W1 bus time schedule & line map

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The W1 bus line (West Kirby) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) West Kirby: 7:40 AM (2) Willaston: 3:35 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest W1 bus station near you and nd out when is the next W1 bus arriving.

Direction: West Kirby W1 bus Time Schedule 47 stops West Kirby Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:40 AM Neston Road, Willaston Willaston Green Mews, Willaston Tuesday 7:40 AM

Station Museum, Willaston Wednesday 7:40 AM

Hadlow Wood Cottage, Willaston Thursday 7:40 AM Friday 7:40 AM Wood End Lane, Burton Saturday Not Operational Mudhouse Lane, Burton

Post Oce, Burton The Village, W1 bus Info Station Road, Burton Direction: West Kirby Stops: 47 Wood Lane, Burton Trip Duration: 47 min Line Summary: Neston Road, Willaston, Station Neston Road Turning Circle, Ness Museum, Willaston, Hadlow Wood Cottage, Willaston, Wood End Lane, Burton, Mudhouse Lane, Burton, Post Oce, Burton, Station Road, Burton, Ness Botanic Gardens, Ness Wood Lane, Burton, Neston Road Turning Circle, Ness, Ness Botanic Gardens, Ness, The Wheatsheaf, The Wheatsheaf, Ness Ness, School Lane, Ness Holt, Bull Hill, Little Neston, Talbot Avenue, Little Neston, Primary School, Neston, School Lane, Ness Holt Neston Cross, Neston, United Reformed Church, Neston, Earle Drive, Neston, Springcroft, Parkgate, Bull Hill, Little Neston The Old Quay, Parkgate, Ship Hotel, Parkgate, Mostyn Square, Parkgate, Bevyl Road, Parkgate, Talbot Avenue, Little Neston Boat House, Parkgate, Greenway, Parkgate, Wood Lane, Parkgate, Boathouse Lane, Gayton, Primary School, Neston Queensway, Gayton, Well Lane, Gayton, Hillside Road, Gayton, Beacon Lane, , Tesco, Poll Hill, Neston Cross, Neston Thurstaston Road, Poll Hill, Quarry Road West, Poll 9 The Cross, Neston Hill, Pine Way, Poll Hill, Thurstaston Road, Thurstaston, Sports Club, Thurstaston, United Reformed Church, Neston Grange Cross Lane, Kirby Park, Column Road, Newton, Caldy Grammar School, Newton, Grammar Earle Drive, Neston School Lane, Newton, Beacon Drive, Grange, Monks Way, West Kirby, Ashburton Road, West Kirby, West Springcroft, Parkgate Kirby Station, West Kirby, Lingdale Road, West Kirby, Graham Road Grammar School, West Kirby The Old Quay, Parkgate

Ship Hotel, Parkgate

Mostyn Square, Parkgate Mostyn Square, Neston Civil Parish

Bevyl Road, Parkgate

Boat House, Parkgate 1 The Parade, Neston Civil Parish

Greenway, Parkgate Greenway, Neston Civil Parish

Wood Lane, Parkgate

Boathouse Lane, Gayton

Queensway, Gayton

Well Lane, Gayton Old Mill Close, Heswall

Hillside Road, Gayton

Beacon Lane, Heswall

Tesco, Poll Hill

Thurstaston Road, Poll Hill

Quarry Road West, Poll Hill

Pine Way, Poll Hill Pine Way, England

Thurstaston Road, Thurstaston

Caldy Sports Club, Thurstaston

Grange Cross Lane, Kirby Park

Column Road, Newton Grange Cross Hey, England

Caldy Grammar School, Newton

Grammar School Lane, Newton

Beacon Drive, Grange

Monks Way, West Kirby Monks Way, England

Ashburton Road, West Kirby

West Kirby Station, West Kirby Lingdale Road, West Kirby

Graham Road Grammar School, West Kirby Graham Road, England Direction: Willaston W1 bus Time Schedule 49 stops Willaston Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 3:35 PM Caldy Grammar School, Newton Tuesday 3:35 PM Burlingham Avenue, Grange Wednesday 3:35 PM Beacon Drive, Grange Thursday 3:35 PM

