Elector Setup Changes Seen

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Elector Setup Changes Seen Elector Setup Spy of Soviet Changes Seen New.York, Jub' 14 (i<P)— Dr. Robert A. Soblen—al- ready doomed by blood can- Washington, July 14 (A^- .^College. He said he undertook the move after being invited by R. Lee cer—has been sentenced on a Tw’o senators said today that Harris of Montgomery, Ala., to spy charge that could bring a testimony disclosing an Okla- meet with southern electors. death chair sentence; homan’s attempt to block In the Electoral College. Byrd But the judge who presided at his President Kennedy’s election got 15 votes for president—Irw’in.'i trial plans to lend the 61-year-oId psychiatrist to some institution that in the Electoral College last and 14 from .unpledged electors In Mississippi and Alabama. While ’’is able to afford humane and de- year improves prospects for cent medical facilities." State News Irwin voted for Goldwater for vice a constitutional change in ’’Justice must be just," says Fed- Longest Encyclical president, the Southerners voted presidential procedures. for Sen. Strom Thurmond, D-S. C. eral Judge William B.' Herlands. Sen*. Estes Kefauver, D-Tenn„ Invin clainried that he had ’’the The judge directed medical spe- Roundup and Kenneth B. Keating, R-N. Y„ tacit support" of the Republican cialists to recommend to him today said they favor abolishing the of- National Coftimittee in hLs move on where to send Soblen. Hits Great Rewards fice of presidential elector alto- to put over a Byrd-Goldwater gether. And they said If that is not Tlie psychiatrist closed his eyes ticket in the Electoral College. ; and turned chalky-white as the Jury Skill Diver Saves done, electors should be legally Both Kefauver and Keating told, bound to vote for the winning can- ' found him guilty yesterday of spy- By FRANK RRUTTO him, however, that they felt this ing for Russia during World War didate Jn their states. Life of Baby Girl was not supported by the evidence n. Vatican City. Julj’* 14 {/P)— In a wide-ranging new encycli- Kefauver is chairman and Keat- he offered. cal on social problems of the modern world, Pope John XXIII ing a member of a Senate Judiciary He writhed on the reclining chair Marlborough, July 14 (/P)— Sen. Thruston B, Morton of Ken- called today for industry to limit profit.s and make sure that subcommittee that yesterday con- he had used much of the time dur- A Bloomfield skin diver was cluded extensive hearings on pro- tucky, who was the GOP national ing, his 4-week trial. Soblen, who the working man receives a wage that allows him to live posed constitutions! amendments chairman at the time, later told a had taken pills frequently during credited today with> saving in dignity. to overhaul the presidential elec- reporter he had never heard of the I the trial and sucked on Ice cubes, the life of a one-year-old East 4 The encyclical, at 25,000 words the longest in the history tion system. move prior to Irwin’s testimony. : did not take the witness stand to Hartford girl. The final witness, Henry D. Ir- ’’If he had any support o f the I defend himself. Louis Piova, 24. revival) Penny of the Roman Catholic Church, said the plight of backward win. Bartlesville, Okla.. toid of his Republican National Committee, I ) Doctora testified for the defense Tirrell with mouthito-raouth re- nations is “ perhaps the major problem of the modem epoch.” efforts after Kennedy’s slim vic- (Continued on Page Eight) suscitation moments after she was The Pope called for advanced states to give sincere and dis- tory over Richard M. Nixon in last (Continued On Page Seven) pulled from Lake Tcrraniaugus November's presidential election to interested aid to the underdeveloped in the dause of “fruit- about 7 p.m. yesterday. He had ful and lasting” peace. line up electors for Sen. Harry P. been attracted to the scene by some Byrd, 1>-Va., for president and He reaffirmed the Roman Catholic Church’s traditional shouting. Sen. Barry Goldwater, R-Arlz., for ‘White Paper’ on Berlin The girl, daughter of Mr. and stand on the rights of private property, but declared social- vice president. Mrs. Robert 'Tirrell, rolled into the ization does not turn men into automatons if it “confines its Although Invin ran on the Re- water unnoticed as her parents publican elector slate in Oklahoma, activity within the limits of the moral order.” prepared to go swimming, said Po- In the first full restatement of^ - a state Nixon carried, he voted in I lice Chief Roy Pettlngill. the church’s attitude toward social the Electoral College