his them what they think about eyes. The weather was on his what." mind, he admitted. But that Calls for Resignation Ambling out of the office wasn't all. with a pulitzer-prize winning "You know," he added, photographer, I wandered "Bertrand Russell 011ce said onto the Mall where a something to the effect that Of National VA Head blustery sandstorm was when he turned 70 years of By GEORGE JOHNSON numbers" on military discharges takin@ place as scheduled. age it was nice to spend 95 Of the Lobo Staff and urging the Senate to expedite Blocking the path of · a percent of his time thinking The National A'>sociation of passage of pending veterans' bicyclist wearing a heavy about sex. I'm 21 and I've Concerned Veterans met in legislation. chain-link concho belt, I already reached that point in Rochester, New York last week T11c pending legislation would asked him what he thought. my mental attainments." and passed a resolution calling for extend the time limit veterans Silence. Pursuing the point, Sampling some PIRG the resignation of Donald Johnson have to take advantage of their getting by the sore subject of volunteers, I found one girl as national director of the educational benefits under the Gl how people shouldn't have to who was thinking about the Veterans Administration, Steve Bill. .. startle other people into "cosmic stars." Salway, director of the Student Spin code numbers, Salway awareness, he admitted: "You mean Nader?" Veterans Association at UNM said, contain information about 4'People really don't think "No, the heavens." said. how veterans performed while in around here." Another worker had her Sa I way, who atten(Jed the the service. t Professor Dittmer, assistant head clouded with so much conference, said that the "A vet can get an honorable dean of Arts and Sciences, "crap" that she was· reading resolution called for Johnson's discharge but still have a bad spin blew by with the wind she decided to get in contact resignation on the grounds that he code number,., Salway said. "'11te Running after him I inquired with people by getting them is incompetent and does not have number can label him as a as to what weighty thoughts to sign peti lions. the Vietnam era veteran at heart. troublema~er-and the number were occupying his biological Ac costing a student Salway said that-Johnson goes into credit, business and grey folds. dressed in suit and vest, suppressed a study hy the educational files. "Oh, I'm thinking about sporting a throwaway hat, Educational Testing Service of "Our resolUtion said that the whY we didnjt have another and puffing on a cigar, I Princeton that reported that use of these numbers is illegal. faculty meeting today." discovered the fascinating Vietnam era veterans are receiving Guys get pulled from civilian life A girl was lounging 011 a profundities of the student up to 60 per cent less benefits and have to join the military. bench in front of Mitchell mind. than Korean and WW 11 veterans. What happens in the military Hall, slowly being encrusted '' Be si des girls, I think Johnson contended that should not affect civilian life by the sand. Before she was about life in genet·al." present day veterans receive equal later. u buried alive, I put the "Generally speaking, what ol' better benefits and deleted the Legislation now in the Senate question to her. are your thoughts on life report's recommendation when he would increase veterans' benefits "What do you think?" right now?" gave it to the Senate, Salway said •. 26.3 per cent and extend the time 11 About what?" "I'm wondering whether Johnson is past national limit for educational benefits 11 1bat's it, about what are I'll become an archeologist or commander of,_ the American from eight to 15 years. you thinking?'' a garbage man." Legion. The House of Representatives "I think I'm sick and tired. "Are you pretty certain The resolution also called for passed legislation a month ago Sick of take·home exams and that it will be the latter?" Senate approval of ruture VA that would increase benefits 13.6 term papers." "Yeah, right now it looks directors. Directors are appointed ·per cent and extend the .time limit I turned round to spy a like I'll be a garbage man." by the President. to two' years. guitar slinging fellow slinking Walking through the The Albuquerque Journal "I talked to specific membets towards the doorway. What cafeteria, I succumbed to the reported yesterday that of the Senate Veterans Affairs was he thinking? · fumes and slumped next to Demoerats in the Senate have also Committee and they said that the I'm Thinking About. The "Well, about my song. one or those emaciated diners called for Johnson's resignation. Senate would buy at least a two Cosmic Stars There's this song, 'Tapioca,' I one always sees valving down He said the group also passed year extension-if not five," he wrote for this girl. She's in (continued on page 2) resolutions calling for the said. abolishment of ''sllin code (continued on page 2) ~ by Garry Trudeau IIQ DOONESBURY .. " c:n... .-j ~ Q Nixon Delays ~ .-j N9w Seminar For Returning Women Students (continued from page 1) a: A unique new course for themselves seriously. ~ ~ women rjlturning to school will be Women now in school as well as returning to school. "We should no longer tolerate his contemptuous attitude < 1 "The most important thing is those considering retuming are "We hope this course will help -· offered tbis summer at UNM. "One woman who went back to women explore the larger towarcl those seeking the truth of his conduct of his office. We a 0 Margaret Jiracek, a graduate to show women that they are not welcome in the course, she said. nursing school after a long must now subpoena all evidence we require." t::i ,.Q unskilled. Women who have a ''Returning women students educational and historical context 10 ~ student in the Educational absence said riding in a cat· pool of decisions they have made in the White House sources said that although the committee had set ::: ... Foundations Department, household, raised children and have no problem with motivation with another woman student had Tuesday as the deadline for response, the committee had '< ,e. participated in community affairs in general," said Jiracek, the past, so they can be more aware ·; designed the course for women helped her by giving her someone of their own special talents an<\ requested only· that Nixon state his intentions, not deliver the like herself who experience special have useful skills, and we hope the mother of two children, who to share problems· and advice i 1:1 class will help women put. those began work on a master's degree needs. · . material. h ~ problems in starting or resuming with," Jiracek said. "'llle President wishes me to reiterate to you and ~ e 8 skills to work in the academic after six years out of school, "Women in out· society know > ... college studies after a long "I believe support from your there is a lot of work to be done, committee his continuing desire to cooperat~ so.