Record Set Cardinal right.handar ltey Wuhb"m Forecast broka a major ".glle record Wed.,.., "ight by pitching • no-hitter - the sac· CIMy wfth acealieNl rai" toMy. P.rt· ond In as m."y nights at Cand ....1ck Iy clMlty .M w_ tell tht 11141 Friday. P.rk In S.n Fr.nckca. Sea atery P.,. ~ oil Iowan ...... , ...... 7. Serving the Utliversiiu of Iowa and the Pelfple of Iowa Cit!!

Es(abllshed in J 868 10 ctDII a c:opJ Columbia Rebels Waste No Time Police Violence As School Opens Most Dangerous, NEW YORK "" - About 300 person., students and their supporters, forced their way into one of the campus build­ ings Wednesday nigh' afler the university withdrew permission for a sehedllled meet­ Clark Declares ing sponsored by the Student~ for a Oem· ocratic Society. The demonstrators marched into Scher· Attorney General, FBI Chief Trade merhorn Hall. which houses the social sciences department, ignoring the objec· tions of a campus secw-ity guard, a n cl Blows on Handling of Disturbances entered a large classroom. 'I1Ie seene WIU reminiscent of the student takeover of WASHINGTON (AP) -Atty.Gen. comm.\.ItiOll OIl violelll:e. several campus buildings last spring. Ramsey Clark. in _ppareot criticism of Hoover prailed <1:IJcaao police for pr.­ l The university withdrew permisaion , .. ventinc dIaruptioIl of the eon doc and SDS to use a campus auditoMum for Ita the bloody batt! between police and aid "vicious .ttacilnl moba" left ~ "International Assembly of Revolutionary antiwar prot ten at the Democntic no cbc»ee other than the IlISe ol f0t'C8. Studen\$" about half an hour be~ore the Clark, wttlIout II&mln& Cblea&o, aaId po­ meeting was scheduled to start.. .tional Convention, condemned p0- lke abould be told to use only minimum Th. school IBid it took ,... .ctlon be­ lice brutality wedn day u the mo t force neeesaary to curb dlsturbane . of • demondration ••rller In the dangerous type of violence. "Of .11 "leI_, I*ICI "Iolent' In .w. d.y when about 30 students - IUlpend· ClU at .uthorlty I. tho moat clantar. ed for "'eir role in ,... disorder. I a s t Clark and FBl Director J. Ed(ar Hoover tuS," Clal"\ wid. "F., who wl11 prootect spring - cllShad with .bout • dole!! differed dram tleaUy l1li po&e bandlinC t ... public wfIen .... pelle, vi ..... tho of u they at the c.mpus pelletm.n who bt....-d the 1ft IUCh diaordera tstIfied I,w'" COLUMBIA ROLLS AGAIN - ~.b4l11oll' dudents at Columbl. forced their ....., l"to one ef the bele.. u,," IInlv .... from regllterlng. &tart of bearinp before !.be Preaideot'. Milton S. ~. chalrmaD of Ibe Unl",rslty In New York, Including Students for • Democr.tlc So· slty', bulldlntl. after Columbia withdrew permlsalen for • Ie...... lrving de Kart. director of ltu<\ent In­ vJoIenoe comml.Ielon, uJd, "It It perfectly daty I,eder M.rk Rudd (ctnt.r, In plaid .hlrt) cI ••h with cam· uled m"tlntl lponsored by SDS umpu'. terests, told the SDS steering committee 0" ~ t.hert waa uncalled for action on pus guards Wedn Some 300 militant .tuden" .nd theIr - AP that because at lhe aflernoon incident WI,..,.,. * * * both rIdts," "space will not be granted to the SDS to­ Bot the rsJred educator .dded, "U a night or in the folure pending a hearlnr Protesters bai of urine were lhrow'II bl my f~, I by tbe students and faculty . . ." think I would react." • Hoover said antiwar demonslraton d The clash between the and the students llberately prol'oked pollee by hw-ling campus guards lasted about 15 minutes. abuse and human reluse at them. He said Observers said several plain-clothesmen Cry Tough it W8I a tribute to the police that paralysis from the New York City ponce depart;. Dec. 5 Trials B of the city WIU prevented without I of men also we~ on hand. SOIM of the drama of the Dec. S aoU­ Uon that Coover had asked him to be part leads om of the bllildlni wh n Vevera ar· CHICAGO (.ft - An antiwar c:oalltion llfe. The .tudents were among 1st demon­ war demonstration on campus was re­ of the project a half hour before the In· re ed him. which or,aniled d monat.ratJoos that '""" 'Jbe controversy over the Chlcaco c:lash str.tors who gathered outside the ..,_ Into sU'eet. violence In Cblc 0 announced dominated the InJtial hearin(s 0{ the com­ lived Wednesday when the firsl three cident while Drum was waiting to hear a {aU said he had been at the tall~nd plans Wednesday for ~ 1lCr0ll ml ion created by President Johnson ""IIIm, reglstr.tion for the first cases springing oul of the disturbance speech on the Union pallo. of lh crowd ru hlna onto the Union', t h • [ of the Ivy L.Igue university's 25,'" country wiler ver the presldenllal ca.ndi· upon the as . nation 0{ !i(!n. Robert F. were heard in Iowa City Police Court. The only loud outbreak In me crowded cond floor and that he had th n wailed stuclent. wa, taklnt pl.". dB ppear. Kenne

~NC.'mCID 2:~ " L01" Of!: '""~ ALI. 'YbtJ ~"rtIN. OFFfCJ:ft6 WILL "MONE! THa ~AJ('R' MfN,.AND. ~L1~~"" WAmrr AJCIJfn416 II I rf,,",ru .((~ Ili~ -= au- .·'·~I

