System Requirements...... 2 Quick Installation ...... 2 Ultima VIII Online Manual ...... 3 Pre-Installation ...... 4 Installation...... 5 Changing Your Sound Card or Music Card Configuration...... 6 Boot Disks and Shorccuts (if you have trouble installing)...... 6 Memory Requirements ...... 6 Creating a Boot Disk...... 7 Other Precautions ...... 10 Creating a Shortcut ...... 11 General MIDI ...... 13 Troubleshooting ...... 14 ORIGIN Product Support/On-Line Services and Bulletin Boards...... 18 Warranty ...... 19 Manual Order Form ...... 20

Documenracion is provided on-line. If you would like co receive che printed manual, please see che order form on che back cover. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS THE U1TIMA VIII ONLINE MANUAL Computer. Ultima VIII requires at least an Intel486 or 100% compatible system, MS-DOS version 5.0 or higher, and MS-DOS CD-ROM extensions version 2.1 or higher. WINDOWS 95 USERS: Video Card. VGA video card. To install the Ultima VIII online manual: Hard Drive. You should have a minimum of 35 free megabytes on your hard drive to install and play 1. Left-click START on the caskbar. this game. 2. Select RUN . 3. Type o:\MANUAL\sETUP and click OK. (Subsricuce che name of your CD drive if other Mouse. Ultima Vlll requires a or I 00% compatible mouse, using Microsoft software driver version 7.0 or higher, Logitech software driver version 6.0 or higher, or 100% compatible software than d: .) driver. 4. Follow che prompts to install.

Memory. Ultima VIII uses (base memory) and extended memory (XMS). You To access the online manual: must have a minimum of 4 megabytes of RAM installed in your machine. 1. Left-click on START on the caskbar. 2. Select Programs from the Start menu. 3. Selecc Modern Age Books from the Programs menu. QUICK INSTALLATION 4. Select Ultima VIII from che Modern Age Books menu. The Ultima VIII manual appears. f!rint file Note: If you are running a disk cache such as SMARTDrive, you need to disable it to ensure a clean 5. Select from the menu if you wish to print the document. installation. (This only affects che inscallacion of the game. SMARTDrive wi ll work normally during gameplay.) Refer to your SMARTDrive documentation or make a syscem booc disk or shorccuc as described in Creating a Boor Disk (p. 7) or Creating a Windows 95 Shortcut (p. 11) to disable chis WINDOWS 3.X USERS: cache. I. Turn on your computer and waic for the DOS prompt. Some machines booc direccly co Windows, To install the Ultima VIII online manual: or a different shell environment. Be sure to exic Windows (or ocher shell program), and inscall 1. From rhe Program Manager, selecc B.un from che File menu. direccly from the DOS command prompt (C:\>). 2. Type o:\MANUAL\sETUP and click OK. (Subscicuce che name of your CD drive if other than d:.) 2. Inserc the CD for Ultima VIII into your CD-ROM drive. 3. Follow the prompts to install. 3. Type the name of rhac drive (usually 0:), then press IEnter J. To access the online manual: 4. Type INSTALL ENGLISH and press IEnterJ. 1. From the Program Manager, open the Modern Age Books program group. (To install Ulcima VIII in French, type INSTALL FRENCH. To inscal l in German, type INSTALL 2. Double-dick the Ultima VIII icon. The Ultima VITI manual appears. GERMAN. You muse complecely delece and re-install if you decide co change languages. All of your saved 3. Select f!rint from the file menu if you wish to print the document. games co thac point will be lost - they are not transferable.) 5. When prompted, follow the inscallarion program insrruccions. 6. To begin play, type u8 at the game's directory and press IEnterJ. For more details, see Installation (p. 5).

