I I* Spartan Daily Serving the San Jose State University Community Since 1934

VOLUME 65 NUMBER 26 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1975 PHONE: 277-3181 the din sy it Dismissal of Finney possible, the srgy nent the om- eral chancellor's attorney says the the By Allan Lonzo yesterday disciplinary action is the meeting, a school teacher who said a shotgun investigation," Sen- iting Dr. Ben Finney, subject of an in- possible against a state employe even if she willingly had sex with him about senbrenner added. leral vestigation by a state board for alleged the moral turpitude was not committed once a week during a three-year period. Burns said he wasn't aware of the ould sexual misconduct, could be dismissed as part of a job with the university. The counseling cost her $250 a month. matter until a story about it was printed from his position at SJSU because of a The state action was also prompted Her name was not made public. in San Francisco Chronicle and added February conviction on a charge in- by a letter from Elizabeth Kennedy to Sensenbrenner said, "I do know that he could make no other comment volving moral turpitude, according to the State Board of Medical Examiners. the academic vice president and the because it is a personnel matter and Richard Sensenbrenner, associate Kennedy charged that Finney had dean of student services ( Robert confidential. general counsel for the chancellor. sex with her on two days in 1974. Martin) were instructed to make a Burns, was quoted in the San Jose Finney, SJSU psychology professor complete investigation." Mercury assaying, "He (Finney) did it According to Raymond Reid, and student counselor is charged with "This instruction came from the in his private practice and that's not executive secretary of the board of having sex with patients in his Palo alto president's Bunzel) office," said under university control." medical examiners, both charges are clinic. Sensenbrenner. He added an investigation was un- violations of the California ad- they intend to investigate derway to make sure Finney didn't The charges are being investigated "Obviously ministrative code which states, the and any possible con- practice his therapy with students. by a five-man committee of the State the charges psychologist shall not knowingly un- nections with the university. This is not continued on Page 8 Board of Medical Examiners. dertake any activities in which his The investigation prompted SJSU personal problems are likely to result in President John Bunzel to call for an on- inferior professional services or harm campus investigation Thursday. to a patient." Finney, 56, pleaded nob o contendere Spartan cut If the accusations are upheld, Finney, Shops on Feb. 3 to a complaint filed in Palo Alto Municipal Court that he violated who has a Ph.D. from the University of the business and professions code in a California at Berkeley, could be charge of "unprofessional conduct, an suspended or have his license revoked. offense involving moral turpitude." Finney previously answered the charges at a disciplinary hearing held student employes Nolo contendere, which differs from pleas of either guilty or not-guilty, in early October before the signifies that a person charged with an psychological examining committee. By Steve Wright thought someone told you." offense chooses not to contest the According to Susan Wogoman, Spartan Shops food services have cut Dolan admitted that one of the main charges. assistant executive secretary of the Board of Medical Examiners, it is that their work force by 25 employes over reasons for the layoffs was because of Finney was fined $300 for having sex committee which will render its the last month, with the majority being over-staffing. with a female patient. decision next month. part-time student employes. Overstaffing planned Charles Getz, state deptuy attorney Finney justified his "innovative Last week, 12 student part-time "I over-staffed because we were general, said after Finney was con- therapy" as the "coming thing" in employes were laid off "without any introducing a new service and wanted victed he (Getz) took the matter up marital counseling. He said he was notice," after Michael Dolan, manager to get off with a flying start," Dolan with the psychological examining "famous" for his teachings and articles of food services, completed a "rough said. Ken I-lively committee. he has written on the subject. draft" profit and loss statement for the Dolan explained that the over- Getz said Finney's alleged sexual At the hearing Finney also said he first month of operations. staffing was necessary while the em- Sunsets or studies? midconduct took place in his home. had sex with 12 women patients during The statement showed a need for ployes were learning a new job. It was According to Getz, there have been no the last seven years, and took nude cutbacks, Dolan said. the only way to keep up the fast service, Many students recently have been spending their evening hours studying for other disciplinary actions taken on photographs of "three or four of them." Loss suffered he said. midterms, not enjoying sunsets and gentle breezes off the Pacific Coast. This Finney's license. Recently he destroyed the pictures, Another reason for the layoffs was a "Now we have condensed many of the seagull is working on his in Aeronautics through an extension course. Sensenbrenner, who said he was not he said. year-end audit report, delivered to jobs," said Dolan. familiar with Finney's case, said Finney produced a friendly witness at Spartan Shops Inc. last week. The audit Although the majority of the layoffs showed that food services suffered a involved student employes, some of the $17,000 loss during the last fiscal year full-time hourly women employes were ending June 30. also cut, Dolan reported. Dolan said that for the time being no 'Children of God' seek converts Director layed off more employes would be laid off. "Even the former food Some of the remaining 25 ex- service director, Carl Shue, was layed off," employes quit on their own, or were Dolan said. fired for not doing a good job, Dolan Dolan will take over the respon- reported. But, he added, "the majority sibilities of the food service Cultists urge students to quit school were laid off. director. Pat Luna, a third semester food "Now we'll see how it works," Dolan service student employe said, "both with service and laid off last week said he relied "entirely" on ." the By John A. Ytreus establishment organization and believe income from that job to support him- "We're here at SJSU to coax students a Communist anti-Christ will rise up Students complained self. to quit school," he said earnestly. and take over the . However, student employes com- "At the beginning of the year," Luna "There is simply no future in it." A nucelar war between this country plained that they weren't given any said, "I was asked to do more than last Zechariah Sower and Magdaleine and the Soviet Union will ensue "wiping notice of the layoff and that food service year, but the reason they gave for Giggles, who are converts to the out the militarists and industrialists" had been purposely over staffed. laying me off was because I wasn't Children of God religious cult, said and leaving behind a peace-loving "When I went to work Monday," said doing enough. students must also quit their jobs and humanity that is content to farm and Ken Yeager, a former food service "give up their former lives to serve have children. student employe, "they told me I was Best ones kept God." In literature passed out to students being laid off. Just like that." "At the first part of the month," recently, a utopian society ruled by God Yeager was starting his fourth year Dolan said, "we get rid of the ones who According to the pair, the group came is depicted. All are written by Moses with food services. He was offered just can't cut it. And when we have to to San Jose early last summer and set David. other hours, but had already fixed his lay off, we keep only the best ones. up a "house" to hold meetings. schedule around the hours that had "As far as the supervisors are con- The group chooses fictitious last In one pamphlet, the cover shows a previously been offered him by food cerned," Dolan continued, "we work on names for its members that best fit peaceful village where earthy-looking services. a one person, one boss" type of com- their personalities. It isnot used to hide characters discuss "how things are The new hours offered would have mand. Employes report to a supervisor their true identity, they stressed. going." conflicted with his schedule, Yeager and the supervisor reports to him, So far they have recruited seven "Fine,' answers another, "the crops said. Dolan said. converts and expect to reach 12 are growingmen are strong, all the members soon. The "colony," as they women are pregnant and tonight we're Time card missed The students said they had planned second semester food are described, breaks into two groups gonna make ice cream!" Zechariah "Sower" Magdaleine "Giggles" Pat Kane, a their school schedules around the food out when a membership of 12 is reached. The group believes that in- service student employe had to find service job. They added it will be dif- dustrialized society is to blame for the before I joined the group," recalls go through hard drugs but "the novelty on her own that she was jobless. ficult to find another job that will fit into Six membrs are to go on to another wars and pollution on . Giggles, who has been a member for soon wore off." "I went into work on Wednesday," those hours. city and set up yet another colony. the past two months. "Today," he pointed out, "we are Kane said, "and I had no time card. I "We would have liked to have given The organization was started in a "We believe in revolting against our "The spirit of love is the substitute." stoned on what we've got, which is the still haven't been officially told." the students more notice," Dolan said, Huntington Beach coffee shop for old ways in society," added Giggles. While Sower wasn't an addict, he did heavenly spirit and love." Kane said a supervisor told her, "We "but I had to make cutbacks quickly." runaway teenagers seven years ago by "We're not hung up like the 'church the Rev. David Brandt Berg. people.' They always say to' and Berg had been thrown out of his 'don't.' The churches are dead. Arizona church for favoring the rich "They like to sing lullaby songs, and giving help to the poor and "everybody they are an example of Christianity Relocate laid offprofessors, Senate asked loving each other," according to Sower. gone sour. The Sunday services are their once a week shot of religious Berg and his family, after receiving a opiate." The committee did not adopt Young's Dr. David Eakins, a new committee faculty layoff guidelines if it becomes heavenly message te live in the "land of By Jim Mackowski off faculty should be proposal and Larsen said it could be member and who earlier in the necessary to lay off faculty. the setting sun," set up a coffee shop- The pair contend that most Laid relocated before "anyone is used an example of the guidelines the semester resigned from the senate's church for the "wandering youth" of clergymen live in "two worlds" and on campus let go due Young said it would be worse if lack of funds, committee could formulate. liaison committee, questioned that time. must live in God's world alone. to Title V's lack of work" Bunzel made lay offs without any Dr. Roy Young The committee is given the President John Bunzel's motives for Today, Berg lives in Europe and is "Love is the only thing that makes a clause, told the guidelines at all from the faculty. professional standards committee of responsibility of formulating faculty urging the committee for formulate devoutly referred to as "Moses David" person beautiful," she added. "We Senate Monday. layoff guidelines to be used in the event layoff guidelines. Dr. George Sicular again urged the by his followers. believe in moderation and not a the Academic religion of a decline in enrollment. committee to "give a try" to his "share of self-righteousness." Young, a committee member and Bunzel had earlier urged the com- the misery" proposal. Berg's children have carried the The lack of funds, lack of work Supporters say Children of God base chairman of the Political Science clause mittee to hold hearings and hear organization throughout the United from Title V is now used to justify its beliefs on a strict interpretation of Department, presented a policy testimony before any guidelines are At the last meeting of the committee States, which today numbers in the layoffs in the California the Bible. proposal to the committee that would State considered. Sicular said if enrollment declines by hundreds of colonies. University and College ( CSUC) "assure that SJSU policy shall be to system, five per cent putting tenured and "The Bible is the foundation of our according to Dr. Robert Sasseen, committee's last meeting "Moses David is our shepherd and we achieves goal which is a faculty of the dean Also, at the probationary faculty in danger of beliefs and its teachings have been faculty. believe he is the prophet. He really highest caliber." of the it received a memorandum prepared layoffs, the entire faculty could take a covered over by churchy garbage. by Sasseen at Bunzel's request doesn't want to be worshipped. All he Sasseen, who is a committee member five per cent cut in pay and a five per "David Moses is exposing the true Young's proposal said that before any the layoff guidelines. wanted to do is give God's message. but was absent from Monday's regarding cent reduction in teaching load. light of the Bible. Its ideas have been administrative or faculty vacancy is "In fact, Moses David visited Space meeting, had earlier said Title V is distorted by the church society. To filled from off-campus an effort should "I think it's really strange we're (the Sicular said it would not technically City or the fifth dimension recently. He from a group of formal enactments of them, it's nothing but a dead tradition be made to fill the vacant positions with committee) getting authority in areas be a pay reduction because it would be was praying one day and he suddenly the CSUC board of trustees that carries and not a living faith," Sower said. a "qualified probationary or tenured where we didn't have it before" from accompanied by a five per cent tuned into it. He was transported there the weight of law for the state Giggles and Sower added that SJSU employe or faculty members. Bunzel, Eakins said. reduction !r. teaching load. in much the same way that it is done on universities. Children of God has helped them find Dr. Charles Larsen, committee Star Trek." what drugs could not. chairman, said he thought Young's Not all committee members agreed No matter what the committee does Most committee members agreed The pair stressed that the Children of "I was addicted to speed and went in proposal might be in violation of that the committee should formulate regarding layoff guidelines, Eakins that Sicular's proposal, if used at all, God are a revolutionary, anti- and out juvenile halls for eight yea action. the layoff guidelines. said, Bunzel will emphasize he is using should be used "as a last ditch effort." Page 2 0 toher 22 19/.., .41

