Deep Learning Part I

1 logistic regression Y

1 logistic function

P (Y =1X) | 1 P (Y =1X)= (w|x+w ) | 1+e 0

0 X

can fit binary labels Y 0, 1 2 { } | w x + w0 =0 defines the boundary between the classes

in higher dimensions, this is a hyperplane

2 X2 Y =0 Y =1

X1 additional features in X result in additional weights in w

3 if Y 0, 1 2 { } 1 P (Y =1X)= (w|x+w ) | 1+e 0 use binary cross-entropy

N = y(i) log(P (y =1x(i))) + (1 y(i)) log(1 P (y =1x(i))) L i | i | i=1 X h i

when yi =1make the when yi =0make the

output closeyi to=1 output closeyi to=0

4 if Y 1, 1 2 { } 1 P (y x)= y(wT x+w ) | 1+e 0 use logistic loss function N y(i)(wT x(i)+w ) = log(1 + e 0 ) L i=1 X

T (i) (i) make sure w x + w0 and y have the same sign, and T (i) w x + w0 is large in magnitude

5 how do we extend logistic regression to handle multiple classes? y 1,...,K 2 { } approach I split the points into groups of one vs. rest, train model on each split

X2 X2 X2 X2

X1 X1 X1 X1

approach II train one model on all data classes simultaneously

X2 (w|x+w ) e k 0,k P (Y = k X)= | K (w x+w0,k ) | e k0 0 k0=1

P X1

6 (w|x+w ) e k 0,k multi-class logistic regression P (Y = k X)= | K (w x+w0,k ) | e k0 0 k0=1 P 1 (w|x+w ) assume probabilities of the form P (Y = k)= e k 0,k Z (log linear) Z is the ‘partition function,’ which normalizes the probabilities probabilities must sum to one

K K 1 (w|x+w ) P (Y = k)= e k 0,k =1 Z kX=1 kX=1 K (w|x+w ) therefore Z = e k 0,k kX=1

7 logistic regression is a linear classifier linear scoring function is passed through the non-linear logistic function to give a probability output

often works well for simple data distributions breaks down when confronted with data distributions that are not linearly separable


X2 X2 X2

X1 X1 X1 linearly separable linearly separable not linearly separable

8 to tackle non-linear data distributions with a linear approach, we need to turn it into a linear problem use a set of non-linear features in which the data are linearly separable one approach: use a set of pre-defined non-linear transformations


X2 X ,X X ,X ,X X 1 2 ! 1 2 1 2 linear decision hyperbolic decision boundary boundary X1

9 to tackle non-linear data distributions with a linear approach, we need to turn it into a linear problem use a set of non-linear features in which the data are linearly separable another approach: logistic regression outputs a non-linear transformation, use multiple stages of logistic regression XOR

X1,X2 X1 X2,X1 X2 X2 linear decision! multiple^ linear decision_ boundary boundaries

XOR: (X1 X2) (X1 X2) X1 ¬ ^ ^ _

10 we used multiple stages of linear classifiers to create a a non-linear classifier

as the number of stages increases, so too does the expressive power of the resulting non-linear classifier

depth: the number of stages of processing

11 the point of with enough stages of linear/non-linear operations (depth), we can learn a good set of non-linear features to linearize any non-linear problem

12 basic operation: logistic regression

X1 weights X

2 output feature summation non-linearity X3

X 4 X input features

Xp artificial neuron

13 multiple operations


X2 X

X3 X X4

Xp X of artificial neurons

14 multiple stages of operations





X artificial neural network

15 notation





X at the input layer X0 units 16 notation





X to the first layer W 1 weights

17 notation





X S1 at the first layer summations

18 notation




X X non-linearity

19 notation




X at the first layer X X1 units

20 notation





X etc.

21 notation bias unit 1 1 S1 1 W1,0 1 W1,1 0 X1 X 1 W 1,2 0 1 X X2 1,3 W

0 X X3 0

1 ,N 1


X number of units in layer 0 0 X 0 N X N 0 1 1 1 0 S1 = W1,0 + W1,iXi i=1 bias weight X 22 notation

