Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex 1 by Yū Kinutani Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex GN (2011-2014 Digest) comic books. This item is not in stock. If you use the "Add to want list" tab to add this issue to your want list, we will email you when it becomes available. Volume 1 - 1st printing. Story and art by Yu Kinutani. Stand Alone Complex takes place in the year 2030, in the fictional Japanese city of New Port. The story follows the members of Public Security Section 9, a special-operations task-force made up of former military officers and police detectives. The presents individual cases that Section 9 investigates, along with an ongoing, more serious investigation into the serial killer and hacker known only as "The Laughing Man." Softcover, 5-in. x 7-in., 200 pages, B&W. Cover price $10.99. Volume 1 - 2nd and later printings. Story and art by Yu Kinutani. Stand Alone Complex takes place in the year 2030, in the fictional Japanese city of New Port. The story follows the members of Public Security Section 9, a special-operations task-force made up of former military officers and police detectives. The manga presents individual cases that Section 9 investigates, along with an ongoing, more serious investigation into the serial killer and hacker known only as "The Laughing Man." Softcover, 5-in. x 7-in., 200 pages, B&W. Cover price $10.99. This item is not in stock. If you use the "Add to want list" tab to add this issue to your want list, we will email you when it becomes available. Volume 2 - 1st printing. "Episode 2: Testaion!" Story and art by Yu Kinutani. Stand Alone Complex takes place in the year 2030, in the fictional Japanese city of New Port. The story follows the members of Public Security Section 9, a special operations task force comprised of former military officers and police detectives. Based on the hit TV series. Softcover, 5-in. x 7-in., 200 pages, B&W. Cover price $10.99. This item is not in stock. If you use the "Add to want list" tab to add this issue to your want list, we will email you when it becomes available. Volume 3 - 1st printing. "Episode 3: Idolater!" Story and art by Yu Kinutani. Stand Alone Complex takes place in the year 2030, in the fictional Japanese city of New Port. The story follows the members of Public Security Section 9, a special operations task-force made up of former military officers and police detectives. The manga presents individual cases that Section 9 investigates, along with an ongoing, more serious investigation into the serial killer and hacker known only as "The Laughing Man." Softcover, 5-in. x 7-in., 200 pages, B&W. Cover price $10.99. This item is not in stock. If you use the "Add to want list" tab to add this issue to your want list, we will email you when it becomes available. Volume 4 - 1st printing. "Episode 4!" Story and art by Yu Kinutani. Stand Alone Complex takes place in the year 2030, in the fictional Japanese city of New Port. The story follows the members of Public Security Section 9, a special operations task-force made up of former military officers and police detectives. The manga presents individual cases that Section 9 investigates, along with an ongoing, more serious investigation into the serial killer and hacker known only as "The Laughing Man." Softcover, 5-in. x 7-in., 208 pages, B&W. Cover price $10.99. This item is not in stock. If you use the "Add to want list" tab to add this issue to your want list, we will email you when it becomes available. Volume 5 - 1st printing. Story and art by Yu Kinutani. Stand Alone Complex takes place in the year 2030, in the fictional Japanese city of New Port. The story follows the members of Public Security Section 9, a special-operations task-force made up of former military officers and police detectives. The manga presents individual cases that Section 9 investigates, along with an ongoing, more serious investigation into the serial killer and hacker known only as "The Laughing Man." Softcover, 5-in. x 7-in., 200 pages, B&W. Cover price $10.99. Customer Testimonials Our customers have some nice things to say about us: Customer Testimonials Mailing List Join our Mailing List for news and sales. We’ve been selling comics since 1961 (our first sale: Fantastic Four #1 at $0.25, see one of our first ads) and on the web since 