Recipient: Steven Del Duca, ministry of transportation, Rick Nicholls, and

Letter: Greetings,

Reconsider Pelee Island Ferry Bid Comments

Name Location Date Comment

Kelly Campbell Leamington, 2015-06-12 I want to see the Pelee Ferry built at Hike Metal, or at the very least, in Canada. Let's keep the jobs in Canada!!

Anne Roberts Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-12 We need to keep industry here in Canada.

Jennifer Renaud Leamington, Canada 2015-06-12 This bid should have stayed in Ontario as we need the jobs and it is local!!!!!! Chili??????? REALLY???

Carolyn kelly Leamington, Canada 2015-06-12 Yes, It would help the economy and create jobs...but it's also about PRIDE...the people who live here would be proud to say that a neighbouring town built the ship

Tom Gaudette Harrow, Canada 2015-06-12 We need the work here where the unemployment is the highest in the country.

Richard Symes Leamington, Canada 2015-06-12 Keep jobs local for our towns ferry!!!

Mark Sivak Leamington, Canada 2015-06-12 This seems like a No-Brainer - RFP process gone stupidly wild!!

Amy McInnis Leamington, Canada 2015-06-12 I'm signing because it's important to support our community, province and country. Buy Canadian!!!!

Lisa Hilton Belle river, Canada 2015-06-12 Keep the jobs local!

Connie Chisholm Leamington, Canada 2015-06-12 A Canadian Ferry built in Canada, of course it should be

scott simpson Leamington, Canada 2015-06-12 just the quality in Canadian built products and secondly pretty certain there will be more people on the ferry from Canada,im thinking that people coming to Canada from Chile are not going to be on the ferry to pelee island stop out sourcing jobs hard enough to make $ around here.

Rebecca Oliphant Leamington, Canada 2015-06-12 Wheatley is my hometown, the loss of job opportunity is sad...why don't we support our own???

Todd Kuli Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-12 I'm tired of our inept provincial government sending money and jobs out of Ontario. Why not build the new boat locally were it can be the pride of our community!

Lisa-Anne Turner Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-12 I believe that our government needs to keep jobs in Canada. This ferry could be done in the same area where it will be used.

Kevin Shepley Cambridge, Canada 2015-06-12 We need to look after Canadians first.

Mary Allen Windsor, Canada 2015-06-12 I want this ship to be built in Canada.Hike Metal!


Ron Penner Pickering, Canada 2015-06-12 Fair trade means allowing all qualified parties to respond and have an opportunity to win the business

Kathy Peifer Windsor, Canada 2015-06-12 I believe that Candian workers and companies come first. We should only outsource when we cannot do a project ourselves. International companies do not always measure up to Canadian standards and only do it right when caught. (i.e. Herb Gray Parkway substandard girders). Canada first!

Lee-Ann Bradt Leamington, Canada 2015-06-12 I think the process was unfair and our local shipbuilder should have had the opportunity to bid on it especially since he has already done work for our government in regards to the Coast Guard.

matthew bradfield kingsville, Canada 2015-06-12 I feel all contracts for government and non government equipment to be used in Canada by Canadians should be Canadian made.

Jean Stewart Harrow, Canada 2015-06-12 The job loss to Canadian company's. We should be buying Canadian products. Keep the jobs here. Ontario is already hurting for jobs. Name Location Date Comment ms renee Daudlin- Leamington, Canada 2015-06-12 We need to keep jobs local. Iacobelli

Caty Asschert Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-12 We need the jobs...and Hike Metal is more than qualified for the job.

Mike King Tilbury, Canada 2015-06-12 this tender should remain in Canada

Christine Bradley Yorkton, Canada 2015-06-12 The poor Ontario economy forced my husband and I to move to Saskatchewan to find decent paying jobs. Our family went through 2 plant closures in two years. It seems the government is doing nothing to keep jobs in Ontario!

Jack Mclaughlin Leamington, Canada 2015-06-12 We need to keep our Country(people) going before we worry about other people

Dean Wakley Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-12 This is our tax dollar's paying for this new vessel and should be sent here in Ontario

Trevor getty Leamington, Canada 2015-06-12 Cause it will add jobs to my home town, my father, grandfather and great grandfather owned fishing boAts, Frank B and Andy S always derived our boats and everyone else in Wheatley Harbor. They are more then qualified

Cheryl taveirne Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-12 They should have give the jobs to Hike Metal by keeping it in the the County(Essex County) that is in needed. Hike Metal can build The Maid of the Mist but there not even given a chance to put in a tender. SHAME on Steven Del Duca of the Ontario Ministry of Transpotation. richard baillargeon Windsor, Canada 2015-06-12 Keep work in Ontario and keep the money in Ontario from the taxes just made this ferry cheaper lisa singkhaew Leamington, Canada 2015-06-12 100% Canadian Made

Anne Barnier Leamington, Ontario 2015-06-12 It should be built by Hike Metal so if anything breaks, they will know how to fix it!

Brenda Snoes Ruthven, Canada 2015-06-12 The new island ferry should be built in Canada, by Canadians, as it will be used in Canada by Canadians as well as many other nationalities.

Laura Simpson Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-12 I think this Canadian ferry should be built by a local Canadian company. It's time our government started looking to improve Canada's economy. james osborn Windsor, Canada 2015-06-12 Ontario tax dollars should go to support Ontario workers.

Joe Jabbour Leamington, Canada 2015-06-12 I believe the ship should be built by a Canadian company. Our tax dollars are paying for it.

Katherine Winger Amherstburg, Canada 2015-06-12 it should be Canadian made.

Alan MacInnes Leamington, Canada 2015-06-12 it would have been nice to see local companies have a chance and winning this contract mike henderson Cornwall, Canada 2015-06-12 we need this for an area hit hard by job loss

Angelika Tetzlaff Leamington, Canada 2015-06-12 I live in Windsor/ Essex county, this move by the government to outsource our dollars to circulate in another country, when the economy here has been repeatedly hit with the pulling out of some major employers & we have the capability locally, and the fact that no opportunity was even given locally to bid is absolutely ludicrous!

Darren Stubbart Leamington, Canada 2015-06-12 We have the technology .... We have the manpower .... We have the experience ..... We have people running of local, provincial and federal governments that don't have a clue stephanie hillier Leamington, Canada 2015-06-12 It needs to stay in ontario

Paul Aguiar Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-12 Kingsville. Leamington area needs the work. Name Location Date Comment

Debra Resendes Leamington, ON 2015-06-12 This is a slap in the face to the people of Ontario. How dare you. The people of Pelee Island should protest and refuse to use the new boat and only use the existing ferry

Jody Bulbeck Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-12 time to get rid of Kathryn Wynn she is selling this province out,

Chris Cook Leamington, Canada 2015-06-12 Our Government should pick a qualified company from Canada, and there are many eg. Hike's Metal. The money could be used better here making sure that our own people can have a job.

Daniel Morrison Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-12 Think Local! pat matier Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-12 This should not have gone to Chile. Hike Metal Products of Wheatley could have built it and it stayed in Canada.

Joss Johns Leamington, Canada 2015-06-12 I know people that work at hike metal.

Susan Stevenson Blenheim, Ont., Canada 2015-06-12 this should go to a Canadian company to help our own economy

Raedeen Chambers Kingsville ON, Canada 2015-06-12 This project belongs in Essex County for the jobs and opportunities it would bring

Sherry DeCaluwe Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-12 I feel we need to keep our tax dollars in our own country to create jobs.

Marie DeCaluwe Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-12 The Liberal Provincial gov't has decided to outsource OUR JOBS in the name of 'International trade' and sent MY tax money out of country- I DO NOT AGREE !

Brian Lambier South Woodslee, Canada 2015-06-12 We need this work done by canadians to support our own economic growth!!!

Debbie Knight Collingwood, Canada 2015-06-12 I believe that our production should be here in Canada with one of the many well qualified ship builders.

Lori Beresh Ruthven, Canada 2015-06-12 Hike Metal is more than qualified and only a few Kms away from where this ferry will be used. It's about time the government starts to make sense and think of the people involved and not just their own pocket booked

Sheila Cabral Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-12 It is very upsetting to hear that our local shipbuilding company was not even allowed to bid on this job. As if our local economy has not suffered enough, we now receive more bad news. Totally ridiculous! lisa scratch Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 because I live in this town and I believe our money should be kept in our area

Joan Quick Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 I feel if Hike Metal can build ships for the Maid of the Mist among others, they should have been able to at least bid on something that is in their own backyard where costs to deliver should be lower than from Chile as well as providing work for local people.

Joyce mellow Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 We should be supporting Canadian manufacturing companies.

Debra Parker Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 Jobs need to stay here in Ontario. Think of spin off revenues and taxes. Very short sighted decision

Madeline Branquet Lakeshore, Canada 2015-06-13 I'm signing because it is sooo wrong what is happening...The smell of rotten politics reeks in this situation...I'm embarrassed to be a Canadian...With these political happenings...

Schiela Friesen Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 A Canadian built ferry is the ONLY way to go in a region that desperately needs the jobs.

Tom Fancsy Lasalle, Canada 2015-06-13 Leamington is recouping from job losses, this is an opportunity and you're blowing it

Patricia Cobbin Windsor, Canada 2015-06-13 We are already importing employees and giving them jobs that could help get MANY off welfare system, do we REALLY need to pay other countries to make things we are more than capable of making here in our own country?!? Name Location Date Comment

Andy Dowling Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-13 Time to keep jobs in Ontario. Our economy first.

David Tilden Pelee Island, Canada 2015-06-13 I WILL NOT RIDE THIS BOAT IF IT IS NOT >>FULLY MADE IN CANADA<S EFFORT!

Brenda VanBeekveld Whealtey, Canada 2015-06-13 Jobs for Canada

Ann Mocan Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-13 There is an excellent "Local" builder who has experience in doing this kind of transport....let's support Canadian Made when ever we can !!!

Richard Taggart Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 Buying local supports our economy and creates local wealth that helps tax base and services at home.

April wiper Strathroy, Canada 2015-06-13 i support Canadian jobs growth and creation

Shelley Duquette Tilbury, Canada 2015-06-13 This ferry should be build locally. Jobs are needed in our area - in Ontario - not some other country! Have some respect for the local community and have this ferry built here! brenda balkwill kingsville, ON 2015-06-13 Pay Canadians thomas marziale akron, OH 2015-06-13 THIS SHOULD BE BUILT BY CANADIANS

BRIAN ROSS Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 Because It only makes sence

Ursula Tiessen Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 I own a business, and hate to see business go outside our community.

Lena Howell Paris, Canada 2015-06-13 I want to keep jobs in Ontario.

Bob Henderson Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-13 You idiots didn't even give Hike Metal in Wheatley a chance to bid , fools

Lisa Stubbart Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 What happened to Economic Development Canada? Our tax dollars should be spent in Canada to create jobs here. kirby parent Windsor, Canada 2015-06-13 government to get there head out of there ass

Trudy brown Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-13 we need to support our own country or at least give companies an opportunity to bid on contracts anna valentik bothwell, ontario, Canada 2015-06-13 It is rediculous giving the work to another country...... What the hell is the matter with our government...... What are we chop liver...... pathetic

Diane Beresh Ruthven, Canada 2015-06-13 we need the work here, keep it local

Cheryle Fysh Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 The work should stay local!!

Debbie Rollier Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 It is not acceptable to award a contract to a foreign country when the expertise lies in Canada and the local economy needs the work.

Jeff Wiper Chester Basin, Canada 2015-06-13 Keep the Jobs in Ontario. Hike Metal is a top notch builder thay deserves an opportunity to bid on this project.

Susan Schmidt Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 It should be built here in CANADA!

Tammy wiper Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 Stop spending our tax dollars in other countries! Especially when we have the capabilities rite here!! Shame on you!!

Jason Stevenson Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 Bring jobs home

Cindy Irwin Iona Station, Canada 2015-06-13 Tough times in Ontario. When an opportunity like this comes along, show the hard hit folks of Ontario that you're at least thinking about them!

Manuel Amaral Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 We need the jobs , right here at home and we have the facilities to do so with in miles!!!!

BRANDY MARTIN Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-13 I am outraged as a taxpayer!! Local company is more than capable of building a ferry. They build Canadian a Coast Guard Vessels. Fire n rescue vessels. What about service and that cost to the taxpayers. Local company can service local vessel. Seems the simplest,most cost effective, over all economical choice Name Location Date Comment

Susan Holman Essex, Canada 2015-06-13 I think you should give it to a Canadian Company because we need the jobs. I feel you the Ontario Liberals do not care about us. We need the Manufacturing jobs here in Ontario especially here in Windsor and Essex County. It needs to go to a Ship builder here not only for the jobs but all the spin off jobs as well.There workers would also be paying income taxes which would help Ontario as well. Canadians jobs first.

Mark McKinlay Comber, Canada 2015-06-13 It makes absolutely no sence to purchase this vessel from Chili when we have the facilities here within an hours drive of the docks! Who will service this new vessel?. Where will parts come from? Will this vessell be built to all Canadian standards?.. With the current condition of the economy in this province, why was a local complany not able to bid on such a contract?

Nancy Robson Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 This company is more than capable to make the new ferry. WE NEED JOBS HERE.

Adam Thomas Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-13 We should be spending our tax dollars at home, and think of how easy maintenance would be for the 50 YEARS this boat will operate for.

Phil Brassard Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 I'm signing because this is not right that job is shipped to a different country when people like my self that have their welding tickets and other skilled trades workers that are looking for employment are now not able to be apart of something like this. This province is hurting for work and instead of job creation our government rather give it to another country. This should be illegal and the government should be facing legal consequences for not giving Canadian companies this job

David Isley Elliot Lake, Canada 2015-06-13 Canadians first when it comes to Canadian business!

Donna Zuschlag Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-13 I believe in shopping locally, and not just for tomatoes and cukes.

Jo-Anne Jacques Essex, Canada 2015-06-13 What the hell is wrong with our government. Why not give the bid to the company right here. Instead you send it to Chile!!! We need the jobs here.

Wendy Benson Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-13 Theses jobs should stay in Canada

Peggy Lashmar Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 I'm signing because it is ridiculous that this government doesn't spend OUR tax dollars putting CANADIANS to work with a CANADIAN company.

Patricia Mosey Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 I feel the new ferry should be built in Canada -- most definitely by Hike Metal in Wheatley. donald bedore Windsor, Canada 2015-06-13 I want my tax dollars to promote local business who have been successful for over half a century

DIANE ROSEBERRY Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 work should be kept locally

Rika chouinard Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-13 Im signing because im Canadian and wish to have these ship building jobs stay in Canada. Shame on you MTO

Luanne Richmond Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-13 I want to see it build in Canada..and better yet in Wheatley Ontario

Carol Stroud Wheatley 2015-06-13 It should be built by Canadians!!!

Helen Woltz Windsor, Canada 2015-06-13 Canadian company should be allowed to bid...just not right....

Tom Mayhew Comber, Canada 2015-06-13 Absolutely ridiculous. I could understand if we had an opportunity to bid. Truly unjust and unfair bidding practice! dennis pinch Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-13 something has to be done we can not afford to allow other countries to reap our cananadian tax dollars when we can perform the job and deliver top quality product here using mostly all canadian products and all canadian labour therefore putting more canadian tax dollars back in the system Name Location Date Comment

Reiner Neumann Amherstburg, Canada 2015-06-13 I dont agree with the policy of not giving local companies preferential treatment... we need the job and our tax dollars should stay in Canada wherever possible

Kevin Van Belle London 2015-06-13 Let's keep the jobs in Canada !!!

Wendy DeGroote Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-13 I'm signing because I am so tired of seeing jobs go to places outside of Canada! I am so tired of my husband - who is a skilled tradesman - having no work locally and having to travel away for long periods of time for work just to support his family and worse yet - having no work at all and trying to find a job that will just pay the bills!!!

George Couckuyt GRAND BEND, Canada 2015-06-13 Enough work is being driven away without GIVING it away!

Susan Mazi Dunnville, Canada 2015-06-13 This job should go to Ontario workers.

Lynda McLean Barrie, OH 2015-06-13 You should be ashamed of yourselves for not building in Canada!!!

David Omstead Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-13 SW Ontario has the ability and resources to compete for major jobs, thus keeping our dollars at work in and for Ontario's best interest. jack brando Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-13 this is tax payers money which you people supposedly represent and stay in Ontario where it belongs

Rebecca Leslie Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 Wheatley has been building boats for years. It built the Niagara Falls ones! With hardships and unemployment so common nowadays, why are you sending work out. Give the 100 plus jobs to our home people! Outsourcing is horrible and hurts us!

Susan Tuck Staples, Canada 2015-06-13 A ferry built outside of Canada is a poor transportation decision. Jobs for Ontario are essential. Quit sending our dollars, and our jobs to other countries. Common sense needs to reign instead of bizarre " transparent" bidding rules that do not include local solutions. Stop the insanity. Keep jobs in Ontario. We know, for a fact, that over runs will occur. Let us keep a handle on expenses by keeping the job where we can oversee the progress.

Robert Blais windsor, Canada 2015-06-13 I'm signing this because we outsource too many jobs to foreign countries when this job could be done here.

Doug Tofflemire Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-13 We need to start supporting and building our Canadian workforce an not send our money out of the country! This is a slap in the face to every hard working Canadian!

Barbara Mailer London, Canada 2015-06-13 What is wrong with our governments. Cost is not everything. Create jobs in our economy and it becomes a win/win situation. You should be ashamed that you are thinking of giving this contract to another country.

Susan McDonald Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 I was born and raised in Whearltley and would love to see people I know be able to have jobs helping build the ferry.

Kalan Ricci Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-13 Because its the right thing to do! Use your fucking head!

Joan Kraan Stayner, Canada 2015-06-13 I'm signing because supporting Ontario industry is good for all of us.

Yolanda Asschert Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-13 This directly affects the economy of my home town and is a disgrace in these times to consider giving Canadian jobs away. Very badly done!

Candy Westlake Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 Please reconsider Pelee Island Ferry Bid.

Margaret McLaren Clifford 2015-06-13 I'm signing because I don't believe we should be going out of province, let alone out of country to have boats built for use here. It is just plain stupid and irresponsible john driedger Cottam, Canada 2015-06-13 Enhancing Canadian technology and industry would seem to be a no brainer

Lise Hamel Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 I live nearby and the jobs should be given to locals ... not abroad. Name Location Date Comment

Michelle Labonte Lakeshore, Canada 2015-06-13 We need to support local/canadian economy! tracy cooper Amherstburg, Canada 2015-06-13 Canadian made is always better!!!! Dont cut corners on the welfare and safety of the passengers on this ferry.. Canadian made or boycott the Chilean made ferry!! k k.tyhurst Meaford, Canada 2015-06-13 I think our tax dollars should stay in Ont. diane bartel Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 This Ship should be Canadian Built! Charity begins at home, Our economy needs this boost.

John Schroeder Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 Because we could use the work here in Wheatley.

Pete Anthony Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-13 Our government has no common sense in fiscal spending policies

Mark DeLisle Belle River, Canada 2015-06-13 Shameful that this is even considered to be built outside of Canada. Get with it. Stop spending OUR money outside of our own country!!!

Patrick Gerard Maidstone, Canada 2015-06-13 I think the government lays out the rules we work by. If it makes it more expensive then so be it. Spend tax payers money as close to home as possible. You dropped the ball on this one. Admit it and make the right choice.

Dave Rose London, Canada 2015-06-13 Money should be spent in Ontario where there are our on ship builders

Chelsea Finlay Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-13 Bring local jobs rather than building at cheaper costs. Unemployment capital of canada could definitely use the jobs

Lisa Cabral Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-13 If Canadians will be paying to use the ferry, they should be able to have it Canadian made & keep the jobs in our country. Help your fellow Canadians, stop hurting us.

Gary Lorondeau Staples, Canada 2015-06-13 We should be using Canadian products even if they are a little higher but the quality is better if Canadians can't support Canadians who will

Chris Vuksan Maidstone, Canada 2015-06-13 The jobs are needed here in Canada. It's our tax money going to support Chile, that's sounds right

Dale Carr Tilbury, Canada 2015-06-13 ability to support a product and a business locally should score higher than a few bucks saved on the front end. As always appears to be a short sighted thoughtless decision

Mark Morris Windsor, Canada 2015-06-13 I cannot believe how poorly we operate as a country. Yes, I don't have all the facts, but really, was the saving that substantial?

Todd Marentette Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-13 I want my tax dollars to stay in Canada, not support a Chillean company.

Ken Stubbs Parkhill, Canada 2015-06-13 We must keep our people employed and to purchase outside of Canada is no way to achieve this goal.

Sieglinde omstead Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-13 Im not against helping other countries but not at the expense of our own country and its people. When we have the ability to build this ferry and the opportunity to create jobs for our own unemployed people, we should be able to keep the building of the new ferry here in Ontario and preferably local. It just makes economic sense.

JoAnn Cartlidge Leamington, ON, Canada 2015-06-13 This contract should not ve going to Chilie since there is a shipbuilder qualified to do the job in Wheatley.

Nathan Fuerth Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-13 Canada should be supporting there own!

Karen Mellow Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 What happened to shop local and buying our own goods? Unemployment is high here. We need the jobs.

Elaine Drummond Tilbury, Canada 2015-06-13 This Ferry should be built in Ontario..Not in another country..Support People here.. garth Gillanders Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-13 we need to keep job here Name Location Date Comment

Mary Welsh Harrow, Canada 2015-06-13 We need to support the Canadian economy. People are in need of jobs in Ontario and especially in South-West Ontaario

Geri K Fazakas Niagara Falls, ON, 2015-06-13 Deplorable that they would even consider an out of country bid let alone out of Canada province when there is a ship building company in Wheatley!

Patricia Chambers Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 it is just not right!!

Tim Fisher Thamesville, Canada 2015-06-13 It's only logical to keep the money in Ontario...just because you can make it a bit cheaper somewhere else doesn't mean you should

Sarah Magowan Mississauga, Canada 2015-06-13 I believe we have qualified workers , engineers to build this boat closer to home

Jody Quiring Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-13 To keep business in our town! Not In a different country!

Trudy McHardy Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-13 The new boat can and should be built in Canada. It's time the government started looking out of and listening to us Canadians and giving us the jobs! Keep jobs in Canada!

Arlene Szorvas Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-13 We need to look after our own people, by creating jobs here in Canada!

Cheryl Harrison Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-13 This is being paid for by the Canadian people and should be built in Canada by Canadian's. It will be used in and it makes senses to build it on the shores of Lake Erie at Hike Metal.

Jennifer Downie- Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-13 I live in Wheatley! We need to support our economy! Christiansen

Kelsey Harris Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 if you want to live in a country where things are made, yu have to buy things made in your country.

Melissa Cranston Comber, Canada 2015-06-13 I'm tired of my tax dollars being spent to put qualified Canadians out of work. Spend my taxes here!

Mary Jo Zack Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-13 I am shocked and disgusted that Hike Metal products, an accomplished, recognized ship builder on the shores of Lake Erie was not even considered or able to bid on this job. Pelee Island is directly across Lake Erie from Wheatley/Leamington, but the job was granted to a company in Chile...why? How does that even make any economical sense to the taxpayers of Ontario?? Enough jobs have left Essex/Chatham/Kent due to our horrible government that seems to have a blind eye to job creation or common sense in spending. One company after another including big employers like Heinz have left our area. Now a large, money making job that Hike Metal is more than qualified to do gets ignored even though it would hire more employees to get the job done, help the economy by parts suppliers for the ferry, welders, general labourers and keep our hard earned tax dollars to stay in Ontario, Canada...the place where the Ferry will be going daily. We, the taxpayers demand more than this idiotic bid that went to Chile...NOT OUR COUNTRY, and OUR TAX DOLLARS!! We are fed up with this going to Mexico and anywhere else in the world. This one hits home..Ontario Ferry going to be built in Chile...unbelievable!! Give the bid and job to the company that is a proven success in Ontario, on Lake Erie!!! One fed up Canadian with our government who is not for the people of Ontario...ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!

Ric Christiansen Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-13 All government functions are based upon the country's citizens working. How can a government operate without its people working. It is obsurd that a government would not support its own people whenever and wherever possible. It is sickening the government would treat us so poorly.

Jim Moran Ottawa, Canada 2015-06-13 We need to support our own economy. There's 'price' and there's 'cost'. Value to the Crown doesn't come at the lowest price. Name Location Date Comment

Jennifer Tuck Windsor, Canada 2015-06-13 I am very much in favor of employing CANADIANS in the building of a Canadian ferry.

Keith Sinclair Windsor, Canada 2015-06-13 Why aren't local companies allowed to bid ?

Joe Tell London, Canada 2015-06-13 I think this help bring some much needed work to this area. Please reconsider.

Chris Renaud Amherstburg 2015-06-13 Canada Needs The Jobs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chuck Beaumont Windsor 2015-06-13 This is our economy...let's give it a chance to support itself! bob dawe South Huron, Canada 2015-06-13 Hike Metal is known as an exceptional builder of quality boats throughout Canada and Us. Why build something thousands of miles away . If a problem occurs after delivery Hike will be here and accounable.Why should Ontario tax dollars go to a foreign land?

AP Matte Windsor, Canada 2015-06-13 Ontario needs jobs with record unemployment. This contract should have given preference to local provincial business, followed by country wide business, before even considering international sources. This is a reason for liberals to be disappointed with the provincial government. The way the ministry has handled the ferry service is disgraceful. The overall contract should be pulled from OST and be properly operated as a provincial public service.

John Law wheatley, Canada 2015-06-13 Just plain stupid not to build it here.

Aaron Vadovic Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-13 Outsourcing jobs is bullshit, and needs to stop. Support Canadian workers instead of foreign workers for a change!

Aaron Vadovic Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-13 Support Canadian workers for a change!

Chris Harris Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 I work in the tool and mould industry and have seen first hand what outsourcing work to other countries has done to my industry with money savings will come substandard workmanship. Our government should think twice about how they spend our tax dollars and try and invest it in Canadian Companies. The Government is the reason why companies in Canada cannot compete with the global market because of there high tax rates and operating costs here.

Colin Harris Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 im signing because outsourcing jobs that could be better done in canada when i am in this industry and so is my dad that could make these boats.

Carolyn Wenzler Ruthven, Canada 2015-06-13 This should be Canadian built

Amanda Mulholland Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 Support local, Canadian business and for common sense in business.

Melissa darlington Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-13 I think the work should go to a Canadian firm that knows the weatherand water conditions this ship needs. Keep our tax $ in Canada

Steve Whitney Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-13 Jobs should stay in Canada.

Mary-Anne Broll Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 We want to see our own people get these jobs. Keep the money in Canada!!!

Susan Staines Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-13 Build it where its needed, keep jobs local.

Rick Adamson Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 Our government likes to bail out big corps ( car industry ) but why would they not even give a ontario tax paying company a chance to bid on a provincail government job!

Carol spitse Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 Give jobs to Ontario, don't give them away!

Kimberley Grant Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-13 I live in Wheatley Ontario. I find it insulting that you are taking the built of pelee islander out of the country, keep the jobs here, it didn't work for Bell, it won't work for our ships!

Larry Renaud Chatham Ontario, 2015-06-13 This is unaccetable , some one is going to be held accountable . Canada Name Location Date Comment

Michelle Pearce Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-13 I am signing because we need to take care of ourselves. Even if Hike Metal didn't get the bid, someone in Canada should! Chile may be the cheapest, but these things always go over budget.

Gerald Killough London, Canada 2015-06-13 People need jobs here!

Jim Selwood Saint Thomas, Canada 2015-06-13 Why would you not creat jobs in Ontario to a company which has more than proved them selves capable of building ships of all sizes

Dennis Colasanti Essex, Canada 2015-06-13 Canadian tax dollars should be spent in Canada to help the economy.

Kevin Cincurak Pincourt, Canada 2015-06-13 I grew up in Kingsville.

Dennis Martin Windsor, Canada 2015-06-13 Company in Wheatley Ontario that can build it . Keep it in Canada. Please reconsider

Brenda Wilhelm Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 We use this ferry .....the jobs should be kept local.....bad enough we took a hit with the HJ Heinz company...... should be keeping the money here!

Randy Moody Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-13 Keep jobs in Canada roy drouillard Windsor, Canada 2015-06-13 ONLY A TRAITOR OR A CRIMINAL WOULD CONSIDER SENDING MY MONEY TO CHILE

Christine Peck Chatham, Canada 2015-06-13 I'm signing this petition because this ferry bid needs to be reconsidered. We have ship builiding capabilities right here not far from Leamington. If the Wheatley based company was too high, then pick one in Canada, give us the job, not a foreign country.

John Moran Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-13 Two reasons. We should be keeping the business here in Canada. And Hike metal is more than qualified to build this ferry.

Tim Burling Harrow, Canada 2015-06-13 Local is the best way ingrid mayer kingsville, Canada 2015-06-13 Jobs should be kept in Canada.

Lisa Stasko Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 The boat should be made in Canada, by Canadians. The Wheatly ship builder has been in business for years, is close to Pelee Island and employes local workers. Keep the boat building in Canada!!!!

Meghan Merrill Windsor, Canada 2015-06-13 Supporting my home town Wheatley and own country for that matter! Why out source when you have everything you need here?

Christopher Scarpelli Windsor, Canada 2015-06-13 I find there was some unjust treatment of local bidders!

Rose Lougheed Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-13 Should be built in Wheatley, Ontario , which is across Lake Erie to Pelee Island..Unbelievable that this was not a sensible decision..Keep jobs in Ontario...

