Awakening Restore Your Faith Hebrews 11:1-40

Abel’s lesson is: Put God ______. By faith brought God a better offering than did. By faith he was commended as righteous, when God spoke well of his offerings. (Hebrews 11:4, NIV) In the course of time Cain brought some of the fruits of the soil as an offering to the Lord. And Abel also brought an offering—fat portions from some of the firstborn of his flock. The Lord looked with favor on Abel and his offering, (Genesis 4:3-4, NIV)

______matters, so put God ______.

Enoch’s Lesson: Keep in ______with God. By faith was taken from this life, so that he did not experience death: “He could not be found, because God had taken him away.” For before he was taken, he was commended as one who pleased God. (Hebrews 11:5, NIV) Enoch walked faithfully with God; then he was no more, because God took him away. (Genesis 5:24, NIV)

Walk with God ______in ______.

Noah’s Lesson: ______on God’s Word. It was by faith that built a large boat to save his family from the flood. He obeyed God, who warned him about things that had never happened before. (Hebrews 11:7, NLT)

The value of God’s Word is always in the ______.

Abraham’s Lesson: ______on God. It was by faith that obeyed when God called him to leave home and go to another land that God would give him as his inheritance. He went without knowing where he was going. (Hebrews 11:8, NLT) And so after waiting patiently, Abraham received what was promised. (Hebrews 6:15, NIV)

Faith isn’t just a matter of getting stronger, it’s a matter of ______strong!

Moses’ Lesson: Follow Your Faith, Not Your ______. By faith Moses, when he had grown up, refused to be known as the son of Pharaoh’s daughter. He chose to be mistreated along with the people of God rather than to enjoy the fleeting pleasures of sin. (Hebrews 11:24-25, NIV)

Faith lives by ______and not by ______.

The Final Lesson: Look for God’s ______Way. Some faced jeers and flogging, and even chains and imprisonment. They were put to death by stoning; they were sawed in two; they were killed by the sword. They went about in sheepskins and goatskins, destitute, persecuted and mistreated— the world was not worthy of them. These were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised, since God had planned something better… (Hebrews 11:36–40, NIV)

Never settle for less than God’s ______!

Awakening Restore Your Faith Hebrews 11:1-40

Abel’s lesson is: Put God First. By faith Abel brought God a better offering than Cain did. By faith he was commended as righteous, when God spoke well of his offerings. (Hebrews 11:4, NIV) In the course of time Cain brought some of the fruits of the soil as an offering to the Lord. And Abel also brought an offering—fat portions from some of the firstborn of his flock. The Lord looked with favor on Abel and his offering, (Genesis 4:3-4, NIV)

Priority matters, so put God first.

Enoch’s Lesson: Keep in Step with God. By faith Enoch was taken from this life, so that he did not experience death: “He could not be found, because God had taken him away.” For before he was taken, he was commended as one who pleased God. (Hebrews 11:5, NIV) Enoch walked faithfully with God; then he was no more, because God took him away. (Genesis 5:24, NIV)

Walk with God every day in every way.

Noah’s Lesson: Act on God’s Word. It was by faith that Noah built a large boat to save his family from the flood. He obeyed God, who warned him about things that had never happened before. (Hebrews 11:7, NLT)

The value of God’s Word is always in the application.

Abraham’s Lesson: Wait Patiently on God. It was by faith that Abraham obeyed when God called him to leave home and go to another land that God would give him as his inheritance. He went without knowing where he was going. (Hebrews 11:8, NLT) And so after waiting patiently, Abraham received what was promised. (Hebrews 6:15, NIV)

Faith isn’t just a matter of getting stronger, it’s a matter of staying strong!

Moses’ Lesson: Follow Your Faith, Not Your Feelings. By faith Moses, when he had grown up, refused to be known as the son of Pharaoh’s daughter. He chose to be mistreated along with the people of God rather than to enjoy the fleeting pleasures of sin. (Hebrews 11:24-25, NIV)

Faith lives by principle and not by pressure.

The Final Lesson: Look for God’s Better Way. Some faced jeers and flogging, and even chains and imprisonment. They were put to death by stoning; they were sawed in two; they were killed by the sword. They went about in sheepskins and goatskins, destitute, persecuted and mistreated— the world was not worthy of them. These were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised, since God had planned something better… (Hebrews 11:36–40, NIV)

Never settle for less than God’s best!