ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED NEWSPAPER Home | 2 Business | 17 Sport | 28 Qatar Red QR2.2bn deal Ruthless England Crescent delivers signed for regain Ashes, drinking water to mega reservoirs Clarke to retire Syrian homes. project. after test series. SUNDAY 9 AUGUST 2015 • 24 Shawwal 1436 • Volume 20 Number 6517
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[email protected] Editorial: 4455 7741 | Advertising: 4455 7837 / 4455 7780 Applications Summer Festival 2015 for commercial plots sought Land to be mainly allotted to SMEs DOHA: The Ministry of agreement, he will receive a mes- Economy and Commerce has sage saying that the application is begun to accept applications successfully submitted. online for the allotment of plots That, however, does not mean of land in one of Qatar’s biggest that the application has been industrial and logistics projects accepted and the applicant has met located in three places, namely, the required criteria for allotment. Southern Al Wakra, Birkat Al Specialists appointed for the pur- Awamir and Aba Salil. pose will study the applications and The projects primarily aim at they will decide the eligibility and encouraging small and medium- allotment. Applicants must pro- sized entreprises (SMEs) and vide bank guarantee based on the the plots of land to be allotted size of the plot of land applied for will be on nominal rent for set- allotment. In case the number of ting up warehousing facilities for applicants are more than the plots cars, assembly units, cold storages, of land available for allotment in shops and showrooms, commercial each category (there are six catego- offices, labour camps, workshops, ries), the allotment will be decided service centres and depots.