DOES Mit.C. GIMBECS '?* Spartan Daily opinion

Program board got suckered in by its 'survey' of student opinion

By Jeff Mapes This sort of survey usually draws "The Devil in Miss Jones" will not be responses from a small minority of shown on campus next month as cornment people that have particularly strong scheduled because the A.S. Program feelings on the subject. Board voted to cancel the showing. In this case it would be very easy for Well, if they want to play with figures a group of people to get together and The program board had previously how about the 2,091 students, according write enough letters to completely bias asked students to give their opinion on to program board figures, who paid to the results of the "survey." whether or not pornographic films see "Deep Throat?" It is odious when certain forms of should be shown on campus and 68 expression are removed from campus. students responded that such films That seems to be a much more But it is particularly repugnant when should not be shown, program board significant form of voting, and an af- the program board gets suckered in by officials said. firmative one at that, then the "sur- a small and vocal minority. Twenty-five students supported the vey" the program board took. The vote wasn't really 68 to 25 against showing of porno flicks and the board Program board officials should get showing porno movies. Since we are apparently interpreted this "vote" as a savvy about expecting a representative playing with numbers, a better figure mandate not to expose Miss Jones to sampling of student opinion by asking would be 2,091 to 68 for showing the student audiences. tor people to phone and write in. movie. Co-op ban on lettuce and grapes other ideas the result of a wise compromise

By Jim Barrett co-op comes from everybody's A.S. fees So often do I hear the "freedom of and everybody has a real interest in choice" slogan thrown around that it comment how their money is used. A.S. support of Coors boycott rings and resounds in my skull. The losers in the council's decision Freedom of choice? Freedom of seem to be those co-op members who whose choice? governing body. "don't care" as long as they can get The AS. Council made a wise com- Questions as to the council's lettuce and grapes. promise in requiring the food "rights," legal or moral are unfounded. However I doubt they are losing that towards ending free choice cooperative to not buy lettuce and It is apparent council had the legal much at an estimated savings of 16 a step grapes as a condition of receiving A.S. right because its function is to make cents a head on lettuce on the co-op's funds. decisions for a student body that can't every-two-weeks schedule. Editor: Coalition (CBC). to decide whether Coors is guilty of There were those who argued that vote on every matter. And since the co-op will only be The A.S. Council action last Wed- If the Spartan Pub should stop the discrimination or not, but should some students would be upset of the co- As for a "moral right"that does not selling produce it will still be necessary nesday "strongly" recommending sale of Coors it would be a suspend Coors until the court decides." op did not buy lettuce and grapes enter the question. for members to go to the market for suspension of the sale of Coors beer in discriminatory action every bit as In other words guilty until proven in- picked only by the UFW. The council's job is hopefully to set other needs at which time they can buy the Spartan Pub is an affront to the arbitrary as the alleged hiring prac- nocent. Also there were those who argued aside its own moral values and look at lettuce and grapes if they so choose. student body. The council should tices of the Coors. There is no question that the CBC has that some students would be upset if the the values of the entire student body. It should be remembered by all realize they represent the entire It seems this entire issue needsto be generated some support for their cause, co-op did not buy lettuce and grapes Apparently a number of students concerned that the money being used to student body and not just vocal put in perspective. The CBC has called but this does not necessarily represent picked only by the Teamsters. believe that farmworkers are being fund the co-op comes from the A.S. fees minorities such as the Coors Boycott for a boycott of Coors beer because of a majority opinion. If opinions were And there were those who argued that exploited and want to help them. and the council is accountable to the alleged discriminatory hiring and solicited from a representative cross some students would be upset if they Others possibly believe the farm- 28,000 students who paid them and not employment practices. Their section of pub patrons, my guess is that could not buy lettuce and grapes no workers are not exploited and still just to the 300 students who will share in allegations are based on a suit filed a majority would opt for the in- matter who picked them. others possibly do not care. the co-op. Porno flick against Coors by the Equal dividuals' right to determine for Obviously the council couldn't make Those are the real moral values at If the co-op cannot operate with the Employment Opportunity Commission themselves whether or not to boycott. everyone happy so its decision was to issue and they are real factors in many "no lettuce or grapes" restriction then now pending action in U.S. Dsitrict And just as surely, a petition to this keep the conflict out of the co-op and student's lives. it should ask each member to put up $5 Court. effect would receive wide support. The hopefully off the campusnot bad for a The $1,300 being alloted to fund the more to fund the entire project. crowds show The attempt to suspend the sale of point is, however, that no one should Coors before a court decision regarding have to circulate a petition in order to the validity of the charges is premature maintain their rights, nor should those SJSU opinion and arbitrary. rights be usurped by a minority position While the CBC is certainly entitled to petition. Getting votes and seeing operas Editor: make known their sentiments and urge The A.S. council apparently based We would like to comment on the a boycott of Coors, it is undeniably the their action on the fenzied proposals of decision to not show "The Devil in Miss individual patron's perogative to decide the CBC in the absence of any Jones" as was previously planned. whether, on the basis of information is how our politicians look at China vigorously voiced support for the in- In our opinion the AS. Program available, they want to boycott Coors. dividual's right to determine for Board has misinterpreted the in- Stopping the sale of Corrs would in themselves on this issue. The vote formation that it has collected from the effect deprive the individual of the By John A. Ytreus ticker tape parade down Peking's main reflects acquiescence to unreasonable students. opportunity to reach his or her own Secretary of State Henry Kissinger street? demands and indicates the council It is obvious to us that the great decision and act accordingly. was caught napping Monday by the ( comment ) If Ford brings very little back lacked both judgment and concern with majority of the people who are con- "A determining factor in gaining AS. Chinese Communists. diplomatically, then what zoo creature due process. cerned enough to write in are those who support of the CBC request was a No, the doctor did not sell out Taiwan One can easily imagine what may will he get as a consolation prize? disapproved of the showing. We feel petition presented by J. Michael I submit that the AS. Council vote is or South Korea to Mao Tse-tung, Chou happen during Ford's visit to mainland Before he leaves, Ford should be that the majority of the students on this Gonzales, CBC spokesman," according not representative of pub patron's En-lai or his buddies at the conference China. given a list of preferred Chinese zoo campus are in favor of the showing but to the Oct. 17 Daily article. The same desires, and urge the Spartan Shops table. Will Ford desire to meet "with your specimens to take back with him. are not adamant enough to voice their Mr. Gonzales is quoted in the Oct. 7 board of directors to disregard it. Apparently, if we can trust the Boy Scouts here"? Will he ask for a As a precaution, Ford should bring a opinion. Daily as saying, "the board (Spartan Jerry Groseclos Associated Press report, Dr. K was ticker tape parade down Peking's main grizzly bear or a whooping crane so as Consider the facts. Every time a Shops board of directors) shouldn't try Journalism Junior found snoozing before one of China's street? to force a reciprocal gift from the pornographic film has been shown on newest revolutionary operas, "The What about the food? Ford is not Communists. this campus, the attendance has not Azalea Mountain," after nearly four known for his gourmet diet and the rich, After all, if the President is going to only been tremendous, but a great deal hours of talks with Deputy Premier spicy food and the potent mao-tai use so much of his time and burn up of money has been made. Students driving to class Teng Hsiao-ping. cocktail may be too much for his untold gallons of jet fuel, he should at Pull your head out! Isn't this the best Since this is Henry's eighth sojourn to midwestern tastes. least bring back something interesting indicator of how the students truly feel? the People's Republic, he must be Will Ford desire to meet "with your besides himself and the Secretary of Bob George, thoroughly bored with China's always- Boy Scouts here?" Will he ask for a State. Corrections Junior; a menace to revolutionary-in-tone opeas. Todd Lewis, pedestrians But, fear not, our dauntless diplomat! Undeclared Freshman; The Chinese have something in store care centers needed Kirby Wong, Editor: rnunity. that even you have not experienced Child Environmental Studies Sophomore; Recently I moved to a house on 13th That problem is trying to cross 11th beforenamely a Chinese-style picnic Jerry Holloway, Street and have become aware of a Street at San Antonio Street. I either in a place called Fragrant Hills. Administration of Justice Junior serious problem in our campus corn- walk or ride by bike to school that way The park, located somewhere outside each day, and I have learned that in Peking, should provide a change of for middle class parents order to cross 11th Street, you quite pace from the meetings and operas the Why doesn't John Rico literally have to take your life in your Secretary is so used to. By Kathi MeDavid life in your hands. To be serious for a moment, the An article ran recently in the Daily comment Secretary of State is in Peking to about the Frances Gulland Child have a regular The traffic in the mornings is ex- arrange publicity-making trip for Development Center. This center is run column? tremely heavy and practically no one President Gerald R. Ford of Grand exclusively for the low income parent they do? will stop for pedestrians in the cross Rapids. attending SJSU. At the Gulland Center, parents pay queries? Editor: walks. After observing this problem for The last Chinese shuttle helped The need for adequate child care for from nothing to 30 cents an hour for Why hasn't a genuine effort by the I have some pertinent questions a while, I have come to the conclusion provide a landslide victory for past students is a legitimate need. child care. Why couldn't this fee scale which editors been made to allow a modest I feel as an interested and in- that students at SJSU are a large part President Nixon in 1972. A scene of But, there are SJSU parents other be higher to accomodate the middle but reasonable space, for the telligent student, need answering. amount of of the problem. clinking champagne classes with Chou than low income parents who could income parent as well? examination of burning issues" I Why are the constant questions of such will certainly help Ford in next year's benefit from good child care. The Gulland Center also receives await your As I leave for school at 9:20 every concerned students, which deal with the response. political clashes. Many schools in this are are funds from A.S. for its operation. If where's and why's of the locations and Jeffrey J. Vaughn morning, I don't feel that many of the providing child care for their students funds are provided from the fees all directions of student monies, and which Senior people on 11th Street at that time are rich and poor. students pay, it seems more students are directed hostiley toward the student going to work. I feel that a majority of Foothill College in Los Altos Hills, for should haue this service available to body president, John Rico, given ample them are trying to get to SJSU on time, example, has a child care center open them. space in the medium known as the Editors note: The Spartan Daily is a turning left at San Fernando Street. Write us! to all students. I don't mean to take the Guland when in fact, a regular three-unit class, and our tight space They have a sliding fee scale that Center to task for Spartan Daily, So, I want to make a plea to all providing low-income column of only once a week or even limitations require us to give priority to The Spartan Daily encourages your corn goes from $1 per hour to zero. The child care. The low income parent is a students who drive along 11th street at ments Best read letters are short (250 words) weeks in which John staff members. Rico has been asked to and to the point amount a student pays is dependent first priority. once every two San Antonio. Rico could respond, has been denied writes column for an upcoming opinion Letters ,nay be submitted at the Daily office upon their income and number of But, with more and more persons They have just as much right to get to I JC 201) between . am and s pm Monday him by the editors of said publication by page. Rico's positions on issues has also through Friday or by mail persons in ' le family. entering college who have children, the class without getting The Daily reserves the right to edit for their editorial censorship? been published in stories on the news on time as you do, There are mans' persons who may not time has come for SJSU to expand its killed in the process. length, style, or libel Why if the facts are demanded, can't pages, in addition to writing occasional All letters must Include authors signature. be classified as low income, but do not thinking and its facilities. for letters to the editor, which have been nwt and phone number make enough money to pay the high All SJSU regular column be alloted Mardi Hathaway parents need good child published. care. response? How important are the Sociology Junior twice for -ivate child care. What do Oi 71,611 2/ 19P, SJSU anthropology prof sees rare Indian fire-walking rituals

By Paul Dot) desirable to be one, said Fire -walking, the mai:. Fire-walking is an event Freeman, because most Kali ceremony in Sunderpur. most miss during their kalasis are from the lower is not the only known ritual. lifetimes, but one SJSU castes of India's strict social Freeman said. professor has seen it in India system, or are untouchables. In some villages fire several times. People respect them swingers are hung from their Dr. James M. Freeman, during the time that they're ankles and swung through Anthropology Department the deity," he explained. flames seven times, he said chairman, studied the events The reason most kalasis ***** in the village of Sunderpur, were from these lower in the Indian state of Orissa castes, Freeman suggested, ;MARSAL'S; from 1970 through 1972. was that the psychic rewards House of Surplus * The Orissans annually of a kalasi are considered * Clothing G I goods submit themselves to public compensation for a 124 E. Santa Clara ordeals by fire in a ceremony miserable earthly life. * Between 3rd & 4th * to test their faith in the ***** WWWW*WwWw*