j I

L~·~~::::.. ~.. ~...... ~f~ • THE DAILY IOWAN-I_. City. ' • ..-TlIwa.. s.,t. ".1"'"-P... , 1. 2,78 Coeds Take the Big Plunge into Sorority Life SororIty rush offIcIally closed fIcin. nl.: K.rUyn WrI.hl, Elm· Adel: CaD W.II~.... BurllActoatp.t- AurOJ'!t~;LoriI Dole ...lI Clrkaco I Grln.neU· III ...-~ .. - I 0 1Dl.· \lIIID 1I0be~'-~b-"'" ...... - ...... -d. _ ...... _ .~ Tuesd fl 278 . I hur t. m.: Jean Wlecel. EverfTHn rlda Klcl. .• ~ ...u~ . raDCeoLn.'w '" ..arz~ ....-..... sororilies. The new pledge are: Pr)or. Okla JohlUOn. 1IeUwood, m.; c-.-.IJI .. rI .... Canneu BarlJe;;rue otu. to..... Lake; ...... Ia Beldl. Walnut· deracm. Iloallt Pr~. m ; .u. BurUn~on; Salb Hocue. DaTen : SkIw< r ...... B.D.; ~ IIII~ Alpha Chi Ome •• - J.nlne Lynch Alpha Eps fl on ~h l - Lynn Sehnel- Relll1.l. ChI••• o. m.· CUoI RyehOk. C!If o-,a' - DIa.... ·Albert.on, ...... Allbaup. Waterloo: JI",*&ft1 Hawal'il. ·ortJlf1eld. W.; r_ JanJf.r WdGr1 ; LbwIa H.J'ft)'. r.~ 111"-...... I--d_.~ .=- _JoaD pori' Cheryl Ceorg•• Grlnn.lI; Nltl Perry; M.rl/ery Noce. low< City: Princeton . Kathy .cAJltJ1... Burlln~oll ; II: " ~ XolMl: All« And'"rJOII. Delt. bta _ JaneU. (lOft . ...1. 1><' ilia IIhem tCIHY. Do _...... "":""....;.,....,...~. HUlhel. Waverly; Sue Townsley h.ron ZeU Sioux City' ElI.en Alph. Su Delt. - Calton. _ MlIler. CraWfordsville' Bar. Downe .. Cro"e,_m.: Patlkla Elliott ten40rf: Sandr. KellHdy Boone; JI L CIrri e Then, 1'"!J 01)'; Cedar a.plda,. J .... ~t_ Cedar ... Park Rlclee . m.; J.n Grice•• Peoria' Starkm.n, Lincolnwood. m.: Susan Aurell.; e ... .,,1 Torre . Avee.; KrU- bara Baku D.venporl· ue Co]( E11111. Dl.; Lunn. JleArcIle. '.Der: AIII1l& "UIer, Denl II' patrlcti lor. '1M Hal. '.".da; De__.. c.m ... recli; Il...,. H ran...... ,... Rapids; m.; J.n B.I ...... Wellern r,rlngs' W.rsh.w,•• III.; SUAn Cut. lin. Burrow . "'lIe PlaIne; Barbara Dav'nport: CaD Loerke. n.; Jloin... : ~"e't m.: Sandr. Ed_rcll, P..,rIa. ey. De. JloI... ; Und. w • CI .... bell 0-" K ~ hr. uth~hlo_. ClI~..!.~ HD"~! ~:: III.' Beclty Hel t Excelsior. M nn • ler. Winnetka. m. R.dent.lI. Belle Plaine; TelTl Kend. Ida 1Ie1tu. Jl!mmeubarc; uo PI~ -<.:rene Gn> , Oaaaha. 'eb wood; IInnda JltKelrban. H.rl.n; r.> : Julie .. b., W.tetloct: u .... 1e','",,1 ollie; Il..-uooo ~ ...... Alph. Delt. ill - Deborah n.rt Alph. G.",ma Delta _ Xaren rlenltl. Bettendorf; P.trlCIa alley. pert. Cladbrooll; JIllIe Baxlu 10.... 1 .... t. G-. - 5 • Hovt, Ce. EIJu Ke rr'~' Iowa Cit; u Ba~la,.. Wen lJ_rly. JI_: Anne 0'N.n. 0.. .01.... ; Alii on; Cheryl Esplnll. Bettendorf: Parr. Du buque' Ann mlth. Folr· Cedar R.plds; Judy Wood. Cedar City; .ney .. oore. K.... p'o;,· II' dar It.olcIJ; S,u." Kin,. Cedar Ita. K_ht To.... CI,y· Anne Clo. tea_ AI ..... Theta - Calherlne ...". Palllaa. 0.. lIIIo1Du; EIJea Andre. Cedar Pilla; J.n~ field: Charol Atchl on. 10"" City; RaplcIJ; Je.nette Ilunolncer. Counen a Torney. Riceville; Deborah CPlda; Paal. Wln!!eY, Cedar R.oldi: Renwkk; Sara II«1<0rd. Iloll.: u. 01 n. voca; Eluabeth :o.wr. Wtsd_. Du .. oIen; •.•J.JI.... . ~_!. R.eIl .. l'. Ch.rl. City; Kathryn p.Ur• • usan Klrkm.n. low. City. Sharon Blu(' ; AU~row. Dnen· CoIlklln. Ilkhlalld; Sandr. R.k. .tbarlne Pa .... "lInOII: Karen _t: All Jen " lou. CIt ; Wada Han Bene Pla1n ; Ian. JlcCauley CIrer. X.rsbalto!!ni. ue ~.u... -~; fonL D.venport; Sara S.... n. Fort Plumer. low. City; hlrle)' Oetj.n. port. ToreA LaUonot Dave"pon: Freeport. ro.; Julie Co .n, La lie. ~' XCDUndl IIluff.; KUarle Cray. \ 'IlItOll; xi." ....--. w eo,1lIA. ok.. ; .u.... n e .110. Du MoinH; JIartha WU'rtyw.t;rtoo: IARebe«a c:iIi'r"; Alsdu::~.n~'1!:~ · cn~?,b~~~~ ~!~b.~~y;B'~fi'~~. ~~t:!tOo~IWI~:~ I f<-:e baT:l~.O~~qU~~ ~~Bar~ mo.", Delt. Delt, _ K.thleen MOlnu~IneJ~ee~lynll~~~~~' ~ gr).I1 ·~~!hy".~jol~r'a\~ct~ K~"4:ru1a~:~·a;::i ~1.neI~~~ gr... oa. m.: CynbrJa ....rd, P.'rt Wrllht, Iowa City; Susan Larson. Rul""h, W.lerloo; ue Street. W.ter· n.ully. Dubuque: Julie 'el»... Du- IIJJtncr.... Uendorf ; P.trlda Olaon. IIbot ..... ; Lucy ....u n, De \\-111: Anne aamodell. JloUne. [U .: patrld. pOUholf D o.:l Ju. Walk r. RJdle. W.; C.th1 ayll.ll. aocJI: lIIaIId, ottumw.; The.e"" Markley. Ottum· 100; Donn. Cooper Cherry Valle,. buque; SUAn lUcbanbon, Dubuque; Burllncton' SharOD Pl...... C.· en Se.C...... Eldon; Wendy Triebel PHria. JU.; lJJIda neeblH'. De OIM . Jlno Tl\:awortJl. lncle. m. ... a; W.ndy Masonhall. Po hlJle. Ill.; Ellubelh Copel.nd. Moline. n ; Ellubeth Buchmall. low. Cltvi K.... I..,Y: Je.n barer... Cedar a.pld ; c.. ~~Ubn.l1dt. HamDton; IIern Jle- IUIDa. Jlbm. !Mnd n ..: C.therine JiJI ... ktM. Iowa ....." !"'.!.... ,... ~:::... ~th:1y .'""P.t'!. Rhond. Pede ..en . Reek RapId; DI· Ellubeth Knopp, Roek'oNl. m .; eIle Crolley, Marlo .. ; Deboran An- tby R""""").. <;edar Raptdl; , ... ,",,1M. lo.. a FaI1I; Bu_n Halte I G_I I'hl 'eta _ K.thlH .. ZIm. CIt.., ; an<')' . • ....1 . 10WI Cit,.; Judy "",. ...a...... ~ ouae..,., ane Hlllem.n. Stale c"nler; u.. n Doris Jen.. n. Coumbla, Ko der",n. Ottumw.; EllzabelhWool no, Cardamon. Del Moines: ClYle alo'I It~:!~: MIr)' IIoede.b~ . JI.~lICo ; merman. Cordo~ •• m.i :r.... ml Zabel l peik n .. P; UqQI; Cbem H ...· t"_o1nui..V~~.~crtmI::'·m~'~ H\nlncer. Wapello; Carol Shoenthll. Alpha 'hi - X.y SerC .nt Blult: C.ther1ne Cryer, iliOn, Do Mol.nel; B"rbara IInI.,.. - BUnlkt. Newton; Barbara Ow\a:bt, JU.; Ja ... Waul .. " Xendota' pert. • ...Uto D; Xortne)' Ste.... UU~q; •• ..~ n..A!~~r!' -- .- -- ______J 0 .....n... II, r ... ~_e,....- R ~ lowl etty; N~ So•• IlarIItaIJIOWO; J_ CurtJa, Ot· twawa; J..... hrron~OIl" City; Terri SaIllh. 'Ioux '-"To Ro~ rOller, Wlt.erlOO; IlwIIM !~n . KRAFT'S Watanoo' Lu.., Bu.. lU'UlI.teD MORRELL PRIDE FULLY COOKED HAMS HelJbla, 'nt; TrlCIa Gr.lIla, m.; D.wn Altarben. KoaDt.aIlne. Pr_ Derl. W.; DIaDI WUclennuth P ....I •• n1 .; . ... RocllIord, ilL; G n ~r. 1'lIlM... N.b. ,...... De". Tall - X.tbertlM SHANK Bun CENTER MIRACLE Chapm.a. 10 ... CIty; .1Nh. Brody. Ottu...... ; Deborah COoclm&n. Chi­ .,,0. ill; Debbie Gore. CIlkaIO. m; auu... Jlaao....,.. Chlcaco, n L; PORTION Helen S>:;ydlowto. Cb~ m.: PORTION SLICES KaHil 7b

