Autumn-2004 News from the outh frican Scout Association.


In the last edition of About we about“funwithapurpose”. touched on the importance of The Chief Scout’s Commissioner, Andre acknowledging the need to change as a Bredenkamp, who left early in April to climb “Move”ment in keeping track with the Mount Everest, epitomizes the adventure changing needs of the youth and society. of Scouting. He is part of a three man South The Association has, over the last three African team amongst a larger international years and in accordance with the team led by Dan Mazur. As Andre writes: Transformation Strategy adopted by the “We have finally met Dan Mazur, our National Scout Council, embraced this leader. He didn’t look anything like the philosophy. It has not been easy and not athletic/ mad mountain/ bearded type we without it’s frustrations but the Association had imagined. Chris aptly describes him as BETTYCLAY has unquestionably responded to the a “balding, slightly messy, typical history need to change and now ranks (as school teacher caricature”. Dan first burst 16thApril1917-24thApril2004 confirmed by various sectors) as one of onto the alpine scene about 15 years ago, the most relevant and effective Non when in his early twenty’s he arrived in It is with deep regret that I announce the Governmental Organisations in South Katmandu and talked his way onto a death of our Vice President, the Hon Africa. The process is by no means over – Russian expedition, heading for Everest. Mrs Betty Clay, CBE, and youngest it never will be. The Transformation Plan is Four weeks later he was on the summit! daughterofourFounder. nearing completion though, which Since then he has climbed nine of the 14 requires the Association to look at the next peaks that are over 8000meters in the She died peacefully in her sleep in a strategicplanningperiod. world, including K2, which is perhaps the nursing home alongside her home in Included in the National Scout Council’s most difficult.” So it seems that Andre is in a Somerset, on Saturday morning 24th considerations, when it adopted the team that is sure to succeed. He was April 2004, just a few days after she and Transformation Strategy, was an presented with the Association’s flag and Gervas had celebrated their joint unequivocal commitment to sticking to the our well wishes upon his departure. We birthday-her87thandhis97th. Law and Promise, the patrol system and also congratulate Mr. C Reddy, the In mourning her passing we give thanks Scout method as described in the KwaZulu Natal Area Finance Chairperson, for a life lived to the full, committed to the Association’s Constitution. This secret of on climbing Mount Kilimanjaro. ideals of Scouting and Guiding and the success attributes to the ongoing success in Our sincerest appreciation, again, is visionofherparents. developing the youth in becoming well extended to all the adult volunteers in the balanced, contributing citizens of our Nation Movement whose enthusiasm and She was and remains an inspiration to for almost 100 years now. The Centenary commitment makes the difference the youth and Leaders of today’s celebrations are on our doorstep and between it being a mediocre or an Movements. promises to be a celebration of note in exceptionalMovement. At the moment we await further South Africa. information from the family but in the The success or de- mean time the Association’s Flag at HQ mise of Scouting buildings and campsites will remain at not only depends half-mastuntilafterthefuneral. on change but, DerekTwine within the Scout ChiefExecutive-UKScouting method, depends on providing our youth with fun and adventure. It is plain ALANRITCHIEZS5XK to see that where an adult leader en- We learn that Alan, a scouting friend of sures that the so many of our older Scouters, involved programme is a lot in JOTA from its inception in the 1950s, of fun and provides has Gone Home – 26th March 2004. We an opportunity to be remember Alan for his enthusiasm for a d v e n t u r o u s , TheChiefScout’sCommissioner,Andre Bredenkamp (right), Radio Scouting and his National Scouting is a re- receiving the Associations flag from CEO Luke van der Laan (left), organisation of JOTA for many years. sounding success. for placing on the top of Mount Everest. Chris Drummond (centre), Our sincerest condolences to Shelia, his After all it is all is a member of the expedition. wife,andchildren. DINIZULU’S NECKLACE