~hat the_pendmg ll absence. world." "But they may nee<\ advice on peers is th most valuable thing inquiry can be brought to a prompt cooclus1on, St. Cla1r wrote. '2 The class will be offered for focusing that motivation." and we want them to know their ::: ~ "Seminar for Returning Women for an older woman student, perspective is very valuable." "If any problems develop, I of course stand ready to meet with ... Students" will offer practical two hours' credit through the The seminar will offer tips on ~ ~ UNM Educational Foundations. you in an attempt to resolve them." . . z advice on UNM's admission career planning and job The office of the committee chairman, Peter J. Rodmo Jr., ...Cj) Department and through the opportunities but, in addition, ...,. ..; procedures and financial aid, as Division of Continuing Education . J>.N.J., confirmed the letter had been received but said Rodino ... well as tips on course offerings, "we hope to show women would not comment on it Tuesday night. What Did Students Think? :. counseling programs and campus 'The seminar will meet June 11, 18 students who aren't interested in a St. Clair also called on the committee to determine his own (Continued from page 1) "No way," I replied, ~ and 25 from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. career that education can be a services. In addition, the summer and from 9 a.m. to noon June 15, role in its proceedings before the Easter recess. • • smiling. course will include workshops in tremendous contribution to hair design syrupy acne-begetting milk 22 and 29. Additional sessions personal growth." "Regarding an important relatt;d . issue, I ·~ope that the shakes. At the other end of the writing, research and non-verbal committee will decide on my role m 1ts proceed1ngs bef~re the room a girl was staring out will be held July 9 and 13. The course b'l'CW out of a survey "What's on your mind," I skills. Registration may be arrange<\ upcoming recess, 'lbere is much work to be ~one 1f the gasped, the smell of burnt the window. I tapped her on "We want to define the Jiracek made last fall of the 2,028 for men committee is to meet its timetable and I, once agam, urge that the shoulder. with Jiracek at the UNM Women's women students at UNM. About grease assaulting my senses. situation that makes for a Center, 1824 Las Lomas NE. this vital issue be resolved as soon as possible. "I'm thinking how shitty "What are you musing successful return to school," 35 pet· cent of them are ovct· 35, The Democrats on the committee earlier Tuesday apparently about?" Scholarships may be available, she found. this lemon fruit pie is. Have a Jiracek said. "We hope to provide Jiracek said, and day care for Uptown agreed to permit St. Clair to sit in during impeachment taste." "I'm sitting here thinking the environment Utat allows Women who answered her proceedings. about the term paper I was students' children will be questiOill!ait·e listed specific For Appointment 5504 Central Ave. NE "No thanks." women students to take available. But although the Democrats tentatively reached a conse~us on I asked his friend sitting going to do." problems they had encountm·cd in Call 266-3169 Albuquerque, NM 87108 the issue, the full committee still must decide what role m the a cross the table what he "Are you still going to do inquiry-if any-St. Clair will have. thought. , it?u ''I just took six hits of "No. Do you know how I Blaze Begun By speed, and I'm wondering can get in touch with that why I'm not getting off when term paper service they have Veterans Associat~Qn I got off on four hits ·• in California? I've got to find 1 0-year~old Boy yesterday. I'm wondering out how to get a hold of (Continued from page 1) CLOUDCROFT, N.M. the blaze and also might be why my dealer is only selling "em.". ( UPI)-'lbe Forest Service said 'lbe conference also passed a junk and not acid." "Sorry, but I can put you subject to federal prosecution. Tuesday 11 10-year-old boy started He said the boy tried resolution calling for the The girl sitting at the end in touch with my ghostwriter, the fire which has destroyed establishment of regional review of the table told me how she only he charges by the drink unsuccessfully to douse the fire in 14,500 acres of timber and 21 the dry timber, but he and his boards to deal with "bad paper was concerned with the and it can get expensive." homes in eastern New Mexico, discharges." Now there is one ragged shirt the speed·freak She didn't have the money. parents left the scene. 1bey did ., and his parents will be sent a bill not report the fire, Armijo said. review board in Washington, D.C . was wearing. On my way out of the for $300,000. "A hippy gave this to me," cafeteria I saw a student 'lbe .Forest Service learned of Another resolution called for 'lbey also may be subject to the boy through its own he beamed, pointing to what reading the LOBO. I ' federal prosecution, a spokesman the wider publication of women's shuddered as I asked her what investigation, he said. veterans rights. Salway said that looked like a Casa Luna said. .I I tablecloth converted into a she was thinking. ··"' l was although women veterans receive "I ,really like these "1be fire started by a .. .. / the same benefits as men, only 14 bib. (Photo by Janice Harding) lO·year-old boy who was playing / )/ I "You know what else he cartoons on the editorial New Mexico per cent of tht>m put the benefits page," she replied. with matehes with some friends DAILY LOBO .• . v .1 to use as compared to 60 per cent gave me?" 'I'm 21 and I've already on private property," Forest / of the males. "Crabs?" reached that point.' Service spokesman Lou Armijo Vol. 77 No. 127 "No-a car. I'm trying to ------"·-· -~··--·--- ....,I said. "'llle parents apparently Salway said that the conference Box 20, University P.O., UNM I decide which one is better." . I were doing some work nearby and ' sent over 300 telegrams to Nixon I caught somebody staring weren't watching.'' Albuquerque, N.M. 87131 / urging support of pending Editorial Phone (505) 277- I at me a couple of tables He said the parents would be I ' veterans' legislation. a way. He was neatly dressed billed the $300,000 spent to fight 4102, 277-4202 "Two hundred of us marched and looked serious. He must The NeiV Mexico Daily Lobo is pub­ be burdened with a great Jishl.od Monday through FrM ,y every from the hotel to the Western l r~..oguhn' week of' the Univetsity year Union office to send the • philosophical search for and weekly during the summer scssion Have you signed by the Uonr.t of Student Publications or I telegrams," Sal way said. , meaning, I thought. Why the the Unh·ersity ot New Mexico, and jg wrinkled brow I asked him? not financiniJy associated witl1 UNM. '111irty seven states represented .,,l the PIRG petition? Second chtss J)O!Ilage Jlaid at A1hnttller.. "Money. I'm thinking qut>, N~w Mexico 87131, SubsC'rJption by 140 campus organizations about how much money to rate is $7.60 for the ucadcmic )"ellr. I attended the conference. ~. The opinions expressed on the t'di­ get and what to do with it .... torial ~tRJtt'S or The Daily Lobu nre once I get it. Right now it those o( the author snll'ly. Unsbmt'd Salway said that all ~eterans f RIRG O}Jih ion ~~ that. O( the editoriaJ board interested in local affa1rs can looks like I'll travel and live of The Daily Lobo. NothinJ!' print.t-d in in style for a semester." The Daily Lobo ni!C(> ,,., "' gasoline and diesel fuel in 1973, 1968, h&s electrical transformers from the standpoint of making a ,i ....; said Hyman S, Adler, services and conduits to recharge 2: if profit. The mechanics treat each ... ~~ ~ manager at the UNM Physical electric·powered V~;Jhicles car like their own." .0 Plant. 'The auto shop's budget tltis overnight. ,.. I• !!. Espinoza said good mechanics II) yearis $103,900. "We've got everything but the ..:I Supplies ran so low at the end cars," Adler said. "They cost don't have any trouble keeping up ~ of November and December last $8,000 to $9,000 each and we with changes in engine design: "If year that University vehicles were just haven't found any tltat would you're in it ~very day you have rationed to lO·gallon allotments, be suitable." tlte basic idea, so you can ca teh said Automotive Shop Supervisor The Univers!tY, has signed a on to the new things." Lee Roy Espinoza. Drivers were contract for s1x new compact, One of tlte UNM mechanics, issued state credit cards for use at gas-saving pickups. Tiofilo Martinez, was trained on commercial filling stations. Physical Plant employes have the job and at Albuquerque's Four gasoline-saving devices are been instructed in fuel Technical-Vocational Institute. being tested on University conservation techniques, but Many of Ute others are taking vehicles, with inconclusive results Adler said vehicle use varies so outside vocational courses at so far, Adler said. Tite devices add much that he can't tell what night. Tite crew also includes a vapor-mostly water and some impact the campaign has had. work·study student, methanol-to moisten the gas "'The major control we have is 'The shop is equipped to do just mixture in the intake manifold. to keep each vehicle operating at about everything except More promising is a new $7,000 the highest possible efficiency automatic transmission overhauls UN M Automotive Shop Supenlisor Lee Roy machine for analyzing and level," he said. and major body work and Espinoza heads an eight·man crew in charge of adjusting tlte performance of an 'The eight men assigned tltat painting. fueling and maintaining most of the University's engine and its components. The machine also analyzes exhaust Show someone you care 203-vehicle fleet. (UNM Photo) fumes "to help us get the most this EASTER with flowers from: Consumer Office Fights Ripoffs ~3:2J RoMERO N.W. No.6 (We wire flowers anywhere in the U.S.) (505) 842-954 7 Have a gripe with a crooked merchants. We try to resolve made (pottery, paintings, jewelry, landlord or merchant? Then take complaints through letters-if this etc.). .