on Dec. 19 ' U,S, to Dramatize When the child was pulled from for Byrd and Goldwater. He tried problems in three decades, this the water. Mrs. Tirrell shouted: Pontiff, son of a farmer, bore doT\Ti without succem to persuade other ”My baby la dead!” Brownies Find, GOP electors to go along with him. heavily on the problems of the ih- Flora later said the baby was dividusl. He made these points: His hope, he testified, was that Efforts for Peace blue when he arrived. The girl re- Southern Democ'ratic Conserva- 1. "Very great remuneration” ta Help M issing turned home with her parents. made for some task of doubtful tives would team up with the Re- publican electors to block Ken- value while "the diligent asd profit- Fatally Injured t able work of whole classes of de- nedy’s election In the FUectoral Washington, July 14 (IPi—Thc^of about 11,000 men from West Local Man, 76 Kennedy administration is pre- cent, hard-working men receive a Berlin and, give it the status of Bridgpeort, July 14 OP'- - John paring a “white paper" on Berlin a “ free city" — that is, a city payment that is much too small." Roger Carlson, 35, Fail-field, was Brownie Scouts from Camp Mer- to dramatize J>efore the world the without weatem troops In it. Fall- But "\vorkers should be paid a Injured fatally yesterday when hit rle-Wood this afternoon located and repeated efforts of the western ing that, hf has threatened to sign by a truck at a tenninal here. wage which allows them to live a Salk Charg es helped rescue Enoch Kosinaky, 76, powers to reach agreement with a separate peace treaty with Com- Carlson, a cai-penter, died In truly human life and to face up of 83 N. Elm St., who had been with dignity to their family re- Russia on a Grman peace settle- munist East Germany by the end Bridgeport Hospital about two missing for 30 hours in the High- ment. of this year with the claim that sponsibilities." The worker should AM A Ignored hour* after the accident at the land Park area. Work on the document, which this would wipe out western rights Gilco Terminal. 535 Seaview Ave. be allowed to buy shares in the Kosinsky, who had left home at probably -will take the form of a with respect to West Berlin. company of his employer. 8 a.m. yesterday to pick huckleber- Scientific Fads pamphlet, already has started in The United States, after weeks Acir Audubon (.enter 2. “Every effort must be made so ries, was found along the scouts' the State Department. The White of consultation with Britain, that at least In the future only a Blue Trail on the mountain across J Sharon, July 14 i.iPi - - The Na- just share of the fruits of produc- New York, July H (JF) — Dr. House is understood to be inter- France and We.st Germany, plan* from the day camp on Gardner St. ested in speeding it along. to send a note to Moscow by the tional Audubon Society plans to tion be permitted to accumulate in Jonas E. Silk, who developed the Pope John XXIII today issued a wide-ranging new encyclical on He was believed to have slipped on middle of next week rejecting open what it calls a major educa- social problems of the modem world, the first full restatement the hands of the wealthy and that a rock and Injured a leg. Brownies first effective vaccine against As U.S. officials presently see an ample sufficiency h(s supplied to the Berlin orisis, the disnpute be- Khnishchev’s demand and warning tional center next autumn on a of the attitude ef the Catholic Church toward social problems in and police assisted in b r in ^ g him poliomyelitis, says the American anew that the western powers will 400-acre wooded area here. three decades. (AP Photofax). the workingmen.” down the mountain path. tween the westeim powers and The land was given to the society Medical Association has failed ’’to Russia over the future of West not yield any of their right* to be 3. Private property "1« an ele- Mrs. Nelson Richmond at 2:28 acknowledge scientific facts" In in Berlin or’ to have access to the by Mrs. Clement R. Ford and her ment that cannot be substituted in Berlin is now in a propaganda late husband. p.m. notified police that the girl recommending a changeover to a warfare phase -wlth.both sides us- city across East Germany. an ordered and productive social campers had found the elderly man. new type of vaccine. As presently drafted and under-- ’~ A « BTrnmmcbtt tcahri’' b jrth r’wct'--’^ life.” ing public speeches and statements ety. a large residence and other A Brownie unit of 30 girls and Salk told a news conference yes- going final consultation with other 4.
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