OriginoftheWoodBadge 1n 1888 Baden-Powell acquired a necklace from Dinizulu, King of the Zulus. With a thousand or more wood beads, it was about DUTYTOGOD 3 metres long, and was conferred on Royalty and on outstanding warriors. Inhislastmessage, B-Pendedoffsaying: In 1919, seeking a badge for Scouters who had successfully undertaken training, B-P took two beads from the necklace, “Be Prepared”, in this way to live happy knotted them on a leather boot lace . . . and the was and to die happy. Stick to your Scout born. Today the Wood Badge beads are worn by thousands of Promise always - even after you have trainedScoutersworldwide. ceased to be a boy - and God help you doit.” Wonderful words of our founder, written NATIONALPOW-WOW–2004 all those many years ago, but still an The Pow-Wow Held at Heronbridge, life skills and is active in Aids Awareness inspiration to the youth of today. When I Gauteng from 24/26 April 2004, was education and training in agricultural skills, was a young Troop Scouter, discussing attended by 188 Pack Scouters enabling them to assist in their communities the “Scout Motto” with those many representing Gauteng, Cape Western, to be more self-sufficient. youngsters who came eagerly to “join” Cape Eastern, KwaZulu Natal, Jeanette Angus, National Commissioner the scouts and have all the fun that was Mpumalanga and Central Areas, where all for Cub Programme, summed up by promised, I explained it as to acquire all took part in the discussions aimed at saying“ The Pow-Wow has been a the skills scouting had to offer, to become ensuring that the youth programme for wonderful opportunity to get adults in the able to face every situation life could Cubs meets the needs of today’s youth. Scout Movement to meet one another and throw at you and be able to cope. Well The Pow-Wow played a major role in explore how Scouting could be better thereisnothingwrongwiththat! advising the National Commissioner for implemented throughout the country, Cub Programme on policies and As time went on and I became a “know it particularly in rural areas where the need programmes that constantly need adapting to develop life skills amongst the youth is all” scouter, questioning decisions of my to the needs of our youth changes. superiors in the movement and in fact so important. In this way we are able to As part of the gathering, the Scouters uplift the living standards of all questioning the restrictions placed on me participated in skills training activities to communities. Freedom can only reach all by P.O.& R. – restricting the “fun” we provide new ideas and skills, which can our citizens if we all have a common were having in our Troop. Being at assist them in training their youth. The purpose to work towards. We must take an loggerheads with my D.C. about permits Pack Scouters visited places of interest in active role in assisting those most in need. etc. – wasn’t I a “better” scouter than he, thevicinityof Heronbridge. We have learned from each other, and having run a first class troop for years now have a better understanding of the while he had only been on the job a short The gathering explored whether the current entry age of seven and a half years was problems facing those of our members in while – his experience, having only ideal, or whether this should be amended. In themoreremoteareas” earned “Second Class” as a boy, many addition to the normal scout activities, the Contact:JeanetteAngus- yearsbefore? programme provides youth with numerous Tel:(011)0824382510 Well at about that time, with the help of God, as B-P had suggested, I reread the above message and saw it in a much wider aspect. “Be prepared to stick to my Scout Promise always!” Be prepared, in spite of my own ego, to accept the authority of those placed in positions in scouting to protect not only me, but the WHOLE movement from anarchy and chaos.Infacttoprotectmefrommyself. Part of the Scout Law I had been flirting with was Loyalty, and of course the seventh law – I asked myself, had I, the “perfect” scouter, been disloyal and not obeyed orders? If I had, then I had also been dishonourable, because, as I see it, breaking any of the other laws impinges onthefirstlaw. “Lord God, help me in my imperfection to overcome my human weaknesses – to accept that what my inclinations are, may not be what is in the best interest of the youth in my care and the Scout Movement as a whole. Help me in my GirlScoutsofthe Macibe Troop– Kentani inCapeEasternAreadancingin enthusiasm to render to those who are TraditionalDressataCulturalDayintheirRegion. Macibe Troopconsistsofthree answerable to me, the best Scouting that girlpatrolsandfiveboypatrols totaling 54scouts.Otheractivitiesincludedalitter I am able, so that they may reach the cleanuparoundthetown,fundraisingconcertsandaStarPatrolCampwhere high ideals as envisaged by our founder.” DovePatrolcameoutontop. SCOUTINGCAMETOTHENETHERLANDSBYBIKE

An interesting article by Piet J. Kroonenberg of Amsterdam , is available onthe internet. He tells how a patrol of six scouts, with their Scoutmaster Bernhard S M Blythe, from the university city of Oxford, cycled from their home to Hull in July, 1910 – took the ferry to Rotterdam where they were met by their contact and a unit of the Royal Navy Cadet Corps with a drum and piper band. Interest in Scouting was raised as the patrol toured the Netherlands. By January 1911 seven troops had been formed – numbered 1 – 7. At that time the Nederlandsche Padvinders Organisasie – NPO was founded. Troop number 1 still existstothisday. On December 11th, 1915 all Scouting in the Nederlands merged into NPV, the Vereeniging de Nederlandsche Padvinders – all thanks to some cycling ThesixOxfordScoutsandtheirScoutmasterinAmsterdam. BritishScouts. E-mail [email protected]

16thAUSTRALIAN NELSONMANDELATORECEIVE ROVERMOOT AFRICANELEPHANTAWARD On 23rd April, Nelson Mandela, former awarded the same recognition at a TASMANIA–AUSTRALIA president of South Africa, will be colourful ceremony in Dakar. His citation, 30December2004- presented with the “Africa Elephant in part, reads, “In Africa, eight countries 10January2005 Award”, for his outstanding contribution to have attained full WOSM membership TASSIEMOOT invites Rovers, over the the growth and development of Scouting during his tenure. Dr Moreillon has made in Africa. The Award will be presented in age of 18 years, to Lake Barrington on over twenty missions to the region, visiting Tasmania, to apply for participation Johannesburg by the Africa Scout Committee. over twelve countries, lobbing presidents through their Area and National and ministers and worked hard to mobilise Headquarters – Contact Lauren Roberts Dr Jacques Moreillon, the immediate necessary resources, especially from on Email: [email protected] former Secretary General of WOSM, was outsidetheregion….” or Mobile +61 410 650 804 for more information. ONTHEROADWITHSCOUTING