• .,.,...,.,.__. ·•..... lllli.W&llliiW. '1!'1! lllll'it•llllr..• ~ it up with the ASUNM Office of fails we refer the matter to the WFUTIM:NWNITNE ~, Research and Consumer Mfairs. Clinical Law Program or the A charge of 50 cents will be WIST IMHITANT 111/ltQ According to the coordinator required to reserve a table and 1) District Attorney's Consumer ~ f£11111ff1liMI10 U~IUf: . . of the office, Gilda Tuoni, it has Protection Department. So far, chah·s. This is to cover "costs of HOW TO S1t1P IAFEL'I. been in operation about a month we've had a good response." transporting, setting up and and a half. During this time it has The Research and Consumer cleaning afterwards." ZALES IEWILERS handled 20·30 complaints by Affairs Office is taking UNM students. Do your spring 'ho11$e cleaning; OurPeople Make Us Number One applications for a flea market to go by and see the Consumer Complaints handled by the be held on the Mall April17. office have ranged from missing Affairs people in room 248 of the The flea market is an SUB or call them at 277·5605. motorcycles to landlord/tenant opportunity to sell the things that problems. One which dealt with a you're not using anymore (skis, F'-X<::iZC>XIO!:iCC~-~~~· natural gas company overcharging golf clubs, albums, t.~pes, clothing, customers resulted in a'reduction etc.) or something tltat you've Sign the PIRG of t•ates by the company. i ~ Another, which has been referred to the UNM Clinical Law ~ petition! · 1 } ziG=fiG ROACH RANCH h'l'''-'';;-. Program, deals with a landlord ~ ~ I ...... , WEST l who refuses to part with a damage IQJ 1 deposit. i ~ 1 120 Yale S.E. i "Most of the complaints deal M~ iIIJ·wy;,w:.,riR'~ ~ with landlords but some have Hours 10·10 been about Albuquerque starting April ·1 L~~~~~:l!:IIIX~ llttllttlttlltiiiHIHI... II-·I·IMMII@I - Study in Spain 1 I UNM Credit (3-Y hrs) i I June 17-July 25 s I i 1 The ~niversity of New: !Mexico rs sponsoring a sum·i 1mer session in Madrid, Spaini! i this summer.. • i! Cour~E'' otiPrl'd drl' IIH'rian i!H ;,torv to 1700. Sp.umh Civili· lzdtion, lli•tor)· ol '>lltlni'fl !OvPr~Pd' Expa n'ion. •\d· !!vane I'd Compo,ition and iConvPr,dtron, U ndt•rgr.nlud t, Why wait years? A few good men and fRt>.tding,, dl1d GruduatP l'rolr women can enter a world of responsibility 11Prm. and authority almost immediately after : A prt•ft•rpncP h grat11Pd graduation ••• through the Marine Corps UN,\1 Studt'nts but any stu.ll Officer Candidates Class. From OCC, men and dent may apply. Applkdnl1 women move quickly into a wide variety of Match the stars Imu>t know Sranhh. Nonn.1lly interesting, rewarding, and challenging fields, four wmE'slt'r> of <:allegE' lev!'. including aviation. Spanish or natiVE'ability ~ni in her eyes with a consid!'red nece~~dry for ~ucj Learn how to lead. Learn how to lead the rPssful participation. : best-United States Marines. See your Marine UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO STADIUM, SAT. & SUN., A sugge5tE'd total budget oli Diamond Bridal Set representative. a. Constellation bridal set, 7 diamonds, 14 karat gold, $400. $1000 includE's $11.5 . tuition; b. Constellation bridal set, 5 diamonds, 14 karat gold, $225. APRIL 13- 14, B EN 10 AM & 5 PM. plus trawl, room and board.l The Marines are looking for a few good men. c. Constellation bridal set, 13 diamonds, 14 karat gold, $525. The figure will vary with indi· d. Swirl bridal set, 29 diamonds, 14 karat gold, $1,100. vidual prt'ff.'r('t1<'es in transpor·l UNM Students: Captain Kermit Shelly tatior;1, lodging, etc. I will interview students interested Zales Revotvrng Ctmrge • tales Cu;torn Ctlarp,r· Interested persons snoutd=l in a commission as an Officer of BankAmerrcard • Master Charge contact lhe off. ice of lnterna· Amerrcan Express • layaway tional Programs and Services Marines in the SUB 9 a.m.-12 noon on U1uslratrons enlarged . 10 and 11 April 1974. • to-::> ~ ·' f C" ... 'it rl .. "t ... !I' ... F ... 'f' ,. • y .... f1 'I" r • ' o .• o• ,., "'' _. .,. • • • -~.. - on...... camous at 1717 Roma NE. . ~ ...... ~ ~ .. ;,= ', Frequently listed as the major the family. 'Ibe offender's whole Close cooperation is maintained '< -·~ reason for this dramatic between PASO and a ·numbel" of OF CLASSIC Q family suffers not only in social "' improvement is PASO (Positive cost, but sometimes in ecnomic other agencies, including courts, 1950's ~ 8 Approaches to Sex Offenders), a loss." probation and parole officers, the .o ·~ ~ thereapeutic organization. which Sterling said the mental health New Mexico. State Penitontiary TELEVISION ~ came into being after a federal center's backup services and the Albuquerque Police Page Departml!ll t. ! grant in July 197 2. frequently are extended to the ..... ~ PASO, coordinated by Wallace This year's funding fo1· PASO .o- z offender's family . 00.,:•·~ , . J. Crowe, was instituted by several Coordinator Crowe said PASO may be in question...... Sterl i11g said an application has Editor Managing Editor L\ (Q judges who saw that penitentiary is unique in that it operates in the ~ sentences and probation control been submitted to the federal Law Roger Makin community, reaching into the Michael Minturn "'""" ~ was· not wo1·king fo1· most of the institutions, while similar En fo1·cemonl. Assistance sex offende1·s appearing in their organizations sometimes operated Administrahon requesting 50 pe1· News Editor courts U1e second and third times. within the institutions, reaching cent funding. She added that Isabel Foreman The program was designed to into the community. discussions cunenily are undel' p r o v i d e a n a I te rna t iv e Recently PASO clients picl1ed way with the local city and Conserve paper-give this paper to a friend. community·based treatment four goals for the organization. county governments as to the program for sex offenders. Leading the list was "Better remainil1g 50 per cent. Operated under the Bernalillo Publicity." "'j._.~-c- ~--~-- County Men tal Health/Mental Since it began, PASO has had (Lobo Photo) Retardation Center, PASO has 184 clients. Of these, 72 pe1· cent Safety Isn't First ., \ .....·~ '-..:.:.. ~lly:~'-t!r~' rendered services to 184 clients were classified "passive types," 24 , . Per client costs for the program -- , Concern for the safety of students and faculty at since it began. per cent "aggressive" and four per average $400 on a 12·month basis, U NM seems to have been sidelined 'tor the sake of Sexual assault, exhibitionism, cent ineligible for services. rape and pedophilia account for In addition to individual and a figure that Crowe calls Do th• Trick expediency by allowing classes to be held in the new 62 per cent of the total group counseling, counseling also "remarkably lower" than the Lecture Hall while construction is still in progress convictions represented. Other has been provided to 31 husbands costs of incarceration or types of offenses include sodomy, and wives, 59 parents and 47 hospitalization. around the'building area. Four graduate student Have you signed GROUCHO MARX in YOU Less Jockstraps, More Money For Library prostitution, voyeurism and other relatives, including children. BET YOUR LIFE (1956) incest. counselors from UNM work part - Any major university should have its library open employees and keep an excellent study area open a the PIRG petition? Students are forced to walk in an area south of the Director of PASO, Dr. Joannie t•-••-••-n----u-~• •~ n ~· n ~· ~· ~• ••-•• •- ~~ •• u ftl ~~~ 111 •+ Features GI'CIUdlo, Georle Fen­ Lecture Hall to get· into the building while trucks and to students at least 16 hours a day, every day. It's a few more hours a day. We could use a 24-hour W. Sterling, Ph.D., who also is an amon, and the Mad Dllek wbo disgrace that UNM does not see fit to budget library during finals week too...... ~*~· pops in when the Seeret Word Is bulldozers are allowed to operate in the same area, f · Lunches Daily at OKIE'S I said. Groucbo's Iuane conte• enough money to keep our library open more hours, Many students have evening jobs and can't begin I I mostly to clean up debris left from the construction. 