u+u BRS

Patron: novurn.ilof Music Her Majesty The Queen President: His Royal Highness Royal Conservatoire of Scotland The Prince of Wales Royal Northern College of Music

The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music

This is to certify that


is awarded the ABRSM Lanel 2 Award in Graded Examination in Music Theory (Grade 5) GRADE 5 MUSIC THE,ORY and passed with distinction in 2017

The certificate holder has been awarded 9 credits at Leuel 2


Gorll dylarnu cydnabyddedig

Becognised# awarding body [4lr{^r t-) dl [C,f Michael Elliott Chief Executive


Regulated by ABRSM.4 Wall Place, London EC2Y 5AU, United Kingdom Charity registered in England & Wales (292182) & Scotland (SC043343)

Date of issue:19/12/17 orqL**l Qualif ication reference: 501/2158/3 Unit reference: H/ 6A2fi395 17 / C/ lT / MILA/EURI/ 44s5341/11/ 4/ Cert No:152133 u+k BRS

Patro«: Koya( Academy ofMusrc Her Majesty The Queen Royal College of Music President: His Royal Highness Royal Conservatoire of Scotland The Prince of Wales Royal Northern College of Music

The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music

This is to certify that TOMMASO GAI\TZINI

'is awarded the ABRSM Lnel I Award in Graded Examination in Music Theory (Grade i) GRADE 3 MUSIC THE,ORY and passed with distinction in 2017

The certificate holder has been awarded 5 credits at Lanel I


Corff dy{arnu cydnabyddedig ="ffi Becognised awarding body [4lr{^§ t-) dll;C,t. Michael Elliott Chief Executive


Regulated by ABRSM,4 London Wall Place, London EC2Y 5AU, United Kingdom Charity registered in England & Wales (292182) & Scotland (SC043343)

Date of issue:19/12/17 Ofquol Qualif ication reference: 501/2153/ 4 Unit reference : A/ 602/ 4312 Fo' more h,rormarior,- r§offn:,§.fi .I,T.:f 17 / C/ lT / MILA/ EURI/ 4455341/11/2/ Cert No:1 52'131 i- u& BRS

Patron: Her Majesty The Queen Royal College of Music President: His Royal Highness Royal Conservatoire of Scotland The Prince of Wales Royal Northern College of Music

The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music

This is to certify that E,VA SISTU

is awarded the ABRSM Lnel 2 Award in Graded Examination in Music Theory (Grade 5)

GRADE, S MUSIC THEORY and passed with merit in 2017

The certificate holder has been awarded 9 credits at Leuel 2


Gorff dytarnu eydnabyddedig =# Recognised awarding body [4.r,{^ù t-) dll;C,{i.. Michael Elliott Chief Executive

Regulated by ABRSM,4 London Wall Place, London EC2Y 5AU, United Kingdom Charity registered in England & Wales (292182) & Scotland (SC043343)

Date of issue:19/12/17 ofqH.g: Qualification reference: 501/2158/3 Unit reference: H/ 602/3395 17 / C/ lT / MILA/EURI/ 44s5341/11/1 / Cert No:152130 UJU ABRS M

Patron: Royal Academy of Music Her Majesty The Queen Royal College of Music President: His Royal Highness Royal Conservatoire of Scotland The Prince of Wales Royal Northern College of Music

The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music

This is to certify that NICOIAZANIE,R

is awarded the ABRSM Lnel 1 Award in Graded Examination in Music Theory (Grade 1) GRADE 1 MUSIC THEORY and passed with distinction in 2017

The certificate holder has been awarded 2 credits at Lanel I


Gorlt dy{arnu cydnabyddedig ="ffi f,ecognised awarding body [4.ut^ù r-,4 dll;C.f Michael Elliott Chief Executive


Regulated by ABRSM,4 London Wall Place, London EC2Y 5AU, United Kingdom Charity registered in England & Wales (292182) & Scotland (SC043343)

Date of issue:19/12/17 Qualification reference: 501/2155/ I U nit reference : M/ 602/ 4310 9'Iffi! 17 / C/ lT / MILA/ EURI/ 4455341/11/3/ Cert No152132 u& ABRSM

