A Calendar of the First Fruits' Fees Levied on Papal Appointments to Benefices in Ireland
m W-:s •fNT7- ^nj-' > !>-ft I; I \->, fol I : mistec. QlarttcU Mniuerattg Slibrarg jittjata, ^tm lark BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME OF THE SAGE ENDOWMENT FUND THE GIFT OF HENRY W. SAGE 189: Cornell University Library BV775 .C84 1909 Annatis Hiberni : a calendar of the fir 3 1924 029 335 464 olin Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924029335464 ^'^ ^^^^^:^^ Very Rev. Michael A. Costello, O.P., S.T.M. 2)c Hnnatis Dibernia^ A CALENDAR OF THE FIRST FRUITS' FEES LEVIED ON PAPAL APPOINTMENTS TO BENEFICES IN IRELAND A.D. 1400 TO 1535 EXTRACTED FROM THE VATICAN AND OTHER ROMAN ARCHIVES WITH COPIOUS TOPOGRAPHICAL NOTES TOGETHEB WITH Summaries of' Papal Rescripts relating to BENEFICES IN IRELAND and Biographical Notes of THE BISHOPS OF Irish Sees during the same period ®i2 the late IRev). fD. U. Costello, Q.p., Q.zm. WITH AN INTRODUCTION By Rev. AMBROSE COLEMAN, O.P., S.T.L. And Supplementary Notes By W. H. GRATTAN FLOOD, Mus. D., R.U.I. Volxtme X : tti^ter DUNDALK PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY W. TEMPEST igog Preface. After numerous delays and difficulties, the first part of the late Father Costello's long expected work on the Annates now sees the light. Opinions may differ as to the value, from the historical point of view, of the records now placed before us, but it will be generally agreed that this compilation, the work of half a lifetime, is a monu- ment of scholarship, rare in modern times.
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