Gareth Roberts | 180 pages | 11 Dec 2012 | Panini Publishing Ltd | 9781905239900 | English | Tunbridge Wells, Doctor Who - The Betrothal of Sontar (The Tenth Doctor Comic Strips Volume 1)

It was the first chance readers had of seeing the original version of the comics since they were first published in DWM in and Fresh from his , the Tenth Doctor needs all his wits about him as he battles the war-loving on a remote ice planet, while Rose finds herself facing her worst fears in front of her family — and live on TV! Also: Mickey spends a maddening week with a Lord in his spare room, an ordinary boy crates an extraordinary world of deadly , an intergalactic rock band seems doomed to die over and over again, and catches up with his oldest friend, Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, on an alien world where war is ! A Doctor Who: The Betrothal of Sontar page commentary section where the writers, artists and editors reveal the stories behind the strips, including TV writer The Shakespeare CodeThe Unicorn and the Wasp! may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page. Sign In Don't have an account? Start a Wiki. You may be looking for the titular ship or the titular comic Doctor Who: The Betrothal of Sontar. Contents [ show ]. Categories :. Cancel Save. Stream the best stories. Start Your Free Trial. Try Now. - Wikipedia

They are a warrior race characterised by their ruthlessness and fearlessness of death. During rehearsals for their first appearance, Kevin Lindsaywho portrayed the original Sontaran, Linx, pronounced the race's name as " son-TAR-an. Linx uses a projector to bring back human scientists from to fix his spacecraft. Another Sontaran named Styre appears in The Sontaran Experimentexperimenting on captured astronauts on a far future . Their third appearance is in The Invasion of Timewhere they successfully invade Gallifreybut are driven out again after less than a day. They appeared for the final time in the original series in . References are made in Sontaran episodes to the Hostan equally militaristic race with whom the Sontarans have been at war for thousands of years though the Rutans were not shown until the serial . Sporting an updated design, [1] Sontarans returned to the revived series in the Series 4 episodes " The Sontaran Strategem " and " The Poison Sky " It is also revealed that the race was excluded from Great Time Doctor Who: The Betrothal of Sontar of the revived series' . In " "the same events are depicted in a parallel universe, where describes their plan as foiled by characters from the spin-off show of that nameat the cost of their lives, with Torchwood leader Captain being captured by the Sontarans. Doctor Who: The Betrothal of Sontar appears again in Enemy of the Bane A troop of Sontarans is also shown among Trenzalore's invaders in the special " ". A Sontaran appears Doctor Who: The Betrothal of Sontar in the episode " " as a refugee. The origins of the Sontarans have not been revealed in the television series. The Doctor Who role-playing game published by FASA claimed that they were all descended from the Doctor Who: The Betrothal of Sontar stock of General Sontar or Sontariswho used newly developed bioengineering techniques to clone millions of duplicates of himself and annihilated the non-clone population. He renamed the race after himself and turned the Sontarans into an expansionist and warlike society set on universal conquest. However, this origin has no basis in anything seen in the television series. They can be defeated by firing the occupants of an angry beehive at them. first used the Sontarans for their audio drama Heroes of Sontara story, depicting the Doctor and his companions being forced to aid a Sontaran attack squad against a dangerous enemy that has threatened the Sontaran race by compromising their strategic methods. They next featured in and were stuck in an alternative version of the Death Zone with the Fifth Doctor and various companions. InThe First Sontarans was released. A Doctor Who: The Betrothal of Sontar Doctor Lost Story from the mids, written by Andrew Smith, [note 1] it features the Sontarans and the Rutans on nineteenth century Earth, tracking a scientist named Jacob, who escaped through time and space. It is revealed that Jacob is from Sontar, and was responsible for genetically creating the Sontarans as a defence against a Rutan invasion. They were first developed on Sontar's gravity-heavy moon and quickly proved themselves to be at least on par with the unstoppable Rutan horde. However, believing themselves to be superior, the Sontarans turned on their creators to prevent their knowledge of Sontaran weaknesses being discovered and exploited by their enemies, conquering the planet Sontar and changing it to suit their biology. The audio ends with the Doctor and Peri helping Jacob and his wife fake their deaths so that they can go into hiding on a primitive, isolated planet to get away from their need for revenge on the Sontarans. The Sontarans also feature in the Early Adventures audio The Sontaranswhich depicts the William HartnellSteven Taylor and encountering the Sontarans during an invasion of an asteroid colony at some point Doctor Who: The Betrothal of Sontar Sara's time, prompting Sara to observe that she is aware of how this confrontation will end from her own histories; this audio serves as the Doctor's chronologically earliest encounter with the Sontarans. The audio Terror of the Sontarans saw the Sylvester McCoy and meet the Sontarans on an old mining colony that had been used as a Sontaran outpost, until a complex chain of events unintentionally created a new life form