1 1 S1 1 W1,0 1 W1,1 0 X1 X 1 W 1,2 0 1 X X2 1,3 W

0 X X3 0

1 ,N 1



0 XN 0 X 0 1 1 0 absorb bias unit into X1 S = W X 0 1 1 1 X1,0 =1 vectorized form (dot product) 23 notation

1 S1 1

0 X1 X1 S2 0 X X2

0 X X3

1 SN 1 X

0 XN 0 X S1 = W 1X0 fully vectorized form (matrix multiplication) 24 notation

1 S1 1 1 X1 0 X1 X1 S2 0 1 X X2 X2

0 X X3

1 SN 1 X 1 XN 1 0 XN 0 X X1 = (S1)

element-wise non-linearity

25 notation append a bias unit with weights 1 1 S1 1 1 X1 0 X1 X1 S2 0 1 X X2 X2

0 X X3

1 SN 1 X 1 XN 1 0 XN 0 X and proceed

26 matrix form

0 0 N X number of features number N number of data points Y

27 matrix form

N N 0 N

= X0 N 0 N 1 S1 N 1 W 1

note: appending biases to W 1 and bias units to X 0 changes N 0 N 0 +1 !

28 matrix form


= 1 1 N 1 X1 (N S )

29 matrix form

input X 0 somewhere back in here

( ( N (

N ` ` = ` ` 1 ` 2 X ( W ( W ( W ( )

it’s just a (deep, non-linear) function!

note: bias appending omitted for clarity

30 train with final layer XL is the output of the network L X1 X use (XL,Y) to compare L L L X and Y X2 X take gradients ` of loss w.r.t. rW L weights at each level `

update the weights to decrease loss, L L bring X closer to Y XN L

X ` ` W W ↵ ` rW L

31 final layer how do we get the gradients? L X1 X L X2 1. Define a loss function. X 2. Use chain rule to recursively take derivatives at each level backward through the network. L XN L X

32 output what is the best form in which to present the labels? binary labels: Y 0, 1 (binary classification) 2 { }

represent with a single output unit, use binary logistic regression at the last layer

L [0, 1] X1 P (Y =1X) | X

P (Y =0X)=1 P (Y =1X) | |

33 output what is the best form in which to present the labels? categorical labels: Y 1,...,K (multi-class classification) 2 { } represent with a single output unit, regress to the correct class?

( , ) XL 1 Y1 1,...,K 1 2 { } X

No, in general, classes do not have a numerical relation

class K is not ‘greater’ than class K 1

34 output what is the best form in which to present the labels? categorical labels: Y 1,...,K (multi-class classification) 2 { }

represent with multiple output units, regress to an encoding of the correct class (e.g. binary) [0, 1] XL 0, 1 1 { } X [0, 1] XL 0, 1 2 { } X Y 1,...,K 2 { }

L [0, 1] X L 0, 1 N { } X N L = K 6 No, correct output requires coordinated} effort from units implies arbitrary similarities induced by the coding

35 output what is the best form in which to present the labels? categorical labels: Y 1,...,K (multi-class classification) 2 { }

represent with K output units, multi-class logistic regression at the last layer

[0, 1] XL P (Y =1X) 1 | X [0, 1] XL P (Y =2X) 2 | X Y 1,...,K 2 { }

[0, 1] XL P (Y = K X) K | X softmax Yes captures independence assumptions in the class }structure, and is a valid output

36 output categorical labels: Y 1,...,K (multi-class classification) 2 { }

represent with K output units, multi-class logistic regression at the last layer

one-hot vector encoding example K =5

Y =1 Y =2 Y =3 Y =4 Y =5 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1

37 loss function

probability of x belonging to class k w|x e k multi-class logistic regression P (Y = k)= K w| x e k0 k0=1 P softmax loss function (cross-entropy) w| x e yi = log P (Y = y )= log i i K w| x L e k0 k0=1 minimize the negative log probability ofP the correct class

recall: N = y(i) log(P (y =1x(i))) + (1 y(i)) log(1 P (y =1x(i))) L i | i | i=1 Xsoftmaxh loss is the extension of binary case to multi-class i 38 backpropagation

deep networks are just composed functions

L L L 1 1 0 X = (W (W (...(W X ))))) the loss (XL,Y) is a function of XL, which is a function of each layer’s weights W ` L therefore, we can find W ` using chain rule r L recall

` ` ` ` ` 1 X = (S ) S = W X

at the output layer

@ @ @XL @SL L = L @W L @XL @SL @W L

39 backpropagation recall

` ` ` ` ` 1 X = (S ) S = W X

at the output layer

@ @ @XL @SL L = L @W L @XL @SL @W L @ L the first two terms are the same @SL at the layer before