DEL MONTE HY.VEE GENERAL MILLS TODAY ON WSUI Lb. • Jean Martlnon conducts the 19 T.n 21,'1 Lb. ORTF Philharmonic this morn· PEAS. eln 22c PEANUT BUTTER J.r 96c PIZZA SPINS Pk •. 36c in, i.o a performance of the Sec· Can $1 0Gd ..... from Ravel ', "Dapfuus DEL MONTE PINEAPPLE · HY·VEE PURl Alld OlIoe" at 8: 30. 2 46 Oz. 2t Oz. • Bertie Cecil's secret meeUng •• WITH COUPON GRAPEFRIUT DRINK 3 C_ $1 GRAPE JELLY. J., 36c with Lady G. implicates bim in forgery this morning jn "Under HY-VEE ASSORTED FLAVORS Two Flap" at t. • The alt.ennath of Rasputin'6 J!~~I PR ICE APPLIES ONLY WITH THIS COu,o".J\1t"4J1T murder is described In "Nicbol· &l IM as And Alexandra" at 9;30. ~ FOLGER'S WITH COUPON ~ CALIFORNIA TOKAY • Harpsichordist RalpIJ KIrk· ICE patII'ick will perform (rom Book I l 19 0( Bach's "Well·Tempered Clav· II, m COFFEE . 2 CL~ ~ Ier" ibis I\lOrDintc at 10. ~ $1 ~ Wi ~ • "Sant1netetan." the flllDOOl Wi Coupon Good Oniv ~ University 0 u t sid e Calcutta C' WITHOUT c founded by Rabindra.nath Tagore. l~ ~."!:l m At HY·VEE low. Ity .lti( GRAPES CREAM will be !be tlUbjed of a documen­ m COUPON a tary from All India Radio at m Coupon Void Aft.r $1 29 1l't Lb. 10;30. m S.turday, Sept. 21 • ~ • The Wblkeh.-t Chorale per. ~ f()l'lm HlDdemith·s lIa , 1963 m this I. , I alU!rnooo at ~~~~~~~~~I-::J~~~~~I!U~. • "The Wizard ()( FInance" by Y2 C Stepben te.oock will be PASent. u.s. N•• l RID DILICIOUI eel in • recorded readillg from Lit. Gallon the CBS .. 2. RED POTATOES 10 3ge APPLES • • • lit. 1ge • The original version of -.. BruckDer's Sympltony No.9, in a ACORN .,. BUTTIRHUT COLORADO IUTL.-n' perfCJl1DlllCe b, the Bavariu Radio 0rcbeItra. wi! be part 0( SQUASH. PEARS. u..24c til 1IftenIooo·, 2:30 00IICert.. u..8c • • • • • I D'ArUIIDaD plott dta reIItora­ t10D 01 CIaies n this aftemooo in ''Tbe LIlt Musketeer" at 4. • It a Ii a 11 finaDcler Aurelio Pectei taIb OIl WCII'ld ~ with ~ W u:b iIrAleI as BOUNTY birIIl control IIId food distributim COCK '0 THE WALK THE UNCOLA ill • iaGcIed lecture ~ at 8:30. VALUAlL£ ~ 5:¢)?~; couroN I "en.tivitr 111 Literature," • Whole Unpeeled IfltOlded talk b)' Yale UniV!nity I WITH COUPON TOWELS Fread! aclIoI. Hemi Peyre WiIJ be a.nt 6aaiJbt at 7. ' BOUNTY 7-up • SIr 'IbomII Beecham con­ APRICOTS dacta the Royal PbibannoaiC . TOWELS a reeordIaa of lUmIty.KonakoV'~ ''Sc:bebII'uade'' .. PIl1 of 12 Oz. • o'docS CCJDCeIt CGaiIk the • Tbe Doan. '!'be Beetles, Step. Coupon Good Only C Carton .. WITHOUT 2 Roll peawaIf. Judy eow. -' ere. At HY.VEE low. City No. 2~ C play 011 .'TaaiI2t At Iowa" fro: COUPON Plus t to 11:30. Coupon Void After Pkg. Can I "Patemalan Is Dead " Deposit diat!uIIiqa with S.turd.y. Sept. 21 39c Elizabeth K ' • WITH COUPON Pliifideut of the National ~ . tiaII~wiDbeginto­ ~.~ ~ ~I I qta at 10:. 011 NIGHT CALL !til, ~ VAlUULt I ,. " COUPON ¢«m %i" lm a ltft eaIJ.iD proeram broacb; from New York. CuIIect can. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~6- ~.~ ·" ~. ______will be taba at 212 : 7ft-SSII-. d'" '''' 4-THI DAILY IOWAN-low. City, 1•. - Thurs., Sapt. 1', ,'" - . . ------'--- Humphrey Zeroes Nixon -Sips from Heady Brew , In on Dissidents :Of California Grape Gripes I ., FRESNO, Calif. (.fI _ Richard "we want justice" and clapped .nd elrlnk the ".uct II "'- H WASHINGTON fA'! - Hubert H. Ohio, C.llforni., Washin,_ M. Nixon Jt.epped Into Californ- in unison. Nixon Ignored them. " ..... when."" I cen. Hurr phrey's efforts to attract dis· .nd Or.gon. is's heated farm labor contro- The majority applauded and But the former vice president .ident Democrats ..,,1 take him verIlY Wednesday, saying work- cheered at intervals during the pledged to "improve the Ute til aCl'Oll' half the conllnenl today Barring unexpected develop­ menls requiring his presence for ers shouldn't cripple "an indust- Republican presidential candi· the migratory worker in Ameri­ to accept public embraces from ry already in trouble." He was date's talk in this Californ.ia ago ca today and to offer new ... Sen.. Edward M. Kennedy and official business, Humphrey does I loudly heckled as he began to ricultural l:earUand. Nixon made to him and his family tomar. Georle S. McGovern. not plan to return to WashingtOll apeak. it clear he IUPporta the growers. row." until early October. Hi s cam· I Kennedy Ind McGovern, both About 50 of • crowd of 5,500 Police took away the protest· Earlier. in a panel dlacum. of whom bucked Humphrey's paigning will be interrupted only for occasional and brief res t at a r ally, demonstrating in sup- ers' signs and they marched out with farmen, Nixon said fn quelt for the Democratic presl. PO": of an AFL·CIO drive to or- of the hall, still chanting and workers don't make enoUih IIICJII. dential nomination at one time stops at his home in Waverly, Minn. gaDlle farm workers, chanted clapping. Nixon's farm labor re- ey and ha"e poor housinl. Gm· ... aJIIIther, will introduce the marks came after they left. ers, he said, are hit by inflalial, • Vice Pretldent at meetings in AfLer getting oC[ to a haky It w•• the flnt time In hi. export dlfficuitiel and marketill ' start in his vote quest, Hum. , their home ••tM . presidenti.1,lgn Nixon problems. Humphrey flies tim to Boston phrey go!. a psychological lift City Slates Tuesday fro m leather·lunged hH been hick I" elurln, .n .ct. Of the Doycott, he nid: "V.. wbere tc:ll\lledy wiD p.'eMnt him dre... do not help the worker by ~ at a noen-hour campaign rally Democratic audiences in Buffalo I and Rochesler, N.Y. Sewer St u d y Feelings have run high in CaI- pIing an Industry that II aIrtadJ ' Ia the buaineee district. The Vice ifornia's Central Valley over ef· in difficulty. You must not _ " We're on our way," he de­ President then loes to Sioux The City Council Tuesday night forts oC Cesar Chavez and his fuse industrial labor pr&_ rail., S.D., for a lleries of ap­ clared. decided to hire an enginooring Agricultural Workers Organiz. with agricultural labor prab. peUI/let. with McGovern, whose Tuesday also produced ,n en· Iconsulting firm to conduct a i~g Committee to win recognl· lems as my opponent apperelllly diNeBlin& view. on the Vietnam· thusl.stic public endorsement ' tudy of sanitary sewer additions hon from g rower s of table does." 1M war prompted him to run from Presid.nt Johnson and an I in the city's North Side. ~ape~ . The union , .IS a weapon, He proposed a thrte-polat .,. a ,. III • t Humphrey at last .nnouncem.nt that Jesse Un· The specific area to be survey· IS urgmg a nationWide boycott of gram includinl: month'. Democratic National ruh, California's A s I 1mb I y ed is the "penin sul~" area bound· California grapes. 1. Providin, "new econ_1a. CenVlfttlon. speaker and an ardent support· ed by the Iowa River, Interstate I The area. solidly Democratic centives" (or farmers to inti The Vice P"'lide"t .nd his er of the late Sen. Robert F. 80 ~nd Dubuque Street. . in registration, gave strong sup· in improved housln, 'acilltlell hr "rtlsan. .,.,.. the vis i Is te K.nnedy, would serve as an City Frank Smiley, I port to Republican Gov . Ronald m igratory workers. M.... ch_ttI .nd South D.