Primary Flexibility Butterfly demonstration Rock and roll demonstration Pre-forward bend demonstration Cobra demonstration Required Skills Strength Plank demonstration Superman demonstration Table top demonstration Wall sit demonstration Tuck jumps (3 in a ) Frog jumps (3 in a row) Crab walk (5 feet) Balancing Skills Right foot retiré demonstration Left foot retiré demonstration Rise on demi pointe demonstration Limbering Skills Ball pose Pike Tuck Straddle Stretch and flex feet Baby Tendu devant starting position, arms forward (right and left) Tendu to second ending position, arms in L position (right and left) Jazz second starting position (arms forward) Tumbling Skills Hollow position (arms down) Gallops (side) Gallops (front) Pre-cartwheel (right or left) Somersault Other Primary Bonus Skill Grooming Exam etiquette

© Acrobatic Arts 2011 Level 1 Flexibility Butterfly stretch demonstration Pre-forward bend (6 inches) Required Skills Square hip (right) Square hip exercise (left) Straddle stretch demonstration Articulated cobra demonstration Strength Plank, hold for 10 seconds Superman, hold for 10 seconds Table top, hold for 10 seconds V sit demonstration Wall sit, hold for 10 seconds Handstand facing the wall demonstration (pike) Hops right foot and left foot (5 in a row) Frog jumps (5 in a row) Balancing Skills Right foot retiré, hold for 5 seconds Left foot retiré, hold for 5 seconds Rise on demi pointe, hold for 5 seconds Limbering Skills Pike, Tuck, Straddle Stretch and flex feet Push up to bridge Tendu to second ending position with transfer of weight Tumbling Skills Hollow position (arms up) Log rolls L handstand (right and left) Step hop in retiré, continuous Rock and roll from standing, to standing (tuck) Level 1 Level Pre-cartwheel (right and left) Forward pike roll (ends in pike) Other Bonus Skill Grooming Exam etiquette

© Acrobatic Arts 2011 Level 2 Flexibility Pre-splits right (6 inches) Pre-splits left (6 inches) Pre-splits centre (6 inches) Pre-toes to head (6 inches) Required Skills Pre-forward bend (6 inches) Strength Plank, hold for 20 seconds Superman, hold for 20 seconds Table top, hold for 20 seconds V sit, hold for 20 seconds Upper body lifts (10 consecutive) Bridge, hold for 10 seconds Wall sit, hold for 20 seconds Handstand facing the wall (pike), hold for 10 seconds Balancing Skills Baby scorpion, hold for 5 seconds (right or left) Teddy bear stand, hold for 5 seconds Seated double leg hold, hold for 5 seconds Limbering Skills Articulated stretch and flex feet Walk down the wall to 1/2 bridge and walk up the wall to standing Kneeling half bridge Inside out table top (right and left) Bridge retiré (right and left) Bridge waving (right and left) Tumbling Skills Forward roll 2 consecutive straddle rolls Rock and roll from standing, to standing (candle) Cartwheel (right or left) Pre-handstand (right and left) Straight handstand (right or left) Other 2 Level Bonus Skill Grooming Exam etiquette

© Acrobatic Arts 2011 Level 3 Flexibility Pre-splits right (6 inches) Pre-splits left (6 inches) Pre-splits centre (6 inches) Pre-toes to head (6 inches) Required Skills Pre-forward bend (4 inches) Strength Plank, hold for 30 seconds Superman, hold for 30 seconds Table top, hold for 30 seconds V sit, hold for 30 seconds Upper body lifts (20 consecutive) Bridge, hold for 20 seconds Wall sit, hold for 30 seconds Handstand facing the wall (pike), hold for 20 seconds Balancing Skills Quarter scorpion, hold for 5 seconds (right and left) (tuck), hold for 10 seconds Seated double leg hold, hold for 10 seconds Limbering Skills Down to bridge Walk down the wall to bridge and walk up the wall to standing Bridge with transfer of weight Bridge with kick and jump (right and left) Inside out bridge (right and left) Bridge walking Bridge and kick over with a stack (right or left) Bridge retiré développé (right and left) Tumbling Skills Backward roll Cartwheel (right and left) Cartwheel from one knee (right or left) Straight handstand (right and left) Other 3 Level Bonus Skill Grooming Exam etiquette

© Acrobatic Arts 2011 Level 4 Flexibility Pre-splits right (4 inches) Pre-splits left (4 inches) Pre-splits centre (4 inches) Pre-toes to head (4 inches) Required Skills Pre-forward bend (4 inches) Shoulder stretch (touching) Strength Adjudicator's choice plank, hold for 40 seconds Superman, hold for 40 seconds Table top, hold for 40 seconds V sit, hold for 40 seconds Upper body lifts (25 consecutive) Bridge, hold for 25 seconds Wall sit, hold for 40 seconds Handstand facing the wall (straight), hold for 25 seconds Handstand shoulder shrugs, facing the wall (5 consecutive) Balancing Skills Half scorpion, hold for 5 seconds (right or left) Headstand (tuck), hold for 15 seconds Headstand (press to straddle), hold for 5 seconds Limbering Skills Bridge recover Bridge and kick over (right or left) Bridge prances (retiré) Bridge with straight legs Handstand to chest roll Handstand to bridge (right and left) Tumbling Skills Handstand to forward roll (right or left) One hand, close hand, cartwheel (right and left) Dive forward roll Chassé step hop retiré cartwheel (right and left) Other 4 Level Bonus Skill Grooming Exam etiquette

© Acrobatic Arts 2011 Level 5 Flexibility Pre-splits right (4 inches) Pre-splits left (4 inches) Pre-splits centre (4 inches) Pre-toes to head (4 inches) Required Skills Pre-forward bend (2 inches) Shoulder stretch (touching) Strength Adjudicator's choice plank, hold for 50 seconds Superman, hold for 50 seconds Table top, hold for 50 seconds V sit, hold for 50 seconds Upper body lifts (30 consecutive) Bridge, hold for 30 seconds Handstand facing the wall (straight), hold for 30 seconds Handstand shoulder shrugs, facing the wall (10 consecutive) Balancing Skills Half scorpion, hold for 5 seconds (right and left) Chest stand (legs straight/together), hold for 5 seconds Headstand (press straddle to straight), hold for 10 seconds stand (leg position optional), hold for 5 seconds Limbering Skills 16 count bridge recover Bridge and kick over (right and left) Bridge prances (straight) Bridge to Front limber (right and left) Arabian handstand to forward roll (straddle) Tumbling Skills One hand, far hand, cartwheel (right and left) Chassé step hop retiré pop cartwheel (right and left) Hurdle cartwheel rebound (right and left) Donkey kicks (5 continuous) Level 5 Level Other Bonus Skill Grooming Exam etiquette

© Acrobatic Arts 2011 Level 6 Flexibility Pre-splits right (2 inches) Pre-splits left (2 inches) Pre-splits centre (2 inches) Pre-toes to head (2 inches) Required Skills Pre-forward bend (2 inches) Shoulder stretch (grasp) Strength Superman, hold for 1 minute V sit, hold for 1 minute Upper body lifts (35 consecutive) Push up (1) Bridge, hold for 40 seconds Handstand facing the wall (straight), hold for 40 seconds Handstand shoulder shrugs, facing the wall (15 consecutive) Handstand shoulder touches, facing the wall (10 consecutive) Balancing Skills Headstand, show 2 leg positions, hold for 10 seconds each Chest stand (legs straight/together), hold for 10 seconds Forearm stand (leg position optional), hold for 10 seconds Leg hold, hold for 5 seconds (right or left) Half scorpion, hold for 10 seconds (right and left) Limbering Skills Bridge recover (3 in a row) Rocking bridges Bridge to chest roll Fish flop Arabian handstand to forward roll (pike) Tumbling Skills Flying cartwheel (right and left) Front walkover (right or left) Back walkover (right or left) Hurdle roundoff (right or left) Level 6 Level Other Bonus Skill Grooming Exam etiquette

© Acrobatic Arts 2011 Level 7 Flexibility Pre-splits right (2 inches) Pre-splits left (2 inches) Pre-splits centre (2 inches) Pre-toes to head (2 inches) Required Skills Full forward bend Shoulder stretch (grasp) Strength Bridge, hold for 1 minute V snaps (10 consecutive) Upper body lifts (40 consecutive) Push ups (3 consecutive) Handstand facing the wall (straight), hold for 1 minute Handstand shoulder shrugs, facing the wall (20 consecutive) Handstand shoulder touches, facing the wall (20 consecutive) Balancing Skills Headstand, show 3 leg positions, hold for 10 seconds each Chest stand, show 2 leg positions, hold for 5 seconds each Forearm stand (legs straight/together), hold for 10 seconds One arm shoulder stand (leg position optional), hold for 5 seconds Half scorpion, hold for 15 seconds (right and left) Leg hold, hold for 10 seconds (right and left) Limbering Skills Tick tock (right or left) Moon walkover from two knees (right or left) Arabian limber (straddle) Back Arabian limber Tumbling Skills Back roll extension Side aerial, optional entrance (right or left) Front walkover (right and left) Back walkover (right and left) Hurdle roundoff (right and left) Other 7 Level Bonus Skill Grooming Exam etiquette

