PROGRESS REPORT FIVE 1 Travel Information Directions for US 395 from the North
PROGRESS REPORT FIVE 1 Travel Information dire6tions 1or 7S 395 1ro( the North. Facility Locations & Phone Numbers "S $%& from the North Atlantis: Ta/e e0it &. 1or 8oana 9ane, turning right onto 8oana 3800 S. Virginia St. Reno, NV 8950 9ane. To go to the Peppermill, turn right onto Virginia ! "800# $ 3%&500 Street. For the other 1a6ilities, turn le1t. "S $%& from the South Peppermill 707 S. Virginia St. Reno, NV 8950 Virginia Street is 7S 395 :*siness. A1ter +ou ha-e ! "775) 8 &% ! ! passed through )arson )it+, when 7S 395 and 7S 395 :usiness split, si('l+ re(ain on 7S 395 :usiness. )ourt+ard: &855 S. Virginia St. Reno, NV 8951! Arriving by Air ! "775) 851%8300 The Reno terminal is -ery eas+ to *se. E-en (ore )onvention )enter *se1*ll+ 1or inco(ing 1ans, the airport is -er+ 6entrall+ .590 S. Virginia St. Reno, NV 8950 lo6ated, 3ust a 6ouple o1 (iles 1ro( the 6onvention 6enter and our 6hosen hotels. FREE airport shuttles run e-ery 30 (inutes to the Peppermill and the Driving Directions Atlantis, wit2 a tra-el ti(e o1 under !0 (inutes. Reno% I-80 from the est Sparks )ab 6an pro-ide rides to the )ourt+ard 1or Ta/e e0it !3 o11 o1 I%80, turning right onto Virginia around ;! , and 6an 5e rea6hed at "775#333%3333. Street. A1ter 3*st under three (iles, the Peppermill To orldcon by Train will be on the right. A 1ew blo6ks later, the Atlantis and <e-in Standlee 6on-ention 6enter will be on the le1t, 1ollo4ed a bit Reno "station 6ode RNO# is on the A(tra/ past 7S 395 5+ the )ourt+ard, on the right.
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