Paul Sakurna goddess Kali, Freeman wrote in an article in Natural magazine. Prof, students enjoy sun, wine The ceremony usually Dr. John Wintterle, professor of history, left, joins grad student Steven Roth, and Susan Deshon, senior, in a light- consists of fire-walking. One to 25 people walk seven times of hearted picnic on the tower lawn. Wine, complete with wine glasses, enhances the Indian summer mood as laughter over glowing embers while is. and friends temporarily dismisses classroom cares. Dr. James M. Freeman on as many as 20,000 spectators McDonald's Dy watch, he said. It was a social and en- decapitated goats from the st tertainment event as well as shards of pots that have been re a religious one, Freeman broken to insure that they re Eton prof appeals dismissal said when interviewed by the cannot be used twice. WE'RE MORE Daily. "They drink the blood of He compared it in some chickens directly from their THAN FAST: ways to a football game or severed necks," Freeman any important emotional said. * INEXPENSIVE * CONVENIENT in letter to grievance panel event in this country. * QUALITY * DELICIOUS The rituals include both *CLEAN " HOT Vendors sold wares purification and pollution Vendors even sold their By Doug Ernst student disapproval. selection of evidence and where water and fire are Prirsirtr*WWWW wares among the crowd, he Economics professor In his letter to the com- refusal to take recent purifiers, and the blood of added. Martin Davis, who has been mittee, Davis claims: teaching evaluations into sacrificed animals is WE'RE ON SAN CAR LOS, JUST ONE "There would be a told he will not be retained in That the requirement of account." associated with pollution and BLOCK FROM THE MEN'S GYM tremendous roar from the the department after next a Ph.D. is being "arbitrarily "Arbitrary action by death, Freeman said. crowd when the holy person ammoomewmasimmmormoimomm semester, appealed the imposed," and that those running the Economics arrived," he said. "Fire-walking dismissal in a letter he sent "upheavals" in the depart- Department" has seriously ceremonies are unusual because they last week to the committee ment have been time affected his working con- According to Freeman, !ncorporate both purity and COUPON es that will hear his grievance. consuming and emotionally ditions. these are the kalasis, who pollution rituals in the same in The three -member draining" making it difficult Political activities which PURCHASE A GREAT-TASTING BIG play a key part in the ceremony," he said. Most of grievance committee in- to proceed with the com- he has engaged in, said MAC, AND GET A FREE REGULAR ceremony because they go the ceremonies do not. )11 cludes Drs. Richard pletion of his doctorate. Davis, include voting against into a trance. SIZE ORDER OF OUR FAMOIS Ingraham, professor of He is being dismissed Willis in departmental Although he said he did FRENCH FRIES!! et "The villagers believe that biology; Barbara Dubins, because of political positions balloting, being outspoken it) meet a fake kalasi, who had as the kalasi is going into GOOD THRU 11/9/75 professor of history; and he has taken "in the struggle meetings, participating in been exposed by the village, at trance, his soul is expired in 1 per customer Henry Robinson, professor inside the Economics public forums, making most were genuine. per visit 16 of biology. Department." statements for publication, a convulsive breath, and the I'S soul of the mother goddess Grievance committees Evaluations of depart- and being identified as a Experience terrifying McDonald's consist of three tenured ment faculty by non- Marxist economist. enters with his next breath. Even though the ex- - Dc associate or full professors, and non- Davis, an assistant During trance the kalasi, who economists perience of being a kalasi is 3rd & SAN CARLOS ry chosen by lot. members of the department, professor, specifically can be either a man or a terrifying, it is thought or Robinson refused constitute '' arbitrary and charged Willis with not woman, is considered to be Monday to comment on the unprofessional procedure." considering new data per- Martin Davis the deity and is addressed by letter from Davis, which he Because he was not taining to his teaching the deity's name," he said. Ill said was just recently evaluated by his peers, the ability. professional confidence of According to Freeman, to received. administration has violated "Willis never bothered to the department in me." they serve another im- es "It would be premature to Title V of the California look at new data that showed According to grievance portant role ie Administrative Code. improvement in my because S committee Pg

comment," said Robinson. member villagers believe that Kali ot Dubins and Ingraham His teaching is above the teaching," Davis said. Robinson, he has not yet met must drink the blood of in were unavailable for com- department norm, and Teaches a variety with the other two members freshly sacrificed animals on ment. assessments of his teaching "I have taught a wide to set a date for a hearing. fire-walking days. Davis and Robert McBride skills by department variety of graduate and The first order of business, are the two most recent chairman James Willis and undergraduate courses," said Robinson, will be to Kalasis drink blood submarirw SarpiWiCbeS dismissals in the depart- Dean of the School of Social said Davis in the letter, establish whether or not "Representing the god. Corner of So. Second & San Fernando Sts. ment. Their dismissals have Sciences James Sawrey "attesting both to my university procedure dess, the kalasis customarily 279-9096 brought both faculty and "resulted from an arbitrary competence and the policies were violated. drink the blood of

Agency's statistics reveal operation CIA opened U.S.-Soviet mail It Sounds 0 WASHINGTON IAP) Statistics provided by the The mail-opening program which the mail was opened. The CIA opened more than CIA and made public by the began in 1952 as a legal mail- The program was not 215,000 letters over 20 years committee today showed cover operation in which the ended until 1973, when then- Incredible knowing it was illegal and that envelopes containing outside of envelopes were CIA director James despite two internal studies more than 2.7 million letters photographed, but it soon Schlesinger ordered it expanded into a operation in stopped. which showed the operation to and from the Soviet Union BUT EVELYN WOOD GRADUATES CAN READ was poorly run and of and passing through the New marginal intelligence value, York City post office has amea according to evidence made been photographed and that THE EXORCIST IN 58 MINUTES public today by the Senate 215,820 of these were opened. intelligence committee. Thomas Abernathy, for- The disclosures came after merly with the CIA inspector ERNI( RNE Al That Speed, The 103 Pages Came Across it was learned the CIA general's office, told the 1 With Mere Impact Than The Mane. opened and read at least committee he prepared a Ilford* Kodak three and perhaps eight study in February, 1961 filupapet chemisirukodaN piocessing letters written by committee showing that "no tangible You Chairman Frank Church, D- operational benefits have THE KAMERA KORNER ten do it, too. So to over 550.000 other prothe nave done it Peopie whO thing the piece to tharn ninth about it is at free speed reading Mann 20% off at... hem daffeeent lobs, different 10s, different interests. different Mucahons hem This n the UMW [PON efesickent Kennedy had his Mint Chiefs Of Idaho, during and after a accrued" to the agency's completed the mem. Our graduates af people horn all walks of ide Thew 5111 Mae 560 S. Bascom Ave. The stiff of Prescient si,syn completed this P10911 Nave all taken course developed by Evelyn Wood. prominent course an June 1970. The same one 1971 trip he made to the Soviet division from the Senators and Congressmen Nave token San Jose, Calif. asOutstor Pratte-ally ell of then, It last baled then reading toad with estu.1 or Soviet Union. mail-opening operation. better comprehension. Most here intreesed it even more. Cane to MincLesson and find out It is hag to you and you Will leave with Think for moment what Church confirmed in a that mans All of thorn- even the slowest rimy'Old better understanding of why It works One thing Met might bother S.! about I,, worm novel in lees than tem hours They reed an note,,,,. ot time or no,,, reading VW is that someone might find out how slow it is The Newsweek an 36 minutes. telephone interview Monday They don't skip or durn They read every only They onstructon at the Evelyn Wood needing Oynern. Fro, Speed needing lesson use no machines. of two letters he Ithateed, they let the nutriai they're reMing determine 1100 mll let you lawo yew wee It's true we prastace the first step to unproved that copies tat they reed. And mark A.S. Presents Wednesday Cinema this well they actual,' understand more, renumber reeding at Moni.tesson and m Will amnesty.' reading speed on the spot, but more, and missy More had written to the Soviet than when they read slowly That's rash', They the results 0,11 rem., your secret Wen to attend fre. Minilemen end awn understand mere. They Union "thanking our hosts rernernber more. They moon snore You can *0 ,5. same Piet ti Kalb!. to reel 3 4 5 tomes fette,. wtth cornea...hie comprehension for their courtesies" had The wait is over! been found in CIA files. Abu can thrill again to the happiest sound JIAILLMLL 1Jr r FILL 1,11111-1..CJW113 The senator authorized release of the two letters to az in all the world. You'll increase your reading speed The Associated Press. 50 to 100.. on the spot! Today and Tomorrow %pnrian Daily tiODGERS.... 14 VAN FIRITIV, Serving the San Jose Stall. at 4:00 pm and 8:00 pm in San Jose at Howard University COMMunil 11 rj4111 VAID Since 1934 Johnsons on North First Street and in Palo Alto Second class postage paid at San 4einV.51 Jose. California Member of California Newspaper Publishers Association and the Associated at Rickey's Hyatt House on El Camino. Press. Published daily by San Jose Slate University. except Saturday. Sunday and Mendel,. during the I \ DREWS PI I AIMEE college year The opinions ex pressed herein are not necrasarily those of the Associated Students, -October 22 the College Administration or the Today EVELYN WOOD READING DYNAMICS Department Of Journalism and Advertising Subscriptions ac cepted only on remainder of Show starts at: 3:30, 7:00 and 10:00 semester basis. Full academic year, Se each. Semester, SOSO Off Morris Dailey Auditorium campus price per copy, 10 cents film duration 3 hours Phone 777 3111. Advertiaing 277 3171. Press of Fricke Park, Fremont. Drawing for Free Spartan Pub Pizza

$.75 alter Ow .1.311 and 7 MI movies Save youi Ii 1.11 lialis $.75 Page 4, October 22, 1975