1996. Copyright © 1996 - 2021 Lone Star Comics Inc. Character images copyright © their respective owners. Eksklusiivne: Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex liitub ComiXology Unlimitediga. Enne filmi saabumist saavad fännid nautida ComiXology Unlimitedis rohkem kiidetud Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex mangat. Alates selle loomisest 1989. aastal Kummitus kestas , küberpungi saagast on saanud üks populaarsemaid mangalugusid maailmas. Esimene anime kohandamine saabus 1995. aastal kriitikute heakskiidu saamiseks, mis kujutas major Motoko Kusanagi ja tema kohortide 21. sajandi keskpaiga fantastilist teekonda eliidi terrorismivastases jõudus, avaliku julgeoleku 9. osas. Selle kuu lõpus peaks Hollywoodi ametlik mugandus jõudma kinodesse kogu maailmas, tutvustades kinokülastajatele uut eelarveülekannet, ulmekirjandust. Need, kes on uudishimulikud väljamõeldud düstoopilises Niihama linnas seatud põnevust pakkuvast frantsiisist, saavad juba enne filmi maandumist 31. märtsil sirvida mitu klassikalise mangasarja köidet. Fännidel, kes soovivad seeriasse süveneda, on õnne, sest nad saavad nüüd jälgida 9. jao edasisi ärakasutamisi, nagu algselt telesaagas öeldi, Kummitus kestas: üksi seisev kompleks äsja välja antud veebivormingus . Kodansha Comics teatab eksklusiivse Screen Rantiga kahe esimese (viiest) köite turule toomisest, kogudes kokku tõlkeversiooni Stand Alone Complex comiXology Unlimitedi kohta. Kummitus fanaatikud ja huvilised, kes soovivad filmi kohta rohkem teada saada, võivad suunduda ComiXology Unlimited - mis pakub tasuta ühe kuu prooviperioodi (vastasel juhul on liikmelisus vaid 5,99 dollarit kuus). Alates tänasest saavad fännid järele jõuda major Motoko ja tema eliitsalkade edasistele seiklustele, kui nad tabavad tabamatut sarimõrvarit. Heitke pilk allpool olevale SAC-i kokkuvõttele: Stand Alone Complex toimub aastal 2030 väljamõeldud Jaapani linnas Uus sadam. Lugu jälgib avaliku julgeoleku 9. osa liikmeid, mis on erioperatsioonide rakkerühm, mis koosneb endistest sõjaväeametnikest ja politseidetektiividest. Manga esitab üksikjuhtumeid, mida 9. jaos uurib, koos käimasoleva ja tõsisema uurimisega sarimõrvari ja häkkerite suhtes, mida tuntakse ainult nime „Naerev mees”. Hankige ka siseruumide eksklusiivne eelvaade Kummitus kestas: iseseisev kompleks , samuti kunstnik Yu Kinutani tegelaskujundused: [vn_gallery name = 'Kummitus kestas: SAC 1. ja 2. peatükk, eksklusiivne eelvaade' ] Loodud legendaarse manga looja Masamune Shirow poolt Kummitus kestas räägib keerukast ja intellektuaalsest saagast küborgi politseinikust, kes üritab nurjata ohtlikku häkkerit, kes on võimeline imbuma meie meeltesse. Millal Kummitus kestas: iseseisev kompleks ilmus 2002. aastal, laienes telesaade populaarse 9. jao narratiivile, jätkates Majori ja tema kohortide seiklusi. ComiXology Unlimitedis saadaval oleva sarja mangatöötluse joonistas kunstnik Yu Kinutani. Looja Kummitus kestas: iseseisev kompleks Kinutani Manga-muganduses arutati hiljuti tema armastust saaga ja selle kultuurilise mõju üle, mis viis tulevasse filmi: Mis tunne oli töötada manga kallal Kummitus kestas: iseseisev kompleks ? Kummitus kestas: iseseisev kompleks oli Jaapani tele-animatsiooni ajaloo üks monumentaalsemaid teoseid. Iga episood oli lõplik lugu, kuid kogu seerias oli mitu süžeeliini, mis tegi kogu loo väga tihedaks. Ka režissööri Kenji Kamiya pooldatud iseseisva kompleksi kontseptsioon lõi kogu sarja jooksul värske ja sügava filosoofilise teema. Ma tegin manga, lootes täiendada selle maailmavaadet GITS: SAC anime ja näha seda teisest vaatenurgast. Kuidas teile tundub Kummitus kestas Hollywoodi filmiks saamine? Minu arvates on imeline, et Jaapani suurepärase koomiksikunstniku Shirow Masamune loodud lähituleviku ulme kohandub Hollywoodi filmiks ja seda vaadatakse kogu maailmas. Olen selle üle üsna õnnelik. Kõik kommentaarid saidi fännidele GITS välismaal? kes suri kõndivate surnute kartuses. Maailma Kummitus kestas saab nautida nii mitmel moel, olgu siis Shirow Masamune originaalse graafilise romaani, animatsioonitöötluste, animatsioonisarjal põhinevate koomiksite, videomängude ja eelseisva Hollywoodi filmi kaudu. Kui saaksite nautida minu mangat selle maailma osana, oleksin väga austatud. Aitäh. Filmi ja filmi debüüdi vahel Kummitus kestas: iseseisev kompleks comiXology Unlimitedis võiks