2 3 PRE· INSTALLATION INSTALLATION Boot Disk/Shortcuts. Boot disks and shortcuts solve most installation problems! (See Creating a Boot DISK PREPARATION Disk, p. 7, or Creating a Windows 95 Shortcut, p. 11, for instructions.) Disk Cache. If you are running a disk cache such as SMARTDrive, you will need to disable it to ensure a Before you install any software, it is critical that your hard drive be in proper working order. We rec­ clean installation. Refer to your SMARTDrive documentation or make a system boot disk or shortcut to ommend running SCANDISK or DEFRAG (DOS 6.2 or higher). SCAN DISK searches your hard disable this cache. This only affects the installation. work normally during gameplay. drive for any lost allocation units as well as any cross-linked files and directories. DEFRAG ensures SMARTDrivewill that your data is sorted properly. Failure to verify this may result in corrupt data. CHKDSK Before installing any software, run CHKDSK (for DOS 5.0 & 6.0 users) or SCANDISK (for DOS 6.2 and up users) from your DOS directory. This searches for any lost allocation chains Steps for running these preventative applications are given below for DOS and Windowf® 95. (pieces of files). If any are found, please run a disk utility to correct these errors on your hard drive. It's also a good idea to fully optimize and de-fragment your drive before installing new software. DOS PREPARATION Ultima VIII will install without sound or music configuration unless you specify otherwise. l. Type VER !Enter) from the DOS C:> prompt. Your DOS version is displayed on the screen. INSTALLATION MENU If it says MS-DOS VERSION 6.0, 6.21 or any version later than 6.2, follow the steps Use GJ or(!) to move the highlighter up and down. AB ORT INSTALLATION below. CHANGE SOURCE PATH Note: lf you selected INSTALL FRENCH or INSTALL If you are using DOS version 5.0, you may need to use other utilities (such as Norton CHANGE DESTINATION PATH Utilities or Central Point Tools) to check your drive's condition. CHANGE SOUND CONFIGURATION GERMAN in Step 4, on-screen instructions and selections 2. Type SCANDISK c: !Enter) from the DOS prompt. This will determine if your drive is in CHANGE MUS IC CONFIGURATION will be in French or German, respectively. good repair. If any damage is found, you should repair it before continuing, following the INSTALL instructions in your DOS manual. 3. Type DEFRAG c: /F !Enter! from the DOS prompt. This runs a complete defragmentation on 1 - 4. Follow Steps 1 - 4 in Quick Installation. your hard disk to ensure all your data is sorted properly. It also optimizes your hard disk for faster load and access times. If you have no sound card, skip to Step 9. 5. Highlight CHANGE SOUND CONFIGURATION, then press IEnter! . WINDOWS 95 PREPARATION 6. Check the default choice. Highlight the appropriate configuration, then press IEnter J. 7. Highlight CHANGE MUSIC CONFIGURATION, then press !Enter~ The procedure for scanning and defragmenting your disk from Windows 95 is essentially the same as from DOS--only the method for starting the programs is different. 8. Repeat Step 6. l. First, run SCANDISK. To start SCANDISK, left-click on the START button from the 9. If you wish to install to a drive or directory other than the default (c:\ULTIMA8), highlight CHANGE DESTI- Taskbar. The Start menu opens. NATION PATH, then press !Enter). Backspace over the default destination and enter your new path. O From the Start menu, highlight E!rograms, and then select Accessories from the menu that appears - from that menu, select System Tools. Finally, click on ScanDisk, and the 10. Highlight INSTALL. Press !Enter). The game is then copied and decompressed onto your hard drive. program starts. The in callacion of the Speech Pack then begins. If you do not want to install speech, or do not have a speech card, O Once activated, make sure there is a check mark in the Automatically .f.ix Errors box and press~ and skip to Seep 13. select the hard drive you are installing the game to (e.g., C:). Once everything is set up 11 . If you installed the game to a directory other than c:\ULTIMA8, backspace over the default destination and correctly, click Start to have the program scan the drive and correct any errors. enter that directory's path. 2. Next, run DEFRAG. To start DEFRAG, go to System Tools (as in the previous step) and click on Disk Defragmenter. As with SCANDISK, select the drive you are installing 12. Highlight INSTALL, and press !Enter~ The speech files are copied and decompressed onto your hard drive. the game to and click OK. 13. When the installation process is finished, make sure that you are in your Pagan game directory, then rype u8 !EnterJ to begin play.

