Marked E (Enderby) are in the Kemp William, relieving officer Young Miss Grace Narborough postal delivery. Knight Mr. Benjamin Young John, surgeon, Union medel. Baker Henry, mason & contractor Lord Samuel, bricklayer, slater &c offcr. & pub. vaccntr. Narboro' ho Barber Miss Mary, boarding school Lord Wm. bricklayer, slater & reft. Barratt William Edw. p. c house keeper . Coal Merchants. Beresford Charles William, surgeon *McCall John Henry (McCall & Elhs Joseph & Sons Ltd. (Arthur Berridge WiIloughby Wallin, assist. Lankester), Narborough hall Southan, agent) overseer, The Laurels McGregor David Murray, manager G;eenwood & Co.; & at *Blankley Rd. Sutton, bank clerk of Granite Co. Ivanhoe cottages PIck Harry Boden Mr. John Gib~on, Alma hse Marshall Jas. clerk, Ivanhoe cottgs Cottagers & Cowkeepers. Boden ,Kenneth Ce?il, master St. Marston Chs. Ernest,sec.~o Enderby Brewster James, & gardener Luke s school (LeIcester). & Ston~y Stanton Gramte Co Pickering George, & gardener Branford Waiter, commercIal trvllr Meats RIChard & Mrs. Ann, master Reynolds 'William Frederick Breward George, hoot maker & mistress of National School Brica Joseph James, saddler Moore Lemuel, tailor & draper Dress Makers. Briers George Henry, baker Morris Mrs. Annie, Alexandra villa Bowles ~rs. A~y . Bryan Mr. Thomas Muddimer Thos. bailiff to C. Smith Howe MISS Emlly LOUlsa Burdett Waiter Henry, engineer to Narborough Reading Room & Insti- Pickering Miss Susan Granite Co. The Retreat tute; Thomas Mills, sec Farmers & Graziers. Coley Amos, agent ~rudentill;l Neale Thomas, carpenter & joiner Bryan In. & butcher & beer agent Cu;tter Henry Atkms, carrIage & Nelson Rev. Js. (90ng) . Cooper Robert, Littlethorpe lodge lIDplement maker Oram Wm. regIstrar of bIrths, C Will'am Flash farm *Edmonds Hy. Orlando, bnk. cle.rk dt;aths & ma~ria~es, Enderby Dis- ED~~ter Willi~m, The Hardwicke Enderby & Stoney Stanton Gra~Ite tnct, & va~cI~atIon officer Lord Alfred, & stone drawer C.o. Ltd. H. J. Grace, managmg Orton J\;Ir. WIlham, Auburn cottage Stickland Wm. Muring, grazier drrector Peck MISS Ssa. laundress W . ht J se h Everard Mr. Thomas Wflliam, Nar- Pegg Mrs. Ann, Rose cottage rIg 0 P bro' Wood house Pickering Thomas Henry, butcher Gardeners. Everett Chas. clerk Railway statn *Pochin Alfred (Standard Engineer- Brewster In. & Son (Js.), & cottgrs *Exton Harry, estate agent ing Co.), Leicester Harrison Joseph George (jobbing & Geary Henry, blacksmith Pougher Mr. William, The Retreat market), & seedsman Glass James, station master Robjohns Mrs. Mary Ann & Mr. Pickering George Grace Hy. Jinks, sec. to Granite Co Caleb William, The Hollies Thornton Wm. In. & nurseryman *Green Arthur (G. Green & Sons), St. Mary's Home & Laundry House. G & Sh k The Woodlands Wantage Sisters in charge . rocers op eepers. Gunning Montague Shirley Wyatt, *Smith John WiIloughby Dixie Dawkms Ar. & Son (Edw. Spencer) surgeon (dyer), The Cottage &; drapers & outfitters, Post office Harding Mrs. Jeannie A. Fairholme Stenning In. clerk L. & N. W. Rly ~mght Arthur John Hardy Rev. Ths. Barker M.A.Rctry Tebbitt Mrs. Emma, South view SImmonds Mrs. Sarah Higginson Misses Ann (music tchr.) Walker Edmund. clerk Publicans. & Elzh. Mary, mixed school Whiteley Rev. 