klassikaline manga frantsiis meelitada igasuguseid uusi vaatajaskondi. Lisaks otseülekandele ja traditsioonilisematele vormingutele paljastas Kodansha hiljuti 2018. aastal saabuva antoloogia (via CBR ), pealkirjaga Kummitus kestas: ülemaailmne närvivõrk. Kogutud lugudes osalevad paljud andekad lääne kunstnikud ja kirjanikud, et uurida lähituleviku valdkonda rohkem. Kuna nii palju uut materjali on teel, on uutel põlvkondadel palju potentsiaali selle põneva ja provokatiivse loo avastamiseks. ComiXology Unlimited: märts 2017 liitmised / lahutamised. LISAD: A & A: Archer & Armstrongi seiklused Vol. Rafer Roberts ja David Lafuente (Valiant Entertainment) 1 ja nr 1 - # 4. Klass: Demi-Human 1. köide, autorid Sakurai Gamon, Miura Tsuina, Sakurai Gamon ja Miura Tsuina (Kodansha Comics) ELUS 1. köide, autor Tadashi Kawashima (Kodansha Comics) Baltimore Vol. 1-2 - Christopher Golden, Mike Mignola ja Ben Stenbeck (Dark Horse Comics) Koomiksiraamat Koomiksite ajalugu # 1- # 2 Fred Van Lente ja Ryan Dunlavey (IDW Publishing) Creeple Peeple # 2- # 3 Matt Anderson, Patrick D. Pidgeon ja Tim Patrick Lattie (IDW Publishing) Küberiinid # 1 Joe Martino, RJ Micheals, Cory Hamscher ja Pow Rodrix (Red Anvil Comics) Dean Koontzi Frankenstein: tormihoog Dean Koontz, Chuck Dixon, Rik Hoskin ja Andres Ponce (Dynamite) ja nr 1 - # 6. Dorothy Oz Prequelist # 3 - # 4, autorid David Tipton ja Blair Shedd (Dynamite) Felony koomiksid # 2- # 3, autorid Josh Burggraf, Harris Smith, Amy Searles ja erinevad (Negative Pleasure Publications) Gakueni prints 1. köide, autor Jun Yuzuki (Kodansha Comics) Kummitus kestas: iseseisev kompleks 1-2. Köide, autor Yu Kinutani (Kodansha Comics) Kuningas: fantoom # 1- # 4, autorid Brian Clevinger ja Brent Schoonover (Dynamite) Legend mantamajidest Eric Dean Seatoni, Brandon Palase ja Andrew Dalhouse'i 1. raamat (meelelahutus) Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: roosa # 1- # 2 autorid Brenden Fletcher, Kelly Thompson ja Daniele Di Nicuolo (BOOM! Studios) Öökullitüdrukud # 1 Robert J. Sodaro, Rachele Aragno ja Dave Ryan (Red Anvil Comics) Patricia Briggsi Alpha & Omega: Nutuhunt Vol. 1 ja nr 1 - # 8 Patricia Briggs, David Lawrence ja Jordan Gunderson (Dynamite) Kiskja: elu ja surm kollektsioon ja nr 1 - nr 4, autorid Dan Abnett ja Brian Thies (Dark Horse Comics) Printsessi ülestõusmine 1. köide, autor Yasunori Mitsunaga (Kodansha Comics) Kõrvitsa käärid Ryotaro Iwanaga (Kodansha Comics) 1. köide. Varjuleek # 1- # 2 Joe Martino (Red Anvil Comics) Star Trek (2011–2016) Vol. 3 autorid: Mike Johnson, Claudia Balboni ja Stephen Molnar (IDW Publishing) Street Fighter II Vol. 1 ja # 0- # 6 autorid Ken Siu-Chong, Alvin Lee ja Arnold Tsang (UDON) Mall: Quinton Milesi ja Andres Quezada (QAM! Koomiksid) esimene esimene hooaeg. Varjatud GN autor Richard Sala (Fantagraphics) Vinland Saaga Makoto Yukimura (Kodansha Comics) 1. köide. Iseseisvussõda # 1- # 2 Dave Ryan, Franchesco! ja Dave Ryan (Red Anvil Comics) Yozakura kvartett 1. köide, autor Suzuhito Yasuda (Kodansha Comics) PILT 25 Lisandid saadaval esmaspäeval, 6. märtsil. Manhattani projektid Deluxe Edition Vol. 1-2, Vol. 1-6 ja # 1- # 25 autorid Jonathan Hickman ja Nick Pitarra (pildikoomiksid) Manhattani projektid: Päike tähtede taga # 1- # 4 Jonathan Hickman ja Nick Pitarra (pildikoomiksid) Pax Romana Vol. 1 ja nr 1 - nr 4 Jonathan Hickman (pildikoomiksid) Mõõk Complete Deluxe Edition, kd 1-4 ja # 1- # 24 ning Jonathan Luna ja Joshua Luna (pildikoomiksid) EEMALDAMISED: Hüljatud autod GN autor Tim Lane (Fantagraphics) Athos Ameerikas GN, autor Jason (Fantagraphics) Surnud tilk kogu ja # 1- # 4 autorid Ales Kot ja Adam Gorham (Valiant Entertainment) Dean Koontzi Frankenstein: kadunud poeg # 1 - # 5 Dean Koontz, Chuck Dixon ja Brett Booth (Dynamite) Hitt: 1957 # 1- # 2 Bryce Carlson ja Vanesa R. Del Rey (BOOM! Studios) Ma ei saa sellest aru GN Shannon Wheeler (BOOM! Studios) Ma ütlesin sulle nii GN Shannon Wheeler (BOOM! Studios) Kuningas: Flash Gordon # 1- # 4 autorid Ben Acker, Ben Blacker ja Lee Ferguson (dünamiit) Madal Kuu GN, autor Jason (Fantagraphics) Öine kalamees GN, autor R. Kikuo Johnson (Fantagraphics) Patricia Briggsi halastus Thompson: kojutulek kollektsioon ja # 1- # 4 Patricia Briggs, David Lawrence ja Amelia Woo (Dynamite) Potteri väli kollektsioon ja # 1- # 3 Mark Waid ja Paul Azaceta (BOOM! Studios) tänavavõitleja # 1 - # 6 Ken Siu-Chong, Kaare Andrews, Joy Ang, Hanna Chen, Hyung-Tae Kim ja mitmed teised (UDON) Naasmine # 1 autorid Jason Starr ja Andrea Mutti (BOOM! Studios) Exklusivt: Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex går med i ComiXology Unlimited. Innan filmen kommer kan fansen njuta av mer av den hyllade Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex manga på ComiXology Unlimited. Sedan starten 1989, Spöke i skalet har cyberpunk-sagan blivit en av de mest populära mangahistorierna i världen. Den första anime-anpassningen anlände 1995 till kritikerros och skildrade den fantastiska resan från mitten av 2000-talet för major Motoko Kusanagi och hennes kohorter i elitbekämpningsbekämpningsstyrkan, sektion 9 för allmän säkerhet. I slutet av denna månad är den officiella Hollywood-anpassningen planerad att anlända till teatrar världen över och introducerar biografdeltagarna till en ny värld av förundran i den stora budgeten, science fiction-bolag. De nyfikna på den spännande, actionfyllda serien i den fiktiva dystopiska Niihama City kan redan bläddra igenom flera volymer av den klassiska mangaserien innan filmen landar den 31 mars. Men fans som vill gräva djupare i serien har tur, eftersom de nu kan följa det vidare utnyttjandet av avsnitt 9, som ursprungligen berättade i tv- sagan, Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex i ett nyligen släppt onlineformat . I en Screen Rant-exklusiv tillkännager Kodansha Comics lanseringen av de första två (av fem) volymerna och samlar den översatta versionen av Fristående komplex på comiXology Unlimited. Spöke fanatiker och de som är intresserade av att ta reda på mer om filmen kan gå till ComiXology Obegränsad - som erbjuder en gratis testperiod på en månad (annars kostar medlemskapet bara 5,99 USD per månad). Från och med idag kan fans fånga upp ytterligare äventyr från Major Motoko och hennes elitgrupp när de spårar upp en svårfångad seriemördare. Ta en titt på SAC- sammanfattningen nedan: Fristående komplex äger rum år 2030 i den fiktiva japanska staden New Port. Berättelsen följer medlemmarna i avsnitt 9 för allmän säkerhet, en specialstyrka som består av tidigare militärtjänstemän och polisdetektiver. Mangaen presenterar enskilda fall som avsnitt 9 undersöker, tillsammans med en pågående, allvarligare utredning om seriemördaren och hackaren som bara är känd som 'The Laughing Man'. Få också en exklusiv förhandsvisning av interiören från Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex , liksom karaktärsdesign från konstnären Yu Kinutani: [vn_gallery name = 'Ghost In The Shell: SAC Chapter 1 and 2 Exclusive Preview' ] Skapad av den legendariska mangaskaparen Masamune Shirow, Spöke i skalet berättar en komplex och intellektuell saga om en cyborgsman som försöker motverka en farlig hackare som kan infiltrera våra själar. När Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex släpptes 2002 utvidgade tv- showen den populära berättelsen om avsnitt 9, vilket främjade majorens och hennes kohorters äventyr. Manga-anpassningen av serien tillgänglig på comiXology Unlimited ritades av konstnären Yu Kinutani. Skapare av Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex Manga-anpassning, Kinutani, diskuterade nyligen sin kärlek till sagan, liksom dess kulturella inverkan, vilket ledde till den kommande filmen: Hur var det att arbeta med mangan Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex ? Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex var ett av de mest monumentala verken i TV-animationens historia i Japan. Varje avsnitt var en avgörande historia, men det fanns flera plotlinjer genom hela serien, vilket gjorde den övergripande historien väldigt tät. Även begreppet Stand Alone Complex som förespråkats av regissören Kenji Kamiya skapade ett nytt och djupt filosofiskt tema genom hela serien. Jag gjorde mangan i hopp om att komplettera världsbilden för GITS: SAC och se den från ett annat perspektiv. Hur känner du om Spöket i skalet bli en Hollywood-film? Jag tycker att det är underbart att den närmaste framtida science- fiction skapad av den stora japanska seriekonstnären Shirow Masamune blir anpassad till en Hollywood-film och att den kommer att ses över hela världen. Jag är ganska glad över det. Eventuella kommentarer till fans av GITS utomlands? kamratskapet av ringen utökad vs