· honorary chairman of Hum· who .uggested the study to .the Reagan in the 1966 governorship 2. Reversal of adminiJtntllll ..... win m.rtr .n auspicious phrey's camp.ign committ •• in counc!J. called the study.a frrst race. policies he said "discrlm!lllle ...rt ,.,. • Clm ... I,,, tour th,t th.t stat •. Unruh was conspicu· ~':; Nl~rt~~~d~ange plannmg for I "It is unfair to damn a whole against the poorer rural cu wfn '"" the next th .... weeks ously absent when thl Vic e The firm which will conduct great ind u str~ and to boycott a ties" in education ...... tlke the clndlelate te such President milde hi. first e.m· the study is Veenstra and Kimm. whole grape mdustry ?,eca~se o( 3; ~mprovement of farm ~ ...... 1 IllInels, Kentucky, paign visit to California. a west Des Moines Company . th~ ex~~~ses o( ~ few, N I X 0 n en Income. He suggested peal Humphrey has been making a ' that has cooducted scveral sewer said. ,1, m agamst the grape arran.gements between JI'OWtrI determined effort to woo all seg· , stUdies for the city previously. boycott. that mcrea~ earning oppona· p MOVING UP? ments o( the Democratic party. CYCLEDELIC INSTRUCTOR _ Mrs. Sarah Short, who teaches a course In nutrition at Syracus. I The cost of Ihe work is not 10 He ate • coupl. of gra .. , itles for m :~r ant workers .. 4 University, UI.S a hippie getup a"d a motorcycl e, plul electronic sounds and psych.deUc co'-r exceed $6 000. I from a call given him b.fDre imp r 0 v e information 11-- NEW PROCESS projections, to introduce students to her course and "turn them on" to find greater lnterest. Mrs. The co~ncil also asked the h. spoke In,' Slid, "I will con· that match men with jobI 011 @ D I APE R Short, .• Iso • professor of chemistry at Upstate Medical Center In Syracuse, stunned her cia .. by Planning and Zoning Commission tinue to .at California grepe. schedufed basi. ... S E RV ICE motoring Into the classroom. "They don't cut my clanes:' she boas". - AP Wirephoto to tudy loning classifications -----­ O. North American concerning sorority, fraternity Thompson Fre; ~~t::f~~~:~~ ~Iee Final Curtain Rings Down for Franchot Tone ~"!tbo~~p~x~uses and apart· Universi~y Bulletin Board r Transf.r & Storage a week. Ev .. rythlng is fur· W D nish.d: Ol.perl,, ba ... S. Gilbert deoduants. NEW YORK IA'l - Franchot Broadway theater, Hollywood ,But he was to claim latet that he are te i3...... , IVlnln,. 33.· ...12 Phone 337.9666 Tone, ever urbane, ever hand· movies and national tclevision , Iarrived broke ~~~~~~~~~~~~===-======~~~so~m~e~in~a-.:4~0-~y~e~ar~ca~r~ee!'~~in~the~ died Wednesday in his East Side D" ...a t h' e . OU ~l ge *1 r"1 5 University Bulletin Boanl no· a.m.·S p.m.: Sunday - 1:30 p.m. 1 _ Manhattan apartment. He was 65. _ .. ",e plCY ,>,·",a Hot n Pa tle.s must be neeiv" .t The to 10 p.m . Born and bred to wealth and facets (){ Tone's career, he reo D.lly low.n oHiea, 201 ·Commu· cuLturffje, Tonbae broke adway frohm ~~ne~ :?~n~aIIYt ~ seri~s, in· I PARIS IA'I U.S. and nl(ationl Cent.r, by noon of DRAFT COUNSELING and It an a uent ckgroun after e en In. e ec U ,a orne In ~?". orth Vietnamese envoys met the d.y before publlcatlen. (ormation are available. fret .. wa~ g~ad... ~ted from Corne~ versatlons on econonuos, politiC'S head-on Wednesday in a bitter They mu.t b. typ" and sign.eI ' charge, at the Resist office IJII University In 1927 WIth a Phi and art.. conmet over the origin, conduct by a" HvlSlr or oHicer ef the S. Clinton St. on Tuesday·Thn Beta. Kappa key. Tone went to Hollywood aft e r and possible resolution (){ the organizfttion being publicized. day from 7·9 p.m. For further IJ. JOlnIDg a Buffalo, N.Y .. ~tock his Broadway performance in Vielnamese war. Purely IOcl.1 'unetlenl .re ntt formation call 337·9327. company, Ton e later achlevt;d " Success Story," 9I1d his first During a 31~.hour meeting. eligible for this ..etion. FULBRIGHT GRANTS: AppU. Sliccess on Broadway and m film appearance WM in "Gabriel Ambassadors CyrUl R. Vance calion for m sand informatiall L933 was ~ummoned to Holl~ood Over lihe WhLte House." Other I' and X u an Thuy exchanged SPE EOEO READING : A six. about U.S. Government IChoIIro ~~ v : first of a long senes ol pictw·e credits inc!~~~ '.'Lives c.harges from positions unaltered week course in speeded reading ships and grants for . overlNl "Mill'. . ct . to- ()f a Bengal Lancer, MUlmy on since May 13 when the talks be- I begins Sept 25 Room 38 Old · study under the Fulbnaht·Hm " lonalre a .or arrives th Bounty," "The Bride w(JCe lgan. ., ' . ', Act are available from Walilce day. was a h('adhn~ onlhe West Red," "Advise and Consent," and, The deadlock, after the 22nd I Armo~~ Tem~rary. N. 0 credit. Maner in 111 University IIJlI. Coast when Tone hIt Hollywood. in 1964 "La Borme Soupe" . d No tUlmon chalge. Open to facu!· A I' t t be d t .. , . se lon, seeme so com~",e~'..J ty , staH, and students. Classes . pp lcan s mus gra ua e ,,0- thal a newsman asked U.S. are limited to 28 per section ,dents currently enrolled at tht FAT OVERWEIG HT spokesman W! III a m Jorde n, ISections meet at 12:30 2:30 and IUniversity ..The .deadline for fiI. Shop I"What's the pellnt of the talks?" . d ' ing appllcatlons IS No,. I, 1. Available to YOU without a doctor"l "There is the hope" Jorden 3;30. Mon ay t hr~ugh Thursday. -- • / THE BUDGET SHOP trd·r~';,'~~~ IO~;,u o~u.l P~~ctulIl;·lIf~~ said, "that one of these days 1~lgn ~IP at Rheto~c Desk at. re~'1 ODD JOBS for WOrnell In ur your money back. Odrlnex Is a lhere will be a change ()f mood Istrahon .. If opemngs r~maLD In available at the Financial Ald. IIny tablet and easily swallowed. 1 . . ' any section after regIStration . uOES NOT CONTAIN DANGEROUS a change o( po Itlon." . . . ' Office. Housel.eepin, jobl In on Highway 218 $oulh THVRom OR DlGlTAl.lS. Gel rid Is ign up on bulletLn board outSide available at $1 50 all hour 1M of the airport ~~ e:;~~s mr:naIVr, I~~f~r'o~df~?~ IOWA CITY I~;om 35A, Old Armory Tempor- babysitting jobs, 50 cen~ u Kuaronlee: U not satisfied tor Iny y. hour reason, just return the packa,e to TYPEWRITER CO. I -- . For good uled clothln" hou ..· your druggist and Itt your fUll ,-- hold goods, appliances, dishes, mone y back . No questions asked. l:7·5676 MAIN LIBRARY HOI;RS: 'nle 'AMILY NIGHT .t the FiIId pots, pans, books, .te. ~:;Inex I. sold with this ,uaranle. 203'17 E. Washington , rsity Main Library hours House will be held from 7:1$.1 MAY'S DRUG STORES Typewriter I' until September 22. will be as fol· p.m. every Wedneaday nip\" I 2230 S. Riversid. Driv. Iowa City Repairs and Sales lows : Monday·Frlday - 7:30 Open to students, .taff IlId.flCUi- / M.II Orders Filled ___a .m .. l0 p.m.: Saturday - 7:30 ty and their families. PIwe present ID cards, stall or •• cards. (