James Thoman Windsor, Canada 2015-06-13 We need to see strength in our manufacturing sector. This helps.

Brian Camphorst Windsor, Canada 2015-06-13 We need to keep local people and businesses employed.

John Moran Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-13 If this company can build ships for the Canadian coast guard. They are more than qualified to build a ferry. How many trips to Chile will it take to have the ship building process inspected by our so called experts? Not to mention the trip from the ship yard in Chile to it's destination. And then you're going to run salt water through it's cooling system and have premature wear on it's components. Need I go on? At least the Ontario gov't is consistent. They continue to disappoint us all. lori lauko Saint Joachim, Canada 2015-06-13 I believe jobs should stay here in Canada and our quality and workmanship is far better!!!!

Derek Groves London, ON, AZ 2015-06-13 Keep business and MY money in Ontario or at least in Canada ! darren Janke Belle River, Canada 2015-06-13 i support local business.

John Vandereerden Harrow, Canada 2015-06-13 It needs to be built in Ontario Name Location Date Comment

Earline Bradt Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 It is personal, my son is a welder at Hike and has recently been laid off because there is no work right now. I think the company should at least have had the opportunity to bid on the contract for the Pelee Island Ferry. If they lost the bid that would be different, they were not even allowed to bid to build a boat that is less than 10 miles away from the destination. They built ferries for British Columbia, fire boats for San Diego, catamarans for Niagara Falls, beach rakes for Florida's beaches, fire boats for Chicago, barges for Fort McMurray etc. so it is not that they don't have the experience, the company is not unionized so that cannot be a factor either. Why send work out of the country when there is no need? Why don't we just let foreigners come here and work? Oh yeah, they might take jobs away from Canadians. At least they would be helping the economy here. Why the double standard, it's not okay to take jobs away from Canadians in Canada but it's just fine to send work that Canadians can do out of the country?

Deb Adamson Mellow Kincardine, Canada 2015-06-13 I'm signing because we need to keep jobs in Canada for Canadians and support our local businesses. In this case the ship is for the same area where the shipbuilder is located. How much will it cost to bring this ship from Chile to Leamington when it's finished? Our government is making too many bad decisions with my money!

Dave Jones Elmvale, Canada 2015-06-13 I agree that lowest bid isn't the best bid kathy hicks Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-13 I feel the work should went to a local business. Not Out of the country.

Andrea Graham Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 Who would possible watch the standards of this ship being built in Chile. You need someone local, to ensure that the standards of the 40 million dollar ship are being met. Does someone in the government need a vacation to Chile. Is that why we are having it built there and not in our own backyard..Hello can the government stop wasting our tax dollars. This has sham written all over it! robert shaw Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-13 CANADA FIRST !!!!!!!!!

Debbie Couture Windsor, Canada 2015-06-13 We should be building this boat in Ontario. We need the money to stay in Ontario.

Colleen siddall Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-13 keep the work in our own country, why go elsewhere. Keep our workers working.

Stacey Poulin Windsor, Canada 2015-06-13 We to support our local companies.

Joe Drummond Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-13 our tax dollars should stay in Canada if there is a qualified bidder and it's obvious that with a bid less than 5% from the winning bid that we have that. funding foreign companies in this is a waste of taxpayer funding

Barb Siddall Wheatley 2015-06-13 Barbara Siddall

Cindy Heath Tecumseh, Canada 2015-06-13 Jobs in this area are desperately needed. Canada should not just hand them over to another country.

James Chute Windsor, Canada 2015-06-13 Taxpayers' money should be spent within the province, or at least Canada

Kinahan Janice Goderich, Canada 2015-06-13 ONTARIO needs JOBS!!!

Irma Phaneuf Leamington Ontario., 2015-06-13 Should stay in Canada Canada

Sandra Rocheleau Amherstburg, Canada 2015-06-13 Ontario has a responsibility to employ their own people. When local companies don't even have the opportunity to bid on the project, something in the process is lacking. Give Ontario/Canadian companies the opportunity to prove themselves. Name Location Date Comment

Andy Dowling Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-13 NDP win in Alberta with a landslide. Time to wake up Miss Wynne your days are becoming numbered with your misrepresentation of Hydro One, GM and the list goes on from your predecessor. Alberta got the message I am sure you will too. Ontario first!!! We can't keep companies in Canada let alone Ontario competitive if they are not given a fighting chance. Trickle down economics is way better tax money spent. it keeps out tax money in Ontario. Keep the funds where they can help Canadians at the very least. Even if we spend more to do so. In the long run we will all be better off. We don't need another 407 cash funnel leaving the country. Ontario can't afford it!! Let's put Ontario back to work and make our economy strong.

Wendy Barrett Keswick, Canada 2015-06-13 The jobs should be kept in Canada in a region that needs it!!! Disgusting [email protected] Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 Let's make some noise Canada! We need to see more "Made in Canada" Tiessen products.

John Tofflemire Napanee, Canada 2015-06-13 Canada should consider bids from within their own country first. Foriegn bids later

Shawn Hamill Pelee Island, Canada 2015-06-13 im an islander that has to deal with this boat and it would be nice that the makers are local and can fix it when needed. Plus the extra cost of bringing it up from Chile. Hike marine has built boats for all services in the and for the maid of the mist in niagra.

Nancy Drummond Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-13 It's time for our government to take care of Canadians, instead of foreign interests. angela hartley essex, Canada 2015-06-13 We need to keep out own business, our own!

Patrick Martyn Harrow, Canada 2015-06-13 We need to promote manufacturing in Ontario and our local businesses.

Margot Gillespie Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-13 Support local. Hike Metal is one of the best ship builders this country has to offer. Keep Canada's tax payer $'s in Canada. The money would flow back into our own economy.

Denise Patton Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 It is wrong to send Canadian dollars out of our country when it and jobs are needed here.

Daphne Steer Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 There needs to be a local interest in this project! What a shame!

Robert Kidney Mississauga, Canada 2015-06-13 I want my tax dollars spent in Ontario

Margaret Adams Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 This job should have been awarded to a company in Ontario. Ontario premiere should support Ontario businesses.

Ilene Hunter Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 Keeping this here would provide much needed jobs and money put back into the economy. It would also result in the government being able to collect taxes from those Canadians employed in this project that yet again goes back into the province/Canada. If the government is truly interested in creating jobs for a stronger Canada and economy, a good start would be to allow a local, qualified company the chance to bid at the very least. Having this boat built just down the road from it's destination by this qualified company makes sense both financially and geographically.

Shirley Harris Leamington, Ontario, 2015-06-13 This is a "slap in the face" to every Ontario (Canadian) taxpayer. We have Hike Canada Metal in our own backyard who is known worldwide for their shipbuilding skill, to build a ship to be used here! Government should at least appear to support it's own workforce.

Linda Soulliere South Woodslee, Canada 2015-06-13 This feels like a slap in the face for the region and its skilled labour. The reputation of Hike Metal is excellent. Why ignore them and/or the region?

James Almasi Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 It's all about supporting local business . Name Location Date Comment

Rob Epplett Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 Why would anyone be surprised? Typical Government BS.

Ryan Clifford Harrow, Canada 2015-06-13 I find it sickening that our government sees nothing wrong with putting commercials on T.V and radio about buying local, as well as our unemployment being one of the highest in Ontario. Yet find it OK to buy a ship from another country.

Laura sellars Amherstburg, Canada 2015-06-13 tax payers dollars need to stay in CANADA!

Amy reid Pilot Butte, SK, Canada 2015-06-13 We need to support our local economy. We too also moved because of the lack of jobs. SUPPORT YOUR PEOPLE...

Diane Sinclair Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 Outrageous cost and the work should be done by Canadians

Michael Martin Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 I believe it should be done local

Chris Vlemmix London, Canada 2015-06-13 I believe we must buy and build local

Mary-lynne Goodman Cottam, Canada 2015-06-13 It's time we start protecting and supporting our manufacturing sector in Ontario.

Ted Vanoorschot Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 The Liberal government does nothing to benefit Ontario

Don Marentette Shelby Township, MI 2015-06-13 It's insane that you would operate this way.

Hugh Jeffries Niagara Falls, Canada 2015-06-13 We need to support CANADIAN jobs and our own economy . Self preservation in this global mess is vital to survival as a nation . This keeps up and in 20 years we will be the one of the poorest countries the on the planet along with the U S A.

Linda Paine Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 I'm signing because there is an option for a Canadian made ferry. And what about future inspections, repairs and upgrades to thievery - who,will look after that - Chile? For many reasons a Canadian bid could be cheaper in the long run Lu's being a much needed boost to the area!

Margaret Ardiel Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 We have a world class LOCAL ship builder right here!

Trudy and Len Willan Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-13 We need to support our local business. Right in Wheatley they build ships. Why Chile look at taking care of our own

Linda Proctor Tecumseh, Canada 2015-06-13 Canadian taxpayers paying for this ... Should be built in Canada

Mark Slock Milton, Canada 2015-06-13 I believe this project should be built in Canada. Our government needs to wake up. Projects like this keep our people employed and help our economy.

Annie Letkeman Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 We need jobs here. After Heinz leaving Leamington it has impacted this area greatly. Instead of sending jobs somewhere else let our economy recover here! Keep it local, keep it Canadian!

Derek Bilokraly Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-13 Wheatley, a community next door builds ships. How is this not even an option?

Carolyn McGillivray Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-13 Outsourcing valuable jobs in an economically depressed area does not make financial sense! Think of the taxes Ontario will receive from employed residents, let alone the spin off benefits to local businesses. L

Colleen Bell DeWitt, MI 2015-06-13 Wheatley is my hometown where I grew up until my 30's. My family and friends still live there. This saddens and angers me. Hike Metal has a solid history and a lifetime of experience building vessels. Think of all the Canadians that want and deserve the jobs the new Pelee Islander will bring. It needs to be built in Canada. Period.

Lisa Brouwer Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-13 I want my community to have the opportunity to be proud of the new ferry, to bring employment, and monies to our community and our great Country.

Jeff Gray Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-13 Our community as well as our province can use the tax dollars as well as the employment! Our provinces revenue from this endeavour will be beneficial to everyone!!!! Name Location Date Comment

Myra Magee Windsor, Canada 2015-06-13 I am a firm believer in supporting Canada!!!!! This is a job that would create numerous jobs for fellow Canadians.

Shannon Seguin Saint Joachim, Canada 2015-06-13 Our area needs jobs. Our kids are moving away just to find jobs. Ontario doesn't stop in London. Why award this job to Chile when we have a company right in Wheatley who can do the job .

Tina Wells Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-13 Hike Metal can absolutely handle this gig!

Tammy meyer Amherstburg, Canada 2015-06-13 we need to keep jobs in Canada!! This is absolute nonsense.

Sharon Kennedy Etobicoke, MD 2015-06-13 This is outrageous - treason against the workers of Ontario.

Julie Feher Amherstburg, Canada 2015-06-13 I think the work should be kept in the country at least. Having a local ship- builder with up-close accountability is invaluable. It's just silly to give the work to Chile.

Stephanie Pouget Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-13 Not even given the opportunity to bid is missing the chance to grow a town. With so many closing businesses in town, Wheatley could have gained job opportunities with a local company being awarded this job.

Suzanne Brogan Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 take care of people in your own backyard before you can help others.

Mark Clifford Harrow, Canada 2015-06-13 Because employment is very important to this province, and there are firms here who can do the job. Keep the money and jobs local.

Sandy Legacy Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-13 Bring the jobs home!

Brandy Malott Windsor, Canada 2015-06-13 as a Cottage owner on Pelee Island for over 30 years I believe that the ferry should've been built on the shores of Lake Erie

Jane Rogers Kingsville, OH 2015-06-13 I'm a resident who will be using the ferry from Kingsville to Pelee Island and I would prefer this ferry to be built in my province which would greatly benefit financially from this shipbuild. We have been an economically depressed area for too long. Let's make 'something' we can all be proud of together - a ferry made to sail in Lake Erie that's carved from its shore!

Linda Musselman Windsor, Canada 2015-06-13 It is always about ?dollars, which I am convinced it is not. Why do the powers that be not stay loyal to Canada. It really makes a statement when we have the ways and means to build a quality ship right here at a local company and help OUR economy. It makes absolutely no sense to give the bid to a foreign country. Again Canadians are getting the short stick. Makes me sad to think they want us to stay loyal to our country and they turn around and shove this in our faces. Disgusting.

Natalie Hart Mississauga, Canada 2015-06-13 Hike Metal is extremely qualified and quality jobs in Ontario matter.

Scott Segarac Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-13 Keep jobs here. Also environment issue can you imagine the amount of desiel fuel to get it here!!! Thought the liberals were about the environment

Ryan Odette Tilbury, Canada 2015-06-13 Government needs to put Canada first

Duane Hemphill Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-13 Tried of Canadian and Ontario govt putting Canadian workers on the welfare lines and aiding other countries. Be proud make it Canadian made for once, support CANADIAN industry after all it is our tax dollars they are spending

Beauparlant Donna Calgary, Canada 2015-06-13 Ontario Needs More Employment.

Beth Haddock Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-13 Should be hiring Canadian and local people to build in Canada!!

Rick Evans Windsor, Canada 2015-06-13 Keep the ship build in Canada!!!!

Shane Broderick Amherstburg, Canada 2015-06-13 Because we need to support our local businesses

Marsha Chomyshyn Harrow, Canada 2015-06-13 The gov't needs to bring jobs back here even if the cost is a little more or there's not going to be anyone to pay their wages with our tax dollars. Name Location Date Comment

Emily Munro London, Canada 2015-06-13 I'm signing this because it is a waste of tax dollars to ship the new ferry internationally when we can build it in Wheatley, ON.

Cathy Chase Windsor, Canada 2015-06-13 I thought buying local would have been a no-brainer. Not a single politician can honestly state they are concerned about our economy when they fail to recognize what Canadian businesses, especially local, has to offer. I know for a fact that decisions made now will affect my votes in the future.

Kathey Imeson Merlin, Canada 2015-06-13 I totally disagree with our government sending this contract to a foreign country. We have a company right in Wheatley, with a good reputation that should be building this boat. What is the government going to do if once this boat is in service and they have problems? Shut it down and wait for parts? People rely on this ferry for many reasons. I believe this is a poor decision on the part of our government.

Ron Reaume Windsor, ON, Canada 2015-06-13 This is NOT the reason I voted Liberal. My tax dollars should go to a local industry, not Chile. Our region desperately needs good paying jobs.

Ken Wiens Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-13 We have the facilities and the expertise to build this ferry. The jobs are desperately needed here!

Janet Bowman Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 We need to keep jobs/work in Canada This would be a great opportunity. Is that what the trade agreement is all about, taking jobs out of Canada?

Patricia Chute Windsor, Canada 2015-06-13 My tax dollars are not to be wasted !!

Ron Dzombak Harrow, Canada 2015-06-13 Keep tax dollars in Canada

Ralph Hepperle Toronto, ON 2015-06-13 The lowest labour cost is not always the best choice. Canada has been hit by too many globalization impacts that are negative to our economy. We need to build stuff here!

Daniel Lockhart Windsor, Canada 2015-06-13 This should be about creating business and jobs for the people of Ontario.

Laurie Pearce Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-13 This is ridiculous

KIM MAODUS Windsor, Canada 2015-06-13 This is outrageous this country is selling itself to the devil, Create jobs here

Brenda Pepper Woodstock, Canada 2015-06-13 We need jobs to stay in Ontario

Mike makhlouf Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 keep our economy strong first

Jason Beausoleil Tilbury, Canada 2015-06-13 to keep jobs and money here in Canada!!

Kristen Price Essex, Canada 2015-06-13 It is disgraceful the the government would contract a foreign company rather that use a local company where the jobs are sorely needed. I would have expected my tax dollars to stay in my own country.

Tom Bourque Windsor, Canada 2015-06-13 Keep money and jobs in Canada!

Nancy Santos Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 local resources should be considered before sourcing out to foreign countries....we have the ability here & the labour pool in dire need of work....

Tim Price Essex, Canada 2015-06-13 Because ontario tax money should stay in Ontario when it can and if can create jobs in an area where they are much needed so much the better. This is silly that Hike wasnt even allowed to bid.

Stacie Benko Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-13 We need to invest in local work.

Troy Dutot Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-13 I support local economic growth!

Marj Reidl Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 support local economy

Linda Dueck Cartier, Canada 2015-06-13 I lived in Wheatley and Leamington for 40 years and know that the shipbuilding industry in Wheatley is amazing. And of course, the economy in the area could use this injection of jobs! Name Location Date Comment

Ron Price Windsor, Canada 2015-06-13 I believe Canadian tax dollars should be used to benefit the Canadian taxpayer by helping provide jobs through contracts to Canadian companies. A Canadian- built ferry sounds right on

Laura Schmidt Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 I live in Leamington with a ship building company just down the road in Wheatley. Why pay millions to Chile when our own citizens need jobs. Please reconsider.

Tim Allison Essex, Canada 2015-06-13 This is a no brainer! It would create jobs and save as the shipbuilder it should go to is only a few kilometers Away! There is bound to be some problems, going to cost is tax payers large, simply stupid to send out of country! This Government is out of control as usual and all we can do is sit back and watch! Simply ridiculous!

Brian Sorrell Windsor, Canada 2015-06-13 I'm signing this because Ontario needs work and this big project should be a made in Ontario, Canada by hard working Canadians and i do not need to hear you people hide behind trade agreements that says nothing to the fact that this Canadian company wasn't even allowed to bid on the contract.

Darlene Burgess Kihei, HI 2015-06-13 There is a more than reptutable & qualified CANADIAN ship building yard 15 mins from Leamington dock who at least deserved the opportunity to bid. Windsor, Ontario has the highest unemployment in the country!! Worst decision EVER made!

Kelsey Morrison Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 My Dad worked at Hike Metal before he recently got laid off from lack of work.

Melissa Paine Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 i feel this is unfair to local builders! phil bergeron Windsor, Canada 2015-06-13 we need to take care of our own people first then help others

June Hamilton Windsor, Canada 2015-06-13 It should be built here.

Lori Dault Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 This is so wrong keep the work and money in our own county we the tax payers are the ones paying for it.

Trevor Laframboise Windsor, Canada 2015-06-13 Canadian manufacturers should always be used first

Pamela Anhorn Belle River, Canada 2015-06-13 It would be nice to have it built in Canada

Tim Brundritt Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 It's a Canadian ship, it should be built here by Canadians. It's our money thats paying for it.

Peggy Pannunzio Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 Because, there are very capable ship builders in Canada, in fact, in Wheatley there is a very good one. We need the jobs here to stay in Canada for a Canadian boat!

Bonnie Morgan Tilbury, Canada 2015-06-13 We should keep work for Canada in Canada for Canadian workers and their family's.

Terry Harris Leamington Ontario, 2015-06-13 This is just unbelivable that they would build a boat in Chile , when we are only Canada 8 miles away from where it will be launched . Look what happened to the other boat that was built , it has had nothing but problens . i think we should check out the politicion who ageed to this mess

Ray Hatton Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-13 Job for Canadians this a no win situation for canada

Kevin Beltrano Windsor, Canada 2015-06-13 We can build this ship in Canada. Even if the cost is a little higher the value to our own economy will benefit exponentially more than if built in Chile. These are my tax dollars and I choose to spend it in my country.

Pat Katsilas Windsor, Canada 2015-06-13 I was outraged when I read the article in The Windsor Star. Totally unbelievable that this bid would not be given to a Ontario/Canadian manufacturer. Name Location Date Comment

Michael Kennedy Windsor, Canada 2015-06-13 There's no good reason for not buying a Canadian made ferry. This decision must be reversed!

Susan E. Anderson Comber, Canada 2015-06-13 It is not right that we didn't keep these jobs in Canada!!

Nancy Ross Windsor, Canada 2015-06-13 We need more jobs in this area, not less

Jeff Mills Windsor, Canada 2015-06-13 Built in Canada should always be a priority when spending Canadian tax dollars.

Jeanie Bastien Cottam, Canada 2015-06-13 i want jobs to stay here where our own people can benefit betty sargent sarnia, Canada 2015-06-13 we need to keep the jobs here not some place else . it makes more sense to have the new ship built in ontario to give us jobs ect joanne Stubbs collingwood, Canada 2015-06-13 just because we need to care.

Donna Merritt Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-13 If Hike Metal couldn't get the contract, there are other qualified Canadian shipyards too! joy davis tilbury, Canada 2015-06-13 We want Canadians to have jobs. This is ridiculous.

Mike Lingard Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 Typical Canadian government tax us to death and then give our jobs away!!!!!

Jason Wilkinson Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 This job going out of country, let alone out of this town is absurd. We are losing too many jobs in this area and it is absolutely corrupt, that Wheatley wasn't able to bid on this job. They are just down the road from where the boat would be operating. Our Government needs to shake their head, and make this happen. Take care of Canadians and worry about our country first. We have too many issues here, to be worried about ridiculous foreign policies and owe this region their utmost attention. Far too many jobs have been lost and opportunities have been missed. - Start acting Canadian.

Bernie Niehus Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 It's for Ontario and should stay here tax payers are paying for it

Jayme Labonte Tilbury, Canada 2015-06-13 I believe that the jobs should stay local in canada. This would create jobs and make our economy better. Hike Metal creates beautiful boats.

Brian Allsop Essex, Canada 2015-06-13 Because we need to keep the work in our own country... support our own first .... Use our tax dollars wisely for once.....

Kristen Dicaire Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-13 Seriously! This could have been built locally and provided jobs for a lot of people locally who NEED them. Why can't our government do something for US for a change!

Mike Tetreault Comber, Canada 2015-06-13 Jobs should stay in Canada and also locally

Nancy gray Essex, Canada 2015-06-13 Bring work back to Canada. ron roll grimsby 2015-06-13 Keep Jobs HERE! in Canada!

Robert Wright Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-13 I am signing this because we need to stimulate our economy as much as we can, and sending work to other countries when our province needs the work, is an outrage.

Steve Harnois Windsor, Canada 2015-06-13 We need to start supporting our own workforce!

Ellie Mayhew Windsor, Ontario, 2015-06-13 Money should stay in Ontario. That's what was said about hose racing and Canada slots at racetracks in Windsor. Government should practice what they preach.

Edwin McFarland Port Burwell, Canada 2015-06-13 I used to work here, bloody mad that our tax dollars should go out of country like this.

L Kishkon Windsor, MI 2015-06-13 There is no reason this could not have gone to Canadian company. Bottom line quote is not the only measurement of value and/or cost. We're outsourcing ourselves out of financial existence in this Country. Please reconsider this decision and 'buy' locally, provincially or federally. Name Location Date Comment b oliver Tilbury, Canada 2015-06-13 This job should be staying here in Ontario...especially to Hike Metal right in Wheatley!!!

Rod Reid Windsor, Canada 2015-06-13 Why don't you use a local shipbuilder. Hike Metal Products.

Jennifer Derbyshire Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 We need jobs in this community. Keep it local. Service the ferry local. Who better to service them than the ones that built it.

Teresa Grieve Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-13 Keep the jobs here!!! TERRIBLE, absolutely terrible....

Herman Bolger Amherstburg, Canada 2015-06-13 Because Ontario tax dollars should stay in Ontario.. even if it costs slightly more.. which it may... because it's never built for the original estimate wies Wrobel Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 I agree it should be in Canada. If the tables where turned it with stay with a Chilean Company

Richard Kennedy Ardrossan, Canada 2015-06-13 I have family in Wheatly and threw Leamington and area that all need work and this is a Canadian project and should be built by Canadians.We are the people that are using it and we should build it.It's a outrage that this project didn't come out to our people first as we are all tax payers and deserve first chance and others will see we have the capability to build our own infrastructure that serves our people and credit the heritage of the ones who have lived and died in this area for the last 200 years of boat builders and steel workers that have past their trades down to their children.This is why our people deserve the right to bid on our projects. darlene carnegie Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 Should only be offered to canada company and Canadian workers

Joan Erdelyi Morpeth, Canada 2015-06-13 Time the government keeps jobs in Ontario for the love of God joc Jones Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-13 I'm signing because Wheatley is my hometown and we need more jobs!

Becky leili Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 tbis work should be given to our local community!

Brad Morency Amherstburg, Canada 2015-06-13 This country outsources far too much ! Even if it's more money to be made in our own country, at least we know our tax dollars are staying here !!

Lisa Aguiar Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-13 I agree that Hike Medal should be given the contract to build the new boat for Pelee Island. We have a perfectly good company that can do it right here in our local area. Also if repairs are needed the company that built it would be close by.

Ryan joinville Belle River, Canada 2015-06-13 buil

Doug McIntosh Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-13 we need jobs to stay in Ontario

Colleen Roy Amherstburg, Canada 2015-06-13 Our city needs these jobs that would be made!! Keep it local doesn't just mean for the farmers!

David Augustine Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 Keep our tax dollars in canada

Larry Dick Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 What's the matter with you knuckleheads. Build it here.

Simone Reaume Tilbury, Canada 2015-06-13 Simone Reaume

Eliza Vlodarchyk Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-13 I want to keep our money in our economy!! cindy burke Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 Keep the work here!!!

Janet Schrade Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-13 I believe that is important to keep jobs in Ontario and to support our own economy. How can Ontarians afford to pay for daily living expenses let alone be consumers who support the Ontario economy and tax base when jobs are being given to individuals in other countries? The cost on paper of building the ship in Chile is less, but it would be refreshing if the Government officials gave more consideration to the ultimate cost in the long run? What are the taxes and tariffs on this ship going to be when it is finished and ready to be sent to Canada? What about the costs for maintenance and repair of a vessel that is built so far away? Name Location Date Comment

James Sammut Windsor, Canada 2015-06-13 A canadian company should have got the contract. austin lauzon Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-13 i think that it should be bilut in weahtley

Christopher Fry Windsor, Canada 2015-06-13 Somebody is getting paid off to contract this to Chile...esp if we find out the cost is less if we built it in Canada. lorna martin maple ridge, Canada 2015-06-13 i find it totally ridiculous, with a shipyard right there on Lake Erie to tender a bid to Chili!!!! This region of ONTARIO *NEEDS* a tax payer here i DONT MIND the extra cost...PLEASE reconsider the Canadian with CANADIAN money!!

Louise Smitrim Lambton Shores, 2015-06-13 we need to keep work here in Canada. Enough is enough sending jobs Canada elsewhere.

Bob Reid Perth, Canada 2015-06-13 Let's support our Canadian industries

Ken Solima Windsor, Canada 2015-06-13 My family are permanent residents on Pelee Island; and yet the islanders had no input in regards to a newer ferry from over seas

FRED ODETTE Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-13 we need jobs in CANADA not CHILE. rick verbeem Belle River, Canada 2015-06-13 This is complete B.S.. our ferry,our country, our workers!! Its our money!! If its relatively competitve it stays here!

Gary & Rose Mutterback Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-13 We in Canada are more than capable of building this ship. We need to speak up and keep jobs in our country.

Sherri Lauzon Windsor, Canada 2015-06-13 Was not at all fair

Lynda Hebert Windsor, Canada 2015-06-13 I'm signing this because I think it is insane to accept a bid from a country half way around the globe when it can be built a few miles away . The cost of transporting from so close must far out way any bid difference and I'm tired of our province being sold down the river .

Gerald Omstead Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-13 I was born on the kitchen t able on Erie Street in Wheatley, Ontario on November 25, 1932. The table was made in CANADA. It was a good table.

Klaas Nieuwhof Dunnville, Ontario, 2015-06-13 The Tax money generated in Wheatley will offset the extra (if any) net cost to Canada the government

Lynn Pike Lakeshore, Canada 2015-06-13 Keep businesses alive in Ontario! Canada! For 5%? ?? Our taxes make the government more than that! !

Darryl Denike Quinte West, Canada 2015-06-13 Because jobs in Ontario are worth more then saving a few dollars

Mandy Walker Studley, United Kingdom 2015-06-13 Keep it local & support your local labour force .

Rick Aguiar Windsor, Canada 2015-06-13 It's a boat working local waters. So it should be built locally.

Timothy Parent Windsor, Canada 2015-06-13 I believe in keeping Canadians working first before giving away Canadian money. When Canadians are working they spend their hard earned money.

Don Rivard Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-13 Who ever gave it away is an idiot.

John Walker Windsor, Canada 2015-06-13 I'm sick and tired of the government, protect your own before others...

Florence Gifford Brockville, Canada 2015-06-13 I believe that ant job that can be kept in Canada, regardless of the cost to the tax payer, in the end it all works out.

Bruce Elliott Grand Bend, Canada 2015-06-13 The Ontario Government ignores what is good for Ontario, only what is good for them. Wind Towers, Orange Air, Gas Electric generators, coal fired generators etc.etc. This petition is pointless as they wont listen.

Jean Fancsy Harrow, Canada 2015-06-13 We need to support our local companies and provide jobs here in our own country. Name Location Date Comment

Tracey Walstedt Maidstone, Canada 2015-06-13 this is beyond ridiculous that with the economy the way it is in this region of Canada and that we have a builder here that they would take jobs away from people at home in Canada where Canadian content is so important!!!!!

Dennis Impens Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 The amount of jobs generated for this area are needed .And these wage earners pay taxes which the Liberal government will find a way to waste!

Charles Weston Amherstburg, Canada 2015-06-13 Stop outsourcing to foreign countries!

Gary Couto Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-13 Pelee Island is within 30 km of Hike Metal and these are taxpayers dollars being spent in Chile??????

Kristine Malott Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-13 Should be Canadian built!

Robert Tofflemire Belleville, Canada 2015-06-13 I know Hike Metal can build this boat he has built many big boats amd never heard of any bad boats yet . Remember the the big Peele boat that was built with motors from Tngland still having problems yet let try Canadian this time

Debra L Miller Cottam Ontario, Canada 2015-06-13 The work needs to stay here and we have people who can do the work here

Derek Parks Cambridge 2015-06-13 These jobs need to be in Ontario!

Moira Hossack Harrow, Canada 2015-06-13 We need work in Essex County and I cannot believe that something couldn't have been done differently with the bidding process to keep this work in Ontario. This process needs to be looked at. This is my hard earned tax money going out of Canada!

Nancy Wright Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-13 This is Canadian Tax dollars and should be spent in Canada

Jason Zittlau Belle river, Canada 2015-06-13 I am from Wheatley and think it is a disgrace that the Ontario Government didn't even let Hike Metal bid on the work.

Ruth Anne Waites Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-13 I'm signing because our jobs need to stay in Canada and Ontario. Hike Metal has a great reputation all over the world for their expertise and craftmanship in ship building. brenda dasti Capreol, ON 2015-06-13 Jobs in Canada should be a priority , before any other country.

Fred Hodgson Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-13 What are you people thinking up there in our upper governments...get on the ball here and start using your brains!

Mary Ann Guyitt Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 We should keep this job in Canada Locally

Dianne Williams Tilbury, Canada 2015-06-13 Keep business in Canada!! Think of jobs created mike colussi leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 windmills obsolete, solar panels burning out, green energy failing,jobs leaving ontario because of high energy cost, new ontario pension plan will cause more job loss, helicopter ornge, now a ferry contract to chile. ontario govt. shoud be impeached. so sad the state of our province

Dianne Keane Windsor, Canada 2015-06-13 This is the right thing to do. I would rather have my tax dollars stay in Canada. catharine brown London, Canada 2015-06-13 Canadians need the work. Should be proud that the ferry to Pelee Island is Canadian made!!

Byron Klingbyle Windsor, Canada 2015-06-13 keep jobs in canada

Anthony McFeat London, Canada 2015-06-13 We need the jobs here in Canada

Beverley VanSickle Windsor, Ontario, 2015-06-13 With unemployment figures higher here than anywhere else, why would this Holmes Canada Gov't take $40M of taxpayer $$$ and send it to Chile rather than employ the same Canadians who pay the damn taxes in the first place. We need the jobs to stay in Essex County, where does the Economic Development Comm. stand on this issue and why were they not on top of this???

Matt Weingarden Windsor, Canada 2015-06-13 Your decision makes zero sense!

Caroll Drummond Toronto, Canada 2015-06-13 Contacts should be bid on by qualified canadian companies Name Location Date Comment

Jen Dresser Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-13 We need jobs,good paying jobs

JoAnne Drouillard Windsor, Canada 2015-06-13 It should stay in Canada

Mark Nixon Lucan, Canada 2015-06-13 We all need to buy local especially our own government!

Charles Whelan Windsor, Canada 2015-06-13 We need the work to stay local. With the taxes collected from the employees on the project it will more than make up for the cost differential.

Tim Lobzun Ingersoll, ON 2015-06-13 if Ontario wants to show the world why Ontario is the place to manufacture goods they should afford Ontario manufacturers the opportunity to bid atleast -

Karen LeClair Windsor, Canada 2015-06-13 We need to support our own Canadian businesses first before sending our tax dollars out of the country. This is Canada. We need to support and be proud of our Canadian industries NOW.

Danielle Bertrand Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-13 We need to keep our money in Canada

Melanie Gariepy Saint Joachim, Canada 2015-06-13 Its an outrage to outsource this job. mary henderson Windsor, Canada 2015-06-13 time the government really supports Canadians with jobs [email protected]

Jonathon Phillips London, Canada 2015-06-13 because sometimes the lowest bid is not always the best bid. Keeping the money locally provides more value then cheap product keeping the money locally offset the cost of a cheaper product the money the extra money is spent will back into the community and the surrounding area

Kim Crul Petrolia, Canada 2015-06-13 Canadians in Ontario need to work! Our products manufactured here are by far more superior and are made with Canadian pride and love! If the new Maid of the Mist boats for Niagara Falls can be selected, trusted and and preferred to be made in Wheatley..keeping it Canadian..why can't the new Pelee Island Ferry? South Western Ontario and it's people are more than qualified to build it and are in need of work. Keep our own economy going before another country! It's the right thing to do! Common sense in my opinion.

Katherine Robinson Fort McMurray, Canada 2015-06-13 My hometown is desperate for jobs, all those high school graduates that can't find a job anywhere. Well this could really help them start there future

Jeffrey Villemaire Windsor On, Canada 2015-06-13 Wake up !! We need jobs here !! Our tax money !! Our Job !!

Patricia Mitrevski Windsor, Canada 2015-06-13 We need to support local!!!!! verna vennell petrolia, Canada 2015-06-13 keep people in Canada working

Michael Lavoie Essex, Canada 2015-06-13 Keep jobs local. We still have 2nd highest unemployment in Canada. The government should even consider a small premium to keep jobs local. Now I said small maybe up to 5%

Bill and Carolyn Recker Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-13 We feel Canadian business should be at home! lovett barrington Ottawa, Canada 2015-06-13 There are a number of qualified ship yards in Canada that can build this ferry. Forty million can help a lot of Canadians

Carol Gow Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 This is a job that should be keep right here in Canada ..we have a good ship building company just a few km.from were the ship is to be working out of Leamington Ontario..we need the work ..stop giving jobs and money to other countries first .. you should be taking care of Canadians first ..what happend to Built In Canada..

Jamie Spencer Leamington, Ontario, 2015-06-13 Im signing because I'm CANADIAN!!! Canada

Marjorie Ford Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 I think this is so unfair and did you even give them a chance to bid on it. What is our government thinking? So many unemployed people here, and you send the work to Chile. Shame on you

Jacqueline Jackson Wheatley 2015-06-13 These jobs should stay local! Name Location Date Comment pam essery Harrow, Canada 2015-06-13 In today's economy it's ridiculous that a government contract would go out of the country when ontario is in need of jobs. As a tax payer I'm outraged

Shea Thomas Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-13 BUILD THE BOAT IN CANADA!

Beth Preston Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 Unacceptable that the job went elsewhere!

Lauren Anderson Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-13 The work should stay local. Keep our economy going, not support another country and leave ours to suffer.

Kaitlyn Pinch Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-13 this is ridiculous! Hikes has the capability to build the perfect ferry right here in Lake Erie. Why pay people over seas to do? Maybe because the labour is cheap? Well I hope you remember that when you no longer have a job because you decided not to keep things local. This could do our community well!

Christine King Cottam, Canada 2015-06-13 Both of my brothers struggle to find steady work in Essex county. Work that can happen in Essex should happen in Essex.

Lori Whitson Knoxville, TN 2015-06-13 My family that lives in and around Leamington needs my support.

Pat Reynaert Wheatley Ontario, 2015-06-13 Can't even wrap my head around this just doesn't make sense!! I Canada would be very interested in hearing the whys of the bid going to Chile.

Shirley nixon Mississauga, Canada 2015-06-13 A good thing for Ontario

Lorrie Hornick Tilbury, Canada 2015-06-13 It is disgraceful that we are allowing a foreign company to take business away from our own hardworking Canadians!

John kautmann Leamington, Canada 2015-06-13 I think the boat should be made locally

Katherine 952 Bernon Windsor, Canada 2015-06-14 To keep jobs locally to keep ourselves working and benefiting. DON'T give our livelihood away.

Heidi Sawyer wheatley, Canada 2015-06-14 Keep it in the country!

Tari LeClair Windsor, Canada 2015-06-14 The job & money need to stay in Ontario. starts at home. Keep it Canadian!

Wendy Apthorp Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-14 We need to support our own economy.

Kenneth Apthorp Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-14 We need to keep our jobs locally and put our people back to work.

LeeAnne Jaynes Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-14 Tax payer dollars should be kept in the country....don't send jobs out of the country!!!

Dave Hodges Tilbury, Canada 2015-06-14 if your own goverment won't support Canadian business. that really shows how much our goverment is against us not with us

Chris Martin Windsor, Canada 2015-06-14 I think us in southern ontario need the tax payers money to stay in ontario

Lucy Kenney Ruthven, Canada 2015-06-14 keep jobs in canada

Carol Barrette Windsor, Canada 2015-06-14 Keeping jobs in Canada is important. It has been emphasized how important it is to shop local, well that includes this. We are talking about a company literally within walking distance of where this ferry will sail from and yet you send the job to Chile??? Where oh where is the common sense here.. Oh wait. $$$$$$$$$ Whatever ={

Sandra Tetreault Tilbury, Canada 2015-06-14 a Canadian boat should be made in Canada. What is the problem with you boneheads? Is anyone in politics honest any more or care about the people of Canada. Name Location Date Comment

Paul Dawson Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-14 I once worked at Hike Metal. We built the Coast Guard Hovercraft there. These jobs will support the local community, and my friends. If the bean counters did their math properly, they would have calculated the loss to the government in welfare payments for the unemployed workers who will need to be paid without this work. Add that to the bid from Chile and its a hands down no-brainer to give the contract to Hike!

Howard Knight Windsor, Canada 2015-06-14 I'm signing because I believe in Canada.

Richard elgie Woodstock, Canada 2015-06-14 i believe this totally stinks. Even if this Ferry cost half again as much it would at least leave the money with the people who help pay for it.

SANDRA MCDONALD WHEATLEY, Canada 2015-06-14 unfair trade practices. lack of gov't insight.

Bill Kaufman brantford on, Canada 2015-06-14 Canadian built is supporting our country where jobs are needed. The ships built in Canada, can be readily accessed to enforce safety standards.

Janice Hill Merlin, Canada 2015-06-14 It's just wrong we should feed our own first!! Why are Canadians not allowed to make money !!!!!

Melissa McCormick Leamington, Canada 2015-06-14 This community just lost hundreds of jobs and i just feel it would have been nice to have been given the opportunity to bid on it and at least have a chance as a Canadian tax payer to see the money go to our Canadian economy.

Colleen morgan Leamington, Canada 2015-06-14 This is not proper..we need jobs..not hi unemployment rates.. quit hiring out things over can I be proud of a country that is spineless..your antics are immorality. .I say gd day

Stanley Steamer Windsor, Canada 2015-06-14 This is a terrible decision and a slap in the face to ALL Ontario taxpayers. You need to reverse this decision NOW! susan williams Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-14 I believe in keeping manufacturing local

Martin Zamparo South Woodslee, Canada 2015-06-14 Ontario tax dollars need to support Ontario business

Betty Martin Leamington, Canada 2015-06-14 This ferry should be built in Ontario as we have qualified ship builders here and jobs are needed in the area.

Dawn Mcchrystal Ingersoll on, Canada 2015-06-14 This ferry should be built here in Canada so that the parts can be replaced in a timely manner. We need to support our own failing economy and create more jobs!!

Gary Brown Leamington, Canada 2015-06-14 It should be built in Canada

Brianna Marchand Guelph, Canada 2015-06-14 I support our local job opurtunities and pelee island is dear to my heart! Have been going since I was 2 weeks old. A canadian made boat would keep the heritage going.

Robin Martin Amherstburg, Canada 2015-06-14 I am support of hiring local first...if at all possible

Anne Smith Leamington, Canada 2015-06-14 From what I understand the difference is costs will be about 5%. Why would our Government not want to promote jobs in our area and driving up the economy. Shame on our Government.

John Taylor Morpeth, Canada 2015-06-14 It's time we start giving job to Canadians !

Mary Friesen Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-14 We need to keep jobs in Ontario

Jack Forcett London, Canada 2015-06-14 take care of our own people first

Rene Quenneville- Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-14 its the right thing to do! GLAREMIN

Nancy Pinch Tilbury, Canada 2015-06-14 Keep jobs here. This boat is for Canada, not Chile. How crazy! jean-marc dagenais Windsor, Canada 2015-06-14 I used to be a contractor that installed hydraulic systems in ships that were constructed at hike metal Name Location Date Comment

Siobhan Preston Merlin, Canada 2015-06-14 This work should stay in Canada. Jobs should be provided to CANADIANS. This region has already suffered so many auto related job losses, the closure of food processing plants and right across the harbour Omsteads.

Marg Baker Petrolia, Canada 2015-06-14 Please use our own facility and workers to build the ferry! dennis and elaine Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-14 Ontario needs the jobs. Lets look after ourselves first. hancock

Heather Bevington Windsor, Canada 2015-06-14 Canadian Island needs a Canadian made boat. We have skilled trade workers available to us. I am really upset that our money is going to another country. Someone 45 minutes away in Chatham can put together whatever is needed. Reverse the decision!!!!! The amount of money to transport the ferry and the environmental impact and extra resources needed to get the final product to the island is just wrong.

Sandra Chater Collingwood, Ontario, 2015-06-14 I am Canadian and I am also a resident of Ontario. I wish our governments Canada would smarten up. Name Location Date Comment

Barbara Friars Harrow, Canada 2015-06-14 The jobs need to stay in Canada as well as making sure Canadian standards are met.

Debra davenport Waterloo, Canada 2015-06-14 peelee island area is part of my home town memories. Many trips to this beautiful area with my family and friends means I wish to support keeping the work in Canada. What part of this decision is a no brainer? Name Location Date Comment

Debra Honor Amherstburg, Canada 2015-06-14 I truly believe we need to start giving the jobs to Canadians. We are the ones who pay the taxes.

Kurt Freeman London, Canada 2015-06-14 Stop sending jobs to South America. Canadians build things better and we need to feed our own families, not someone in another country when we have starving children here.

Vera Keane Windsor, ON, Canada 2015-06-14 We need the work here!! Look around, Mr. Harper, can't you see that all our factories are moving south.

Shannon Manery Belle River, Canada 2015-06-14 I'm signing because I agree. Canada needs the jobs, the tax money and the respect from the government. There is absolutely no legitimate reason to give the business to anyone outside our home country.

Geraldine Vary Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-14 It is disgraceful that our government does nothing to help our economy we need jobs and those jobs pay the taxes which keep those government officials working no jobs, no taxes, no money for government.

Michelle Fortin Windsor, Canada 2015-06-14 To keep the work in Ontario!

Jeremy wood Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-14 Our tax money should go to local people when possible I want Canadian quality in the Canadian equipment we will be using for many years!!

Larry Guitar Windsor, Canada 2015-06-14 Really lets keep this deal in Canada

Ronald Newsted Tilbury, Canada 2015-06-14 Lets keep it in Canada

Denise Beleutz Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-14 This is

Julia Burgess Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-14 Hike Metal has an excellent reputation as a shipbuilding firm and dhould more than qualify to submit a bid on this ferry project. Local skilled jobs are important and local after-build service should trump foreign manufacturers being considered.

Tom Henricks Ruthven, Canada 2015-06-14 This slap in the face and ridiculous action is beyond explanation but I am afraid it is likely beyond the point of return. It is a sad action for our government to do such a thing.

Rachel Charron Amherstburg, Canada 2015-06-14 Say yes to Canadian jobs!

Jerry Wright Leamington On, Canada 2015-06-14 Governments need to know there is a large segment of the population with common sense.

Rae-Anne Scratch Leamington, Canada 2015-06-14 Our community needs to keep jobs local. How can we send a strong message for companies to set up shop in southern Ontario if we cannot even support our existing local businesses. Always support local!!!

Ron Malolepszy Comber, Canada 2015-06-14 Keep jobs in Canada...especially our region.

Paul Preston Leamington, Canada 2015-06-14 Want it to be built in Canada!

James R. McCabe Windsor, Canada 2015-06-14 I am signing this petition because I feel the monies for this ferry should stay in Canada creating jobs and boosting the economy.

Rick Chappus Windsor, Canada 2015-06-14 Hire Local!

Tracy Medhurst Brantford, Canada 2015-06-14 its the right thing 2 do

Laura Simone Harrow, Ontario, Canada 2015-06-14 I want my tax dollars to support local jobs!

Val Cain Kingsville 2015-06-14 Use a Canadian ship builder Imagine the jobs and the spin offs The apprenticeships for youth Please reconsider and do theorist thing

Sharon Fernandes Essex, Canada 2015-06-14 I a signing because 40 million dollars needs to stay in Essex County.... cheryl Hines Leamington, Canada 2015-06-14 we need to keep jobs in Canada to insure good workmanship and standards. Name Location Date Comment

Terry lauzon Wheatley, ont., Canada 2015-06-14 I am signing to keep the jobs in Canada and I think the Ontario Minister of Transportation Steven Del Duca needs his head examined.

Pat Hudson Lakeshore, Canada 2015-06-14 This is an outrageous decision, does anyone in this current government use their brains for anything? Guess where my next vote will be placed.

Bryer Imeson Staples, Canada 2015-06-14 We deserve the rights to build this boat it's for us to use and I along with the entire county / fellow county's agree that us building this boat is the way to go we won't use it nor pay for it to be built half ass in some forgin country when we have one of the best boat building company's right in Wheatley Ontario ! Hikes metal

LINDA RITCHIE TECUMSEH ONTARIO, 2015-06-14 we have ship builders right here in about we use canadians Canada instead of going to a different country and keep our money in our own country...

Mark Stevenson Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-14 Hike, local business, and our taxes going out of the3 country for no reason when the work could be well done nearby here. russ kenyon canmore alberta, Canada 2015-06-14 Don't live in the area anymore but I don't care where it is in Canada. Keep the jobs at home. Why are we selling out?

Cathie Jenner Windsor, Canada 2015-06-14 I'm signing because I believe it should be Canadian made!

Abby Reaume Tilbury, Canada 2015-06-14 I'm keeping the jobs local for my county!!!

Michele Dean Belle River, Canada 2015-06-14 Our tax money should support Canadian companies and we have a local company that can build it. Our area has a very high unemployment rate.

Mavis Megler Ruthven, Canada 2015-06-14 I'm signing because this bid should have stayed in Ontario and locally made. We have a very reputable ship building company right here in Wheatley. To build our Nation back to World Levels, we need to Keep the Canadian workers busy and keep the revenues & profits in our own Country and Province.

Terry McInnis Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-14 You should worry about our taxpayers and community first not a country thousands of miles away. Even a dummy would not do something like this, what about service or parts or maintenance do we have to send the damn thing back for special upgrades. How long will they be without a ship when it breaks down and it will it's mechanical. Who ever okayed this deal sure lined their own pockets. .

Nathan Caughey Kitchener, Canada 2015-06-14 Keep Canada's jobs in Canada. gw unis Windsor, Canada 2015-06-14 Canada needs work

Megan Imeson Merlin, Canada 2015-06-14 I want to keep our work HERE IN ONTARIO QUIT TAKING OUR JOBS

Susan Beneteau Windsor, Canada 2015-06-14 Keep the work in our nation, especially in the Windsor area with the highest unemployment rate.

Jason Wingerden Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-14 Another disgusting act by Wynne's Liberals. Proving once again that they care nothing about Southwestern Ontario and our need for jobs in the area. How does she expect us to keep paying her ever rising taxes when she clearly only cares about where her pockets are being lined instead of the people of the Province? Thanks Toronto for voting in the biggest crook possible. But that's ok as long as the rest of the Province pays for all of you infrastructure improvements.

Mike Tassey Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-14 This ship needs to be BUILT in WHEATLEY!!! evan boyle Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-14 I Support Hike Metal

JANE HYATT Staples, Canada 2015-06-14 I believe this contract should stay within Canada and hopefully local.

Rod Vanstone Windsor, Canada 2015-06-14 Keep Canadian Taxpayer's dollars in Canada & provide jobs here. Name Location Date Comment ron robson Windsor, Canada 2015-06-14 Take a good hard look at the total cost of ownership. If this vessel was to be built within in a half hour drive of it's dockage location a tremendous advantage could be had in servicing . How long will it take to get parts ? How do you measure the cost of downtime . Wake up and review this contract . richard lavender Windsor, Canada 2015-06-14 For an extra few million keep contract here

Mike Crowley Windsor, Canada 2015-06-14 Local businesses should have priority over foreign

Karen weston Ingersoll, Canada 2015-06-14 i have people that take the ferry and we live in Canada our jobs and if Canada needs it Canada will build it

Linda Bryon Leamington, Canada 2015-06-14 the ferry will be used here it should be built here by our own community

Justin Timpson Maidstone, Canada 2015-06-14 Absolute slap in the face for all hard working Canadians. How can the spending of millions of dollars to aid the auto industry be spent so quickly and yet our own minister of transportation supports Chile ship builders ? Maybe we should hire a Minister of transport in Chile , it would seem the current Canadian Minister doesn't support the Canadian economy , lets outsource his job along with the build. Shame on you Steven Del Duca samantha corless wheatley, Canada 2015-06-14 i am a wheatley resident that believes that the work should stay local.....why send it out of country when we are more than capable of doing the work right here where the local economy and people need the work

Tracy McDonald Windsor, Canada 2015-06-14 Simply because the government needs to support people living in their own country, province, town, community, first and foremost.

Andrew Cresswell Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-14 This is a slap in the face to every hard working Canadian gina giroux giroux Windsor, Canada 2015-06-14 I believe that our country should be supporting local business when purchasing large ticket items for our community. It is our tax money so it should be spent here.

Lisa chappell Bradford, United 2015-06-14 I have friends who live in and around leamington and kingsville and use the Kingdom ferry. Let local people build it for local people to use.

Tim Chiesa Harrow, Canada 2015-06-14 we need this money to stay in Canada

Ralph Phibbs Leamington, Ontario, 2015-06-14 This is wrong. First of all we do not need another ferry for which Ontario Canada taxpayers will pay. Secondly if we are to have another ferry the work should be given to a shipbuilder in Ontario. Our shipbuilder in Wheatley was not even asked to tender a bid. Why not?

Shirley Bartholomew Essex, Canada 2015-06-14 Because I live near by and if the job can be done just as well or better in our area , Province, Country, then that is where it should be done . I would think that, that would be a no brainer decision

David Hopkins Windsor, Canada 2015-06-14 Keep the work here.

Rachel Johnstone Stouffville, Canada 2015-06-14 I'm signing this because I believe we should be buying local and reaping the greater benefit to our province of doing so.

Nancy Longeway Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-14 It is time we stopped selling our Province and Country off and giving all our jobs away. No one should ever have a majority government.

Chris Mingay Windsor, Canada 2015-06-14 I believe this should be built in Canada. The cost savings of building the ship overseas do not outweigh the benefits and opportunities of building it in Canada. Seize this opportunity to create a canadian built ship and market this to peak interest in pelee island and the community around.

Betty Laforest Lakeshore, Canada 2015-06-14 My husband worked there and now is layed off ....thanks a lot!

Harold Mickle Harrow, Canada 2015-06-14 trying to save jobs in CANADA

Hank van Aspert windsor, Canada 2015-06-14 We have to start thinking about Canadians first Name Location Date Comment

Jill Jaynes Belmont, Canada 2015-06-14 Wheatley is my hometown .Hike metal was a big part of all our lives My Dad worked there and many many people from Wheatley and area at one time or other . Maids of the Mist and many infamous ships have been built there . We all have shared the pride of our small town and the quality and dedication that makes us not just another company .What has our country come to contracting not only out of our Canada but away from a local heritage who needs and wants the business . What is our Country coming to ?? Pretty sad What next ?

Robert Linton Elora, Canada 2015-06-14 To keep the work local

Kerra Gradwell Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-14 If the boat is going to be operated in Lake Erie it should be built in the surrounding community, work is needed locally kimberly morgan Leamington, Canada 2015-06-14 We need to support local. Our area of Ontario is sinking. There are no jobs here.

Deb Chene Tecumseh On, Canada 2015-06-14 We can do the work! It's the right thing to do!!

Brooke Laforest Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-14 This has affected my family!

Kallie Miller London, Canada 2015-06-14 I totally agree with this petition.

Steve Drakich Windsor, Canada 2015-06-14 Ontario Taxpayers' Money must stay in Ontario.

Kathy Clee London, Canada 2015-06-14 No jobs, no local spending, no taxes collected, where is the win here? Sending this work to Chile is perverse!

Maureen Thrasher Windsor, Canada 2015-06-14 We need jobs in our area abe klassen winkler, Canada 2015-06-14 My family members live by lake erie and work in ship building industry sheila smith Winsdor, Canada 2015-06-14 We need this built in our own country.It is wrong to give It to another country when our own is hurting so bad......

Joel leighton Windsor, Canada 2015-06-14 This area needs jobs!

Jim MacPherson Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-14 The reality of the cost will be unknown just like with the Jiimaan. Out sourcing a contract to Chile is not only stupid, but it will cost Ontario millions of unnecessary expenses in the shipping of the finished product and even millions more when it comes to service and repair, which is 24/7 on any ship. You would know this if you have had any experience working on a ship. The big question is why do we allow an entity such as MTO to have sweeping power? Maybe we should be regulating that?

Steve Martineau Staples, Canada 2015-06-14 I think it's about time we look after Canadians first and if we are able worry about other countries if we can

Mary Najdzion-Gagnon Chatham, Canada 2015-06-14 I believe any work that can be done in our own country, should be done in our own country!!

Katie Desimpel Tilbury, Canada 2015-06-14 Seriously it is a no brainer....why send it all the way from Chile when it can be built 20 minute boat ride away....keep it local keep it canadian

Jaime arseneault Belle River, Canada 2015-06-14 i believe strongly that as canadians we have a responsiblity to insure jobs and prosperity firstly and responsibly to people in our own communities. We have an area with high unemployment and jobs leaving our area daily. Its time step up and take care of this community

Milan ( Mal) Sedlak Kingsville ON, Canada 2015-06-14 Not patriotic to say the least!

Randie Stone Windsor, Canada 2015-06-14 because this is crap, why do our government out source our employment to other countries..keep the monies in our own country

Jim Roebuck Barrie, Canada 2015-06-14 Canada needs the work. Please keep our money at home. Name Location Date Comment

Ada Glemdinning Blyth, Canada 2015-06-14 I don't understand this decision. I am more than willing for my tax dollars to go to a community that is in my province and in my country even if it costs more. It gives us nothing back to give our money to another country. Seems like a no- brainer to me.

Art Bisschop Aylmer, Canada 2015-06-14 It is absolutely ridiculous to be sending good jobs out of our country when so many jobs are needed - for shame Steven Del Duca!!!

Randy Omstead Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-14 There are not very many ship builders in Ontario. The ones that are here need work to survive. This ship builder is 11km. away from the port the new ferry will be using. If repairs or modifications are required they are right there. Hike Metal is a well known & respected company that builds reliable ships world wide. Please keep our jobs & money local or at least in Canada when ever possible. I try to support locally when ever possible..... our government should too! Randy W. Omstead

Angie Waites Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-14 The government needs to stop wasting our tax payers money!!!!!!!!! !

Kyle Papps Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-14 Keep it in canada

Clair Anderson Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-14 I'm sick and tired of the government not taking care of its own people and throwing our tax dollars to other countries.

Chuck FitzGerald Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-14 Preservation of Canadian jobs

Robin T Brampton, Canada 2015-06-14 Keep the workforce in Canada

Pat Lloyd Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-14 Keep the jobs in Canada

Kris Brown Kennesaw, GA 2015-06-14 I would like to see this job go to an Ontario company. It is time to stop outsourcing our requirements to other countries when we have both the skill and knowledge to do this 'in house'. sharon heine LaSalle, ON, Canada 2015-06-14 WHY on earth would a Canadian supplier not be selected in the first place. Doesn't seem like much thought was put into the selection process!

BII TORODE Leamington, Canada 2015-06-14 SHOULD BE MADE IN CANADA

Lisa Anderson Chatham, Canada 2015-06-14 this is just wrong - there is a local company that can do the job and spin-off jobs will be created in our area as a result. An area HARD hard hit by the collapse of the auto industry a few years ago. we NEED these jobs!!!

Adam Mailloux Cottam, Canada 2015-06-14 It's stupid we are sending work to other countries

Andrew Taves wheatley, Canada 2015-06-14 A boat used locally should be built locally if possible.

Norman Martin Amherstburg, Canada 2015-06-14 It is only common-sense!

Gordon Kerr Blenheim, Canada 2015-06-14 My buddy is laid off from this company needs the work and so does many other people keep the job local this job needs to stay in Ontario Canada. After all the ferry runs on the same lake where it could be built.

Ray Harper Croton, Canada 2015-06-14 This boat need s to be built local in Wheatley !

Bonnita Henricks Windsor, Canada 2015-06-14 It's taxpayer's money and can be built here in Ontario not even 50 miles from where it is to be used. Spend the money in Ontario, not Chile!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Susan Solomon Chatham, Canada 2015-06-14 we need to keep services in Canada barbara martens Ruthven, Canada 2015-06-14 I am signing because this is so blanantly wrong, to dut out a bidder right from the area where the ferry will be arriving at. We have very competent craftsmen with a good reputaton. Use them this should be Canadian made. When our own provincial government does not support our own citizens, there is something drastically wrong.

Jennifer Martin Sarnia, Canada 2015-06-14 Keep it local Name Location Date Comment

Andrea Ballard Windsor, Canada 2015-06-14 There is absolutely no reason for this to be built offshore. There can I be enough of a savings for it to be built in chile and then Towed or motored using it's own power back to Lake Erie north shore. Our government seriously needs to rethink this.