4 5 CHANGING YOUR SOUND CARD CREATING A BOOT DISK OR MUSIC CARD CONFIGURATION Do not delete your AUTOEXEC.BAT or CONFIG.SYS files completely­ without them, your computer will not function. If you ever add a sound card (or change from one sound card to another), you must reconfigure the sound card configuration for Ultima VIII. These changes will also apply to your saved games. Paper Copy. Before creating a boot disk, we recommend that you make a paper copy of your hard Return to the drive and directory where you installed the game (default: c:\ULTIMA8) and type INSTALL !Enter). drive's CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT start-up files. This allows you to change the selections you made when you originally installed the game. Select CHANC E Type at the DOS prompt: SOUND CONFIGURATION from the menu and follow the Installation Options Steps 5-8, then highlight TYPE CONFIG.SYS INSTALL and press !Enter) to save your changes and return to the DOS prompt. Either hand-copy or, if you have a printer, use (Print Screen) to generate a printout of this startup file. BOOT DISKS AND SHORTCUTS Now at the DOS prompt, type: (IF YOU HAVE TROUBLE INSTALLING) TYPE AUTOEXEC.BAT Hand copy or use IPrint Screen J to generate a printout of this startup file. If you are experiencing problems running Ultima VIII or cannot free the appropriate amount of mem­ ory, it might help ro create a separate boot disk and decrease the number of memory resident pro­ grams (TSRs) you have loaded. First, review System Requirements (p. 2) to be sure your hardware Setup. To create a separate boot disk, insert a blank high density (HD) disk in your A: drive. (Your setup and Ultima VIII are compatible. Then, see Creating a Boot Disk (p. 7) or Creating a Windows computer will not boot from a B: drive.) From the DOS prompt, type: 95 Shortcut (p. 11). FORMAT A: /s [Enter) If you already have a formatted disk handy for your A: drive, then you will need to transfer the neces­ MEMORY REQUIREMENTS sary system files. From the DOS prompt, type:

Ultima VIII CD uses conventional RAM (base memory) and extended memory (XMS). You must have a min­ SYS A: IEnter J imum of 4 megabytes of total RAM installed in your machine. Of this memory, you must have at least 3,580,000 bytes (3496K) free XMS memory for Ultima VIII to run. An Expanded Memory Manager driver (like EMM386.EXE) may be loaded but it must be configured for no EMS memory. Consult your memory Modifying CONFIG.SYS manager's documentation and Creating a Boot Disk (p. 7) for more information. This will allow you to load When the DOS prompt returns and the format is complete, type: necessary drivers into upper memory and load Ultima VIII CD. If you are unsure about these different types EDIT A:\CONFIG.SYS !Enter) of memory, consult your DOS manual. When the new screen appears, determine which memory management system you are using (if any) To find out how much DOS, XMS and EMS memory your computer has available, use the DOS MEM from those listed below and type the commands shown under that system: command. From the DOS prompt, type: MEM !Enter). When the memory information is displayed on the screen, look for the following listings: LARGEST EXECULJ\BLE PROGRAM SIZE - This number indicates how much DOS conventional CONFIG.SYS without EMS driver memory is available. You must have at least 460,800 bytes (450K) listed here. FILES=40 TOTAL EXTENDED (XMS) or TOTAL CONTIGUOUS EXTENDED - This is the amoum of extended BUFFERS=35 memory in your computer. You must have at least 3,580,000 bytes (34961() listed here. DEVICE=C:\DOS\H!MEM.SYS DOS=HIGH BYTES FREE OF EMS or FREE EXPANDED (EMS) - This is the amount of expanded memory in your SHELL=C:\DOS\COMMAND.COM /p computer. If you have a 4 megabyte machine, you must not have this line. If your machine has 8 megabytes or more, you may have this line as long as it reads 4, 194,304 bytes (5700K) or less.

6 7 CONFJG.SYS using EMM386.EXE Modifying AUTOEXEC. BAT (EMS with DOS 5.0, 6.0, 6.2, Windows 3.1) on 4 megabyte system Nexr you need an AUTOEXEC.BAT file on your boor disk. Type: FILES=40 EDIT A:\AUTOEXEC.BAT BUFFERS=35 OEVICE=C:\oos\HIMEM.SYS When the new screen appears, type: OEVICE=C:\OOS\EMM386.EXE NOEMS RAM PROMPT $P$G OOS=UMB PATH=C:loos OOS=HIGH C:\MOUSE\MOUSE.COM SHELL=C:loos\COMMANO.COM /p Your mouse driver may need to be loaded differently. Refer to Mouse Setitp, p. JO, and the printout ofyour original AUTOEXECBAT. CONFJG.SYS using EMM386.EXE (EMS with DOS 5.0, 6.0, 6.2, Windows 3.1) 011 8 megabyte or l.arger system SET COMSPEC=C:loos\COMMANO.COM FILES=40 C: BUFFERS=35 CO \(game direcrory) OEVICE=C:loos\HIMEM.SYS The defo11lt game directory is ULTIMAB. Type this unkss you chose another directory name. OEVICE=C:\OOS\EMM386.EXE 1024 RAM u8 Remember, you can not exceed 4096K oftotal EMS for Ultima VIII CD to work properly. OOS=UMB (The AUTOEXEC.BAT file does nor vary wirh differem memory drivers.) OOS=HIGH SHELL=C:\oos\COMMANO.COM /p Exiting AUTOEXEC.BAT CONFIG.SYS using EMM386.EXE Exir and save rhis file by ryping: (with DoubkSpace and DOS 6.016.2) 011 4 megabyte or larger system @ill) FILES=40 0 BUFFERS=35 (Y) OEVICE=C:\OOS\HIMEM.SYS OEVICE=C:\oos\EMM386.EXE NOEMS FRAME=EOOO li=B000-B7FF RAM To UsE YouR NEW Boor D1sK OOS=UMB Turn your compurer off, inserr your new boor disk in your A: drive and rum rhe compurer back on. OOS=HIGH The boor disk should run and automarically rake you inro U/tima V!Il SHELL=C:\oos\cOMMANO.COM /p OEVICEHIGH=C:\oosloBLSPACE.SYS /MOVE INSTALLATION FAILS Exiting CONFIG.SYS In the unlikely evenr rhar rhe insrallarion fails, an error message should tell you rhe narure of rhe Afrer ryping rhese lines, you should exir and save your fi le. Do so by ryping: problem. See Troubleshooting (p. 14) for solurions ro some common problems. @ill) 0 (Y)