L L L 1 L 1 @ @ @X @S @X @S LL 1 = LL L L 1 L 1 L 1 @W @X @S @X @S @W

40 backpropagation recall

` ` ` ` ` 1 X = (S ) S = W X

at the layer before

L L L 1 L 1 @ @ @X @S @X @S LL 1 = LL L L 1 L 1 L 1 @W @X @S @X @S @W @ LL 1 the first four terms are the same @S at the layer before that

L L L 1 L 1 L 2 L 2 @ @ @X @S @X @S @X @S LL 2 = LL L L 1 L 1 L 2 L 2 L 2 @W @X @S @X @S @X @S @W

41 backpropagation general overview - dynamic programming

compute gradient of loss w.r.t. W L

@ L store @SL

for ` = L 1,...,1 @ L use @S`+1 to compute gradient of loss w.r.t. W ` @ L store @S`

42 backpropagation recall

` ` ` ` ` 1 X = (S ) S = W X

@X` derivative of non-linearity w.r.t. input @S` depends on non-linearity used

` @S ` ` 1 = W @X

` @S ` 1 =(X )| @W `

43 vanishing gradients

if we use saturating non-linearities, the derivative of the non-linearity (S) will always be less than one 1 in a deep network, there will be many of these terms multiplied together, shrinking the gradient at early layers

the gradient ‘vanishes’ 0 S to solve this issue, use non-saturating non-linearities rectified linear unit ReLU(S) = max(0,S) ReLU(S) pro: keep gradient signal strong at early layers

con: partially linearizes the network, making it less expressive 0 S 44 Glorot, 2011 rectified linear units

d d ReLU(S)=0 ReLU(S)=1 dS dS

0 S

d ReLU(S)=1undefined dS ReLU(S) = max(0,S)

45 Glorot, 2011 adversarial examples

Goodfellow et al. , 2014 Szegedy et al. , 2013 46 regularization

we often want to punish model complexity deep networks are a powerful model class, making it easier for them to overfit as in other ML methods, we can regularize by putting a penalty on the weights, and adding this term to the loss function

L L W ` W ` 2 || ||1 || ||2 X`=1 X`=1 L1 regularization L2 regularization ‘weight sparsity’ ‘weight decay’

this can be achieved through L1 or L2 regularization on network’s weights

47 other forms of regularization dropout often, deep networks will learn entangled representations, in which the internal representation depends heavily on coordinated activity from multiple units.

this is referred to as ‘fragile co-adaptation,’ and often generalizes poorly

to encourage units to learn statistically independent features, randomly dropout a fraction of the units during each training iteration

something like an ‘internal ensemble’ of an exponential number of different models

during test time, keep all units active Srivastava, 2014 48 other forms of regularization dropout

Srivastava, 2014 49 other forms of regularization dropout visualization of features learned on MNIST digits without dropout with dropout p = 0.5

redundant features Srivastava, 2014 50 other forms of regularization early stopping

stop training the model when the validation loss or error plateaus (stops decreasing)

prevents the model from overfitting to the training set




stop training iterations here

51 optimization

gradient descent: feed in the entire dataset, calculate gradients for each weight, update the weights, repeat until convergence with a large model and large dataset, this will be an incredibly slow process

gradient contributions from each data example are averaged

accurate gradient, but one epoch results in a single ‘step’

optimization landscape in weight space

52 optimization

(mini-batch) stochastic gradient descent (SGD): feed in the dataset one batch at a time, calculate gradients for each weight from that batch, update the weights, repeat until convergence, randomly shuffling after each epoch

each batch provides a noisy estimate of the gradient

with an adequate batch size, this is often good enough to head in the right direction

noise in the gradient can actually help prevent getting stuck in local optima

optimization landscape in weight space

53 optimization

training a deep neural network involves non-convex optimization convex optimization: with proper learning rate, guaranteed to converge to global optimum non-convex optimization: no guarantees, may converge to a local optimum

should we be worried about ending up in local optima? no, not really. as the number of weights grows, it tends to become easier to escape these local minima. they appear to be mostly saddle points, and most local minima are actually pretty good.

optimization landscape in weight space


what makes a deep network non-convex?

it’s the non-linearities!