teatralisk. Världen av Spöket i skalet kan avnjutas på så många sätt, antingen genom den ursprungliga grafiska romanen av Shirow Masamune, animationsanpassningarna, serierna baserade på animationsserien, videospel och den kommande Hollywood-filmen. Om du kan njuta av min manga som en del av den världen skulle jag bli mycket hedrad. Tack. Mellan filmen och debuten av Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex på comiXology Unlimited kan den klassiska mangafranchisen locka alla möjliga nya publik. Förutom live action och mer traditionella format avslöjade Kodansha nyligen en kommande antologi som anlände 2018 (via CBR ), med titeln Ghost in the Shell: Global Neural Network. De samlade berättelserna kommer att innehålla många begåvade västerländska artister och författare för att utforska mer av den närmaste framtiden. Med så mycket nytt material på väg finns det mycket potential för nya generationer att upptäcka denna spännande och provocerande berättelse. ComiXology Unlimited: tillägg / subtraktioner från mars 2017. TILLÄGG: A&A: The Adventures of Archer & Armstrong Vol. 1 och # 1- # 4 av Rafer Roberts och David Lafuente (Valiant Entertainment) Klass: Demi-Human Vol. 1 av Sakurai Gamon, Miura Tsuina, Sakurai Gamon och Miura Tsuina (Kodansha Comics) VID LIV Vol. 1 av Tadashi Kawashima (Kodansha Comics) Baltimore Vol. 1-2 av Christopher Golden, Mike Mignola och Ben Stenbeck (Dark Horse Comics) Serietidning Serietidningar # 1- # 2 av Fred Van Lente och Ryan Dunlavey (IDW Publishing) Creeple Peeple # 2- # 3 av Matt Anderson, Patrick D. Pidgeon och Tim Patrick Lattie (IDW Publishing) Cyberiner # 1 av Joe Martino, RJ Micheals, Cory Hamscher och Pow Rodrix (Red Anvil Comics) Dean Koontz Frankenstein: Storm Surge samling och # 1- # 6 av Dean Koontz, Chuck Dixon, Rik Hoskin och Andres Ponce (Dynamite) Dorothy of Oz Prequel # 3- # 4 av David Tipton och Blair Shedd (Dynamite) Felony Comics # 2- # 3 av Josh Burggraf, Harris Smith, Amy Searles och Various (Negative Pleasure Publications) Gakuen Prince Vol. 1 av Jun Yuzuki (Kodansha Comics) Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex Vol. 1-2 av Yu Kinutani (Kodansha Comics) King: Phantom # 1 # 4 av Brian Clevinger och Brent Schoonover (Dynamite) Legenden om Mantamaji Bok 1 av Eric Dean Seaton, Brandon Palas och Andrew Dalhouse ('And. Action!' Entertainment) Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Pink # 1 # 2 av Brenden Fletcher, Kelly Thompson och Daniele Di Nicuolo (BOOM! Studios) Ugglor # 1 av Robert J. Sodaro, Rachele Aragno och Dave Ryan (Red Anvil Comics) Patricia Briggs Alpha & Omega: Cry Wolf Vol. 1 och # 1- # 8 av Patricia Briggs, David Lawrence och Jordan Gunderson (Dynamite) Rovdjur: Liv och död samling och # 1- # 4 av Dan Abnett och Brian Thies (Dark Horse Comics) Princess Resurrection Vol. 1 av Yasunori Mitsunaga (Kodansha Comics) Pumpa sax Vol. 1 av Ryotaro Iwanaga (Kodansha Comics) Shadowflame # 1- # 2 av Joe Martino (Red Anvil Comics) Star Trek (2011-2016) Vol. 3 av Mike Johnson, Claudia Balboni och Stephen Molnar (IDW Publishing) Street Fighter II Vol. 1 och # 0- # 6 av Ken Siu-Chong, Alvin Lee och Arnold Tsang (UDON) Mall: Den fullständiga första säsongen av Quinton Miles och Andres Quezada (QAM! Comics) Det gömda GN av Richard Sala (Fantagraphics) Vol. 1 av Makoto Yukimura (Kodansha Comics) Independent War # 1- # 2 av Dave Ryan, Franchesco! och Dave Ryan (Red Anvil Comics) Yozakura Quartet Vol. 1 av Suzuhito Yasuda (Kodansha Comics) BILD 25 Tillägg tillgängliga måndagen den 6 mars. Manhattan-projekten Deluxe Edition Vol. 1-2, Vol. 1-6 och # 1- # 25 av Jonathan Hickman och Nick Pitarra (Image Comics) The Manhattan Projects: The Sun Beyond the Stars # 1- # 4 av Jonathan Hickman och Nick Pitarra (Image Comics) Pax Romana Vol. 1 och # 1- # 4 av Jonathan Hickman (Image Comics) Svärdet Komplett Deluxe Edition, Vol. 1-4, och nr 1- # 24 och Jonathan Luna och Joshua Luna (Image Comics) BORTTAGNINGAR: Övergivna bilar GN av Tim Lane (Fantagraphics) Athos i Amerika GN av Jason (Fantagraphics) Hemligt kommunikationssätt samling och # 1- # 4 av Ales Kot och Adam Gorham (Valiant Entertainment) Dean Koontz Frankenstein: Prodigal Son # 1- # 5 av Dean Koontz, Chuck Dixon och Brett Booth (Dynamite) Träff: 1957 # 1 # 2 av Bryce Carlson och Vanesa R. Del Rey (BOOM! Studios) Jag förstår det inte GN Shannon Wheeler (BOOM! Studios) Jag sa det till dig GN Shannon Wheeler (BOOM! Studios) King: Flash Gordon # 1- # 4 av Ben Acker, Ben Blacker och Lee Ferguson (Dynamite) Lågmåne GN av Jason (Fantagraphics) Night Fisher GN av R. Kikuo Johnson (Fantagraphics) Patricia Briggs Mercy Thompson: Homecoming samling och # 1- # 4 av Patricia Briggs, David Lawrence och Amelia Woo (Dynamite) Potter's Field samling och # 1 # 3 av Mark Waid och Paul Azaceta (BOOM! Studios) gatukämpe # 1- # 6 av Ken Siu-Chong, Kaare Andrews, Joy Ang, Hanna Chen, Hyung-Tae Kim och diverse (UDON) Det återkommande # 1 av Jason Starr och Andrea Mutti (BOOM! Studios) Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex Vol. 1 by Yū Kinutani. Get Ebook PDF online Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex Vol. 1. Explore a new genre. Burn through a whole series in a weekend. Let Grammy award-winning narrators transform your commute. Broaden your horizons with an entirelibrary, all your own. Stand Alone Complex takes place in the year 2030, in the fictional Japanese city of New Port. The story follows the members of Public Security Section 9, a special-operations task-force made up of former military officers and policedetectives. The manga presents individual cases that Section 9 investigates, along with an ongoing, more serious investigation into the serial killer and hacker known only as “The Laughing Man.” When a high-ranking government official iskidnapped, the Prime Minister must call in his top crime fighting force known as Section 9. Lead by the beautiful (and deadly) Major Kusanagi, the cybernetically enhanced squad must use all their skill to take down the kidnappers andrescue the hostages. But that’s only half of the mission; can Kusanagi and company find out who’s behind the kidnapping, and, more importantly, just what they’re after? Find out in this thrilling first volume of The Ghost in the Shell:Stand Alone Complex! Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex Vol. 1 by Yū Kinutani. Tags: Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex Vol. 1 by Yū Kinutani Free download, epub, docs, New York Times, ppt, audio books, Bloomberg, #NYT, books to read, good books to read, cheap books, good books, online books, books online,book reviews, read books online, books to read online, online library, greatbooks to read, best books to read, top books to read Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex Vol. 1 by Yū Kinutani books to read online. Ghost in the Shell. Public Security Section 9 is an elite special ops unit that works directly under the control of the Prime Minister. They've been called in to rescue a high-ranking government official from a hostage situation. But something doesn't seem right to Major Motoko Kusanagi. After some investigating, Section 9 uncovers a major espionage plot, and it's up to them to prevent a major international incident. EP 2 Testation. Kenbishi Heavy Industries has built a state-of-the-art multiped tank. There's only one problem--it's gone haywire and started moving on its own. Section 9 is called in to stop it, as the Self Defense Force will not get involved. Now, it's up to Motoko, Batou, and the rest of Section 9 to stop the tank and figure out what made it go berserk in the first place. EP 3 Android and I. Across Japan, a number of old JRL type Androids (called "Jeris") are destroying themselves. Section 9 is called in to investigate this mass "robot suicide" because of a potential link to another, more dangerous case. The clues lead them to a jealous owner who may have taken his Jeri too much to heart, but what is his ultimate plan? EP 4 Intercepter. While working late, Togusa gets a call from one of his colleagues from his days on the police force. It seems that he's uncovered something strange happening with the investigators in the Laughing Man Unit, a special task force formed to catch the infamous cyber criminal known only as the Laughing Man. But before he can meet with Togusa, he's killed in a car accident. Now, Togusa only has an envelope full of seemingly random photos to go on--can he put the pieces of the puzzle together? EP 5 Decoy. The Laughing Man, having returned after a six-year absence, threatens to assassinate the Superintendent-General of the police. Everyone is in an uproar over his return. Aramaki, however, thinks it's a