Patron: Royal Academy of Music Her Majesty The Queen Royal College of Music President: His Royal Highness Royal Conservatoire of Scotland The Prince of Wales Royal Northern College of Music

The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music

This is to certify that CARINA IOANA CIRTITA was exzmined in GRADE 8 MUSIC THEORY and passed with distinction in 2017


[tlrt^tr 'J dl [C.1. Michael Elliott Chief Executive

Regulated by ABRSM, 4 London Wall Place, London EC2Y 5AU, United Kingdom Charity registered in England & Wales (292182) & Scotland (SC043343) ofqHgl 2017 A / tT / MtL A/ EURI / 4 4s53 41 / 8 / 9 u& ABRS

Patron: Royal Academy of Music Her Majesty The Queen Royal College of Music President: His Royal Highness Royal Conservatoire of Scotland The Prince of Wales Royal Northern College of Music

The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music

This is to certify that TOMMASO GANZINI wTs ex1mined in GRADE? MUSIC THEORY and plssed with distinction in 2017


.r,l^0, t-) dll; Michael Elliott Chief Executive

Regulated by ABRSM, 4 London Wall Place, London EC2Y 5AU, United Kingdom Charity registered in England & Wales (292182) & Scotland (SC043343) Ofquol 2017 A/ tT / ML A/ EURI / 44ss3 41 / 8 / I H li$.,i§ § E* S H E*.# S u& BRS

Patron: nov.rn..ilof Music Her Majesty The Queen Royal College of Music President: His Royal Highness Royal Conservatoire of Scotland The Prince of Wales Royal Northern College of Music

The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music

This is to certify that MELISSA PETRI wTs exl,mined in GRADE 4 MUSIC THEORY and passed with distinction in 201 7


[4.r,1^ù t-) dll;C,f Michael Elliott Chief Executive

Regulated by ABRSM, 4 London Wall Place, London EC2Y SAU, United Kingdom Charity registered in England & Wales (292182) & Scotland (SC043343) *'IH,H 2017 A/ tT / MtL A/ EURI / 44ss3 41 / 8 / 7 u& ABRS M

Patron: Royal Academy of Music Her Majesty The Queen Royal College of Music President: His Royal Highness Royal Conservatoire of Scotland The Prince of Wales Royal Northern College of Music

The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music

This is to certify that ELISABETTA PLEZHAJ wTs exomined in GRADE 3 MUSIC THEORY and passed with distinction in 2017


[4.r,1^À t-) dll; Michael Elliott Chief Executive

Regulated by ABRSM, 4 London Wall Place, London EC2Y 5AU, United Kingdom Charity registered in England & Wales (292182) & Scotland (SC043343) 3IH,# 2017 A/ r / MtL A/ EURI / 4455341 / 8 / 6 ue ABRS M

Patron: Royal Academy of Music Her Majesty The Queen Royal College of Music President: His Royal Highness Royal Conservatoire of Scotland The Prince of Wales Royal Northern College of Music

The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music

This is to certify that ANNA SISTU wTs exl,mined in GRADE? MUSIC THEORY and passed with merit in 2017


[4.r,1^s tJ dll; Michael Elliott Chief Executive

Regulated by ABRSM, 4 London Wall Place, London EC2Y 5AU, United Kingdom Charity registered in England & Wales (292182) & Scotland (SC043343) ofqktgl 2017 A/ tT / MtL A/ EURI / 445s341 / I / s UTU B§

Patron: Royal Academy of Music Her Majesty The Queen Royal College of Music President: His Royal Highness Royal Conservatoire of Scotland The Prince of Wales Royal Northern College of Music

The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music

This is to certify that EVA SISTU wLs exZ.mined in GRADE 4 MUSIC THEORY and passed with distinction in 201 7


[4.r{^ù t-À dl,;C,t- Michael Elliott Chief Executive

Regulated by ABRSM,4 London Wall Place, London EC2Y 5AU, United Kingdom Charity registered in England & Wales (292182) & Scotland (SC043343) orqHgl 2017 A/ tT / MtL A/ EU Rt / 44ss3 41 / I / 4 u+u ABRS M

