Vladislav Beronja, PhD Department of Slavic and Eurasian Studies The University of Texas at Austin 2505 University Avenue Burdine Hall 464 Austin, TX 78712 [email protected]


University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Ph.D. Slavic and Literatures, 2014 Dissertation: “History and Remembrance in Three Post-Yugoslav Authors: Dubravka Ugrešić, Daša Drndić and Aleksandar Zograf“

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor B.A. Comparative Literature with Honors, 2007


Assistant Professor Slavic and Eurasian Studies University of Texas at Austin


Co- Editor (with Stijn Vervaet), Post-Yugoslav Constellations: Archive, Memory, and Trauma in Bosnian, Croatian Literature and Culture Media and Cultural Memory Series (Berlin: Walter DeGruyter, 2016).

“Recollecting an Alternative Modernity: Aleksandar Zograf’s Flea Market Archeaologies” in Post-Yugoslav Constellations: Archive, Memory, and Trauma in Bosnian, Croatian Literature and Culture, (Berlin: Walter DeGruyter, 2016).

Forthcoming: "A Visible Counterpublic: ARKzin and Radical Print Democracy in 1990s " in Mediated Resistance: The Struggle for Independent Mediascape during the Yugoslav Dissolution, ed. Tatjana Aleksić and Aleksandar Bosković, (Leiden: Brill, December 2019).

“Twilight Zones of History: Aleksandar Zograf’s Regards from Serbia and the Serbian Alternative Comics of the 1990s,” The Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics, 10.3, Fall 2019.

“Antifascisms Without Utopias: Daša Drndić’s Holocaust Novels,” Fluminensia: Journal for Philological Research. 32.2, Spring 2020.

In Progress: Unacknowledged Losses: Memory and Counter-Archive in Post-Yugoslav Literature (unpublished book manuscript)

Reviews and Public Scholarship: “Turbo-folk: Balkan Pop Music in the Crucible of Balkan History,” Not Even Past, September 2019, https://notevenpast.org/turbo-folk-pop-music-in-the-crucible-of-balkan- history/

Dragana Obradović, Writing the Yugoslav Wars: Literature, Postmodernism, and the Ethics of Representation (2016), Slavic and East European Journal, 62.1 (Spring 2018).

Translations: Judita Šalgo, “Six Interpretations of Poetry,” Harlequin Creature, https://harlequincreature.org/2019/06/25/962/

Miroslav Krleža. “Preface to Krsto Hegedušić’s The Drava Valley Motifs” The Journal of Croatian Studies, Vol. 44, 2011.

Artist’s Books (non-scholarly publication): Tears, Waves: A Book of Images, (Austin, TX: Pansy Press, 2019).

Oral Histories: An Abstract Comic Strip, (Austin, TX: Harlequin Creature, 2018).

Siegfried Kracauer, The Little Typewriter, translated by Johhanes Von Moltke and illustrated by Beronja (New York: Harlequin Creature, 2016).


Old Beats, New Verses: 21 Newly Composed Essays on Turbo-Folk (SCALAR) Link: http://scalar.usc.edu/works/turbofolk/index

Filtered Pasts: Nostalgia and Popular Culture (OMEKA) Link: https://nostalgiaandpop.omeka.net/

Yugoslav Punk: Sounds of the Last Yugoslav Generation (OMEKA) Link: https://yugoslavpunk.omeka.net/exhibits

Yugoslav Materials in the LBJ Archives (SCALAR) Link: http://scalar.usc.edu/works/yugoslav-materials-in-the-lbj-archives/index


REE 302 Images of War: Comics and Human Rights (Spring 2018/Fall 2019) UGS 302: Nostalgia and Popular Culture in Eastern Europe and the U.S. (Spring 2019) REE 325 Punks, Divas, and Gangsters: Cultural Identity and Balkan Popular Music (Spring 2018/Spring 2019) REE 381: Graduate Seminar in Russian, Eastern European, and Eurasian Civilizations and Cultures (Fall 2017/Fall 2019) Slavic/REES 436: Post-Yugoslav Literature in a Global World (Winter 2015) Slavic 151: Figuring the Artist in the 20th Century (Winter 2014)


2018: Humanities Research Award, University of Texas at Austin 2017 Faculty Mentoring Award 2016: College Research Fellowship, University of Texas at Austin 2014 International Research and Exchange Board (IREX) Individual Research Grant to study the archives of the Croatian Anti-War Campaign 2012-2013 Rackham Graduate School Predoctoral Fellowship, University of Michigan 2011-2012 ACLS Dissertation Fellowship in Eastern European Studies 2011 Mellon Summer Dissertation Writing Fellowship 2011 Rackham Graduate School International Research Award, University of Michigan 2010 ASEEES Best Graduate Student Essay Prize (runner-up) 2009 Cottrell Prize for Best Graduate Essay in German Studies (University of Michigan) 2009 Kathryn R. Davis Travel Grant, The Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES) Summer 2009 Foreign Area Studies Scholarship (FLAS) to study Russian in St Petersburg 2006 Russian and Eastern European Studies Alfred G. Meyer Prize for Best Essay (University of Michigan)


"The Politics of Queer Belonging in Central Eastern Europe,” Austin Community College, 2019. “Can We Redeem Turbo-Folk and Should We Even Try?” Columbia University in the City of New York, Harriman Institute, March 2015


2018 Round Panel on Post-Yugoslav Visual Culture, ASEEESS December 2018 Boston, Mass. 2018: “Fractured Identities, Interrupted Histories: Framing Women in Post-Yugoslav Comics.” Balkan Studies Symposium, November 2018, UT Austin 2017 “Redrawing Communities and Commitments: Traumatic Intimacy in the Post- Yugoslav Graphic Novel”; ACLA, June 2017, Utrecht, The Netherlands. 2016 “Form, Ideology, and Performance in Contemporary Turbo-folk”; Occupied! Popular Music, Capital, State and Society, International Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia. 2015 “The Afterlife of Socialist Objects in Dubravka Ugrešić’s Exilic Oeuvre”; “Through the Transnational Lenses of Dubravka Ugrešić” The Harriman Institute at Columbia University, October 22-23, 2015. 2014 “Chronicles of the Dream Nation: Aleksandar Zograf’s Regards from Serbia”; Nationalities Conference, New York, NY 2013 “Flea Market Archaeology in Post-Socialism: A Postmodern Approach to Popular Historiography in Saša Rakezić’s Second-Hand World (2010)”; NESEEES 2013, Barnard College, New York, NY 2012 “The Po-ethics of Belated Traumatization: Daša Drndić's April in Berlin and Saša Ilić's Berlin Window”; Re-thinking Humanities and Social Sciences, Zadar, Croatia 2011 “The Berlin Text in Post-Yugoslav Literature: Trauma, Politics of Memory, and the Condition of Post-Exile”; AATSEEL National Convention, Pasadena, CA 2010“The Silent Storyteller: Narrating Postmodern Exile in David Albahari’s Canadian Trilogy”; ASEEES National Convention, Los Angeles, CA 2009“Metaphysicians of the Junkyard: Leonid Šejka, Mediala, and Post-Surrealist Yugoslav Painting”; AAASS National Convention, Boston, MA

LANGUAGES: English (fluent); Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian (fluent); Russian (reading knowledge); French (reading knowledge)


Mary Neuburger, Professor in History; Director, Center for Russia, East European and Eurasian Studies; Chair, Slavic and Eurasian Studies, The University of Texas at Austin [email protected]

Tatjana Aleksić, Associate Professor in Comparative Literature, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor [email protected]

Herbert Eagle, Associate Professor of and Literatures, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor [email protected]

Stijn Vervaet, Associate Professor of Central European and Balkan Studies, The University of Oslo [email protected]