Lisa Ward windsor, Canada 2015-06-14 Build local !!! Keep Canadian money in Canada , where we are in the highest unemplyment rate in this area . How many people could have been back to work.

Dave doherty Essex, Canada 2015-06-14 To ship jobs and millions of dollars out of country it absolutely ludicrous when the people in Wheatley are more than capable of building a ship to fit the requirement and can do it without tariffs and enormous delivery costs

Barbara Cunningham Windsor, Canada 2015-06-14 Shame on the Gov. of Canada. We have the skills needed to build this ferry right here on Lake Erie. Do the right thing Canada!

Terry Wiper Leamington, Canada 2015-06-14 Reconsider and keep this work in Ontario.

Joe Dixon Windsor, Canada 2015-06-14 Just wrong, in so many ways

Herbert Ascott Leamington, Canada 2015-06-14 The Liberal Gov't has been over exceeding their mandate with the Gas Plant, enlarging the number of representatives by 15, plus other important errors in judgement, which have to change to represent the needs of ontaroians

Patrick Hannon Windsor, Canada 2015-06-14 If this government has a commitment to strengthen our economy, then it should BUY CANADIAN!

Terry Edgerton Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-14 Because we have Hike Metals in Wheatley...n we need to keep Canadians working!!! kath-lynn sova Lakeshore, Canada 2015-06-14 Lets KEEP the jobs here in Canada. It makes NO sense to build in Chile and ship it here. Let's KEEP our economy growing. Where is the common sense??? No wonder employment is increasing, same with the crime rate. Why are we paying taxes and who ever thought of this stupid idea????

Frances FitzGerald Chatham, Canada 2015-06-14 keep hard earned tax dollars in our own country and give Canadians the jobs who pay these tax dollars

Brenda belleau Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-14 I find it disgraceful that we are not hiring Canadian and local for a local boat. We have the resources right here

Lacey Richardson Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-14 Our tax money should be spent in our country to help local families.

Greg Hodgson Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-14 Keep the jobs in our own Country

Michael Baran Windsor, Canada 2015-06-14 We need to see all options.

Lew Culver Chatham, Canada 2015-06-14 We have qualified ship building people here in Ontario. Why are we sending work out when we need jobs here. Sounds like we need a big change in politicians.

Shirley Ouellette Leamington, Canada 2015-06-14 There is a ship builder right here in our area where the new ship will be sailing. This area has been hit hard with closures. Feels like the government is trying to push us off the edge of the earth.

Allan Lewis Tilbury, Canada 2015-06-14 Allan Lewis , this contract should have been awarded to a Canadian company , the moto is : Job for Ontario : not Chile

Ryan Hillier Tilbury, Canada 2015-06-14 Lived in the town of Wheatley ont and the work should be done in hikes as it's been done for years and not out sourced

Karen Taylor Belle River, Canada 2015-06-14 Save Canadian jobs

Matt Cartier Tilbury, Canada 2015-06-14 I feel work should stay in Canada

Mark Authier Tilbury, Canada 2015-06-14 I am signing because it is about time our government get using their brains and see what we need here in Ontario. Jobs, Jobs and more Jobs. Wake up Government. Name Location Date Comment

Coleen Martin Windsor, Ont, Canada 2015-06-14 Windsor-Essex need the jobs! WTH were you thinking! Give it to local Company. jeff bembridge Tilbury, Canada 2015-06-14 Keep the work in Ontario.

Jay Tremblay comber,lakeshore, 2015-06-14 trying to keep work canadian in nature Canada

Debbie Stieler Ottawa, Canada 2015-06-14 I am so upset. I had to move away from the Windsor Essex area to find employment..I miss my family, I miss my friends and yet here is an opportunity to bring needed jobs to this area, jobs that will keep people in the area to live, to shop and to be with family and friends...The gov't needs a real reality check on what the real world is going through..I won't be voting for a gov't that does not reconsider their choice of the builder...give the jobs to Canadians

Stephen Preston Leamington, Canada 2015-06-14 It should be built here in Ontario at hike metal in Wheatley stoney point hardware Lakeshore, Canada 2015-06-14 why send jobs to other countries

Lorraine Budreau Brantford, ON, Canada 2015-06-14 We are failing to support our local economy!

Karen Gunn Windsor, Canada 2015-06-14 I believe in using Canadian industries and providing jobs for Canadians and not sending our jobs to other countries such as Chile.

Scott Stanley Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-14 We should be supporting our own economy!

Pat Bortolin Hamilton, Canada 2015-06-14 I care

Sandy arthurs Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-14 There is speculation the tendering process is flawed and should be investigated. Canadians cannot understand why contracts are not granted to Canadians period..

Kenysha Manery Windsor, Canada 2015-06-14 Give work to the people!!

Esther Walker London, Canada 2015-06-14 We need to keep jobs here in Canada.

Tom Barbour RR3 Napanee Ontario, 2015-06-14 What the Hell are you thinking Steven Del Duca???? Canada This is Ontario taxpayers money that you are spending in another country. WHY would you even consider this?????? Please let me know your answer if you actually have the gonads to reply!

Vicki Hillman Windsor, Canada 2015-06-14 I believe this boat should of been built in wheatly Ontario.

Ruth Martin Essex, Canada 2015-06-15 Our money needs to stay here

Tim Matte Lakeshore, Canada 2015-06-15 This is complete "Bullshit" by our government!!!!

Rob Adamson Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-15 i don't want my Ontario tax dollars leaving the province!

Brenda Fischer Ruthven, Canada 2015-06-15 we are all called to support local, and our government (elected by the people) should follow the same standards - please!

Michael Balogh Amherstburg, Canada 2015-06-15 I'm signing this petition because our government needs to do a better job of utilizing local companies that produce quality work.

Brian Norg Tilbury, Canada 2015-06-15 we need to keep jobs in Ontario!

Gordon McMullin Leamington, Canada 2015-06-15 People who live here can build this boat and we all know ontario needs jobs

Barb Ouellette Essex, Canada 2015-06-15 we need jobs here in Ontario - not Chili!!

Tracy Henwood Nanoose bay, BC 2015-06-15 Common sense would dictate. Keep the work at home in our country,Canada.! For those who may have forgotten,,,Canada.!!

Don Jackson Merlin, Canada 2015-06-15 Local labour and materials that produce income taxes and sales taxes which will offset the price difference. Wake up Govt. of Ontario.

Patricia Saunders Amherstburg, Canada 2015-06-15 I live in Essex County, ontario..... Let's keep the jobs her!

Mary Jane MacVicar Leamington, Canada 2015-06-15 This should have automatically been given to our Wheatley ship builders instead of to another country!! Name Location Date Comment

Jennie Williams Leamington, Canada 2015-06-15 We need to support our local business! ron wismer Amherstburg, Canada 2015-06-15 I think it should be built local. mike stergiou Sarnia, Canada 2015-06-15 keep the business and jobs in Canada, do the right thing for all of us.

Nancy Tremblay Windsor, Canada 2015-06-15 All i hear on the news about our government officals trying to create jobs in the do expect people to stay in Ontario when there are no jobs for the people who live here??? Way to go!! Great job helping your own. Guess you are not concerned when you are getting a paycheck...sorry I moved back to the area

S Mosna Bradford West 2015-06-15 KEEP THE JOBS IN ESSEX COUNTY NOT CHILE Gwillimbury, Canada

Rachel Kuli Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-15 I support the Canadian Economy!

Rachael Gualtieri kingsville, Canada 2015-06-15 The government needs to provide equal opportunity to Canadian suppliers.

Wayne King Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-15 We need to keep jobs in Canada. carmen guenzel Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-15 We need to support our local business and community.

Gloria / Jim Williams Leamington, Canada 2015-06-15 I'm truly outraged that this contract has gone anywhere but Canada ! This is not a deal I will support ! kristin fotopoulos Windsor, Canada 2015-06-15 Keep giving your money away to other countries, eventually noone will be able to afford to ride the ferry lol henry szymkiewicz Windsor, Canada 2015-06-15 henry szymkiewicz

Paul Janisse Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-15 I'd like to know why a local provider, taxpayer, employer was not even allowed to bid. steve beleutz Windsor, Canada 2015-06-15 disgusting my former hometown wheatley company or another canadian company didnt get the contract disgusting ridiculous shame!!! starre miller Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-15 we need to support Canadian built products and put Canadians working

David Knight Kitchener, Canada 2015-06-15 Please let's keep job's in Canada. Even if it does cost a bit more! It would be worth it.

Carol Derksen Leamington, Canada 2015-06-15 the boat is for Pelee Island which docks in Canada. Did you think of the duty and money exchange???

Michelle Preston Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-15 Creating jobs in Canada will help boost our economy!

Bonnie Jadischke Leamington, Canada 2015-06-15 I am a resident of Leamington and the Ontario government also needs to consider the jobs created in Ontario rather than just the total cost. Put the money back into our own economy!

Vincent Peschisolido Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-15 we need to keep all jobs in Ontario. Worry more about our economy

Lynda Cole Leamington, Canada 2015-06-15 We should support our local shipbuilding manufacturers.

Larry Lane Leamington, Canada 2015-06-15 the lunacy and double standards have to stop

Robert Matte Essex, Canada 2015-06-15 A Ship that is being bought and built with Canadian tax payers money has to be built in Canada by Canadian workers. The Ontario Liberal government is pulling yet another boner and showing their poor leadership and unpatriotic platform.

Cristan Lamb Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-15 There are many people in our area that need jobs, and why would we send work out of the country, let alone, out of the immediate area? patti howe Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-15 keep the job in canada

Debbie Lamb St. Thomas On., Canada 2015-06-15 Keep the jobs here !!!

Joan wakeling Saint Thomas, Canada 2015-06-15 Buy Canadian Name Location Date Comment

Val Bennett Leamington, Canada 2015-06-15 Keep it local

Betty Lister Windsor, Canada 2015-06-15 We need the work here in Essex County, should be built here. gary ellwood Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-15 Our government should do what benefits canadian jobs not some obscure foreign workers. vic gabriele Leamington, Canada 2015-06-15 we need this to stay in Canada.

Mary Ann Balestrini Windsor, ON 2015-06-15 We need the jobs here in Ontario. Since when do we ignore other Canadians who could use the work. Our people need to feed families, feel self worth, pay bills. If you want us to use the ferry then it should be made here.

Harvey Ginter South Woodslee, Canada 2015-06-15 Canadian tax dollars should stay in Canada! And tax payers should have a vote on where and what our dollars should be spent on. Further, is such a large boat really required? Look at the problems with the Jimanne! The old Pelee Islander has served us well for the last several decades

Arlene Thompson Windsor, Canada 2015-06-15 It's a no-brainer...keep it local!

Ty Truax Ruthven, Canada 2015-06-15 Keep Canadian dollars in Canada. Pretty simple

Shirley COOK Leamington, Canada 2015-06-15 I am signing because building this boat in Canada will give us jobs plus keep our money in our own Country., Hike Metal should have gotten this job, as it would be build where it could be used., and repaired if ever needed, not send somewhere else to be fixed, thus keeping us without a ferry for an unnecessary time.; Shame on our Government for not taking care of their own.

Kim Spencer Strathroy, Canada 2015-06-15 This is craziness

Ronald Taillieu Windsor, Canada 2015-06-15 I want to know who Kathleen Wynne represents, Ontario or Chile.

Bob Thomas Goulais River, Canada 2015-06-15 I would like to see a bit of common sense being applied by someone in this government before Ontario turns into another Greece!!

Mike SexSmith Leamington, Canada 2015-06-15 This ferry should be built in Canada.

Christine King Windsor, Canada 2015-06-15 Canadians deserve these jobs

Terry Misener Leamington, Canada 2015-06-15 Was a wrong decision

Myrhanda Mckay Seguin, Canada 2015-06-15 We need to keep jobs here, we have a terrible unemployment rate and this is sending jobs elsewhere.

Wes Brouwer Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-15 our tax dollars neeed to stay here and the tendering of government projects should be available to Canadian firms first and foremost

Catherine Denis Leamington, Canada 2015-06-15 Canadian economy would benefit greatly and the skill and ability is available to do the job!!

Salvatore Peralta Leamington, Canada 2015-06-15 Ontario needs help from Ontario not Chile. This is corrupt governance and should be cause for impeachment

Tim Anger Belle River, Canada 2015-06-15 the work should go to local ship builder!


Brian Mulligan Cottam, Canada 2015-06-15 This ferry should be built on lake erie within sight of Pelee island.

Margaret West AMHERSTBURG, 2015-06-15 This is ludicrous...we are needing all the jobs we can get....Wynne...... where Canada are all your brains .Ontario is crying for jobs. Along with the rest of Canada

Robert Pelletier Port Perry, Canada 2015-06-15 I want the jobs tostay in Ontario

Dan MacPherson Windsor, Canada 2015-06-15 This money should be spent in Canada. Some of the money will come back to us in Income taxes and sales taxes for equipment and materials. Name Location Date Comment

Gord Taylor Windsor, Canada 2015-06-16 Essex County has the highest unemployment in Canada!

Jenny Omstead Milton, Canada 2015-06-16 Local businesses should always be invited to bid on jobs.

Allan Gagne Cottam, Canada 2015-06-16 Those that made this decision appear to be incapable of making the right decision the first time. Way to make us lose faith in you dear politician.

Patricia Enns Leamington, Canada 2015-06-16 This should have been awarded to A Wheatley firm which has a great track record in building large boats for Niagara, etc. Close for repairs!!!!

Rob Churchill Sudbury, Canada 2015-06-16 I pay my taxes and I'm not happy the liberal party is shipping out Ontario jobs to foreign counyries. If this happens it will affect my future election vote

Monica Totten Ruthven, ON, Canada 2015-06-16 Our local economy should be the top priority of all our politicians - if not, they have to go! linn galant Windsor, Canada 2015-06-16 it is necessary to have our people be working here-- and not outof country--- maybe we should have our Political People from out of country as well??? this is not right and will be stopped... damn it--who are you ??? to ruin our country..

Jim Boutros Leamington, Canada 2015-06-16 I believe that if you can build the ship locally at close to the same price please consider the local unemployment rate

George Wardle Belle River, OH 2015-06-16 It is just fair policy..

Randy Ross Ridgetown 2015-06-16 We need to support local businesses julie O'Rourke Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-16 Government is so quick to make sure auto workers get contract, why wasn't this rewarded to a Canadian, LOCAL, company! reconsider

Jane Stephen Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-16 I want to see jobs being kept in Ontario

Gerry Soulliere Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-16 too much corruption in Ontario Liberal Gov. It because of Toronto and only Toronto the liberals are in because they cancelled the gas plant for votes and it worked!!! Mcginty should be in Prison cheryl kightley windsor, Canada 2015-06-16 we should support our own country pieters adriaan Blenheim, Canada 2015-06-16 Ferry must be considered by Canadian company - employment, taxes,... shawn edwards Belle River, Canada 2015-06-16 Keep our tax dollars in Canada!

Andy Stanton Leamington, Canada 2015-06-16 I object to this, and any other Government procurements leaving Canada

Bary Russelo Leamington, Canada 2015-06-16 Because it's my Tax Dollars and they should be applied to Canadian Industry.

RON HOWE Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-16 Canadian boats should be built at home whether ferry or navy anything else is unacceptable

Tim Jarrold Windsor, ON, Canada 2015-06-16 keep the work in Ontario. Ontario wages, more employment, taxes paid in Ontario and Canada.

Brett Bowman Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-16 Because it's important for a small town like Wheatley to bring all the jobs and money we can get because this area has been getting slammed with job losses and businesses going under

Heidt HEIDT Leamington, Canada 2015-06-16 Bid Quotes such as this, should be offered to Canadian Companies only!

Deanna King Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-16 It is so wrong that this ship is being built offshore in Chile when Ontario Manufacturing is suffering so.

Marilyn Roach Leamington, Canada 2015-06-16 We need to keep this contract in Canada. The Pelee Islander Ferry contract would help the unemployed in the area and a Canadian Company should build the ferry that is going to be used in Canada. What about repairs?

Marty Zruna Dresden, Canada 2015-06-16 Enough of this Liberal crap and Toronto BS,

Yvonne Grant Windsor, Canada 2015-06-16 Leave it local Name Location Date Comment

Ralph Winston Kett Windsor, Canada 2015-06-16 We have a ship builder right here in Wheatley ON that could have done the job but was shut out from the bidding process. The entire project is so wrong on so many levels we have to take a stand.

Richard Malott Amherstburg, Canada 2015-06-16 $40,000,000 of Ontario's money should not be spent in Chile - but put to work in Ontario - if this is not reversed the entire liberal party should be put in jail for theft of taxpayers money

Britney Whaley Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-16 I'm supporting local business and future job opportunities

Rochelle Moore Windsor, Canada 2015-06-16 To create jobs here and consider who will maintain the ship!!

Lesley Noble Tecumseh, Canada 2015-06-16 For the small % of money to be saved by choosing Chile, the contract should stay within Canada.

Patricia Janisse Kingsville 2015-06-16 i believe locals should be,contracted

Beth Adams Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-16 I am a resident of Wheatley. The village has lost so much in the last years. The business of building a ship for Pelee Island should stay in this country where the money will stay. I am Canadian and am proud of it.

Marguerite Elliott Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-16 We need jobs in Ontario/Canada george campeau belle river, Canada 2015-06-16 This is an outrage.


Cindy Ouellette Harrow, Canada 2015-06-16 I believe we should keep business in Canada. mark Glasier Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-16 I want to give Canadian manufacturing a chance- something that hasn't been done in this instance.

Drew Tarnowski Windsor, Canada 2015-06-16 I'm signing because i support local ontario jobs

Joe Doetzel Tecumseh, Canada 2015-06-16 Lets keep our shipbuilders working!

Gail Hedges Harrow, Canada 2015-06-16 Keep jobs in ontario.

Stephen Slingerland Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-16 A boat being used by mostly candian passengers should be built by Canadians

Lorna Gardner Windsor, Canada 2015-06-16 i am canadian and know too many unemployed

Mike Krznarich Amherstburg, Canada 2015-06-16 Work should be done in are own country

Stephanie Bulbeck Windsor, Canada 2015-06-16 I'm signing because I pay tax dollars and rightfully have a voice. Small business provide jobs for the people in this community!

Heather Comartin Windsor, Canada 2015-06-16 Keep it local, we deserve to be employed

James Garey London, Canada 2015-06-16 Ontario jobs are important!

Willy Maydan Leamington, Canada 2015-06-16 Our Liberal Government needs to keep jobs in Ontario like they always promise at election time. STOP LYING to the people who voted you in.

Joan Squire LaSalle, Canada 2015-06-16 Somebody in the pockets just got heavier. It only makes sense to have people in Southern Ontario to build the ferry, but this government has no sense! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Marilyn Harrison Leamington, Canada 2015-06-16 Job should stay in Canada

Natalie Morse Leamington, Canada 2015-06-16 My tax dollars deserve to stay in Ontario. The area with the highest unemployment in the country needs the jobs.

Tania Briffa Windsor, Canada 2015-06-16 Keep the jobs in Ontario. We want a Canadian made product!

George Winney Windsor, Canada 2015-06-16 We need work in Windsor & we have people who will work their butt off. Give it some thought ! Name Location Date Comment

Leslie Reading London, Canada 2015-06-16 I believe in Canadian companies with experience. Remember who built the 'Pelee Islander' which is to be replaced. It was Erieau Shipbuilding of Erieau. Give Hyke Metal an opportunity to be the builder. Canadian jobs mean people with work, workers pay taxes, this goes full circle to help Ontario and Canada's economy, this in an area that needs our help. Share the weatth and help southwestern Ontario. Ontario is more than Toronto.

Jason Trealout LaSalle, Canada 2015-06-16 Because our government are fools. and should spend more money and focus on CANADIANS... forget everything that is elsewhere in the world.

Ella Muzzin LaSalle, Canada 2015-06-16 Canadians have to look out for their own sometimes. This deal needs to stay home, not in Chile.

Richard Panazzola South Woodslee, Canada 2015-06-16 Should be build in Canada help our economy

Deborah White Merlin, Canada 2015-06-16 Canadian ferry : Canadian Jobs : Canadian Builder : Canadian Taxpayer / Canadain JOBS : Time to Look out for CANADIANS . Local spin Off that will effect our economy : Historical factor for the SWO ...... and the ferry ...... Even the US has Exemption in Free Trade , for their ship builders WHY does Canada NOT !

John Deryck Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-16 This ferry should be built in Wheatley or at least Canada. The taxpayers money was earned here and paid here. Our economic situation is not the best and this would help to put money back into the province with wages paid, income taxes on those wages and so on. Our Liberal government has done nothing but ram their ideas through without any consideration for us. Where is the common sense to help us out ? Please, everyone who is concerned for our future spread this petition and make the Liberals know that we will not let this happen. I didn't vote for the Liberals because of what they have done to this province with all the scandals and this project is just the latest. arthur lanoue Windsor, Canada 2015-06-16 cdn tax dollars should be spent in canada when good canadian workers can to the job / they should come first

Tim Hillier Staples, Canada 2015-06-16 Why not give the work to a company that employs Canadians. You think you'd make up the difference in the taxes they and the company pay.


Deb Keech Windsor, Canada 2015-06-16 i believe in giving Canadians jobs!

Concerned Citizens Port Burwell, Canada 2015-06-16 Small town life is worth saving

Alan Arseneault Amherstburg, Canada 2015-06-16 What a head shaker. How could the Ministry even consider awarding a contract to a Chilean builder when the skills necessary are right here? Wake up and keep Ontario working! shawn lucier windsor, Canada 2015-06-16 I have to work out of province and I believe we should have more local jobs

Rusty MacNeil Clarington, Canada 2015-06-16 Our boat our jobs!!!

Bill Fryer Amherstburg, Canada 2015-06-16 There was absolutely no reason to have this built in chile. Maybe try canadian built and they will not to replace the beams.

Edward martin Maidstone, Canada 2015-06-16 needs to stay in Canada

Dan Simone Amherstburg, Canada 2015-06-16 Keep the work local.... Also cheaper transportation cost from Lake Erie than Chile.... Name Location Date Comment

Rick Feltz Leamington, Canada 2015-06-16 I do not like the decision to award this contract to a company outside of Canada. We have lost to much work as other countries, mainly the U.S. pull all their manufacturing back to their country. Lets be strong as a Country and keep our own work.

John Deryck Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-16 Its the tax payers money and it should stay in Ontario. All the talk about creating jobs from the government is just a bunch of crap if this is the way they are using the tax payers money

Joanne Martin Chatham, Canada 2015-06-16 We need transparency. And this region deserves attention.

Debbie Vlodarchyk Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-16 Debbie Vlodarchyk

Robert Belanger Lakeshore, Canada 2015-06-16 Keep the jobs in Canada where we need them.Canadians need the work

Ben Froese Ruthven, Canada 2015-06-16 The gov't has too many screws loose. There's no reason to have it built half way around the world when it can be built right in our back yard.

Lloyd Symons Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-16 My tax dollars should stay in Canada , when we are able to to do the work .

Rob Culnan Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-16 Government needs to be held accountable!!!! linda zelle McGregor, Canada 2015-06-16 the boat should be built on Ont.

Deborah White Merlin, Canada 2015-06-16 Our Local Economy NEEDS this work : PROVEN Ship Builder : 15 Min Logistics from Build to Delivery : Canadian Pride of Canadian workers and Canadian ferry ( History ) TAXPAYERS MONEY KEEP IT IN CANADA IN a COMMUNITY that is Hurting and can do this !!!!!!!!!

Cathie Smith Dover Centre, Canada 2015-06-16 The Ontario ship builder should have had a chance to at least bid. Tax payers deserve an exclamation

Hafiza Mohammed Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-16 I am signing because I believe that monies used to build this new ferry is from taxpayers dollars and it MUST be spent where taxpayers reside; here in Ontario.

Danielle White Belle River, Canada 2015-06-16 Our Canadian dollars need to be spent in Canada.

Adam Davidson Leamington, Canada 2015-06-16 This is complete crap. The Canadian gov't preaches about supporting Canadian businesses, then sends $40 million to another country to do a job that we are perfectly capable of doing here. This gov't is a complete disaster.

Debbie Degraeve Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-16 It's just so wrong to be sending work over seas when it can be done right here where the ferry runs. We should be supporting our local businesses!!

Taki G Vourakes Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-16 T.G. Vourakes

Barbara Stewart- Fischer CHATHAM, Canada 2015-06-16 our governments need to start keeping jobs in CANADA put CANADA FIRST; we are not doing as good as we would like to assume

Shannon Papps Wheatley, ON, Canada 2015-06-16 This has taken an opportunity away from many people in this area including, my son and son in law and my husband. All 3 have worked at or for Hike Metal in the past.

Lionel Nest Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-16 This government is out of control.

Mickey Moulder Windsor, Canada 2015-06-16 Government system has created their own reality, that which best suits them rather than the majority they are supposed to represent

Tina Teichroeb Leamington, Canada 2015-06-16 I think it's a crime to get work done from outside of the community never mind the country. There are plenty of people looking for jobs in the community

Donna Vollans Windsor, Canada 2015-06-16 Time our government starts keeping these jobs local...We are drowning here!!! Please re-consider!! susan smith Leamington, Canada 2015-06-16 keep in Canada Name Location Date Comment

Frank Thrasher LaSalle, Canada 2015-06-16 I believe if that ferry is used for our convenience to enter our Island,it SHOULD be built here as we have the facilities & experince to do so.

SHERRI-ANNE WILLS Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-16 I believe that as Stewarts of our money and the need for manufacturing jobs in Canada especially Ontario, this contract should be awarded within Canada. We have the expertise and the abilities to build this Ferry here. It time our government support their own people with our money. To many government contracts are going abroad while our manufacturing companies are laying off people due to lack of work. Support Canada buy Canadian.

Samuel D Kopcok Belle River, Canada 2015-06-16 I'm sick and tired of our government outsourcing jobs. There's no reason this tender should have left our country in the first place. There are more than enough qualified ship builders within Canada. It just goes to show that the Canada is not a true democracy governed by the people, for the people but rather governed by corrupt politicians supporting their own special interests and agendas. I really hope when the tender comes out for the new Gordie Howe International Bridge that it will only be open to Canadian companies, since Canadians will be stuck fitting the bill, but I won't hold my breath.

Darrell Gall Leesburg, FL 2015-06-16 Our tax dollars should provide jobs in Canada.

Terry Peters Halifax, Canada 2015-06-16 It is absolutely outrageous that a contract of this magnitude would be given to anything but a Canadian company. Typical of this Canadian political landscape! What is wrong with this country that we don't look after our own first? Every other country does!! yvette mccarthy Amherstburg, Canada 2015-06-16 should be built here!

Deborah Verhart Blenheim, Canada 2015-06-16 I'm signing because our area has lost thousands of jobs. It is a slap in the face to award this contract to a foreign company. Our tax dollars need to stay in Ontario whenever and as much as possible!

Loretta Tuckwell Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-16 I think the jobs should be kept in canada ,there are local ship building places also the codes would not be up to our standards if built elsewhere

Ann Paterson Windsor, Canada 2015-06-16 I'm signing this because I'm sick & tired of Canada investing everywhere in the world except our country. Why should our tax payers support companies other then Canada??? Our government and investors are filling their pockets at our expense- enough is enough!! What happen to "Canada Made"&" Proud to be Canadian" ???

Cindy Bakker Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-16 We should not be outsourcing any jobs when we have proven, experienced and capable people and companies right here.

Shylah Dyck Lasalle, Canada 2015-06-16 I want to see job in my local community when available. I want the ferry I'm going to ride on to be built by people who have an invested interest in my safety as well was my families safety. kevin boussey amherstburg, Canada 2015-06-16 its unthinkable.. :/

JoAnne Ouellette Chatham 2015-06-16 I want to see a Canadian firm build the ferry.

Helen Hurn St Thomas, Canada 2015-06-16 When we can create jobs here ... Why are they being out sourced.. Just not right :(

Glen Spooner Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-16 it seems to be such a travesty that the government seems to be intent on giving away countless dollars and jobs to other countries, when our economy is failing. that money needs to stay in Canada, as well as the jobs. it is unfortunate that our governments have become the worst enemy of the people of this country.

Jackie Girard Dresden, Canada 2015-06-16 It is wrong to have this ferry built in Chile when you have a builder 1 mile away. I will never ride a Chilean ferry.

Dora Tuck Grande Pointe, Canada 2015-06-16 The jobs and money need to be kept in Canada Name Location Date Comment bob peel Blenheim, Canada 2015-06-16 it is partly my money and we should have local people involved in the construction of this magnitude.dont know anyone in chile,should at least be kept in canada

Mary Allen Tiverton, Canada 2015-06-16 Keep the jobs and money in Ontario. Stupid government but par for the course.

Janet Gilbert Chatham,, Canada 2015-06-16 It's the logical thing to do, support local companies, employ local people, common sense

Carmen Danner Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-16 It's time we start keeping our money at home, especially for something as crucial to our tourism industry as a new ferry to Pelee Island. The highest unemployment rate in the country (in Windsor) is just another reason to support our own local economy.

John Smyth Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-16 $1 spent locally circulates 6 times $1 spent out of country is gone forever.

Rick Caron Blenheim Ontario, 2015-06-16 Decision to award contract out of country when we have company local that Canada can do job. did not allow bids is crap.

Robert Gevaert Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-16 To Provide much needed employment in Essex an Kent County. Apparently Jobs in our area are not priority for our Provincial Government.