Patron: novutn.ilof Music Her Majesty The Queen Royal College of Music President: His Royal Highness Royal Conservatoire of Scotland The Prince of Wales Royal Northern College of Music

The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music

This is to certify that CRISTIANO BRUSINI w1,s exLmined in GRADE 3 MUSIC THEORY and passed with distinction in 201 7


[4.at^ù r-) dll; Michael Elliott Chief Executive

Regulated by ABRSM, 4 London Wall Place, London EC2Y SAU, United Kingdom Charity registered in England & Wales (292182) & Scotland (SC043343) 9IH,* 2017 A/ r / M|LA/ EURt / 44ss341 / 8 / 3 u& ABRS M

Patron: novrtn.ilof Music Her Majesty The Queen Royal College of Music President: His Royal Highness Royal Conservatoire of Scotland The Prince of Wales Royal Northern College of Music

The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music

This is to certify that ANNA CORAAGLIATI wLs exl.mined in GRADE 1 MUSIC THEORY and passed with distinction in 201 7


[4lr{^r t-) dll; Michael Elliott Chief Executive

Regulated by ABRSM, 4 London Wall Place, London EC2Y 5AU, United Kingdom Charity registered in England & Wales (292182) & Scotland (SC043343) Ofquol 2017 A / t / MtL A/ EURI / 4 4ss3 41 / 8 / 2 H tS::ìti il§i:li$,̧ § t,ÌS ts :S u+u ABRS

Patron: novutn.ilof Music Her Majesty The Queen Royal College of Music President: His Royal Highness Royal Conservatoire of Scotland The Prince of Wales Royal Northern College of Music

The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music

This is to certify that GIULIA SISTU wos exLmined in GRADE 1 MUSIC THEORY and passed with distinction in 201 7


ir,{^3, t-À dll; Michael Elliott Chief Executive

Regulated by ABRSM, 4 London Wall Place, London EC2Y 5AU, United Kingdom Charity registered in England & Wales (292182) & Scotland (SC043343) olH,# 2017 A/ tr / MtL A / EURI / 445s3 41 / 8 / 1 ue ABRSM

Patron: Royal Academy of Music Her Majesty The Queen Royal Cottege of Music President: His RoyaI Highness RoyaI Conservatoire of Scottand The Prince of Wales RoyaI Northern Coltege of Music

The Associated tsoard of the Royal Schools of Music

This is to certify that MATILDE. CIJDINI was examined in GRADE 6 MUSIC THE,ORY end passed with merit in 2015

Presented for examination by IRINA ALEXAND RO\TNA OWCHINNIKOVA

[4ìr,t^0,, dlt;Qf MichaeI ELl.iott Chief Executive

RegulaÈd by

Ofqual ABRSM, 24 Portland Place, London W1 B 1 LU, United Kingdom Charity registered in Engtand & Wates [292182] & Scottand [SC0433431

2016 / C/ r't / MI]-A/EUR[/ 4455n4' / 5 / 1 u& ABRSM

Patron: Royal Academy of Music Her Majesty The Oueen Royat Cottege of Music President: His Royat Highness RoyaI Conservatoire of Scottand The Prìnce of Wales Royal Northern Coltege of Music

The Associated Boar{C of the Royal Schools of Music

This is to certify that GIACOMO ZANIE.R uas ex,amined in GRADE, S MUSIC THE.ORY and passed with distinction in 2015

Presented for examination by TRINA ALEXANDRO\TNA OWCHINNIKOVA

[4.r/^À, dll; MichaeI El.Liott Chief Executive

Ofquol ABRSM, 24 Portland Place, London Wl B 1 LU, United Kingdom Charity registered in Engl.and & Wates 12921821 & Scottand [SC043343]

2016/ C/t't /M\À,/EUR[ / 4455341 / b / 1 u& BRSM

Pat ro n: RoyaI Academy of Music Her Majesty The Queen RoyaI Coltege of Music President: His Royat Highness RoyaI Conservatoire of Scot[and The Prince of Wates RoyaI Northern Cottege of Music