SAN JOSE ART I Oregon officials question Kane's eligibility PAINT & VVALLPAPER

the fourth quarter. Running back an Dail, Record-holder Charlie Harroway ran for 227 yards [Spari on 28 carries in 1965 against found clear Montana State. Kane's success at SJSU has led to considerable grum- sports bling at Oregon. on all counts Oregon discontent Discontent has been voiced By Tom Stienstra by the Oregon media, fans Star SJSU football running and summer quarters. An additional point applies and alumni. Attendance is back Rick Kane, a After graduation, he to the PCAA's transfers who falling and those fans which University of Oregon enrolled at SJSU but still did were affected by the do show for the games have transfer, has undergone an not expect to be a member of -special vote": transfers been quick to voice their investigation regarding his the SJSU football team this are not eligible for displeasure. eligibility at SJSU by Oregon fall. "championship events." There have been three officials. The PCAA's special ruling "Championship events" are different head coaches in the Pick up your The "unofficial inquiry" has concerning , post-season bowl games. last five years. cleared Kane in all respects, cleared the way for Kane. PCAA teams do not The investigation by favorites... the Spartan Daily learned. There has been no "of- usually compete in bowl Oregon officials concerning It was questioned by ficial" investigation by the games, so the edict may Kane was an attempt to stop BOCOUR Oregon school officials, Pac-8 Conference, in which have no effect. the downward momentum water colors alumni and media how Kane Oregon is a member, ac- If SJSU is invited to a bowl plaguing the Ducks. could have played at Oregon cording to Pac-8 officials. game, Kane will not be SJSU football players are WINDSOR/ in 1974, transfer to SJSU, and "There's no reason to eligible. The San Diego aware of the Oregon NEWTON play for the Spartans this investigate," Pac-8 com- transfers fall into the same pressure on coach Darryl year. missioner Wiles Hallock told category. Rogers, and have indicated finest NCAA regulations state a the Spartan Daily from his The Kane eligibility splash confidence and trust in the water colors sit out a full San Francisco office. follows in the wake of con- Spartan coach. player must designers Gouache year before playing for "Oregon has filed no inquiry tinuing failure of the Oregon "They can keep the (opaque water colors) another school. and the subject has never football program. microscope on him," red- been officially questioned." Oregon has not won a shirt Mike Bond said, "they 87 VALLEY FAIRCENTEF LiilMick Rick Kane Jumps over three University of Pacific linemen for a touchdown. A special vote by the STEVENSCREEK 110/13 PCAA, which Oregon of- Hallock did say it was game since Kane's depar- ain't gonna find anything." SAN JOSCCALie 95' ficials were not aware of, likely Oregon has im- ture and the Spartans are 5-1 Aprr 40e 2494700 waived the rule for "this plemented an independent in the same span. year only," said Dr. Richard investigation. Kane rushed for 196 yards ANNOUNCEMENT Unusual names give Post, faculty athletic Once Coach Darryl Rogers on 30 carries in Spartans' 41- representative. and Post were assured Kane 13 rout of University of III CALIFORNIA S LARGEST LAW SCHOOL Post said San Diego State was free to play, eligibility Pacific last Saturday night WESTERN STATE UNIVERSITY University promised com- was never a serious He had a shot at the SJSU gridders recognition mitments to six transfers. question. rushing record had he played COLLEGE OF LAW the PCAA cleared When OF ORANGE COUNTY for San Diego's eligibility AN ACCREDITED LAW SCHOOL By Keith Muraoka Texas A & M University are no exceptions. transfers, Kane's eligibility Any football coach would name size, speed Offensive guard usually isn't a glamorous was assured. Spartan fencers OFFERS A and aggresiyeness as attributes of a football position, but Derrel Gofourth of Oklahoma There were other NCAA PROGRAM OF player. But, what about a player's name? State University and Rick Pennypacker of guidelines which Oregon A good name can gain a player the University of West Virginia are bound to officials investigated. FULL-TIME LAW STUDY recognition, as well as a few laughs. This change things. Chapter four of the NCAA take second, third year's college and pro football teams are On defense, South Dakota State Univer- Rulebook states for Kane to TO BEGIN IN JANUARY the linebacker with the perfect become eligible he must loaded with some good names. sity has The SJSU men's fencing the only one to not lose a SIN EITHER 21/2 or 3 YEARS of FULL-TIME low study Hitt. Navy's middle guard enroll at a junior college, (15-16 classroom hours per week); or Any team would by happy to have a name in Travis team took a second and a single match. Julius Caesar isn't far behind Hitt. pass 24 units and graduate. SIN EITHER 31/4 or 4 YEARS of PART-TIME day, evening, quarterback with a little luck. Nebraska has third last Saturday in the Participating in the epee Uniform makers at Boston College can Kane at JC or weekend low study (3 classes per week. 3.4 hours just that in Terry Luck. Northern California Inter- were Rick Hopkins, Jimmy per class): only get part of this guy's name on the back Kane was enrolled at De Running backs always seem to have collegiate Athletic Con- Hopkins, Stan Hayesburg You can earn your JURIS DOCTOR (J.D.) degree and of his jersey. The player with the longest Anza Junior College in hp foie +0e CALIFORNIA BAR EXAMINATION. flashy nemes and Elvis Peacock of the derence tournament in Santa and Pat Luna. University of Oklahoma and Bubba Bean of name is tackle Ziggy Szczawinski. Cupertino for the 1975 spring Cruz. Johnson, Mike Sinkey, WRITE OR PHONE FOR CATALOGUE The team placed second in Mark Deter and John Dept. c15 the sabre competition and Coleman performed in the 1111 North State College third in the epee. sabre. It was a practice tour- Fullerton, CA 92631 nament and finishes do not The epee and the sabre an (714) 993-7600 contribute to standings. two of the three different Doug Johnson was the types of weapons toed in APPLY NOW FOR DAY, EVENING, OR WEEKEND unofficial winner in the fencing. The other is the foil. CLASSES BEGINNING JANUARY 19, 1976 SIMILAR PROGRAMS AVAILABLE A T COORDINATE sabre event, according to The primary difference in CAMPUS IN SAN D team members. Johnson was weapons is in blade bulk. STUDENTS ELIGIBLE FOR FEDERALLY INSURED STUDENT LOANS) APPROVED FOR VETERANS Women's volleyball team flattens CSU, Hayward in victory

The SJSU women's varsity volleyball team beat CSU, Hayward last Thursday by scores of 15-2 and 15-3 at Hayward. "It was an overall team effort," according to Marti Brugler, junior varsity coach. "We just simply outhit them." The junior varsity did not play because Hayward lacked a similar squad. Brugler has temporarily assumed the leadership of both squads. The JV coach complimented the hitting of Linda Gintz, Robin Cornell and Liz Santie in the Hayward match. David VernIci The team will next be in action at Fresno State Universit Whoops! III Oct 29 COUPONS REDEFk4ABLE AT 380 E. SANTA CLARA ST. A San Diego State Aztec WI grasps the arm of Spartan hooter John Smilley, right, for support. "AT" SAN JOSE 14 -Frazier Ali .VENEW Basketball players, refs Beef or Combo fight to air CAMERA STORES Burrito Week (Tal 0 tomorrow needed for intramurals 2 Burritos for $1.00 IL.3.13a Good Oct. 22-28 A film of the nthrilla" to One coupon per adult Manila, the last Muhammad Both student players and include a student ID number Referees are also needed Ali-Joe Frazier fight, will be referees are being sought to for each player. for the basketball program. -4 shown tomorrow afternoon participate in an intramural in the S.U. Ballroom. basketball program. Bean All 14 rounds of the fight The leagues are being Travel to the test Burrito Week will be presented in color. sponsored by the A.S. /Irmo The cost is $4 and there Leisure Services Office 40% and 4 Bean Burritos for $1.00 will be two showings, one at sign-ups will be held through ck Pa 12:30 p.m. and the other at Oct. 24. FALAfELS 57' Good Oct. 29-Nov. 4 2:30 p.m. Rosters may be obtained One coupon per adult The film is being presented at the Leisure Services A delightfully delicious mid -eastern sandwich by Omega Psi Phi Inc. Office on Seventh Street, Try one today. Queen adjacent to the Student Union. of the Orient Tostatos Week A Spartan Daily Completed rosters are due bLirmS OFF by Oct. 24 and they must 515 classified ad is S. 10th & Williams 4 Tostatos for $1.00 0"aco Good Nov. 5-11 all you need to PROFESSIONAL COLOR One coupon per adult buy, sell, trade PHOTO FINISHING or send your 1Garage Europa SLIDES " NEGATIVES MOVIES personal mess- AND ENLARGEMENTS age. OFFICIAL BRAKE LAMP SMOG STATION Tacos Week Tato For foreign car service with precision, 4 Tacos for $1.00 379408A quality, SAN TOSE Good Nov. 12-18 experience, and fast service, AO SOUTH FIRST RELAXATION FREE I FREE POSTURES i 1141 One coupon per adult GARAGE EUROPA is the place. 774 MEDITATION PARKING 1 In to PARKING 850 1.incoln Avenue, San Jose, 295-9082 L 1 113 Friar Way Campbell CA 95008 ------NOB October 22, 1975, Page 5 Dream themes Paper reports Patty to be explored admits robbery link By Jeanie Schultz into the unconscious mind, "Dreams provide the only and ’unconscious NEW YORK ( API the San Francisco apart- murder occurred time the mind has true free barometer" of the persons Patricia Hearst has ad- ment which Hearst shared The Post also reported choice of subject," said feelings and concerns, Hazen mitted that she drove a with Wendy Yoshimura. yesterday that "sources Bruce Hazen, clinical intern said. "The mind has free getaway car after a Car- familiar with the con- at the Building K counseling rein, we can put whatever we michael, Calif., bank rob- If she drove the getaway versations" said Hearst said center. want into our dream." bery in which a woman car, under California law, she never was inside the customer was killed, the Hearst still could face a bank during the holdup in Dream theme Hazen, who has a B.A. New York Post reported murder charge as a par- which a woman was killed by Identifying the subject, or from Cornell and is working today. ticipant in a crime in which a a shotgun blast. on his masters in clinical The newspaper said the "theme running through the 47,)-0) 42,0, dream" can be very useful, psychology here, views once-fugitive heiress told at dream analysis as an least one person who in- according to Hazen, who is ALWAYS A SALE AT beginning a dream analysis identification or clarification terrogated her in recent of an individual's primary and interpretation group weeks about her role in the THE SHIRT WHEEL tomorrow. concerns. robbery linked to the Symbionese Liberation "For some people The group, which will Army. 4011 lip dreaming is a creative emphasize interest and Albert Johnson, a partner exercise, they dream e# growth rather than therapy, with defense lawyer F. Lee solutions to the problems will meet in Building K Bailey, said yesterday of the 111P they identify," he said. Thursdays from 1 to 4 p.m. Post's report, "I don't want r I 04 for the rest of the semester. to comment at all." "ow n Analysis potshots Previous reports have is not an "Dream analysis The dream analysis group linked Hearst and her SLA intellectual or mystical 5.95 7.95 will work toward expancing comrades to the robbery of a reg. reg. 17-22 exercise," Hazen said. 10-16 the awareness of its mom- Crocker National Bank in BANK LAIWS ACCEPTED Delving into a dream can tiers, who will be asked to Carmichael near 510 S. Tenth St. San Jose, CA point out a problem or recount their dreams and Sacramento last April 21. much (Tenth & Williams) 295.0144 concern that is using suggest what their dream A marked El bill from the psychic energy, conscious experiences might mean. bank reportedly was found in Open Monday -Friday 10-6 Saturday 10-5 but of which we aren't Other group members may aware, he added. provide feedback, "or take Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement potshots at the analysis," The Board of Directors "A person may be San Jose State University Foundation Hazen explained. displacing anger to an Pottery creation takes shape San Jose State University San Jose, California inappropriate area," Hazen People interested in noted, because he or she is joining the group are asked Kim Kamatsu inverts her posture and concentrates intently on her clay creation, We have examined the condensed statement of of unable to pin-point what is financial condition to call the Building K seemingly oblivious to the working world around her. Kamatsu's attention is centered San Jose State University Foundation, a California corporation not for profit, really bothering them. as of June 30, 1975. Our examination was mod, in accordance with generally counseling center at 277-2966 on a project for her Ceramics 46B class. The beginners' class is taught by Professor J,ctrited audili,9 51ent!..,:, and acco,rdi,,,,,,, ,uh tests uf the acsh,oting Dreams as mirrors and leave a name and John Leary. records and other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circurrr Stances. Dreams serve as a mirror number of Hazen. In uur opinion, the condensed statement presents fairly the financial condition of San Jose State University Foundation at June 30, 1975 in cnnforrity with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a basis consistent More than 11 countries represented with that of the preceding year.