Jean Peck Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-16 This bid should stay in Canada and with the Mike Metal Products. Be interesting to know what there bid was.

Judi Goodfellow Chatham, Canada 2015-06-16 Canadian companies should be considered first. Buy Canadian, Respect Canadian, Love Canada!

LouAnn Geauvreau- Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-16 I think the contract should go to someone local; if not local at least to a Karry Canadian company

Elizabeth Phair Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-16 We let so much slip through the fingers of our country. We have to stop filtering our jobs away. What a terrible mistake.

Kenneth Banks Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-16 This contract would be a significant financial benefit to this area. We have the ability and the perfect location to complete this Ferry. This is Ontario money used to build an Ontario Ferry to service an Ontario Community. That benefit should remain in Ontario. wanda courtney tilbury, Canada 2015-06-16 I really think they should get the contract! It's Canadian an it's our Canadian tax dollars going towards this ferry why give it to Chili?? Keep it Canadian !!!

Charles Watson Tupperville, Canada 2015-06-16 We need to prioritize Canadian projects to Canadian companies. Local industries can compete on level footing. If we want to have strong Canadian economy we cannot keep supporting countries that are not required to meet the same safety, environmental standards, etc.

Deborah Guyitt Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-16 We need to keep jobs at home. Yes it might have cost a bit more, but benefits to our economy and unemployment rate out way the cost. Plus if there is an import fee to bring this ship into Canada was that figured into the cost? Look after Canadians first

Paulette LaSalle Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-16 Keep the jobs local. It make good sense. Pleased to see Canadians are finally taking a stand...

Constance Price Windsor, Canada 2015-06-16 We need a job like this to be produced in our own country. It will produce more jobs and Boost our Economy. Plus Canada places high standards on Safety. In Ontario We lost far to many jobs in the last decade. The government needs to stand behind us as Canadians.

Joe Briffa Windsor, Canada 2015-06-16 It's disgusting that a Canadian company was not chosen.

Cynthia Melanson Cedar Springs, Canada 2015-06-16 We need to start supporting our own! What a perfect opportunity the government had to show that they care about Ontario. This was a no brainer people. If we won't support ourselves, who will. Name Location Date Comment deb taylor windsor, Canada 2015-06-16 Keep jobs here in our own !!

Janet Taylor Chatham, Canada 2015-06-16 The Canadian Company should be considered as it would creat jobs and keep the money here at home where it belongs

Kelly Snider Windsor, Canada 2015-06-16 Clearly, this is an enormous oversight that can be corrected. Right?

Randy Rieger Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-17 Canada comes first, period. If we are capable of building the ferry anywhere in Canada then we get the contract! I also say this having roots in Pelee. rene simard Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-17 Job creation starts at home thats why I oppose trade deals with country that pay their workers 3 . Dollars a day we can never compete with that thats why we are losing our manufacturing base in ontario

Kim Cooper Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-17 There needs to be a better process to do these tenders. I realize there are trade agreements and such, but where is the common sense in building something for Canadians somewhere else, especially is we can build it here.

Barbara Leblanc Leamington, Canada 2015-06-17 I do not agree that this business should go to Chile. Hike is more than qualified to build this ship and will be able to perform maintenance.

Jamie Whittal Windsor, Canada 2015-06-17 This is bullcrap our government outsourcing work that could be done locally to some other country.

Debbie McMinn Windsor, Canada 2015-06-17 Because we need jobs here in Windsor and surrounding areas. Our economy here is in serious trouble here.

ROBERT Picard Chatham, Canada 2015-06-17 As usual, this government has not supported the workers of this province. This government should have never been elected. It's a cancer to this once great province.

Andy Anthony Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-17 Makes you wonder why our government would send this project to Chile with a very capable and world class ship builder like Hike Metal just down the road/around the point! Why not pump that money back into Ontario and Quebec businesses with a direct and indirect economic impact.

Not the first time that this has happened in Canada where they are questioned on their ship building decisions. Interesting read about international business/tariffs where the government spent $25 Million Dollars on taxes alone! ($100M for two ferries + 25% Tariff) to import foreign built ships to be used in Newfoundland.

Canada and Chile have a Free Trade Agreement but Asenav didn't get the last bid. bidder-questioned-n-l-ferry-contract-decision-1.3048096

Carol Childs London On, Canada 2015-06-17 Its just wrong to give it to another country when we can do it here

Paul Bilodeau , Canada 2015-06-17 Canada needs to STAY Canadian!!

Mark Ribble Leamington, Canada 2015-06-17 There are viable Canadian options for this tender award. Please reconsider this decision and put the jobs where they belong, in Ontario.

Gail Cook Wallaceburg, Canada 2015-06-17 Canada needs to stay Canadian.

Yvonne Welsh Windsor, Canada 2015-06-17 We need to stand up for our local economy

Kathy De Wolf Wallaceburg, Canada 2015-06-17 keep jobs in CANADA!!!!!! Name Location Date Comment

Willadale Smid Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-17 I sincerely believe that the contract should have been awarded to a Canadian company. So many jobs would result both directly and indirectly from doing so and that is very important in this area of Canada. More money would be funneled into southwestern Ontario via this project. something that is very important since the automobile industry is struggling.

Carol Dumeah Windsor, Canada 2015-06-17 With the economy and job losses in Ontario you would think the Government would first and foremost consider a local Canadian company for this build. Please reverse your decision.

Ronald schembri Windsor, Canada 2015-06-17 It's our money, and we say spend it in Canada and give our brothers jobs.

Mark Gibbons Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-17 We need a quality, reliable, made in Canada ferry

Steve Marshall Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-17 It is sad that our government would send this work to Chile while we have a long standing, reputable ship builder in our back yard.

Jeffrey Omstead Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-17 Hike Metal is an excellent fabricator of large vessels for Great Lakes and the oceans. Their experience has proven this over & over. My tax dollars at work should be kept in Canada to provide jobs for Canadian tax payers.

Rebecca Lewis Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-17 I believe that Onatrio Tax payers should have a Canadian made ship and support Canadian jobs with out tax dollars.

David Dale Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-17 What are you Thinking Minister of Transport? $2million difference and the work goes out of country? How about building a partnership with an Ontario based firm creating Ontario jobs in a high unemployment region in the same manner that was done last year with OpenText - for a staggering $120 million? Incredibly short sighted!

MARISA FIGGINS Windsor, Canada 2015-06-17 i"m signing because I believe our governments should be putting Canadians back to work and not outsourcing projects like these.

Teresa Acton Lakeshore, Canada 2015-06-17 Give it to a Canadian company! I don't understand why it isn't !

John wills Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-17 Keep our work and money  in Canada!

John Bouvier Leamington, Canada 2015-06-17 Its wrong to award the contract to another country when we need to keep our money local ...local people !!!!!

Jennifer Pietens Dresden 2015-06-17 The jobs need to stay here and employ our people

Jessica Mattia Windsor, Canada 2015-06-17 I'm signing because I support Canadian industries.

Jay Owen Chatham, Canada 2015-06-17 Cdn gov't needs to do as much as it can to support the people who supply the tax funds they are spending.

Jeremy Bueckert Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-17 I want to keep jobs in Canada

C & H Park Dresden, Canada 2015-06-17 I cannot understand passing up a Canadian bid for one from Chile. Lets keep the jobs in Canada.

Dennis White Merlin, Canada 2015-06-17 Keep our JOBS and people working in CANADA


Susan Janisse Lakeshore, Canada 2015-06-17 Canadian made is the way to go.

Ginger McFalrand Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-17 Keep Ontario Strong - Keep Ontario Working - Stop Giving Away our Resources and Capital

Susie Knight Leamington 2015-06-17 The county needs the work! Name Location Date Comment

Lorelei Bond Comber, Canada 2015-06-17 I want the job given to a ship builder in Ontario. This is offensive that the job was given to another country. Create jobs in Ontario, not Chile. Lorelt Bond

Del Oxford Amherstburg, Canada 2015-06-17 Please keep the money, jobs and spin off in Ontario

Paul Harrington cottam, Canada 2015-06-17 Because Canadians should be Concidered first when Canadian money is being used and help our People with jobs in Canada not other Countries around the world its just not right,about time we vote people out of office that do this to Canadians certainly dont make sence

Kelly Brewer Windsor, Ontario, 2015-06-17 I cannot believe in this day in age that the government has given this contract Canada to anyone OUTSIDE CANADA! Think again!

Judi Brown Woodstock, Canada 2015-06-17 I love the trip by ferry to Pelee Island which I have taken many times. Don't take it away!

Margaret Johnson Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-17 I feel it is very important to keep as many people and industries working, right here in the southwest of Ontario as possible. We have a capable workforce that needs to be maintained and that will only happen if there is work to be done. On the surface, it sounds as though this ferry could be built here, a few miles from Pelee and by people knowledgeable about what the needs are.

LInda Tomaselli Lakeshore, Canada 2015-06-17 You can't tell me that Canadians cannot build their own ferry! Don't believe it for a minute. Keep it in Canada! Tired of loosing everything MADE IN CANADA.

Adina Rainbird Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-17 Jobs should stay in Canada! Pure and simple.....Canadians supporting Canadians

Audra Derksen Cottam, Canada 2015-06-17 Keep the business in Ontario!! Grew up here and feel it isn't fair to send local business to Chile instead of keeping it local. Support Ontario, support Canada!!!!!!

John Hooper Wallaceburg Ont, 2015-06-17 Canadians should get the job. Canada

Sheri Dzudovich Harrow, Canada 2015-06-17 keep jobs at home

Gail Tomaselli Simcoe, Canada 2015-06-17 I'm signing because I believe we should have Canadians work and we should do job creation here. If I want to be on a boat in Chile I will go to Chile. I want things Canadian made what the heck is wrong with you people. jim st john Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-17 we need jobs in Canada and stop worrying about other countries It is time Canada started to look after canadians

Collin Duquette Tilbury, Canada 2015-06-17 I'm signing because we as citizens need to keep as much work and employment domestic to our area as possible in order to prosper.

Mark Laforet Windsor, Canada 2015-06-17 Canadian workers deserve come come first!! If a Canadian company can make a "competitive" bid then (not necessarily lowest) then they should get consideration for the contract. After all it's Canadian taxpayers footing the bill!

Roy Leach Chatham, Canada 2015-06-17 My tax dollars should stay in Ontario and NOT leave the country. janet simard Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-17 We need to keep these jobs in our own country!!!

Barbara Surdykowski Edmonton, AB 2015-06-17 We need jobs at home. If expertise in some areas are needed, bring it in. Saying it is cheaper to build in Chile is exactly why people in Southern Ontario continue to suffer bad economic times. People who have money, spend it. Help the people of Southern Ontario.

Carolyn Lucio Highgate, Canada 2015-06-17 I am signing because I think the jobs should go to Canadians! Name Location Date Comment

Connie Coatsworth Merlin, ON 2015-06-17 We need to keep work in our own country, especially tax dollars!!!!

JEAN ALLEN Amherstburg, Canada 2015-06-17 keep the work in Canada jeremy reaume mcgregor, Canada 2015-06-17 It doesn't take a genius to figure out we have the local place to build... Why put it somewhere else? elizabeth downing Mississauga, Canada 2015-06-17 We need to create jobs in canada lisa harb kingsville, Canada 2015-06-17 we need jobs in southern ontario

Marlene Ross Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-17 The bid for the new Pelee Islander should have stayed in Canada. We have a local ship builder and since we lost a large corporation in the area affecting over 300 families, why isn't our government helping to create new jobs here?

Jolayne clifton Windsor, Canada 2015-06-17 We need a "Buy Canadian" policy for government. Canadian taxpayer money needs to stay in Canada.

Jerome Romanick Windsor, Canada 2015-06-17 I'm going to do all I can to keep our tax dollars in the country. That's Canada in case Wynn doesn't know that.

Brandy Ostropolec Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-17 I want to keep jobs here

Ashton Loop Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-17 I was born and raised in Wheatley, and still live there. My dad is a commercial fisherman and I support as much local Lake Erie business as possible. Keep it local! Keep it Canadian!!

Graham Wilson Onaping, Canada 2015-06-17 I lived in Kingsville for many years and go back to visit often...why in hell Chile! We build 'em...we should build this one. With all the $ wasted by this gov't over the years, why not give back to the people you made pay for your mistakes. This is a no brainer! kali robinson Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-17 I live in Wheatley. and I don't agree with taking all these jobs away from here.

Jo Anne Conway Wallaceburg, Canada 2015-06-17 We need to keep the work here!

Patience Laking Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-17 It doesn't make sense for something to be made out of country when it could be made locally.

Cassandra Lamb Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-17 We need more jobs

Linda Schaudenecker Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-17 I believe we should keep jobs in Ontario and not some foreign country jenny Peters Chatham, Canada 2015-06-17 I dont think it was fair our jobs & money are going to be shipped over seas,This area is so hard presed for Jobs and had Hike Metal been considered forthe job so many families would of benefited from this.Hike Metal is quite capable of fullfilling the jobs required to build this new ferry Not to mention whos going to maintain the new ferry once completed Chile? I Doubt it!

Carol Foster Dresden, Canada 2015-06-17 Seriously, do you need to ask? This is a no your own tax payers Liberals!

Gail Hosking Windsor, Canada 2015-06-17 It's important to keep jobs local!

Mary Jane Miller Chatham, Canada 2015-06-17 work need to be done local, why take jobs away from Canadians

Shayla Boose Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-17 I live in Wheatley, Ontario and many of my friends and family live here as well. Our community would benefit greatly from an opportunity like this. Plus it's common sense.

Mj Green Windsor, Canada 2015-06-17 Really you need to ask!

Tammy Cobby Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-17 Hikes deserves the contract. Period . End of

Matt Watson Windsor, Canada 2015-06-17 Support local

Pam Gow Leamington, Canada 2015-06-17 Our money should be kept in our country to build a boat to be used in Ontario.

Jim Biggs Windsor, Ontario, 2015-06-17 I'd like to see the money remain in our Canada to support local employment by Canada Canadians Name Location Date Comment

Don Oke Windsor, Canada 2015-06-17 I believe Canada needs the jobs before any other country.

Joe Van Niekerk Windsor, Canada 2015-06-17 This is stupid

Pat Fox Amherstburg, Canada 2015-06-17 It is BS wendy miller Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-17 Because should keep jobs in Canada (Ontario) christa bougher Windsor, Canada 2015-06-17 I will not get on that boat...not built Canadian to shuttle To Canadian Island...done!

Marc Marentette Belle River, Canada 2015-06-17 Lets keep Ontarians working

Ann Mcguire Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-17 This Ferry should be built by our local company...NO QUESTION ABOUT IT...

Tim Kotyk Windsor Ont., Canada 2015-06-17 Whats wrong with Canadian Work!!!

John fabischek Windsor, Canada 2015-06-17 Spend our tax dollars here in our own country for our people!

Victoria Scott Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-17 “It makes no logical sense,” why Hike Metal Products, which has more than a half-century in the shipbuilding business, didn't even qualify to submit a bid for the project.

Kevin Bulmer wheatley on, Canada 2015-06-17 Bid should go to a canadian company using canadian tax dollars

Lori Feltz Leamington, Canada 2015-06-17 The ministry should at least have given this Ontario company the chance to bid, Chile is so far away and when the boat needs repairs (like the Jiiman often does) service and repairs hinder travel and economy to this remote Island everyday it is out of service.

Pam Hoogsteen Cottam, Canada 2015-06-17 I don't agree with the ship being built in Chile. It should have stayed in canada

Alison McAninch Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-17 It's common sense and I'm sick I the government taking care of other countries before our own

Jeff Schiller Belle River, Canada 2015-06-17 Canadian jobs for Canadians can't we throw ourselves a bone once and a while, the politicians sure seem to .

Maria Bondy Windsor, Canada 2015-06-17 I fell my tax dollars should be spent to help my community

Evelyn Altenhof Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-17 Canada needs more jobs, government don't care about it citizens doing something like this.

Hendrika Brown Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-17 i feel canada should keep jobs in the country. i have also see many of the ships Hike Metal has built over the years. they are More Than Qualified to build this ship

Dan Gorham McGregor, Canada 2015-06-17 We should try to keep the ship build within our borders, put Canadians to work. It's our tax dollars after all. bonnie bechard Windsor, Canada 2015-06-17 this makes me sick. Keep the money in Canada and keep Canadians working!!!

Jennifer Mackinnon Amherstburg, Canada 2015-06-17 I support local industry growth. Having the ferry built locally would create a huge spin-off and would benefit our local economy. We already have the skilled labour and educated workforce, now give them the chance to work and build a safe and high quality ship. This investment would help to keep the ship building industry alive and strong in our area. If our own country won't stand behind our labour force and products, who will?

Rodney Beaudoin Windsor, Canada 2015-06-17 I want the money to stay in Ontario and or Canada.

Doug Doher Windsor, Canada 2015-06-17 We have the capability to build this locally and stimulate our own economy!

John Martin Windsor, Canada 2015-06-17 Ontario supplied by Ontario taxpayers. Name Location Date Comment

Jeannie Couture Blenheim, Canada 2015-06-17 This is absurd! $40 million dollars of our tax money not just going out of the province but out of the country! I also believe that Hike Metal is more than capable of building that ferry! They built the new Maid of the Mist in Niagara Falls and a great job they did with them! Also, what it would create for our local economy. More jobs in the area. I really think the province needs to rethink this! I definitely will not vote liberal ever again!

Jane Vigneux Amherstburg, Canada 2015-06-17 we as taxpayers are paying for that barge and the money brought to our local economy far outweighs you sending jobs to another country

Dan Sidsworth Milton, Canada 2015-06-17 Ontario tax money should stay in Ontario!

Andrea Bergen Milton, Canada 2015-06-17 I believe in keeping jobs in Canada!

Gilbert De Maeyer Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-17 Keep the work and money in Canada!

Janet Woustra Burlington, Canada 2015-06-17 I am signing this because I grew up in Wheatley and know the great work that they Hike medal does. john hetherington omemee, Canada 2015-06-17 This is just another example of bad decisions, keep the manufacturing in Canada

Allison Inghelbrecht wheatley ontario, Canada 2015-06-17 I'm all about supporting the local community

Kevin Gale Leamington, Canada 2015-06-17 Our government needs to wake up.

Darlene Robert Rodney, Canada 2015-06-17 We need to keep jobs in Canada!

Christine Romanick Windsor, Canada 2015-06-17 Our government should be considerate and obligating to tax payers to keep jobs in our cities and province - not have our hard earned dollars go out of province and country for cheap labour

Steven Mulcaster Windsor, Canada 2015-06-17 No more outsourcing out of country

Ethan Meleg Owen Sound, Canada 2015-06-17 I'd like to see the contract awarded to a Canadian ship builder, preferably in Ontario.

Ronald Comartin Stoney Point, Canada 2015-06-17 We need to keep Canadians employed. Shipping jobs to other countries does not put food on anyone's table. Our government leaders think free trade is a great thing. It is good for big corporations but it does nothing for the citizens of this country. In case the politician's have forgotten, they work for Canadians not the multinationals.

Sara Schmitt Leamington, Canada 2015-06-17 I support local business

Paul Nadalin Leamington, Canada 2015-06-17 Why the Government would even think of outsourcing such an endeavor at the cost of Canadian jobs is insulting to Ontario and Canada as a whole. The new Pelee Island ferry should be build in Canada, its just that simple.

Allison Kidd Windsor, ON, Canada 2015-06-17 Our region has been devastated by the loss of industry - and the cost of building the ferry in labour and parts will be thrust back into the local economy and government coffers via taxes on the employees' wages and their individual purchasing power - not to mention the reduced number of able workers relying on social assistance and employment insurance to support themselves and their families.

Tim Stanley Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-17 This is just fucking wrong. When are we as Canadians going to stand up for these types of issue going on in our country. Oh ya I forgot never. Cause until something happens to us personally most of us don't give a shit. Oh no. I think that was the truth. Probably get some negative comments.

Vanessa Dunn Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-17 Let's build the ferry that serves Ontario in Ontario - not Chile.

Jackie Reimer KINGSVILLE, Canada 2015-06-17 The Pelee ferry job needs to stay in Canada!!

Fletcher Laura Windsor, Canada 2015-06-17 Because this is horrible. Invest in Canada and Canadian companies - make it work! Something stinks here. Name Location Date Comment

Pamela Jordan Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-17 Keep our jobs here

Darlene Bondy Windsor, Canada 2015-06-17 We have companies capable of building this ship right here! This contact, these jobs are needed here and should be filled here. Let's look after ourselves first!

Winnis Mountain Harrow Ontario, Canada 2015-06-17 They are selling our country. what representation have we got?? Buy Canadian give our jobs to Canadians.

Anne Chenier windsor, Canada 2015-06-17 shame brad kirkpatrick Leamington, Canada 2015-06-17 I'm sighing this because I support local business. Also I'm just finishing welding school and hike metal would be a great place to work

Yolla Tannous Leamington, Canada 2015-06-17 We need jobs! How inconsiderate to go to another country!

Nancy Hillier Leamington, Canada 2015-06-17 I feel we should support local industry and keep our tax dollars in our area to keep our neighbours employed.

Rosalee Wright Amherstburg, Canada 2015-06-17 Keep our money in Canada

Dwayne DeCaluwe Kent Bridge, Canada 2015-06-17 It's wrong. Someone local can do the job and we don't let them?? Why pay taxes?? Sounds like the decision makers don't respect tax payers. Enough is enough. Hike Metal is more than qualified...did they not build ships for the coastguard that would upright themselves if capsized?? Have they not built rescue boats for numerous police and fire departments as well as the coast guards huge air boats??? What about the ferry that they built for the 30000 island tours??? Yeah to me it sounds like this company may be too qualified. Let them build it so it can be fixed locally. How long will it take for the Chileans to come and fix something under warranty? What a kick in the head this is for our entire communities. We build our communities with people from our communities and employ people from our communities only to see someone sitting at a desk being just a decision maker who is not from our community taking our hard earned tax dollars and throwing it away, with not a penny coming back to the communities that desperately need it. I think someone should question the qualifications of the decision makers as it seems they themselves might not be qualified to make the decision.

Steve Rutt Windsor, Canada 2015-06-17 We NEED to take CARE of our OWN.

Jane Nantais Amherstburg,Ont., 2015-06-17 It must be made in Canada! Canada

Steve Gould Tilbury, Canada 2015-06-17 We need jobs in Ontario!!!!!

Suzette Murray Aylmer, Canada 2015-06-17 It is wrong that a local Canadian company was not even given the option to bid on this project. Keep our Canadian tax dollars in Canada! cathy maurice windsor, Canada 2015-06-17 I have seen the work done by hike metal and they are fully capable of building the new ferry for pelee island Name Location Date Comment

Scott Kuli Windsor, Canada 2015-06-17 I'm signing this petition because I'm tired of seeing choices made by politicians who represent an agenda and not the people they claim to be public servants for.

There's no compelling reason of which I'm aware why the new Pelee Island Ferry boat should be purchased from Chile rather than from a local or at least Canadian boatbuilder.

"Globalism" is a scam by which people behind certain corporate interests hope to use help from the like minded in other nations to broaden what is essentially a shell game.

Ed Omstead Ilderton, Canada 2015-06-17 This money and these jobs should stay in the Canada.

Brandon Dumeah Windsor, Canada 2015-06-17 I am in full support of investing into my country; and the jobs it will provide fellow Canadian's.

Bruce anderson Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-17 i smell BS

Suzanne Tedford Blenheim, Canada 2015-06-17 I believe in Canadian jobs kim butler Leamington, Canada 2015-06-17 How are we ever going to grow our industrial profile in Ontario if our own government does not support local industry. our tax dollars should stay here and should be used to create real jobs.

Blue Lucier Windsor, Canada 2015-06-17 We need the jobs.

Sarah Papp London, Canada 2015-06-17 i grew up in kingsville. Essex county residents couldn't need the employment opportunity more.

Rick Minello Windsor, Canada 2015-06-17 Build this ship any where in Canada , but Chile ?

Amelia Stickles Leamington, Canada 2015-06-17 This work should be kept in ontario

Dan Lemire Windsor, Canada 2015-06-17 In all fairness, the Ontario money should stay in Ontario.

Larry Yott Charing Cross, Canada 2015-06-17 The government of Ontario is put of control

Michelle Upcott Ruthven, Canada 2015-06-17 bring the business to our own country. Keep our Canadians working

Ray Cote Windsor, Canada 2015-06-17 This stinks!!

K Scratch Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-17 Jobs should stay in Canada

Bob stephens McGregor, Canada 2015-06-17 hike metal has for years build quality ships for all kinds of applications and are more than qualified to build this ship.

Lloyd Nantais Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-17 the Premier is punishing the people of Essex county for not voting liberal and that is wrong. she took our two lane number 3 highway away also. stop the politics. work for the people who pay your salary and fat pensions.

Mark Hewer Windsor, Canada 2015-06-17 KEEP THESE JOBS AT HOME!

Laurie Grewe Windsor, Canada 2015-06-17 I am signing because I believe my tax dollars should support my neighbours first. Hike Metals would build with pride and the with the best quality, as they know that it is their friends and neighbours who would be riding in the ferry, paul caruana McGregor, Canada 2015-06-17 I beleive that our tax dollars should be spent in our own country whenever possible and being a Canadian made product should be more important to the criteria the MTO used to disqualify this company from the bid

Jane Donaldson Leamington, Canada 2015-06-17 The value of keeping jobs local is worth more than money.

Duane Janisse Belle River, Canada 2015-06-17 I believe in supporting our economy first!

Raymond Bonneau Leamington, Canada 2015-06-17 we need to support our own country or at least give companies an opportunity to bid on contracts Name Location Date Comment

Brian Bailey Leamington, Canada 2015-06-17 We need to keep jobs in Canada. Hike is a very reputable company and it makes sense to award them the contract. A little better for any future repairs or tweaking!

Paul Allum Windsor, Canada 2015-06-17 We need to invest in Ontario. connie bourne London, Canada 2015-06-17 Lets keep the money in our country. If we have qualified builders give them a chance. amanda gavigan Windsor, Canada 2015-06-17 Canada needs to support canada first. Why are we helping ship so much of our manufacturing overseas. Its hard to take anyone who talks about saving manufacturing Job's seriously when they give these jobs to other countries when its 100%in there control where they go. Plus, of course, the insanity of something being sent so far away only to come back here.

Karen Momotiuk Windsor, Canada 2015-06-17 A 40 million dollar boost to the economy with my tax dollars should stay in Ontario. Shame on you for not seeing beyond the technical corners of this issue. I am as fiscally responsible as anyone, but buying a 40million dollar chilean boat over one built in Ontario means you will never again get my vote.

Ken Neville Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-17 This government is destroying our province and the working class!

Penny Loxton St. Thomas, Canada 2015-06-17 I believe that this ferry should be built in Canada. Keep the work here and support our own workers. I believe builders in Canada were not given an opportunity state there case and if it comes down to money. Shame on our government for not supporting our local business'.

Pamela Bondy Holmes Amherstburg, Canada 2015-06-17 It is for our waters and our lively hood ,it should be our workers that do the job My grandson is a welder that Wil have to go away to find work that could and should be hers in our community.

David Bulkiewicz Belleville, Canada 2015-06-17 Build Ontario

John Hall Windsor, Canada 2015-06-17 This is lunacy!

Colleen Chepeka Pain Court, Canada 2015-06-17 I believe we should be producing products in Canada. We need to can’t keep everyone employee in our own Country. Look at the Auto Industry here, hold on is it here. Keep our Canadian’s employed

Kerry McGrail Essex, Canada 2015-06-17 RFQ rules are ridiculous - no preference for local supply and onerous application requirements from someone sitting at a desk in Ottawa who has no idea about the actual requirements or industry. It takes local to know local. Anyone can quote low - what is the final price really going to be? Government should work with Hike to fulfill any requirements that the govt considers lacking, especially since Hike was the only local applicant. It's called Job Creation. Isn't that a mandate in Ontario?????

Edith archambault Tilbury, Canada 2015-06-17 Sending our money and jobs abroad doesn't make sense mike hamilton Leamington, Canada 2015-06-17 Please keep jobs in our country!

Ray McLelland Windsor, Canada 2015-06-17 We need to support local jobs sandra foster windsor, Canada 2015-06-17 Keep Canadian money in Canada, employ Canadians!

Timarie Marentette Windsor, Canada 2015-06-17 How can we expect the auto companies to invest here if the province won't even invest here, the "auto czar" is all smoke in mirrors to give the illusion that the government is doing something about jobs leaving the province. scott carter Windsor, Canada 2015-06-17 canadian car ferries have to be built in canada

Lynn McLelland Windsor, Canada 2015-06-17 I do not want my government spending my tax money in Chile.

Cynthia LaBrecque Amherstburg, Canada 2015-06-17 We need to keep our jobs in Canada especially during these economic times Name Location Date Comment

Harry Alleva Windsor, Canada 2015-06-17 This decision to award the contract to build a ferry that will be used in Lake Erie Ontario "Canada" to Chile is a slap in the face to Canadian workers, our economy and our manufacturers!

Patrick Burton Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-17 It's simple. The funds required to build this new and needed ferry belongs to the Ontario tax payer and not the Provincial Government or the MTO. Ms. Wynne, please do something about this "clutser - you no what" Do you think that people from Chile are going to rush right up here and ride the new ferry thus creating revenue and a stronger Ontario economy. I have traveled extensively to various countries in South America for the purpose of business and can pretty much assure my fellow Ontario taxpayers that Chile will not deliver this ferry on time , they will be over budget by a landslide and the quality will be poor at best.