FIILD HOUSE POOL HOUlS [or men: Monday·Friday, N_ 1 p.m., 5:30·7:30 p.m. Student or staff card required. WHAT ARE YOU PAR E NT S COOP.RATIYI Babysitting League: For JIItIIIo bership Information, call )In. Eric Bergsten at 351-3690. Melli- • , bel'S desiring sitten cal! )In. WAITI FOR? Keith Kennedy at 337·_, 351·3730 after 5.

VETERANS COUNSELING 0\1 • • INFO RMA T ION on benel111, add job. or school probJemt II aqjj. able from the AIIOclatiOll 01 ~ legiate VeteraDI at w_ • 351-4949.

DATA "~OCIIIING HOUlS: ' Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to .. and 1 to 5 p.m. : cloeed Saurdlyl and Sundavs. n

FIELD HOUSE WEIG+f'T LI"' IHG ROOM HOURS: 7:3O.f:15 . p.m., Tuesday and Friday. a,

NORTH GYMNASIUM HOUU in the Field House: 7:»1:15 Ip .m., Tuesday and FridlY.

University of Iowa COMPUTER CINTE~ Hd: • Approved Housing Monday·Saturday - opel 24 • Over "21· Houllng hours a day: Sunday - Opel 10 a.m.·2 a.m.; Data Room pIIaDI - 353·3580; Problem ADaiJsI . Suede is the story here-combining with wool in John Meyer APA.TMINT IUITI phone - 353-4053. dothes with a proper country air. Their thoroughbred tailoring LIYINO PI. .IMI.'I. CANOE HOUSI HOUItS: M_ makes any rural scene. Pierced suede edges the brushed shetland COlTS OMLY $350 day· Thursday, 4·8 p.m.; FrIdI1 .nd Sunday, Noon-8 p.m.; Sablt· 0 , ardigan .21. And suede'binds the pockets of the Port Ellen pIaicI You won't find the equal of The M.yflower day, 10 a.m.-8 p.m. tIrirt with front pleats $19. Button·down oxford shirt $6,50, anywhere else in Iowa City _. or anywhere else period. We offer Iowa's best housing UNION HOURS: G_.I ...,. All ill brilliant colore, At discerning stores. value - with convenient payment plans. University In" 7 a.m.·cIMing; OffIce .. JIGD­ approved ..• coeducational. Only 2 students to a day·Friday, 8 a.m.·S p.m.; h'" • m.tlen Duk, Monday·ThI1!'llll1, unit with adjoining ooramic bath and adjoining 7:30 a.m.·ll p.m., Friday-Salur­ kitchenette. Big, BlG rooms wIth giant closets - study day, 7:30 a .m.·Midniibt, SundaY desks separated from sleeping and living area. Mammoth ...: :'(~. Vi) JOHM MEYER, .. 9 a.m.·ll p.m.; ~ec""""" coed lounges and TV rooms . .. heated indoor swim pool Monday·Thursday, 8 • . m.·ll p.m., ••. Sauna health rooms ... cafeteria and snack service - Friday-Saturday, • 1.m.·1Iid­ OF N01\WICU pay only f(JC meals you eat. Entire building alr·conditioned night. Sunday, 2 p.m.·1l p... ; '1r Actlvltie. Center, Mond.y·rridIJ, and carpeted. Indoor parking avaJlable. Only 3 minutes to Old Capitol ... private bus service available. 8 a.m.·l0 p.m., Saturday, • un.' 4:30 p.m., Sunday. Nooa·10 p.m.: Model Suite. Openl S.p...... A..... fer M.rrI" Stuclent.1 Cre.tln Cr." Cen_, MOIIdI1 and Wednesday, 3·$ IlIII 7·1' p.m.; Tue:lllay, Tburtday ud Friday, 7·10 p.m.; Saturdl,_ " Sunday, 1·5 p.m.; WIIMI ...... AVAILABLE EXCLUSIVELY AT -- Mooday-Thursday, 7 •.m.·1UI p.m., Friday, 7 a .m.·IUI pJII., Saturday, 3-11:30 p.m., SulPY, 3-10:30 p.m.; River RIIIII, dIilY, • ~MAYfIO I p.m., Breakf.. , 7-IUI 7 a.m.·7 Uti N.. Del ...... at. I ...... falhionl I .m., Luncil, 11:30 •.m.·1 p.lll., Dinner, 5-7 p.m.; It...... , Monday·Friday, 11;30 •. m.·I,1I 22 huth DultullU. Phon. 33.·7127 --p.m.-- !HI DAILY lOWAN-I_ City, ' • .-n...., ..,.. 1f, t~ ....'


