A. MITRA of the Indian Civil Service. $upsintendent o/ Census Operations and ]oint Development Commissioner;


To CENsus Puauc.ttioxs for West Bengal. Sikkim llnd Chandemagore will consist of the following volumes. All volumes will be of uniform size, demy quarto 8l'"Xlll'": . Part IA-Galeral Report by A. Mitra containing the first five chapters of the Report in addition to a Preface. an Introduction. and a bibliography. 587 Pages. Part IB-Vital Statistics, W~ Bengal. 1941-50 by A. Mitra and P. G. Choudhwj, containing a Preface, 60 tables, and several appendices. 75 Pages. . Part IC-General Report by A. Mitra . (the present volume). Part n-Union and State Census Tables of West Bengal. Sikkim and Chandemagore. b;r A. Mitra. 535 Pages. . Part ill-Report on Calcutta City by A. Mitra. About 550 Pages. Part IV-Tables of the Calcutta Industrial Region by A. Mitra. About 450 Pages. Part V~Administrative Report of the Census Operations of West .Bengal. Sikkim. Chandemagore and Calcutta City: Enumeration: by A. Mitra. 96 Pages. The Tribes and Castes of West Bengal-edited by A. Mitra, containing 1951 tables of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in West Bengal. A monograph on the Origin of Caste by Sailendranath Sengupta, a monograph on several artisan castes and tribes by Sudhansu Kumar Ray, an article by Professor Kshitishprasad Chattopadhyay, an article on Dbarmapuja by Sri Asutosh Bhattacharyya. Appendices of selections from old authorities like Sherring, Dalton, Risley, Gait and O'Malley. An Introduction. 414 Pages and eighteen plates. An Account of Land Management in West BengaL 1872-1952, by A. Mitra, containing extracts, accounts and statistics over the 80-year period and agricultural statistics compiled at the Census of 1951, with an Introduction. About 312 Pages. Fairs and Festivals in West Bengal by A. Mitra, containing an account of fairs and festivals classified by villages, unions, thanas and districts. With a foreword and extracts from the laws on the regulation of fairs and festivals. 45 Pages. District Handbooks for each West Bengal District by A. Mitra. Each volume contains an Introductory essay, bringing the old Gazetteer up to date, several important appendices, and about 82 tables, together with a list of ancient monuments in each district. Contains also a village- directory where the J. L. No. of every village, its name, area, total population, number of houses, number of literates and population classified into eight furelihood classes are tabulated. The whole series is expected to be complete by 1954. Each volume will contain about 300 pages H4 volumes). A catal0i1Je of the better known ancient monuments of West Bengal ·by A. Mitra. Will contain brief descriptions of extant ancient monuments in each district of the State, dating up to 1800, with exact location and present state. Translations of all inscriptions found in West Bengal and an account of all invasions or conquests of Bengal mentioned in inscriptions. With man;r plates. About 600 Pages.

( iii ) Any statement made or conclusion drawn in this Report is wholly the responsibiiity of the author alone in his personal capacity and does. not necessarily represent the views of Government


CHAPTER VI PAGE SECTION !-Preliminary Remarks .. 1 SECTION 2-Religion 2 SECTiON 3-Territorial Distribution of House and Households: :oize and composition . of family households 12 'SECTION 4-Sex Ratios 12 SECTION 5-Marital Status Ratios 15 SEcTION 6-Age Groups 16 SECTION 7-Literacy and Educational Qualifications 22 SECTION 8-Mother Tongue and Bilingualism 28 A Note on the Recording of Mother Tongues of Certain Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes 36 A Note on the Maternity Data of Married Women in Rural Areas of West Benial. 41 A Note on Vital Index for West Bengal 71 SUBSIDIARY TABLES . 91 [See page xi for details] REPRINTS AND SPECIAL NOTES I Extract from Ain-i-Akbari of Abul Fazl-I-Allami-Bengal Subah 169 IA Extract from Ain-f-Akbari of Abul Fazl-I-Allami-A'IN V & VI 173 II Elitract from Travels in the Mogul Empire-Francis Bernier 177 III Remarks on the Husbandry and Internal Commerce of Bengal-H. T. Colebrooke 180 IV Extract from An Account of the District or Zila of Dinajpur-By Francis Buchanan Hamilton on the population of the district and the causes which operate on its increase or diminution . 232 V Extract from An Account of the District or Zila of Dinajpur-By Francis Buchanan Hamilton on the Land Tenures of Dinajpur . 237 VI On recent changes in the Delta of the -James Fergusson . 251 VII Progress of Electricity Supply in West Bengal-Manoranjan Datta 272 VIII Land Utilisation in West Bengal During the Last Thirty Years-Bimal Chandra Sinha 297 BRIEF ACCOUNTS OF SOME OF THE NATURAL RESOURCES AND INDUSTRIES OF THE STATE (With Two Bibliographies)-Chanchalkumar Chatterjee and Kamal Majumdar ...... 305

( vii ILLUSTRATIONS ·AND MAPS PAGE 1 Sample male · and female populations by quinquennial age goups (lJngraduated) IS 2 • Sample male and female populations by quinquennial age groups (graduated by Tertiary Septenary method with mortality correction) 3 Diagrams in respect of districts Burdwan, Hooghly, Calcutta and 24-Parganas, showing the proportion of unmarried, married and widowed or divorced persons 17 4 Sex ratio of first child born 50 5 Number of children born at different ages of mothers·(quinquennial periods) 51 6 Changes in Vital Index by quinquennial periods, 1901-50 90 7 Diagram section across the bed of a River (Fergusson) • 255 8 Diagram illustrating the Secular Elevation of Delta (Fergusson) • 9. Diagram illustrating the junction of tributary s..trearns with main rivers (Fergusson) · •. 255 10 Fergusson-Delta of the Ganges (3 diagrams) • facing page 256 11 Map of the Rivers of Bengal (Fergusson) • · • 2S7 12 Electricity generations and sales in West Bengal (1941-51) 293 13 Electricity generation and sales, 1950 . 294 H Production of electricity in K.W.H. per head of population, 1938 and 1947 • 294.· 15 Map of West Bengal showing existing and projected power stations • 295 16 The South Calcutta Electrification Scheme 296 17 The Raniganj Coal Field Electrification Scheme • 296 18 Map Showing State Electrification Schemes in parts of West Bengal • facing pa.ae 296 19 The Mayurakhi Hydro-Electric Scheme: Route Diagr~ of H. T. Lines • " 296 20 The Mayurakhi Hyd~Electric Scheme: Diagrammatic ·Layout of Lines and Sub-station Equipment . • • • •. . • • " 296 SUBSIDIARY TABLES CONTENTS TABLES PAGE Series 1-Generat Population I.l } Area and Population, actual and Percentaie by thana Density 92 I.1a p · 1.2 Variation and Density of General. opu1 atlon ·...... 97 I.3 Mean Decennial Growth rates durmg three decades-General Population 98 1.4 Immigration • . . · 101 1.5 Emigration • . . . . • • • • 10'2 1.6 Migration between the State ~nd other parts of India • 103 I.7 Variation in natural Population . .· 103 1.8 Livelihood pattern of general population 103 Series 11-Rural Population II.l Distribution of Population between villages I Of II.2 Variation and density of rural population . . . • • • • 1M II.3 Mean Decennial· Growth rates during three decades-Rural population . 100 II.4 Livelihood pattern of rural population . · ,106. Series Ill-Urban Population ~ff:ta } Distribution ~f population between towns • •. 107 III.2 Variation and density of urban population . . .. • • : '108 III.3 Mean decennial Growth rates during three decades-Urban population 108 III.4 Towns classified by population 110· III.5 Cities-chief figures • . . . . • . • . . . 110 111.6 Number per 1,000 of the General population and of each ·livelihood class who live in towns . . . . 119 III.7 Livelihood pattern of Urban population Ill Series IV-Agricultural Classes IV.1 l Agricultural Classes per 1,000 persons of general population ; number lV.1aj in each Class and Sub-class of 10,000 persons of All Agricultural Classes;· and comparison with agricultural holdings by size . . . . • . 112 IV.2 Livelihood Class· I (Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned and their dependents)-Number per 10,000 persons of Livelihood Class I • in each sub-class ; secondary means of Livelihood of 10,000 persons of Livelihood Class I ...... · . . . . 114 IV.3 Livelihood Class II (Cultivators of land wholly or mainly unowned and their dependents)-Number per 10,000. persons of Livelihood Class II in each sub-class ; Secondary Means of Livelihood of 10,000 persons of Livelihood Class II ...... • • . . . 115 IV.4 Livelihood Class III (Cultivating labourers ·and their dependents)­ Number per 10,000 persons of Livelihood Class III in each sub-class ; Secondary Means of Livelihood of 10,000 persons of Livelihood Class III 116 IV.5 Livelihood Class IV (Non-cultivating owners of land ; agricultural rent receivers and their dependents)-Number per 10,000 persons of Livelihood Class IV in each sub-class ; Secondary Means of Livelihood of 10,000 persons of Livelihood Class IV . . 117 IV.6 Active and Semi-active workers in cultivation . 118 IV.7 Progress of cultivation during three decades . . . . 119 IV.8 Components of cultivated. area per capita durin'J three decades . . . 120 IV.9 Land area per capita (1951); and trend of cultivation per capita during three decades ...... • • . . . 122 Series V-Non-agricultural Classes V.1 Non-agricultural Classes per 1,000 persons of general population ; number in each class and sub-class per 10,000 persons of All Non­ !-gricultural Classes ; <~.nd number of employers, employees and mdependent workers· per 10,000 Self--supporting persons of all Non­ Agricultural Classes · . . . • . • . • , • • . 123 V.1a Non-Agricultural Classes per 1,000 persons of Rural Population ; number in each class and sub-class per 10,000 persons of all Non-Agricultural Classes : and number of employers, employees and independent workers per 10,000 Self-supporting persons of all Non-Agricultural Classes . 124 V.Ib l':lon-Agricultural Classes per 1,000 persons of Urban Population ; number m each class and sub-class per 10,000 persons of all Non-Agricultural Classes ; and number of employers, employees and independent workers ~r _10,000 Self-supporting persons of all Non-Agricultural Classes . 124 V.2 L1vehhood Class V (Production other than cultivation)-Number per 10,000 persons of Livelihood Class V in each sub-class ; Number per 10,000 Self-s~pporting persons of Livelihood Class V who are employers, employees and independent workers ; Secondary means of Livelihood of 10,000 persons of Livelihood Class V . • · 125 ( xi ) CONTENTS

TABLES PAGE Series V-Non-agricultural Classes-concld.

V.3 Livelihood Class VI (Commerce)-Number per 10,000 persons of Liveli­ hood Class VI in each sub-class ; Number per 10,000 Self-supporting · persons of Livelihood Class VI who are employers,. employees and independent workers ; Secondary means of Livelihood of 10,000 persons of Livelihood Class VI ...... 128 V.4 Livelihood Class VII (Transport)-Number per 10,000 persons of Liveli­ hood Class VII in each sub-class ; Number per 10,000 self-supporting persons of Livelihood Class VII who are employers, employees and independent workers ; Secondary means of Livelihood of 10,000 persons. of Livelihood Class VII ...... 131 V.5 Livelihood Class VIII (Other services and miscellaneous sources)­ Number I>er 10,000 persons of Livelihood Class VIII in each sub-class; Number per 10,000 self-supporting persons of Livelihood Class VIII who are employers, employees and independent workers ; Secondary means of Livelihood of 10,000 persons of Livelihood Class VIII . . 134 V.6 Comparison of the Classification of the Population by Livelihood Classes at the 1951 and 1931 Censuses ...... 137 V.7 Territorial Distribution of 10,000 Self-supporting persons of all Industries and Services in the State (by Divisions) ...... 139 V.8 Territorial Distribution of 10,000 Self-supporting persons in the State, engaged in Primary Industries not elsewhere specified (By Sub-divisions) 140 V.9 Territorial Distribution of 10,000 Self-supporting persons in the State, engaged in Mining and Quarrying (By Sub-divisions) . . . . 141 V.10 Territgrial Distribution of 10,000 Self-supporting persons in the State, engaged in Processing and Manufacture-Foodstuffs, Textiles, Leather and Products thereof (By Sub-divisions) ...... 142 V.ll Territorial Distribution of 10,000 Self-supporting persons in the State, engaged in Processing and Manufacture-Metals, Chemicals and Products thereof (By Sub-divisions) ...... 143 V.l2 Territorial Distribution of 10,000 Self-supporting persons in the State, engaged in Processing and Manufacture-not elsewhere specified (By .. Sub-divisions) ...... 144 V.13 Territorial Distribution of 10,000 Self-supporting persons in the State, engaged in Construction and Utilities (By Sub-divisions) 145 V.14 Territorial Distribution of 10,000 Self-supporting persons in the State, engaged in Commerce (fly Sub-divisions) . . . . . 146 V.15 Territorial Distribution of 10,000 Self-supporting persons in the State, engaged in Transport, Storage and Communications (By Sub-divisions) . 147 V.16 Territorial Distribution of 10,000 Self-supporting persons in the State, engaged in Health, Education and Public Administration (By Sub- divisions) ...... · · · 148 V.17 Territorial Distribution of 10,000 Self-supporting persons in the State, engaged in Services not elsewhere specified (By Sub-divisions) 149 Series VI-FamiLies, Sexes and Principal Age Groups VI.l Persons per 1,000 Houses and Houses per 100 square miles and comparison with past Censuses ...... 150 VI.2 Number of Households per 1,000 Houses and Distribution by size of 1,000 Sample Households of Rural and Urban Population . . . 151 VI.3 Family Composition of 1,000 Households of the General Population . 152 VI.4 Females per 1,000 males (General, Rural and Urban Population); and comparison with Previous Censuses ...... · 152 VI.5 Females per 1,000 males in Agricultural Classes and Sub-classes . . Females per 1,000 males in Non-Agricultural Classes and Sub-classes . 153 VI.6 154 VI.7 Marital Status of 1,000 persons of each Sex of General Population and comparison with Previous Censuses . . . 155 VI.8 Age distribution of 1,000 married persons of each sex (and comparison with 1941 Census) . VI.9 Infants per 10,000 Persons . . . . 156 VI.lO Young Children (aged 1-4) per 10,000 persons 157 VI.ll Boys and Girls (aged 5-14) per 10,000 persons . . 157 VI.l2 Young Men and Women (aged 15-34) per 10,000 persons 158 Vl.13 Midclole Aged Persons (aged 35-54) per 10,000 persons 158 Vl.14 Elderly Persons (aged 55 and over) per 10,000 persons 159 159 Series VII-Literacy and Education VII.l Progress of Literacy . . . . 160 VII.2 Literacy Standard of Livelihood Classes I6i VII.3 Educational Services and research 165 ( xii ) BIBLIOGRAPHY