1 Draft Beer & Hot Sandwich $1 1 RIRG tants ' tOaite include the san Granted, the area is marked but the possibility for some but yet allocates thousands upon thousands of studying until later in the evening. Others live in a Watch That FranciiCO :roo keeper wbo dollars to its athletic program to buy equipment, home environment often not suited to long, I 11-2 p.m. j ~t~·~~ lleepl with the animals! kind of accident that could be avoided still remains. feed the Public Relations machine and feed the concentrated study. For many of us, the weekends 'Sk"Inner- ' .1..-••-••-••-••-••-••-••-••-••-••-••-•~-~M-••-~•-~•-••-e•-~•-~•-••-~~-~+ SUPERMAN (1955) athletes steak and extra portions. In short, a helluva are ideal for long study, and if the library were open ~ 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 II II 11111111111 1111111 111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 II II II II II III II II II II IIIII II II II 111111111 II II II II II II II II II 111111 Ill ~ streak! streak! . Stan Geor1e Completion of the new Lecture Hall, Bookstore, earlier and closed later, it would be well used. Reeves, Peny White and Lois lot of money is spent on athletes as though they are iS! Humanities Building complex will undoubtedly benefit some kind of revered prima donnas or a near-extinct If UNM is worried about the value of its degree, it <• . . - Lane. A special epiiOde made He'llBustYa! for the U.S. Treasury Dept. in the already overcrowded classroom situation here, but should provide a proper study area with respectable '10J .... = species of Man. TUCUMCARI, ll!.M. (UPI}­ 7··--- which Supennan tells YOIIJII· more concern for safety should be considered in holding Couldn't the athletic department buy just a few university hours for its students. Good study habits Norman Runyan is a "mule = ·~; - sters of the virtues in buyllll classes in a building that is not completed and in the less jockstraps, sweatsocks and Ben-Gay linaments? and learning are developed in the proper skinner," a business he said is 11111emment savi!lll bondl. A booming in this eastern New bowl! . midst of continuing construction. And is all that steak really necessary? With the environment. Our library is such an environment. Mexico town because of the money saved, the library could hire a few more William Coleman energy crisis. RICHARO NIXON'S Runyan's more formal title is CHECKERS SJ~KH f11H) Quay County District Attorney 1be President is aecuJid of and the "mules" he "skins" arc corrvpUon! 1be most trans­ Another Chance young marijuana runners looking = = parenUy fraudulent speefh In to make a fast buck by driving = = the ldstory of American lfDll· The drama of "As ASUNM Turns" continues. The illicit drugs across country. tics. This one will brillf the Congratulates UNM Chorus And Orchestra "Mule" is the name given the house clown! polls will be open again today to allow those that didn't people who pick up marijuana vote last week the chance to~ast their ballot for I would like to publicly congratulate the UNM I would especially like to mention the smuggled into the United States for the ELVIS PRESLU.On Chorus and Orchestra for the outstanding concert magnificent interpretations of the Bach Suite, of the from Mexico and drive, for fees ~Train ~ ASUNM President, Vice-President, ten senators, the ;;;; I iS! ED SULLIVAN (1155) presented on April 2. Medley Serenade in Blue by the unforgettable Glenn reportedly as high as $1,000, to EIYis was ceiiiOI'ed from the budget and the constitutional amendments. the east coast. As a foreign student, this was my first Miller, and of Aquarius. wailt down! a be pounded out Runyan, New Mexico State pon•t Be Cruel and ~ Me opportunity to hear them. I was quite impressed by I wisH Dr. William E. Rhoads and all the Chorus = As if it hasn't been said before by so many people, Police and narcotics officers have Navy s sky now; Tender. All utterly maclcal please be sure to vote today for the candidates, budget the high quality of both the chorus and the and Orchestra members great success in the future. stopped quite a few of these piece of pureat JIOitaJtia. Don't orchestra. "mule trains" heading east. 'Ibe miuit. questions and amendments of your choice. Francisco Leiva Zea, Latin American Projects in Educ. District Attorney said the arrests are mounting, partly because of = If you qualify, you can sign up for Navy flight - THE LONE RANGER (111i2JI This could-and we reiterate could-be your last the energy shortage. 1be very first epiiiOde eYer chance to vote at UNM this year. Tune in Thursday for "'Ibis speed limit thing has training while you're still in college and be assured made! We leam wlay tlae heroic 1'el:al Ran&er dolll 1111 the finale. decreased traffic on the interstate mut and now we're getting mostly of the program you want. Our AOC Program {if ud bow lie lllletl Ilia faiQaful only two kinds of traffic," he lndiu ...... Tallto. A, said. camp elallie! "'Ibere are the young people you want to be a Pilot) or our NFOC Program {if with nice cars you can bet are AMOS 11 AllOY (flU) Offers Suggestions For Future Elections carrying marijuana. And then you you want to be a Flight Officer) can get you into Perlup1 your only m.-to 1ee Ever Been Busted get the older, legitimate tourist. I apia a riotoully funay epltode In the midst of the usual rhetoric designed wholly to prevent their groups is not an asset to the actual and confusion which surrounds the think the energy crisis has helped the Navy sky for an exciting, challenging career. from a Jecendary t11ow. In this endorsement and election. "student body" at UNM. one, Andy and tbe Xilrlfllh current ASUNM Senate election, I have -ill ega I campaign practices, us pinpint it'a little bit. In Mexico? Tell In view of these briefly outlined tiJrow a IIIOIIkey Wldldl Iiiio a heard several recurrent phrases being including the allegation of the "'Ibese young people in nice circumstances, I recommend that; big cars, which are obviously Ullited states Deftllle factory uttered-the most prevalent being "for solicitltion of vot~ within ten feet of -the Elections Committee make a the good of the student body." As weighted down with 300 pounds that's In the bomb manllfaetur­ Us About It a polling place. thorough, unbiased investigation into inl business. usual, the assorted candidates almost -advance promises of appointments of stuff in the trunk •.• well, the all allegations of campaign violations, officers get pretty cagey about unanimously avow that working "for to powerful committees (such as the and let their decision be as unbiased as _ SERGEANT BILKD (11&1) the good of the student body" is their spotting these guys." ~Freshmen ~ Popular Entertainment Committee and possible "for the good of the student Hysferically wild 1!1 Phil Sit· primary objective. Ostensibly, the the Speakers Committee) in exchange body." ~ Runyan said most of the mule trains begin in Tucson, Ariz., vers ail con-man Ernie Billto Ever been busted in candidates' only points of departure for political endorsement or -candidates clearly define and which he said is a ~:ollection point leads Colonel Hall lhrou1h Mexico? If you were arrested are what measures are "tor the good of acquiescence in elections. substlntiate their remarks about other the student body'' and the for smuggled marijuana. Nick's Diner on his way to an on a false or trumped-up candidates. AWOL wedding - and on the methodology to be ·employed in -an l:leetions Committee which The "mule trains" are bound Sophomores charge, please come into the -appointments to committees be I i nlpt of the War Games! attaining these measures. Generally, I does not know the rules, procedures for New Jersey, Connecticut, LOBO office and talk with and guidelines