that was psychically tortured by the pain of the Sontarans' victims, forcing the Doctor to destroy the colony in the that the non-corporeal entity will reform into something more benevolent. They also appear in the story the sontaran ordeal as part of the classic doctors new monsters range. In this story the eight doctor Played by Paul Mcgann comes against a group of sontarans led by General stenk played by try to get in to the greatest of all wars the . Shakedown marks the only occasion in which the Sontarans and their Rutan foes appear on screen together, and was adapted into a Virgin New Adventures novel where the Seventh Doctor must prevent the Sontarans gained a clear advantage in the conflict. They have also appeared in several spin-off novels, including Lords of the Storm by David A. McInteewhere the Fifth Doctor and Turlough have to stop a Sontaran scheme to take control of a colony world where Tzun technology has been . In The Infinity Doctors by Lance Parkinan apparently alternate version of the Doctor negotiated a peace between the Sontarans and the Rutan Host when two of them were left trapped in a TARDIS for several hours and got to talking due to their inability to kill each other. General Sontar also made an appearance in that novel. The novel sees the Sontarans join an alliance of alien races assembled Doctor Who: The Betrothal of Sontar the Fifth Doctor to defeat the mercenary army of renegade Morbius, although the Sontarans are unaware that they follow the Doctor as he adopts the alias of ' Coordinator', which is shortened to 'Supremo' by his bodyguards. The Enterprise is attacked by a Sontaran fleet which is unrecognizable to Captain Kirk and crewprompting the Doctor to urgently warn the crew to flee the area. Inas part of Character options first series 4 wave of action figures, they released some Sontaran action figures. The Sontarans have also appeared several times in the comic strip, both as adversaries of the Doctor and in strips not involving the Doctor. The Sontaran homeworld was destroyed in the future during the events of the Seventh Doctor strip Pureblood DWM but the Sontaran race pool survived, allowing for further ; the strip introduced the concept of "pureblood" Sontarans not born of cloning. The Sontarans are a race of humanoids with a stocky build, greenish brown skin, a distinctive dome-shaped head, and they have only three fingers on each hand, though some members of their species do have five fingers. Their musculature is designed for load-bearing rather than leverage, because of the significant amount of gravity on their home planet. Ross Jenkins in " The Sontaran Stratagem " describes a Sontaran as resembling "a talking baked potato". Sontarans come from a large, dense planet named Sontar in the "southern spiral arm of the galaxy" which has Doctor Who: The Betrothal of Sontar very strong gravitational field, which explains their compact stocky form. The Sontarans have an extremely militaristic culture Doctor Who: The Betrothal of Sontar prizes discipline and honour as its highest virtues; every aspect of their society is geared toward warfare, and every experience is viewed in terms of its martial relevance. Aside from a ritualistic chant "Son-tar-ha! According to their creator Robert Doctor Who: The Betrothal of Sontar, Sontarans do have a highly developed artistic culture, but have put it on hold for the duration of the war, while the opening chapter of the novelisation of The Time Warriorbased on Holmes' incomplete draft, Doctor Who: The Betrothal of Sontar to Linx listening to the Sontaran anthem while his spaceship is in flight. The Sontarans depicted in the series have detached, smug personalities, and a highly developed sense of honour; on multiple occasions, the Doctor has used his knowledge of their Doctor Who: The Betrothal of Sontar in their species to manipulate them. In "The Sontaran Stratagem", the Doctor nevertheless referred to them as "the finest soldiers in the galaxy". Although physically formidable, the Sontarans' weak spot is the "probic vent" at the back of their neck, through which they draw nutrition. It is also part of their cloning process. It provides incentive to continue moving forward in battle since retreat would expose this area to their enemies. They have been killed by targeting that location with a knife The Invasion of Timea screwdriver " Shakedown: Return of the Sontarans "and an arrow . Even something as simple as a squash ball aimed at that point " The Sontaran Stratagem " or contact by the heel of a shoe " The Last Sontaran " is capable of incapacitating them temporarily. They are also vulnerable to "coronic acid" The Two Doctors. While the Sontarans wear protective helmets in battle, to fight without their helmets, or to be "open-skinned," is an honour for the Sontarans. In the episode "The Poison Sky", it is revealed that Doctor Who: The Betrothal of Sontar Sontaran Empire have been at war with the Rutan Host for more than 50, years, [8] and which, at a time aroundthey are losing. The war is still raging at least 20, years later, in the serial The Sontaran Experiment. Most of the Sontarans depicted in the television series have had monosyllabic names, many beginning with an initial 'st' sound e. The Sontarans are a monogender - asexual a "male gender-only" species ; they reproduce by means of cloning rather than sexual reproductionand thus for the most part are extremely similar in appearance. Human characters in both The Sontaran Experiment and " The Sontaran Stratagem " comment on how closely individual Sontarans resemble one another; however, their height, skin tone, facial features, vocal