Flight Simulator X : Gold Edition GameSpy Account



Personal Info

Pilot name: Chaaru Manjuraj

Date of birth: 10/27/1998

Country origin: India

FSX Participation

Total number of flying hours: 6214

Night flying time: 2984

Day flying time: 3230

Multiplayer: 1584


Pilot position: 1*

Status: Experienced Captain

Master in: Civil Jets

Skill level: Expert Emergency

Total number of emergencies faced: 486

No. of serious emergencies faced: 121

No. of planes landed safely during serious emergency: 107


Number of military rescue attended: 902

Training accomplishments:

∑ Vomit comet ∑ Carrier landing ∑ Down under ∑ Soaring course ∑ Corkscrew diving




ÿ 4000 Landings - Earned for completing 4,000 landings anywhere.


ÿ 5000 Total Hours - Earned for accumulating 5,000 hours total flying time. Next award at 10,000 hours.

ÿ 3000 IFR Hours - Earned for accumulating 3,000 hours flying in instrument meteorological conditions.

ÿ 2000 Night Flying Hours - Earned for accumulating 2,000 hours flying at night.

ÿ 5000 Multi-Engine Hours - Earned for accumulating 5,000 hours flying any multi-engine aircraft. Next award at 10,000 multi-engine hours.

ÿ 10 Glider Hours - Earned for accumulating 10 hours flying any glider. Next award at 25 glider hours.

ÿ 100 Seeplane Hours - Earned for accumulating 100 hours flying any seaplane. Next award at 250 seaplane hours.

BADGES ÿ Most Remote Airport - Earned for landing at Mataveri Airport, Easter Island.

ÿ Southernmost Airport - Earned for landing at McMurdo Station, Pegasus Field, Antarctica.

ÿ Nothernmost Airport - Earned for landing at Alert Airport in Nunavut, Canada.

ÿ Highest Airport - Earned for landing at San Rafael Airport, Peru (altitude 14,427 feet/4,397 meters MSL).

ÿ Top 5 Highest Airport - Earned for landing at the five highest airports in the world.

ÿ Lowest Airport - Earned for landing at I. Bar Yehuda Airport at Metzada, Israel (altitude -1,262 feet/385 meters MSL).

ÿ Shortest Runway - Earned for landing at Potts Field (150 foot/46 meter) in North Cape, Wisconsin.

ÿ Top 5 Shortest Runways - Earned for landing on the five shortest runways in the world.



ÿ Private Pilot - Earned for passing the Private Pilot Checkride.

ÿ Instrument Rating - Earned for passing the Instrument Checkride.

ÿ Commercial Rating - Earned for passing the Commercial Checkride.

ÿ ATP Rating - Earned for passing the Airline Transport Checkride.


ÿ Bombardier Trophy - Earned for hitting the target with a flour bomb in Mission: Midwest Fly-in.

ÿ Best Course Time - Earned for beating the Swedish Championship Soaring Course record.

ÿ Stunt Pilot of the Year - Earned for landing on the school bus in Mission: Loopy Larry's Stunt Landing.

ÿ Wings Vs Wheels Race - Earned for beating the Jet Truck in Mission: Jet Truck Drag Race.

ÿ Space Needle - Earned for completing Mission: Jet City.

ÿ Red Bull Course Record - Earned for flying the Red Bull Time Trial course faster than any other pilot.


ÿ Gold Wings – Earned for mastering all Expert missions.

ÿ Kighthood - Earned for flying the Red Bull Time Trial course faster than any other pilot.

ÿ CAP Lifesaving Medal - Earned for rescuing the downed pilot in Mission: Civil Air Patrol Search.

ÿ Courage - Earned for rescuing the injured climber in Mission: Denali Basecamp Charter.

ÿ Pilot of the Hour - Earned for completing Mission: Amsterdam-UK Airline Run. ÿ International Humanitarian - Earned for completing Mission: Africa Relief.

ÿ International SAR Pilot - Earned for completing Mission: Foul Weather Water Rescue.

ÿ Airline Employee of the Century - Earned for safely landing the powerless aircraft on solid ground in Mission: Limited Options.

ÿ Commander’s Award for Civilian Service - Earned for safely landing at Edward's AFB in Mission: 747 Test Flight.

ÿ Netherlands Valor - Earned for rescuing all of the oil rig workers in Mission: Oil Rig Transport.


ÿ Beta X - Earned for service as a Flight Simulator X beta tester.

ÿ Blackbird Spotter - Earned for flying near all the SR-71 Blackbirds parked at Edwards Air Force Base. ÿ Barnstomer Badge of Annoyance - Earned for buzzing the four barns in Mission: Midwest Fly-in.

ÿ Bleriot Crossing - Earned for crossing the English Channel in IFR conditions in Mission: Flying Blind Across the Channel.

ÿ Aerial Park Patrol - Earned for finding the missing elephant in Mission: Game Park Patrol.

ÿ Idaho CAP Search - Earned for completing Mission: Civil Air Patrol Search.

ÿ Problem Solver - Earned for landing in Santa Monica in Mission: Catalina Day Spa.

ÿ Test Pilot Survival - Earned for landing safely in Mission: 747 Test Flight.

ÿ Bering Sea Wild Weather - Earned for landing safely in Mission: Dutch Harbor Approach.


ÿ Kenmore Pilot Wings - Earned for completing Mission: San Juan Island Run.

ÿ Letter from the Governor - Earned for landing at McCall, completing Mission: Civil Air Patrol Search.

ÿ Latter of appreciation from Trey Research CEO - Earned for rescuing some of the oil rig workers in Mission: Oil Rig Transport.

ÿ Red Bull Team Contract - Earned for flying the Red Bull Time Trial course fast enough to join the team.


ÿ Ghost Ship Sighting - Earned for finding the Marine Sulpher Ghost Ship in Mission: Lost in the Triangle.



ÿ Greek Cross Country 2nd Place - Earned for finishing second in the Greek Cross Country Race.

ÿ Secret Island 3rd Place - Earned for finishing third in the Secret Island Race. MEDALS

ÿ Air and Space Ribbon - Earned for completing Mission: Rocket Launch Air Cover.

ÿ Expeditious Service Medal - Earned for recovering the satellite payload before it could be stolen in Mission: Payload Recovery.

ÿ Coast Guard Lifesaving Ribbon - Earned for rescuing the accident victim in Mission: Accident Response.

ÿ Air Force Reserve Commendation Medal - Earned for a daring rescue at Mount St. Helens in Mission: Mt St. Helens Evacuation.

ÿ Air Medal with Valor Device - Earned for landing the F/A-18 in Mission: Carrier Landing IMC.

ÿ Airman’s Medal for Heroism - Earned for saving Area 51 in Mission: High-Altitude Intercept.


ÿ Corkscrew Approach Badge - Earned for completing Mission: Corkscrew Approach.

ÿ Zero-G Quadruple Parabola Badge - Earned for completing all four zero-G parabolas in Mission: Vomit Comet.

ÿ Eagle Eye Badge - Earned for rescuing the downed pilot in Mission: Missing Coworker.


ÿ Customs Patch - Earned for finding the rogue aircraft in Mission: Customs Intercept.

ÿ FSX Acceleration - Earned for service as a Flight Simulator X Acceleration beta tester.

ÿ Edwards B-58 Preservation Team - Earned for completing Mission: B-58 Search and Recovery.



ÿ Promotion to Customs Inspector 2 - Earned for completing Mission: Customs Intercept.