The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music

This i,s to certi,fy tltat DAFh{E, COMELLI was examined i,n GRADE, S MUSIC THEORY and passed with distinction in 2015

Presented for examination by MRS IRINA ALEXAND RO\TI.{A OVTCHINNIKOVA

[4.r,1^ù t-) dil;C,f MichaeI Ettiott Chief Executive

ABRSM, 24 Portl.and Ptace, London W1B 1LU, United Kingdom

Charity registered in Engtand & Wales 1292182] & Scotland [SC043343)

16 / B / tT / MIt AI EURI / 4455341 / 4/ 4 u& BRSM

Patron: RoyaI Academy of Music Her Majesty The Queen Roya[ Cotlege of Music President: His Royat Highness RoyaI Conservatoire of Scottand The Prince of Wales Royal Northern Cotlege of Music

The Associated Board of the R.yal Schools of Music

Tlr,i,s i,s to certi,fy that GABRIE,LE GAI{ZN.{I was examined in GRADE 5 MUSIC THEORY and passed wi,th di,stinct'ion in 2015

Presented for examinati,on by MRS IRINA ALEXANDRO\A{A OWCHINNIKOVA

[4.r,{^ù t-rf dil;C.t- MichaeI EtLiott Chief Executive

ABRSM, 24 Portland Ptace, London W1B 1LU, United Kingdom

Charity registered in Engtand & Wates 12921821 & Scottand {SC0433431

16 / B / tT / Mtt-A/ EURI / 4455341 / 4/ 5 u& ABRSM

Pat ron: RoyaI Academy of Music Her Majesty The Queen Royal Cotlege of Music President: His Royat Highness RoyaI Conservatoire of Scottand The Prince of Wates RoyaI Northern Cottege of Music

The Associated Board of the Rryal Schools of Music

This i,s to certify tltat EVA SISTT] was examined in GRADE 3 MUSIC THEORY and passed with di,stincti,on in 2015

Presented for exam'inati,,on by MRS IRINA ALEXANDRO\TI.{A OWCHINNIKOVA

[t.r,t^tr tJ dtl;C.t- MichaeL Ettiott Chief Executive

oQv-e! ABRSM, 24 Porttand Ptace, London W1B 1LU, United Kingdom

Charity registered in Eng[and & Wales t292182] & Scotland [SC0433431

1 6 / B / tT / M$-\/ EUR| / 445b347 / 4 / Z ue ABRSM

Patron: Royal Academy of Music Her Majesty The Queen RoyaI Cottege of Music President: His Royat Highness RoyaI Conservatoire of Scottand The Prince of Wates Royal Northern Cottege of Music

The Associated Board of the Rryal Schools of Music

This i,s to certify that ALESSIA CTVASCI{I

wa,s ex,am'ined'in GRADE 3 MUSICTHEORY and passed with d;isti,,ncti,on in 2016

Presented for ex,a,nl'inati,on by MRS IRINA ALEXANDRO\TI{A OWCHINNIKOVA


ìr,{^r t-) dll; MichaeI EtLiott Chief Executive

Ohuol ABRSM, 24 Porttand Place, London W1B 1LU, United Kingdom

Charity registered in Engtand & Wates .292182ll & Scottand [SC043343)

16 / B / lT / MllA/ EUIÀI / 4455341 / 4 / 3 ÈU BRSM

Patron: RoyaI Academy of Music Her Majesty The Queen Royal Coltege of Music President: His Royat Highness RoyaI Conservatoire of Scottand The Prince of Wales RoyaI Northern Cotlege of Music

The Associated Board of the Rryal Schools of Music

Th,i,s is to certify th,at AI{NA SISTT] was exarnined in GRADE 1 MUSIC THEORY and passed with disti,nction in 2015


[4. dLr$L.l dll.Cf MichaeI Ettiott Chief Executive

ABRSM, 24 Porttand Ptace, London W1B 1LU, United Kingdom

Charity registered in Eng[and & Wales 12?2182] & Scottand [SC043343]

