288 ANNALS OF 2005,S.P. 18(3):288-290 DOURAKIS


Hepatitis C and steatohepatitis: Is there any relationship?

S.P. Dourakis

Nonalcoholic fatty disease (NAFLD) represents improve with successful treatment of C.7,8 the hepatic manifestation of the in Insulin resistance is now recognized as the main cause the great majority of cases. The diagnosis requires a care- of NAFLD. Insulin is an important regulator of lipid ful exclusion of alcoholic by clinical evalua- balance and and promotes lipogenesis tion. NAFLD and are two common (the prev- while inhibiting lipolysis. In addition, certain cytokines alence in general population approximately 20 and 1- known as adipokines are produced in areas of inflam- 2% respectively) liver diseases and coexistence of the two mation and promote lipogenesis or lipolysis. In those pa- is to be expected. However, hepatic is a com- tients infected with HCV infection genotype 1, steatosis is mon histological finding occurring in more than 50% of associated with features of metabolic syndrome, in partic- patients with chronic hepatitis C, in contrast to chronic ular Body Mass Index (BMI) associated with insulin re- hepatitis B viral infection. So, the prevalence of coexist- sistance and an increased supply of fatty acids to the liv- ent hepatitis C and fatty liver is 2-3 times higher than er.9 In addition, mice expressing the HCV core protein would be expected, indicating that hepatitis C predisposes 1-3 develop NAFLD. HCV infection may directly cause insu- to NAFLD. Both host and viral factors have been dem- lin resistance by impairing the insulin receptor substrate – onstrated to play an important role in the development 1 (IRS-1) mechanism of insulin signal transduction, due of alterations in lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, liv- to Tumor Necrosis Factor-a (TEN-a) secretion.10,11 er steatosis and fibrosis in chronic HCV infection.4,5 The association between HCV and mellitus The association of HCV and steatosis seems to be type 2, has been reported by groups all over the world. genotype-specific. The virus has a direct cytopathic, st- HCV infection can mediate diabetes mellitus in geneti- eatogenic effect, particularly (two thirds) evident in pa- cally susceptible individuals. HCV is diabetogenic tients with HCV genotype 3 (viral steatosis). In this case, through an extra hepatic effect, which might be either HCV may directly interfere with trafficking through direct, through the core protein, or immune mediated. the liver and induce steatosis without a state of insulin Alternatively and more commonly, the virus can cause resistance. Both HCV core and NS-5 proteins are asso- glucose intolerance and diabetes by the induction of pro- ciated with lipid droplets apolipoprotein A and micro- longed insulin resistance and associated hepatic steato- somal triglyceride transfer protein impairing triglycer- sis. So, type 2 diabetes mellitus is another extra hepatic ide export from hepatocytes in the form of very low-den- manifestation of HCV infection.12,13 sity lipoprotein (VLDL), leading to steatosis.6 Moreo- ver, patients with genotype 3 infection tend to have low- An association between HCV infection and carotid er circulating lipid levels, indicating impaired secretion artery plaque formation and carotid intima-media thick- 14 of hepatic VLDL. Viral steatosis and serum lipid levels ening has been reported . The role of steatosis in the development of atheroma in HCV seems worthy of fur- ther study. 2nd Department of Medicine, Medical School, Athens University, Hippokration General Hospital, Athens. Steatosis in patients with hepatitis C predisposes to accelerated fibrosis progression and an increased risk of 15-17 Author for correspondence: hepatocellular carcinoma. Fatty liver is more vulner- S.P Dourakis, 28 Achaias st, 115 23 Athens, Greece, able to damage induced by factors (abnormalities in the Tel 210 6918464, 6932272477, fax: 210 6993693, mitochondria, peroxisomes, cytochrome P450 system, e-mail: [email protected] and various enzyme pathways) that increase Hepatitis C and steatohepatitis: Is there any relationship? 289 hepatic oxidant production. So, HCV core protein may important new adjunct treatment strategy for patients induce oxidative stress directly through an effect on mi- with chronic HCV infection irrespective of genotype or tochondrial electron transport. The antiviral inflamma- virological response. The potential benefit of treating tory response may provide an additional source of oxi- fatty liver in slowing the progression of liver disease in dative stress leading to increased lipid peroxidation, pro- patients with hepatitis C and improving the response to duction of pro-inflammatory cytokines and cell death. treatment requires further investigation. Treatments di- Moreover, in the presence of steatosis, increasing apop- rected at either oxidant stress (vitamin E) or insulin re- tosis was associated with activation of stellate cells and sistance (metformin, thiazolinediones-pioglitazone, ros- fibrosis.18 Hepatic fibrosis probably develops as a conse- iglitazone) are under way. quence of hepatic stellate activation by inflammatory cytokines. Moreover, insulin resistance can directly pro- mote fibrogenesis possibly through the expression of REFERENCES TNF-a and cytochrome P450 CYP2E1 isoenzyme. Nev- 1. Dev A, Patel K, McHutchison JG. Hepatitis C and stea- ertheless, increased circulating insulin and glucose stim- tosis. Clin Liver Dis 2004; 8: 881-892. ulate the release of connective tissue growth factor (TGF- 2. Ramesh S, Sanyal AJ. Heaptitis C and nonalcoholic fatty â) from stellate cells and the production of extracellular liver disease. Semin Liver Dis 2004; 24: 399-413. matrix (fibrosis). Fibrogenic effect of the adipose tissue 3. Dev A, Patel K, McHutchison.Hepatitis C and steatosis. Clin Liver Dis 2004; 8: 881-892. –derived hormone leptin is also important. 4. Lonardo A, Adinolfi LE, Loria P, et al. Steatosis and hep- A consequence of insulin resistance is the effect on atitis C virus:Mechanisms and significance for hepatic and neoplastic transformation. Hyperinsulinemia and in- extrahepatic disease. Gastroenterology 2004; 126: 586-597. creased levels of insulin growth factors promote cell pro- 5. Rubbia-Brandt L, Fabris P, Paganin S, et al. Steatosis af- fects chronic hepatitis C progression in a genotype spe- liferation and mutagenesis. Likewise, hepatic steatosis cific way. Gut 2004; 53: 406-412. is a risk factor for hepatocellular carcinoma in patients 6. Perlemuter G, Sabile A, Letteron P, et al. Hepatitis C with chronic HCV infection, maybe due to induction of virus core protein inhibits microsomal triglyceride trans- oxidative stress by the virus. fer protein activity and very low density lipoprotein se- cretion: A model of viral-related steatosis. FASEB J 2002; Viral steatosis, predominantly seen in genotype 3, 16: 185-194. improves or disappears with successful antiviral therapy. 7. Poynard T, Ratziu V, McHutchison J, et al. Effect of treat- This benefit is sustained following sustained virological ment with peginterferon or interferon alfa-2b and ribavi- response. Metabolic steatosis characteristic of genotype rin on steatosis in patients infected with hepatitis 1 infection, does not improved regardless of treatment C.Hepatology 2003 ; 38: 75-85. response. 8. Castera L,Hezode C, Roudot-Thoraval F, et al. Effect of antiviral treatment on evolution of liver steatosis in pa- Liver steatosis may induce a mechanism of resistance tients with chronic hepatitis C: indirect evidence of a role to combination antiviral therapy, despite weight-based of hepatitis C virus genotype 3 in steatosis. Gut 2004; 53: dosing, independent of genotype, viral load, extensive 420-424. fibrosis, BMI and serum glucose. This is accomplished 9. Weinman SA, Belalcazar LM. Hepatitis C: A metabolic possibly via the promotion of fibrosis or by altering the disease. Gastroenterology 2004; 126: 917-918. 10. Aytug S, Reich D, Sapiro LE, et al. Impaired IRS-1/PI3- metabolism of antiviral drugs.19 kinase signaling in patients with HCV: a mechanism for Weight loss in patients with chronic hepatitis C may increased prevalence of type 2 diabetes. Hepatology 2003; result in a reduction in hepatic steatosis and stellate cell 38: 1384-1392. activation irrespective of viral genotypes and despite the 11. Shintani Y, Fujie H, Miyoshi H, et al. Hepatitis C virus infection and diabetes: direct involvement of the virus in persistence of the virus.20 the development of insulin resistance. Gastroenterology In conclusion, a growing body of evidence supports 2004; 126: 840-848. the view that steatosis plays a role in the progression of 12. Mehta SH, Brancati FL, Sulkowski MS, et al. Prevalence chronic HCV hepatitis to and hepatocellular of type 2 diabetes mellitus among persons with hepatitis C virus infection in the United States. 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between hepatitis C virus seropositivity, carotid-artery ing of steatosis is an indepentdent factor of fibrosis pro- plaque and intima-media thickening. Lancet 2002; 359: gression in untreated patients with chronic hepatitis C 133-135. and paired liver . Gut 2003; 52: 288-292 15. Ratziu V, Munteanu M, Charlotte F, et al. Fibrogenic im- 18. Walsh MJ, Vanags DM, Clouston AD, et al. Steatosis and pact of high glucose in chronic hepatitis C J Hepatol 2003; liver cell apoptosis in chronic hepatitis C:a mechanism 39: 1049-1055. for liver injury. Hepatology 2004; 39: 1230-1238. 16. Westin J, Nordlinder H, Lagging M, et al. Steatosis ac- 19. McCullough AJ. and its nurturing effect on hep- celerates fibrosis development over time in hepatitis C atitis C. Hepatology 2003; 38: 557-559. virus genotype 3 infected patients. J Hepatol 2002; 37: 20. Hickman J, Clouston AD, Macdonald GA, et al. Effect 837-842. of weight reduction on liver histology and biochemistry 17. Castera L, Hezode C, Roudot-Thoraval F, et al. Worsen- in patients with chronic hepatitis C. Gut 2002; 51: 89-94.