(;OPYRIGHTl' 1968 By EOlle 510'" ... 1I1,ghh ...... Her.'s wh, you can count on con­ tinued savings with tagl. Everyday low Discount Prie •• - because Eagle has m.tJtuIed • "Price Protection Policy!" you~...... the " Priee Protection" seal in our __ lince we began Discount Pricing. It ruds: " We will maintain our Everyday Low Prlc" and adjust prices when product costs change." Whet this mean. to the shopper is that we will nol only maintain our Di scount Jagle Bonded Meats! Price savings program, but also that PRICE S ...ked Chuck Io.fDfO III' U so. we will further reduce product prices "IcrIO Steak " Picnics C.uck I ...t :cv, II. 48- whn a lower whQlesale cost permits. PROTECTION "Key Buys" are an example of thIS latter IOIoIDfD 'If' .U.$ D ... 'WsrtCTIO·toNlUSS VAL'"111. " Slrl.ln St ••k WAl"~ , $1" LI. 58" ' SPect of Our " Price Protection Policy" ~ ••o POLICY .MOl.! • 10 I l .... III" "tel. PKMtCS &. ... in action. When we can get a lower IONDIO .U' us I) .. 1"5"CTIO toNllIU wholesale cost through an elCc eP tional We will maintain our I"' St.w "'41"'-:. Me IONDfD ." •.II so A INVICTII) ~~~ 8aN1"O lief -U.$.O. ... IN5'fClED purchase or through a manufacturer's Everyday Low Prices and temporary promotional allowance, we T-I .... St.ak Y~:::-II $1:a t Swiss adiust prices when lower the shelf price below even our low Steak Diseount Lev,l al\d mark the product product costs clearly with our green "Key Bl,lY " change. 10000DlD III' U$ O. INI'ICI ID toN"" ~l~':~". 'o Marlcers. Ru.p I ...t IIAl"'~ . lac IONDfO all' • US 0 AINS'ICT(O V...... _ Rotlss.rl. loast II 'I" : lagle Bonded Meats! ~ ~i . d ! II 10NOED.W u.s 0 ".IN5'(CTI0 [AGLI I-flCkOIY SMOKED SliCID QU .. ITIl M)lK IOt "S lIW"~ Sirloin : . fagle Bonded MealS! . '. H"IIWIG .I"KING , STEWING I Sliced Fresh Pork Standing JT0 7LA.lI.II 39' , lo.~ Steak . \ Bacon OSC...... VU·S ""'. nuaw .AND Gra d e A Hens ll. Chops Roast SlIc.d lacon ~: 69' NO TO' 'ROST . '"alS MISSING .GR"OI. nLLOW ....1'10 C aSCAllMnl . 'urlceys IU... : . 39 ~" Ilb. ~:~. .k,. 5,0 All M•• t W.I :"~ : 68' CUT fROM LEAN YOUNG 'OIKUS ClNUI CUT to. IllLotN lL'1 4' "0 'Wle_IUClD1.. ,. , •• '1 11 DU.UQUf 'ork Chops Y. lY ...,~ 19' lL "c "0 Cann." ·!!,,~32t $TYII DllIqouS WITI-f U.UT .COUNT.., '~~=!!~' E~lf~-~U~5 ~. D ~A.~IN~5'~.c~rl~DI ~~~ ""'"I . N04UCID L VA" •• ,.IM 6" ~ . < DUIUQUE'S liNE - IOY"IIUHEI ;5i~v.~IU~'I~IS~H~N~Al~U.~Al~IY~'.~IS~IiI~t Prl~~~ ~(itTH lIlJMNH _WI SCONSIN'S "N[ OSC" TfllOW .... Spar. IlliS l'. t-Ouac ..... , ...... 1· .... · 6S· HICKO.., $MOUD .CINTlI CUT Round Slice d Grade A Sum.. er I oI .. na Ham Steaks ..lw. n,:. TO!' llIOSl lIADTTO'" ·OCUH $,,. Steak Bacon usage '.rcla .11I.t :..':: 3a' PUll rOl"·I£GUlAl 01 HOl 'tfSH fROU" • D(vII,,'D Eagl. Sausage ,~~ . 4" ~:::. , ••I.d Shrl.p ~t: : $149 SKINNED .DEVEIHED .SLICED I.iiiiiiii___ ll. 880__•• ~~~ ' 3o ...... -. !I" UUM 'IIOUH .ClNTEI CUT I ••f Liw.r VA'."Ii':. 4" H.llbut auw.nI1lU~ . 6,e Bakery Products . 391 ';'" I ll", ,.,eI ) 'HREf f()II IHI 'IICf Of TWO Canned Foods ' ". . Why Pay More SandwichHAIIVU'DAV l~.::- 26' 'o'.'moSEY! WITHCRfAAlSAuce•• s ·HAU ~:: . 30e ~~~~- PUSS Cat N Boot. Food _G_RfI_N_G_IAN_'_White 'CornWH_Ol_fK_It_N_n __~!: ..~ ~!, q• OwArONaUII'g_u. AK'ADs'rlnk -"~... ." 45 C Raisin1-f.IIVUTOAV Ireael I ~,::: ' 3S' Chlck.nHOWA.DJOHNSON Cro.u.ts'S I:k;~ 64' IceTOPlRosr Crea "".1 .5,e "v:~-:::VY .,..k •• 'o",.'oSauc.HUNT'S ".:,"' 22 c ~ SI.... ·I·cow.NelOl"''"lcHulcNI.. '_I- 28' ::.::.:.~:..::.:;::....::.....::...... :------:-~~~-=------'".... t'.lAVY ,...... , I-fAlVEST DAV ·CRUSHeD tI.DS lYE e U5 DA.GlADE AA e MO.""·' a ..."., '_•• _' -- 'i'MGUI .NGXIA .Nc'.Wlr'nH'I"U$ qcFOi rCIOO.cKIN.o.O NDI'I... U.DI Ir.ael 'f.:::·27' II., lat.r. I:;;~ 27 'ood Club lutter I~~ . 7a II '!:'" 22c • -:'66c ....:FO..:...M..:..U-L.":':20~2 .~lI=Tf-::-OR:-:D:-:-:AR:::-"----- q tllDS In .OIANGHLAVOI DI'NK .f"Il5IUlV . IUTHRMILK OR IXUA lIGIH P.!~[i!rjifn~j~;;'~1P•••••• -" lIn"'s IN .unu KIlliNGS e DI.t Ir.ael If.:;' 2" .I Awak. 9;:~ 30 Biscuits •.••. ,e rl it",,.,u Tl-fIEEFOl'HHlICIOtTWO E.rly Ju ... '.a. I::: 24' 'ec •• Halw.s ~:: II' "'!"....-D-~-·;..-O'S-;-I-C-.-k-;-OLA-l-f-.o-,h-6-'-c i~;;;~i KDi;~;~~·III!;:~34 e S;.ilM;;garlne '.Ib . 36' PU··C:tBFo.c::~ iO;i''';;Ei. "~:" 66c ! ;;;;~i.;";; ,~. .45e DAIT/I\OUTH "THE Re.1 THING" MILD COLlY •- ' q ',HAIN.KYOU•• · ICIHIUn". JIm 'Candy 8 Cookies O__r. _• ....::I=-._J _u_lc_.__ 6_.~~_ . _16_C Lo ghorn Cheese 1·11.. 71' '~;:r 2'" .. =tI ___-= __ ~_ ••_: ·_4.c_ Corn MuHln Mix ':";:' ,e KH8LER G"YlOllO FOOD CLUI· SLICED 1 ~ "" · ·' · 36c 6 p~, . 3 .... 2" e Cinnamon Crllp L... onad. e.o'" American Che.s...... 3S 1pi~ YFiiii;' ~: . 3ac! ;;~s~;;;;. EAGlE TO!' 'lOST. SHOt SnlNG SHRE DDED CHEDO.l OR MOZlMElLA '~:" 4" Saltines \oil.pkg . 21c ,.t.'MI 1~p., Ib. 2S' Cheese ..... 31 e KlllOOO'S ~ . ih'Uj·r.;:. S,.n .Ie , BRACH 'SCHOCOLATE CLUSTER TO!' llIOST rl-fILADEl'HI" Corn , . ~ . 63c 1\·33' 20 .., . p~ g , 1 ..... 33' "'4' Irldg. Mix CutlrM_ •••• pkl . Cr.a ... Cheese Flake. ~ 8Y BuyS lWj;j;; Spray bit • • ToPeO .WHIII OR ASSOITID COlORS , I.flt FO .... WlIlT fl WASH I ...... 41.0 Extra Savings Mad. 'ap.r .,..111•• 24c J Ivory ih;'ih • P~;;;i~m ... ,. iJ Possible By Unusual elant 2 'ABY $OtT .Wl-flll 01 PINK Flakes p.,. .,0 Deter.ent ':~;~ 0 Duz ~ f13S Purchases Or Manufacturen Temporary Allowances. Facial Tls.u.s ~;, . I" MILD DETERGENT WITH ILIACH C..,,,ALI H.NDYTOUS! . Health &Beauty Aids Ivory Giant Salvo Cake , i ••', "0 12, 011 TOOrl-f'AS!f fomily p~, . ,_~2'4 ,1,. 64e Snow Oxyclol ,k, .l.oTa blets plIo Mix•• , Beverages • Macl ••ns ...... MAXWfll I-foust .011 ' . tfG.01 met .... 'ElK '"'Off SOFT & GENTLE WASH D.VMllACl! .... C.He. 2;!~ . '1 2A e ~ Liquid Giant 1 ...~ ~. . iJe8o Scop. Mouthwaslft.:.'· 70 • I MAXWILl I-fOUSI . ElECTlA 'Ult UII(VfS NAS.L CONGESTION Joy 22b'l.··· ·5.0 , ~. . DashDeter g ent ~: . J . I~ . '1 13 Tide "0 '438 C.H .. .. . Vicks Nasal Spra,~ $I" •fGULAROR DlIT fU' TOP CANS I-fAIR VIAY I.w,r.,. '!::' ,c Just Wonelerful I!...... SIC MAXWfLl HOUS( SHAMPOO 10 .. . In.talll c.H.. ';:. "c H.ael & ~: $1 II DElUGENT fOOD ClUI .•LACK SP ...., Ivory I.a ••,. ~ . "e DI.I ...d .... Liquid 32bol····. 1 ..0 p ••. $1'· II l.;'d ... I.. :;:: 75' s;.i;, ss.i;~r.. of" ~~======~~~~ ~======~- JUST TWO OF OYER 150· EVERYDAY DISCOUNT WARDWAY w..... ", fveryt'i., PRICED PRODUCE ITEMS I '>eJ~ , ...", PWA