San Jose, California ?4n IxldSaJ7A6' September 9, 1975 Hoover Hall has world-wide scope SAN JOSE STATE LNIVERSITY FOUNDATION SAN JOSE STATE UNIVERSITY

By John A. Ytreus added. "Some are studying "Only policemen use guns many Americans get CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY AND COLLEGES AUXILIARY ORGANIZATION Resembling a miniature Language problems English and many are going and they use them well," she "crazy" over weekend Condensed Statement of Financial Condition United Nations, Hoover Hall "There are language to their roommate's homes said. football games. June 30, 1975 has accumulated a group of difficulties, but everybody for the Thanksgiving "I was also very surprised TENNIS BADMINTON TAKE TENNI, Assets residents from more than 11 has been patient and holidays," she said. that so many American girls $QUASH PEOPLE TM'S RAMAT responsible. Everyone is Toshio Yamamoto, a went with their boyfriends to SALL CUSTOM STRINGING foreign countries. NEW GRIPS Current Assets, According to Kirkland learning from the ex- Japanese student who see 'Deep Throat," she It Cash 5 1,732.647 Marketable Vaughans, Hoover Hall's perience," he said. recently transferred from added. "In Japan, a movie securities - at cost (market value $533,534) 620.784 head resident, there were This is the first time there Long Beach State, admitted like that would be heavily 01;1/4e Receivables, CP SPORIS Grants and contracts more American applicants has been a designated on- difficulty in talking with his cut." $ 1,445,389 to join the international roommate. Mizuochi added she does WEAR AND Other 513-1111p‘- 1,501,516 campus international dorm ACCESSORIES Prepaid expenses 10.575 dorm than empty spaces "We talk about 'daily not plan to tell her parents TENNIS 'Sc' at SJSU, and the idea is still (511 GRIP Total current assets available. conversation,' but nothing in she saw the film. "They PRO ANA( ISIS 3,865,726 considered to be in the ex- SHOP Hoover Hall was perimental stages. great detail. Some people would be so shocked if the Restricted Cash 13,530 don't want to talk with their found out. It's NOW 1>e designated SJSU's in- top secret." Fixed Assets- At Cost. ternational dormitory last The Housing Office will roommates because it's hard Yamamoto added most LOCATIONS kr Land 37,000 semester by the ICSC decide later in the year if the for us to speak English all Americans are "very TO SERVE YOU Building 13,600 Equipment furniture and fixtures 33. 02 83,182 (Intercultural Steering dorm will stay. day." friendly, cheerful, 419 SARATOGA AVE SAN 10S1 At freeway 280- 2446141 Committee) when it was According to Vaughan and Cultural differences sometimes very noisy and 21241 STEVENS UK, CLOD CURT $ 963,03D At Freeway BS -255-6110 apparent that the group was several resident advisers, Keiko Mizuochi, an ex- crazy." He said he noticed Liabilities and Fund Balances losing its own off-campus there have been few change student from the Current problems with , con- Liabilities, dormitory. the new set University of Salary reimbursemenrs due to San Jose State University 41,7G3 "This staff wanted the up. siders San Jose to be a very Accounts payable 79,557 Unallocated investment income -Note 8 20,240 foreign students," Vaughans "There's a lot of respect small town, but more VOLKSWAGEN Other payables 27,018 pointed out. "We presented for each other here,' ex- dangerous than Tokyo at Current maturities - equipment contract payable 19,272 them Hoover Hall and they claimed adviser Katie night. Deferred income 3.000 Coleman. "There's The reason for this, she SPECIAL Total accepted." a great current liabilities 190,790 Quiet dorm deal of an exchange of ideas said, is the anti-gun Long-term Liabilities, Hoover Hall is also unique and learning. ownership law in Japan. Equipment contract payable - Note C $ 32,212 the only dor- Less current maturities 19 21/ 12,940 in that it is 1. Tuneup mitory that is open on a year- Total liabilities 2. Set timing 203,730 round basis. Many of the 3. Change oil Fund Balances. foreign students cannot Restricted $ 2,474,200 Reagan 4. New points Unrestricted return home during hits 3.759,309

Thanksgiving, Christmas, 5. Lubrication $ 7.91,123,1 Easter or summer vacation, 6. Adjust brakes Notes to Financial Statements . thus a continuous house is 7. Adjust valves NO RAISE IN PRICES I necessary. third world June 30, 1975 8. 3 quarts of oil Another unusual quality FOR OVER ONE YEAR 9. Adjust carburetor , about Hoover is its 24-hour 10. , quiet rule. No loud stereos or ( AP ) peril, for what we are talking 4 new spark plugs screaming from one building Ronald Reagan, still testing about is the growing 11. Check compression Note A Changes in Investment Policies $29.95 Near the year end the Board of Directors implemented a recommendation to another is permitted at the Republican presidential isolation of the West in 12. Check brake fluid -add of the Investment Committee to restructure the investment policies of any time. waters, yesterday blasted general, and the United 13 Check battery fluid -add the Foundation. As a result of the restructuring of the investment States in particular, from 111,1 /11, ' portfolio significant losses were incurred on the sale of securities "This is what the foreign the third world nations for 14. Check transmission fluid -add and the cash was being held in savings pending reinvestment decisions. students wanted," he added. their "hostility" toward the most of the non-Communist world." Note B Unallocated Investment Income "Many of the American United States and Israel and Income received on investments in the Endowment Fund is recorded as students wanted to live here insisted that the irrational Reagan, former governor received and allocated to the various donor or scholarship accounts INFLATION BEATER as of March 31 each year. The amount of $20.240 represents the because of the restrictions." rhetoric be countered "with of California, has indicated income from April I, 1975 to June 30, 1975 which will be allocated All the foreign students, the truth." with the inco.re of the succeeding three calendar quarters as of that he would decide before March 31, 1976. which make up about 30 per Reagan told the World the end of November cent of the dormitory, have Affairs Council of whether he would challenge HOURS Note C Equipment Contract Payable American roomates, he Philadelphia that it was = Effective July I, 1973, bowling alley equipment was transferred President Ford for the 1976 Mon Fri 730 4:00 from the Auxiliary Activities Fund of the Foundation to Sen Jose "something ludicrous" for GOP presidential State University. Although ultimate title in the equipment rests the third world to demand with the University, the Foundation as contracting agent bears nomination. the responsibility for making the monthly installment payments against OPYRIGHT independence for Puerto the contractual liability. During the year ended June 30, 1974 this Student -Faculty Special Rico, give a standing ovation Currently he is on a SPARTAN MOBIL liability was reported as an appropriation of Fund balance to encumoer "for the genocidal terrorists nationwide speaking tour. the remaining contract payments. Effective July 1, 1974 the liability COPIES has been reclassified from fund balance to long-term liabilities. XEROX Arafat and Amin" and label "The third world is IMPORTED CAR SERVICE Israel an demanding, as a matter of aggressor in the Next to 7 11 Zeiss, Tema. h ScRUCinis ciwaao accovortart right, 31/2 CENTS 1973 war. the wealth others have 11th and San Carlos 294 1562 131/2 x 11 size generated," Reagan said. BOOKS "These are flights from reality and from respon- 100% Rag Lancaster Bond. 71( sibility on the part of the AND NOW, ANOTHER Ewe.= VELO-BINDINC3 leaders of nearly half the EPISODE IN THE LIFE OF mon day tiles day wednesda rainbow urs.P' hjill.1150(-111.75 Hardcover...S4.00 world's people," Reagan oc4o.e.EG3 A n 1 ALL- r t 8.30-5:30 Sat 9.3 (316T0E.R22617 O@To i3QC3 said. ITiLL Oi LAST Min's 096 S. MURPHY "But if we laugh off the . So -rut ORGY ESCAPADE AAR SENSE EiND5 A Ca SPIKE mister tS, CALLED OFF WEAR, SUNNYVALE 732-2679 cl.TERApi phenomenon, it is at our own Sr 7AAES' ANY NITE THIS WEEK AND GE -r You& INSTEAD , NE 'RE IN HIS POCKET GoING To St- JArts AND Mc iDE5 FIRST TAFEL lAtiPik,S FREE y CHUM AFTER StvEril WHERE Garrett M Mock otLecor yolk 1319 To Go s WHAT "IlE DOES ... OUT 7 2 MN! TI NOS or "MtiA ,You DON'T EXPEci MC ro OF OUR MICRO FOR ALL YOUR SOBSO (36ER; GOOD DEAL NOW, DO YOU' " AN LEAK AFTER INSURANCE NI I "I never cerrogEttrur 7 pass up WITH San Jose Agency Rock ii 4fic 20t 4111, 915 North Bascom Avenue goaod MUSIC AETE 11PM San lose, California 95128 CM,c'AS RE64.1.. BE ER DRINK5 Office 248 3235 deal CoultVoiSi8R Residence 2593683 /AR. CoALA,ore SEwSE is r4wARY tel"'"' ALWAYS INFon^`CD gARGAiNs ESPECIALLy A s tr " A WEEK OF THAT tnVOL NOW, ON1 or\AY sAFFLy gams, THOSE- YE A 3t. ASSUMMCB (HM/Moe -TRICKS AND TREATS L.0 T Or 600D CLEAN THAT M IfBYSEH3E is PRiestb Foil 14t0FFEIr BoiD AT ST. JAMES' INF IMAM' WHOLESOPAE ' 390 Prudential( Fury If ToARORRow .3 cOSTvAE PARTY 01;04 Page 6, October 22, 1975 1,partan Daily Angela Davis traces her revolutionary fight in book