( ` = ` ` 1 ` 2 0 ( X ( W ( W ( W ( X )

if we remove the non-linearities…

` ` ` 1 ` 2 0 X = W W W X

X` = W 1...` X0

the network collapses down into a (convex) linear optimization problem optimization techniques

vanilla stochastic gradient descent

` ` W W ↵ ` rW L

momentum (0, 1] stochastic gradient descent with momentum 2

µ µ + ↵ ` rW L ` ` W W µ vanilla SGD

gradient is influence by previous gradient updates

speeds up convergence immensely, prevents optimization from bouncing back and forth too much with momentum rule of thumb: momentum = 0.9

56 optimization techniques

problem: how do we set and anneal the learning rate? why have the same learning rate for all parameters? adaptive learning rate techniques adagrad: shrink each parameter’s learning rate according to magnitude of sum of past gradients adadelta: similar to adagrad, but with exponentially decaying influence from past gradients RMSprop: similar idea to adadelta adam: similar to adadelta, but with additional decaying influence from previous gradients (like momentum)

57 deep learning history (abridged) 1957 learning

neural net winter

1980 neocognitron 1986 backprop becomes popular 1989 convolutional neural networks

neural net winter II

'Mark I Perceptron at the Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory’, 2006 unsupervised pre-training of deep networks hardware implementation of the first Perceptron (Source: Wikipedia / Cornell Library) 2009 use of GPUs for training deep networks 2011 of cat from YouTube 2011 deep networks become state-of-the-art for 2012 deep networks become state-of-the-art for object recognition 2012- deep learning boom: ResNets, Neural , deep generative models, deep , etc. 58 deep learning history (abridged) 1957 perceptron learning algorithm

neural net winter

1980 neocognitron 1986 backprop becomes popular 1989 convolutional neural networks

neural net winter II Fukushima, 1980

2006 unsupervised pre-training of deep networks 2009 use of GPUs for training deep networks 2011 unsupervised learning of cat from YouTube 2011 deep networks become state-of-the-art for speech recognition 2012 deep networks become state-of-the-art for object recognition 2012- deep learning boom: ResNets, Neural Turing Machine, deep generative models, deep reinforcement learning, etc. 59 deep learning history (abridged) 1957 perceptron learning algorithm

neural net winter

1980 neocognitron 1986 backprop becomes popular 1989 convolutional neural networks

neural net winter II

2006 unsupervised pre-training of deep networks 2009 use of GPUs for training deep networks 2011 unsupervised learning of cat from YouTube 2011 deep networks become state-of-the-art for speech recognition 2012 deep networks become state-of-the-art for object recognition 2012- deep learning boom: ResNets, Neural Turing Machine, deep generative models, deep reinforcement learning, etc. 60 deep learning history (abridged) 1957 perceptron learning algorithm

neural net winter

1980 neocognitron 1986 backprop becomes popular 1989 convolutional neural networks LeCun, 1998 neural net winter II

2006 unsupervised pre-training of deep networks 2009 use of GPUs for training deep networks 2011 unsupervised learning of cat from YouTube 2011 deep networks become state-of-the-art for speech recognition 2012 deep networks become state-of-the-art for object recognition 2012- deep learning boom: ResNets, Neural Turing Machine, deep generative models, deep reinforcement learning, etc. 61 deep learning history (abridged) 1957 perceptron learning algorithm

neural net winter

1980 neocognitron 1986 backprop becomes popular 1989 convolutional neural networks Teh et al., 2006 neural net winter II

2006 unsupervised pre-training of deep networks 2009 use of GPUs for training deep networks 2011 unsupervised learning of cat from YouTube 2011 deep networks become state-of-the-art for speech recognition 2012 deep networks become state-of-the-art for object recognition 2012- deep learning boom: ResNets, Neural Turing Machine, deep generative models, deep reinforcement learning, etc. 62 deep learning history (abridged) 1957 perceptron learning algorithm

neural net winter

1980 neocognitron 1986 backprop becomes popular 1989 convolutional neural networks

NVIDIA neural net winter II

2006 unsupervised pre-training of deep networks 2009 use of GPUs for training deep networks 2011 unsupervised learning of cat from YouTube 2011 deep networks become state-of-the-art for speech recognition 2012 deep networks become state-of-the-art for object recognition 2012- deep learning boom: ResNets, Neural Turing Machine, deep generative models, deep reinforcement learning, etc. 63 deep learning history (abridged) 1957 perceptron learning algorithm

neural net winter

1980 neocognitron 1986 backprop becomes popular 1989 convolutional neural networks