Bibliography Books

Abou-AbdaUah, Mahomet-lbn-Bathouka, ed in twenty-four hours, (3) On the de Tanger~ Voyagea ver 1325 dans 1' measure of the Olympic stadium. Egypte, la Syrie, la Perse, 1' Arabie, la Oxford: 1805 Zangnebar, 1' Asie-Mineure, la Kapts­ Birds of India, The. Being a natural history chack, la Karizm, l'Inde, la Chine, Cey­ of all the birds known to inhabit conti­ lon, la Niger et le Soudan, the book nental India: with descriptions of the written by him on return in 1365 is species, Genera; Families, Tribes, and entitled: Cadeau fait anx observateurs. Orders, and a brief notice of such families et traitant de la singularite' des villes as are not found in India, making it a et des merveilles qu'offrent les voyages. manual of Ornithology specially adopted See Revue Generale, Brouxelles T. 37 for India. By T. C. JERDON. In three (1883} p. 740 n. I. volumes, Calcutta 1864. Appendix. Ancient Indian Colonies in the Far East. Index. XLV, Pp. 876, XXXII. Vol. I.· Champa. By R. C. MAZUMDAR. Bengal Peasant Life. l3y REv. LAL BEHARI Lahore 1927; Pp. XI-XII. Pp. XVI- DEY. Macmillan & Co. 1892. XVII. . · (National Library) Ayeen Akbery or the Institutes of thP. 175. D. 507 Emperor Akbar. Tr. By FRANcis GI.Aa- Bengal Plants. In two volumes. Calcutta WIN in two volumes. · 1903. A list of the phanerogans, Ferns The Soobah of Bengal. PP. 2-22, Vol. II. and Fern-allies, indigenous to, or com­ Tuksaem Jumma or the Assessment of Ben• monly cultivated in, the Lower Provinces gaL Pp. 169-193. Vol. II. and Chittagong with definitions. of the (A. S. 0. B. Library) natural orders and Genera, and Key to Alberuni's India. An account of the Religion, the Genera and species. By DAVID Philosophy, Literature, Geography, PRAIN. Chronology, Astronomy, Customs, Laws (W. B. S. Library) and Astrology of India about AD. 1030 Bangabhasa 0 Sahitya. By DINESH CHANDRA in two volumes. By EDWARD C. SACHAU. SEN. • (A. S. 0. B. Library) Bangalir Itihas-Adi Parba. By. NIHAR Aspects of Bengali Society from Old Bengali RANJAN RoY .. · Literature. By TAMONASH CHANDRA DAS Book Emporium, Calcutta, 1356 B.S. GUPTA. • Banga-Parichaya. By PRABHAT KUMAR Annals of Rural Bengal, The. By W. W. MUKHOPADHAYA. In two volumes, HUNTER. London 1868. Calcutta. Chap. 4, P. '19, Pp. 502-37. (W. B. S. Library) · Cottage· Industry of Bengal. · Ancient India. From the earliest times to the Bangey Chal Tattwa. By SoNTosu NATH SETH 1st century AD. By E. J. RAPsoN. of Chandannagor. Calcutta. 1392 B.S. P. 170. Vanga, the old form of the a good book on rice in Bei!gal. modem name BengaL It denoted the Berigt Van Eeu Mahometaans Koopm'an, western and central districts of the pre­ AAngaande Cambalu mitsgaders de sent province, viz., Murshidabad, moeijelijke Reys Van Benedictus Goes, Birbhum, Burdwan and• Nadia. gedaan Van Lahar over Land door An Arab account of India in the 14th century. Tartaryen na China, in 't jaar 1598 en Being a translation of the chapters on vervolgens. Nu aldereerst nyt bet Portugys vertaald, met nodige Konst­ India from A1-Qalqashandis Subh Ul­ Printen en een Register verrijkt. A'shti. By OTTO SPIES. TE Leyden: 1706. Stuttgart : 1936. , A. Bogaerts Historische Reizen door d'ooster­ Arrian's voyage round the Euxine Sea. . sehe Deelen Van Asia. Translated and accompanied with a · Amsterdem: 1711, p. '424. geographical dissertation and maps, to. Baharistan-I-Ghaybia. A History of the which are added three discourses : (1) Mughal wars in Assam, Cooch Behar, On the Trade to the East Indies by means . Bengal, Bihar and Orissa during reigns of the Euxine Sea, (2) On the distance of Jahangir am~ Snahjahan. By MIRZA which the ships of Antiquity usually sail- NAT!l4N, 488 BIBLIOGRAPHY Translated from the Ori_ginal Persian. By Description Historique 11t Geo&raphique de 1\t. I. BoRAH in .two volumes. Vol. II, l'lnde. With plates. 3 Vols. 4to Berlin, p. 501. Rare cloths of Bengal. 1786. By J. BERNOULLI. Changing Face of Bengal, The. A study in . (A. S. 0. B. Library) riverine economy. By Ro\DHAKAMAL Descriptive Catalogue of Ben~ali Books. By 1\IUKERJEE. J. LoNG. Calcutta 1855. Unit·ersity of Calcutta: 1938 Dhaturriala or a Garland of Metals, compiled Cocon de soie. Le. By E. DuSEIGNl:UR­ and translated into English from various Kleber P. 137. sanskrit works. By RAJA SIR SouRINDRA Contes Orientaux, tires des 1\tanuscrits de la MoHUN TAGOHE, Thacker Spink & Co. Bibliothique du Roi de france. 2 Vols. Calcutta 1903. 12 me. La Haye 1743. (W. B. S. Library) Coins of India. The. By C. J. BROWN. Doctrine classiQue de la Medecine Indienne, Commercial Relations between India and . La. Ses origines et ses paralleles Grecs. England (1601 to 1757}. By BAL KRISHNA. By JEAN FILLIOZAT. Paris 1949. (With a Map. London 1924.) 0 Descobrimento do Tibet pelo P. Antonio P. 26: Paradise of Nations, extent and de ANDRADE da companhia de Jesus, nature of trade. em 1624, narrado em duas cartas do P. 28 l The principal exports of Bengal. mesmo religioso. Estado Historico por P. 29: Imports. Francisco Maria Esteves Pereira. . · P. 29: Muslins. Coimbra: 1921. P. 281n: Bengal ·vessels. · (A) Description of the coasts of East Africa P. 98: Raw Silk of Bengal. and Malabar in the beginning of the 16th P. 100: Saltpetre: The same: P. 199. century. By. DUARTE BARBOSA. Trans­ P. 105: Sugar. . lated from an early Spanish manuscript P. 108: Woollens. • in the Barcelona Library witlr notes and P. 110: Metals. a preface. By E. J. STANLEY, pp. 178- P. 139: Hugly as one of the trading 181. Section entitled, "Bengal". centres. Empire of the Nabobs, The. A short history· P. 141 : Hugly as one · of the ~rading . of British India. By LESTER HUTCHINSON'. centres. London. P. 142: Bengal Silk. "Nabob, nabob, n. A deputy or Governor P. 158: Cotton yarn. . under the Mo~ Empire: . a Eutopean P. 197: Silk Industry of Bengal under who has enriched himself in ~ East: The United Company of Merchants of any man of great wealth, (Corr. of Hindi England Trading to the East Indies. Nawwab, a deputy)". Quoted from Cham­ P. 255: Chapter x: Protection against bers's Twentieth Century Dictionary by Indian Textiles. The book contains a the author as an explanatory note on good bibliography. the word Nabob. Re: Irrigation see P. 11. Cotton Hand-Book for Ben,eal being a digest Early History of India, The. From 600 B.C. of all information available from official to the .Muhammadan conquest including records and other sources on the subject the invasion of Alexander the Great. By of the production of Cotton in the Bengal VINCENT A. SMITH. Fourth · Edition, Provinces. Compiled by J. G: MEDLICOTT; revised By S. M. EowARDES. Oxford. Calcutta-1862. 1924. P. 412: Pala and Sena. Dynasties (W. B. S. Library) of Bihar and Bengal. · Calendar of the Court Minutes, A, of the East Excavations of Bangarh (1938-41), By India Co. (1655-1659}. By ETHEL BRUCE KUNJA GoBINDA GoswAMI, Calcutta SAINSBURY. University. 1948. Coffimercial Products of India, The. An (An) Exact and curious Survey of all the East abridgement of " The Dictionary of the Indies, even to Canton, the chief cittie of Economic Products of India ". By Sm China: All dulY performed by land, by · GEORGE WATT, London 1908. Monsieur de Monfart, the like whereof Captain Pogson's Narrative during a tour to was neuer hetherto, brought to an end. Chateegaon, 1831. Wherein also are described the huge Serampore Press. 1831 Dominions of the great Mogor, to whom Caesar Frederiks agticu-jarige Reys, na en­ the honour~e Knight Sir Thomas Roe, door Indien, anno 1563 en vervolgens seer was lately sent Ambassador from the naauwkenrig door hem sells beschreven. King. Newly translated out of the Leyden: 1706, p. 27. travellers Manuscript. London 1615. (The) Commerce and Navigation of the p. 25. Bengalla. " It is a country full Ancients in the Indian Ocean. Bv of all sorts of commodities. Among'the WILLIAM VINCENT. In two volumes. . rest they have prettie coverlets, of yellow London: 1807. linen-cloth, all pinkte and wrou~ht with 489 9 CENSUS 62 BIBLIOGRAPHY r needle-worke, whereof some are to be Historical Notes. By GEORGE DuNCAN, seen in these parts." (Kantha ?). , Fifth Ed!tion, Higginbotham and Co., Foe-Koue-Ki on Relations des Royaumes · 1870. Bouddhiques: Voyage dans la Tartarie, Grow More Food. Published by Govern• dans 1' Afghanistan et dans l'inde, ' exe· ment of Bengal. cute a la fin du IVe siecle par CHY FA (W. B. S. Library) HIAN. Traduit du chenois et commente Guide to the Commerce of Bengal, A. Con• par M. Rbeu Remusat. Ouvrage · pos­ taining a view of the shipping and Exter· thume revu, complete et augmente d' nal Commerce of Bengal, in three parts: e'claircissements . nouveaux par MM I Port Rules and Regulations. Klaproth et Landresse. 4to. Paris, 1836. II Shipping. (A: S. 0. B. Library) III Commercial Statements, etc., etc., Fairs and Festivals in Bengal. By CHAS. A. with . BENTLEY. Calcutta, B. S. Book Depart-· a copious appendix, comprehending vari· ment (1921). ous details and statements, relative to . (W. B. S. Library) the shipping and commerce of countries Fairs and Festivals in West Bengal. By connected with British India and China. A. MITRA. Calcutta, W. B. S. Book Tl\.e whole compiled from authentic Depot (1953). sources. By JOHN PHIPPS, 1823. . Firminger's Manual of Gardening. Revised, Historiadores Primitivos de las Indias Oc• Corrected and amplified. By .H. ST. cidentales. 3 Vols. 4to. Madris 1749. JOHN JACKSON, Calcutta-1890. Hand-book of the Management of Animals (The) Foote collection of Indian Prehistoric in Captivity in Lower Bengal. By RAM and Protohistoric Antiquities, Notes on · BRAMHA SANYAL, Calcutta-1892. their ages and distribution. By RoBERT · Hand-book of the Collection Illustrative· of BRUCE FooTE, Madras: 1914. the wild silks of India, in the Indian Francois Bernier, ses voyages dans l'lnde Section of the South Kensington Museum, By H. CASTONNET DES FOSSES, Angers; with a Catalogue of the collection and 1888, pp. 41-51. On Bengal. numerous Illustrations. By THoms Geographic d'Aboulfe da Traduite de l'Arabe WARDLE. en Francais et accompagnee de notes et (W. B. S. Library) d'eclaircissements. By M. REINAUD. Hand-book of Tannin,g. Calcutta: B. S. Vol. I. Paris: 1883. Press, 1921. Vol. 1. Introduction P. CDXIX.· P. (A) History of British India. By W. W. CCCXXXII; p. CD XXXVII. HuNTER. In two volumes. Vol. 1 pub· The author· quotes Maury's · note on Mohit lished in London, 1899 and . Vol. 2 in 1900. (Mohyth) at length. (Also see JASOB, Vol. I. A magnificent review of Indian trade • Vol. III, No. 35, Nov. 1834 in respect of with the Mediterranean countries from this Turkish work on navigation entitled the earliest period (around 700 B.C.1 to "Mohit ". 1623. Do. Tome II, second part translated. By Vol. II. From 1623 to the union of the Com­ S. GUYARD, Pp. 233-302. General' Index panies around 1698-1708, pp. 385-419. Pp. 303-320. Index of authors and works Index. mentioned in the footnotes. Improvements on the country process of Paris: 1883. making Sugar from Gur. By R. L. DATTA Glossary of Terms relating ta Hand-made and T. BASU. B. S. Book-Depot: 1930. Cotton Fabrics. Published from the Indo-Protuguese · Embroideries of Bengal, Department of Commercial Intelligence pp. 1-9 with 16 illustr'ations. By JoHN and StatisticS, India.· IRWIN. ' Calcutta: 1930, Pp. 1-12: Reprinted from Art and Letters : Journal of Glossary of Jute Trade Terms (Department the Royal India, Pakistan and Ceylon · of Commercial Intelligence and Statis• Society, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, 1952, pp. 8-9. tics), Delhi: 1938. Some imporfant references. A,mong Geographie · d'Aboulfeda. Translated. by Indo-Portuguese embroideries preserved STANISLAS GUYARD. Vol. 2, 2nd part, .in museums and private collections in · p. 1.26, Footnote 9. Europe and America there is a well· Gli Scritti del Padre Mar~ Della Tomba. known and distinctive group of sixteenth• By ANGELO DE GUBERNATIS, p. 59. Ragh­ and-seventeenth Century quilts usually matti (Rangamati?). labelled Goanese. The purpose of the . ' . (179 A 323) above article is to show that they were Geography of India, comprising a descriptive made not in Goa but in Bengal. outline "of all India, and a detailed Geo• Indian Companion, The, being a manual of · graphical, Commercial, Social and Poli· Universal Statistics of all the provinces tical account of its Divisions, with in and the countries adjacent to India 490 BIBLIOGRAPHY with a Map, Routes' Directory, Appendix Heads and up the Eastern channel to and Index. By G. H. KHANDEKAR, Poona, Saugor Road. By CAPTAIN WILLIAM September, 1894. MAXFIELD, First Assistant to. the P. 66. Bengal Presidency. Marine · Surveyor General, with re- P. 68. Bakarganj. mar~s on thorhill's .channel, the old P. 74. Bankura. channel, Lacam's channel; etc. P. 76. Bay of Bengal. India in the 15th Century, Ed. By R. H. P. 84. Birbhum. MA.loR for the Hakluyt Society. P. 89. Burdwan. The sources are from Latin, Persian, Russian P. 94. Chittagon'g. and Italian texts. P. 117. Dacca. Index to Books and Papers on the Physical Dhaka, derived from the dhak tree (Palash?) Geography, Antiquities, and Statistics of or from Dhakeswari the. conceived god· India. By GEORGE BUIST. Bombay- dess. 1852. P: 123. Darjeeling. Inde Francaise, L, Ou collection de dessins P. 127. Dinajpur. lithographies representant les Divinites, P. 134. Faridpur. Temples, Costumes, Physionomies, Men­ P. 147. . bles, Arines, et ustensiles, des Peuples P. 150. Hugli. . · Hindous qui habitent les Possessions P. 159. Jessore. · · Francaises de l'Inde, et eh general la P. 164. Khulna. cote de coromandel et le Malabar. Avec. P. 169. Kuch-Bihar. un texte explicatif par E. Burnouf and P. 175. Maimensing. E. Jacquet. ·2 vols. Fol. Paris, 1827-35~ P. 180. Maldah. By J. J. CHABRELIE. P. 188. Midnapore. (A. S. 0. B, Library) P. 208. Murshidabad. Indigenous Drugs of India, 8 vols., Calcutta, P. 214. Nuddea. . . 1867. By KANNYLOL DEY. . P. 279. 24-Parganas. (A.. S. 0. B. Library) Initial coinage of' Bengal, The, under the Indian Industrial and Agricultural Exhibi­ early Muhmmadan conquerors. By tion-1906/7. EDWARD THOMAS, London: 1873, pp. 3-40, (W. B. S. Library) Pt. 2. Journey from India t<.> England, A, through Investigation of the oil of Punnal (calo· Persia, Georgia, Russia, Poland and phyllum Inophyllum). By R. L. DATTA Prussia. Illustrated with Engravings. and T. BASU. B. S. Press: 1930. 4to. .London, 1!118. By LT. CoL. JoHN Investigation of the oil of Karanja seed JOHNSON. (Pongamia Glabra) with reference to its (A. S. 0. B.-Library) application in soap-making, specially of JEAN-BAPTISTE TAVERNIER. Par the Bengal type of moulded soap. By Charles Joret. Paris: 1886, pp. 196-201, R. L. DATTA, Calcutta: B. S. Book Depot, p. 201 n. 4. 1930. (A) Journal of the First voyage of Vasco de Investigation into the application of Ra,Yna Gama (1497-1499). Translated and (Amoora Rohituka) oil in soap-making. edited with notes and Introduction and By R. L. DATTA and TINKARI BASU. B. S. appendices. By E. G. RAVENSTEIN. Book Depot, 1930. Published by the Hakluyt Society, No .. India Directory, or Directions for sailing to XCIX, London: M. DCCCXCVIII. and from the East Indies, China, New pp. 100, 101, 220 (place names on the Holland, Cape of Good Hope, Brazil, and maps). Also see p.· 209-" At Catiguam the interjacent ports: compiled chiefly (Chittagong) we read " esta em XI from Original journals 'at the pulgados a o norte," but these pulgados House, and from observations and re­ or inches are clearly the " isbas " of the marks, made during twenty-one year!l "Mohit ", a mode of Expressing the lati­ experience navigating in those seas. By tude which is peculiar to the Indian JAMES HORSBURGH. In two volumes: Ocean and has explained by • me on Vol. I, 3rd Edn., London, 1826. Vol II, p. 26, note 4 '. 3rd .Edn., 1827, p. 450. Journal d'un voyage fait anx Indes Orien­ Entrance of the , or Calcutta tales, par une escadre de six vaisseaux River. commandez par Mr. Du Quesne, depuis Description of the channels, sea reefs and le 24 Fevrier 1690, Jusqu'au 20 Aout sands. 1691, par ordre de la compagnie des Pp. 455-462. Directions to approach the Indes Orientales. River Hooghly, winds, currents or Ouvrage rempli de Remarques curieuses sur tides. quantite de ·· sujets, et particulierement Pp. 462-469. Directions for sailina from sur la Navigation et sur la Politique de False point Palmiras to the Sand clivers peuples et de ditTerentes societez. 491 62A BIBLIOGRAPHY In three volumes. Published both at Rouen · London: MDCCCXLII, P. 122. The and at La Haye in MDCCXXI. Vol. II, Muslin of India, p. 201, A strikiniZ re­ p, 239 (Rouen edition). semblance between the boats of the Journey over-land to India, A, in· a series of ancient Egyptians and those of India, letters. By DONALD CAMPBELL, London: p. 214, Egypt's intercourse with India. 1796, p. 149. Passage to Bengal. Map of Bengal TASSIN. Kavi Kankan Chandi (Bangabasi Edition), (Cat Review, Vol. IX, p. 1, Jan.-June pp. 221-222. The construction of" Boats. 1848): The same, p. 191.. A few names of boats. Manual of Ancientr History, A, particularly Also note the barter system, p. 196. with regard to the constitutions, the com­ Janga Dinga. This probably refers to merce and the Colonies of the states of Chinese junks. (Cf. La Route des Indes Antiquity. Translated from the German, et ses Navires. By JEAN PouJADE, Paris, 3rd Edition, 8 vol., Oxford, 1840. By 1946, pp. 254-261.) . ARNOLD HERMAN L: HEEREN. Lac. By J. E. O'CC)NOR. (1876). . (A. S. 0. B. Library) (W. B. S. Library) Mani-Mala or a treatise on gems, in two Letters received by the volumes. By S. M. TAGORE. from its servants in the East. Vol. VI, Monograph on Paper and Papier-Mache in 1617 . (July to December). Edited by Bengal. By D. N. MooKERJI (1908). WILLIAM FOSTER, London, 1902, p, 15tJ ; Manasha Mangal. By BIJAY GUPTA. The p, 186 ; p. 303n ; ·ftrman for Bengal ; following names of Boat may be noted·: pp, 134 :' 155 ; 215 ; 225. Madhukar, Bijusiju, Guarekhi, Varar­ (W. B. S. Library) patua, Sankhachur, Ajoyshellpat, Uday­ Letters received by the East India Compimy tara; · Tiatputi, etc. from its servants in the East. Transcrib­ Manasha Mangal. By BANSHIDAS (Editian, ed from the ' Original Correspondence '. · D. Chakraborty), p. 288. A beautiful de­ series of the India Office records. Vol. I scription of Chand's vessel called Madhu­ (1602-1613). With an Introduction by kar. The cost of this vessel is said to · FREDERICK CHARLES DANVERS, London:· be 14 lakhs. · 1896, p. 9, Bengal ship ; · pp. 69, 70, 72, Manasha Mangal. By BANSHIDAS. (Editian, 74, 75, 76, 255, Names, types and varieties D. Chakraborty), p. 319. Another de­ of cloths. scription. The following names are Letters received by the East India Company worth noted. Sakhachur, Chhotighati · from its servants in the East. Transcrib- (the ship which is filled in with Wares . ed from the ' Original ·Correspondence.' probably earthen) ). series of the India Office records. Vol. 2 Kajalrekhi (literally-drawn with collyrium), (1613-1615). Introduction by, WILLIAM · Manikyamerua (curonne de diamants)­ FOSTER, London: 18~7, pp, 59, 117, Bengal this ship had 1600 oarsmen to row, over cloth ; p. 178, Letter No. 186, Thomas the sea, etc., etc. Keridge to Captain Downton. Received Manasha Mangal. By BANSHIDAS. (D. by the Hope. ·Chakraborty's edition), pp. 380-390 and Aymier, No'vember 22nd, 1614. 392-393. A list of Bengali Merchandise. ·Quicksilver is worth 280 rupees th~ · great Also note the barter system. · . maund, the seer being 30 pisas in weight; The Manufacture of Shellac. By R. L. DATTA vermilion at 290 rupees ; at present no and T. BASU. B. S. Book Depot: 1928. · great quantity here, but oftentimes it is The Manufacture of writing Ink. By R. L. brought from Bengala, and then to be DATTA and others. had reasonable...... B. G. Pr~ss: 1939. Weights and Measures Eastern and English, Manufacture of Coir. Calcutta: B. S. Press, See pp. 2, 35, 287, 288, 289, 308, 59, 86, 1922. . • ' 337, 1, 13, 69, 288; 32, 45, 58, 86, 120,, 283, 311, 312, 97, 180, 181, 214, 220, 225, 229, Navigation imd voyages, The, of Lewis 241, 263, 305, 34, 46, 77, 127, 256, 7, 25, Vertomanus, a· gentleman of the citie of 26, 198, 202, 140, 181, 193, 215, 238, 248, Rome, in . the year of our Lord 1503. 260, 281, 282, 20, 22, 181, 250, Seer 123, Translated out of Latine into Englyshe. '127, 231, 250, 253, etc. . By RICHARDE EDEN, in 1576. Edinburgh:. Letters received by the Ea~t India Company 1884. from its servants in the East. Transcrib­ P. 188-He (i.e., the King of Tarnassarie) ed from the " Original Correspondence " Keepeth continual!. warre with the kyngs series of the India Office records, Vol. 3, of Narsinga and Bangella. 1615, edited by WILLIAM FOSTER, London:· P. 199-Bangella a great and riche citie of 1899, P. 66. For Coins, see Index, P. 345. India and the great power of the Kyng. Manners and customs of the Ancient Egyp­ P. 201-0f certayne Christian merchants tians. By GARDNER WILKINSON, Vol. 3, ' which exercise merchandies there. 492. BIBLIOGRAPHY (See John W. Jones' the Travels of Ludovico News from the East Indies: Or a Voyage to di Varthema-Hakluyt Society, London Bengalla, one of the greatest kingdoms 1863:) I under the High and Mighty prince Navigation de Vasque de Gamme. Publiee Padesha shaffallem uSually called the par CHARLES SCHEFER, Paris: 1898. Great Mogull. With the state and magni­ Introduction by HENRI CORDIER. ficence of the Court of Malcandy, kept Neem Oil and its Treatment for application by the Nabob viceroy, or vice-king under in making washing soap. By R. L. DATTA the aforesaid Monarch: Also their de­ and others. · · testable religion, mad and foppish rites, (A) New Account of the East Indies. By and . Ceremonies, and wicked sacrifices ALEXANDER HAMILTON. In two volumes. and impious customs used in those parts. With many maps. · Written by .WILLIAM BRUTON, now resi­ Vol. II. London M. D. CCXLIV. . dent in the Parisn of S. Saviours south­ Chap. XXXIII. Treats of the Towns, Cities, wark·, who was an eye and eare witnesse Country, and C~stoms of Bengal, parti­ of these following Descriptions ; and cularly on those near the famous Ganges, published as he collected them being with some historical accounts, ancient resident there diverse years: and now and modern, of Fort William. lately !!arne home in the Good ship call­ Chap. XXXIV. In continuation of the De­ ed the Hopewel of London, with divers scription of Bengal. Merchants of good account which are Chap. XXXV. Gives an account of Xatigam . able to testify the . same for truth. (Chittaganj). London: 1638, p. 9.. The· court of Mal-· Chap. XLI. P. lOG--" Atcheen, for many. candi in Bengalla (Orissa?). ages, has been a noted Port for trade Pp. 19-21-Trade licence given to the English from Surat, . Malabar, ..Coromondel, merchants custom free. Also the per­ mission to ·ship-building to the English Bengal, Pegu' and China. It lles at the merchants. North-West end of the famous Sumatra P. 32-A description of the city of Bengalla...... " (Cf. Luillier, p. 242.) Note on Hides, Skins and Leather.. By J. C. P. 309-A table of Weights, Measures and .NIXON. (Supplement to the Indian Trade Coins, used in several parts of the East Journal, Nov. 3, 1921, pp, 1-22 ; pp. 13-19. Indies. · Tables.) . · .

493 BIBLIOGRAPHY Nouvelle relation d'un voyage fait aux lndes Vol. 2, Chapter XX, pp. 83 to 96, coasts orientales. With plates 12 mo. Aamster­ of Madras to BengaL dam 1699. By DELLOR. Chapter XXI. PP. 98 to 277, Calcutta. • (A. S. 0. B. Librarv.) Chapter XXII. PP. 278 ·to 294. Bengal to Navigantum atque· Itiherantium Bibliotheca: the Malay Peninsula. · or a complete collection of voyages and Original sanskrit texts on the origin and Travels, containing whatever has been progress of the Religion and Institutions observed worthy of notice in· Europe, of India, collected, translated into Eng­ ·Asia, Africa, and America. illustrated lish, ·and illustrated by notes. By with Charts, Maps and Cuts. 2 Vols. J. MUIR. Pt. I. The Mythical and Le­ Fol. London 1764. By Jolil'j D. D. gendary account of Caste, London, 1858. HARRIS .. (National Library.) (A. S. 0. B .. Librarv.) Pilgrimage of FA-BIAN, The. From the Oxford History of India, The. From the French edition of Foe-Koue-Ki of MM Earliest Times to the end of 1911. By Remusat, Klaforth and Landresse, with VINCENT A. SMITH, Oxford. 1919. . additional notes and illustrations 8vo. · P. 8: Bihar and Bengal long continued Calcutta. 1848. · to be reckoned as non-Aryan countries. . (A. S. 0. B . . Library.) P. 28: The Kauriwa cause was upheld (The) Possibilities of the Coir Industry in by the forces of Eastern Bihar, Ben­ BengaL By S. N. CHAKRAVARTY. B. G. gal, the Himalay, and the Punjab. Press. 19::!6. PP. 184-6: Early History of Bengal. Possibilities of manufacture of furniture and P. 221: Muhammadan conquest of other articles. of sheet steel as a small Bengal. · scale cottage or hazar Industry. By P. 229, P. 258, P. 263: The Independent A. T. WESTON and S. C. MITTER. Muhammadan Kings of Bengal. Printing on Fabrics. By C. C. GHOSH. Cal­ P. 354: Akbar's conquest of Bengal. cutta. B. S. Book-Depot. 1933. P. 358: P. 380 Rebellions in Ben,al. Prachin Silpa Parichaya. Compiled P. 418: Barnier praises Bengal. by GIRISH CHANDRA BEDANTA THIRTHA. P. 507: Famine of 1770. Calcutta 1329 {B.S.). Introduction By P. 646: The first Indian newspaper AKSHOY KUMAR MAITREYA. printed in English. Hickey's Bengal PP. 1-33. Cloth. Gazette. : PP. 34--43. Shoes. Oriental Commerce, containing a Geographi­ PP. 43-54. Umbrella. PP. 115-121. Leather. cal description of the principal places in Pre-Buddhist India. A political, admini­ the East Indies, China, and Japan, with strative, Economic, Social and Geogra­ their produce, manufactures, and trade, phical survey of Ancient India based ·including the coasting or country trade mainly on the Jataka Stores. By RATI­ from port to port : also the rise and LAL N. MEHTA. Bombay. 1939. progress of the trade of the various Ragionamenti Di Francesco Carletti Floren­ European nations with the Eastern tino sopra le cose da lui vedute ne' suoi world, particularly that of the English viaggi si dell' Indie occidentali. e · Orien­ East India Company from the discovery tali c'ome d'altri paesi. 1701'. P. 236. of the passage round the Cape of Good Ed e questa seconda piena di molti Hope to the present period : with an lnoghi, e Regni sino a Bengala, del qual account of the Company : establish­ nome si chiama quel Golfo di mare. 'ments, Revenues, Debts, Assets, etc., at P. 248. Il Regno del pegir confiDante con home · and abroad. Deduced from quel di Bengala, mandava una volta authentic documents, and founded upon grandissima quantita d'oro, e di Rulini, practical experience obtained in the siccome molte altre gioje ; rna ora course of seven voyages to India and questo Regno e affatto deserto, onde si China. By WILLIAM MILBURN. sono perdute tutte le miniere, conciossia VoL I, P. 207: Commerce with Bengal. A cosa che etli fosse disfatto e spianato dal statement of the merchandise and Re di Siam, come accennai a V. A. nel treasure imported into Bombay and secondo Regionamento. Surat from Bengal in the years 1802 to Ralph Fitch. England's pioneer to India 1806 inclusive, likewise of the mer­ and Burma. His companions and Con­ chandise and treasure exported from temporaries, with his ·remarkable narra­ Bombay and Surat to Bengal during the · tive told in his own words. By same . period, together with a list of the J. HORTON RYLEY. London. 1899. articles of which the imports and. ex­ For an account of Bengal see pp. 100, 110, ports consisted in 1805. London: '1813. (Tauda in Gouren) 113 (Hugely), 114 BmLIOGRAPHY (Satagam). p. 115 (Tippara or porto Chap. \'L Les navires occidentanx de Grando) Chatigan. p. 118 Bacola (Sari­ Ia route des lndes (Yediterranee, Mer sal) p. 118. Serrepore (Serampore), Erythrie). • p. 119, Sinnergan {Sonargaon) p. 120o. Chap. \~. Les navires Orientaux Relation due voyage et retour des lndes de Ia route des lndes (Extreme­ Orientales pendant les annees . 1!!60 et Orient). 1691. Paris: l\IDC LXX.XXII. P. 256. Chap. \~. Le probleme de rioter­ How MR. DESLA..'iDERS, Director General penetration des formes de bateaux et arrived at Hooghly. des techniques de con.:.-truction navale Relation ou Journal d"un voya~e _fait anx entre les trois re.e;ions de la Mer. Medi­ Indes orientales. Paris. 16i7. terranee de 1a 1\Ier Erytbr:ie et de PP. 188-197. Embouchure du Gange. l'ExtremWrient qui cominunique Description de Ia ville de Bengala. entre elles ; ce qu•on a convenue l\loeurs et coutumes des lndieus de Ben­ d"appeler: "La routes des lndes." gala et Habitants du Gan~e, etc., etc. Recueil des voyages qui ont servi a retablis­ The description of the city called Ben­ sement, et aux progress de la compagnie gala corroborates with that of D' Innigo. des lndes · orientales. 2nd Edition. (A) Relation of an unfortunate Voyage to 5 Vols. 12 mo. Aamsterdam Ii16-16• ..I.E the Kingdom of Bengala. By GLL•.-·ros. SIEUR DE CoNSTA.,""TIN. London. 1682. P. 183. Report on the Investigations on Sole Leather Silk Production. and Weaving. By Tannage. B. S. Book-DepoL 1925. C. C. GHOSH. 19-19. Report of the Investigations on the Manu­ Southern India and China. By V. R. Ruu.­ facture of Picking Bands. By B. M. Dd CHA..,,RA DIKsHITAR. Madras. 1945. and U. N. Dcrr. ·B. S. Book DepoL P. 3. Tamluk as an active trade· centre 1930. so far the Far East was concerned. Picking bands are leather strap;; of 1!'• P. 4. Trade relations with China and width. 3/16• to 1• in thickness and 2' India according to Pan Kon to 3' in length according to requirement, (2nd century, B.C.) attached to looms in their contrivance P. 12. "At this time (lOth century!) to throw the shuttle while weaving according to the history of Tibet, the textile fabrics. Tibetans got a firm control over the Report on the -Investigation on the Indian whole of Bengal and weilded their Tannery Waters. Calcutta. B. S. Press. power for nearly two hundred years, 1921. . when the Bay of Bengal was virtually Researches on Modern Electroplating, PL L named the Sea of TibeL'" a review of the available literature. By Sri Krishna Kirtan by Chandidas, (Bangiya A. KARIM and J. SA.'iY.u.. Sabitya Parisad Edition) p. 140. The B. G. Press. 1940 (for official use only). manufacturing of Boats. contains a good biblio~phy on the (A) Statistical Account of Bengal By subject. w. W. H~"T£R.. Vol XX. pp. 1-120. (La) Route des lndes et se5 Navires. By The Fish and Fisheries of Bengal By JEA..'i Pot:.JADE ; Paris: 19-16. With 90 drawings by the author. DR. F. BuCHA...,..A.'i-ILU.UL'IOX. Introduction: Introductory Note By FRA..'iCIS l)};y_ Chap. I. Organisation des voies de · PP. 123-227. List of Plants found in communications maritimes en Medi­ Bengal and Assam. By G. KINe. terranee. PP. 231--425. General Index to Statis­ ·chap. II. Creation. ouverture de­ tical Account of Bengal. velopment et fermerture de Ia Porte Storia de Cambanau. Di Taid e D•aJtr'i Sude de Ia l\Iediterranee sur 1 'Ex- Luogbi Dell' India. Narrata dal beato treme-Orient. odorico del Friuli anno MCCCXXX. Chap. III. Organisation de Ia Porte Bologna. 1866. Nord de la i\Iiditerranee Sur l'Ex­ Sketch of the Topography and Statistics of treme-Orient. Dacca, A. BY JAMES TAYLOR. Calcutta. Chap IV. Recherche el organisation P. 122, Chapter V. de Ia route du cap DOur echapper au P. 161. Chapter VI. controle de Ia porte. Sources for the History of British India in Chap. V. Existence d"aires de naviga­ the Seventeenth Century. By SHAFAAT tion nettement caracterisies dans l'anti AHMAD-KHA..'i. PP. 1-366. lnae:~t O.U.P. quite. Leur survivance jusqu•a nos The work is chiefly occupied with the jours. Essai d"une theoric ethnogra­ manuscript materials for the study of phique. seventeenth century British India. 495 BIBLipGRAPHY and deals mainly with the records P. 5lln. p. 553n. 5. preserved in;. the British archives. . . P. 559n. p. 562n . P. 49. 1661-80. Reports on the . P. ·57.0n. 9. "From this point are roads E. I. Co.'s affairs in Bengal. .Add. MS.. leading into Bhutan and Bengal." The 34123, fols'. 42-50. point refers to Tishu Lambu or Digar­ The MS. deals with the trade of that chah, the seat of a lama in Lat. 29" 7' province, its currency.: and weights · N.; Long. 89" 2' E., a great monastery and measures. It contains a list. of .only 180 miles from Rangpur of Ben- the chiefs of the Company's factories, · gal. . . . a copy of the . agreement made . be­ P. 586n. 9 the name of· the province, tween. the agent and councU of Fort St. . Bengal: Bang-al, i.e., causeway. · George and ' Chim Cham and ,.chinda­ P. 589n. p. · 595n. · mundsaw ' · a' firm of merchants' P. 610n. 7. p. 666n. p. 762n. 9. • 3 September, 1979, also a. copy of the P. 765n. 8 · p. 77ln. 772n. 773n. 774n. regulations drawn up by Streynshatn 777n. p. 878n. . · . Master for conducting the ·company's Textile Dyeing. By C. C. GHOSH. Calcutta. affairs in the Bay of Bengal, 12 Decem­ ber, 1679. 1933 .. P. 76.. Voyage to Madras and Bengal. (The) Three voyages of .Vasco da Gama and P. 103. Map of Bengal. Add.· MS 5414 his viceroyalty. From the Lendas Da No. 9. The map. shows coast and .India of Gaspar Correa. Accompanied· islands, but gives very few place- · by Original Documents. Translated names. from the Portuguese; with notes and an Souvenirs d'un voyage dans l'Inde execute ~ introduction·. .BY HENRY E. J. STANLEY. de 1834 a 1839. With Plates and a London. 1869. chart. 4to Paris 1843. A. DELESSERT. Travels in India in the seventeenth century. (A. S. 0, B. Library.) By SIR THoMAs RoE and DR. JOHN .Statement of Public Ferries in Bengal. FRYER. London.. 1873 . ' 1864. Chapter VII, p. · 458. Collec~ions of the (W. B. S. Library.) coins, weights and precious stones; Un­ Sankhya-Pariman or Indian weights and usual in those places of trade within the .. Measures.. By GOPALBHATTA. . Charter of the Honourable. East India Selections from the Records of the Bengal Company. Government No. XLI. On Publications Travels in the Mogul Empire. By FRANCIS in the Bengali Language. . BERNER. Translated from the F.rench Silk in India. Compiled by J. GEOGHEGAN. by Irving 'Brock. In two volumes. · (W. B. S. Library.) London. 1826. . Travels of Ludovico di Varthema, The. PP. 181-200. Articles of trade men­ A. D. 1503 to 1058·. London, 1863. 8" tioned are: Rice. Sugar, Sweetmeats, LUDOviCO DI VARTHEMA. Fruits, Wheat, 1\4-eat, Fish, Cotton, · (National Library 17. B. 6.) Silks, Saltpetre ·(Patna), _Gum-lac, Travels ·. of Fah-Hian and ·Sung-Y~. opium, Wax, civet, Long pep12er and Buddhist Pilgrim~, from China to India. various drugs, Butter (sent by sea to Translated from ·the. Chinese. With ,a numberless places), Salt. . • Map. 12mo. London 1869. By SAMUEL BEAL. · . . . PP. 186-191. A description of Bengal. PP. 186. On irrigation. . (Asiatic Societ11 of Bengal Library.) (A) True and almQst incredible Report of Tanstuffs of the Forest Division. an Englishman that (being cast away By J. A. PILGRIM. Calcutta. 1920. . (W. B. S. Library.) . in the ~ood ship called the Assention in Tussur-Silk, Bengal. ' Cambaya, the farthest part of the East (W. B. S. Lib.rary.) Inaies) travelled by Land thorow many Tabakat-i-Nasiri: A General History of the unknowne kingdomes, and great cities. Muhammadan Dynasties of Asia, in- With a particular description of all those , eluding Hindustan, from A .. H. 194 (810 Kingdoms·, cities, and people. By A. D.) to A. H. 658 (1260 A. D.) By CAPTAIN ROBERT CouERT. London. 1631. THE MAULANA, MINBAJUD-DlN, ABU· Pp. 36-37. 'UMAR-I-'USMAN. " Merchandize from a farre country: as Translated from Original Persian Manus- from · Chyna, Bengalla ...... " cripts. By H. G. RAVER'l'Y. London·. Text-Book of Inorganic Chemistry, A: By 1881. J. R. PARTINGTON. London. 1944, 5th . P. 93n. 9. Edition . P. 203n. 1. P. 957. On Iron. 496 BIDUOGRAPHY Travels of Ludovico di Varthema in Egypt, London, 1811. s•. BY. VISCOUNT S.}Tia, Arabia deserta and Arabia Felix. VALENTIA. in Persia, India and Ethiopia. (National Liln'a111, 61. B. 121.) AD 1503 to 1508. Translated from the Voyages; contenant Ia description des etats original Italian edition of 1519, with a du Grand HogoL With Map and. Plate. Preface, BY JOHN WINTER JONES .and 2 Vcls. 12 .mo. Aamsterdam, 1724, Br. edited, with notes and an Introduction, FRANCIS BERNIER. BY GEORGE PERCY BADGER with a (A. S. 0. B. LtbTa"ff) map. Voyages des Indes Orientales mele de London: Printed for the Hakluyt Society, plusieurs histoires curieuses. 2 Vols. in 1863. one. • 32ino PSris 1699. BY LEoN CARRE.· Introduction. P.Ixili; P. lxxx-lxxxii- (A. S. 0. B. Liln'a111) P. 210.-The chapter concerning the city Voyages de N. de Graaf aux Indes Orientales of Banghella, and. of its distance from 'et en d'antres lieux de l'Asie. With Tarnassari. Plates. 12mo. Aamsterdam, 1719. Also see foot note No 3- N. DEGRAAF. quotations from Ramusio, Greene, Pin­ (A. S. 0. B. Liln'aT11) kerton, Mandelslo, etc., P. 212. Cotton, Voyages en Asie, Les, au xive siecle du Sugar, names of Cotton-stuffs. brienheureux Frere Odoric de Pordenone, P. 212.-The Chapter concerning som~ Religieux de Saint-Francais. BY HENRI Christian merchants in Banghella. CORDIER ••. Paris: M. D. CCCXCL With Useful Plants of India, The. a map. Alphabetically arranged, with botanical des­ P. 104, 105, 108, 180, 189. On ancient criptions, vernacular synonyms, and Kingdom of Champa. notices of their economical value in Voyage from England to India, A. in the Commerce, Medicine, and the Arts. year 1754, and an Historical Narrative Compiled from various sources, BY· of the operations of the squadron and HEBER DRURY'. Army in India, under the command of P. 539.-lndex of Hindustani and Bengali Vice-Admiral Watson and Colonel Clive, synonyms. Madras, 1858. in the years 1755-57, including a corres­ Viaggi o di M. Cesare de i Fedrici, nell' pondence between the Admiral and the India orientale et oltra l'India. Nabob Serajah-Dowlah. Also a journey Venice: 1587. from Persia to England by an unusual Fedrici visited India around 1567 and route. With an appendix. With· a probably came to Bengal in the same chart, Maps and Plates, 4tQ. London: year. 1773. BY E. IVEs. See pp. 90-93.-Bengala-Satagan. Voyage dans l'lnde, pendant les aunees 1828 P. 143, pp. 147-50.-Bengala-Chitigan. a 1832. 4 Vols. of Text and 2 Vols. of (See the Dutch translation above.) Plates 4to. Paris, 1841. P. 91.-Nel porto di Satagan si Carcaro Voyage on Bengale. BY CHA.lu>ENTir.l ogrianno trenta et trentacinque vas­ CosSIGNY. In two volumes. Maps. celli, tra nane et nanilij, di risi, di T. 1. Avertisement: 1-viii. pp. 1-311. panni di varie forti di bombaso, Lacca, T. 11. pp. 1-311. Observations sur. grandissima quantita· de Zuechari, Le Voy~e par le. cap de Bonne-Esperance, Zeuzari et Mirabolani secchi et conditi, a Batavia, a Bantum et au Bengale, en penere Iongo, buttiro assai & ogliodi 1768, 1769, 1770 et 1771 par. J. S. Zerzelin et molte altre mercantic. La STAVORINUS, Traduit par. H. J. citta 'di satagan e honestamente bella JANSEN. per citta di Morl & e molto abandante. Voyage du Bengale a Petersbourg, Par feu Viaggio dell lndie Orletali, di GASPARO BALBT Georges Forster. Traduit de I'Anglais, (1579-1588). Venice, MDXC. P. 147. avee des additions considerables et une View of the Rise, Progress and Present State Notice Chronologique des Khans de of the English ' Government in Bengal crimee, d'apres les ecrivains turks, Including a Reply to the Misrepresenta­ Persans, etc., par, L. LANGLES. In three tions of Mr. Bolts, and other writers. volumes. Paris. • VoL pp. 5-14. Im­ BY HARRY VERELST, London: 1772. portance of Bengal commerce. P. 84. Chapter m.-The Money and Coinage P. 20.-The Ganges. of BengaL P. 12.-The revenue income. Also see note 1. P. 105. Chapter IV.-The Society established (A) Voyage to .the East Indies: Containing in the year 1765, for conducting the an account of the manners, customs, Trade in Salt, Beetle-nut, and Tobacco. etc., of the Natives, with a Geographical Voyages and Travels to India, Ceylon, the Description of the country. Collected Red Sea, Abyssinia, and Egypt. 4 Vols. from observations made during a Resid- 497 9 CENSUS 63 BmUOGRAPHY ence of thirteen years, ~etween 1'176 and toiles qui servent ordinairement a faire 1'189, in districts little frequented by the des emballages, du miel et de la eire Europeans. BY FRA PAOLINO DA SAN desquelles marchandises on en fait ~~ BARTOLOMEO with . notes and illustra­ retour en poivre, en canelle et en caffe tions. BY JoHN REnmoi.o FoRSTER que les Vaisseaux Maures apportent d~ translated from the German. BY Moca." Thus the commercial goods of WILLIAM JoHNsToN, Lon~on: M. DCCC. Bengal came to Surat for export to Arab P. 39-" The province of Bengal alone and other Medeterrean countries. Note brings them an annual income of above the barter system. three millions sterlings " · • • • • • • P. 210 and 255.--

83& BIBUOGRAPHY XXX I Bibliography' of Journals. and Memoirs Adventures in. Siam in the Seventeenth Asiatick Researches, VoL 18, 1833, Pp. 171- .. century. ·By E. W. HUTCHINSON. London: 177. , . . 1(140. (The Royal :Asiatic Society.) _ .Examination and Analysis of some specimens Agricultural Labourers in Modem India and of .Iron Ore from Burdwan. By H . • . I Pakistan. By SuRENDRA J. PATEL. PIDDINGTON. Bombay: 1952. Banglar Arthanaitik Itihasher Adi Parva. Alaka, Kartick, 1345 B.S. Banglar Bhougalik By NRIPENDRA BHATTACHARJI. A Job Charnock, Esq., Agent, • Bengal: Past and Present. Vol. :15, 1917: and Council at Suttanuttee to Ballasore P. 42. and thence to Chittegaum and Arrackarr, Materials for a History of the Great Trunk and finally landed them at Madras Road. By WALTER K. FIRMINGER during the months of November, Decem: (appeared serially). ber, 1688 and January, February, and Bengal: Past and Present. Vol. 20. P. 111. The House of Jagatseth. Compiled by J. H. March, 1689 ". From the EGERTON LITTLE (appeared serially). manuscripts in the British Museum. Bengal: Past and Present. Vol. XLI. Bengal: Past and Present. Vol. LXIX, 1950. P. 1. . January-June 1931. P .. 119. Some Notes on the Intercourse of Bengal East Bengal m 1728-29. (Translated from the with the Northern countries in the Persian Naubar-i-Murshid Quli Khan.) Second Half of the eighteenth Century. By JADUNATH SARKAR. . By S. C. SARKAR. Bengal: Past and Present. Vol. 55. January­ Bengal: Past and Present. Vol. XLIV. December 1938. P. 67. July-December 1932. 501 l3lBLIOGRAPltY Situation ol the Dutch in Bengal. By KALI 4. India Orientalis Christiana, anctore KINKAR DUTTA. Part II. Paumlivo Bartholomaeo. Romae 1794. Do. Do. Vol. XLIII. January- 5. Histoire Generale de Voyages Par T. 'June 1932. P. 76. de Houdt, 25 tomes 1753. Situation of the Dutch in Bengal. By KALI- 6. History of christianity in India, The. JUNKAR DUTTA, Part I (appeared By the REV. J. HOUGH, 4 vols. 1846. serially). 7. Lettres edifiantes et curieuses, ecrites Bengal and Agra Gazetteer, The. 1840-41. des Missions Etrangers, 26 tomes, On the plains of the Lower Ganges. Paris 1780. Birds of India, The, being a Natural History 8. The Principal Navigations, Voyages -of all the Birds known to inhabit con­ and Discoveries of the English Nation. . tinental India. 2 Vols. 8 Vo. Calcutta By R. HAKLUYT 1598, 4 vols, fol. 1862-64. By T. c. JERDON. 9. History of Bengal: By C. STEWART (A. S. 0. B. Library) 1813. ~ Do. Reprinted under supervision of MAJOR Hi. Di Barros, Decadas, 15 tomes, 12 mo. H. H. GoDWIN AUSTEN. 2 Vols. 8 Vo. Lesboa 1777. Calcutta 1877. 11. Description Historique et Geographique Bichitra, Chaitra, 1339 B.S. Banglar Itihasher de l'Inde par M. Bernouilli, Berlin Kayekti Gorar Katha. By PROBODH 1786, 3 tomes. CHANDRA·· SEN. 12. Buchanan Rev. C. Christian, Research­ Bichitra, Jaistha, 1340 B.S. Banglar Adi es in Asia 1811:. Dharma. By PROBODH CHANDR.' SEN. 13. Histoire des Decouvertes et Conquestes Bulletin , de !'ecole francaise d'extreme­ des Portuguais, par J. Laftan, Paris Orient-Tome xxxi-1931, Nos. 1-2. 1733. January-June-1931. 14. Maffaei Historiarum Indicarum Libri Pp. 229-232.-a review of B. R. Chatterji's 1593. book entitled, Indian cultural influence Calcutta Review, The. Vol. LIX 1874. P. 404. in Cambodia. By a, CoEDES. The following books are reviewed by E. Bulletin No. 85 of the Department of Indus­ VESEY WESTMACOTT. tries, West Bengal. An article on the I. Contributions to Geography and Present Position and future of the Silk History of Bengal, Muhammadan Industry of Bengal. By C. C. GHOSH. period, A.D. 1203 to 1538. By H. Bulletin No. 16.-Department of Industries, BLoCHMANN, M.A., Calcutta Bengal. Report on the Investigation into Madrasah House, Calcutta 1873. the Possibilities of Match Industry in II. An Easy Introduction to the History Bengal. By A~ P. GHOSE-The Bengal and Geography of Bengal. For the Secretariat Book Depot, Calcutta 1923. · Junior classes of Schools. By E. / (W. B. S. Library.) LETHBRIDGE, M.A., late scholar of Contribution to a Bibliography of Indian Art Exeter College, Oxford ; officiating and Aesthetics. By HARIDAS MITRA. Principal of Krishnagar College, Viswa-Bharati. Santinfketan 1951. Bengal. Thacker Spink & Co. Calcutta Review, The. Vol. CXI-1900. Calcutta 1874. P. 116. Article entitled The Bara Bhuyas III. The History of Bengal from the first of Bengal. By SHUMBHOO CHANDER DEY. Mahomedan Invasion until virtual Calcutta Review. Vol. CXV-1902. P. 19- conquest of the country by the Article entitled Brahmabaibartta Puran English, A.D. 1757. By. CHARLES on Diseases. ·BY NAKUR CHANDRA BxswAs. Calcutta Review, The. Vol. LIX 1874. P."67. STEWART. London 1813. ' ArUcle entitled The Pal Ki~s of Bengal. • IV. The chronicles of the Pathan Kings . By E. VESEY WESTMACOTT. of Delhi, illustrated by Coins, Calcutta Review, The. Vol. LIX 1874. P. Inscriptions, and other Antiquarian · ·tao. Article entitled Rustic Bengal. By Remains. By EDWARI) THOMAS. J. B. P. On village and village economy. 'l'rubner & Co. London 1871. Calcutta Review, The. Vol. XXIV, article. V. The Initial Coinage of Bengal under By J. GRANT on the Salt Monopoly. the early Muhammadan con­ Calcutta Review, The. Vol. V, 1846. Pp. 243• querors. Pt. II. By EDWARD 292. Review of the following 14 books. THOMAS, Lonaon· 1873. 1. Feria Y. Sousa, Asia Portuguese, 3 , Calcutta Review, The. Vol. CVII 1898. P. 149. Vols. 12 mo.· Vasco Da Gama's Voyage Translation of 2. Historical account of Discoveries and the "Roteiro" of Vasco DaGama, publish­ Travels in Asia. By H. MuRRAY. 3 ed serially. The translator has ventured to Vols. 1820. · 3. Os Lusiadas, poema epico de Luis de bring the notes of the Portuguese Edition CamoeJ!S. Paris 1823. · of 1861 down to date, and has chiefly BIBLIOGRAPHY availed himself of correia, the Lusiad, Calcutta Review, The. Vol. XXX, 1858. and Oscar Pesehel's " History of Pp. 189-230. The following books· are Geography". He has also received in-. reviewed. . . valuable assistance from SIR W. W. I. A series of Treatises on the Principal HUNTER's " Imperial Gazetter of India ", Products of Bengal-Indigo. By the correctness of which is fully corro­ JOHN PHIPPS, 1832. borated by these Portuguese materials, II. Reports and Documents connected which were apparently unknown to SIR with • the proceedings ot the East W. W. HuNTER at the time when he com­ India Company in regard to the piled it. Besides the translation th~ culture and manufacture of Cotton, article contains a good introduction, Wool, Raw Silk, and· ·Indigo in valuable notes and occasional comments, India, 1836. · and particulars collected from the III. Proceedings of a General Conference accounts of the voyages of Conti; Abd-er­ of Bengal Protestant Missionaries Razzak; Nikitin; Hieronymo Di Santo at Calcutta. Sept. 4-7, 1855. IV. Remarks on a paper, etc., read by Stefano; etc., etc. . the Rev. F. Schurr, at the Mission­ Calcutta Review, The: Vol. LVIII, 1874 ary Conference. By ALEXANDER P. 171. ArtiCle By H. J. S. CoTTON on the FORBES. , Rice Trade in Bengal. Calcutta Review, The. Vol. XXXII 1859. Calcutta Review, The. Vol. CIX, 1899. Article Pp. 1-25. An article on the Gangetic Delta By JULIAN JAMEs CoTTON, Madras Civil Calcutta Review, The, Vol. XXIV. 1855: Service on Chandernagore. · Pp. 331-345. The following are reviewed. · Calcutta Review, The. Vol. LVIII, 1874. P. I. The Hooghly Committee Report 1854, 19. The following books are reviewed. II. On some method of clearing and I. Histoire de la Soie. Par Ernest deepenjng the Shoals and Sand.. Parisit, fabricant de soieries, Pat'is banks of the Hooghly River, by its 1865. own curre,Qt. By HENRY PIDDINGTOlf, II. Yo-San-sin-sets. Traite de HI. On the Cyclone Wave in the Soonder­ !'education des vers a soie au · bans-a letter to the Most Noble Japan, par Sira--Kawa de Sendai the . Governor-General of India. COsyon): Traduit pour Ia premiere By HENRY PIDDINGTON, foi- par Leon de Rasny, Professeur · · IV. Memoir by Messrs. Andrew Hender­ a l'ecole Imperiale des langues son .and Charles Greaves, illus­ orientales. Paris 1868. trating the 'necessity of forming III. Silk in India. Some account of Silk Wet Dock:'! for the Port of Calcutta, in India, especially of the various · etc., etc., etc., 1854. ' Calcutta Review, The ·Vol. XXXIX, 1863, attempts to encourage and extend P. 125. ·· sericulture in that Country. Com­ An article on the Selections from the Calcutta piled By J. GEOGHEGAN .. Gazettes of the years · 1784, 1785, 1786, Calcutta Review, The. Vol XXXI. 1858. 1787, and 1788, shewing the political and P. 385. A good article on the Sunderbans social conditibn of the. English in India -their commercial importance. • eighty years- ago~ By w. s. SETTON-KARR Calcutt~ Review, The. Vol. XCI, 1890. P. 81. C.S. Calcutta. ' Article entitled The Beginnings of Dutch · Military Orphan Press 1864. Commerce in India. By E. REHATSEK Calcutta Review, The. Vol. XVII, 1852. (appeared serially). '' Pp. 114-177. Calcutta Review, The. Vol. LXXXIX 1889 A review of the three Parliamentary Returns Article entitled Cameos of Jndian Districts_: dated respectively August 9 1845; August The Sunderbans. Pp. 280-301. By F. E. 1 ~849 and· May 7 1851 on Government PARGITER. connection with idolatory in India. Calcutta Review, The. Vol. VII 1847 D.. Calcutta Review, The. Vols. LV and LVI. . 524-570. ' ' _. V• An article entitled our Commercial Exploita­ A review of the pamphlet entitled A Pamphlet tion of the Indian Populations (serialised). on the Salt Trade of India. By D. c. By JAMES GEDDES. AYLWIN of Calcutta. . Calcutta Review, ·The. Vol. XCII, 1891. London, Printed by MADDEN AND MALCOLM Pp. 305-327. Leadenhall Street, 1846. · On and Calcutta. By GAUR DAs BYSACK. Calcutta Review, The. Vol. VII 1847 Pp Calcutta Review, The. Vol. XCII 1891 p 220-282. • • . M~L . ' . ~ An Artl~le on the origin and progress of Article entitled The Plantain: its Hist~ry, Engllsh ~onnection with India. Cultivation and Folk-Lore. By T. N. M: 503 BmLIOGRAPHY Calcutta Review, The. Vol. CV, 1897. P. 253. Calcutta International Exhibition (1883-1884). An article on the Indian Bamboos. By C. W. (W. B. S. Library) • HOPE. Calcutta Exhibition of Indian Art-Manufac­ Calcutta Review, The. Vol. XXVlll. Pp. 364- tures (1882). 461. . Condition of the Ryots of part of Chanditala An article on the Commerce, Resources and Thanna, in Hooghly District and a des­ Prospects of India. cription of the various crops and methods Calcutta Review, The Vol. IX. Jan.-June of cultivation in use among them. By - 1848. P. 1. R. CARSTAIRS CalcUtta (1883). Review of "The Bengal and Agra Gazetteer, Catalogue of Agricultural Implements collect­ 184D-41 " and " Tassin's Map of Bengal". ed for the Calcutta International Exhibi­ Calcutta Review, The. Vol. IV, 1845. July­ tion 1883-84::- Compiled by T. N. Dec. 1845. Pp. 242-281. MUKHARJI. On Indian Buddhism-its origin and diffusion. Calcutta: 1884. Twenty two books on the subject have Pp. 1-5. Agricultural Implements of been reviewed including Fa Hian'B Bengal. _ · Foe-Koue-Ki. Desh (Saradiya)-.Aswin 1352 B.S. Bangia Calcutta Review, The. July 1922. P. · 12. San. By PRouonH CHANDRA SEN. (New Series.) Desh-9th Kartick 1358 B. S. (Sat. 27th Oct. -The Jatras in Bengal. By MOBINIMOHAN 1951). MOOKERJEE. Sultani Amaley Banglar Arthaniti. By Calcutta Review, The. February 1824. Pp. NRIPENDRA BHATTACHARJL 331-386. (New Series.) Desh-5th Paus 1359 B.S. The Vishnudharmottaram. By STELLA Nishidhha Samudrajatrar Itikatha. By KRAMRISH. NRIPENDRA BHATTACHAR.JI. Calcutta .Review, The. October 1924. Vol. Desh-8aradiya (1359 B.S.). 13. P. 129. (New Series.) Arthanatik Dristitey Durgotsav. By Bengal in olden Times (1707-1757). By J. C. NRIPENDRA BHATTACHARJL SINHA. East and West. Quarterly Review published Calcutta Review, The. July 1930. Vol. 36. by the Istituto Italiano Per n Media Ed . (New Series). P. 29. · Estremo Oriente. Director: Prof. History of Taxation of Salt under The Rule GIUSEPPE TucCI, Year I. No. 2. P. 82. of the East India Company. pt, IV Article entitled, Cultural Relations Between (from 1836 to 1853). By PARIMAL RoY. Italy and India during the Middle Ages Calcutta Review, The. August 1931. Vol. and the Renaissance, By CARLO 40. (New Series). Pp. 199-225. FORMICHL History of the British East India Company's East and West.. Year II. No. 4. P. 205. Trade in Bengal in the time of Alivardi. Pietro Della Valle's Letters on India. (1740-1756.) By KAI.naNKAR DATTA. By GIUSEPPE DE LoRENZO. Calcutta Review, The. Vol 46. (New Series.) East and West. Year m. No. 1. . P. 45. July 1931. P. 13. · Italian Travellers in Mediaeval Asia. By A Picture of the Salt Industry in Bengal LUIGI VILLAR. during the days of the prosperity in the English ·Factories in India, The. (1670-1677). nineteenth Century. By BINAYBHUSAN Vol II (New Series). DASGUPTA. The Eastern Coast and Bengal. By Sm Calcutta. Review, The. Vol. 46 (New Series) CHARLEs FAWCETT, I.C.S. (Retd.). Oxford · January 1933. Pp. '11-110. at the Ciarendon Press 1952. Pp. 325- History of the East India Company's Trade in 442: On Bengal. Bengal (1757.,1765). By KALtKINKAR Gleanings in Science. June 1830. Vol II. DATTA. . - P. 183. Hindustani Synonyms of Plants, Catalogue of the Birds of the Peninsula of arranged alphabetically. India, arranged according to the modern Gleanings in Science. Vol. ill. No. 25. system of classification with brief notes January 1831. P. 1. On the Mineral of on their habits and geographical distri­ the Rajmahal Cluster of Hills. By bution; and description of new, doubtful, DR. F. BUCHANAN. -and imperfectly described species. 8 vo. Gleanings. in Science. Vol. ill. January Madras 1839. By T. C. JERDDON. 1831. P. 18. On the Method of making (A. S. 0. B. Library.) Ice at Hooghly. Colonial and Indian Exhibition 1886. Empire Gleanings in Science. Vol. ill. May 1831. of India: Special Catalogue of Exhibits P. 151. Analysis of a book entitled, An by the Government of India and Private account of steam vessels and of Pro­ Exhibitors. London: William Clowes & ceedings connected with steam naviga­ Sons, Limited 1886. tion in British India. By G. A. ~SEP. 504 BmiJ:OGRAPHY Calcutta Government Press. 1830. With Indian Antiquary The.' Vol. V. December illustrations of country boats, and a 1876. Notes · to Arrian's Indica. B;v table giving the general. description of J. W. McCRINDLE. . steamers in British India. See the translation. of the Indica in the Geographical and Statistical Report of the Indian Antiquary, March 1876. Pp. 85- District Beerbhoom. By Capt. W. S. 108: The main objects of the Notes is SHERWILL. to show how the localities, etc., men• Great International Fisheries Exhibition. tioned in the text have been identified•. London. 1883. Catalogue of the Exhi­ Indian Antiquary, The.· Vol V. April bits in the Indian Section. By FRANCIS 1877. Pp. 1~3-135. The Fragments of DAY. London. 1883. the Indika of Magasthenes. Collected Grow more food. A pamphlet published by by E. 'A. ScHWANBECK: Bonn 1846. Government of Bengal. (W. B. S. Translated by J. W, McCRINDLE, I.ibrary.) Indian Antiquary, ·The, . Vol. VI. August Gleanings in Science. No. 10. October 1829. 1877. ' Pp. 236-250. ' ' ' P. 281. Some particulars regarding the Indian Antiquary, The. Vol VJ. November Mineral Productions of Bengal. By 1877. Pp. 333-349. ' Mr. JoNEs. Indian Antiquary, The.. Vol. VIII. April (A.S.O.B. Library) 1879. Pp. 107-151. Anonym!. (Arriani Gleanings in Science. VoL I. October 1829. ut Fertur) Periplus Maris Erythraei. A · P. 295. Examination . and Analysis of translation of the Periplus of the: Eryth­ some specimens of Iron Ores, from raean sea. By J. W. McCRINDLE. Burdwan. By H. PIDDINGTON. Indian Antiquary, The. Vol. Vill. · Decem­ Gleanings in Science. Vol. I. October 1829. ber 1879. Pp. 330-338. On the Periplus P. 298. Machines for Irrigation. of the Erythraean Sea. By· the late M. Gleanings in Science. Vol. I. October 1829. Reinaud Translated from the Memoirs P. 301. On the Manufacture of Writing de l'Academie des Inscriptions, tom. Paper. XXIV, pt. ii. . Gleanings in Science. Vol. II. January Indian Antiquary, The. Vol. IX. Januaey_ 1830. P. 36. Analysis of a pamphlet 1880. Pp. 14-24. Thien - chu - India entitled, Memoir on a Plan for the (Chinese account ot India). Translated · Formation of an easy and permanent from the French of M. Stanislas Julien. communications by water between the Indian Antiquary, The. Vol. X.. October upper and Eastern Provinces of India and 1881. Pp. 296-323. Ancient India as Calcutta during the dry season. By Lt. described by Ktesias. Being a transla­ J. A. SCHALCH. tion of the abridgement of his Indika by With a Map -showing the line of. the proposed PHOTIO'S and of the fragments o:C the canals for improving the navigation be­ work preserved in· other writers.. B;v tween the Ganges and Hooghly. J. w. M'CRINDLE. ' Gleanings in Science. No. 18. June 1830. Indian Antiquary, The. Vol. XIn. August Vol. II. P. 171. On the Respiratory 1884. Pp, 228-248. A geologist's contri­ Organs and Air Bladder of certain bution to the History of Ancient India. Fishes of the Ganges. By J. TAYLOR. By V. BALL. . Historia de Varietate Fortunae. Written in Indian Antiquary, The. Vol xm. October Latin between 1441 and 1448 by POGGIO 1884. Pp. 313-411. · Ptolemy's Geo­ BRACCIOLINI (4 Volumes) Contains graphY of India and Southern Asia. the account of Niccolo dei Conti's (a With a commentary. By J. W. Mc­ compatriot of the Marco Polo family) CRINDLE. travels. Indian Antiquary, The. Vol. XXX. August Hand-Book of the collection illustrative of 1901. P. 347. From" Extracts from the the wild-silks of India, in the Indian log of a voyage along the coast of India Section of the South Kensington Museum, in 1746 ". with a catalogue of the collection and This spelling is not in Yule's Glossary, but I numerous illustrations. By THOMAS call the following examples from his WARDLE. Diary (italics) of Sir William Hedges : Indian Historical Quarterly, 1932. Septem­ 1677-[We] have caused three draughts ber. Some Janapadas of Ancient of the same [River Ganges] to be Rastras. By PROBODH CHANDRA SEN. delivered, vizt., one unto Captain John Indian Antiquary, The. Vol. IV. Ma;v 1875. Goldsborough in the Bengal Merchant Glimpses of old India as seen through -Vol. Ill. P. cc. . the pages of Manu. By J. B. PHEAR. 1682-Being arrived in · the Bay of Indian Antiquary, The. Vol. V. 1876. Bengalla, you are to sail up .the river March. P. 85. Translation of the Indica Ganges as hi2h as Hughly. Vol. m. of Arrian. By ;J. W. M'CRINDLE. P. cc. 505 9 CDSUS 64 BmlJOGMPHY Indo-Colonial Exhibition. London. 1886. Journal of of Bengal, The. (W. B. S. LibTaTJI.) VoL I. P. 104 (March 1832). On the Jvory-carving in BengaL A Monograph. Temperatlll'e and Saltness of the River By G. C. Dtrrr (1901). . Hugli, from Calcutta to the Sea. By G. Journal of the Asiatic Society of BengaL A. PluNSEP. Edited by J.u.u:s PluNsEP: Vo.L m. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, The. P. 137. VoL L August 1832. P. 358. Oriental Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, The. Accounts of Precious Minerals. Trans­ Vol. lU. No. 35. November 1834. lated by Raja Kalikishen; with remarks, P. 545 and Vol. VI. P. 805. By JAMES PluNSEP. Extracts from the " Mohit ", that is the Jotimal of the Asiatic Society ot Bengal, The. Ocean, a Turkish work on Navigation VoL ·XIX. No. 7. 1850. Analysis of in the Indian Seas. Translated by the the Bengali poem RAJ MALA. or chro­ BARol'f JosEPH VoN HAMMER. nicles of Tripura. By the REv. JAMES Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, The. LoNG. VoL IV. December 1835. P. 668. An Journal of theAsiatic Society of Bengal, The. article on Ancient Hindu coins. By VoL XX. 1851. No. 3. P. 227 and No. J.u.u:s PRINSEP. 6. 1851. P. 470. Essay on the Ancient Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengai, The. Geography of India. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, The. Vol, March 1833. 158. II. P. Vol. XXII. No. 3. 1853. P. 281. Kan­ Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, The. sorapuri, now called Rungamutty. By VoL U. February 1833. P. 80. CAPT. F. P. LAYARD. An Experimental Inquiry"into the Means Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, The. employed by the Natives ot Bengal for VoL XXII. 1851. P. 387. Contribution making ice. B. T. A. WISE. to the Statistics of Bengal, Income, Journal ot the Asiatic Society ot Bengal, The. Expenditure and Food. By J. R. VoL ll. April 1833. P. 167. List of BEDFORD. Indian Woods Collected. By N. WALLICK. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, The. . Journal of theAsiatic Society of Bengal, The. VoL XXIX. No. 1. 1860. The cartila­ VoL VL January 1837. On the indigeo ginous Fishes ot Lower BengaL By nous Silkworms of India. By T. W. EDWARD BLYTH. - HELFER. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, The. Journal of the Asiatic Society ot Bengal, The. VoL XXVIll. No. 2. 1859. P. 136. On VoL VI. P. 61. Chinese Account of the Introduction of. Writin2 into l;ndia. India. Translated :from the Wan-heen­ By MAx. MULLER. t'hung-Kaou or "Deep Researches into Journal of the Asiatic Society o~ Bengal, The. Ancient Monuments". By Ma-twan-linn, VoL XXXIII. P. 266 Ancient Indian book 338, foL 14. Weights. By E. THOMAS. Journal of the Asiatic Society ot Bengal, The. Journal of the Asiatic Society o~ Bengal, The. Vol. XII. Pt. Jl. P. 542. Memoranda VoL XXXIV. No. 1. · 1865. P. 14. • relative to the working of Iron in Bengal, Ancient Indian Weights. By E. THoMAS. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, The. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, The. VoL XVl. pt, I. Jan. to June 1847. . VoL XXXIV. No. II. 1865. P. 51. Pp. 1·78. Remarks on the sequel to the Ancient Indian Weights No. m. By E. Periplus of the Erythrean· Sea, and on THOMAS. the country of the Seres, as described by Journal of the Asiatic Society o~ Bengal, The.. Ainmianus Marcellinus. By JAMES Vol XXXIV. No. 1. 1865. P. 128. On TAYLOR. Sena Rajas of Benial as commemorated Journal of the Asiatic Society ot Bengal, The. in an Inscription from Rajshahi, deo _ - Vol. xvn. July 1848. Pp. 13-62. With cyphered and translated by C. T. a Chinese Map of lndia (showing the METCALFE, C. S. • By RA.Jl:NRDRALALA route of Hiouanthsan&). Verification of MITRA. the Itinerary of the Chinese Pilgrim, Journal of the Asiatic Society ot Bengal, The. Hwan Thsang, through Afghanistan and Vol XXXVI. pt. J. No. 1. 1867. P. 1 India, during the first half of the seventh · and No. 4. . 1873. P. 343. The Initial Century of the Christian Era. By ALEX CoiNAGE OF BENGAL, By EDWARD CUNNINGHAM. THoMAs: . (National LibTary.) Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, The. Journal of the Asiatic Society ot Bengal, The. VoL XXXVI. pt, I. No. ll. 1867. Vol. l. P. 8. (1832.) On the Native P. 85. Notes on Sirajuddaula and the Method of making the Paper, denomi­ town of Murshidabad, taken from a nated in Hindustan, Nepalese. By B. H: Persian Manuscript of the Tarikh-i­ HODGSON. Muncuri. By H. BLOCHMANN. 506 BIBLIOGRAPHY Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, The. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, The. Vol. XXXVI. Pt. I. No. 2. 1867. No. 3. 1876. P. 325. A reply to several P. 126. On the Antiquities of Bagerhat. passages in Mr. Blochmann's "Contri-· By GoURDASS BYSAC!t. butions · to the History and Geography Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, The. of Bengal". No. III. By the Trans­ Vol. XXXVI. No. II. 1867. P. 73. lator of the Tabakti-i-Nasiri, MAJoR H. On the·Jungle products used as articles G. RAVERTY, of food by the Inhabitants of the districts Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, The. of Manbhoom and Hazariba.~rh. By V. No. 3. 1875. P. 275. Contributions to BALL. the History and Geography of Bengal Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, The. .Journal o~ theAsiatic Society of Bengal, The. No. 1. 1872. P. 49. Koch Bihar, Koch No. 173. 1846. P. 323. On the Coins Hajo and Assam, in the 16th and 17th of the Independent Muhammadan Centuries, according to the Akbarnamah, Sovereigns of BengaL By J. W. LAIDLAY. the Padrihhnama, and the Fathiyah-1- Journal of the Asiatic Society o:l! Bengal, The. !BRIYAH By H. BLOCBMANN. September 1847. P. 953. Notes on Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, The. Places in the Province of Behar, suppos­ No. 2. 1872. P. 120. Essays in aid of ed to be those described . by Chy-Fa­ a Comparative Grammar of the Gaurian Hian, the Chinese Buddhist Prie8t. who Languages. By REV. A. F. RuDOLF made ·a pilgrimage to India, at the close HOERNLE. of the 4th Century A. D. By CAPTAtN Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, The. M. KlTTOE. No. 2. 1872. P. 174. Beef in Ancient Journal. of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, The~ India. By RA.lENDRALALA MITRA. December 1847. P. H83. An attempt Journal of theAsiatic Society•of Bengal, The. to identity some of the places mentioned No. 2. 1872. P. 201. Note on an in the Itinerary of Hiun Thsang. By Arakanese Coin. By G. E. BRAYER. WILLIAM ANDERSON. . Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, The. Journal af the Asiatic Society of Bengal, The.' No. III. 1872. P. 209. The Buddhistic July 1848. P. 13. Verification of the Remains of Bihar. By A. M. BROADLEY. Itinerary of the Chinese Pilgrim, Hwan Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, The. Thsang, through Afghanistan and India. No. 4. 1872. P. 331. On a new King of during the first half. of the seventb Benga], (Alauddin Firuz Shah), and notes Century of the Christian Era. By ALEx on the Husaini Kings of Bengal and their CUNNINGHAM. conquest of Chatgaon. By H. BLOCK­ Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, The~ MANN. · . Vol. LV. Pt. I. 1886. P. 66. Notes on Journal of the Asiatic Society ot Bengal, The. the Cbittagong District. By F. E. No. I. 1874. P. 82. Notes on Sunar­ PARGITER. gaon, Eastern Bengal. By J. WisE. . Journal ot the Asiatic Society of Bengal, The. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, The. . Vol: LV. No.. I. 1886. P. 83. The No. III. 1874. P. 197. On the Barah Hive-Bees indigenous to India and the Bhuyas of Eastern Bengal (with a plate). Introduction of the Italian Bee. By By JAMES WISE, J. c. DouGLAS. . Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, The. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, The. No. III. 1873. P. 193. Authorities for Vol. LXV. No. I. 1896. P. 16. Chro­ the History of the Portuguese in India. nology of the Sena Kings of Bengal. By By T. W. H. HOLBORT. . NAGENDRANATH VASU, Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, The. iournal of theAsiatic Society of Bengal, The. . No. 3. 1873. P. 209 and No. 3.- 1874. Vol. LXV. No. I. '1896.. P. 38. The • Contributions to the Geo.~rraphy ·and Jesuit Missions to the Emperor Akbar History of Bengal . (Muhammadan from notes recorded by the late General Period), Part I., Geo.~rraphical Part II, R. MACLAGAN. By E. D. MACLAGAN. Historical, based on Inscriptions received Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, The. from General A. Cunningham, C.S.I., Notes on the Run~a~ur Dialact. By Dr. J. Wise, E. V. Westma'cott, Esq., W.L. G. A. GRIERSON. Heeley, Esq., Walter· M .. Bourke, Esq., Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, The. etc., and on unpublished coins, with Vol. XLVI. No. 4. 1877. P. 329. notes by E. V. WESTMACOTT, Esq., and Catalogue of :the recorded cyclones in the · DR. J. WISE. By. H. BLOCHMANN. Bay of Bengal, up to the end of 1876. Journal, of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, The. compiled by HENRY F. BLANDORD, No. 3. 1874. P. 22. Essays in aid of a Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, The. Comparative Grammar of the Gaurian Vol. XLVII.· No. III. 1878. P. 135~. Languages. By REV. A. F. RUDOLF The Song of Manik Chandra. By G. A. HOERNLE. GRIERSON, 50] 9 CENSUS 115 BmLIOGRA.PHY

.Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, The. danner aux sabres hindous. Remise par VoL XLVll. No. 4. 1878. P. 384. On M. P. HOLSTEIN de Lyon. the Pala and the Sena Rajas of Bengal Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, The. By R.&JENDRALALA MrmA. Vol Vll. (New Series) January 1911 • .Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, The. P. 15. List of Portuguese Jesuit Mission­ VoL LIX. No. L 1890. P. 50. Notes aries in Bengal and Burma .U576-1742). on a Buddist Monastery at Bhot Bagan By REs. L. BESsE & H. HoSTEN. (Howrah), on two rate and valuable Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, The. Tibetan Manuscript discovered there. · VoL XIV. (New Series). 1918. and on Purvana Gir Gosaim, the cele­ Pp. 1-241. The Maida Diary and Con­ brated Indian Acharya and Government sultations (1680-1682): Edited By WALTEB Emissary at the Court of the Tashi Lama.. K FmMniGEB. Tibet, in the last Century. By GoUR Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, DAS BYSACK. . The. VoL XL (New Series). May & .Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, The. June 1915. P. 175• VoL LX. No. 2. 1891. P. 53. Place Oaksbindar, a godling of the Sunderbuns, with and River-Names in the Darjiling Dis­ plates. By BIM&LA Clwwr BATALYAL. trict and Sikkim. By L. A. WADDELL. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, The. .Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, The. Vol XL July & August 1915. P. 187. VoL LXII. P. 52. Notes on the HiStory Notes on Father Monserrate's Mongolicae of the East India Company Coinage Legationis Commentarius. By H. BEVE- from 1753-1835. By EDGAR TmmsTON. RIDGE. . .Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, The. And the Surat Incident. Translated from the VoL LXII. No. 4. 1893. P. 315. The . Portuguese by R. G. WHITEWAY. Edited Site of Kama Suvarna. By H. and Annotated by the REv. H. HOSTEN. BEVERIDGE. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, !!'he. .Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, The. VoL XVL (New Series) 1920. P. 9L VoL LXIll. No. L 1894. P. 39. On a Dacca Diaries. By J. T. R.uoa!f_ new Coppell-Plate Grant of Dharma­ Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, The. pala. By UMES CILumRA BATAUYAL. VoL 23. (New Series)_ P. 57. .Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, The. Fr. N. Pimenta's Annual Letter on Mogor Vot LXIIL No. 2. 1894. P. 85. (Goa Dec. 21 1599). From the Latin by Note on a Major Francklin's Manuscript the REv. Hosn='f. S. J. description of Gour. By H. BEVEBIDGE. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, The. .Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, The. Goa. 1 Dec. 1600_ p_ 67 . VoL LXXI. No. 2. 1902. P. 149- The Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. The. Vratya and Samkara Theories .of Caste. Dec. 1. 160L P. 83. By SATISH CILumRA VmYA BBUSAN• Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, The. .Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, The. P. 109. VoL LXVI. 1897. P. 85. Ancient EulOgy of Father Jerome Xavier, S. J., a Countries in Eastern.. India with a Map. missionary in Mogor. (1549-1617). By F. E. PARGITER. Translated from the Spanish by the REv• .Tournai of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, The. H. Hosn='f. S. J. VoL LXXIll. No. I. 1904. P. 49. 0}). Eulogy of Father Jerome Xavier, S. J. servations on General MaclaJtan"s paner P. 131. on the .Jesuit Missions to the Emperor Some letters of Fr. Jerome Xavier, S. J .. to Akbar. JASB for 1896. P. 38. By H. his family (1593-1612). Compiled by the BEVERIDGE. REv. H. HosTEN. 5.. J . .Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, The. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, The. VoL LXXII. No. 1904. P. 57. On Isa VoL 23. 1927. P. 139- Khan. ruler of Bhati, in the time of Some notes on Bro. Bento de Goes. S. J. Akbar. By H. BEVERIDGE. (1583-1607)• .Tournai of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, The. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, The. VoL XV. (New Series).. May 1908. Pp. 141-166. P. 267. Notes on the Geo~aphy of old Three Castro Bengal By MONMOHINI CBAKRAVORTY. Letters of Fr. Joseph de s_ J. .Tournai of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, The. and the last year of Jahangir. (Aug. 24, VoL V. (New Series) October 1909. 1626-Aug. 15, 1627). Translated and P. 367. Note on Seven Sixteenth edited by the REv. H. HOSTEN, S. J. Century cannon recently discovered in Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, The. the Dacca District. By H. E. STAPLETON. (New Series). VoL 23 1927. Pp. 301- .Journal of theAsiatic Society of Bengal, The. 333. Vol VIL (New Series). January 1911. Analysis of Ra~Mixture in Bengal By P .. P. 9. Note Sur les denominations a C. ~hHAI.ANOBIS. 508 BIBLIOGRAPHY Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, The. Memoirs of the Asiatic Society of BengaL Vol. 25 (New Series) 1929. P. 201. Vol. VIII. No. 3. Pp. 173-198. Hornell's Indo-American Trade Past and Present. By two famous articles on Boats. J. C. Sr:-~HA. Memorandum on the Timber pf Bengal suited Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, The. for Railway carriages and other work. Vol. XXVIII (New Series) 1932. P. 151. 12 ·mo. Calcutta 1862. Notes on the Historical and Archaeological (A. S. 0. B. Library) results of a Tour in the Districts of Memoranda of Midnapore Calcutta-1902. 1\laldah and Dinajpur. December 24th- Memorandum on Silk in India. By L. LIOTARD. 31st 1932 with Maps. By H. E. STAPLETON. Monograph on The Cotton Fabrics of BengaL Journal and proceedings of the Asiatic By N. N. BANERJEI, 1898. Society of Bengal (New Series). VoL Monograph on Carpet-Weaving in Bengal, XXVIII 1932. P. 173. A. By N. G. MUKERJI 1907. Notes on Two Tours in the Districts of Maldah Monograph on the coconut Palm (Cocos and Dinajpur. By S. K. SARASWATI. Nucifera). By JoHN SHORTT. Journal Asiatique. October-December 1921. Monograph on Paper and papier-Mache in Pp. 303-321. Paris. Bengal. By D. N. MOOKERJI, 1908. A Scholarly review of The Book of Durate Monograph on the Silk Fabrics of Bengal, A. Barbosa (1st volume, 2nd series, No. XLIV By N. G. MUKERJEE. of the Hakluyt Society, London, 1918. Monograph on Wire and Tinsel Industry in LXXXV-238 pages: Editor Mansel Long• Bengal, A. By MALLINATH RAY, Calcutta worth Dames). By GABRIEL FERRAND. 1918. Journal Asiatic. July-September 1922. Paris. Memoirs of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. Pp. 1-104 and Pp. 161-246. Vol. III. No. 7. Pp. 407-448 on The L'Empire Surnatranais de Crivijaya. By Chank Bangle Industry. GABRIEL FERRAND. (W. B. S. Library.) Journal Asiatique. July-September 1923. Memoirs of Gaur and Pandua. Bv KHAN Paris. Pp. 1-57. Pre'-Aryen et Pre'• SAHIB M. ABID ALI KHAN of Maldah. Dravidien Dans L'Inde. By SYLVAIN Edited and revised by H. E. STAPLETON, LEVY. Calcutta MCM XXX. Journal Asiatique. January-March 1925. Modern Review. March 1937. P. 267. Paris. P. 46. Economic Activity in Ancient India. By P. Notes Sur la Geographic Ancienne de I'Inde. BANERJEE. I. Paloura-Dantapura. By SYLVAIN LEVY. Note on Sericulture in Bengal (1908-09). Journal Asiatique. January-March 1926. (W. B. S. Library.) Paris. P. 177. Panchapuspa, Agrahayan 1337 B.S. Banglar An excellent treatise on cauries (Italics). Itihashey Hindurajatter Sesh Jug. By Journal Asiatique. March-April 1863. Paris. PROBODH CHANDRA SEN. Pp. 93-234 and Pp. 297-441 (May and Purvasa-Baishak 1358 B.S. to Aswin 1358. June) 1863. Banglar Purabritta charcha. By Relations Politiques et Commerciales de PROBODH CH. SEN. L'Empire Romain avec l'Asie Orientale. An important work on the subject. Contains (L'Hyreanie, L'Inde, a BactTiane et la a good descriptive bibliography. chine), d'apres les temoignages Latins, Purvasa-Magh and Phalgun 1358 B.S. Grecs, Arabes, Persans, Indiens et Pravasi-5ravan 1327 B.S. P. 388. Chinois. With 3 Maps. By M. RA!NAUD. Gangarahr Nagarer Nam 0 Abasthan. Journal of the Assam Research Society 1933 Pravasi-Phalgun 1326 B.S. P. 450. ApriL Prij;gyotisha, Kamrupa Davaka, Kadalir Upakarita. By PRosoDH CH. SEN. Pravasi-Pous 1326 B.S. P. 247. Journal Asiatique. Mai-Juin 1863. P. 442. Bikrampurer Pous Sankrantir Chhara. Memoire sur la propagation des chiffres Pravasi-Pous 1328 B.S. P. 337. Indiens. By M. F. WoEPCKE. Prachin Bharater Bastralankar. By List of the Principal Economic Plants Grown JITENDRALAL BASU. in Bengal. Dept. of Agriculture, Bengal Pravasi-Pous B.S. P. 339. (1907). Prachin Bharate Agneyastra. (W. B. S. Library) Pravasi-Magh 1328 B.S. P. 451. Memoirs of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. Bangall 0 Dravir. By AMuLYA CHARAN Vol. If. 1911. Pp. 25-41. BIDYABHUSAN. The Exact Determination of the Fastness of Pravasi-Magh 1328 B.S. P. 463. the more common Indigenous Dyes of Jalad Briksha Jajna Durnur. By RAMDULAL Bengal, and comparison with typical BIDYANIDHI. synthetic Dye-Stuffs. Pt. I, Dyeing on Pravasi-Asarh 1328 B.S. P. 321. By JADU­ Cotton. By E. R. WATSON. NATH SARKAR, 509 BmLIOGRAPHY. A short treatise on Du Jarric's famous book Prachin Bharatiya Sllpey Al;nabapot. By .' entitled • L'Histoire · des choses plus RADHA KUMUD MUKHERJEE, memorablas •, etc. · Pravasi Asarh 1317 B.S. P. 211. Pravasi Sravan ).328 B.S. P. 525. Bangadeshiya Katipoy Udvider Bicharan Sekaler Bazar Dar. By KAI.n>RASANNA Kahini. By NmARAN CHANDRA BHATTA­ BANDYAPADHAYA. CHARJEE. Pravasi Sravan 1328 B.S. P. 528. Pravasi Sravan 1317 B.S. P. 380. Bauri a short essay on the Bauris. Sandwiper Punnal-Briskha 0 Punnal-Taila. Pravasi Bhadra 1328 B.S. P. 631. By MAUZAFFAR AHMED. Bangalir ltihash,' By AMui.YA CHARAN Pravasi Baishak 1315 B.S. P. 20. BmYABBUS.AN'. . Panduar Kirtichinha. By AsKHoY KU¥AR Proceedings of the Asiatic Society May 1868. MArrRAYA ... P. 129. . Pravasi Bhadra 1314 B.S. Pp, 271-278. Remarks on elephants. By V. BALL. Dhakar Bastrabyabasay. Proceedings of the Asiatic Society. .December Pravasi Phalgun 1313. B.S. P. 611. , · : 1868. P. 264. ~ Silpa-Samitir Prabandhabali (appeared What was the Sundarban originally, and when, serially). · and wherefore did it assume its existing Pravasi Sravan 1313 B.S. P. 216. state of utter desolution. By H. J. RAINEY. Deshiya Charka 0 Tabar Unnati. By JoGESS Proceedings of the Asiatic Society. March CH: RAY. 1868. P. 86. Pravasi Jaistha 1316. · P. 86. Mr. Carnegy's Queries regarding races of Khejur Gur. India~ · · Pravasi Baishak 1324 B.S. · P. 56. Proceedings of the Asiatic Society .of Bengal (Gur Byabasay). By JOGESH CH. RAY. March 1868. P. 79. Pravasi Chaitra 1325 B.S. P. 532. Iro,n cage found in Faridpur. Bishnupur with illustrations. Paris Universal Exhibition of 1878. Pravasi Sravan 1322 B.S. P. 537. Hand-Book to the British Indian Section. By Bangalar Itihas. By JADUNATH SARKAR. A GEORGE C. M. BIRWOOD (second edition). review of Rakhaldas Banerjee's book Pp. 20-35-The Antiquity of the Indian entitled Bangalar Itihash. . Trade. Report on the Internal Trade of Bengal for. Pp. 36-54-The Routes of Indian Com­ the year 1881-82. merce. Published by the Government of Bengal: Pp. 93-108-cottons and silks. Calcutta 1882. Pamphlet on Indigo. By GEORGE WATT. P. 84. Goor or unrefined sugar from date (W. B. S. Library) juuce. · Pravasl Chaitra 1318 B. S. Pp. 600-602. P. 88: Tobacco (Dhala [the damaged or 'Pous Sankranti. torn leaves] Pulo [ordinary tobacco]; Pravasi Magh '1318 B.S. P. 390. Magai). Banger Pous-Sankranti. Appendix A:P. iii.-List showing the Pravasi Kartick 1318 B. S. P: 94. valuation of all articles of trade adopt-· Dadhi. . ed in registering traffic on trade routes. Pravasi Phalgun 1318 B.S. P. 493. Appendix P. iv (Concluded).-5tatement Pous-Sankranti. showing the average retail prices of Pravasi Agrahayan 1318 B.S. P. 137. food-grains in Bengal during the year Karanja Briskha 0 Karanja Taila. By SARAT 1881, as compared with· those of the CHANDRA SANYAL. three previous years. · · · Pravasi Aswin'1318 B.S. P. 668. Appendix B:P. v.-Traffic carried by Khejurer chash; . By SARAT CHANDRA SANYAL. · country boats and carts. Pravasi Bhadra 1318 B.S. P, 486. · . Also see the statement Nos. IIA; ill; IV. ~atsya Raskha:r ~lvinna .. Padhati. By Reports and Documents'· connected with the·. · ·G. N. Roy, Proceedings of the East India Co. in Pravasi Aswin 1318 B.S. P. 665; regard to the culture and manufacture of Mahanabik Budhagupta. By RAK:HALDAs Cotton-Wool, Raw Silk and Indigo in BANERJEE. . . India. Pravasi Magh 1317 B.S. P. 431. (W. B. S. Library) Ikshu Chash.. 'By . GIRINDRA MoHAM Report on the Statistics of the Beerbhoom. MUKHERJEE .. District. ·By J. GEOGHEGAN. Calcutta Pravasi Phalgun 1317 B.S•. P. 547. 1874. . . Khedda ba .. Banyahasti Dharibar Pranali, Report on the Alcoholic strength and Acidity. ' By PRIYA RANJAN SENGUPTA. ' of Fresh Tari and Fermented Tari in Pravasi Aswin 13.17 B.S. P. 557, Bengal, Eastern Bengal and Assam in 1-tshing. By RAMPRAN GUPTA. · January and April-May 1909. By R. L. Pravasi Baishaka 1317 B.S. P. 77. JENKS. Calcutta 1910. 510 BIBLIOGRAPHY Report on an enquiry into the Silk Industry Chand Sadagar 0 Raja Gopichandra. By in India. Vol. I. By H. MAXWELL­ SIVA CHANDRA SIL. LEFROY. Sahitya Parishat Patrika 1327 B.S~ P. 94-127. The Same. Vol. II. By E. C. ANSORGE, I.C.S. On son;~e aspects of Bengali Life. By PRAVASH Calcutta 1917. CHANDRA SEN. . Report of the Existing Arts and Industries Sahitya Parishat. Patrika. No. ·1. '1330, B.S. in Bengal. By E. W, COLLIN. Calcutta P. 19. 1890. Pavan Duter Bejoypur· Kothay? By NIKHIL Appendix I contains ·a list of minor indus­ NATH ROY. tries. P. 33. Sahitya Parishat Patrika 1323 B.S. No. 3. Report on the Fish and Fisheries of the Fresh· P. 179. waters of India. By FRANCIS DAY. Uropiya Sikhita Prachinatama Bangia Pustak. Simla: 1871. ·• By. SUSHIL KUMAR DEY. · . Report on the Sea Fish and Fisheries of India Sahitya Parishat Patrika 1341 B.S.· PP. 139- and Burmah. By FRANCIS DAY. Calcutta u~ . 1873. Rarh Bhraman. · By l;'ANCHANAN BANERJEE; . Sahitya Parisat Patrika: 1347 B.S. No. 4. Sahitya Parishat Patrika 1314 B.S.. P .. 35. P. 233. Gram. Debata. By (ANoN). · · · Madhyajuger Banglar Itihaser MashllJ.. · By Sahitya Parishat Patrika '1314 B.S. p,. 44. SIR JADUNATH SARKAR. Champa. By NARESH CHANDRA SINHA. . Sahitya Parisat Patrika 1341 B.S. P. 19. Statistical and · Geographical Report . of the Paundraba.rdhan '0 Burdhaman Vukti. District of 'Ban Coorah. By JAMEs E. Sahitya Parisat Patrika 1340 B.S. No. 2. P. . . ·GASTRELL. . 55. Statistical Report· on Thanna Labpore. By Bimger Prachin Bivag. JANOKINATH MozooMDAR. Calcutta 1879. Sahitya Parisat Patrika· 1343 :$.S. No. I. p: Statistical and Geographical Report of. the 49. . 24 Pergannahs. By lVIAJOlt RALPH SMYTH. Pavanaduta Barnita Bangia Desh. (1857). , Sahitya Parisat Patrika 1341 B.S. No. 2. Selections from the Records . of the· Bengal P. 55. ' T Government No. XXXII. Returns relat­ Uttarrareh Sen-Rajdhani. .ing to Publications in the Bengali Sahitya Parisat Patrika · No~ I. 1315 B.S. Language in'1857, Silk in India. Com­ P. 15. piled by J •. GEOGHEGAN. . . ·By RAKHALDAS BANERJEE. ·Sacred Chank of India, The: a Monograph 'of Sahitya Parisat Patrika 1304 B.S. P. 159. . . the Indian Conch (Turbinella Pyrum)•. Banglar Prachin Bhutatwa. By PRAFULLA By JAMES HORNELL. . CHANDRA BANERJEE, Madras liH4. Illustrated with :t8 Plates. Sahitya Parisat Patrika 1304 B.S. P. 47. Sahitya Patra Sravan 1357 B.S. Pp. 32-39: Banglar Pratnatatwa. By PRAFULLA CHANDRA 'Bangalir Itihash.. By HIRENilRA NATH MUKHo- BANDYOPADHYA. • PADHvAY a review of'INihar Ranjan Ray's Sahitya Parish.at Patrika 1907. No. 4. P. 193. Bangalir Itihash, Adi Parva. Rangamati Ba Karnasubarna. By NIKHIL­ Udayan, Jaistha 1339 B.S. . NATH ROY. Banglay Aryya Savyata Bfstar. By PROBODH Sahitya Parishat Patrika 1345 B.S. CHANDRA SEN. , "" Namer Utpatti. By SUNITI KUMAR, CHATTERJEE. Visva-Bharati Annais-1945. Vol. I. Edited Sahitya Parishat Patrika 1322 B.S. P. 1. by P. C. BAGCm, pp, 96-134. Burdhamaner .Katha. Political Relations between Bengal · and Sahitya Parishat Patrika 1322 B.S. Burdha-· China. By P. C. BAGCHI. maner Purakatha. P. 3. By NAGENDRA­ Visva-Bharati Annals. Vol. IV. Edited by.· NATH VASU. P. C. BAGCHI, pp. 65-106.'. Sahitya Parishat Patrika 1322 B.S. P. 12. Studies' in Islamic History. By N. B .. RoY. Bartaman Burdhaman. By · RAKHALRAJ Visva-Bharati Patrika, Baishak 1353 B.S. RoY. Banglar Janapada Parichaya (with two maps). Sahitya Parishat Patrika 1322 B.S.· P. 22. By PROBODH CH. SEN. . Shtan Parichaya. By NAGENDRANATH VASU; Visva-Bharati Patrika. · Kartick 1353 B.S. Sahitya Parishat Patrika 1339. No. 2. P. 73. Banglar Janapada Parichaya (conclusion). On Saktipur Sashan. By NALINIKANTA By PROBODH CH. SEN. i BHATTASALI. Visva-Bharati quarterly, August 1946, p. 116. Sahitya Parishat Patrika · 1338 B.S. No. 2: Geography of ·Ancient Bengal I. By P. 65. , PROBODH CH. SEN. Sunnapura. By JoGESH CHANDRA Rov. Visva-Bharati Quarterly, November · 1Q47. Sahitya Parishat Patrika 1327 B.S. No. 4. Geography of Ancient Bengal II. By PnOBODH P. 157. CHANDRA SEN. 511 9 C~SO'S 66 B!BUOG:aAP.HY POSTSCRIPl' TO ,BmLOGRAPHY OF BOOKS, ETC. (The following .additional information was collected since the book went to press) (The) Ancient Khmer Empire. By LAWRENCE (Tqe) Invasion of India. By Alexander the PALMER BRIGGS. Published by the ·Great as described by Arrian, Q. Curtius, American Philosophical Society: 1951, Diodoros, Plutarch and Justin. By J. W. p. ·66. M'CRINDLE, Westminster: 1898, p. 310. P. 106.-The influence of the Mahajana !l'he Gandarita,i and the Praisiai. school of thought over the Maharajas Karpass. By SATYA RANJAN SEN. of Sailendra Dynasty (Sumatra). MUNTAKHABH-T-TAWARIKH. By ABDU­ IP. 228.-Exodus ·Of Buddhist Monks from L-QADIR IBN-I-MULUK SHAH, known Bengal to S. E. Asia in the 8th as AL-BADAOm, Vol. I. Translated -century. from the original Persian and edited by · Bangia Desher Gachpala. By Kabiraj INDU George S. A. RANKIN, Calcutta: 1818. BHlJSAN 'SEN. . P. 81 n. 2.-Invasion of Bengal in 596 Banglar Mati. By JAMINI RANJAN MAJUMDAR. A.H. By BAKHTYAR KluLJI. (A) Chinese Biographic1ll Dictionary. By P. 82. n.n. 3 & 4 .....:..Lakshmanawati and . HERBERT GILES: London: 1898. Nudiya. P. 300.-How with the tramp of the Correspondance du .conseil .superieur de Bengal .elephants a new palace fell . .Pondichery, et de la Compagnie publiee Also see n. 3 of the same page which avec introduction par. By ALFRED gives a different version attributing to MAR'l'INEAU. Tome 1 (1726-1730). Pp. the !all o! the palace. 1-42-lntroduction. (The) Nabobs-a .study of the social Ufe of (A) Collection of papers, relative to Ship the English in eighteenth century in Building in India, with descriptions of India. ·By T. G. P.· SPEAR. 0. U. P., 1932. the various Indian woods employed there­ Pp. 1.:22-The Early settlements to .1750 . .in, their qualities, ·uses an!\ ·value ; also Pp.' 149-174-Notes in details on each a &gister comprehending all the ships chapter. Contain a good bibliography. and· vessels built in India to the present Pp. l'l5-177.-Appendix A-8ketch of the time ; with . ·many other · particulars Political History of India in the respecting Indian shipping, ·and the Ex­ eighteenth century. ternal Commerce of Bengal.· Compiled Pp. 198-204.-Appendix E-European and -by 3'oiiN PHIPPS: Calcutta: 1840. Indian mutual opinions. (The) Cyclopaedia of India and of Easiern Pp. 205-210.-Appendilt F-List of re­ . and 'Southern Asia. By EDWARD BALFOUR' cords, manuscripts and printed books ;in three vdlumes. Vol. I.-A-GYRo­ consulted. - CARPUS, 3rd edition, London: 1885. Pp. On Yuan Chwang's Travels .in India. By 392-401-Boats and Ships. Pp. 827-28- THOMAS WATTERS. Vol. II: London: .cotton. Vol. II, P. 874-Bengal Iron. 1905 . P. m.022-Muslln. · P. 189.-Tan-mo-lip-ti (Tamralipti). Drugs in Commercf!. By JoHN HUMpHREY, • P. 191.-Karnastivarna. London: p. 19-Butea ·seeds and Gum. Op-en -ondergang van Cormllndel.' By Palas is also known as ·nhak. Hence DANIEL HARVART: Aamsterdam: 1693. !Dhska or Dacca. (See Indian Companion P. 121.-" Tot in bet Jaar 1658 of daar -p. 117 .) Butea gum is also 'known as outrent heeft Bengala onder de bestie­ · '" Bengal Kino ". Also see p. 72. ririg van ·Cormandel gestaan, en nader­ hand, om dringende rendenen eeu (A) Few Words on the Present state anc! epgen Directem gekregen, zo dat de Future · Prospects of Sericulture 1n beer cit de laatste geweest is, die Bengal. By J. A. H. Louis, Calcutta: •Cormandel, en ·Benga'la te ._gelijk ·besti­ . 11.882. Pp. :30-33-Appendix. .Contains a .erd heeft." good list of books on silk mostly .written Physical Feature of Ancient Bengal. By in FrenCh.· R. C. MAJUMDAR, and D. R. BHANDARKAR, (A) GeograJjhical Account .of ;Countries ·rounl! Volume, ·pp. 341-364. ihe Bay .o:f Bengal (1669 to 11679). By (The) Portuguese in India: By FREDERICK THoMAs BowREY. Pp. 131-220. Bengala. ·CHARt.ES DANVERS: Vd}. 1. London: Pp. ·216-1'7--coins, Pp. 217-18-Weights. 1894 .. (The) .Geographical Dictionary of Ancient P. 341.-15'18 A.D. Joio Silveira pro­ and Mediaeval India. By ·NUNDOLAL DEY. ceed to Bengal where he was joined 2nd Edition. Luzac & Co.,· London: 1927. by Joio Coelho. Indian Tadtf Soard. •Match Industry, Val. I .. SH'Ifeira· failed to accomplish his object · Govt. of India: 1928. of effecting a trade ,with Bengal. Inallgenous Drugs of India. By J. C. quosn, P ..358.-1524 A. D. ·Camphor was im­ Cftlcutta; 1940. pol1ted into Ben~;tal from Borneo,