By Cathy Walker but dangerous to each other, fights for frredom Angela Davis, activist, she writes. The weapons are ex- arts During Davis' stay at the perience, education and teacher, fugitive and avowed Communnist theorist has New York Women's House of dissatisfaction, all of which recently added to her list of Detention, there were will eventually lead to attributions the release of various incidents which, she transformation of unjust her autobiography, "Angela concludes, were un- conditions, she writes. Davis: With My Mind on necessarily harsh. Her autobiography firmly Past revisited Freedom." Formerly a Considered threat recommends this change. hardcover distributed by Davis was placed in a Random House, the book has mental ward where now been published as a physicians said she might be r-There IS a paperback by Bantam a threat to other female difference!!! Books. inmates, according to some PREPARE MR I humor Ore/ 35 years Homespun guards. Davis has brilliantly given Of menet,. an account of her 30 years of She said her childhood MCAT{T awumnd s revolutionary participation, experiences in Birmingham DA I I stemming particularly from were the roots of her attempt her childhood in, Bir- to attain more out of life, LSAT vowel:nous 50ele GRE studv:atenals in CAT's 'Our Town' mingham, Alabama, and rather than acquiesce to the proceeding to her in- conditions of the South. Her Courses thit are ATGSB Eoestaaiii modeled By Judy Gire Emily Webb, played by Alice chanting of "look only to the volvement with the Soledad preoccupation with poverty brothers. became interwoven in her tat* 010161103 California Actor's Theater Rorvik, involves the rapid future not the past" by the OCAT Of ties, pace of dead, which reverberated She later received national mind long before she became lessons and for use ( CAT) opened their second time in a small town CPAT of suppiementary season with a strong start and the futility of trying to during the play. publicity in her flight from involved with groups like the maw., the FBI agents in connection Black Panther Party, Davis an excellent staging of re-live the past. Peggy Schoditsh as Mrs. FLEX Make wrote. ups for Thorton Wilder's classic, Outstanding performance Gibbs and Bonnie Gallup as with the Mann County m,sr les,r, Her studies abroad also ECFMG "Our Town." She gave an outstanding Mrs. Webb gave good ren- Courthouse shootout in seemed to greatly influence The superb acting in a performance due largely to ditions of America's August of 1970. NAT'L MED BDS Dee Ann Hall her philosophy. In France highly polished production her honest, clear portrayal stereotyped woman: Prisons where she has she became aware of a SAT-VAT made Wilder's Pulitzer Prize of a naive young girl growing hosewife and mother. Soloist shines during jazz ensemble concert. been held are "wastelands winner a sell-out. up too fast to appreciate life inhabited by the sick, the struggle going on against 25 Saylor 51tee1 Dr. Gibbs, pleasantly San rrancisco. Cl. 911 0 .' Owing its success largely around heruntil it is too drugged I with thorazine), Algerians similar to the funny and loving as a father to Producing Director James late. and their indifferent racist struggles in the U.S. figure was played by Peter Dunn, the beautifully simple The setting was simplea keepers," she said. Recognized freedom Nyberg. His counterpart American play combined few tables and chairs and a Talent abounds Prisons designed Davis proves to be indeed homespun humor with a large overhanging branch Kurtwood Smith as Mr. Jails and prisons are an intellectual and con- nostalgic setting. provided all the props Webb, was equally designed to break profoundly sensitive black vincing. Stage manager important necessary. beings, to convert the woman who has recognized The audience was left to population into specimens people who she considers to I ald lkth SI II. lyn it The principle character in Emily's neighbor, suitor ih...... , I 2121336 5300 imagine the zoo-obediant to our keepers, be vital in her controversial the play about the people of characters' and eventual husband at jazz concert Grover's Corners, a small actions by their pantomined George Gibbs played by town in the early 1900's, was motions. The effect was David Goldmund was both By Judy Gire ensemble is a group of 23 the stage manager, played successful and the results funny and believably naive. EVENTS by Sandy McCallum. striking. The turnout was small but selected students. According Student rates for The climax of the play the music good at Monday to Cannon, about one third Fluctuating his address If "Our Town" was an between the audience and occured after Emily's death night's jazz concert are non-music majors. Sound of Music example of the caliber of featuring San Jose State's The concert was their AS. Wednesday Cinema the actors on stage, when she decided to revisit CAT's actors, then the your typing Grover's Corners Jazz Ensemble. second performance this will present a popular McCallum played a highly in an at- season's remaining seven tempt to re-live a day in her Held in the S.U. Ballroom semester and showed the musical film, "The Sound of convincing role as town plays hold promise of future past. Other dead towns at 8 p.m., the jazz group abilities of a hand-picked Music." Starring Julie needs. citizen and knowledgable successes. people illustrated the performed for an audience of and auditioned group of Andrews, the movie will be narrator. A) We have new.and He wove the audience uselessness of such a visit Continuing through Nov. 8, about 50. The benefit concert talented jazz players. shown in Morris Dailey through three acts and into and sat in stone-like "Our Town" will be followed was sponsored by the "This is the most exciting Auditorium at 3:30, 7, and 10 reconditioned type machines the lives of two families, judgement throughout the by "Ernest in Love", a University Alternative and adventuresome band p.m. today. Admission is 75 plus ribbons for any type of detailing everything from final act. musical of Oscar Program. we've ever presented here at cents. typewriter. a town history to the Time examined Wilde's "The Importance of Directed by Dwight San Jose State," Cannon said "Interstices" ti characters' thoughts on The scene, one of play's Being Ernest" Nov. 14-Dec. Cannon, SJSU associate recently. A new collection of Nor- B) If you need servicing, we living and dying in Grover's best, was capped by the 6. professor of music, the The program included 10 thern California artworks is have expert hands that will on display at the San Jose Corners. selections and among them guarantee your satisfaction. The play's theme, seen "Don't get Sassy" by Thad Museum of Art, 110 S. largely through the eyes of Jones, "Double Fault Blues" Market St. C) Visit us MondayFriday Simon writes plays for laughs by Ray Brown, "Indiana" by Viewing hours are from 10 from 8:30-5:00 pm or call NI James Guokgood, and a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tuesday us at 294-2091. 1.12 "H.B.s Thang" by Bill through Saturday. The By Bob Thomas after almost 30 years in the wanted to change my style of Cherones. gallery is closed Mondays. MATIONLINI ITALIC SET St Associated Press Writer laugh-making business, he's living so I could enjoy the Admission is free. The saxophone players LOS ANGELES (AP) "I working harder than ever environment more. Union Gallery .101. ,ISIF IMP OA IN ANF like it when the audience is before. "It has become very were featured most often Mail Process Pieces by MIA ANA AF: AFF:IP laughing, and when I'm Born in the Bronx on the difficult to do that in New during the concert. Jack Pat Tavenner are on display IS AlP’Fim laughing, too." Fourth of July 48 years ago, York City." Preston, lead alto player, in the Union Gallery, Third Neil Simon was explaining Simon spent most of his life The slender, unassuming was accompanied by Bill Level of the S.U. Gallery Ni why he continues his prolific in and playwright has become Cherones, Clark Baldwin, hours are 10:30 to 4, Monday 8 Greg Upton and Gary 1 East San Fernando 15,,r : St N 100 /I output of comedies for the became its playwright involved in two movies, through Friday. so rror stage and screen. laureate with such although one has had a rocky Miliken. Early Music Series The Jazz Ensemble is a No American writer has productions as "Barefoot in beginning. First, the good AS. Fall 1975 Early Music the Associated Students of San Jose State volunteer group, chosen for fil been so successful at it, and the Park," "The Odd news. Series will present Todd t'lliversity Present: Couple," "Plaza Suite" and their versatility, experience ti: It is "Murder by Death," a Barton in a Thursday con- "The Prisoner of Second and by what they can add to wi wild comedy in which the cert. Barton has served as Avenue." the Ensemble as a whole, to, world's greatest detectives music director for the TRISHA BROWN Last June he moved to Cannon said. Li( try to solve a murder. Ashland Shakespeare California. Why? and Company fa, The cast includes David Jazz Ensemble is a one- Festival, and will play many "For one thing, I had a Niven, Peter Sellers, Maggie unit class meeting three instruments, including the change in my personal life. I Smith, James Coco, Alec hours a week under Cannon's harpsichord and recorder. In Residency remarried, and most of my Guinness, Peter Falk and instruction. Cannon said Barton's performance is at wife's work is out here. She Truman Capote. they are planning six more 8 p.m., in the Loma Prieta Sp is actress Marsha Mason of Simon was occupying a campus concerts and 12 off Room in the S.U. Student October 23-25 an 'Cinderella Liberty' and trailer next to the stage campus. They are soon to be tickets are $1.50. other films. where the Columbia movie featured in the music All vs. Frazier Ni "I felt I needed a change in was being shot, and he is magazine Downbeat. Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, my professional life as well. there every day. Cannon explained that the Inc. will present a color film "Last year I found myself "That's another good thing jazz ensemble is ad- of the "Thrilla in Manilla" in New Haven trying out a their about living out here," he venturesome because Ali vs. Frazier fight, this play, and I realized that for Of said. current plan is "to explore Thursday. 14 straight years I had tried all facets of jazz and music." The color film will be out plays in New Haven. "I can be on the set every "We're an artistic as well shown in the S.U. Ballroom nrc "I still want to do plays, day. In the past I was always as musical group," he ad- at 12:30 and 2:30 p.m. but I'll try them out here in the East when the pictures ded. Admission is $4. before going to New York. were made. Now if director 134 1.---gi--- 1 ir "My next one, 'California Bob Moore needs to change r- '--, Suite,' will open at the lines or add dialogue, I'm : if Ahmanson Theater in Los right there to help. We have FRIDAY & SATURDAY : dp.P3H Pb Angeles. Before that, we'll worked together on the LUCKY "21" SPECIAL play for a week in Santa stage, so we have a good ft The words of St Mary Mozzarella 2 EGGS, HASH BROWNS, TOAST, COFFEE co-foundress Barbara or one of those other rapport." Midnight to 4am Friday and Saturday. of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help ol 'Sans.' "Murder by Death" grew Christians (Salesian Sisters) "Alsoand this may be a out of his longtime ambition $ 1.21 'r part of getting or older --I to write a mystery. S. FIRST ST. SAN JOSE 294 7716 St. John Bosco founded the Institute as a living ,. J Thursday, Oct. 23 or monument of gratitude to the Mother of God. 3:30 to 5:00 pmComposition class in P.E.R. 262. PP Dedicated at their founding to Christian education of For SJSU students (with student ID.); free. Dress fl to move. young girls, today the Salesian Sisters are located in 7th ANNUAL ol 8:00 pmLecture/Demonstration in P.E.R. 262. t t 60 countries around the world. The works of the Open to all students and the general public invited fu Salesian Sisters, both educative and at no charge. missionary, include all types ir TOURNEY of ALL BOWLING CAMPUS schools, dispensaries, hospitals Friday, Oct. 24 catechesis, youth and parish Friday, Oct 24 Men's & 2.30 to 4:00 pmMaster class in P.E.R. 262. For activities. SJSU students$1.00 tickets at A.S. Business (4 games qualifying) Women's Office in the Student Union in advance only (stu- dent I.D. required). Dress to move.

00, wae wonNel.on about me SeNuen Sisters (NA end tend IAA Divisions ,oupon le Oct Saturday, Oct. 25 Con,,,. Friday, SION Jelephim F MA 31 Vocation 011,ce 8:00 pmDance Concert in Mullis Dailey Auditor. 695 Mairnord Avenue Howler, Now je/aay ones (4 game finals) Entry fee urn, SJSU Students$2.00; General Public$3.00. Tickets available at A.S. Business Office, San Jose NAME AGE $2.50 Box Office, BASS. Outlets, Underground ADDRESS 2:30 pm Records, and at the door. CITY STATE information & signups at the desk For more information ca// 277-2807 or 277-3228. PHONE EDUCATION This residency is funded in part by a grant from STUDENT UNION GAMES AREA 277-3226 the National Endowment for the Arts, a fedral agency. /OR October 22, 1975, Page 7 Student writes on sex, gossip