cover-up. He briefs Section 9 on the prime suspect, Nanao=A, an incredibly gifted programmer who developed the micro-machines that are currently the foundation of Serano Industries. Still, it's just too perfect. The team splits up and investigates. EP 6 Meme. As Togusa and Bato track down Nanao, Motoko and Paz are attempting to protect the Superintendent-General at a press conference about the police misuse of interceptors. When the virus does hit, Motoko and Paz have to act fast to save the intended victim. Meanwhile, the road to Nanao=A hits a dead end. EP 7 Idolater. Section 9 is on the trail of Marcelo Jarti, a South American revolutionary hero who has arrived in Japan. However, Jarti is a hard man to catch because he employs look-alikes to deceive people. Nevertheless, Section 9 is convinced that the one they're tracking is the real thing, and after a rather out-of-control gunbattle in an upscale hotel, they track him to an old warehouse. When they split up, Togusa, Batou, and Motoko each encounter Jarti--at the same time! EP 8 Missing Hearts. Motoko's friend Courtin asks her to come to the hospital where she works. It seems a little girl just received a heart transplant, but the donor's family doesn't remember ever agreeing to donate the heart. Seeing the little girl reminds Motoko of her own past. When she mentions this story to Aramaki, he tells them to determine if this is tied to a ring of black-market organ smugglers supposedly run by the mafia. EP 9 Chat! Chat! Chat! Motoko enters into an online chat room devoted to the Laughing Man to see if she can find any new information on him. What she discovers is a spirited debate among the self-proclaimed "fans" of the Laughing Man, but very little hard evidence. EP 10 Jungle Cruise. The CIA arrives in Japan with a request to help them hunt down a serial killer. The killer, a former CIA operative, has recently gone rogue and has turned up in Japan. He is an especially brutal killer, preferring to skin his victims alive in the pattern of a T-shirt. This sparks an odd reaction in Batou, and his normally laid-back demeanor is replaced with one of furious determination. What is the link between Batou and this man? EP 11 Portraitz. Togusa goes undercover at a hospital for patients with Closed Cyberbrain Syndrome, a hospital completely cut off from communication with the outside world. Disguised as a staff worker, he learns that the patients' unique conditions make them exceptional at programming and hacking defense barrier programs. EP 12 Escape From. One of the Tachikomas decides to take a little stroll through the city. It meets a little girl, Miki, who is searching for her lost dog and it agrees to help her. On their journey, the Tachikoma finds a strange box. After the adventure with Miki is over and the Tachikoma returns home, the members of Section 9 discover the box, and find that within it is a movie theater that contains the Ghosts of all those who saw the movie. Will Motoko be the next victim? EP 13 Not Equal. In a briefing, Aramaki shows a photo of a girl who looks like Eka Tokura, the daughter of Tokura Electronics, who was kidnapped 16 years ago. But there's one problem--the photo was taken two days ago! When a team of special operatives was sent in, all contact was lost. Section 9 is assigned to go in and determine what's really going on. EP 14 YES. The Chinese government contacts Section 9 to let them know that an assassin may have entered Japan to kill a famous reclusive millionaire. Despite their considerable efforts, however, Section 9 is unable to contact him to warn him, so they go directly to his residence. Unfortunately, a female cyborg assassin named Fem has arrived first. Now it's a showdown between the Major and Fem, and a man's life hangs in the balance. EP 15 Machines Desirantes. The Major has become worried about the Tachikomas. It appears that their AIs have developed much more quickly and in ways that were not anticipated; they have begun speaking about their "individuality". Worried, the Major calls Batou to a meeting; the Tachikomas, having suspicions of their own, attempt to eavesdrop on their conversation. What will be the fate of Section 9's Tachikomas? EP 16 Ag20. Batou goes undercover on a military base to shadow one of his former heroes, a man named Zaitsev who was an Olympic silver medalist. Now, however, he's