8 9 OTHER PRECAUTIONS CREATING A WINDOWS 9 5 SHORTCUT I. Turn on your computer and wait for Windows 95 to load. Minimize or close all applications. MOUSE SETUP 2. Right-dick once anywhere on your desktop (except on an icon). A menu will appear. Be sure that you are using a 100% Microsoft-compatible mouse driver - a Microsoft version 6.11 or 3. Move your mouse pointer to New, then left-click on .$hortcut. A dialogue box appears, asking higher mouse driver is preferable. If you are using a boot disk, this driver must be loaded within your you to name rhe shorccur. boor disk configuration. Since the command line may differ from mouse to mouse, consult your hard I drive's AUTOEXEC.BAT. (If you have not made a paper copy (seep. 7), you may view your 4. [n the box beneath Cmd Line, rype in C:\COMMAND.COM. Then, left-click on NEXT. AUTOEXEC.BAT by ryping at the DOS prompt: TYPE C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT.) Look for your mouse dri­ 5. Type in rhe name of the shorccut as it will appear on your desktop. (Use the name of the game.). ver line and copy it into your boor disk's AUTOEXEC.BAT, replacing the mouse driver information \ 6. Left-click on FINISH. The new shorccut now appears on your desktop. (c:\MOUSE\MOUSE.COM) rhar we suggest above. Consult your mouse user's guide for more detailed instructions on loading the mouse driver. 7. Edit the game's shortcur icon according to the insrrucrions in Creating a Boor Disk (p. 7). (The steps are outlined below; the information you need to include appears on pp. 7-9.) DISK CACHE SETUP 8. Double-left-click on rhe icon to start the game. Before instal ling Ultima Vlll we recommend that you temporarily disable your disk cache. Occasionally, "DOS error" messages can erroneously appear when installing with a disk cache active. EDITING THE GAME SHORTCUT ICON To temporarily disable your disk cache program, make a boor disk or shorrcur with one of our recom­ I. Before the game will launch wirh your new icon, you need to edit the shorrcur. Right-dick once mended configurations. Refer ro Creating a Boot Disk (p. 7) or Creating a Windcws 95 Shortcur on the shorccut icon you created above. (p. 11) to learn how. Now reboot your computer with this boot disk or shorccut (which does not 2. Left-click once on f!roperties, then left-click on the Program rab at the top of the window. include the disk cache). Then install the game normally. If you have SMARTDrive, when you have 3. If the box next to Close on exit is em pry, left-click on ir. completed the installation, follow the instructions below to reconfigure your boot disk or shorccut to include the disk cache program. 4. Left-click on the ADVANCED burton. The Advanced Program Settings screen appears. 5. Make sure checkmarks appear nexr to MS-DOS mode and .Warn before entering MS-DOS SMARTDRIVE mode. If nor, left-click once in the box next to the item. If you decide to install SMARTDrive (a disk caching program), you will need to add rhe following 6. Left-click in the circle next to §pecify a new MS-DOS configuration. Make sure there is a dot line at the beginning of your AUTO EXEC.BAT file . (You may need to change the path on this line, in this circle. depending upon where your disk cache program is located.) If you use SMARTDrive, we recommend using rhe SMARTDrive versions from Windows 3.1 or DOS 6.0. Two windows open up - one labeled CONFIG.SYS for MS-DOS mode and one labeled AUTOEXEC.BAT for MS-DOS mode. These are the two windows in which you will create a Type: r "boor disk" that runs the game directly in DOS. C:\DOS\SMARTDRV.EXE 1024 C (rhe final letter is the drive where you installed Ultima VIII). The text in these windows is a copy of a Windows 95 boor. You will be replacing this with rhe Note: Though other disk cache programs may work with Ultima VIII, we cannot guarantee their 1 rext you would normally use to make a boot disk. Modifjing or deleting this text has no effect on comparibiliry with this game. the files your system normally uses to boot up. 7. Make backup copies of your original Startup files as a precaution.

a. Left-click on rhe START button. b. Highlighr f!rograms, then left-click on MS-DOS Prompt. You'll be in a DOS window. c. Type co\ and press !Enter).