for running a legitimate made on' the ability of the person to Virginia, North Carolina and other have no argo ment with most of the serVe that committee. Friday and Saturday, Martin Colby. measures advocated and practiced by eleetion. eastern states. And Runyan said i Be someone special. Fly Navy. : the assorted candidates, for each of us In addition, I take argument with -the LOBO periodically publish most of the "mules" are young 5 iS! April 12 and 13 is entitled to our own views of what is the various definitions of what voting records, attendance, proposals, people, sometimes c allege - = best for the student body. constitutes the "student body." From Senate and committee related activities students Who have never broke = IF YOU ARE INTERESTED, STOP BY THE MESA = Albuquerque High 'School Howeller, this election is different. I what I have observed in my four years of all senators. the law before. do take argument with some of the at UNM,the student body is neither all If this were done before the typical The usual amount of marijuana VISTA PLACEMENT CENTER APRIL 10-12 AND Auditorium candidates and current members of the Anglo, all Chicano, all Black, all· male ASUNM fiasco, commonly called being carried by the "mules"· is 11 0 Broadway At Central Senate whose conception of what or all female. Each group, of course, elections, the voting student body 200 or 300 pounds. Most often TALK TO YOUR NAVY INFORMATION TEAM OR measures are "for the good of the should try to get their fair share of could make their decisions on facts, they are paid between $300 and Complete Shows Nightly Student body" include: legitimate representation and not blanket promises and appalling -untruthful, unsubstantiated allocations. However, any group which techniques. reports of some mules earmng ;;: • . . · · · ' = 7:00 and 9:45 Plh '1.75 ...... """'_ .. ;:,... _, IIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlOIRIIIIIm. ' ______remar,k~ , ~~out ,o,t~~r, ,Clln~idates, . ~ , $1,000. . . . iiillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllflllllllllllll works for the f!}Cclusion of an· other Elizabeth r:. Whi1efield • • • • · . . l I. •• •• ')' TV Freoks Bring Bock Clossics .,.! '.1 _WASHINGTON (UPI}-The first indirect calculations of two other scientists subtracted eVIdence was reported Monday supporting the the tidal factor and found 'that what theory that the strength of gravity on earth presumably is weakening of gravity is allowing Groucho, Amos 'n' Andy, Bilko 'n' Nixon and throughout the universe is very slowly the moon to move away from the earth about weakening. 4 centimeters a yea1-about 1 'h inches-to There will be a meeting for Students All the glory of television's "Chellkers Speech" by then· Vice "If by some chance we make a (or Echols in SUB Rm. 231A on Wed., most creative era, the 1950s, will Dr. Thomas C. Van Flandern, an increase its orbital period one Presi den ti a !-candidate Richard profit," said Clint Wilson, one of two-thousandths of a second a year. April a. Atl interested students Ull!Cd burst once mm·e into glorious Nixon, which includes his the group, "we'll be ahle to rimt astronomer at t~e U.S. Naval Observatory, to attend at 7 p, m. black and white life this weekend. No Gravity? measured the orbttal speed of the moon with Freudian slip; "I have not engaged and show the other two programs "This is the first numerical result which Work-Study has a few jobs available A group of UNM students who in any legal practice." in the series, which include the precision of an atomic clock to determine for the remainder o( the Spring that the force of gravity apparently is appea1·s to have as its most probable wanted to see the progt·am put standouts and favorites like 'Ozzie explanation that gt·avity is decreasing," he semester. These jobs require primarily togethe1· on the West Coast Also shown will be the first & Haniet,' 'Father Knows Best,' decreasing at the rate of one part in 10 billion clerical skills including typing. A "Lone Ranger" episode, wherein per year. ~d. ' couple of non-clerical positions arc also decide(! the only way they could 'Dragnet,' 'Bums & Allen,' and available, If interested, please Qhcck at short of going there to view it: the free·lance lawman dons a 'The Ted Mack Amateur Hour.' " .... Does It Up to about 40 years ago, scientists Student Aids in Me!il Vista H~ll for mask made J'rom the vest of his 0 This means, he said in an interview, that a qualifications. was to i'ent it and put it on assumed that the force of gravi t~ remained themsl'lves, hoping enough other dead Texas Range1· ln·other, and Wilson said they are showing 150-pound man would lose 7 millionths of a constant. There is sti II no direct way to Women's Medical Sl1Jf.·help and PAl, peopll' would be inte1·estcd that begins his partnership with 'fonto; the pwgram at the Albuqu~>rque gram of weight a year. A gram is roughly the weight of a paperclip. measure changes in the force of gravity, but clinic at Student Health Center, Rm. they caul d make enough to cover clips of Elvis Presley on "Tiw Ed Hi g h S c h o o l Au d i tori u m Van Flandern said his work was the first 220, Wed., 2-4 p.m. Minimal charges the rental cost. Sullivan Show" which C<'nsored (Broadway and Central) "because Van Flandern pres en ted his findings at the indirect evidence suggesting weakening of for pap smears, speculums for sale. we couldn't get a decent place at Mean I'll him by showing his gyrating torso opening of a week-long meeting of the gravity. The J.,nis Rivera Spanish Dance Co. The program will include from the waist up only; and a UNM on those dates." The films American Geophysical Union. He said his will give a fre-e lecture dl•monstration episodes of "Sgt. Bilka" (stat"l"ing special "Supe1·man" (George will be shown this Friday and ;_~·'. on Fri., April 12, 3:30p.m. at Popejoy work was based on a theory proposed two Weakening of gravity would have major Hall. Phil Silvers), "You Bet Your Life" Reeves) episode made at the Saturday, Apr. 12-13, at 7 and years ago by CambJ"idge University (host: Groucho Marx), "Amos 'n' request of the U.S. Tt·easury 9:45 p.m. The price of admission :_.~. implications for the earth and moon. It would I ':1. astronomer Fred Hoyle. mean, for example, that the earth is V oluntccr m~ed<•d to worlt with Andy," and the (in)famous Department. is $1.75. Lose c speciol Scout troo]> of mentally 'Say the secret word .. .' .. Thl' basis for the work is the assumption expanding at the •·ate of less than l centimeter handi<.-appcd boys. Must be mal(' and at ' 'j- that if gravity is weakening, the orbits of per century. 'I1wt, he said, could explain why _least 21 yrs. old. Exr>(.•rj(.•nce in spt•cial ..; .;r planets about the sun, or the moon about the the continents of earth seem to be slowly education and scout.Jng ttre helpful. For Sgt. Bilko (middle) drifting apart. furt.lwr information (•all 344· 5325. SUB Films Run Cinema Gomut ••• :. tl earth, would slowly expand and the time fot· . l'ach orbit would gradually increase. '111e Proof that th(> strength of gt·avity is Weight? orbital time of the moon was easiest to Hove .YOU signed measure, but it is also known that the fl"iction decreasing would clear up a long-time puzzle of tidal forces between the earth and moon is he said. '11Je 1·otation of eat·th appat·l'nlly has the PIRG petition? ~ slowing the moon's m·bit. been slowing at only half the rate pr!'dicll'd ·! by tidal friction with the moon. But Uti' ~~~~VIRGINIA WOOLF?" ~:ID~u~.~~.Y:.~~~~!~~~do~e~~~.~":'~~~~~ justified. Nothing brings one for audiences to be ready for it. Quintus Arrius, and Stephen Boyd c~~-:J "' Hoyle suggested that if the role played by theory that gravity is weakening would down like a static, claustrophic When an idea comes, he films it. as the evil Messala, it reaches the .I tidal forces were removed from the account for this discrepancy because it would Mike Quinn, Dan Joelson, and ! Directed by Mike Nichols film. Mike Nichols' "Who's Afraid As a result, underground cinema is depths of Hollywood banality. ' I calculations, the role of a decrease of gravity imply that the astronomical time scale used Rob Baldwin, filming will begin in (7 & 9 p,m./$1) of Virginia Woolf" is an luden with misunderstood works, For over three hours, we see scene could be measured. Van Flandern, lL~ing tJ1e for measurements must also be revised. exception. His first in a series of unseen marvels, and bits of raw after scene of intrigue and two weeks. Those interested Thurs: Experimental Films should stop at room 231·B of the Directors in elude Brakhage, masterpieces which includes honesty you won't find anywhere dazzling spectacle only to be I "Carnal Knowledge," "Catch·22," else. b o r e d b y t h e s h e e r SUB between 2 and 5 p.m. No Anger, Menken, Kuchar applications will be accepted after (7 & 9 p.m./$1) and "The Graduate," "Virginia For Thursday, the SUB theater thoughtlessness of it all. If Andy Fri & Sat: "BEN·HUR" Woolfe" unravels largely in one will feature a program comprised Warhol started working in this Friday. a east of zillions locale and primarily through a of six films of the American Hollywood, I have no doubts he PARIS presents • (7 & 10 p.m./75 cents) barrage of closeups. Rather than avant·garde. Included are would give us another Hur. At • • disrupt the viewer, this style "Arabesque" by Marie Menken, least Joe Dallesandro is sexier * * • serves to intensify the disruptive "Prelude"· by Stan Brakhage, than Heston and I'm sure Warhol By JON BOWMAN spiral of violence transpiring on "Breath/Death" by Stan would come up with quite a Drama in the theatre involves the screen. Nichols has managed VanDerBeek, "Scorpio Rising" by bizarre cast of thousands. an entirefy different set of givens to do the impossible. He has taken Kenneth Anger, "Hold Me While * * * than drama on the screen. Plays a first rate play and rendered it in I'm Naked" by George Kuchar, Applications are still available rely upon the bond developed celluloid form without totally and "Oh Dem Watermelons,'' for those wishing to appear or aid between live actors and an equally w~ecking either the original or the Robert Nelson's satirical plug for in the local film production I; alive audience. Action is limited; Cilil'l. watermelon mania. The first two "Chino Takes a Gamble." A I We're out to spoil you-to flatter you with it occurs in confined, but 'Underground' are abstract, poetic studies dealing fifties' period piece conceived by FOR SALE inti rna te, settings and usually "'h•'le "V•'rg•'n•'a Woolf" exl••"b•'ts with shapes -and process. The E:-.._~_,. ..-,_..,_.~._,.,.._..l,i 5 exciting new styles in platform sa.ndals. This 3,500, (linnJ transpires within a short amount a ·~andor Hollywood rarely remainder are more typical of ~~-r__,··-S.Ig.,._n··""'t-~ he"'...,.,_p,,_,IR .. ..--..G .. ~_ of time. Cinema, on the other attains, its presentation of sex and what we might expect from the 1938 Buick is one of many fresh, youthful, snazzy numbers hand, often includes vast jumps in violence is light years away from underground: raunchy, sexy, Eight passenger limousine with from bare traps . . . Available in tan both setting and time. When a that of the "underground" film. hum 0 r 0 u 8 • Perverted • ~ petition( jump scats. d ividcr glass. and film lingers too long in one Often amateurish, seldom self-indulgent, violent, and ~ 1111 harness leather. particular locale or when the polished, "underground" films are definitely neurotic. Watching ~ ,. A.~. 1 side mounts. A superb road car. filmmaker uses constant· closeups, nonetheless created outside the them was like listening to Frank .~ e I RG ~-' New puint and rehuill straight we get upset. Not only do we Hollywood structure and are free Zappa after a muzak fest. I ~~~ ~ eight engine. Extra parts and expect movies to move, we expect of the economic restraints the enjoyed myself thoroughly. ·~ iJ,·.· tires indUlkd. . them to move us. When they traditional film operates within. If The SUB ends its week with IIi ~ d__ o_n_'t_w_e_p_a_n_ic_. ______a_n_e_x_p_e_r_im_en_t_a_l_f_il_m_m_a_k_e_r_wa_n_ts_ "Ben Hur." Featuring Charlton &e:::l!ai!C:l!X~~· Cull821-5314 19.99


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f : ~ Woman Golfer at UNM A Dukes,Dump Lobos, 12-2 By GREGORY LALIRE which gets underway at 7 p.m. but was the least impressive of out. fans shouted "Bad Henry" as Lobo Sports Editor UNM star ted WAC Southern their pitchers who saw action. In Johnson allowed a single and Henry Cruz rounded the bases and The , ex­ Division play last weekend by the first, he worked out of a bases walked one batter in the sixth but it may catch on. Plays on Stardom Course escaped unscathed thanks mainly pected to be much improved over dropping three games to powerful loaded (two walks and an ) Paul Lauver worked the ninth By DEL JONES the 1973 season, looked about as Ari~ona, 3-2, 20·12, 13-0, and this two-out jam and a play to a couple of strikeouts. In the for UNM, giving up one run. Her four round scores in that golf team. They competed seventh, Johnson fanned another Charles Manuel, expected to give Of the Sports Staff tournament were 82, 79, 75, and good as Arizona in their first week the baseballers play three in saved him a run in the third. together two times this year Tempe against almost-as-powerful Duke but also gave Cruz a fat the Dukes much needed power Greece may have had 78. That's enough to make any coming in fifth at the Stanford Sports Stadium appearance of the UNM's Gary Stewart wiped out Alt>xander, conqueror of Asia, but year last night against the UNM Arizona State. Mike Pettenuzzo, who had bunted pitch which the outfielder from this season, drew his third walk of Sunday golfer go down in Bobby Intercollegiate Women's Puerto Rico blasted against the the game, and first baseman UNM h;~s Alexandra "the great," Riggs form. Lobos. AT THIS EARLY stage, it is his way on, by hitting into that Tournament, and finishing an The Dukes won the game 12·2, not a knock to compare the scoreboard above the rightfield Burney tripled picking up his master of women's golf and "I plan to win the AIAW next impressive third at the Arizona twin killing which began with conquE'rer of UNM's tough south touching three Lobo pitchers for Dukes to Arizona. The Wildcats pitcher Hudson. Bill Piskorski fence for a two·run homer. Some third RBI of tJ1e game. year," said Reinhardt. "I got as State Intercollegiate tourney. are the number one ranked college course. And while both were good good a chance .as anyone. Jane 12 hits. Three men also hurled for batting behind Stewart cracked a • at using clubs, Alexandra uses Reinhardt has an important the {AAA) team in the nation with a 40·3 double to right that would have Renner (San Diego State) will tourney coming up April 29·30 mark and h'ave defeated the them fot• the more peaceful probably be my tough·est • club, and the trio allowed UNM a scored Pettenuzo from first. f'e. 15 purpose of sinking birdies. when she plays in the Cal half dozen hits-only one for Tucson Toros (also of the Pacific Eddie Solomon and Rick Nitz, DeoJh competition. She'll definitely be State·L.A. Woodier classic. She Coast League) this season. After Alexandra Reinhardt, is one of favored." extra bases. UNM was in the game Hudson's successors to the the top women golfers in the wi II also be one of the amateurs to for two , at which point it tomorrow night's second mound, worked three innings country. Her victories would As a freshman, Reinhardt has play at the Dinah Shore Winners trailed 2·1, but in the third, exhibition game with the Lobos, apiece aud gave up only one single Apr,\ \2. for impress even the real Alexander only golfed competitively for Circle Classic, the richest a·nd Albuquerque began to pull away the Dukes fly to Tucson for the each. The run the Lobos got in "The Great." Among her feats three years, all at Albuquerque's most prestigious tournament in by getting three runs with the aid season opening contest against the eighth off Nitz was unearned. Sandia l;ligh. She's made those the \n<\~est were winning the Ari~ona State women's golf. of only one . . Tucson. Stewart got aboard by way of an Intercollegiate tourney, the New three yea,rs count, though, Now for the question everyone The game doesn't count on the Last night, the Dukes scored in error and went to second on a Mexico State tournament, the prncticing as much as seven hours Lobo's record of 17·14, nor does the first thanks to a two base ground out. UNM's came +~be":. ta\1<\ a day. seems to want an answer for Stanford Intercollegiate Women's nowadays. Is Reinhardt's play tomorrow's ·Lobos·Dukes game throwing error by Lobo starter home on Jan South's single to Championship, and the California "I used to go out on the course comparable to that of the men on Jim Weber. After walking leadoff center, scoring the Lobos' second the. '<\~t Women's Intercollegiate right after I finished my classes the UNM team? batter Henry Cruz, Weber made a and final run of the evening, Championship. {11: 30) and pract:ice till dark," wild pickoff throw which allowed Coming into the game South was With only three years of L.o b o 8 oX Cruz to go around to third, He But her most prestigious said Reinhardt. "But I quit earlier competitive golf behind her more 4-for-9 with three doubles in the accomplishment was the fourth now that I'm working {Pan Arama improvement is likely. In a style UNM Lobos ab r h rbi scored on a Bobby Randall single. role of a seldom used place finish in the women's golf course)." different from Alexander "The Mark Hiller 2b 3 o o o The Lobos got that run back in outfielder-in fie) der. intercollegiate championship at As Reinhardt is quick to point Great," Alexandra Reinhardt is Art De La 0 2b 2 o o o the second on a passed ball Weber was knocked out of the Ron Adair dh 4 ··o 0 0 following singles by Lloyd . South Hadley, Massachusetts, out she is only part of a team. gradually making a name for Mike Pettenuzzo rf box iu the fourth in. better known as the AIAW Amy Nowaki, Maxann Schwartd, herself and is also helping UNM Joe Pistono rf ~ g ~ g Thompson, the only UNM player whic the Lobo starter allowed Thas "reQ.t- I (Association of Intercollegiate and Dianne Domenici make up a establish itself as a leader in Gary Stewart c 4 1 o o to get two base hits, and Scott four runs. One of those runs was Bill Piskorski 3b 2 o 1 0 Freebairn. A single by catcher unearned, a result of his own Athletics for Women). fastly improving UNM women's women's athletics. Alan Hunter 3b lOS Mike Delmonico If ~ g ~ g Kevin Pasley, a double by Lee error, his second of the game. Jan South If 1 o 1 1 Robinson, and a sacrifice fly to Doug Johnson came on it1 relief .JovrOQII.s~ J..~loyd Thompson ss 3 1 2 o center gave Albuquerque that run that inning with a runner on and Scott Free bairn c f 4 0 1 0 back quickly in the bottom of the one out. Robinson, who was Black Advisor May Come Ron Smith lb 3 0 0 0 bvdd I Oj Rob Oglelb 1 0 0 0 seventh. picked as the star of the game by An improvement in communication between the problem because the man chosen Totals 35 2 6 1 Another sacri lice fly, this one the press, greeted him with a run communication between the athletic department and black could serve in more than one Errors-Jim Weber (2), Hiller. Dl'-0. by Orlando Alvarez, scored producing double, hut the 6·2 -~l11-ti0.2. Afro·American Studies Center and studies," McDonald said. "As capacity. ( Photo by Mike Gandert) Left on base-9. 2b-Piskorski. another run in the third, and two righthander then struckout Ivan the UNM athletic department is UNM Pitching ip h r cr bb so more Dukes crossed the plate that much ·as possible we would like to "We would try to hire a man Alexandra the Great! Alexandra Reinhardt inav be the number one DeJesus and got Cruz to bounce the most important product of keep any problems there may be Jim Weber (lost) 41/3 7 9 6 4 o inning when second baseman ---'1·-- who would work in a dual woman swinger on the UNM campus. The UNM junior is one of the Doug Johnson 2 2/3 4 2 the black athletes' boycott which just between the athletes and the capacity," McDonald said. "He i ~ f Mark Hiller let a Wayne Burney ...l·-·-:­ top women amateur golfers in the country. PauiLauvcr 1 1 1 ~~~ ended last weekend, Lavon athletic department, but could be involved in counseling, grounder go right through his legs. .,. :._ McDonald said. Wild pitch-Weber. '.~­ sometimes a. third party may be Passed Centerfielder Scott Freebairn had I , McDonald, UNM's athletic recruiting, and coaching ball-Stewart. -- -necessary." depending on the man's abilities." Alb. Dukes ab r b rbi made the play of the game on director, said discussions with Spokesmen for the blacks from Alvarez' sacrifice. The ball was a Prescriptions filled Henry Cruz 3b 4 2 1 2 Do the Tl'io:k black studies would continue and the Afro·Amertcan Studies Center Bobby Ran•C1er1i. prohtabh! rev1ews. Available for 20 major sub1ecls. official long jump of the year is "Control For Cancer" 15¢Beer Nance's 23-7lA recorded against Any Sub Y2 Price! MAY 15-18 Wyoming. Clifts Course OUUines • in Pepino's· Helps you ~eep up-even ahead-as you study required basic courses. Nance's 48·0 in the triangular's 'fhe Sto~ of Laetrile -Acclaimed As A Powerful Tool, All crafts people must work. Keyed to ma1or teKibooks. Helpl,ul questions, essay topics Save up to $1 . 30 with this coupon 3nd bibliography. triple jump was not wind aided That Provides the Ideal Treatment for the Disease that their crafts at the fair. and is the best UNM mark in that Kills over 2,000;000 Men, Women and Children Every event this season. Melvin Powers Year. Fee-$11 plus 10% commission Family Room Professional EducaU• Series had a 53.6 in the 440 hurdles last We have the A must tor educatiOn ma1ors. The forst series to relate educational Saturday, also a Lobo best mark 11LAIITRIL. DUTROYS CANC.R CELLS WITH of sales theory to the reaht1es Of what's happening now in education. Now Real Eastern Italian Sub covering more than 20 maior topicS NO HARMPUL SIDE .PPIICTS" Gellhelllll booksellers pau•~»••~o Prosciutto, Capocollo, Proscittini, Send fee with 8:00 PM-10:00 PM AMERICAN OPINION Genoa Salami & Provolone Name, Address, Phone I Sign the PIRG Cily, Zip, Crafl Mon.-Tues.-Wed. BOOKSTORE Open Daily 11:00 am-9:00pm petition! TO Sunday Noon· 7:30 pm The Truth In Time Michael Warfield 4310 Central SE 8&oN Hollftl 9 aa.e pa Weekday• ·Wed. to 9 pa No Limit 230 Arriba no. 8 Sunnyvale, CA 94086 Central Location Only SSOSLa••IIII-18S-4t78-AI...... Bring the whole dorm on this coupon. (415) %1-Bf->66 ...itHHtHIItttiii ...... IIINIIINIIIiiiiiiiiiiUIIIIII .. IIIIItllllttiiUit.llltlt.iitttetttiUII . - . " .. . . . ": •. ~ ~ . .. :, ·.· .. , . . . .. , .. E.xpirt:~ April 17th .. -...... ,,1.,,. .. , ...... ·-' •. ••.. ' ~.. ~- •• ., • •• ·- t f. • ' 1- f 'l'HE CITADEL eftlclency and one bed· room, reasonable rents from $180, mod CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING furnishings 11nd ehag carpetiTIR', delulte electric kitchen, swimming pool, reerea-. Rat~s: lO¢ per word per day with a prior to insertion of advertisement, tlon room, card room, pool table, secur­ $1.00 per 1\ay minimum charge, or lie Where: Journalism Building, Rqom 206, Ity guards, walking dilltance to UNM, 11er word per day. with a 60¢ per day w bv mail 1520 Univel'l:lity NE, 243·2494. 4/12 minimum charge for ad:; publi~hed fiv~: Claasificd Advertising ~ or more l.'onsecutivc days, UNM P .0. Dox 20 ~ Terms: Payment must be made in full Albuquerque, N,M. 87131 5) FOR SALE JIICYCLES: Lowest Prices in New Mcdco f 1 l PERSONALS 3) SERVICES on amateur & profc~sional bikes. 843- 8' 9378. 4/16 WANTED: MILLER DEER CANS. 20U LESSONS GIVEN IN Classical Guitar. 0 A 6 1973 MAZDA STATIONWAGON. Must I» lb 801 Yale NE after 5:00 pm. Phone Call 247-3105 between 5 :PM. 4/12 sell. below book. 277·3129 or 296-3114. ... 247-0055, 4/10 LANDSCAPING & LAWN maintenance. Judy. 4/16 «' DLUETAIL IS ROCK 'N' ROLL. Call 243- Low monthly rates. Call 898-9011, 843· HAMMOND C·3, (13-3 In church cabi11et) [ 4!173 or 265-0869 or 255-6259 4/19 ~n. ~w dol)ica included, $1100. 293-6546, 4/15 Environmental Forum for Mayoral President Ueady will hold a rap w session on April 11 in the New Mexico ~0 WRITERS NEEDED: New Mexicd""Dally LOW CAR INSURANCE rates for married EUROPEAN .HEALTH SPA membership, Candidates on April U at 7:30 in tbc Lobo, Apply in person at tbe Lobo, room students. Call 298-S491 and ask for Dick Anthropology building auditorium. Union lobby from 2·3 p.m. 168 of Studep t :Publications, $16.61 a month !or one year, plus one Aleltander, 4/12 year free. Call 2:.:.66.::..·..:4.:.:09:..:5.::...-----,--:-:-­ PREGNANT AND NEED HELP? You HAUL your junk quick. Any load, any road. have friends who care at Birthrlsrht. LIGHTWEIGHT, 10-speed, racing and/or From June 17·July 25, 1974, UNM Call Seth anytime, 281·5862. 4/2 touring bicycle. Used oTic year, good will sponsor a Summer Session in 247-9819. shape. 765·5626 after 6 :00 pm. 4/15 The Great Escape Coffee House will LEGAL S;ERVICES. UNM Law School Madrid, Spain. Full time qualified be open Friday and Saturday from 7 ,_, JT IS DANGEROUS to know, but it is Clinical Protrram olfel'!l legal services '72 LAFAYETTE 525 23 channel, PA students will be given preference for p.m. to midnight. Featuring The more dangerous not to know. We don't for atudenta and stall. Furnished by outside speaker, antenna $100. Gorden, admission. Normally, 4 semesters of Couple Friday, April 12, with John I h1we all the answers, but maybe toge~her, qualifted law students under faculty su· 242-9938. 11: 30-2: oo. 4/15 we can try to find some solutions. pervision. Availability limited to those college level Spanish are considered Cohen and • Dave ~mith. Saturday, AGORA 277-3013, 4/12 whose asseta and Income do not exceed PlANO, UPRIGHT. $275. Also church necessary for successful participation. April 13, sing along with Chris Orrall, established guidelines. 60e registration hymnal collection. 262·0598. 4/15 Interested students sho\lld make FLEA MARKET I! On the Mal1, Wednea· Dueto De Los Feos and Cafn King, fee. Call 277·2913 or 277·3604 for in· inquiries at the Office of International Admission is free with a UNM 10. !lay, April 17 .• Apply now, limited tables formation and appointments. Sponsored 1966 VOLKSWAGEN BUS, 1500cc, bed, Programs and Services. A deposit of avnilnble, 50(! charge. Call 277-5605 or by Associated S\udenta of UNM. Un sink, sunroof, $600 cash, 255-1922. 4/15 come to Room 248, SUB. Consumer Af­ $50 is required upon approval. fairs. 4/12 HAVE YOU BEEN OVERCHARGED? AKC REGISTERED Labrador Retriever Gotten an Inferior product? or bad ser· puppfca, $75 after 6:00 pm, 842-5482. LA PUERTA DE LOS NINOS bas open­ vice? or having trouble with your land· 4/15 upoJicy Implications of the Limits ings for fulll-timc daycare. 344-6559. 4/12 lortl? If so, call CONSUMER AFFAIRS BACKPACKERS - come inspect New to Growth" will be discussed April 10 WILDERNESS EXPERIENCES JfOR at 277-5605 or come into room 248 in the Mexico's most complete selection of at 7:30p.m. in Anthropology 170. The young people. BackpMking, surviVal, SUB between 12:30-4:30. We can help equipment nt Back Country Sports, 2421 panel will include history Prof. Gerald travel, coed. Write or call Jim Stewart, you I Research and Consumer Aft'alrs. San Pedro NE. 266-8113. 5/3 Nash, political science Prof. Jay 528 Loma Hermosa NW, Albuquerque, 4/23 1!171 CAMARO, low mileage, automatic, air, Sorenson and economics Prof. Don NM, 8710S. Phone 24.7-8235. Slide show IMAGES-PORTRAIT, PASSJ>ORT. aP· Tailby. Other panelists will be Frarik • IS of wilderness trips from Canada to the plication photographs. Close, quick, sane, eW!tom interior. Contact 268-4997. 4/12 Grand Canyon. Come and meet us and DiLuzio, science adviser to Gov. King, 2312·A Central SE. Behind Butterftelda. MARE, 4 yrs grccnbroke bred for cutting, and Peter Porter of the State Oil find out about our program. Tbul'!lday, 266-9967. &/I good-looking. Linda, 344·9071. 4/10 April U. 7:30 PM, Unitarian Church, Conservation Commission, Back 3701 Carlisle NE. 4/11 PASSPORT, IDENTIFICATION pbotoa. PAIR OF BOSE 5Cl1 Speakers. Excellent Lowest prices In town, fut, pleulntr. condition. 265-7198 after 8 pm. 4/10 The Folksong club will meet tonight THE MALTESE FALCON HAVE YOU signed tbe PIRG petition? Near UNM. CaD 2611·2444 or come to 8:45 It may be the most important thing you 1'11'1 Girard N.E. DRONICA S-2 with 80mm and 50mm. in room 2310 of the SUB at 7:30p.m. do as a student. 4/12 NIKOR lens. Call 268·6229. 4/10 Anne Brannen will sing Irish songs and 4) FOR RENT Kathie Fasnacht will play the Scottish WHY GO TO COOK'S and pa)' more? We CLOTHING FROM 1900·1940, Antique bagpipes. This performance is free and have Tennis equipment, :Paddle ball stuff TWO & THREE bdrm houses. Near UNM quilts, furniture, photographica. The Sli­ the public is invited. and other sporting sroods-lwaya on A: downtown. 242-7814, · 4/19 ver Sunbeam Antiques. 3409 Central NE. special. THE DlKE SHOP, 828 Yale SE. 4/16 8'2·9100. Un ONE, TWO, & THREE room elftclenciet1 furnished. Near downtown & UNM. 242· TURQUOISE & DIAMONDS set In trold. 7) MISCELLANEOUS 7814. 4/19 Unusual engagement and wedding rings, Charly Romero. 268.8896. 5/1 NW VALLEY-Three room cottage, :May 2) LOST & FOUND 20 thru Awr. 20, Yard, garden, bouse BICYCLES, BICYCLES. at 6. A: 10 speeda, planta. 344·48,9. 4/16 trom $79,95, Stop by A: 100k at our 11ew :MISSING FROM Dr. :Medford's omce desk Japanese Takaras. THE BIKE SHOP, at Student Health-white a: yellow s:cold THREE BDRM HOUSE NE. 1¥.. baths, 823 Yale SE, SC2·9100. tfn garage. 266·,641. 4/111 wedding band. Reward. '123 1973 .C-wheel drive GMC Jimmy skid plates. FREE FILMS DOG LOST near University, brown medium KACHINA HOUSE-2 blocks UNM. 1 heavy duty sll8penslon, 4-apeed l)Ower DACRSUND female ' months. Spayed, size male with cut-orr tail wearing ftea bdrm, 2 bdrrn Includes utilitietl, 1160, disc brakee, S8950 or best offer. '166·52,9. all shota. Free to good home. 266·6869. collar and blue bandana, name Layback $190. 301 Harvard, 320 Harvard. 4/16 ' 4/11 4/16 TODAY Lennie. We love him would like him back, FREE TO GOOD HOME, part malamute, Call Steve, nighfa 266·6789, 21C Prince­ ROOMS FOR RENT during summer on male dog. 268·3194. 4/10 ton SE. 4/12 campus-247·0055 after 5:00 pm. 4/15 TO SHARE: Large two-bedroom apart­ 6) EMPLOYMENT GOATREADS GOTCHA DOWN? '!'hom­ LOST: TWO-YEAR BLACK GERMAN ment, 111, miles from UN:M, furnished proof tubes, $6.00 t~alr. lnstaUecJ thm Shepard, near fair grounds. Reward. 268· except for your room, prefer female. $76/ GENERAL OFFICE and receptionist. April. THE DIKE SHOP, 823 Yale SE. 6885. 4/10 mo. Includes utilities ( nogotiable), Call Want warm, sensitive type of woman 842·9100. Un LOST: 3/30 HUSKY Cross female PUliPYo early moml11ga or late evenings. 265-4680. who likes people. Type 50 wpm. Flex· ZORRO'S tan-gray curly taU, UNM area. 266·5109. ible houl'll. Also some amaiJ detail work 4/10 ROSQUE PLAZA APARTMENTS. Adobe for aMociatea. Salary commensurate with Style-1 a: 2 Ddt. Fum. A: ·Unfam.• ability and experience. Send Reaume to Utilities lncludecJ. Pool, tru barbeqae, FIGHTING FOUND: ONE EARRING for pierced ear~~ P.O. Box 8027. 4/16 at Yale &: Cornell. ldentify and claim in large baleonln, sauna, ref, air, tO min. from UNM. Waterbed1 permitted. From CIMARRONCITA BOYS CAMP interview: Journalism Room 206. Stllll.OO. 8201 Mal'lluette NE-288·8071, ing for summer jobs, Need co\111selors LEGION- FOUND: Coin pune contalnlntr keJJ and Students a prof-ON welcome Ill to Instruct swimming land sports, and money at Stanford A: Sliver. 1dentlfJ tennis. For appointment, call 242·3448. a LEAD A ASH SE, Lucaya Rouse Apart­ 4/15 claim. rm 205 .J'oam.UIID, ments. Full sf!C!arlt)', an utilities paid, 3 shorts efllcfency, 1125/mo. 1-bdrm 11118/mo. 2-bdrm 1185/mo. Call Jim at 843-'1832 or 266·9693. tfn BEST APT. VALUE-Columbian West, 1 block to UNM. Luxury apts., swimming Continuous Showing 11001, recreation room, refrigerated air, fuJI . security, 209 Columbia. CaD 268. ~=~a::_.. ..,~,.a. t··· 10 a.m.-3 p.m. fi934, 268·1006. .C/10 ~~ri •. Mf in the SUB Theatre Come on downl 7,9PM $1 Sponsored by STUDENT ACTIVITIES U.NM. STUDENT UNION THEATRE 277·2031

New Mexico Want Ads say it Daily Lobo in a Big Wayll

Classified Advertising Rates 1Oc per word, $1.00 minimum charge Please place the following classified advertisement in the New Mexico Daily Lobo 5 or more consecutive insertions times beginning .. . .. , under the heading (circle one): 1 . with no copy changes; Personals; 2. Lost & Found; 3. Service; 4. For Rent; 5. For Sale; 6. Employment; 7. Miscellaneous. 6c per word per day 60c per day minimum charge Terms Cash in advance UNM P.O. Box 20, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico 8 71 31 . .