'Warwick M.A. crte Geary Joseph, v. Bell Holyoak In. Ed. (T. Hol;roak &Son) WilIey Mrs. Rebecca, smallware dlr George John, v. Narborough Hotel Holyoak T. & Son, timber mrchnts. *Wilmer Frederic Bradford (mining drag, rake & implement mfrs engineer) Carriers (to Leicester). Hubbard Ohs. crpntr. & parish clrk Winks John Chas. painter & plmbr Cobley A. & W.thro' fromCosby dly Hudson Miss Fanny, Red Hill house Woodcock Joseph, beer retailer Haines Chs.& gnl.crtr.M.W.F. & S NEW PARKS was formerly an extra.parochiall Court district, and about a mile·and·a·half W.N.W. liberty of Leicester, but is now a separate parish. It from the town. Area, 77711.. 1r. lOp.; rateable value,. is in the Harborough division, that of Enderby for about £1,440; population, 71. the County Council, Blaby Union, Leicester County Bottrill In. fm. frman. to Tram Co Leicester Tramways Co Varnam 'Villiam, bailiff to Roberts *Bowmar WaIter Hammond (T. Mason Alf. Hy. farmer & corn mcht. & Roberts Bowmar & Sons) &c. at Leicester, New Parks farm Williams Mrs. Ann, farmer, Bird's Cooper J. H.frmr.; h.Evington hall Starbuck In. bailiff to Mr. Cooper Nest farm Howkins John, shprd. to Mr. Mason NEWBOLD VERDON is a parish and village in English building, was repaired and enlarged in 183Z,. the Bosworth division, division for County at a cost of £700. This year, 1899, the church is Council, Sparkenhoe hundred and rural deanery, No. being entirely rebuilt, the architects being Messrs. 1, Union and County Court district. Goddard, Leicester. The Registers date from 1542. It is situated on table land 3! miles E. by N. from The living is a rectory, endowed with 316 acres of Market Bosworth, ;3 W. from Desford station (Mid· glebe, with residence, in the gift of Trinity College, land railway, Leicester to Burton-on-Trent), 10 \V. by Oxford. The rectory house was built in 1820, at a cost S. from Leicester, and 115 from London. There are of £1,500. The Baptist Chapel was erected in 1883, beds of coal under the parish. The chief landowners the Primitive Methodist Chapel in 1894. Commodious are Sir Charles Hartopp (lord of the manor), the school buildings, with master's house, were erected Rector, and Mr. T. Arnold. Hugh de Grantemaisnel in 1875, at a cost of £1,500, and it was enlarged in held the manor at the time of the conquest, but it 1884 at a cost of £171. There are some small bene­ afterwards passed to the Vernon, Devereux, Crewe, factions. Area, 1,76111.. 2r. 17p.; rateable value, and other families. The ancient manor house is now £3,312 18s. ; population, 784. The feast is at Whit­ occupied by Mr. Wm. Thompson, farmer, but it was suntide. formerly a seat of Lord Crewe, Bishop of Durham, who left much property for charitable uses, and gave The hamlet of is about a mile S. of this manor to his nephew, Mr. James Montagu. The N ewbold, and contains about 65 inhabitants. hall was for some time the abode of the celebrated St. James' Church.-Sunday 11 and 3 in winter,. Lady Mary W ortley Montagu. It was partly encom­ 6.30 in summer. RC. first Sunday morning in passed by a moat, and still bears traces of its former month. Rev. Wm. G. Cole, M.A.; Wardens,. grandeur. St. James' Church, a. plain stuccoed Early Messrs. T. Arnold and W. 1'hompson;. Harmonium,