10 11 d. Type COPY C:\CONFIG.5Y5 c:\CONFIG.051 and press !Enter !. (You should see I File(s) copied.) c. Click anywhere on the Advanced Program Settings window to return to it. (Press (ill if e. Type COPY C:\AITTOEXEC.BAT C:\AITTOEXEC.051 and press !Enter !. (You should see I File(s) you are prompted to save changes co the file you were editing.) copied.) d. Left-click inside the AUTOEXEC.BAT for MS-DOS mode window. £ Type EXIT co return co Windows .95. e. Press ~ to paste the Notepad contents into the window. 8. Right-click inside the CONFIG.SYS for MS-DOS mode window. Highlighr Select All, then 15. Left-click OK, then left-click OK again. left-click and press !Delete ). Do the same for the AUTOEXEC.BAT for MS-DOS mode window. THE SHORTCUT To THE GAME 9. Leave the Advanced Program Settings window open, and open Notepad. (Left-click che UsrNG RuN START bunon. Highlight Programs, and then Accessories. Left-click on Notepad.) Double-left-click your new shorrcuc co restart your system. lf you've sec up the shorrcuc correccly, your machine wi ll reboot. To scare the game, change co the direccory where the game is installed (the default is 10. Open the CONFIG.OSI file on your hard drive. C:\ULTIMA8) and type u8. When you are done playing the game, type EXIT from the DOS prompt and a. Left-click on File, and then on Open. hie !Enter) to reboot into Windows 95 (answer~ if prompted). b. Type C:\ CONFIG.051 in the box under File Name. If you receive an error message, or the machine returns to Windows, double-check the lines in the CON­ c. Left-click on che OPEN butcon. FIG.SYS for MS-DOS mode and AUTOEXEC.BAT for MS-DOS mode windows in the Advanced 11 . Copy this file to the CONFIG.SYS window inside the Advanced Program Settings window Program Settings screen against the boot disk instructions. where you are setting up yo ur shorrcut. a. Left-click Edit, and highlight Select All. GENERAL MIDI b. Press I~@) to copy the contents of the file. U/tima VIII has joined the next generation of music quality with its support of the instrument voice c. Left-click on the - button (in the upper right corner) to minimize Notepad. set known as General MIDI, which ensures that the MlDI music daca will sound correct on any General MIDI card. At the rime of publishing, only a few cards support MPU-401. These cards d. Click anywhere on the Advanced Program Settings window to return co it. include the Roland SCC-1, Roland RAP-10 and Creative Labs Sound Blaster 16/16 ASP with the e. Left-click inside the CONFIG.SYS for MS-DOS mode window. attached Wave Blaster daughterboard. Other manufacturers have already released, or are planning co £ Press~ co paste the file contents into the window. release, sound cards that utilize che MPU-401 instruction set. However, so und cards that use a memo­ ry-resident program (TSR) co emulate MPU-401 may not work with this software. BioForge natively 12. Open Notepad again. (Tip: Look on the tool bar at the bonom of your screen for a CONFIG.051 supports (supports without using emulation techniques) the cards listed above. However, some music - NOTEPAD butcon. Left-click on this button. If you don't see this butcon, use the instructions in and sound cards require you to load special drivers and/or choose specific ports. Step 9 co open Notepad.) Note: Some General MIDI sound cards offer digitized speech or sound effect capabilities. However, in 13. Open the AUTOEXEC.OSI file on your hard drive. most cases, you will need to use a second sound card such as a Sound Blaster, Sound Blaster Pro or a. Left-click on File, then on Open. 100% co mpatible sound card for digitized speech and effects. Review your sound card documentation b. Type c:\AUTOEXEC.051 in the box under File Name. or contact the manufacturer if you have any questions. c. Left-click OPEN. 14. Copy this file co the AUTOEXEC.BAT window inside the Advanced Program Settings screen, where you are setting up your shorrcur. a. Left-click on Edit and highlight Select All. b. Press @film to copy the contents of the screen.