1 6 / B / IT / MII.A/ EUr-L / 4455341 / 4 / 7 u& ABRSM

Patron: RoyaI Academy of Music Her Majesty The Oueen Royat Cottege of Music President: His Royal. Highness RoyaI Conservatoire of Scotland The Prince of Wates RoyaI Northern Cottege of Music

The Associated Board of the R.yal Schools of Music

This i,s to certify that CRTSTIANO BRT]SINI wa,s examined in GRADE? MUSIC THEORY and passed with distinction in 2016

Presented for examination by MRS IRINA ALEXAND RO\TT.{A OWCHINNIKOVA

[4.at^À t-) dll;C.t- MichaeL E[tiott Chief Executive

ABRSM, 24 Porttand Ptace, London WlB 1LU, United Kingdom ,292182) Charity registered in EngLand & Wates & Scotland ISC01'3343]

t6 / b / tT / Mfi-\/ ÈuRJ / 4/l5534r / 4 / 7 A

Patron: RoyaI Academy of Music Her Majesty The Queen Royal Cottege of Music President: His Royat Highness RoyaI Conservatoire of Scotland The Prince of Wales RoyaI Northern Cottege of Music

The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music

This is to certify that MARTINA CATTAROSSI was ex,amined in GRADE 2 MUSIC THEORY and passed with d;istinction in 2015

Presented for exa,rn'ination by MRS IRINA ALEXANDRO\A{A OWCHINNIKOVA

ttir,,lu*u,t Cll; MichaeI ELtiott Chief Executive

OQuol ABRSM, 24 Portland Place, London Wl B 1 LU, United Kingdom

Charity registered in EngLand & Wates [2921 82] & Scottand {SC01.331+3)

76/ A/ IT /Mil-A/ EURI/ 4455341/'t/5 A

Patron: Royal Academy of Music Her Majesty The 0ueen RoyaI College of Music President: His Royat Highness RoyaI Conservatoire of Scot[and The Prince of Wates RoyaI Northern Cottege of Music

The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music

This is to certify that AMBRA SOFIA VOICI]LESCU ua,s ex,a,mi,ned in GRADE 3 MUSIC THEORY and passed with distinction in 2015

Presented for examination by MRS IRINA ALEXANDRO\N\A OWCHINNIKOVA


[4.?t^o,r-, dlt;Qf MichaeI Etl.iott Chief Executive

ABRSM, 24 Porttand Place, London W1 B 1 LU, United Kingdom

Charity registered in EngLand & Wates [292182] & Scottand 15C043343)

16/A/tT /Ml-\/EURI/ 4455341/ 1/3 A

Pa tron: RoyaI Academy of Music Her Majesty The 0ueen Royat Cottege of Music President: His RoyaL Highness RoyaI Conservatoire of Scot[and The Prince of Wales RoyaI Northern Co[[ege of Music

The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music

This'is to certi,fy that MELISSAPE,TRI was ex,amined in GRADE 3 MUSIC THEORY and passed wi,th distinction in 2015


tAiert^tu,t dtt;Qf MichaeI Etl.iott Chief Executive

ABRSM, 24 Porttand Place, London Wl B 1 LU, United Kingdom

Charity registered in England & Wates {2921821 & ScotLand [5C043343]

t6 / A/ r't / Mfi-\/ EUIÀI/ 4455347 / 7 / 4 Patron: Royal Academy of Music Her Majesty The 0ueen Royat Cottege of Music President: His Royat Highness RoyaI Conservatoire of Scotland The Prince of Wales RoyaI Northern Cottege of Music

The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music

This is to certify that MATILDE CUDINI wa,s exami,ned in GRADE 5 MUSIC THEORY and passed with distinction in 2016

Presented for examination by MRS IRINA ALEXANDRO\A{A OWCHINNIKOVA

i^:du.qr-,| dlt;Qf Michaet ELtiott Chief Executive

ABRSI'/, 24 Porttand Ptace, London W1B 1LU, United Kingdom

Charity registered in Engtand & Wales {2921 821 & Scottand (SC0433431

,6/ A/ tT / MilÀ,/ EUR.[/ 4455347/7/6 Patron: RoyaI Academy of Music Her Majesty The 0ueen Royal College of Music President: His RoyaI Highness RoyaI Conservatoire of Scottand The Prince of Wates Royat Northern Cot[ege of Music