~l2 ! ' SmLIOGilAPHV P. 422.-1537-38 A. D. About this time Translated by· t.. !.ANGLES: Paris: i '791f. attempts were made to extend Portu­ P. 513~-A short' notice of the "'Grammar guese influence in Bengal. of tbl! Bengali Language·" by· H'Ai.m:n. (The} Prakritibada, or an illustrated Etymo­ ... Cette· langue (i.e:, Bengali) est meme logical Dictionary of the Sanskrit and aussi ne cessairEf que le· persan pour Bengali Languages. By· RAMi

A- letter, dated 29tl1 Dec., 16101 from the London:· MDCCCLXXX. The Hakluyt Viceroy of India replying to one from the Society. king of Spain, refers to the revenue from p. 130. Porto Grande in• Bengala. Pro­ salt in Sundiva, which Filippe de Brito bably Chittagong. reported; "·was of importance, and might (The) Voyages of S~ James Lancaster to the become considerable. Note by Donald East Indies. (17th century); Edited by Ferguson. C. R. MARKHAM. London: The -Hakluyt (The) Travels of the Abbe Carre in India and Society, MDCCCLXXVll. the Near .East (1672 to 1674). In three p. 9; Bengal on the route to cape · volumes. London: The Hakluyt Society. Comorin. p. 156. How English Factories preserved P. 85. A;. portuguese. merchant from their good management. Bengala. 1>4 440 French ~rade with Bengal, also pp. 263-277. A Caiendar of the Sbips• see p: 792! journals preserved. in· the India office. Travels of Fray Sebastien Manrique (1629- ~ (Written within the 17th Century). 1643). A translation· of the Itinet"ario de (The) Voyage of Francois Leguat~ London: Las Missione~ Orientales with introduc- The Hakluyt Society. MDCCCXCI. tion and notes by C. EcKFORD LuARD Vol. ll, p; 213. The ship· "Heureux" assisted by H. HosTEN s; J •. which was going to Bengal lost near the In· twOJ volumes. -Isle of Palms. • Vol .L Oxford: MCMXXVIL pp. XIX- Vaidyakasabdasindhu or a Comprehensive L..XVL General map of Manrique's Lexicon of Hindu Medical Terms and voyages. From Rome to Manilla, etc., names of Drugs. With their synonyms · throughl Damascus, Ispahan, Delhi, in Latin, Sanskrit, Hindi, Talegu, Harshapur, etc., etc. Bengali, etc., with copious references Section !-.Tourney to Arakan, May 1628 to,. and quotations from standard worki to April 1637. Very well annotated. Compiled by UMESHCHANDRA GUPTA. Do. Vol II: China, India, etc. Oxford: Calcuttat 1894. MCMXXVII. (These two volumes are Catalogue of the· Globe Nursery. For infor­ published from· the Hakluyt Society.­ mation re: varieties· of fruits, . flowers New series.) seeds, vegetables, etc. · Report on the Button Industry in BeD2al By · (The) Voyages of' Captain Don Fclipe D; N. GROSE. B. G. Press, 1941. Gonzalez to Easter Island. . (1770-71): Report on an enquiry into conditions . of London: The Hakluyt Society, 1903. labour in the Bidi, Ciiar and Cigarette p. Lii. •t It was just at this time (i.e., industries. By D. V. REGE. New Delhi,, around. 1768) that an extraordinary 1946. report reached the ears of certain offi­ Report on the Results obtained in the experi­ cials of the French Government in ments for improving Sericulture in · Bengal,. who were fitting .out a vessel, Bengal By F. D. LAFoNT. B. S. Press, for the Indonesian trade..... ·.". 1914. See also n, 1. Science and Culture VII. Pp. 233-39 .. Anti- · (The)· Voyages and Works of John Davies, the quity of the Lower Ganges· and its navigator.· Edited by A. H. MARKIIAM. courses.