Karl Schwarzpech Windsor, Canada 2015-06-17 The Liberals have demonstrated incompetence time and time again, this is just one more insult to the good people of Ontario.

Ava Mifflin Chatham, Canada 2015-06-17 We need to keep Canadian Jobs in Canada

Tammy Gruber Leamington, Canada 2015-06-17 Our government spends foolishly on so many things but given the opportunity to create jobs and add to the local economy, they decided to watch their spending on this situation. And Hike is more than capable of handling this build.

Tracy Sauer Cedar Springs, Canada 2015-06-17 This is un Canadian and typical of the Wynn Government

David Hertner London, Canada 2015-06-17 We are property owners on Pelee Island and we think that local companies and jobs should be a very high consideration when awarding contracts of this nature.

Gord Lamb Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-17 We need to support local businesses

Sean Kelleher Windsor, Canada 2015-06-17 Jobs are badly needed in this region of Ontario. Hike Metals can do this job.

Mark Bennett Windsor, Canada 2015-06-17 I appears completely inappropriate the our government did not take a closer look for a local manufacturer. Our area needs the work and it appears that we have the local expertise to build this ferry.

Barbara Sleiman Windsor, Canada 2015-06-17 Although I live in Windsor, I've worked the last 15 years in Leamington. Supporting this hard working community when adversity is a daily occurrence is important. They have the means and passion to do this job - let them do it! Local pride in the local ferry and maintenance won't be difficult or costly.

Linda Donohue Donohue Windsor, Canada 2015-06-17 Would like to see this business remain in Canada.

Wally Simpson Leamington, Canada 2015-06-17 Any extra cost would be worth it for the economy & jobs glenda archer Windsor, Canada 2015-06-17 Glenda archer donald langlois tecumseh, Canada 2015-06-17 This is my tax money and i want it spent here not in another country. Create jobs here never seen a party screw the people like you guys do.

Anna Mancini Windsor, Canada 2015-06-17 We need those jobs and money to stay here. So our bid was higher...the money stays in Canada! It's worth it in the end that's all that matters.

David Thom Windsor, Canada 2015-06-17 Free trade does not mean you have to sign contracts with foreign companies over Canadian companies plus in southwestern Ontario where companies are moving out of Ontario because of our way overpriced utilities etc we desperately need these jobs

Sue Desjarlais LaSalle, Canada 2015-06-17 we need to keep jobs in Canada. We have the expertise here,locally.

LuAnn Peters ST, Thomas, Ontario, 2015-06-17 Tired of seeing jobs going out of country. Canada Name Location Date Comment

Tim Bilida Toronto, Canada 2015-06-17 I think Canadians should build these projects. We cannot keep moving our work offshore. It is bad for the overall economy.

Joe van Heugten Belle River, Canada 2015-06-17 These jobs need to remain in Ontario, specifically in Wheatley at Hike Metal Products. How can a company in Chili provide service after delivery?

Ken Urquhart Windsor, Canada 2015-06-17 Because this is completely obsured we are loosing jobs by the truck full, and our so called government is giving the jobs we need to feed our families to another country ? I am sickened !!! alyssa decaire Windsor, Canada 2015-06-17 I'm signing because... it's bullshit that's it's not being built here

Christine McAgy McGregor, Canada 2015-06-17 What a great opportunity for a local business who is very capable of the building this ferry.

Tim Smith ingersoll, ontario, 2015-06-17 The work should stay in Canada Canada

Linda McGuigan Blenheim, Canada 2015-06-17 important-

Marika Gale Harrow Ontario, Canada 2015-06-17 The ferry deal with Chile will end up a fiasco and costing taxpayers, again. You would think the MTO would have learned something about bad deals with the Jimaan... the ferry should be built locally. Why has nothing been disclosed by the MTO regarding shipping costs, excise, warranty etc??? frank kowalec morpeth, Canada 2015-06-17 This is just crazy. Outsource the MTO instead

Jerry Piper Windsor, Ontario, 2015-06-17 This provincial government does care about Canadian workers or creating jobs Canada in Ontario. This look like a payoff.

Michelle Chaot Erieau, Canada 2015-06-17 I believe government contracts should stay in Canada where at all possible and reasonable.

John irvine Sarnia, Canada 2015-06-17 this is bullshit

Linda Labute Belle River, Canada 2015-06-17 I am signing because this decision makes absolutely no sense. Please justify your reasoning and make us understand how this is economically the right decision.

Terry Moon Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-17 We need this contract right here in Southern Ontario. The Pelee Island Fairy operates only a few miles from the builder who tendered for the job! Duh! What is wrong with you people who chose Chile? Duh! ..again!

Robert James Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-17 Our can the Ontario government complain about auto jobs leaving the province Hornberger to low-wage jurisdictions when it behaves like this. Outrageous.

Jessica LaButte Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-17 I feel we lose alot of our jobs that's why so many people can't live and these jobs should stay at home !!!

Erwin Van Den Broecke Chatham, Canada 2015-06-17 It is scandalous that they should be contracting a foreign company when it can be built by Canadians in Canada!!! More of Harper's free trade globalization BS to kill Canadian companies. There will be no unskilled labor jobs remaining in Canada before he is finished.

James De Vries Essex, Canada 2015-06-17 Contract should stay in Canada! @

Katharine Smyth Tilbury, Canada 2015-06-17 I think the government is totally wrong in not allowing Canadian companies bid for this project. After all it is our money they are spending.

Elizabeth Clements Wheatley, Ontario, 2015-06-17 I think our government is trying to bankrupt our country. Sending big contracts Canada out to foreign countries when our economy is struggling, unemployment is through the roof, etc and we have perfectly good companies here in Canada one just a few miles from Leamington where the ferry is going, and they were not even given a chance to bid on it. We definitely need a new government! Name Location Date Comment

Suzanne Grieves Windsor, Canada 2015-06-17 We have a talented skilled workers here in our country. We need people in our government to have vision, courage and common sense. The money the government think they are saving on building the ferry in Chile is minimal. If the ferry was built here, the workers would spend and contribute to our local economy . Liberal party give your head a shake.

Karen Lamb Leamington, Canada 2015-06-17 KEEP CANADIAN JOBS IN CANADA!

Margaret McRae CORUNNA, Canada 2015-06-17 I think it is outrageous that we are sending work outside of Canada when there are so many unemployed in this country. I'm really getting quite sick of it. How do you expect to improve our economy by sending this work elsewhere.

Shelly Ruzgys Amherstburg, Canada 2015-06-17 I believe we should build it here and employ our own

Barbara Baker Ruthven, Canada 2015-06-17 Unemployment is too high and we have the skilled Labour here in our ownback yard. Keep our jobs! I am sick of our governments using OUR hard earned tax dollars to fund workers in other countries. SHAME. janet pilon Morpeth, Canada 2015-06-17 tired of seeing our government give opportunities to other countries instead of us...just about as bad as the mnr having the fishing licences done out of tennesse...thought we are Canadian?

Kelly Cats Windsor, Canada 2015-06-17 why Chile???.Why not Canadian built

William Kerr Cottam, Canada 2015-06-17 I buy Canadian when I should all Canadians..especially the Government

Evarist Beneteau Windsor, Canada 2015-06-17 Lost manufacturing jobs and tax money going overseas.

Millie Cottrell Wallaceburg, Canada 2015-06-17 it is dispicable ! and we wonder why so many Canadians have to make their way to the food much for job creation in this country...i'll remember this at election time!

Doug DeCou Windsor, Canada 2015-06-17 I believe we should manufacture as many products as possible locally, or at least within Canada

Janice chaykowski Thunder Bay, Canada 2015-06-17 I am infuriated when I see our jobs exported. What kind of economic or environmental sense does that make?

Justin O'Brien Windsor, Canada 2015-06-17 I'm signing because I've always believed and practiced supporting local business. Every dollar exchanged locally will help growth locally.

Mary-Margaret Braund Innerkip, Canada 2015-06-17 I am sick and tired of all of this 'out-sourcing' that seems to have become the trend over the past 20 years or so! KEEP CANADIANS WORKING!

Clayton Ford Kincardine, Canada 2015-06-17 keep Ontario taxpayers money in Ontario

Judy Harris Windsor, Canada 2015-06-17 When a reputable Ontario company is able to do the work and provide the product, that is who should be awarded the contract. Governments should be setting an example for the rest of the country in buying Ontario and Canada first. To give loans and/or incentives to companies to come here and stay here in order to provide jobs, but not give work to a long established reputable company (i.e. keep jobs here) is absolute hypocrisy.

John McNamara Windsor, Canada 2015-06-17 We need to keep jobs local!! Canada should support Canadians

Becky Enns Leamington, Canada 2015-06-17 This ship should be built in Southwestern Ontario by Hike Metal because it will be used in Southwestern Ontario.

Kevin McMahon Windsor Ontario, Canada 2015-06-17 Our Government should support the Ontario work force.

Albert Collins Port Stanley, Canada 2015-06-17 Local sourced should be a main concern. We need something like the American Jones act to re-establish a ship building industry in Ontario

Natalie Lang Tilbury, Canada 2015-06-17 Keep the jobs here. Name Location Date Comment

Thomas Dunn Leamington, Canada 2015-06-17 we need jobs here....and not tomorrow!!!!!!! i also agree with the statement does anyone in government really know the chilian work ethics..and will someone be over seeing the build??????????

RON RUSH Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-18 This decision to send this job out of country is ridiculous and all the people that did this should be removed from there job.

Sally Robinson Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-18 I live in the area

Bartlomiej Wnek Windsor, Canada 2015-06-18 This is a slap in the face to the TAX PAYERS of our local region as well as the local economy as a whole. You are shipping our tax dollar out of the country. DISGRACEFUL is the best word to use here. SHAME ON YOU MTO/GOV.

These guys have been building vessels for Lake Erie for a very long time and know what they are doing. How can you say "commitment to schedule" is a factor, WE the tax payers have been waiting for a ferry for a very long time so to wait a little longer so that a LOCAL builder can do the job is not that big of a deal. And lets face it "commitment to schedule" The governing party should not talk - look at the cancelled plants in the GTA that Dalton and Wynne had "nothing to do with" WASTED MONEY to the tune of a BILLION DOLLARS.... Lets not ship our money out to Chile and get this built here... I swear this is the most insane thing I have ever heard of in a long time!

You talk about "stimulating the economy" and "Job Action Plan" - well this would keep people working YET you want to send the work out of the country... INCREDIBLE!

Wayne Rolfe Halfmoon Bay, Canada 2015-06-18 This is yet another misguided government attempt to low-ball, rather than support, Canadian production of ------(fill in the blank)

Diana Crump Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-18 We need jobs in our country

Linda York kingsville, Canada 2015-06-18 Windsor-Essex has the highest rate of unemployment in all of Canada, how dare our government take this opportunity away from our people here!

Andy Burton Windsor, Canada 2015-06-18 As an owner of a propane company we worked with the island to provide a dangerous goods service to the island for over 15 years This sevice allowed the island to grow and the businesses to provide tourists their products.Is the new boat equipped to handle this service to the island for years to come? I think it is totally ridiculous and embarrassing that our government is dead set in supporting non Canadian companies to take away jobs and revenue from within our own shores.A 5% difference in price by bid as you know from the history of the Liberal Government will be consumed in cost over runs and buried sonmewhere in the books.This boat is for the people of Canada and should be built by Canadians of whose tax dollars are paying for it. Hopefully we as Canadians can stand firm and get this contract re-considered and stop the outsourcing to countries half way around the world.

Alison Snow Windsor, Canada 2015-06-18 I object that the new Pelee Island ferry is not being built by a local Canadian company that certainly has the qualifications. Keep it local!

Randall Gibbons Windsor, Canada 2015-06-18 ... having built a 98M hovercraft in the recent past, NIKE is certainly capable of building a 60M ferry ... this Canadian company has met the contract qualifications of Provincial and Federal requirements and most certainly can build this ship while employing Canadian citizens, thus retaining wages and spreading income into the local Southern Ontario economy while maintaining, supporting an industry vital to Canada and Ontario ... Thank you for the opportunity to support local industry Name Location Date Comment

Dale Stuebing Kitchener, Canada 2015-06-18 If MNR and other Gov't bodies are buying from Hike why is the MTO not. Keep jobs in Ontario

Victoria Scott Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-18 It makes no logical sense, why Hike Metal Products, which has more than a half-century in the shipbuilding business, didn't even qualify to submit a bid for the project.

Christina Maheux Windsor, Canada 2015-06-18 My tax dollars need to be spent keeping Canadians working!

Nancy Pare Windsor, Canada 2015-06-18 Canadian job opportunities need to stay in Canada!

Liset Rodrigues Douglasville, GA 2015-06-18 I'm Canadian Born from Leamington. They took Heinz and nowe this...t the people in this area need these jobs

Marie Ingratta Windsor, Canada 2015-06-18 Keep the jobs here!!!!!

Gavin Clayton Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-18 As a Local resident, I am disgusted that our Provicial Government is out- sourcing this Job to Chile

Mike Davidson Tilbury, Canada 2015-06-18 Canadian tax dollars should support Canadian businesses and Canadian Jobs. It's just good sense.

Elizabeth Bushey Chatham, Canada 2015-06-18 this is just one more example of our governments mishandling of out tax money…..this sounds like someone got a kickback!!

Gregg Girardin LaSalle, ON, Canada 2015-06-18 I don't believe our government should be sending our hard earned and heavily taxed dollars out of the country.

Robyn Lambe Leamington, Canada 2015-06-18 I support keeping the work in Ontario. Support our local companies and our local workers.

Sam Nead Blenheim, Canada 2015-06-18 I am a proud Canadian, I don't believe that hiring these people is a good idea. How can you guarantee your work if you are from another country?

Serge Pospelov Leamington, Canada 2015-06-18 I am sad that Ontario Government does not have enough trust in Canadians and following an easy path on expense of Canadian Citizens

Lisa St.Jean Tilbury, Canada 2015-06-18 Jobs should stay local

John Ceccacci Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-18 this ship should be built in canada,ontario specific. This will further credit Hike's shipbuilding experience, also take future repair maintenance costs in effect.

Jennifer St Jean Tilbury, Canada 2015-06-18 I believe the jobs should stay over here

Wayne Currie St. Thomas, Canada 2015-06-18 Made in Canada!!!!!

Prasanth Nagalingam windsor, Canada 2015-06-18 i want to support the cause.

Derek Verdonck Burlington, Canada 2015-06-18 Let's put Ontario workers to work!

JASON SCHMENK Leamington, Canada 2015-06-18 As a tax payer and hard working Canadian I am tired of our Government not working for the ppl of Canadian and just lining their own greedy pockets

John Toth Windsor, Canada 2015-06-18 Our governments need to invest in the Canadian Manufacturing Sector if we are ever going to convince the private sector to do the same

Don Phaneuf St. Catharines, Canada 2015-06-18 Canada needs jobs.

Susan Perrot Timberlea, Canada 2015-06-18 We need to keep business local and in Canada. People need jobs in Ontario. Hopefully this petition will help.

Joe Di Giorgio Windsor, Canada 2015-06-18 I think it's a terrible decision to give this work to a company in another country when there is a qualified builder right here in Ontario, keep our money home where it belongs.

Philip Cornies Leamington, Canada 2015-06-18 Hike Metal is a world class ship builder right here in Wheatley. What about repairs and maintenance? Going to Chile is a huge mistake! Name Location Date Comment

Bob Hutchinson Essex, Canada 2015-06-18 My neighbors need jobs!

Mike Cunning Ajax, Canada 2015-06-18 Keep the work in Canada!!

RYAN SMITH Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-18 This government needs to rethink what they are doing. There is going to be no work left in Ontario.. I have to work in due to this!!!

Heinz Schrade Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-18 Heinz Schrade

Joanne Sullivan Blenheim, Canada 2015-06-18 It was not a good decision. I often spend a little extra money by shopping in my own town. How do I convince others if our own govt. won't do the same!

JUDY GAGNON Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-18 I agree the jobs should remain in Ontario, specifically the ferry will be used in this province next door to HIKE METAL. Wheatley is the world's largest freshwater fishing harbor. Give the jobs to Hike Metal!

Michael Smith Saugeen Shores, 2015-06-18 Should be built in Ontario. Keep our money here. Canada

Kim Laramie Windsor, Canada 2015-06-18 work needs to stay in Canada

Lorree Pursel Amherstburg, Canada 2015-06-18 Realistically - How long will it take to recoup the cost???? How many trips across Lake Erie????????? Who will repair this vessel - and it will need repairs...... I believe the Canadian Gov't takes our SW ON location completely for granted on every level - Shamefully Appalling!!!!!!!!!

Paul Woodrow Windsor, Canada 2015-06-18 This Deal Stinks !

Lorraine Mousseau Essex, Canada 2015-06-18 This is insane! Canada needs these jobs! Shame on you! I will never go to Pelee Island again, this is going to cost you billions, take my word for it. The majority of people will agree with me and ban it.

Christian wagner Windsor, Canada 2015-06-18 cw

Jason Dean Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-18 We need local jobs in our region. It's embarrasing giving another country work we are capable of, especially in a time we are desperate for jobs.

ROBERT ALLEN Windsor, Canada 2015-06-18 If we keep sending our money to other countries, no Canadians will be able to afford to pay for the ride to Pelee and you will not need the boat. It is time our government should be held responsible for their decisions instead of just putting in time to collect their government pension.

Stephen Webber Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-18 My tax dollars should be used to build this ferry in Canada. There is a ship builder in Wheatley not far from the Pelee Island ferry location that can not only build but can closely do warranty repairs and any further repair work when needed not to mention the employment a local ferry build would provide. Keep our money in Canada where we can build products as good as or better!

David Gillis Windsor, Canada 2015-06-18 Because it is our money that is being moved out of our province !!

Bill Stevenson Chatham, Canada 2015-06-18 I am familiar with Hike Metals and this sickens me that we are shiping jobs out of an area of southern ontario that needs it!

Kathy Ward Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-18 Why would you build a ferry for Pelee Island in another country? The Canadians are taxed to death,why not give something back? Like jobs for instance,here in our own country. What the hell is wrong with our government that they would even think this would fly with Canadians? Everyone in Canada should sign this petition and send a clear message to the people running our country,keep jobs at HOME. Name Location Date Comment andrew malott Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-18 worked at hikes for 4+ years and they are fully capable of handling a build of this size.

Jennifer Skeates Windsor, Canada 2015-06-18 We should take care of our own first

Shelley Bornais Windsor, Canada 2015-06-18 I believe in supporting local business and it will create a lot of much needed jobs

Gary R. Stevenson Blenheim, Canada 2015-06-18 I truly believe Hike Metal Products 0f Wheatley should have been given a reasonable chance to bid on this contract. Let's put our own to work!!!

Chris O'Neil Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-18 The differance of 5% isn't enough to go somewhere else to spend goverment money. any time the Prov. or Fed. government purchase produce it should always be from a Canadian source

Simon Sansom Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-18 Canadian jobs are what we should be investing in. Not jobs for goddamned Chileans. Isn't it enough that a Korean company got the contract for all the idiotic wind turbines? Wake up, you boneheads-in-charge!

Tom Mayville Windsor, Canada 2015-06-18 Giving work to CHILE is fucking WRONG linda degelas Blenheim, Canada 2015-06-18 they are capable of building these boats and the jobs should stay in canada...

Jenelle Livingstone Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-18 The government needs to recognize small town businesses and support them!!!!

Guy Connolly Windsor On 2015-06-18 Keep these jobs in Ontario.There is no way that Hike is not qualified to build this boat.

Renee Savoy-Browne Windsor, Canada 2015-06-18 Keep the jobs and work in Canada!!

William Parr Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-18 Keep jobs in Canada and Ontario...this is a "no Brainer"...Hike Metal Products has the experience and skills to do this project !!

Phil Renaud Brantford, Canada 2015-06-18 The government reasons for choosing a Chilean company are ridiculous.

I grew up in Kingsville. I feel the pain of Leamington.

Stuff like this has to stop. The Gov't of Ontario is killing Ontario.

Brian Winseck LaSalle, Canada 2015-06-18 Why are we awarding a contract to Chille , when it can be done right here next to the island itself. Seems you don't even know if there will be tariffs on the one built in Chille bart forth Windsor, Canada 2015-06-18 Our goverments lack of support for for canadian products and services..

Chris Doher Windsor, Canada 2015-06-18 I had worked in the commercial fishing industry in Wheatley ON, and have seen first hand what Hike Metal is capable of. There is no reason the cannot build this new ship. Our government should be supporting business in our country no matter what. Name Location Date Comment

Jean Paul St Pierre Tilbury, Canada 2015-06-18 We have the expertise, the skilled manpower and it's my tax dollar.

We have the expertise, the skilled manpower and it's my tax dollar. Keep it here.

keep it here

Fay Collard Magnetawan, Canada 2015-06-18 Keep jobs in Canada...

Sheila Henderson Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-18 If the boat needed repairs wouldn't it be convenient to have the buidersoclose

James Lizotte Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-18 This is a ridiculous slap in the face to all ontarians

Anne Dumouchelle Windsor, Canada 2015-06-18 We have Canadian ship builders who could do this job.Protect Canadian jobs ! We cannot afford to outsource everything. Canada should support Canadian business. The government spends a lot of money going to other countries to look for markets for our products ...why would anyone want them if we don't buy them ?..

Paul Cairoli Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-18 It is ridiculous not to have the boat built in Ontario by Canadians. Where is the government. We have lost most other manufacturing here .Its time to supprt made in Ontario. mark hagarty belle river, Canada 2015-06-18 This is so wrong in every way. Keep it in ontario.

Laurra Hicks Leamington, Canada 2015-06-18 With the resent hits to our local economy this is just another big one! When will it stop!? Why aren't we as Canadians good enough! Our community needs the jobs that this could secure and it needs the money to stay here! Why outsource when there is a very capable company here in our back yard

Astrid Koop Leamington, Canada 2015-06-18 I'm signing because I'd like a Canadian built vessel.

Kathleen Flanagan Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-18 The whole concept of sailing the new ferry here when it could be built here is ludicrous!

Peter Bechard Windsor, Canada 2015-06-18 I'm signing because I think it's irresponsible for the MTO to award business out of the country when capable businesses are available within the province. Invest locally!

Mike Gagliano LaSalle, Canada 2015-06-18 I want my tax dollar spent here in my community. not Chile I don't want to create jobs in Chile. but here in Canada. built in Canada. Name Location Date Comment

Warren Barlow Cambridge, Canada 2015-06-18 I am concerned that a large contract like this was not awarded to a Canadian Shipbuilding Manufacturer.

Shanne Leavitt Canmore, Canada 2015-06-18 Let's employ Canadians!

Justin Ingratta Whitby, Canada 2015-06-18 30 million dollars of our tax money is being used for leisure and to stimulate the Chilean economy? What's the government thinking? How was this decision made? Very poor representation... cindy ayres erieau, Canada 2015-06-18 Keep it Canadian !! Keep it local !!!

Carlo DiLuca Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-18 Keep Ontario working!! BUY LOCAL BUILD LOCAL!

Michael langemann Leamington, Canada 2015-06-18 im signing because I love our country, and the products it produces. No one knows what we need better than ourselves. Why are we giving this away to another country to produce. The ferry should be made in Canada!!!

Dale Atkinson Windsor, Ontario, 2015-06-18 We must support Canadian Jobs whenever possible because it's the right thing Canada to do!

Paul Magro Windsor, Canada 2015-06-18 Talk minus action = nothing.

Elsie Mar Morris Belle River, Canada 2015-06-18 397 Millstone Belle River Ontario

Sandra & Fort Roberto Hamilton, FL 2015-06-18 We should support local industry who hire local people who spend their money locally ! bob higgins Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-18 I have worked on hyke metal boats there are known better


Phil Caruana Cottam, Canada 2015-06-18 Government policy is not the people's wish

Mike Tonks Leamington, Canada 2015-06-18 We need to keep employment in Canada sending everything out of country and wounded why our economy is suffering and employment rates are on the rise

Nancy Atkinson POINTE AUX ROCHES, 2015-06-18 keep jobs in Canada Canada

Doug Schmidt Essex, Canada 2015-06-18 Our government is a bunch of fools who think they know what is best, but time and again prove otherwise.

David Bulkiewicz Belleville, Canada 2015-06-18 Build Ontario

Carrie Keane Leamington, Canada 2015-06-18 im signing this petition to keep jobs here in Canada

Kathleen Linda Watts Windsor, Canada 2015-06-18 If this ferry is built outside of Canada, everyone loses. This part of Ontario is desperate for work and has the skilled workers to do the job. Building in Canada means that there will be regular control checks for quality of materials and workmanship, will the same be available in Chile, or will we take someone's word for it? Will we have a repeat of the recent highway/bridge support fiasco when a foreign company was building sub-par?

Dave Craeymeersch Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-18 Out of a job yet keep buying foreign

Peggy Delaney Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-18 this is a depressed area financially and millions should be spent here. These are our tax dollars!! Name Location Date Comment

Gloria Gellner Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-18 From what I understand there was a 5% discrepancy between the local Canadian bid and the Chilean bid for the Pelee Island ferry project. Local CANADIAN companies should have been given first consideration. We have qualified workers, familiar with Canadian standards and practices. What happens when a part from Chile breaks we have to wait for 6 months for replacement parts??? How much will it cost to ship to Canada a ferry built in Chile? It will cost more than 5% to just ship the ferry to Canada. Shame on you!!!

William Thomson Windsor, Canada 2015-06-18 The Ministry of Transportation of Ontario, (MTO) has announced that it is building a new ferry to replace the 50+ year old Pelee Islander and complement the 23 year old Jiiman. ASENAV, a ship-building company located in Valdivia, Chile, was awarded the contract, valued at $40 million. This is an absolute travesty and Kathleen Wynne the Premier of Ontario should be ashamed of herself. Canada, once a premier world shipbuilding nation has few quality ship yards left in existence, yet Hike Metal Products of Wheatley with over 51 years experience building ferries, passenger vessels, fire boats, research vessels and a variety of specialty vessels for over 50 years was not given a chance to bid. Thousands of hours of labour and work shipped off to South American. This show's Wynne's blatant disregard for South West Ontario and keeping and creating jobs in Ontario.

Captain Bill Thomson ray boilard fonthill, Canada 2015-06-18 hike should do the job

Bea Patterson Grande-Digue, Canada 2015-06-18 I lived in Wheatley for 15 byears, Hike Metal has an excellent reputation and we should be supporting local businesses, shame on hiring from outside of the country

Brad Dierickse Essex, Canada 2015-06-18 Keep my tax dollars local. Total cost of ownership must be lower with a local supplier!

Pam Stoehr Caledon, Canada 2015-06-18 Keep things local, how are we going to survive if we send everything's by to other countries

Nancy debruyn Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-18 this why we keep losing manufacturing jobs in Ontario!

Edwinna Rawlings Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-18 How an Canada survive if all jobs even forroduces for us leave the country!!! Insane !

Vicki Bennett Essex, Ontario, Canada 2015-06-18 Giving a contract of this magnitude to another country (ANY country) when we have a very qualified shipbuilder in our own backyard....REALLY? What are they thinking? Obviously they aren`t, but what a foolish foolish decision this is! Can`t help but wonder who, and what kind of people thought this was a good idea? Guarantee you nobody who has the foresight to see the financial ramifications of such a disastrous decision. Either that, or their own jobs are secure enough that they just don`t care. The worst thing is that from what I am reading, it won`t matter how many thousands and thousands of Canadians sign this petition, or how may politicians get involved requesting they reconsider - they won`t back down. Their oversized ego`s won`t allow them to humble themselves to take a good long look at that decision and acknowledge that they`ve made a huge mistake. Nope...they are just gonna stand by their decision and just wait for the dust to settle. What a shame !

Matt McLean Windsor, Canada 2015-06-18 i believe in the idea of Canadian built products even if the cost is slightly more.

Patricia Christian Richmond Hill, Canada 2015-06-18 keep the money in Canada and help to provide more employment. Why give it to a foreign company. Makes you wonder if someone is getting a back hander Name Location Date Comment

Jason Caron Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-18 This is bullshit! Give us the work!

Heather Sova Leamington, Canada 2015-06-18 Buy Local, shop local, BUILD Local!

Abe Guenther Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-18 This area could use an economic boost and it would keep Canadian dollars in Canada.

Matthew Gale Windsor, Canada 2015-06-18 Local jobs and I lived on Pelee Island and when there is troubles with the boat it helps when the people who know best how to fix it aren't across the planet.

Tony COuto Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-18 keep the money in Canada dummies

Cathy Doyle Ontario, Canada 2015-06-18 When I heard on the radio that the ferry was to be built outside of Canada, my first reaction was - wonder how much that minister got paid under the table. This government does not even know how to keep jobs in Ontario, let alone Canada.. There are places in this country that could make this ferry. Why were they not contacted - is the cheapest ferry being paid for by our tax dollars going to be safe when it is built in a country where no one from here is there to see that the work is done safely, and to our standards. Where is this guys head. I know where his hand is.

Juliette St.Pierre Belle River (fomerly 2015-06-18 I'm signing this because the sale of Hydro One will hurt all the people of Maidstone), Canada Ontario to which this company belongs to. If anyone is to benefit it has to be all of Ontario not just the big rich cities.