© Acrobatic Arts 2011 Level 8 Flexibility Full splits right Full splits left Full splits centre Toes to head Required Skills Strength Handstand shoulder shrugs, facing the wall (25 consecutive) Handstand shoulder touches, facing the wall (20 consecutive) V snaps (15 consecutive) Upper body lifts with height (20 consecutive) Push ups (5 consecutive) Crocodile, hold for 5 seconds Straddle press, hold for 5 seconds Balancing Skills Chest stand, show 3 leg positions, hold 5 seconds each Handstand walking, 10 feet Forearm stand (legs straight/together), hold for 15 seconds One arm shoulder stand (legs optional), hold for 15 seconds Leg hold, hold for 20 seconds (right and left) Half scorpion, hold for 20 seconds (right and left) Limbering Skills Tick tock (right and left) Back walkover to chest roll (right or left) Chest roll to bridge Arabian limber (pike) Reverse illusion (right or left) Valdez (right or left) Tumbling Skills Front walkover from one knee (right or left) One hand, opposite hand, front walkover (right and left) Step hop, side aerial (right or left) 3 Continuous roundoffs with half turn (right or left) Standing back handspring Level 8 Level Other Bonus Skill Grooming Exam etiquette

© Acrobatic Arts 2011 Pre-Professional 1 Performance piece (15 points) Balancing Skills Handstand walking, 20 feet Headstand press to handstand (step out) Required Skills Handstand (leg position optional), hold for 5 seconds Forearm stand, show 2 leg positions, hold 10 seconds each One arm shoulder stand, 2 leg positions, hold 10 seconds each Limbering Skills Tick tock (3 in a row) (right and left) Back walkover to chest roll (right and left) Arabian front walkover from knees (straddle) (right or left) Scorpion (right or left) Reverse illusion (right and left) Valdez (right and left) Continuous chest rolls (3) to standing - Option A Tumbling Skills Flying front walkover (right and left) One hand, same hand, front walkover (right and left) Standing side aerial (right or left) Roundoff back handspring Back tuck, optional entrance - Option B Flexibility Full splits right Full splits left Full splits centre Toes to head Strength Handstand shoulder touches, facing the wall (30 consecutive) V snaps (20 consecutive) Upper body lifts with height (20 consecutive) Push ups (10 consecutive)

Crocodile, hold for 10 seconds 1 Pre Pro Straddle press, hold for 10 seconds Other Grooming Exam etiquette

© Acrobatic Arts 2011 Pre-Professional 2 Performance piece (20 points) Balancing Skills One arm shoulder stand, show 3 leg positions, hold 10 seconds each Combine 2 inverted balance skills, hold for 10 seconds each Required Skills Headstand press to handstand, front walkover (right or left) Handstand (leg position optional), hold for 10 seconds Forearm stand, show 3 leg positions, hold for 10 seconds each Handstand walking, 20 feet, 1/2 turn, 20 feet (2 leg positions) Limbering Skills Scorpion (right and left) One hand back walkover (right or left) Arabian front walkover from knees (pike) (right or left) One hand valdez (right or left) Rolling tinsica from kneeling to kneeling (right and left) Continuous chest rolls (3) to bridge holding ankles - Option A Tumbling Skills Step hop, front aerial (right or left) 2 continuous side aerials, optional entrance (right or left) Back handspring step out, optional entrance (right or left) Back layout step out, optional entrance - Option B Flexibility Over-splits right (2 inches) Over-splits left (2 inches) Full splits centre Toes to nose Strength Handstand shoulder touches, facing the wall (30 consecutive) V snaps (25 consecutive) Upper body lifts with height (25 consecutive) Push ups (15 consecutive) Crocodile, hold for 15 seconds Pike press, hold for 10 seconds Pre Pro 2 Pre Pro Other Grooming Exam etiquette

© Acrobatic Arts 2011 Pre-Professional 3 Performance piece (25 points) Balancing Skills Handstand walking, 20 feet (forward), full turn, 20 feet (backward) Handstand, show 2 leg positions, hold for 10 seconds each Required Skills Combine 3 inverted balance skills, hold for 10 seconds each Fish flop to chest stand, hold for 10 seconds Limbering Skills Continuous rolling tinsicas in one full circle (6) (right or left) Press Arabian front walkover (straddle) (right or left) Leg hold to back walkover (right or left) Full scorpion (right or left) Leg hold valdez (right or left) Back handspring to chest roll Full scorpion to inverted scorpion - Option A Tumbling Skills Standing front aerial (right or left) Side aerial, optional entrance (right and left) Cartwheel, double back handspring step out (right or left) Side aerial, back handspring, back layout step out - Option B Flexibility Over-splits right (4 inches) Over-splits left (4 inches) Full splits centre Toes to nose Strength Handstand shoulder touches, facing the wall (40 consecutive) V snaps (30 consecutive) Upper body lifts with height (30 consecutive) Push ups (20 consecutive) Crocodile, hold for 20 seconds Pike press, hold for 15 seconds Other Pre Pro 3 Pre Pro Grooming Exam etiquette

© Acrobatic Arts 2011