12 13 TROUBLE 5 H 0 OT ING Q: Ultima VIII fails to load or run and generates an en·or code. Whats wrong with my game? A: Certain error messages can easily be incerpreted and remedied: C HECK ING YOUR INSTALLATION YOU MUST HAVE AT LEAST 3 MEGABYTES OF HARD DRIVE SPACE FREE. If you are having crouble wich Ultima VIII afcer inscallacion, you may use our incernal croubleshoocing Ultima VIII needs this much hard drive space co store saved games. Make more room on your hard drivt­ program. Go co che drive and direccory where Ultima VIII is installed (default: C:\ULTIMA8) and cype by delecing unused files or upgrade co a larger hard drive. US -TEST. NOT ENOUGH MEMORY TO RUN ULTIMA VIII PAGAN. The Tesc Screen appears wich informacion abouc your inscallacion and three menu columns. Use your mouse co pull down the menu called TEST. There are three options: TEST FILES, TEST MUSI and TEST You either do nor have 4 megs of RAM installed on your computer or coo much of your memory ha~ SFX (Sound Effeccs). been used by an expanded memory manager such as EMM386.EXE. See Creating a Boot Disk (p. 7) co make a boot disk. Check the incegricy of che files thac were installed co your hard drive by selecting TEST FILES. The pro­ gram checks each program file of Ultima VIII. If PASSED appears, your files should be stable. However, THE EXISTING MEMORY IS TOO FRAGMENTED. if che word FAJLED appears by any of che fi les lisced, you should reinstall che game from your disk. You have some piece of software (like a disk cache or an expanded memory manager) thac is fragment·. If you wane co hear both music and sound effects, and either of chese choices are gray, you'll need co ing coo much memory for Ultima VIII co use. See Creating a Boot Disk (p. 7) co make a boot disk co configure your sound card. See Changing Your Sound or Music Card Configuration (p. 6). solve this problem. Test your sound card(s) based on the opcions you selecced during installacion by choosing TEST MUSIC YOU MUST HAVE AT LEAST A 386. or TEST SFX. When you test chese options, you should hear a brief musical example or sound effect. If Ultima VIII will not run on 286 machines or IBM-XT compatibles. Though this game will work on <\ you do noc, your sound card is configured incorreccly or you have a conflict. A common situacion is chat 386 computer, we recommend an Incel486 processor (or better) for speed and playabilicy. your sound card and another peripheral device (such as a princer) are configured wich the same IRQ, YOU MUST HAVE A MOUSE DRIVER INSTALLED. I/O or DMA address. Reconfigure your sound card for the appropriace settings, or get furcher infor­ macion by consulcing your sound card documencacion or concaccing your sound card manufacturer. You must have a 100% compatible Microsoft mouse driver to play this game. See che nen Troubleshooting answer, below. Drag down co QUIT. To return co the DOS prompc when you are done, selecc QUIT TO DOS. If you wane to begin a game, selecc QUIT TO PAGAN. Q: My mottSe is not working with Ultima VIII . My mouse works with all of my other software appfi.. cations. Why not with Ultima VIII? COMMON QUESTIONS A: You should first check co see if your mouse has been loaded inco eicher DOS (in your Q: When I was installing Ultima VIIL I got the following error code. Whats wrong? AUTOEXEC.BAT or CONFIG.SYS file) or onto the boot disk chat you are using co play che game. HALTING: INTERNAL ERROR! If neither, it cannot interact with your game. Windows and many ocher "multi-casking" shell environ­ ments load their own built-in mouse driver. These mouse drivers will nor operate outside their shell WHERE: INSTALL.C- 248 environmenc. Loading a mouse driver inco the DOS environmenc can be as simple as cyping at the REASON: ERROR#OOOI command prompt (C:\>): A: This error message indicates thac you have a bad or corrupted CD. You should either ask for an MOUSE IEnterJ exchange wich che sofrware retailer from whom you purchased Ultima VIII, or review che warrancy A: Your mouse may not be 100% Microsoft compatible. information and call ORIGIN Produce Support. If you have Windows or DOS 6.0, you can edit rhe AUTOEXEC.BAT file by adding C:\WlNDOWS (01· DOS)\MOUSE and cyping REM ar the beginning of your previous mouse line.

14 15 If you have che disks co Windows 3. I, you can copy che mouse dciver. Check each disk's direccory (by Q: Ultima VIII CD rons slowly and occasionally locks up. ryping DIR) co find MOUSE.CO_. Copy it co your game direccory (ULTIMA8 is the default direccory). A: You may be loading other software that is nor compatible with Ulrima VIII CD. First, try running Then rype EXPAND C:\ULTIMA8\MOUSE.CO_ C:\ULTIMA8\MOUSE.COM. Lastly, add che line C:\ULTl­ rhe game from a boor disk. Refer co Creating a Boot Disk (p. 7). Also, you may nor be meeting all of MA8\MOUSE co your AUTO EXEC.BAT and rype REM ac the beginning of your previous mouse line. rhe necessary system requirements. 386SX and slower processors are nor compatible with this game. Q: Ultima VIII was playing perfectly fine, but Stlddenly it won't let me save. Why not? Refer co System Requirements at the beginning of this guide.

A: Ac some poinc since the lase cime you saved, you descroyed an icem or characcer necessary co the corn~ Q: Why ekes my game crash when I play Ultima VIII through Microsoft Wmdows or Windows NT, plecion of the game. You may continue withouc the save opcion or recurn co a previously saved game. IBM OS/2 or Desqview? Q: Why ekes my computer crash when I try to play Ultima VIII while I am logged into a local area net­ A: Multi-tasking environments such as these ofcen conflict with Ultima VII/in their use of memory and work (LAN)? other system resources. We do not recommend playing Ultima VIII under any of these circumstances. In general, we recommend chat you exit our of Windows (or similar applications) and play from the A: LAN software ofcen cries co cake over che same system resources that Ultima VIII uses. We recom­ DOS prompt. mend that you booc from a clean boor disk that does not load your LAN drivers. Please refer co Creating a Boot Disk (p. 7). Q· Ultima VIII still doem't work after I made a boot disk (or shortettt) and/or modified my CON­ FJG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BATfiles. Q· I have a 100% compatible sound card but I'm not getting any sound. Why not? A: Copy down rhe error code and information the computer displayed when it quit to DOS. Then or see ORIGIN Product Support, p. 18. Q· Ultima VIII says that it cannot find my sound card or that the sound initializ,ation failed. What's wrong? A: If your sound card is not one of the cards listed on the box or in the installation program, but is "100% compatible" with one of the cards listed, it may have co be put into "SB" (Sound Blaster) emu­ larion mode through its software or a switch setting on the card. Consult your sound card manual or its manufacturer. Q· My copy of Ultima VIII may be defective. Every time I play, it quits to DOS with an "Out of Memory" Error. A: This indicates that nor enough memory exisred co concinue game play. Make sure that you have enough free memory in either convencional/base RAM or extended memory (XMS). Use the DOS MEM command to determine how much free memory you have available. There must be at least 3,580,000 bytes free in convencional memory and XMS combined. Refer co Creating a Boot Disk (p. 7). Q: I have a 386 with 4 megabytes of memory, and the game is running very slowly. What can I do to speed it ttp?

A: Turn off animating irems in the Options section of the game's Diary. (Press~ during the game co bring up the diary, and lefc-click on OPTIONS. Then lefc-click on ANIMATIONS co make the check disap­ pear.) Adding memory (RAM) will also make the game run faster.

