Belgium, England and Wales, France, Israel, Italy, Spain and Turkey
Also issued in this series: 1. Wildlife and National Parks Legislation in Asia. G. Kropp, 1971. 2. Wildlife and National Parks Legislation in Latin America. G. Kropp, 1971. (Also in Spanish) 3. Vicuña Conservation Legislation. G. Kropp, 1971. (Also in Spanish) 4. Legal Systems for Environment Protection. Japan, Sweden, United States. P.H. Sand, 1972, 5. Derecho Agrario y Justicia Agraria. J.R. Masrévéry, 1974. 6. Agricultural Credit Legislation in Selected Developing Countries. D.Mylonas, 1974. 7. An Outline of Food Law. (Also in French and Spanish) 8. Legislación de Aguas en América Central, Caribe y México. M.T. Sandoval. 9. A Legal and Institutional Framework for Natural Resources Management. J. Cano. Legislative Study No. 10 WATER LAWS IN SELECTED EUROPEAN COUNTRIES (Belgium, England and Wales, France, Israel, Italy, Spain, Turkey) Agrarian and Water Legislation Section LEGISLATION BRANCH, LEGAL OFFICE FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS Rome, 1975 FOREWORD This study on Water Legislation and Administration in Selected European Countries is meant as a further contribution towards a global inventory of national experiences in this field. In view of its interest in promoting agricultural production which requires a major consumptive use of water resources, F.A.O. has always been concerned with the legal and institutional aspects of water management. As early as 1950, it initiated the publication of a variety of documents on water law and administration, including country studies on the United States (1950), Italy (1953), Moslem countries (1954), Latin America (1956) and on groundwater legislation in Europe (1964). Similar studies were later contributed by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (formerly ECAFE) for most of its member countries (1967-1968) and by the United Nations Secretariat which recently published general comparative studies on the legal regime of the abstraction and use of water (1972) and on national systems of water administration (1974).
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