Monks Way, West Kirby Friday 3:35 PM Monks Way, England Saturday Not Operational Ashburton Road, West Kirby

West Kirby Station, West Kirby

Lingdale Road, West Kirby W1 bus Info Direction: Willaston Graham Road Grammar School, West Kirby Stops: 49 Trip Duration: 47 min Graham Road, England Line Summary: Caldy Grammar School, Newton, Graham Road, West Kirby Burlingham Avenue, Grange, Beacon Drive, Grange, Monks Way, West Kirby, Ashburton Road, West Kirby, West Lodge Drive, West Kirby West Kirby Station, West Kirby, Lingdale Road, West Kirby, Graham Road Grammar School, West Kirby, Graham Road, West Kirby, West Lodge Drive, West Bridge Road, West Kirby Kirby, Bridge Road, West Kirby, Black Horse Hill, West Kirby, Beacon Drive, Grange, Fleck Lane, Grange, Black Horse Hill, West Kirby Montgomery Hill, Caldy, Thurstaston Road, Hilbre View, England Thurstaston, Pine Way, Poll Hill, Quarry Road East, Poll Hill, Thurstaston Road, Poll Hill, Tesco, Poll Hill, Beacon Drive, Grange Beacon Lane, Heswall, Boundary Lane, Gayton, Barnston Road, Gayton, Gayton Lane, Gayton, Fleck Lane, Grange Queensway, Gayton, Wood Lane, Parkgate, Regency Court, Parkgate, Boat House, Parkgate, Bevyl Road, Montgomery Hill, Caldy Parkgate, Mostyn Square, Parkgate, Ship Hotel, Parkgate, The Old Quay, Parkgate, Springcroft, Thurstaston Road, Thurstaston Parkgate, Earle Drive, Neston, United Reformed Church, Neston, Neston Cross, Neston, Talbot Pine Way, Poll Hill Avenue, Little Neston, Bull Hill, Little Neston, School Pine Way, England Lane, Ness Holt, The Wheatsheaf, Ness, Ness Botanic Gardens, Ness, Denhall Lane, Ness, Mill Quarry Road East, Poll Hill Lane, Burton, Post Oce, Burton, Mudhouse Lane, Burton, Wood End Lane, Burton, Hadlow Wood Thurstaston Road, Poll Hill Cottage, Willaston, Station Museum, Willaston, Hooton Road, Willaston Tesco, Poll Hill

Beacon Lane, Heswall

Boundary Lane, Gayton

Barnston Road, Gayton Road, Heswall

Gayton Lane, Gayton Chester Road, Heswall

Queensway, Gayton

Wood Lane, Parkgate

Regency Court, Parkgate Hamilton Close, Neston Civil Parish

Boat House, Parkgate 1 The Parade, Neston Civil Parish

Bevyl Road, Parkgate

Mostyn Square, Parkgate Mostyn Square, Neston Civil Parish

Ship Hotel, Parkgate

The Old Quay, Parkgate

Springcroft, Parkgate Parkgate Road, Neston Civil Parish

Earle Drive, Neston

United Reformed Church, Neston

Neston Cross, Neston Parkgate Road, Neston Civil Parish

Talbot Avenue, Little Neston

Bull Hill, Little Neston

School Lane, Ness Holt

The Wheatsheaf, Ness Smithy Close, Neston Civil Parish

Ness Botanic Gardens, Ness

Denhall Lane, Ness Neston Road, England

Mill Lane, Burton

Post Oce, Burton The Village, England

Mudhouse Lane, Burton

Wood End Lane, Burton

Hadlow Wood Cottage, Willaston

Station Museum, Willaston

Hooton Road, Willaston Willaston Green Mews, Willaston W1 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in North West. About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved