Alignment Services October 20 - 26, 2018 for Passenger, Light Truck, & Heavy Duty Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm 517 Warsaw Road Clinton, North Carolina 28328 Email:
[email protected] Michael Edwards Ph:910-490-1292 • Fax 910-490-1286 Owner Friends Brandon Micheal Hall in high in “God Friended Me” places Page 2 — Saturday, October 20, 2018 — Sampson Independent Internet highway to heaven: Atheist finds divine online in ‘God Friended Me’ By Kyla Brewer featured in such high-profile pub- In an effort to promote the TV Media lications as Vanity Fair and Vari- show and get people talking ety. In a September about it, CBS served up an early n many areas, church atten- article, creator Bryan Wynbrandt release of the pilot episode, Idance has been on the decline (“Gotham”) explained the pur- which the network made avail- as people continue to question pose of the show. able on a variety of platforms — the existence and nature of God. “The hope of the show is to fo- including, CBS All Ac- A new television series has the cus on the positive when there is cess, the CBS app, Facebook Pre- potential to spark thoughtful con- so much negative,” Wynbrandt mieres and Twitter — as of Friday, versations about spirituality and said. Aug. 31. CBS executive George religion, for believers and non-be- Before accepting the friend re- Schweitzer had high praise for lievers alike. quest, Miles had been promoting the unique series when the early Brandon Micheal Hall (“The his atheist views on his podcast, release was announced.