The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music

This is to certify that FRANCESCO MORRONE was examined in GRADE 3 MUSIC THEORY and passed with distinction in 2016

Presented for ex,a,rninati,on by MRS IRINA ALEXANDRO\A{A OWCHINNIKOVA

t^:du$,L4 AI|Q* MichaeI Etl.iott Chief Executive

ABRSM, 24 Porttand Place, London W1B ']LU, United Kingdom

Charity registered in Engtand & Wates 12921821 & Scottand 1SC01.33431

16/ A/tT / MI[A/ÈUaj/ 4455347/1/1 A

Patron: Royal Academy of Music Her Majesty The Oueen Royal College of Music President: His Royat Highness RoyaI Conseruatoire of Scottand The Prince of Wales RoyaI Northern Cotlege of Music

The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music

This is to certify that AIVIBRACNASCHI

wa,s exami,ned i,n GRADE 2 MUSIC THEORY and passed with distinction in 2015

Presented fo, exam'inati,on by MRS IRINA ALEXANDRO\AIA OWCHINNIKOVA

t1:du.qr-,| dll;Qf MichaeI El.Liott Chief Executive

ABRST'/, 24 Porttand Place, London W1B 1LU, United Kingdom

Charity registered in Engtand & Wates 1292182) & Scottand 1SC0433431

76 / A/ tT / Mfi-\/ EURI / 4455341 / 7 / 2 A

Patron: RoyaI Academy of Music Her Majesty The Queen Royal Coltege of Music President: His Royat Highness RoyaI Conservatoire of Scottand The Prince of Wales Royal Northern Cottege of Music

The Associated. Board of the Royal Schools of Music

Thi,s'is to certify that ELISABETTA PLEZHAJ was ex,ami,ned in GRADE 2 MUSIC THEORY and passed uith distinction in 2015

Pre s ente d for exarnina,tion by MRS IRINA ALEXANDROI/NA OWCHINNIKOVA

tA:aL,$L,l dll; MichaeI El.Liott Chief Executive

Ofquol ABRSM, 24 Porttand Ptace, London W1 B 1 LU, United Kingdom

Charity registered in Engtand & Wates (2921 821 & Scotl.and [5C043343]

16 / A/ tT / Mfi-\/ EUkt / 4455341 / 7 / I A

Patron: RoyaI Academy of Music Her Majesty The Oueen Royal Coltege of Music President: His Royat Highness RoyaI Conservatoire of Scottand The Prince of Wates RoyaI Northern Co[[ege of Music

The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music

This is to certify that LORENZO FORTE wa,s exa,mined in GRADE 4 MUSIC THEORY a,nd passed with distinction in 2015

Presented for exarnina,tion by MRS IRINA ALEXANDRO\A{A OWCHINNIKOVA

tt:ol,$L,l dll; MichaeI El.Liott Chief Executive

O&uol ABRSM, 24 Porttand Ptace, London W1 B 1 LU, United Kingdom

Charity registered in Engtand & Wates (292'!821 & Scottand [SC0433431

16/ A/ tT /Mfi-\/ EUR[/ 4455341/1/7 A

Patron: RoyaL Academy of Music Her Majesty The Queen RoyaI CoL[ege of Music President: His Royat Highness RoyaI Conservatoire of Scotland The Prince of Wates RoyaL Northern CoItege of Music

e ssociate oar ofte oal coolsof usic

Th,i,s is to certify that CARII\AIOAI{A CIRTITA was ex,amined in GRADE 6 MUSIC TFIEORY and passed with distinction in 20 15

Presented for exa,mination by IRINA OWCHINNIKOVA

[4.a{^0, t-,4 dlfiC,,t-

M ichael. ELl.iott C h ief Execut ive

Ofquol ABRSM ,24 Porlland P[ace, London W1B 1LU, United Kingdom

Charity registered in Engl.and & Wal.es (ZqZlB2) & Scottand [5C043343)

\b / c / rT / Mrr-A/ EURr/4383r 3s / 2 / 7