POSTSCRIPT TO B~LIOGRAPHY OF JOUR~ALS, MEMOmS, ETC. (The following additional information has been collected since the main bibliography . went to press) · · . Istak silpa prasar, by Nirmal Datta, Jugan- • qui venaient dans ce port (de Malaca), tar 20th April, 1953, p. 8, a short note · les gens de Pace' <=Pase) et du on the brick industry. Bengale commencerent i venir faire Journal Asiatique. Tome cxxxvi, 1948, du commerce avec ceux de Malaca. p. 11. Sur d'anciennes instructions Cf. ·Commentaries d' Albuquerque. nautiques arabes pour les mehs de l'Inde. T. III. ·Chap. XVII. By Par J. SAUVAGET. · P. 428-Il y a quatre Xabandar (exacte- Journal Asiatique. Tome cciv. MDCCCCX- ment Sah-bandar, litt. "le roi du port". XIV .Avril-Juin-1924, p. 193, L'e'ye- Cette expression persane est passee en ment persan dans les textes nautiques arabe et dans· presque toutes les lan- arabes des XVe et XVIe siecles. By. gues maritimes ·.de l'ocean ·indien. Par GABRIEL FERRAND. Cf. Hobson-Jobson.) de chaCUDe des An exhaustive critical study of the two nat~ons suivantes: Chine, ,raoa, Cam-· arabic mss. 2292 and 2559 lying in the baya et Bengale. cf. op. cit. Bibliotheque Nationale. - Journal Asiatique, vol. 9, 1826, p. 27. Juillet, (The) Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 1826. of Great Bri~ain and Ireland (1913), Miroir des pays, ou relation des voyages de London: 1913. P. 127. A passage in Sidi Aly fils d' Housain, nomme ordin.ai- Periplus. By J. KENNEDY. rement' Katibi Roumi, amiral de Soliman Journal Asiatique. Dixieme serie. Tome XX II, traduite sur la version allemande de Paris: MDGGGGXII. Jiiillet-AoO.t.- M. de Diez, par M. · M;orris (appeared 1912, p. 547. Les sources Arabes du serially). · Muhit Turc. (Also see JASOB, vol. III, Journal of the China Branch of the Royal 1834, p. 546. " Sidi Ali .Capudon's Asiatic Society-vol. XX (new series), (captain) work, according to the an- -1885. P. 209-Article No. IX. The sea- nouncement in its preface, has been com- . ports of India and Ceylon, described by piled out of no less than ten Arabic Chinese voyag~rs of the Fifteenth ceo- works on the Geography and Navigation tury, together with an. account of of India, three ancient, and seven modern Chinese navigation. By GEORGE ones "). PHILLIPS. Journal Asiatique. lle Serie Tome XI. Journal of the China Brancp. of the Royal No. 3. Mai-Juin-1918. · Asiatic Society"-vol. XXI, Nos. 1 and 2.. P. 391. Malaka, le Malayu et Malayur. (New series) 1886, p. 30. Article No. III. Par GABRIEL FERRAND. The conclusion of the above article. Both · P. 400. Un autre ouvrage du meme the articles contain maps with key to auteur (c-a-;d. Ibn Madjid): · the names of places on the map. · "Livre des renseignements utiles sur les Journal Asiatique N. serie. Tome XV. Pp. bases et les principes de la science nau- 297-341 ; pp. 401-468. tique," ouvrage en prose, qui est date Les Missious de Wang Hiuen-TS'e dans 1'- en... toutes lettres de 895 de l'hegire= · Inde. Par SYLVAIN LEVY. · · ~489-1490, contient a:u folio 74 Vo, 1.1 et Journal of the Indian Society of Oriental Art, suiv., des renseignements sur "le voyage Vol. XVII. Calcutta: 1949. An Early au Bengale et dans les pays voisins. Pak Ivory. By .SHERMAN, E. LEE. ' The complete name of Ibn Madjid is : SIHAB Journal of the Indian Society of Oriental Art, AD-DIN AHMAD IBN MADJID. He Vol. XVII. Calcutta: 1949. P. 51-The was a muallam or captain. About the Commercial Embroidery of Gujarat in definition of "muallam" see Ayn-i- the seventeenth century. By JoHN Akbari, p 406. Vasce de Gama on IRWIN. . Bengal. P. 415. Lancharas. Also see Memoirs of the· Asiatic Society of Bengal, Jal's Glossaire Nautique, Paris 1848, Vol. VIII (1922-1929), pp. 201-237. The seeond volume, p. 908. Nom d'un navire fishi,ng methods of the Ganges. By indien. JAMES HORNELL. P. 420-Comme le roi Parimi~ura avait Amrita Bazar Patrika, May 15, 1953. bon caractere et traitait bien les gens Mangoes of Maida. By MuKUL GUPTA.


The following gen~lemen of the Census Office, West Bengal, have been of great assistance in the preparation .of this volume. I desire to express my obligation to them:· Sri Binaybhushan Sengupta Sri Satyajiban Pathak Sri Prabirchandra Sengupta Sri Bimalkumar Mitra Sri Sachindranath Mukherjee Sri Bhudeb Banerjee Sri Himangshusekhar Sen Sri Manindranath Sarkar Sri Jitendranath Bose Sri Ramchandra Bhar Sri Birendrakumar Chakravarty Sri Guruprasad Datta I wish to express my appreciation 'of the wot:k of Sri Raj Birendra Mitra and 'Sri Provat Kumar Banerjee of the Government of India Press for their dispatch and willingness to listen to a layman's suggestion. AsoK MITRA List· of Agents in India from whom 6-lvernment of India Publications are ·available:

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MGIPC-l...-9 Census-12-10-53-1,500.