timbre and accent, hair, spacing of teeth and even number of fingers have varied from story to story, and sometimes within stories. When Luke Rattigan asks how they can tell each other apart in "The Sontaran Stratagem", General Staal remarks that they say the same of humans. Thereafter the clones take just ten minutes to grow to adulthood. From , the Sontarans are sent to battle. The audio The King of Sontar introduces a unique occasion where one Sontaran is the only result of a clone batch, the resulting Sontaran being essentially a million Sontarans in one, making him far taller than the average for his species and lacking a probic vent. Sontarans reproduce asexually and all the Sontarans depicted in the television series are Doctor Who: The Betrothal of Sontar one gender; referred to with masculine pronouns, however it is not known if they possess distinctly male physiologies. General Staal comments that "words are the weapons of womenfolk" [11] and that the clone of performed well "for a female" [7] as commentary on the gender inequalities of other species. This typifies a Sontaran trait: interested only in the strongest fighters in any group or race. Despite this, Strax appeared perfectly comfortable with Doctor Who: The Betrothal of Sontar prospect of wearing dresses in " The Battle of Demon's Run - Two Days Later "; [12] he ultimately dressed in human gentleman's attire, nevertheless. As multiple genders are foreign to them, Sontarans are known to confuse the human male and female sexes; Strax routinely addresses young women as "Boy" [13] and vice versa, [14] and claims not to have known Doctor Who: The Betrothal of Sontar was a woman. In "The Sontaran Stratagem", the Sontarans are seen to create human clones by growing them in tubs of green fluid. Enemy of the Bane confirms that Sontarans are cloned in the same way. In a human clone, the umbilical corresponds to the probic vent Doctor Who: The Betrothal of Sontar the back of a Sontaran's neck, suggesting that the vent is not unlike the human navelalbeit clearly more complex. The Tenth Sontaran Battle Fleet in the new series consists of a Command Ship and a number of capsules that can be moved into position when Battle Status is enjoined. Sontaran ships are impervious to nuclear missiles. In both the Doctor Who: The Betrothal of Sontar and new series, Sontarans are depicted using spherical or semi-spherical single-occupant spacecraft known as capsules. Each capsule is small enough to avoid detection by radar and is piloted by an individual Sontaran. The Sontaran Stratagem also saw the introduction of a large mothership from which the small Sontaran capsules could be seen to originate. The Doctor notes that the one ship by itself is enough to completely wipe out Earth. The Sontarans have a variety of weapons. Their distinctive weapon is a small rod with two handles and a plunger at one end, giving it a syringe style. This is so it can be held and fired using three fingers. This weapon fires a disabling beam that can temporarily render a person useless and emits an energy pulse that can repair systems like the teleport, and has appeared in every Sontaran story except The Sontaran Experiment. When first used by Commander Linx in The Time Warriorit shows the ability to fire a beam which can disarm by knocking the weapon out of the wielder's hand, hypnotise, as well as cutting through wood, disabling limbs and killing. In The Sontaran ExperimentField Major Styre instead used a Doctor Who: The Betrothal of Sontar laser pistol which only killed although it did not kill the Doctor, Doctor Who: The Betrothal of Sontar of a small metal plate the Doctor had been keeping in his inside pocket. saw Commander Stor using the small rod again, but also in episode six, a Sontaran trooper uses a short black rifle-like laser to try to burn through a lock on a door inside the TARDIS. It seemed to Doctor Who: The Betrothal of Sontar some kind of flamethrower as it fired a jet of Doctor Who: The Betrothal of Sontar very briefly. Group Marshal Stike was also seen carrying a baton. It would not be until The Sontaran Stratagem that General Staal would show that the baton can fire an orange beam that could stun the target. Each rifle has Doctor Who: The Betrothal of Sontar laser beam that kills instantly and is designed for a three-fingered grip. However, their armour is vulnerable to standard human in "The Poison Sky", but the Sontarans in that episode used a 'cordolane signal' which caused the copper-lined bullets to expand, jamming most firearms instantly. UNIT troops overcame this by switching to steel-lined bullets. Commander Kaagh, a surviving from the Tenth Sontaran Battle Fleet, had slightly different armour due to being from the special forces. His suit featured no gloves, so his bare hands were visible, and on his left arm was a control panel for his suit and ship. His helmet could fold up and retract and both his suit and ship featured cloaking devices, turning them both invisible. While the soldiers of the Tenth Fleet were armed with large laser rifles, Kaagh has a smaller laser carbine. Rather than hypnotising humans as Sarah pointed out they usually doinstead, Kaagh fixed neural control devices to the back of the necks of his human agents. A red light flashes when it is operational, and Kaagh can activate and deactivate them when he wants Doctor Who: The Betrothal of Sontar his control panel. A pair of Sontarans that tried to invade Trenzalore in "Time of the Doctor" used a two-man craft with an invisibility field. Doctor Who: The Betrothal Of Sontar : Gareth Roberts :

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