. p ... 6-THE DAILY IOWAN-Iowa City, 'a.-'TtIurs., Sept. ", '.61 - -- .. " I

,- l.

kRAfT-- MiraclE Whip S.lad IilrlSsi"g


les \ ' rs

.. I."

• The satisfaction of buying top quality merchandise at the lowest possible priC( is something that IV.ryO'" is looking for. And why shouldn't we, beCiuse this is what can be called I true vllue in ev.ry sen .... the word. True vllues today don't just happen, they are made by stores like Rlndall's becau .. w. .,. concerned about the price you ply for your groceries. This is why we have made every effort to ,IY. ( you the most FAMOUS BRAND NAME ITEMS at lowest possible price. Yes, Famous Brand items that you Cln depend on to serve your family and friends with complete confidence thlt you Ire giving them the very finest. In most cues, anyone buying top quality merchandise would expect to pay more for thlt .dded protection of getting something good. Of course, there are alw.ys exceptions and Rand.U's just happens to be one of them in breaking the old rule and giving you FAMOUS BRAND NAME ITEMS It 119 SECOND STREET, .. CORALVILLE prices you would expect to pay for lower quality items. This is our policy, if you want to c.1I It that, Itut it', re.lly • vllue, I true Vllue for something truly good ••• FAMOUS BRAND NAME ITEMS It our f.,... ous every day low, low prices. • MALL, SHqPPING CENTER, IOWA CITY • THe DAilY IOWAN-I.-. City, 1___ ,.,.,.. , ..,.. 1f, 1M1-ft... , ashburn epeats Perry No-Hitter SAN FRANCISCO(.fJ­ l. Ray Washburn of the st. Lou!. Cardinals pilc::t1ed a no-hltter Wednesday. sUlling the San Prancisco Giants 2-1) and helped write major league hi lory with DAILY the second ma!terpiece in 81 many days at . of the Gianta had no-hit the Cardinals less than 24 hours earlier at Candle­ I IOWAN ;tick and it was the ClTSt. time two no-hittA!rs were pitched • succe ive games in one ball- , park. I ~------,TYPING SEIVICI .'D~ WANTID CtiRD CAli Washburn, • sturdlly.built 30· .ar-old right.hander, struck WANT JlID tr.. CoralYlI .. .ut. WILL aAJI 11'1-'" h_. 11Ui.... Y to \In! • H 11&1. HCMlrI • t. S.. Park - fIlIl \moe ,",daY lilt..... Advertising Rates out .Ight and allowed fi .... run· ~1.3441. ..IS l'ricA7. bper!ennd. 151-M». 16-: T'hrM D..,...... 1ac • Wen! n«'l'l, all of th.m on walks. WILL aAJlvsrr • ., 1I....say I be_. Six Deyt ...... lie • d He was in complete control and HOUSE FOI SAli throu,h Fridel· ExperleD«. leu w.. pitched his way out of hi! PWlbIa&. 1-14 Tift 0.,...... lie • W.... • • the th ·· b 'MillIS ~ ACJI&AGIS tv MI.. WAN'J"ED B.\.BYBrrtU .,. 110_ 0... MeIIth .. • • W.... 011 JY Jam ID seven IMlDg y .101111 " ~l' Dtal W14r.. lH T\MIGQ lad 'l'IIund.Q ... pa. • getting Jim Hart on a bouncer • • M... yW. J{~lIbt .re• . m.aoo. ... MinImum Ad 1. WOI'd • and striking out Dick Dietz. AUTOS, CYCL~S FOR SAU CR1LD CAJI. - IJ'brollttna. ' 11111 CLASSIFIED DISPLAY ADS Wa n who ~ d' .e CALL ""78ft AND ••" ...d . tor time.. ""_. F1nkb An• . hbw. • e r~vr IS ... uperleneed .ltdrLe 1'1111111 .rv· perI,II«d C&U ...11I7 I-zt 0... In"""" • Men"' . $1"'­ 7. had the Giants beating the I~ plperl of .n1 l'"lth. It HONDA ~ SCllAMBLEll l", LONGr£LLOW Jitltlnrood •.rel Flv. InIOftIOft•• Melltil •. ,1"· ball into the ground. Only Hal • pa,_ or lUi In b1 7 p.. ._pt.l d .J:Uo.... ex ..L1'"t .... nllltloll, ... Pref.. f1lll d -: ...... foolball Sat: TOft I_r1l...... Menth . $1 .21e . Lanier. who flied to ...... ev.DIntr. lr.. orlor 13.. l ..11 urdq• . Qa.zt2I. 11-12 ·It.... ,.. loch C.. _ Illdl """"'"8 the 51'X'" I·nm·ng. go' lb. TYPIN.S - ',.." Y.. H '11I&t flllle·· l l ... 1I0NDA • - tu,U.", «tndl' WiLL JJAJlysrr ., b_. lIondU .,.,....uo w. • ell.lnC type. • .~...... tlo,,- caLI III·nu. 1.. 1 tbrou,b ii{.sa,.. ~rltMld. PHONI SJ7-41f: ball into the outf!cld until the Ice. ~11 $.11A1I I I"' DELUX.E BBIDGBSTO _ l Well ~ . Ul-1S71 . "It ninth. n:UO:CTRIC T ... prr..~ •• rbon rlbboll. 1Oec. IUo.oO. ~I · ~ . 10-1 BABY ~ WANnD ~ 110m.. He walked Willie Mays In the 'Y nbol., .n: laatth. nperilnHd I"' BRIOCESTONI: 14ke. Good H."'lIe). Drlv •. Phon~ III·,..,. Pbon. ~~ I-IIAR,. 331-1". .." UHtllll rirst with two out but retired IJERBY NYALL - IlKlrI. ~ .. Iyp- 'es-"USTMG CO~Rn.JIU f. BAIIYSITTING ROlf&.. WId 4a¥. Willie McCovey on a grounder. Inl "

--~--- • • pagne bottles were cleared clincher rushed onto UMI field climbed atop car roofs. trucks or while defending the steps of the and the s t. Louis Cardinals. Tj. each other. I N~W o'{-ork 80 72 .526 18 7t 75 .m 15* away and th ~ gra s a ~ d outfield to mob the players. any other vantage point. Tiger dugout from would·be in· ger Manager Smith and his Tuea- The Tigers a~nounced wednels. g~~~~3d ~~ ~1 : ~~~ i~ III ¢N:.~~r'h ~~ ~~ :: 17 • fen ces at Tiger StadIum were I . . .. I Eleven personl we,. urlll· truden. . .., day how DetroIt fans can app Y Mlnn ...ola 73 80 •• 77 25 ~ Phlladelpbla 72 81 .471 h'* repaired Wednesday in th e TIger offICIals s8Id large sec· ed for ml ...r inciclftlts and _ All was peace and brotherly day rught WlDDlng pltcber Joe by mail for about 20,000 tickets a CalifornIa &e as .429 33 xLos An,elu 7t 82 .481 U" wake of an emotionally exhaust· lions of sod were stripped from I Oriroit policeman, patrolmen love in the Tiger dressing room Sparma, who had a minor tiff game that would be sold on a ~~~~o"on 1i:g ::H ~i '" ~~!Sl~~rl< :: gg :m= ing ce!ebration ~r the Detroit Ti· the playing field . Fans carried John Gallagher, 25, luffered a as thoughts turned occasionally during tlle regular season, took random selection from mailba,gs. W.dntld.y'l ••,ults x - Late ,ames not Included