By Ellen Linscott Lieberman Lollabridgida have all been nice, she wasn't," Haddad published before," that lead languages spoken in Syria Racquel Welch, and how to interviewed by Haddad in said, laughing. to success in the free lance and, at the age of 5, he get next to her, is a problem the past year. He is now working toward field. learned English, when the that has occupied the mind of Reaping close to $4,500 completion of Streisand's Besides attending class, he family moved to Michigan. more than one man. since publication of his first biography. now writes for three weekly Haddad then studied M. George Haddad, a free lance article last "I don't think you've made magazines, averaging $500 German and Italian and graduate student in mass November. Haddad, 21, it until you have a book," an article. graduated from the communications at SJSU, says, "It's all for fun." Haddad commented. The pay goes up the University of California at knows the answer. A list of magazines in Most of his interviews are longer you're with them," Santa Barbara with a B.A. in "I Need Sex Night and which Haddad has now arranged by the Haddad explains. foreign languages. Day," a quote Haddad took published -Seventeen, magazines in which the During his year in San His father is a professor of from an interview he had Mademoiselle, Foxy Lady, stories will appear, Haddad Jose, Haddad is living in Middle Eastern history at with Welch, became the title Penthouse Forum, Genesis said. Hoover Hall, one of the on- UCSI3 of a cover story which ap- and Coronet-just to name a The current issue of campus dorms. peared in the September few, does little to reveal his Motion Picture Magazine His roommate, a student includes his stories on issue of Motion Picture varied interests. from Okinawa, gives tours of magazine. "You do not have to be an Mastrianni and Julie their room, showing off Mae West, Catherine expert to write on a certain Andrews. Haddad's collection of Deneuve, Audrey Hepburn, subject," Haddad explains. Won competition published articles to his Marcello Mastriani, Julie "Experts often talk down to Haddad's career began friends in Japanese. 1,1 Andrews, Faye Dunaway, the reader. I never do that." when he won the That's one language 20% GUYS & GALS Albert Finney and Gina It takes guts Mademoiselle Magazine Haddad doesn't speak. OFF STYLE CUTS So what's his secret? A college competition last Born in Damascus, Syria, CURLY WAVES year. with coupon little luck, a little gutsy he first learned Spanish from assertiveness and many Of approximately 3,000 his Mexican mother. He 294-4086 52 SOUTH FOURTH ST. hours at the typewriter, entrants, 14 were selected picked up Arabic and Franco tb 1/2 Wk.', SJSU campus Haddad explains. for their writing skills to French, the two main His first love is the movies. guest edit Mademoiselle's A. "I'm just crazy about August issue. coronary them," he says. Haddad was flown to New His first interview, with York City and paid "more "AT" Barbara Streisand, occurred than the staff" to report on not fatal by accident. events such as Susan Ford's Haddad and Streisand prom, and interview happened to be in the same celebrities like "Fear of 10ENEVi Dave Wnaley MADRID, Spain (AP)- San Francisco hotel while Flying" author Erica Jong. The Spanish government she was on location shooting Subsequently, he was CAMERA STORES M. George Haddad displays issues of the magazine in which his interviews are published. announced yesterday that 82- "What's Up Doc?" with offered the managing year-old Gen. Francisco Ryan O'Neal. editor's job at T.V. Radio Franco had suffered an "I just thought she was a Mirror Magazine in New "acute coronary crisis," but mod teenager with a big York. said he was recovering. nose," Haddad said of his "I just wasn't ready for The news of the heart first glimpse. it," Haddad said. attack sent rumors across When he realized who she Getting master's spartaguide the Spanish capital that a was, he followed Streisand He decided to spend a year transition of power to Prince and talked her into an in- at SJSU getting his master's 20% Juan Carlos de Borbon was terview. degree, but admits, "It's all imminent. "Ryan O'Neal was very contacts and what you've However, a highly reliable Gay source said that a transfer of Sierra Club meets at 7:30 Eastman Kodak Com- Student Union will meet at 8 p.m. tomorrow in authority to his handpicked tonight in the S.U. Pacifica pany's "Profile '76" film will be shown at 8 tonight in the the Women's Center. Three successor was not expected Room. A special presen- "for the moment." tation and movie on S.U. Loma Prieta Room. A gay education films will be sight and sound celebration previewed. All students and The office of Premier LOW COST ballooning is scheduled. Carlos Arias Navarro denied OFF of American life, the 90- faculty are invited. For more Roller-skating will follow to foreign reports that Franco help support charity minute spectacular was information call Spencer Nutting in was dead. organizations. produced by Kodak and the the Ombudsman's Auto National Geographic Society office or call 277-2720 on The seriousness of the ALL FAMOUS BRAND general's illness was un- Economic Students in cooperation with mornings. American Airlines. The film derlined by two visits from Association is holding a rally Insurance DARKROOM takes a glance at America Arias and a gathering of SUPPLIES at 12:30 p.m. today in front of The Christian Science from the viewpoint of an Franco's family at his El the Student Union. Organization will hold a isolated island, a tent circus Pardo palace outside for College Students testimony meeting at 7:30 PAPER CHEMICALS and the mountains of Ten- Madrid. p.m. tomorrow in Memorial SS. nessee. Included was Dr. Cristobal 289-8681 MECH/Li a Chicano Chapel.. All persons are Martinez Bordiu, Franco's unification movement, will invited. son-in-law and a heart CAMPUS INSURANCE meet at 4 p.m. today in the Women's Therapy is specialist. Mexican-American Grad- available at 8 p.m. tonight at Dr. Christiaan Barnard, SAN JOSE SAN 2055 uate Studies building on The Reed, I 40 SOUTH the SJSU Women's Center, the literary the South African heart FREE FIRST FREE Ninth street across from the 404'S-3rd 177 S. 10th St. magazine on campus, is in transplant pioneer also was St. (2nd floor, 3rd PARKING PARKING Student Union. production. Fiction and there but later left for poetry for the fall 1975 issue Johannesburg. & San Salvador) _ SS. A Project Survival are being accepted. Sub- A free introductory lecture meeting will meet at 1:30 missions should be brought xperienced typist for SJSU students on Transcendental p.m. tomorrow in the S.U. to the English office. and business Short Notice. 267.3119, Meditation will be offered at Costonoan Room. A Deadline is Nov. 1. Nan. 8 tonight in Ed. 413. discussion and workshops on Getting Married? Discount Flowers nuclear power issues are guarantees you the most beautiful bridal bouquets and wedding scheduled. A Women Artist's meeting decorations. Whether your wedding classified is a small one or a large formal one, "Triumph of the Will," a will be held at 7:30 tonight at you Should know that we have been film ordered by Hitler about the Gabbani Gallery, 196 W. saving Our customers 30 50 Percent the 1934 Nazi Party Rally, A Ten PercentDi t with this ad Ski Instructor's . Roffe and Share clean 3 bdrm house. 5100 plus Off most 11060 prices! Why pay Trisha Brown, the A.S. St. James St. announcements tor an ElectronicDynamometer Anba. size 40 42. Light gold and light util Good sire front and back yard. more? Call fOr a free estimate 12 will be shown at 12:30 p.m. Tune -Up at Tunecralters-the orange $30 each. These have never Call 9040493 sponsored dance resident, years experience 996 1252 today in the S.U. Guadalupe AutOrnotive Tune up Specialists 1533 been worn. 358 1148 eves. W. San Carlos S.J. Your cost will be: Furn. Apts. or. campus: Fem Hskpg YogaMeditation EVERYBODY' will give a dance com- SPARTAN DAILY CLASSIFIEDS for Room. All students and cyl $31.10 6 cyl $33,500 cyl 135.10 Economical '69 Austin America, 30 rrn 535. Fern. Studio SM. Male Weight loss. figure control, good Reach over 23,000 people in the SJS position class at 3:30 p.m. (Most cars) Parts 8. labOr included. mpg AM FM. 4 speed auto 5400 Hskpg ren 565. Studio S95. Christian health, strength, energy, flexibility, acuity are invited. cOmrnunity in the SPARTAN tomorrow in Per 262. Open to CAMERA ONE Guaranteed 6 months. Takes about Call 14151 462 5685 after 5 Student Center 279.3887 by, peace of mind. DAILY -3d largest daily in Santa 30 minutes phone 2663566 Discount FREE introductory clashes. .166 Clara County Classes SJSU students only, par- S. First St. 294-3500 900d through October, 1975 Belgian Tervuren Puppy. AK C StudieApt. iz Mk. SJS, Females. $150 held Mon thru Tnurs, MWF 10 12'301'30 3:00 7,30 Pm.' Across from (Original Joer female Elegant, alert, intelligent! Accom 2 or 3: wtr. grbg Pd. blt.In Christananda Yoga Center. 977 Asian law students from ticipation will be limited to TTH 11-17,30 1:30.3.00 Great temperament, show prospect latch. 449 S. 10th St Asbury St Dept. of Journalism and Advertising . SJ (Off the Alameda, Hastings Law School will the first 40 students. Dress 276 6407 across 7 ue. Wed. Only Second Fwoor from the YMCA) Call us at speak on LSAT, admissions comfortably and be ready to for sale Attractive land 7 be Apts. avail. irnin 7930351 WOIllell in Love Down Jackets and Vests handmade to Fully turn AEK, ',block from SJS Sprout Sandwiches with tomato, nd preparation from 4:30 to move. ..nri fit you Jackets 540, Vests 520. Call 442 5 Fifth Apt 8, Ample prkg. 299 Wedding Consultants will bring to you lettuce and avocado all kinds. Milk Freeman 244 0997 1374 Personal service it the lowest 6:30 p.m. today in Barracks shakes, fresh carrot juice. Food Isadore "TURQUOISE RUGS 'N LEATHER" prices Fragrant bouquets and Stamps OK M rrrrrr ha's Nine, behind Morris Dailey Sand. Tye dye and India edspreads. 55 00 lovely arrangements will create a Thu, Fo. Only wiches. 126 E. San Salvador, bet plus Bracelets, rings, chokerS, $7.50 splendid look for your Auditorium. SOO ween 3rd and 4th. help wanted wedding. You' Modern Tittles and over Incense, glasses, clothing, lost and found can also design a special memory SJSU United Farm - Purses. rugs with our invitations, custom veils, and Ballet-For fun, agility, exercise and and other wedding items Order one worker's Support Committee Special classes for David Harris, candidate The Gold Rush grace the FUNKY JIM'S Need tutor for Physics 2A. Call Julie at or all. A special gift with your floral College age beginner. Classes now will meet at 5 p.m. Thursday 74 E. San 998 2581 241 3005 after 10 Pm Kathy Morrison-found SOP,. pi, tuf eS Order Call Luv'S Flowers for in or Paul McCloskey's 17th forming for beginning and in Fernando an old fashioned head and elf Of yours Outside my car formation Or appoirtrnent 200 4955 in the S.U. Pacifica Room. STUDENTS $1.50 terrnediate students. "Just shop" Congressional District seat, Eufrazia Grubb a Ellis Commercial Broil rrrrr Call 9236009 Ask tor Cathie or 3788044 eves Ballet Ind Robert McAfee Brown, SchoOl Of 241-1300 Company is haring salespersons for SAVE THIS ADII! Industrial, Commercial, Office Fst, acc eeeee typing: Theses. Ski Swap October 5 12. 3 pm Bring rom Stanford University's Before you purchase any TV.. Hi F!, Leasing and Investment Divisions Reports !IBM Carbon) Marcia articles 9 29-103, I pm .5 pm to Classical Guitarist Car Stereo, or Tape Equipment, Sales experience is desirable San Reynolds 578 7584 eligion Department, will Saratoga Community Center For amis. check with us for big discounts on office. 14081 286.5900 Equal more info $67.3438 Jose peak at 7:30 tonight at the 1 over 300 major brandS. We also Employment Opportunities Quality Wedding Photography at low manufacture a complete line Of student rates Complete wedding 'irst Christian Church, 80 S. Friday Flicks by Alpha Phi Omega Single Adults Enrich your life by at TOM lifiLMOP quality speaker systems and HELP WANTED Package of 60 cOlor prints BM) Call Presents: The Laughing tending coffee. fellowship A Bible ifth St. Policeman, recording tapes wholesale to the Men 8. Women drivers tor ice cream, Lima Photography 5706051 starring Walter Manna. study. 8.45 to 10.1S am. Sundays, Bit Friday Public. candy. soft drink route Full or part Harris and Brown will Clct 24. Morris Dailey Aud $1.00. 0 Sweden Restaurant (behind Sears, SOUNDS UNIQUE 998-2693 time. Arrange a work schedule Protossionot Typing peak on "1776, Vietnam and Two Shows 7 L 10 Ism San Carlos 6. Meridian I Provision compatible with classes. 30 40 for children. Call evenings 266 5727 ROOKS NEW AND USED percent comm . Tropical Ice Cream fter." Flea M -Oct 23 L 2410.4, 7th St We're a left bookstore specializing in Co. 330 Race St San Jose 797 4720 Unw Hair Removed Per SO cents a space. For info call 277 Clara St Marxist. women's, Afro America, Friday Flicks by Alpha Phi Omega manently 235 E Santa 8105. 795 9633, or 298.5591 after 9 pm anti imperialist A.S. Program Board Suite 811 Phone 291 4499 A L David S. Broder, Pulitzer Chicano and Security for presents The Laughing Policeman, studies: poetry, fiction, biography, shows is needed Apply in board Nantelle Registered Electrolocnst Office Space starring Walter Matthau Friday rize-winning political Available-575 per month children's books and lots more. Office. 3rd floor of student union or and up PASEO Oct 24. Morris Dailey Aud $100, BUILDING, 710 Personal service, special Orders call 277 2807 for more information Typing-Term papers, theses. etc orrespondent and columnist South First Street, San Jose Mr Two Shows, 7 8. 10 Pm. welcome Get on our mailing lift for Ticket sellers and takers are also Experienced and Fast Call 2698674 OwSley, Manager. 797 2737 or the Washington Post, will special events Drop by soon needed Mark-I love you Hugs and Kisses. Browsers welcome ppear at 8 p.m. tonight at Ac ssssss ure Without Kathy Needles" Bread and Roses Bookshop Female Native Speaker Spanish, in Physics Tutoring. also chem and math Friday Se Saturday Evenings Polarity therapy basic treatment, est Valley College. 136 South First Street exchange for room, beard by grad student LOW rates Call self massage, exercise. diet 6 Trying 10 8198 some PEACE...? Maybe week 'between San Fernando & References required 3d Yr sfu Gary at 2771302 evenings He will discuss "American eve class starts we can help you find it We're here Tuesday Oct. 78. The Brick mall) 736 1824 PhOne Darryl 7:30 We care We want to listen Peer olitics: 1976 and Beyond," Crepe Entrees & Desserts MO. 8:30 am Or 294.7930 6 30 7.30 Prn Ions Drop in Student Union, fOr Bob and Barbara Lindsay Writing and Research Assistance t the campus theater, 14000 Debi Rm Mon Thurs 10 om, Fri Papers. Theses. Dissertations Cocktails & 2 Asian law shadentS from Hastings to 1113 30 ruitvale Ave. Wines '48 Chevy Bus S6.50 or best Offer 12091 Typing, editing. Call _ion 226.7034 talk re. LSAT, admissions, 826 2728 Free tickets can be ob- Preparation Wed, Oct 77. 4.30-6 30. ME= Happy Birthday, Markt Love and 24 7-99 70 Barracks 9 Kisses, mare ined from Nick Nasch in Handmade Guilts-small to large, nice Will babysit boy. 5'6 YrS. during 335 S. Winchester Blvd. for gifts, reversible too Call after 1 Beautiful Rooms across campus- daytime Larne garden and e Spartan Daily office, JC The Christian Science Organizatiew at SECS Sex Education L Counseling hour Ni pm 2908781 or 295 2355 kitchen privileges, ample parking, playrooms 75 cents per CSUSJ inviteS yOu to visit with uf on Service. Free confidential help with cozy lounge: superb decor . SJS 795 0757 alter S Pm o 1 I 75 BA MC AE, Thursday at 7-30 Lail Pd.. questions or probiems atmut sex evenings in Fiat 050 Spyder convert. 4 speed w Located S. 10th St Double Memorial Chapel on campus at our '70 at 3713 Gay and bi welcome Step at Bldg K tach Low ',hoe 39.5 mpg! Engine Room 575 rno. Single SII5 575 study room above "Round rno Or ,all 277 7966 the top shape Looks like new Radio. deposit. Nam Removed Professionally By R N Corner Pizza", Call 768 1750 Leave message 505 So 10th St., Suite black int. yellow ext. $1050 327 2,5 1440 102 Mr, rates II a m 106pm Hotel Ste 3538 Licensed Prof. Man seeking 2nd Psych Clarre 2911 1603 PHD Share 3 BR new townhouse, 15 Mr. T's Shirts Et Things Arils% in fed in selling your crafts Und rrrrrr Economics Tutoring, most Man's iB.speed bicycle. excellent min tO SJS 0547 6 7 PM in fair on campus For information. 446 condition 1.60 or will trade fOr fs Call Tim. after 5 on! ztv 4170 r all 2978751 smaller bike Call 725.0536 New and Beautiful see.; A GRAND OPENING delightful place to live ED up 234 Swedish Grips Waffles for Breakfast 19611 VW Fastback. Good condition $700 South Eleventh 998 Margretha's Sandwiches. 126 E San 0603 30 MPG on treeway, good tires, 1111=111 Discount off overything in store Salvager, 8 00a m Food Stamps OK 20% radio, etc Come see, call 797 7769, 2 hr. hoes*, $100, 145 N 6th St and 2911 129? studio apt 598, 440 S 10th both Suana and Massage Studen! HIi'5ll Coupon expires October 31 unften nr campus ph 725 9367 am to 6 p m Hotel Ste Claire We VW Bus '6S Parts-Engine, trans. 1603 481 Saratoqd Ave (In Saratoga Square next to 280) . battery, doors, fires, etc 593 Secluded, quiet, cenvenient 7 or 11:1(=1111 S 6th No 1 Sorry, no phone duplex in Monte Vista area. North Vall al Service Pride', Flicks by Alpha Phi Omega 24 1 91 7 7 San Jose Hours Mon Sat. 10-6, Sun. 12-5 Cupertif10 Reedy II I 75 WW crpts. Term papers resumes senior Presents The Laughing Policeman, 19,9 Lincoln Con% ad, tun power w ti Flotbettom v Priv. Glen L $6 Hull drps. stove. rim no wax kitcli ane projects theses letters 75 cents Starring Walter Mahn. Friday COUPON air, new tires, runs and looks great 389 cu 6 pack custom paint 02,700 or bth firs. $225 Singles OK No Fee Page and up Fast Accurate 262 Oct 24, Morris Dailey Aud 51 00 11M111111.11011111MMIIIIIMIIMMIMMINIIMIUMMEINOMMIINIMMIN-1 11650 or best offer Call 736-4193 pm Offer ph 636 1965 or 777 SIOS Agent NIT 3330 or 717 MO 1923 Tyro shows 7 1 10 pm Page 8, October 22, 1975