under suspicion of espionage. Batou befriends him easily, and the two really seem to get along--which is unusual for Batou. But when Batou learns the truth behind his hero, he must make a very difficult decision. EP 17 Angel's Share. While at an international police conference in London, Aramaki drops by to visit an old flame who's now in the wine brokering business. She asks him to help her put a stop to the corruption in her company, but he tells her that it's out of his jurisdiction. Just then, however, two thieves break into the building and take them hostage. With a corrupt police official on the outside, it's up to Aramaki to keep them alive and buy enough time for the Major to figure out what's going on. EP 18 Lost Heritage. Aramaki attends the funeral of an old war buddy, and is greeted by his departed friend's daughter. She tells him that her brother is acting very strangely, and she fears that he may be up to something illegal. Aramaki sympathizes, but says there's nothing he can do legally. Later, Section 9 is assigned the task of protecting the Chinese Foreign Minister from being assassinated. And when they start searching for suspects, the son of Aramaki's friend is at the top of the list! EP 19 Captivated. Section 9's next case is a rash of mass-kidnappings. Rumor has it that a crime syndicate is harvesting organs and selling them on the black market. As they research the case, they realize that time is running out. If they don't find the kidnapped girls soon, it will be too late. And to make matters worse, there's a Russian cyborg operative who has gone rogue and is now working for the syndicate. EP 20 Re-View. Togusa is on the trail of the Laughing Man again, and this time, his investigations lead him towards both a leading micromachine corporation and an NGO called the Sunflower Society. As he visits with one of the officers of the Sunflower Society, however, the building is attacked by especially well-armed troops! EP 21 Eraser. After being shot, Togusa's in the hospital and about to go into surgery, but he is desperate to pass on what he's learned to the rest of Section 9. As Togusa fights for his life, the rest of Section 9 takes over the case, but others within the government have learned of the investigation and are not happy. A special forces unit is dispatched to intercept them with a state-of-the-art Armed Suit. EP 22 Scandal. Motoko is about to be fitted for her new prosthetic body. But when the doctor arrives and begins the procedure, it's clear that she has no intent of letting Motoko out alive. With Motoko's friend Courtin waiting outside and unaware of what's going on, Motoko must fight for her life. Meanwhile, Aramaki receives a disturbing message that his brother has been kidnapped. EP 23 Equinox. The Laughing Man returns! And, just as he did six years ago, he kidnaps the president of Serano Genomics without being detected. Section 9 arrives at Serano's house too late, and sets out to find him. The Laughing Man and Mr. Serano discuss what happened six years ago, and why Mr. Serano hasn't fulfilled his promise. This time, however, things are going to be different, with or without Serano's help. EP 24 Annihilation. The government orders Section 9 disbanded. Aramaki is taken away, and Togusa is arrested. Motoko assembles the remaining team members at HQ for one final mission. They prepare for a full-scale assault while Elite troopers and Armed Suits descend on Section 9 HQ. EP 25 Barrage. Despite their best efforts, the remaining members of Section 9 are rounded up one by one by the government forces. Only Batou and Motoko are left. Batou goes to Motoko's apartment, even though he's sure its under surveillance. Once inside, he is attacked by the troops, but discovers Motoko's secret weapons cache and manages to fight back. But when the Armed Suit shows up, things start to go badly. EP 26 Stand Alone Complex. Togusa has been released from jail. But his badge and gun are confiscated, and he's given papers showing the dissolution of Section 9. Out of work and depressed, he tries to find information on the others, but there is nothing available. Thinking that he has nothing left to lose, he goes to assassinate the man responsible when he is stopped by--Batou! It seems that Section 9 is still alive and well after all, but what about the Major?