;:~T~ ho?~ S~ Ad;;~cT· ~n Lefague pel n· ~:es~::"u;: ao~eesr~m:~~: 1 ~~~~;so:~ :~,U~~~;O:"la H P~th' 111Cx:ZII:7h~217~t2~YP~IIIOI~b~;,'tshO 1° ulan I '" oger ans ce e· . , Okl a h0 ma Gets Nod over Notre Dame New York at Delrolt, RBln ade p a , s ur , brated at the ball park and in Ipar t of the rIght and left fIeld I . Washlncton al Cleveland, Rain ~It~~r~~a:( a~o~~~o~n~el", N downtown Detroit after the TI· lowe r tcnces loose. ", "ltch.rI ",ob.ble "ltche,. g.r, wrapped up their Ameri· Detroit police po.ted two ~. By WILL GRIMSLEY Washlntlon, Hannan (10-5) at Atlanta, Pappas (11·12) at BD .. 'tl 'th 2 1 . the following week's game with plentiful, should repeat as Lam· UCLA 23, PIH.burgh 7: The ton Giusti (10·13), N can LIIgue t 0 e WI a • VIC' I fieers afop home plate and they I Cleveland, Siebert (12·10) elntlnnatl, Culver (11.15) .t to. tory onr the ~ew Vork Vank· I repuls.d a few fanl who had de. NEW YORK "" - Two of col· Purdue. bert Trophy cham~s , rebuilding program at Pitt :5 New York SloWemyre (20.11) at An,.I,s, Fosler (O.a), N HS Tuesday night. si gns on digging It up. The fanl lege football's giants, Not r e So it's Oklahoma in our first I Southern CalIfOrnia 17, Minn.· nearing fruition, but this is too I DetroIt McLain (30·5) Fr~~cls~~~I1tob!~t~sn a~rl al Ian Usually sedate Tiger o,wner I then tried to dig up a Dame and Oklahoma, crash into upset·special of the season: I.ota 14: This one could ba"e big an opening hite. I OnlY' ,arne. acheduled Only game. acbeduled. John Fetzer r 0 u n d himself . warmup rubber bul found It each other going around the Oklahoma 2J, Not .. Dame 13: been played in the Rose Bowl last C.llfernla 20, Michigan 14: The ' - dumped in the Tigers' whirlpool was in 100 deep. first corner Saturday, and the The Sooners had a 9-1 season January. Golden Bears pick up moment· F · P A ' I bath and Manager Mayo Smith "The e peOple' were not mean question is which one will faU . and beat Tennessee in the Or· Michig.n Stato 1', Syrecu.. 1: I"m from their good 1967 finish . regosl aces nge 5 g~t the same treatment as l ~ e . , .they were just out for a good The odds.makers say It has to ange Bowl. Look for them to in· The Spartans are tlOUIl('1Di back Fltrld. 11, AI,. F.rc. 7: The Tigers celebrated by tossing time' and a long awaited celebra· be Oklahoma smaller with less lercept Terry Hanratty. afler ~ fru~trating year; :lyra· Gators are afog over a 220·pound I bI h d 5 I' players, newsmen and lion ," a Tiger spokesman said. depth yet ~ore s~. Notre Loui.iana Stat. 14, T.uI A&M cuse WIll rruSJ Larry Csonka. named La r r Y o In Dou e ea er P It else th~y could gel hol.d of mto I Police would make no estimate IDame is ranked third nat:onally, 10 : The Aggies will test Texas {or CI.mson 21, Wake Fore.. 13: th.e whirlpool or dou 109 them IoC the number of Tiger fans whooOklahoma fifth. Bu t chances are the Southwest nUe. The Tigers have most of their Some other.: With champagn,e, milled about on streets, slopping Ithe Fighting Irish will be looking Penn St.t. 22, Navy 14 : The defensive bullies back in uni· Friday Night MINNEAPOLIS - ST. PAUL Ibalk to bring In the winning nIII. Thousands of the 46,000 fans traf£ic and chanting "Go, Go , Ti· over the head or l1Ie Sooners to Niltany Lions are big, strong and {orm.· Miami Fla, 28, Northwestern ~ . Ji~ ~regosi tripled home Rick Reichardt doubled home 14 . two flrst·lDDlOg nms, then got an Angel run in the eighth to cat Saturd.y California an insurance r u D the Twins' lead to 4-3 before Per. MIDWEST - Nebraska 28, with some daring base running ranoski retired the side wilen Utah 7; PurC:ue 35, Virginia 0; in the seventh, leading the Angels Rich Reese made a leaping catch Indiana 25, Baylor 6; Kansas 21 , on Knoop's line drive. Illinoil 14 ; Oregon State 25, Iowa to a 4-3 victory over Minnesota 14 ; Kansas Slate 23, Colorado and a split in a doubleheader State 13. Wednesday. * * * SOUTH _ Alabama 33, Vir. The Twins took the opener 4·3 Red Sox Beat Orioln m"ia Tech 0,' North Carolina as Bruce Look singled home two .. ~. . th r urth" BOSTON "" - The Boston Red State 15, North Carolin a 13; Au. runs 10 a ree·run 0 IDDlDg burn 14, Southern Methodist 7; and Ron Perranoski put down an Sox, held hitless for six inning, South Carolina 19. Duke 15 ; FloI" eighth·inning California rally, by Roger Nelson, erupted for ida State 17, Maryland 13; Mis. Fregosi's off Danny I three runs in the seventh W~ souri 20, Kentucky 7; Mississippi MorrLs Collowed singles by Jay da~ and defeated the Baltimore 18, Memphis State 8; West Vir. Johnston and Jarvis Tatum. Onoles 4·0. ginia 19, Richmond 7. Fregosi also bunted for a singie Mike Andrews' leadoff lingle in the seventh, streaked to tdlird broke up the no·hitter. Carl Ya. SOUTHWEST - Texas 18, on a wild pitch by Dave Boswell trzemski walked and Ken Harrel· Houston 15 ; Arkansas 10, Okla· _ which rookie catcher George son singled to fill the bases. homa State 7. Mitterwald was slow to retrieve Reggie Smith grounded 8 two- FAR WEST - Slanford 27, - and scored on Jim Spencer's run single to right to finish NeI· San Jose State 7: Wyoming 21 ,' acrifice fly. son, and another run scored sa Utah State 10; Colol'ado 19, Ore· Bobby Knoop singled home reliev~r Pete Richert walked ~oe gon 15. the other Angel run in the third. Foy WIth .the bas4!S loa~e~ . Smith . . . . , knocked ID an elghth·mnlng rt8t BRAVIS DOWN ASTROS 2.t- ~aliforDla ' s r e 1.1 e f pltchmg with a sacrifice fly. . . faIled when the TwIDS scored the HOUSTON "" - Phil Nle~ro three runs in the fourth inning of HOCKEY TEAM GETS INVITI cut down Houston on t.I1ree hits the opener. Jim McGlothlin had WATERLOO , Iowa"" - Water. BAGS and Hank and Tommie Aaron to leave with a muscle strain be- 100 Black Hawks officials said VELLO sliced run

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