DOWNTOWN FIRST ST. 1.40% et o's I II II y Urban studies class steps out, titM4' firing gets a new view of San Jose 292-5811 -OPEN 12 DAILY Ali- By Keith Muraoka central city as 1 live there restoration and was built running an urban problems Frazier ff..% possible Whether it was atop a 14- and spend time there. The around 1804. St. James Park class. Fight the place Films story building, or just tour educated the people that was described as "To actually go out and see where the last lynching in walking down the street, there are things to see and do what we've been talking ontinued from Page 1 the city occurred in 1933. Plus students got a different view there." about in class makes things Martin, dean of student of downtown San Jose last Christensen's walking tour Councilman Colla pointed that much easier," he said. SUTHERLAND 6 GOULD services said, '1 just found week during walking tours consisted of viewing such out to his group from their 110 ft to the C I A out about the matter Friday. conducted by Dr. Terry things as the new Paseo de vantage point atop the Bank After Christensen's two- as I haven't done anything yet Christensen for his Political San Antonio, historic old San of America building such hour walking tour, the only except to talk with Ben Science 139 class. Jose near the present Park things as the high rises, negative remarks concerned Finney, but this is a per- Christensen took several Avenue and Market Street, traffic near the university, sore legs and backs. STUDENTS-500 sonnel matter that I can't small groups of students in the Center for the Per- the freeways and the off discuss with God himself." his urban problems class on forming Arts and Park ramps going nowhere. Dr. David Newman, tours of what's happening in Center Plaza. "It's something novel," chairman of student coun- downtown. Councilman Joe The group also visited the said Colla of the tour. "The seling services, said, "This Colla helped out by guiding proposed Restaurant Row on students got inside to some of involves only his private one group himself. San Pedro St, the well- my feelings and it was a practice. None of the Christensen's groups established Porno Row on general rap session. I win allegations have anything to visited important locations South First Street and the friends and lose some, but at do with his work with the in the city by foot. Colla classic old Security Building least they know I'm not University," Newman said. simply had his group meet on North First Street which forcing them." "Also Ben doesn't, and we atop the Bank of America is known as the Ryland Block Students enjoyed tour do not, provide building in Park Center Building. Students on the tour en- THE psychotherapy of this type Plaza for a bird's-eye view of Christensen explained joyed it. on campus, "Newman ad- San Jose. what they were seeing and Most agreed with the ded. This was the first time also added many interesting opinion of Barbara Blyth, a WOCtliEN Finney was licensed by the Christensen had conducted a facts to accompany the senior political science Board of Medical Examiners tour of this sort and he said sights. major. in 1958 and was appointed to he may start taking his other Adobe visited "I liked it," Blyth said. "It MICKEL the Psychology Department political science classes on For example, the Peralta - took us to places I've never in 1961. He serves as a half- it. Adobe at 184 W. St. John St. been or even knew about." A unique establishment time student counselor ea awl* Christensen 'loved it' is the oldest remaining Another student, who Ken housed in Building K and a /lively "I loved it," Christensen adobe in San Jose. It is declined to be identified, said Wed. Oct. 22 half-time professor of Dr. Terry Christensen's class tours downtown San Jose. said. "I'm turned on by the temporarily closed for he felt it was the best way of psychology. Robbery attempted at local store Sarabande Grocer's wife, daughter beaten Thurs., Oct. 23

partially crippled. By Chris Smith daughter and a soured view But I've had two violent his daughter, Son Hui, and Kang's wife with the stick The attempted robbery of of America. robberies in my store in five wife, Song Pok were working and, shattering an empty His daughter, a student at Sky Creek a campus area grocery store Kang's 18 -year -old months." and asked Son Hui for two soft drink bottle on the San Jose High School, "will daughter and 37-year-old Kang, who moved with his packs of cigarettes. counter, attacked both Song be ok," Kang said. He added Monday afternoon left owner Happy Hour 4-7 pm Kuk Sin Kang with an in- wife were beaten with a son, two daughters and wife When his daughter turned Pok and Son Hui with the that she will be under ob- Live Entertainment Mon. through Sat. jured wife, a hospitalized large stick and stabbed with from South Korea to San around to get the cigarettes, sharp-edged bottle neck, servation at the hospital for 2505 The a broken bottle by a man who Jose in February, said Kang said, the man struck Kang said. some time to determine if Alameda 247-0552 attempted to rob the family's earlier this year a man her over the head with a He then fled from the store any brain damage resulted College Market at South robbed the store at gunpoint. large wooden stick. empty-handed and police, from the blow to her head. Gay's Sixth and East William No one was injured in that The man continued to following a trail of blood streets. incident, he said. strike the girl until she fell to from a cut on the suspect's A suspect, Howard Kang said the senseless the floor, Kang said, and at hand, arrested Spencer after appeal Spencer, 26, of Inglewood, violence so prevalent in this the same time he apparently cordoning off the area bound was arrested about 45 country, which he tied to struck the cash register just by South Sixth ,East William, minutes after the 5 p.m. illegal drug usage, is a above the cash drawer. South Fifth and East Reed robbery attempt when police "disappointment to people of His wife came to give the streets. is denied cordoned off the area and other countries and other man the money, Kang said, Kang's wife was released found Spencer in a Sixth cultures. but the would-be robber's from San Jose Hospital WASHINGTON (APIAir Street apartment half a "The government should apparently inadvertent blow Monday night with a broken Force Secretary John block from the store. have to take some action" to the cash register caused arm and finger. Kang said a Mcl.ucas yesterday rejected "Prior to coming to the against violent crime, Kang the drawer to jam. doctor told him his wife may T. Sgt. Leonard P. United States," Kang said insisted, because people The man then struck not heal entirely, leaving her Matlovich's appeal from a yesterday, "I learned that "are afraid to live in this decision to discharge him the United States is one of society." Study at the because he is a homosexual. the civilized countries of the The store owner said a Academy of Art Mcl.ucas upheld the world. man entered his store while College In the middle of a robbery-- honorable discharge ordered traw1 625 Sutter St A protest demonstration. for Matlovich by Col. Alton San Francisco J. Thorgersen, the Californ a 94102 TODAY sergeant's commanding Police still seek Telephone officer at Langley Air Force 415-673-4200 A protest demonstration?? Base, Va. Send for our free On Sept. 30 Thorgersen assault suspect Catalog. upgraded the proposed discharge for Matlovich from a general to an puiice are Coming up from behind Weird things can happen on a honorable discharge puzzled at why a man in his Williams, the suspect following a board hearing at early twenties pulled grabbed her and forced her AFTERNOON the Virginia Stephanie Anne Williams, 18, into the bushes. Once in the DOG DAY base. ABLUM(NF(LOTH(ASRE M EXCLUSIVE bushes the suspect made Academy of , The Matlovich case has Into the bushes south of idiaiggraatia iliNORTHERN CALIFORNIA become something of a %ashburt, Hall Monday Williams crawl more than 35 Art College ENGAGEMENT landmark because the 32- night. feet, to another place in the 1268 SUTTER sTREET 7 76-6505 year-old sergeant, a Viet- Williams, a Washburn bushes. nam veteran, publicly resident, was able to escape declared his homosexuality by yelling for help. C'harles and insisted this should not Kilburn phoned the police be grounds for discharge from Washburn Hall, the from the Air Force. spokesman said. Matlovich has been kept on Police said Williams had to active duty pending a final remove her handkerchief decision on his request last and spit cotton away from March 6 that the Air Force her mouth to start yelling. waive regulations calling for discharge of homosexuals. The cotton and some cord, FREE EAR PIERCING The sergeant has said that, used to tie her hands, came if necessary, he would carry from William's knapsack. his fight to the federal WITH THE PURCHASE OF A PAIR OF 24K GOLD OVER courts. Though the suspect forced Air Force spokesmen said her to empty her pockets, EARRINGS FOR prior to SURGICAL GRADE STAINLESS STEEL 8.95 Matlovich was informed of tieing her up, nothing Mclucas' decision this Williams was morning and he was being carrying was stolen. processed for return to Currently the police are civilian life, after 12 years in looking for the suspect on an BONUS the Air Force. assault and battery charge. CULTURA PEARL EARRINGS s33,51)0,000 FREE WITH PURCHASE Unclaimed THURSDAY, OCT. 23 AND FRIDAY, OCT.24: 1 pm-9 pm Scholarships SATURDAY, OCT. 25: 1 pm-5 pm Over $33,500 000 unclaimed scholarships, grants, aids, and SELECT FROM OUR LARGE DISPLAY OF HYPO-ALLERGENIC fellowships ranging from $50 to $10,000 Current list of these sources researched and compiled as of Sept 15. 1975 EARRINGS FOR WOMEN WITH SENSITIVE SKIN UNCLAIRIED SCHOLARSHIPS 11275 Massachusetts Ave , Los Angeles, CA 90025 I am enclosing $995 plus $1 00 for postage and handling


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