cat filter learned from unsupervised learning, neural net winter II

2006 unsupervised pre-training of deep networks 2009 use of GPUs for training deep networks 2011 unsupervised learning of cat from YouTube 2011 deep networks become state-of-the-art for speech recognition 2012 deep networks become state-of-the-art for object recognition 2012- deep learning boom: ResNets, Neural Turing Machine, deep generative models, deep reinforcement learning, etc. 64 deep learning history (abridged) 1957 perceptron learning algorithm

neural net winter

1980 neocognitron 1986 backprop becomes popular 1989 convolutional neural networks

neural net winter II

2006 unsupervised pre-training of deep networks 2009 use of GPUs for training deep networks 2011 unsupervised learning of cat from YouTube 2011 deep networks become state-of-the-art for speech recognition 2012 deep networks become state-of-the-art for object recognition 2012- deep learning boom: ResNets, Neural Turing Machine, deep generative models, deep reinforcement learning, etc. 65 deep learning history (abridged) 1957 perceptron learning algorithm

neural net winter

1980 neocognitron 1986 backprop becomes popular 1989 convolutional neural networks

neural net winter II Krizhevsky, et al., 2012

2006 unsupervised pre-training of deep networks 2009 use of GPUs for training deep networks 2011 unsupervised learning of cat from YouTube 2011 deep networks become state-of-the-art for speech recognition 2012 deep networks become state-of-the-art for object recognition 2012- deep learning boom: ResNets, Neural Turing Machine, deep generative models, deep reinforcement learning, etc. 66 deep learning history (abridged) 1957 perceptron learning algorithm

neural net winter

1980 neocognitron 1986 backprop becomes popular 1989 convolutional neural networks

neural net winter II

2006 unsupervised pre-training of deep networks 2009 use of GPUs for training deep networks 2011 unsupervised learning of cat from YouTube He et al., 2015 2011 deep networks become state-of-the-art for speech recognition Graves et al., 2014 Salimans et al., 2016 2012 deep networks become state-of-the-art for object recognition Minh et al., 2015 2012- deep learning boom: ResNets, Neural Turing Machine, Silver et al., 2016 deep generative models, deep reinforcement learning, etc. … 67 recent neural network boom

deep learning is hot right now

what started this boom? hardware data

driving factors

software research discoveries results

68 recent neural network boom

who started this boom?

geoff hinton

‘the big three’

…and others

69 recent neural network boom

who started this boom?

yann lecun yoshua bengio

geoff hinton 70 neural network winters research in neural networks has followed a boom-bust cycle

technological breakthrough

increased excitement, research

A.I. hype we’ve finally solved intelligence! general A.I. is only 5-10 years away!

research doesn’t live up to expectations

funding dries up most researchers move on to other pursuits

71 neural network winters we’re obviously in a boom period. is this time any different?

yes and no predicting the future of A.I. research progress is notoriously difficult

it’s possible that deep learning research will hit a wall, where either it becomes too computationally expensive for most individuals to do groundbreaking research or a new, better approach comes along

however, deep learning is now commercially successful. most large tech companies profit from it. so as long as it remains the state-of-the-art approach, there will be (funding for) basic research.

72 beware the hype

just because deep learning is booming, it doesn’t mean human-level A.I. is ‘just around the corner’

saying that something is 5-10 years away is almost always just pure speculation

if someone tries to tell you that deep learning works off of the same principles as the brain, tell them that they don’t know what they’re talking about

cool graphics, but highly inaccurate

73 does deep learning live up to the hype?

deep learning is nothing deep learning is the dawn more than a passing phase of general A. I.

non-believers believers

we don’t have a great intuition consistently beats all other methods for how or why it works on vision, NLP benchmarks

models are often uninterpretable learn your features instead of a.k.a ‘black box’ hand-coding them

doesn’t actually work like the brain it’s biologically inspired!

74 where does deep learning fit in? deep learning is a useful method for approximating complicated, hierarchical functions. this makes it well-suited for many A. I. tasks

but ultimately it’s just a tool for linearizing non-linear data. it doesn’t replace other techniques, rather, it enhances them

still much work to be done in understanding these models -what do they learn? -how do we train them more efficiently? -architectural principles?

better methods will be developed eventually, but they will almost certainly involve -hierarchies -learned features -many parameters

75 when to use deep learning? try a simple method first deep learning requires compute and data unless you have both, deep learning won’t work

deep learning works by hierarchically sectioning non-linear surfaces i.e. deep learning works best on non-linear data with hierarchical structure

why not other methods?

deep learning’s power is in its depth

most other methods are not capable of depth or if they are, they are difficult to train

76 next lecture convolutional neural networks