16 17 ORIGIN PRODUCT SUPPORT WARRANTY If, after reviewing Troubleshooting, you are still having a problem with your sofuvare, please read this section and call ORIGIN Systems, Inc. LIMITED 90 DAY WARRANTY us. We have a staff of product support technicians ready co help you with any problems you may encounter with the ORIGIN warrants to the original purchaser of this computer sofuvare product thar the recording medium on game. Today's PCs run with many different hardware and software combinations, so you may also have to refer co your computer dealer, hardware manufacturer, or system software publisher in order to properly configure their prod­ which the software programs are recorded will be free from defects in material and workmanship for 90 days from ucts to run with our game. When you do call us, if at all possible, be near your computer. If this is not possible, have the date of purchase. the following information ready: If che recording medium is found defective within 90 days of original purchase, ORIGIN agrees co replace, free of Contems of CONFIG.SYS charge, any such product upon receipt ac its Faccory crvice Center of che produce, postage paid, with proof of Contents of AUTOEXEC.BAT dare of purchase. This warranty is limited co che recording medium containing che sofuvare program originally DOS version and manufacturer The type and version of mouse driver provided by ORIGIN. This warranty shall nor be applicable and shall be void if the defect has arisen through The contents of CHKDSK and MEM IC statement abuse, mistreatment or neglect. Any implied warranties applicable to this produce are limited to the 90-day period Your CD-ROM drive type and CD-ROM extensions versions described above. If failure of the software product, in the judgment of ORIGIN, resulted from accident, abuse, The error message displayed when the problem occusred (if any) mistreatment of neglect, or if the recording medium should fail after che original 90-day warranty period has Brand of sound card, and IRQ. 110 address and OMA setting of that card expired, you may return the software progran1 co ORIGIN, at che address nored below, with a check or money Contact Origin Product Support at (512) 434-HELP (4357), Monday thsough Friday, between 9:00 am and 5 pm, order for $5.00 (U.S. currency). which includes postage and handling, and ORJG!N will mail a replacement co Central Standard lime. (The phones are hut down from 12:45 pm to 2 pm.) limes are subject to change. you. To receive a replacement, you should enclose the defective medium (including the original product label) in The ORIGIN fax number is (512) 795-8014. The Origin BBS can be reached at (512) 346-2BBS (2227) at 8 bit, no protective packaging accompanied by: (I) a $5.00 check (2) a brief statement describing che defect and (3) your parity, I stop bit. recurn address. Canada and Foreign Orders Nore: Only U.S. money orders are accepted. Or write to: Origin Customer Service 5918 West Courtyard Drive Except as set forth above, this warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, whether oral or written, express or implied, including any warrant of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and no other representation Austin, TX 78730 of claims of any nature shall be binding on or obligate ORIGIN. In no event will ORIGIN be liable for special, incidental or consequential damage resulting from possession, use or malfunction of this product, including dam­ ON-LINE SERVICES AND BULLETIN BOARDS age to property and to the extent permitted by law, damages for personal injury, even if ORIGIN has been advised Many popular online services provide access co ORIGIN company news, product updates, technical support and of the possibility for such damages. Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts game hints. In addition, ORIGIN has established its own electronic bulletin board as a customer service. and/or che exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation and/or exclusion America Online. You can e-mail Customer Support at ORIGIN CS or Marketing at 0 I. To reach our Customer or limitation of liability may not apply to you. This warranty gives yo u specific legal rights. You may have orher Support board in the Industry Connection, press @fil}KI for "Go to Keyword." Then type ORIGIN in the rights chat vary from state co state. Keyword window. In addition ro reading messages, you can download files from the Origin Software Library. For membership information and a free starter kit, you can call America Online toll-free at 1-800-827-6364. NOTICE CompuServe. To reach our Customer Support board in the Game Publishers Forum, type GO GAMAPUB at any ELECTRONIC ARTS RESERVE THE RJGHT TO MAKE IMPROVEMENTS IN THE PRODUCT "!" prompt. Then select the Origin Section (Section 12). In addition to reading the messages, you can download DESCRJBED IN THIS MANUAL AT ANY TIME AND WITHOUT NOTICE. files from the "Library Files" menu. To reach our Customer Service department by e-mail, our address is 76004,2612 (or you can posr a me sage in che Origin Game Publishers' Section). For membership information THIS MANUAL AND THE SOFTWARE DESCRIBED IN THIS MANUAL ARE COPYRJGHTED. ALL .111 d a free starter kit, you can call CompuServe coll-free at 1-800-848-8 199 and ask Representative #361 for your RJGHTS ARE RESERVED. NO PART OF THIS MANUAL OR THE DESCRIBED SOFTWARE MAY BE free introductory membership and $15 usage credit. COPIED, REPRODUCED, TRANSLATED, OR REDUCED TO ANY ELECTRONIC MEDIUM OR ORIGIN BBS. The ORIGIN BBS is located in Austin, Texas and has a modem support of: MACHINE-READABLE FORM WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITIEN CONSENT OF ELECTRONIC 300/ 1200/2400/9600/ I 4,400 bauds with N ,8, l. It is operational 24 houss a day, 7 days a week. Full support is ARTS, P. 0. BOX 7578, SAN MATEO, CALIFORNIA 94403-7578, ATIN: CUSTOMER SUPPORT. provided. Call I-5 l 2-346-2bbs (2227) co contact. No membership is required and che only cost is any long dis­ tance charges that you may incur. Internet. You can e-mail technical support and upgrade quesrions to ORIGIN Customer Support at support@ori­ You can reach che ORIGIN Marketing Department at [email protected]. You can also retrieve demos, patches, press releases and screen shots from ORIGIN's anonymous FTP site at ftp.ea.corn.

19 18 MANUAL ORDER FORM To order the printed manual, please send this form along with check or money order for $5.00 (US$ or drawn on US or Canadian bank).

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Ultima VIII If you need to contact us regarding the documentation, please call us at (415) 513-7555.


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