Janice Burkett Ottawa, Canada 2015-06-18 The government should follow the example of the people and 'Buy Canadian'.

Bruce Burgess Chatham Ontario, 2015-06-18 This co is more than capable and as a taxpayer this is wrong to award out of Canada our country and lose money to foreign entity's

Tom Burns Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-18 I think the Ontario Government should reconsider what is best for the people of Ontario.

Wesley Clark Windsor, Canada 2015-06-18 Canada needs to spend money in CANADA, before we start spending money in other countries, if we can build our our ships, then build the new Ferry here, right in our own backyard, a stone throw away from where it will operate as well!

Bev Seney Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-18 I understand that there is free trade agreements in place but somehow we have to protect our jobs in Ontario, I am sure that there is something in the contract that would suggest that the lowest bid is not necessarily the winning bid.

CHRIS MCDOUGALL Blenheim, Canada 2015-06-18 It's time the provincial government listen to the people who elected them.

James Hammermeister Windsor, Canada 2015-06-18 drive the economy in a region of Ontario that desperately needs it

Gerry Quenneville Tilbury, Canada 2015-06-18 Gerry Quenneville

Kevin Tellier Tilbury, Canada 2015-06-18 only make sense to build it locally NOT in a other danm country

Bonnie Margos Leamington, Canada 2015-06-18 This is sick. Canadians need this work.

Debra Lindsay Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-18 This government discusts me. As a citizen of Ontario we deserve this job. Why does the govt. feel they can steel our hard earned money and give our jobs away. Sounds like another someone is in some ones back pocket thing. Our govt. is just plain crooked and evil.

Bev Nixon St. Thomas, ON, Canada 2015-06-18 Keep jobs here

Robert Lucier Amherstburg, Canada 2015-06-18 our tax dollars should stay right here in canada common sence rob peck Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-18 keep jobs in Canada!!!

John Marentette Windsor, Canada 2015-06-18 this is ridiculous. Give the work to Canadians!

Marilyn (Lynn) Long Wiindsor, Canada 2015-06-18 Because the government of Canada needs to know how betrayed we feel by them

Richard Schroeder Essex, Canada 2015-06-18 We need the work in our local community Name Location Date Comment

Dave Bose Windsor, Canada 2015-06-18 Go Canada go

Mary Daponte Bracebridge, Canada 2015-06-18 I grew up in Wheatley and Leamington and Hike metals is more than fully capable of building this ferry in Canada in Ontario 10 minutes up the road from where the ferry will be docked and housed way in god's name would we even remotely consider having it built anywhere else ? Chile really that is just absurd! Come on Canada spend our money with better judgement please

Alain Archambault Langley, Canada 2015-06-18 I'm signing because here in British Columbia, our Liberal government has a history of building ferries elsewhere. Particularly in Poland.

Michael Clough Amherstburg, Canada 2015-06-18 I am Canadian caring for Canadian jobs.

Debbie Austin Dover Centre, Canada 2015-06-18 I believe if there is a qualified Canadian contractor then that is where our tax dollars should go. We need to be creating jobs not sending work out of the country.

Michael Gerhardt Harrow, Canada 2015-06-18 I don't like seeing jobs outsourced to other countries. This region of Ontario is constantly loosing opportunities, and having grown up in the area, it saddens me to see this beautiful region in such a slump. brian howe leamington, Canada 2015-06-18 We are told to keep things local to help our local economy, this deal would be a great asset to our local workers. I,ve seen HIKE METAL,s work and they are more than qualified to build this ferry and it would be nice to say it was built on home ground.

Paul Shettell Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-18 Canadian built ,right thing to do & we have a cottage on pelee island.

David McCready Wallaceburg, Canada 2015-06-18 I am signing this because it is an absolute disgrace for the Ontario government to spend $40m of our hard earned tax dollars to have a ferry built in Chile when a company like Hike Metal Products can build it right here in Ontario and so close to the ships home port at that.

Anita Morris Harrow, Canada 2015-06-18 No, no, no - this is not right! We have capable people right here in Ontario to build this ferry. This is just wrong on so many levels. Why would this even come into consideration and then Chile gets to do it. Nope - you need to fix this. And fix it now.

Patricia Amond Harrow, Canada 2015-06-18 MTO made a very bad decision. This contract should have been awarded to a Canadian Company. Tax dollars should be spent in Canada!

Jeff Martin Windsor, Canada 2015-06-18 Short term work for people just hanging on.

Carrie Espin Windsor, Canada 2015-06-18 Its about time the government starts putting Canada first sheldon vince PainCourt, Canada 2015-06-18 The highest unemployment rate in the country, is Windsor Essex. And they want to send work out of the country,that make's no sense at all, especialy sending away skilled trade job's

Josee Lemay London, Canada 2015-06-18 We need to keep as much in canada

Elizabeth Martin Windsor, Canada 2015-06-18 The pieces don 't fit. The government's not giving valid reasons for their choice. And, why are there no tariffs in the Chilean ship?

Malcolm Graham Newmarket, Canada 2015-06-18 I signing because I know that this ship should and could be built in Chatham- Kent.. The costs of civil servants and politicians flying to South American to check things out plus the cost of shipping the ferry to Canada would offset any savings by having this of shore contract.. Our Premier just does not get economics 101 michael Thompson Comber, Canada 2015-06-18 Localization of manufacturing brad onuch Belle River, Canada 2015-06-18 I am tired of the ineptness of these decisions providing no support to our local economy. Name Location Date Comment

TODD MANDENO Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-18 Its not right

Corry Demeris Cottam, Canada 2015-06-18 It does not make one bit of sense to award this contract outside of Ontario. Keep jobs here, or RESIGN!

Randy Louwagie Windsor, Canada 2015-06-18 When looking at a tender. ..we should be also looking at the ripple effect of sending jobs overseas. These 75 people who would have been needed to help build this ship would have helped our Provincial and Federal Government's tax coffers...and would have stimulated our local economy with their expendable cash! If a local business built this ship there would be a much better chance of repairing breakdowns and replacing needed parts quickly. ..when the need arises.

Tim Lavender Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-18 It is the right thing to do. We need the jobs. Taxpayers dollars need to be spent in Canada!

Jim Trofin Windsor, Canada 2015-06-18 Canada needs the jobs---especially the Essex County area of Ontario. Keep work here!

Susan McLelland Windsor, Canada 2015-06-18 I want job opportunities for Canadian!

Melba Bedard Windsor, Canada 2015-06-18 I am confident that Hike Metal and any project undertaken by Andy Stanton is able to see it through to completion. it is an atrocity that this project as not awarded to this company in the first place.

Adam McConkey London, Canada 2015-06-18 Let's keep it local.

Beaulieu Susan Cottam, Canada 2015-06-18 This is an unfair process. Since when do we give special deals to compainies on taxes and duty? What an unfair process!

Eric Platford Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-18 Use Canadian money in Canada

Laureen McGraw Lakeshore, Canada 2015-06-18 Keep in Canada

Dustin Mifflin Calgary, Canada 2015-06-18 What a terrible slap in the face of, not just the local community, but of Canadians as population

Adam Neveu Harrow, Canada 2015-06-18 Create jobs in SOUTHWESTERN ONTARIO. YOU BUNCH OF CLOWNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cathy Cross Bothwell, Canada 2015-06-18 To many jobs are leaving Canada. We have people here that need good paying jobs not low paying jobs or part time jobs.

Linda reaume Blenheim, Canada 2015-06-18 Ridiculous decision

Mark Dudok Windsor, Canada 2015-06-18 Our people need jobs more than ever keep the work in Canada

Theresa Caza Belle River, Canada 2015-06-18 We desperately need to keep as many manufacturing jobs as possible in Canada and in this area specifically.

Margo Pelley Kingsville Ontario, 2015-06-18 I think it is just wrong to give the contract to another Country when we have a Canada ship building company here in our area.....shame on you, shame on you! How can we put our faith in gov't when you do something like this....whose palms were greased is my question

Janet Scott Thessalon, Canada 2015-06-18 It is just common sense to award the contract to a local - or even Canadian - company. Come on People!!!

Rachel Renwick Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-18 We are all encouraged to BUY LOCAL, SHOP LOCAL...let's BUILD LOCAL!

Michael McNamara Toronto, Canada 2015-06-18 The Ontario government needs to support Ontario industries!

Pierina Adragna Leamington, Canada 2015-06-18 We have the what we need in our backyard and instead of saving jobs and helping our people we are giving work to other places!

Thomas Leparskas Windsor, Canada 2015-06-18 You need a clearer view of what Ontarians care about. Keep that work here in our province. Name Location Date Comment

Tony Hanthorn Carrying Place, Canada 2015-06-18 this is ridiculous to send our tax dollars away! this just shows us what our government thinks of us, give the work to Chile who cares if more Ontarians are standing in the welfare line. george usakov belle river, Canada 2015-06-18 hike metal good company

Eric Desrosier Belle River, Canada 2015-06-18 its an outrage that a service available in Canada to build a ship being used by Canadians be built anywhere else. How can we ask the population to support Canadian business when our government won't?

Brian Boots Harrow, Canada 2015-06-18 This is so wrong

Ellen Tinline Blenheim, Canada 2015-06-18 We need the jobs and a ferry built by Canadians for Canadians.

Carolina Venerus Amherstburg, Canada 2015-06-18 I would like more information on why this contract was not given to our local ship builder in Southwestern Ontario.

Melanie Croft-White Toronto, Canada 2015-06-18 Hike metal makes quality boats. They just built the two new passenger vessels that do the cruises at Niagara Falls. The Canadian government should be supporting Canadian companies. Getting value for your money means more than getting the cheapest price.

Ian Mcleod Toronto, Canada 2015-06-18 The loss of jobs in Ontario is appalling. The provincial government should be supporting local manufacturing companies

Mark Habros Amherstburg, Canada 2015-06-19 Se can do it right here in Essex county

David Ebare Charring Cross, Canada 2015-06-19 Dumb to do this ,support Canadians ,you are a Canadian ,AH

Linda Habros Amherstburg, Canada 2015-06-19 We need to keep the jobs in Canada!!

Lena Sutton Hamilton, Canada 2015-06-19 Jobs belong in Canada that involve Canadian taxpayers money. The ferry will be used mainly by people in Ontario and the work should stay here where people live and pay taxes.

John Hamilton Kelowna, Canada 2015-06-19 I'm outraged that such a contract should go overseas in these economic times and in this area!

Doug Taylor Windsor, Canada 2015-06-19 I believe the procurement policy should be geographically biased. This process should inlude domestic economic impact in the math. We can pay a premium to build domestically and still have the overall effect to the tax payers, government and economy be positive. What is the carbon footprint to get this boat from Chile to Lake Erie? this is a bad policy and a flawed process.

Bill Ellis London, Canada 2015-06-19 It should be Canadian made, run and serviced. It should meet Canadian Health and Safety specifications.

Adrienne Taylor Windsor, Canada 2015-06-19 I think the government needs to fuel it's own economy by using local bidders when implementing any projects.

Kathie Cowgill Windsor, Canada 2015-06-19 im tired of waiting 1-1/2 months for a ship to be repaired. I'm tired of government not supporting it's own. randall smith` Brantford, Canada 2015-06-19 Randall Smith

Lucy Howe Leamington, Canada 2015-06-19 I want a Canadian built ferry, which will add more jobs to this area.

Cathy Graham Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-19 It doesn't make sense economically, more costly in the long run

Jimmy Bullough Leamington, Canada 2015-06-19 im signing because I think hike metal can do an amazing job on the new boat. I've seen their work. I think we need to create more jobs and keep the money we all spend in our province and country.

Jocelyn Hennin Windsor, Canada 2015-06-19 Let's keep it local!

Rick Nugent Lindsay, Canada 2015-06-19 Ontario needs the jobs Name Location Date Comment

Ken bonner Comber, Canada 2015-06-19 This government says they are creating jobs for Canadians! They gave away the girders for the new highway and that cost us millions now the ferry! People of Canada we desperately need to get rid of these idiots! The Windsor area has the highest rate of unemployment in the country we need these good paying jobs.

Debbie DePauw Windsor, Canada 2015-06-19 Canada needs to build this ship. Wheatly is qualified. Gives jobs to cdns.

David Whaley Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-19 A shipbuilder only a few miles away and Chile gets the contract!!!! Are you fucking kidding! Another reason to vote this government out!!!!!!!!!!

Christina Ciliska Windsor, Canada 2015-06-19 As a family that is supported by local business in Wheatley, and a happily employed citizen of Canada, I beleive our government should do all they can to keep business local; This is just wrong!

John Supczak Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-19 With so many people needing jobs here in Ontario it literally turns my stomach to watch government officials give away ANY KIND of potential employment and work to foreign countries!

Laurie Simpson Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-19 our area needs the work

Randy O'Mara Dresden, Canada 2015-06-19 We need to keep those jobs here and Hike Metal can do the job so it's stupid to have this ferry built by Chile.

Sue Robert Erieau, Canada 2015-06-19 Believe this should have gone to a Canadian company preferably a local company! Another blow to rural Ontario!

Kevin Yik Thorold, Canada 2015-06-19 Must give us a chance to bid.

Spyros Papachristou Dorval, Canada 2015-06-19 As a proud manufacturer that supports the Marine community in Canada. I can not accept that this is being done ! Help rebuild Canadian Shipbuilding !

Jerwin Rillera Montreal, Canada 2015-06-19 For creating more jobs and to help the Canadian economy, for this I sign this petition

Ragnar Radtke Beacosnfield, Canada 2015-06-19 the funds spent are Canadian tax $, if spent within Canada, a substantial amount are returned through taxation to the government. Therefore a pure price comparison is truly not a wise decision by government spending our tax $.

Adam Beck Belle River, Canada 2015-06-19 The prequalification process that all kinds of construction are forced to endure is broken. Government agencies require insurance and performance guarantees to ensure that their product is delivered on time, on budget and on spec. If the insurance companies that take on these risks have millions of dollars of exposure that they are willing to risk on contractors then who are the "experts" to deny them a spot at the table to bid? Hike Metal has a history of excellent workmanship and has committed partners that would have stood by and financially guaranteed the success of this project. It is a true shame to deny these opportunities to such an upstanding local company.

Helen Koop Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-19 What a travesty----Our tax payer dollars for a gov contract leaving Ontario----all Ontario gov contracts should be allocated to Ontario contractors if they are able to perform the required skills. How are our Queen's Park people so out of touch with reality?????!!!!!

Nicholas de Takacsy Montreal, Canada 2015-06-19 It is important to support a strong manufacturing sector and this is an excellent opportunity to do so in an area where we have the capacity and the expertise. Moreover, in my experience, the lowest bidder seldom provides the best or the most cost effective solution.

Brian Jr Turner Leamington, Canada 2015-06-19 Canadian dollars should stay canadian

Richard Salen Tobermory, Canada 2015-06-19 Keep skilled jobs and our tax dollars in Ontario!! Name Location Date Comment stephen pechkoff Ottawa, Canada 2015-06-19 This directly affects my business, as Hike is one of my customers.

Mike Duchesne Welland, Canada 2015-06-19 Ontario jobs, keep trades people here in Ontario, Keep money, wages and taxes in Ontario.

Xavier Schnelli Ottawa, Canada 2015-06-19 Reconsider Pelee Island Ferry Bid and use an Ontario or a Canadian shipyard

Bernard Decto Brampton, Canada 2015-06-19 Keep employment in Canada. Canada should always be first. Buy Canadian. Let our country grow and and prosper.

Chuck belanger Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-19 candian jobs rather then Chilean jobs

Deb Vantorre Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-19 Who better to build a ferry which will be running on the great Lakes than a local builder?

Sharon Williamson Tobermory, Canada 2015-06-19 This boat should be built in Canada not giving the jobs to a foreign country!!!

Stephane Lague Quebec City, Canada 2015-06-19 Je signe parce que je suis un payeur de taxes et d'Impôts et qu'il faut que les Canadians puissent travailler et que ce type de projet gouvernemantaux soit un enrichissement pour nos travailleurs. Il n'est pas normal que cette industrie soit en compétition avec les pays du tier monde. On ne demande pas à nos fonctionnaires d'être en compétition avec ces pays!!!

David Ogle Tobermory, Canada 2015-06-19 This is not a fair shot for Canadian metal workers michael Jaworski Miller Lake, Canada 2015-06-19 We have perfectly good builders here in Canada... stop spending our tax money over seas when possible.

Judy Willson Tobermory, Canada 2015-06-19 I feel it is a Canadian company the ship is being built for and the jobs should stay in Canada,as we do have ship building companies in this country and cannot imagine what the cost would be to sail it here after it is built ,when there is a local company and the jobs would boost the local economy.

Jean-Philippe Hernandiz Québec, Canada 2015-06-19 The role of a government is to support his citizen. It must invest for sustainable solution for both social and economical stakes. Short term saving trough overseas contract has no benefit for canadians.

Alexander Kiorpelidis Montreal, Canada 2015-06-19 Manufacturing is an essential part of our economy, keeping jobs like this here strengthens our whole country

William Docherty Saint Catharines, 2015-06-19 Canadian Tax pays money should be used to create jobs and keep Canadians Canada working....and spend money in Canada

Robert Square Collingwood, Canada 2015-06-19 It should go to an Ontario company to create Ontario jobs.

Ronald Williams Tobermory, Canada 2015-06-19 I have been to their boat works many times and crewed on several boats they built.

Brian Bonwick Niagara-on-the-Lake, 2015-06-19 This needs to stop using Canadian tax payers money and spending it in other Canada Countries, let's spend our money in our Country.

Hugh Stevenson Tobermory, Canada 2015-06-20 This is tax payers $$$$...... spend it here!!!

David Pilon Tobermory, Canada 2015-06-20 I believe that the Wynne Govt, should reconsider. If not , they have lost my vote, Jobs are needed in Ontario and should NOT be given away to off-shore companies especially when we have excellent ship builders here in Ontario.

Chris Al Breslau, Canada 2015-06-20 keep Canadians working!! Name Location Date Comment

Phil Cunningham Corunna, Canada 2015-06-20 The government is making a huge mistake, out sourcing to a foreign company. When will the government realise that, economically, for the Province and Country, that making our products that we need, should be done here, instead of offshore or abroad. Jobs in Canada provide income to families, whom will spend more. Pride to workers knowing that the products they make come from us, in a land that is known by us. (wont break down after a year or two). People will spend more in Canada knowing that it was made here. And the government gets more money from Canadians making money, and spending money in Canada. I wonder if the present government has taken that into consideration. Canadians in Canada, when making infrastructure programs, whether Provincial or Country wide, should be consider first above every other Country in this world without prejudice. The government should step up, and consider who voted them in their respective office.

Al Nogueira Belle River, Canada 2015-06-20 We should be investing in Ontario first! Local industry needs to remain local.

Jason Cartwright Mount Brydges, Canada 2015-06-20 There is a capable ship builder in the community where the new ferry is needed! Keep money and jobs in Ontario

Robert Bell East Gwillimbury, 2015-06-20 Ignoring the direct economic impact if the work was done by an Ontario-based Canada company is nothing short of negligence. Perhaps we should replace the current government in Ontario with one from Chile as well. I will vote accordingly next time.

Shirley Kunzler Merlin, Canada 2015-06-20 I believe in keeping Ontario working

Marsha White Leamington, Canada 2015-06-20 I care what about the crew ,fuel, and all expenses they neglect to talk about never mind repairs Andy is one of the most talented boat builders dedicated to every detail of his work

JILL RANEY Tobermory, Canada 2015-06-20 I believe this company should have been given the right to bid on this job

Tom Meloche Windsor, Canada 2015-06-20 I know that Canada has the wherewithal to build this Ferry. A ferry isn't very high technology.

Lauri Morrell Kenora, Canada 2015-06-20 Having spent some time living in Southern Ontario, I know what a useful attraction are these ferries. Southern Ontario has lost such a huge number of jobs in recent years, you'd think the Ontario gov't would see the merit in keeping this contract in Canada. Charity begins at home but Canadians don't seem to get this point.

Mary Brock Mooretown, Canada 2015-06-20 I believe this work should have been awarded to a Canadian company and Wynne is proving her ignorance by saying there is no company in Ontario able to build this ferry.

Shannon Clarke Windsor, Canada 2015-06-20 The jobs should be kept locally and in Canada.

Mike MacNeil Amherstburg, Canada 2015-06-20 It only makes sense to build this ferry by Canadians and support our economy.

Ian Davidson Brantford, Canada 2015-06-20 We need to keep these jobs in Canada! Save our economy first!

Gary McCollom Oshawa, Canada 2015-06-20 I will sign this with one caveat, don't let this ship turn into the fiasco that is the Toronto streetcar order with Bombardier, look it up if you are unsure what I am speaking of, but the jobs do belong in this province.

Doris Foster Woodville, Canada 2015-06-20 I believe that we can build this ferry here in Ontario, regardless of the excuses that the government makes. Kathleen Wynne and her cronies care nothing about this province or it's economy. It's time we had a recall vote to get rid of this disease that is destroying our beautiful province. MADE IN CANADA PLEASE

John Greeley Toronto, Canada 2015-06-20 I believe that a ship for Canadian waters should be built in Canada Name Location Date Comment steven froese Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-20 I pay Ontario taxes and live in the area, Wynn always talks jobs but now we see her commitment to the taxpayers yet again.

Jerry Gervais Windsor, Canada 2015-06-20 This job can be done in house Jobs are needed here & Bad Politics-Again

Brendan Payne Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-20 I live in southwest Ontario and this would have been great for our economy.

Veronica Girard Merlin, Canada 2015-06-20 We want to keep jobs in Canada and locally if possible.

Yelda Miedema Kingston, Canada 2015-06-20 Canadian companies have been building ferries since before Confederation. So you pay a little more for the boat. All of that money stays in Canada and gets spent in Canada and grows the economy. Building it in Chile means Canadian dollars sent to Chile to grow its economy while Canadian workers go on the dole. peter dunn Amherstburg, ON 2015-06-20 I want my tax $$$$ to stay in Canada we need the jobs here.

Michael Pecar Toronto, Canada 2015-06-20 Kathleen Wynne should resign for too many reasons including this one.

Donald St Denis Leamington, Canada 2015-06-20 I'm signing to let others know that these jobs belong here in Essex County, not a country that is 1000's of miles away from here.

Eric Rogers Toronto, Canada 2015-06-20 I'm a concerned stakeholder and feel our tax dollars are better spent in Canada.

Sophie Kroesen Toronto, Canada 2015-06-20 M5v 1a8

Anna Priftuli Ecoirse, MI 2015-06-20 Because we need the jobs here not elsewhere......

Michelle Meconi BelleRiver, Canada 2015-06-20 This contract should have been given to a Canadian contractor

Mary Cambell Windsor, Canada 2015-06-20 I am upset that our own country ships jobs overseas when a company right here is able to do what is required and keep our own working. How do we expect companies to invest here if our own country spend it's own taxpayers money here! Unbelievable!! wilfrid lanthier Tecumseh, Canada 2015-06-20 keep our jobs in canada

George Cookson Amherstburg, Canada 2015-06-20 keep Canadians working

Kelly Bedal Harrow, Canada 2015-06-20 We need to stay local!

N A Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-20 I've seen some of the boats Hike Metal has constructed and believe that they are easily capable of building the ferry. Let's create some jobs at home and employ some local people.

John Zavitz Essex, Canada 2015-06-20 Jobs need to stay in Canada

Denise Zarankin Tilbury, Canada 2015-06-20 We should keep the jobs in Canada, especially when they can build it in Wheatley. Wake up Ontario

Brad allard Harrow, Canada 2015-06-20 There is a ship builder in Wheatley. 15 minutes from the Pelee Island dock. Keep the money too.

Mark Moore Tecumseh, Canada 2015-06-20 We need jobs in Ontario NOT Chile

Douglas Gammon Windsor, Canada 2015-06-21 We need to keep these jobs here in Canada.

Charles Fider Windsor, Canada 2015-06-21 I'm signing this because,I strongly believe, that this contract must be done within our borders,to employ our people,since it is being funded by taxpayers... As a tax payer funded employee,Mr Del are obliged to work for us,and this is one way that it would show you work for us.....TY

Christopher Blackmore Saint Catharines, 2015-06-21 This SUCKS ! Canada Name Location Date Comment

John Cryderman Chatham, Canada 2015-06-21 Generally decisions and programs implemented by any of the 3 levels of government seems to, more often than not, be at the detrimental expense of the taxpayer. The public sector seems to be flourishing at the expense of the private sector, even though 100% of all monies originate from the private sector

Frank DeBresser Chatham Ontario, 2015-06-21 Our Premier does not have a clue about keeping jobs in Ontario. Canada She does not have a clue about much else either.

Gerry Colville Toronto, Canada 2015-06-21 We need to keep jobs like this in Ontario !! NO MORE OUT SOURCING !!

Kevin Grainger Goderich, Canada 2015-06-21 I believe Canadians deserve the job associated with this project. They will provide a better quality final product which can be serviced and supported by Canadians

Sarah Gignac Maidstone, Canada 2015-06-21 these should be Canadian jobs... PROMOTE CANADA!!!!!!

Elaine Danielson East Amherst, NY 2015-06-21 I used to live in Leamington & took the ferry to Pelee Island a lot. I also visited Wheatley quite a bit. Let's support our neighbours & our country. Proud to be 'made in Canada'!!! chris cunningham Toronto, Canada 2015-06-21 I agree the ferry should be built here!!!

Wade Dempsey St. Catharines, Canada 2015-06-21 Our tax dollars should be used at home, when we have the capability here.

Patti Brownell Windsor, Canada 2015-06-21 Canadian! fafa cote Brossard, Canada 2015-06-21 mon époux travaille dans le domaine au canada

Mike Kerester Essex, Canada 2015-06-21 WE NEED THE JOBS!!!

Robert Walker Windsor, Canada 2015-06-21 Windsor Essex has the highest unemployment in Canada

Douglas Hopp Toronto, Canada 2015-06-21 I work on Canadian Vessels, and diagrams, replacement parts, and long-term operational details are safer and more compatible for mistake-free and less expensive operation and maintenance when all parts and aspects of the ship are locally available, and similar to other Canadian-built ships being used here.


Mike Anklewich Essex, Canada 2015-06-21 Why when we have good resourses here and skilled trades kevin stanley Essex Ont., Canada 2015-06-21 Cause I'm P'd off that the Goverment cares more for sending my tax money overseas than giving Jobs to it's own citizens who pay THEIR wages!

John Taylor Windsor, Canada 2015-06-21 This work should be done here in Ontario , and it would benefit the people of Ontario , Keep our tax dollars in Canada larry vellinga Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-21 We need to keep our tax dollars working for Ontarians. If they didn't qualify, someone should have helped them with the qualification process.

Patty Morand Windsor, Canada 2015-06-21 Right is right and wrong is wrong. Keep our money in Canada

Dennis Hicks Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-21 All of this outsourcing of work to foreign countries has got to stop!

Pam LeBlanc Essex, Canada 2015-06-21 We must all support every opportunity to create jobs in Ontario!!

Richard Viknanek Chatham, Canada 2015-06-21 I'm signing to say that Canadians do have the skills to do the job. .

Chris Rappe' Windsor, Canada 2015-06-21 This decision is absurd & totally unacceptable.... heads must roll for this type of unaccountability !!

Brock larade Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-21 Our country is strong and capable of completely sustaining it's self . By out sourcing work to save a buck that hurts the back bone of this countries people . Give Canadian work to Canadians

Ann Garrod Windsor, Canada 2015-06-21 It' the right thing to do! Name Location Date Comment

Marjory Smith Wallaceburg Ont., 2015-06-21 We need to support our own economy, spend money & keep work local! Canada

Connie Clayton Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-21 I firmly believe that we should be supporting our local economy! It is absolutely ridiculous that the government would outsource the build to Chile, rather than a Canadian company!

Carolyn Walker Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-21 I'm signing because I'm Canadian and we should be standing up for our country. Keep jobs in Canada. What is wrong with the thinking of this Liberal government! joan gallagher Windsor, Canada 2015-06-21 we need the jobs in Windsor Essex county...

Nigel Tilley Goderich, Canada 2015-06-21 Because yet again you bunch are making another awful decision. jenne wilson Sudbury, Canada 2015-06-21 I loved that ferry as a child

Robert Erskine London, Canada 2015-06-21 We need to start supporting our industry here in Canada. Odds are we can build it far better and safer than some foreign country.

Douglas Jessop Leamington, Canada 2015-06-22 If you care about the people of Ontario and their ability to make a living and pay TAXES then you will have this ferry built here.

Richard Smole Windsor, Canada 2015-06-22 Canada, and Canadian Jobs should come first!

Teresa Goudreau Windsor, Canada 2015-06-22 I totally agree. Jobs of this magnatude belong local!

Margaret Hussain Port Moody, Canada 2015-06-22 we should keep jobs in Canada whenever possible.

Tim Stratichuk McGregor, Canada 2015-06-22 We can build it better in Ontario


Adrian van den Hoven Windsor, Ontario, 2015-06-22 We should build the ferry here!!! Canada

Robert Gair Toronto, Canada 2015-06-22 These are Canadian jobs going to Chile - using Canadian Tax payers money. This can't be right.

Rodney Dockerill Mississauga, Canada 2015-06-22 Because its madness to buy offshore for this vessel. sue Atherton Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-22 We need to keep jobs in this country not send then to other countries

Susan Lamb/Davidson London, Canada 2015-06-22 I want you to reconsider the bid, for the Pelee Island ferry. I feel its an unjustice to have this ferry buily outside of Canada when we have the facilities here to more than accomadate this ferry...its just not fair to the working people on Ontario...and its a snub to us to have it built esp out of Country...we need the jobs here! Thank-you and i pray you reconsider....

James McArthur Amherstburg, Ontario, 2015-06-22 because our elected officials can't make the right decision Canada


Gary Newman Windsor, Canada 2015-06-22 We need the jobs in Canada

Edward valenciuk Strathroy, Canada 2015-06-22 It's criminal that Ont. doesn't get a chance to bid. Collingwood already lost their ship building facilities. Do we want to send all jobs out of Canada?

James Lynch Windsor, Canada 2015-06-22 SHOULD BE A cANADIAN BUILD.

Jon Schweitzer Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-22 work for Ontario Name Location Date Comment

Lindsay Pentland Leamington, Canada 2015-06-22 It's the simple fact of encouraging Canadians to buy local, why should we not build local?! I'm tired of seeing opportunities given to other countries before our own! It becoming almost as bad as how we give away all our religious rights and freedoms! We are Canadian we need to put our companies and values first!

June & Nelson Rutt Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-22 I think it's a a sad day when we have to get ships or anything else done in other Countries. We in Canada have the people that are quite capable of doing these jobs. Wake up. bryn dayman pelee island, Canada 2015-06-22 I live on Pelee Island & believe a locally constructed ship would be financially responsible. It makes sense that any repairs, or warranty work or other upkeep would be done locally and in a timely manner. Our ferry is our lifeline.

KERRY IPPOLITO Windsor, Canada 2015-06-22 This build could go to create jobs right in the community the ship will service! Why is the new Leamington/Pelee Island/Kingsville ferry not being built in Kingsville. Put Canadian workers to work. And it makes much more sense to have a local company that will also be on site to service it when it is needed. What is our government thinking? kelly grant Leamington, Canada 2015-06-22 As a worker who recently lost his job when a major company pulled out of Leamington I think its high time our elected officails start doing things that are in the best interest of Canada instead of sending jobs to other countries

Doreen Feltz Pelee Island Ontario, 2015-06-23 I live on Pelee, and I feel we need to keep the Ferry Canadian made , jobs are Canada needed here!

Seppie Lynn Edmonton, Canada 2015-06-23 Give the locals some jobs folks..

Tracy Kendrick Essex, Canada 2015-06-23 I think it's rediculous that it's even an option to outsource when we have more than capable people here to do the work, keep it here

Gary Atkinson Ruthven, Canada 2015-06-23 Common sense says that this boat should be given to a canadian company to build rather than a company in another country

Louise MacDougall Windsor, Canada 2015-06-23 I feel we need to create jobs locally and local shipbuilders would know the Great Lakes a lot better then a country half way around the world

Ken McLean Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-23 Highest unemployment district in our nation needs more consideration when great job creation opportunities such as this arise.

Shooter Diemer South Woodslee, Canada 2015-06-23 Keep manufacturing business in Canada especially a great place like Hike!

Stefany Hamm Tilbury, Canada 2015-06-23 My friends, family, and myself are directly impacted by this decision. Not to mention when repairs are needed the turnaround can be a lot quicker.

Kelly Jenner Maidstone, Canada 2015-06-23 Kelly Jenner

Sue Chamberlain South Woodslee, Canada 2015-06-23 I want a company from Canada to build that ferry

Scott Wilkinson Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-23 Keep jobs in Canada jim maytham Harrow, Canada 2015-06-23 the liberals again have their head up their......

Kathy Ward Windsor, Canada 2015-06-23 People in this area need jobs.

Stewart Robert Cottam, Canada 2015-06-23 It's crazy to give jobs away to Chile when Ontario is in dire need of jobs.

Deb Carter Brantford, Canada 2015-06-23 My family lives on the island and the boat should be built here!

Ghassan Najjar Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-23 we need the jobs here and I think it is a crime to send out of country.


Scott Johnson Calgary, Canada 2015-06-23 This just stinks! There is no logical reason this ferry is not being built in Ontario or Canada for that matter! Name Location Date Comment

Judith Ward Stoney Creek, ON, 2015-06-23 I'm signing because we need our economy built up and I believe Canadian Canada made products are of better quality.

Jim Winters Morpeth, Canada 2015-06-23 I believe that giving this important large contract should stay in Canada....ridiculous to even consider giving to another country when Hike Metal are more than competent and Canadian!! Like it is hard to believe that such a large job that would provide so many jobs in our community has had so little consideration!!

Lesley Heinz Leamington, Canada 2015-06-23 it should be built here...we have the technology!


Lori Moody Blenheim, Canada 2015-06-23 It's just plain wrong!! Leave the jobs here, where they need to be...stop supporting other countries as much as we do and we would be much better off!!

Gary Belland Windsor, Canada 2015-06-23 Canadians are capable of building the boat

Lucinda Wright Leamington, Canada 2015-06-23 I think we need to keep Canadians employed! Do not support other countries when we have a company in Ontario that can build the ferry. we need to support our own and keep unemployment rates down! Decisions like this put Canadian Businesses out of business and unemployment rates on the rise. Please reconsider!

Tom Hopkins Welland, Canada 2015-06-24 We could have built this ferry in St. Catharines, the previous . All of my past Colleagues are struggling to find work, even myself. Layed off at the moment. Could have been a great opportunity for any company in southern Ontario.

DAVE CAREY welland on, Canada 2015-06-24 As a layed of shipyard marine engineer. formely the port weller drydocks , know very well we could have built it here on time and on budget, as be have over the past few years !!

Craig Macher Cambridge, Canada 2015-06-24 This area desperately needs jobs. I cannot believe that the government would say a shipyard in Ontario couldn't do the job!

Maralee Noltie Chatham, Canada 2015-06-24 We need to keep the economy going here. sam attinello Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-24 It makes sense to me that the ship is built in ontario. Let's be a bit patriotic for a change and support our own people and spin off jobs for the area. This is not rocket science but our politicians want to do what they feel is the right thing. You are here to listen to the people. We are speaking and it's time that you listen.

Paul Dunn Windsor, ON 2015-06-24 Yet another example of the mismangement of this fine province.

Peter Scorrar Leamington, Canada 2015-06-24 Totally illogical procurement process. Does not serve Pelee Is. but employs gov't assholes in Toronto to shuffle paper. How would a Chilean builder learn of Pelee Is?

Claudine Prosper Madoc, Canada 2015-06-24 This is just not right! I am fed up with everything being built of shore while Canadians are out of work. Therefore, I think that Wynne is out of it! Certainly not on Canada's side.

Barry Copus Merlin, Canada 2015-06-24 I want to put all Canadians back to work this is a great nation that has lost focus we are forgetting were we came from The Liberals must go what ever leader they have Name Location Date Comment

Scott Rivard Windsor, Canada 2015-06-24 These types of projects should be awarded to Canadian companies, to invest in the Canadian economy and create jobs here in Canada. When a potential bidder is knocked out of the RFQ stage with no explanation, it brings the government procurement process into light. The US has a "Buy American" policy for government projects, we should have a "Buy Canadian" policy, especially when our tax dollars come into play.

Georgene Shaften Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-24 I think these idiots in government are getting kick backs from these foreign companies. ruth lucas rr1 Stoney Point Ont., 2015-06-24 Ontario needs jobs. Build in Canada. Canada

Dani Danyluk Oakville, Canada 2015-06-24 its the right thing to do...Canadian Made, Ontario jobs

Greg Kett Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-24 Why can't we build the ship where it will be used and employ hundreds of Canadians? Tell the Minister this is not right and we must reconsider!

Dennis Holier Tilbury, Canada 2015-06-24 We are more than capable of building this vessel. Hikes have built countless boats for all the great lakes.and stop selling the people (tax) payers that employ her down the river.keep our money in Canada

Joanne Bilodeau Wallaceburg, Canada 2015-06-24 What she said is ridiculous !

Ron Giles Windsor, Canada 2015-06-24 If she gives away the ship work then she will give away all our work She says she wants to keep automotive in Ontario That is hard to believe. She is just going through the motions We need to stop her before it is too late denis desaulniers Lakeshore, Canada 2015-06-24 Canadian Jobs!!!!! james harron windsor, Canada 2015-06-24 It's wrong to give jobs away that we can do at home

Patsy Copus Merlin, Canada 2015-06-24 This Government has gone to far. If this was the Automotive Industry people would be flooding the streets. Tell her to move to Chile as she is supporting their economy

Kevin Wass Leamington, Canada 2015-06-24 The Ferry should be built in Ontario

Jonathan Carr Belle River, Canada 2015-06-24 I strongly oppose our government's decision in shipping Canadian jobs outside of Canada.

Paul Krause Leamington, Canada 2015-06-24 I am shocked at Kathleen wynne lack of knowledge paolo Colini Windsor, Canada 2015-06-24 Governments are lining their pockets and everyone is waking up..

Sophie Jones Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-24 Something like this should stay local and provide work here in our area

Norm Burke Essex, Canada 2015-06-24 We can and need to build the ship here in Canada.

Anne-Marie Dufour Kingsville ON, Canada 2015-06-24 Awarding this contract to another country is absolutely ludicrous. Shame on our government!

Mike Pearce Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-24 i don't believe that the process was fair and open, and l want to see what made them decide to accept a bid from another supplier outside our own country. larry chevalier Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-24 We are capable of anything in canada

Dana Takacs Tecumseh, Canada 2015-06-24 We ought to keep jobs that can be done by Canadians.

George Ward Burlington, Canada 2015-06-24 Lets keep the work where the taxes are paid

William Nixon Essex, Canada 2015-06-24 keep jobs here---Income tax paid to country by employees hired to do this job will more than offset the difference in price. If Hike can build yachts--I am sure they are capable if doing this job.--and the boat will never see salt water.

Jeanne Haagen-Lebert Windsor, Canada 2015-06-24 support the local economy!!! How do you expect people to support you...... Name Location Date Comment

Carolyn Burton Essex, Canada 2015-06-24 I am signing because I am tired of our jobs going out of country. The Liberal party definitely does not look out for the taxpayer but readily take more tax dollars from individuals for their grand new ideas that mean nothing.

Jack Ricci Leamington, Canada 2015-06-24 So our money is leaving the country, our jobs are leaving the country, and we pay taxes to keep this process ongoing...Where's the logic?

William MacPherson Saint Catharines, 2015-06-24 just like the Jones act in the USA, I think our governments should be Canada supporting our domestic shipbuilding industry not sinking it!

Fred Schembri London, Canada 2015-06-24 Keep job's in Canada

Ron Gould Kemptville, Canada 2015-06-24 Agree ferry should be built locally even if it costs more to elevate capabilities of shipyard and workers.

Robert Warren Smiths Falls 2015-06-24 Because ontarioans money is best spent in Ontario

Liz Doyle Toronto, Canada 2015-06-24 Sick and tired of our country opting to accept bids outside our country. Get with it.

Claudio D'Andrea Windsor, Canada 2015-06-24 We have the skilled labours and technology in Windsor-Essex to build a damn boat ourselves.

Kerry Thorne Cottam, Canada 2015-06-24 Employment !! tony watts Cannington, Canada 2015-06-24 We have all the know how to build a frickin ferry. Maybe we can reuse the Toronto Island Airport one...doesn't have many nautical miles on it!

Judy Gould Windsor, Ont, Canada 2015-06-24 It's ridiculous to outsource this contract. ora puyda Leamington, Canada 2015-06-24 This so wrong we need to stop paying there wages and let the Chili government pay them

Ronald Beaudoin McGregor, Canada 2015-06-24 I believe Hike's in Leamington should be the place to make this ship.. Keep the work in Canada so Canadians have jobs..

Kimberley Ward London, Canada 2015-06-24 I'm originally from Essex County and it needs jobs! Why send this away when it can be done here.. Ridiculous!! georgina kubik Wallaceburg, Canada 2015-06-24 I can not believe those words came out of her mouth. All they do is take, take, take. They can not even keep the business in Ontario. I say hogwash!!!!!!

Scott Forbes Windsor, Canada 2015-06-24 Kathy is a useless cunt. Listen to Ontarians you useless whore......

Margaret Pizzuti Belle River, Canada 2015-06-24 with half of the skilled trades in windsor out of work, you want to send more work out of Canada. I can't believe the irony in this! Canada is sinking.

Gary Sitter Windsor, Canada 2015-06-24 Keep jobs in Canada...totally ridiculous to give away our work to a foreign country & get a used boat in return..

Robin Picotte Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-24 Give Canada the job. No need to outsourced job for less wages. bill larsh Windsor, Canada 2015-06-24 Wynne speaks out of both sides of her Liberal BS mouth. We need to wake up Ontario, we are losing our jobs and therefor our young people (skill set). .Incounscionable

Steven Shively Windsor, Canada 2015-06-24 I believe in keeping work locally. Especially when we have the highest unemployment rate in the country not to mention by the time the ferry gets here from Chile the warranty will be expired.

John Jacobs Leamington, Canada 2015-06-24 Canada can

Maryann Nolan London, Ontario, ON 2015-06-25 I lived in SW Ontario near HIKE Metals and folks came from various coutries to get them to build ships for their home places. WHyu are we exporting that to another venue? Your worng this time Premier, take that contract toa Canadian firm..I recommend HIKE in wheatley!

Joyce Kane Windsor, Canada 2015-06-25 In Wheatly , Ontario - on Lake Erie we have Hike Metal which is a, wait for it, CANADIAN shipb building company. Name Location Date Comment

Chelsea Ives Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-25 I'd feel m,ore safe knowing my family and I are riding on a solid Canadian made ship that is crafted with care, rather than a Chilean ship that is only building it with the intent to save money. Who would trust to ride a ship like that?

Brenda Scott Harrow, Canada 2015-06-25 Going to another Country for a service that is available here in Canada is totally unacceptable. Spend my tax dollars at home!

Timothy iles Leamington, Canada 2015-06-25 we have ship builders in Wheatley Ontario who build maid of the mist for the falls. Surely that could build this ferry . Even if they didn't have the ability now with investment this could be the first of many they could have built

GLENDA MCEACHRAN BLENHEIM, Canada 2015-06-25 we have the expertise here in Ontario to build this ,, keep our jobs here at home,, taxpayer money should not be used to employ people to do a job from overseas

Jan Getty Wheatley, Canada 2015-06-25 Hike metal of wheatley is capable of this job , just look at there records and history of what they've done Kathleen you really don't know what your talking about, u sit there and complain we have high unemployment and yet u send work else where shame on u

John Moceri Tecumseh, Canada 2015-06-25 I feel that this work should be given out locally since its being paid for with Canadian tax dollars. Seems like a very foolish thing to outsource our hard earned money to an out of country company when we have local Canadian companies that are able and willing to do the work. Shame!

Darin baker Glencoe, Canada 2015-06-25 i support Canadian business's and I support our country first

Judy Abbott Amherstburg, Canada 2015-06-25 She's not fit to run our province or anything else for that matter.

Jonathan Dickson Toronto, Canada 2015-06-25 If Kathleen Wynne thinks Canadians aren't up to doing this job, I'd remind her that a large portion of Canadians feel the same way about her and her current position. And as she obviously has no issues with continuing to send money out of the province and solely relying on tax to pay for her party, the least she can do is to try and create some jobs for her victims, sorry I meant for Ontarians, who's money she's so good at spending.

Tim Wilson Wingham, Canada 2015-06-25 The politicians have done it again. My kingdom for a MP with a brain. victorin dube Leamington, Canada 2015-06-25 its just not right !!

Megan Chauvin-Michaud Gatineau, Canada 2015-06-25 This is my home town. Keep jobs in Canada.

Mary Beth sharpe Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-25 our tax payers dollars should remain in Canada to boast our economy

Colleen campbell stoney point, Canada 2015-06-25 [email protected]

Zoran Karacic Amherstburg, Canada 2015-06-25 I want jobs, that can, to stay in Canada and be done by Canadians, especially local.

Raymond Martin Chatham, Canada 2015-06-25 I believe in >made in Canada< plus our workers in Canada not only can do great work but need the jobs..

Larry Lilly Windsor, Canada 2015-06-25 Boat building is what we as Canadians do.

Joan Epp Leamington, Canada 2015-06-25 As a resident and teacher in an area where young families are struggling to make ends meet (in the wake Of the Heinz closure), I'm appalled that our government isn't bending over backwards to keep this project in the community that uses this ferry!!! Hike metal can build it. This whole deal smells of greasy politics. How does Chile have access to technology we do not? Pretty sure our ship builder can rise to te challenge or source out materials they need. Losing confidence in this government on a daily basis.

Yvon Dionne Tecumseh, Canada 2015-06-25 May tax dollars are better spent here in Ontario!!! Name Location Date Comment

Mike Trombley Brights Grove, Canada 2015-06-25 Premier Wynne is an idiot and as well jobs should be kept in Canada for Canadians who are quite capable of doing just about anything but elect the right government officials!!

Jeanine Demers Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-25 Keep jobs in Canada!!

Kruno Ozvald Tecumseh, Canada 2015-06-25 Kathleen Wynne's statement that Canada is not capable of building this Ferry is totally ridiculous...wonder how much went into her pocket for them to choose a builder in Chile!!!

Augustine Ingoldsby Windsor, Canada 2015-06-25 These jobs should be done in Canada, and by Canadian workers. We need also apprenticeships in many of the trades that are involved in these projects. Take care of our own people and specially our unemployed young workers. Government is totally out of touch with reality, and are serving themselves first, and we the people are far back in the line. A Ingoldsby.

JEREMIE DUROCHER Harrow, Canada 2015-06-25 we can build this ferry

Yvonne Tetreault Tilbury, Canada 2015-06-25 Hike Metal has said they could build this ferry and their experience speaks for itself. It is a local company and would provide jobs for Ontario people. It would make us all proud. If Cdns. can build the Hubble telescope, we can build this ferry.!!!

Anne Rigo Windsor, Canada 2015-06-25 Canadian built means QUALITY and better access to maintenance, parts and repairs when the need arises. This means fewer delays in service to the people on Pelee island when a repair is necessary. Don't continue to send contracts and JOBS to other countries. KEEP IT CANADIAN!

Sharon E Quinn Tecumseh, On, Canada 2015-06-25 I am a proud Canadian and believe that when ever possible, jobs should go to Canadian Companies. We need the jobs here.

Kandace Demarce Belle River, Canada 2015-06-25 I am signing this petition because I think that this migration of Canadian jobs south has to stop. The fact that this ferry will be used by Canadians and that there is a boat builder local that could produce this vehicle the job should go to a Canadian shop. We need to keep our jobs in our country. Shame on the Liberals for backing this endeavour. bob coulson Mississauga, Canada 2015-06-25 Tired of Canadian tax dollars going to an other country to build something for canada when we can build it ourselves and keep our people working maureen woodrich lasalle, Canada 2015-06-25 We need to keep Canadian jobs in Ontario where we have the highest unemployment rate in all of of Canada.

Jason Boyd Tecumseh, Canada 2015-06-25 i think that the ferry should be built by Canadian workers who desperately need jobs.

Dana Boyd Tecumseh, Canada 2015-06-25 Windsor Essex has the highest unemployment rate in all of Canada on and off for the last five years and this is unacceptable

John Newman Chatham-Kent, Canada 2015-06-25 Keep this work in Ontario specifically SW Ontario Essex/Kent lorraine clingan windsor on., Canada 2015-06-25 The jobs should be provided to Canadian workers. The government that we have is destroying Canada.

Lieven Girard Leamington, Canada 2015-06-25 This is crazy! Support your own country!

Henrie Timmers Wallaceburg, Canada 2015-06-25 Wynne is going to 'ship' more jobs out of province? We were building metal ships for the World Wars. This is just BS!

Lana Timmers Wallaceburg, Ont., 2015-06-25 KEEP JOBS IN ONTARIO. Canada jessica archibald Windsor, Canada 2015-06-25 Makes no sense when a canadian company could have done it...we need that money in our economy! Name Location Date Comment

Robert Wilson London, Canada 2015-06-25 Wynne is full of shit. The only reason she said that is because she got a bigger kickback elsewhere.

Robert Brown Essex, Canada 2015-06-25 Taxpayer dollars & jobs need to be kept in Canada & the snow job OMT is giving us is a bunch of crap.. scott manser Windsor, Canada 2015-06-25 High area unemployment.

Suzanne Robitaille Windsor, Canada 2015-06-25 we as Canadians have to start putting our collective feet down and say enough is enough. Free trade has crippled our work force. PUT CANADIANS FIRST!

Robert McGuire Stoney. Point, Canada 2015-06-25 There more than capable of building this ship, I,m NOT GIVING MY TAX DOLLARS TO ANOTHER COUNTRY

Fred JARROLD Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-25 Canadian shipbuilders are more then capable of building any sized boat that could be used for the Pelee Island route.It leaves me wondering if some behind the scenes activity is involved between the Chilean's and LIEBERALS.With the LIEBERAL track record.anything is possible.

Alana Howatt Staples, Canada 2015-06-25 I do not agree with Wynne's way of thinking on this, and many more topics.

Ruth Reeve Pain Court, Canada 2015-06-25 Buy local whenever possible.

Brenda Cowan Midland, Canada 2015-06-26 I'm signing because Wynne needs to be held accountable for her actions since she's been in power. The truth will come out.

Elfrieda Lepp Leamington, Canada 2015-06-26 The ferry to Pelee Island ferry should be built in Wheatley, just down the road. This helps our part of Ontario!

Frank Seres Amherstburg, Canada 2015-06-26 soon there won't be any people left in Canada to support it.

Tom Tweney Belle River Ontario, 2015-06-26 We need people other than imbeciles running Ontario Canada

Pam Armstrong- Brown London, Canada 2015-06-26 Canada should be supporting Canada erminio caruso Windsor, Canada 2015-06-26 the govt can outsource to different company/country but tax dollars of in country revenue to does go back to govts in hst/income tax prov/federal, my question is can we not produce the same product ? if so are the environmental costs/concerns that the govt imposes on business in Canada are there own doing causing costs in Canada to increase, keep jobs/work/products, tax revenues and the Canadian worker working.

Viv Whaley Ruthven, Canada 2015-06-27 Very unfair to take jobs away from a depressed economy. Cannot believe that a company from Chile can do abetted job or we are forced to use them due to Free Trade agreements

Michael Herbert Leamington, Canada 2015-06-27 Is there not a lot more to be considered, rather than just lowest quote? Trickle down economics with job creation, taxes and hopefully profits made should be considered. Would be a huge benefit if the manufacturer is close by to solve problems/issues as well? Time to be a little more "protectionist" like our neighbours. We have lost enough auto manufacturing jobs here in can we make those up? Certainly not by awarding contracts outside the country.

Todd Kemsley Belle River, Canada 2015-06-27 I believe we should keep our jobs in Canada.

Peter Luxton Sault Ste. Marie, Canada 2015-06-28 WE need this ship built in Ontario. Why are we giving the job to Chile ? Canadians use it and pay for it n.

William burke Windsor, Canada 2015-06-28 I want a strong canadian economy

Dane Sokic Oakville, Canada 2015-06-28 Economic benefit of keeping jobs in Ontario must be given greater weight in the decision making process.

Tom Gignac Leamington, Canada 2015-06-28 We should keep the jobs here ,not out of the country Name Location Date Comment

ROBERT BERRY Grimsby, Canada 2015-06-28 I agree with the petition

Edward Tupling Brantford, Canada 2015-06-28 keep Canada strong and productive. Stop giving away our jobs ! dave guthrie Windsor, Canada 2015-06-28 you have no idea of what you are talking about. How about we give your job to someone in chile they would probably be better than you

Terri Schlaiss Gallatin, MO 2015-06-29 We have a perfectly good labour force and why would you contract it out to Chile screwing Canada out of potential growth, jobs, and an economy boost. Foolish of Steven Del Duca; why doesn't he want to support his own country? And if this is how he wants to treat the people who are in fact his bosses, I guess steps should be taken to relieve him.

Glen Allison Grimsby 2015-06-29 I believe we should stop outsourcing jobs to foreign companies and keep our own citizens employed.

Phil Horner St. Catharines, Canada 2015-06-29 I believe in the local option first if it is competitive and viable.

Tom Galbraith Saint Catharines, 2015-06-29 We need to support our own industry just like other countries do Canada

Ted Berdowski Thorold, Canada 2015-06-29 I have used this ferry to Pelee several times and it it ludicrous to have Chileans build the ferry when the local economy needs jobs. A Canadian manufacture ferry is what Canada and its citizens need.

Peter Gillen Kingsville, Canada 2015-06-30 Buy Canadian!!!

Timea Sarkozi Burlington, Canada 2015-06-30 I care

MaryAnn Ratcliffe Pelham, Canada 2015-06-30 We need to be support and create our own jobs before we send jobs out of our country!

Chris MacNaughton Grimsby, Canada 2015-06-30 I support ship building in Canada and as a resident of Niagara am concerned for the well being of industries like Port Weller Dry Docks.

Gail Chunik Hamilton, Canada 2015-06-30 Jobs should be kept in Canada. If we can build the Canada Arm to work in space we for sure can build a ferry boat.

Mary Ellen Hilko Saint Catharines, 2015-06-30 Build Canadian!!!! Canada

Russ Pettifer Saint Catharines, 2015-06-30 Like everything else the government is doing for ONTARIO - nothing! Canada Sell a friggin' highway to the Spanish.

Kill our soft fruit industry by contracting with the Chinese.

Watch our auto manufacturing slip to Mexico.

Stand back while the Ontario Maid of the Mist gets sold to the U.S.

Is there anything you politicians are doing for US besides ruining our economy???

Sell a controlling interest in Ontario Hydro to whoever....


Lorraine Baker Niagara Falls, Canada 2015-06-30 employment for Canadians

David Eagle Dunnville, Canada 2015-06-30 Canadian jobs belong in Canada. Another idiotic move by the Liberal Government...numbskulls!!!

Maryanne Clawsie Mount Pleasant, Canada 2015-06-30 This project should be employing Canadians totally

Olga Gagne St. Davids, Canada 2015-07-01 We should be supporting the Canadian work force! Name Location Date Comment

Lynn Moline Allanburg, Canada 2015-07-01 Keep the jobs in Ontario

Larry Bayer Niagara-on-the-Lake, 2015-07-01 This ferry will end up costing more without us having any control and then the Canada Duty will make it cost even more and run this project way over budget!!!

Leah Quiring Dresden, Canada 2015-07-01 There is a shipyard a short distance from where the ferry will operate. As a shipowner/operator, this will become important in the future for dry dockings, repair and maintenance. Govt is too short sighted. Will cost a lot more to get the vessel up here in authorizations alone! paul spence Saint Catharines, 2015-07-01 I worked on the pelee islander built in port weller st. cath. I am sure one can be Canada built in ont. or quebec by cand. workers.

Jane Stollar Toronto, Canada 2015-07-01 I want my tax dollars to put Canadians to work and we should listen to Canadians who shouted loud when the last Pelee island ferry was built offshore

Daniel Marion Harrow, Canada 2015-07-02 I believe we can build a better ship and help our local business by keep our money here too!.

Clutterbuck Christine Burlington, Canada 2015-07-02 I truly believe we need to keep employment in Ontario

Rolande Chauvin Windsor ON, Canada 2015-07-02 Rolande Chauvin

Sallie Hunt Kenora, Canada 2015-07-02 I'm signing because we should support Cdn jobs Canaida

Nancy Blain Port Perry, Ontario, 2015-07-02 I am sick of Kathleen Wynne making ill informed comments and decisions Canada regarding this province. Hike is perfectly capable of building this ferry and was never given the opportunity to bid on this.

Marcel Darveau Québec, Canada 2015-07-02 je sais pertinemment que le Canada possède ces connaissances, car nous avons construit de nombreux navires, tous aussi complexes que compliqués, pensons seulement aux traversiers Tadoussac-Baie Ste-Catherine de la STQ, pas mal plus complexes! Ils sont actuellement construits au chantier Davie, à Lauzon, Qc. By the way, Lauzon is in Canada!!

Amanda Hodovick Duncan, Canada 2015-07-03 I movedto British Columbia because there are no jobs in Southern Ontario. I know many people looking for work in the Leamington area ontario would benefit from this.

Greg Ryan Windsor, Canada 2015-07-03 I want My money staying here were it will benefit our people , remember it's our money not yours

Sheryl Purdy Windsor, Canada 2015-07-05 Hike's Metal in Wheatley, Ontario has an international (world-wide) reputation of building high quality ships & this company was not even given the opportunity to bid on the job - my question is what type of kick back is Wynne getting from the ship builder in Chile? According to Hike's CEO, the ferry built in Chile will cost more because there is NO FREE TRADE AGREEMENT WHEN IT INVOLVES(FERRIES) SHIPS OF THIS SIZE.

Julie Ricci Kingsville 2015-07-08 The company in Wheatley CAN do the job. Think of the maintenance costs and any repair work needed will blow the costs out of the water. Stay local! All the money our country affords to assist other countries in need and here's a chance to help out local business that will reap more benefits for the area economically. I can't believe the Government is stabbing us in the back like this. Julie Ricci, Kingsville