Jointhe What a fantastic International idea! A fully equipped Mobile ServiceTeam@ Display Unit – MDU for short. So EuroJam!! Scouting UK have the same problem EuroJam 2005 – 29 July to 10 August - we have – letting the biggest youth event in the United the general public Kingdom for years – brings 16000 young know that they still people and their Leaders from across exist. The MDU will Europe and Internationally to Hylands travel around Park near Chelmsford in Essex. They are Britain, to cities looking for about 4000 people to become and even to village members of the IST – International fairs. The Display takes 90 minutes to set up and it is expected that 1 million members of the Service Team for the event. You must be publicwillgettoseeitin2004.Notabadstart! at least 18 years by that date, a UK Scouting is working on their ability to answer their ‘where to join’ enquiries – what about registered member of your National us? After a scouting promotion in your District, does your Group, District or Area have a Scout Association and be prepared to streamlined Information Centre where the public can contact you and get prompt action by give up 2 weeks of your time. Contact whicheverunitisconcerned? ThankstoScoutingMagazine–UK CENTENARYOFSCOUTING THE GACHARAGE

achievements of 100 years of Scouting. It PROJECT is also the dawn of a new century of Scouting. We should celebrate the future In “The Leader” the Canadian Scout of Scouting and look how we can improve Leader Magazine we read of a project it to meet the needs of even more young undertaken by the Gacharage Scout people,theirfamiliesandcommunities. Group in a village Rwaka, near to Nairobi in Kenya. This village, like so many in Africa, having elderly grandparents Whendowecelebrate? taking care of grandchildren, due to the 2007 will be promoted as a centenary year ravages of AIDS, causing the deaths of – a year of celebration and not one single the parents. These families have no date or event. However, preparations means of support. The Scouts undertook to assist with the building of round rock shouldstartnow. water tanks, to enable the families to catch roof water and be able to grow Whoshouldcelebrate? vegetables and lucerne to feed The centenary belongs to every scout themselves and one or two cows and so from every WOSM country. As such, all obtainmilk. activities, projects and work done in the A great idea , but where was the money name of 2007 should involve all scouts for cement and other building supplies and take place at local, national, regional coming from? Contacted by the Africa In 2007 the Scouting world will celebrate and international level. All National Scout Region Office, Scouting of Canada, the Centenary of Scouting, 100 years from Associations have been asked to join in through their Brotherhood Fund, the day that Baden Powell ran the first the anniversary celebrations in addition to supplied sufficient money, with a Scout Camp on Brownsea Island. 2007 celebrating the own anniversary. We will contribution from the families concerned will also be the 150th anniversary of the be celebrating the centenary with certain and with some local donations of birth of Baden Powell so there is every national events and every Area is material and labour, built six tanks reason to celebrate the founding of our encouraged to organise celebratory instead of the four originally envisaged. great Movement. It is said that by 2007 events within their respective Areas. The work stretched from October to the more than 500 million men and women Please contact your Area office and check end of April. The last two tanks caught would have promised to live by the Scout how you could get involved or for more the last of the heavy rains and were filled Law and Promise. This is an opportunity information you may contact withinaweek. for us to demonstrate the unique value of BrianFebruaryat: Not only were the tanks built within Scouting to the world and to celebrate the [email protected] budget, but the community was able to acquire two cows with the funds available. The Vassaro Scout Centre in FOLLOWINTHEFOOTSTEPSOFTHESAN Sweden raised sufficient to buy another cowandacalffortheotherfamilies. 16th SeniorScoutAdventure– Cederberg 2004 This project not only created an I have just received a most comprehensive copy of the Save-a-place opportunity for different generations to Patrol entry booklet for the Senior Scout Adventure – 10 to 21 December work together, but also created forums 2004. Besides the entry form, the booklet contains everything you need for discussing the AIDS epidemic and the to know about participating in this most exciting activity. As the closing community’s response to it. It helped date for entries is 31 July 2004, get cracking and get your copy of the young people learn the value of service booklet right away. You might have to do a bit of fundraising - entry is and giving in line with Scouting R1300,plusthecostoftransporttoCapeTown. principals.


Fromareportinthe MPUMALANGA ScoUtiNg. ByInes Pleier Scouters from Mpumalanga East and we, the German volunteers, opinion could have lasted much longer as it was so interesting. spentanenvironmentalworkshopdayinthe Kruger Park. Later on, while on a tour we were lucky to watch lionesses feeding on a buffalo they had hunted down. Besides, we saw elephants, Kenneth Mabila was our guide on the Course covering the ecology impala,giraffe,warthogsandsoon. of the park. It started off with a lively discussion about the part the Park played in South Africa’s history. Then we had a guided tour, In between, we had some environmental sessions where we first to the buffalo and rhino breeding stations, which was a great worked on the topics “Sustainable Planet” and “Pollution experience for everybody, especially touching a live rhino! Our Problems”. knowledge was enlarged with new and interesting facts about plants and animals. Later on we visited the plant breeding station All in all it was a great and successful day. Thank you for where we learned about indigenous and pioneer plants and their everybody’s support and I hope that the Scouters enjoyed the day effects on South Africa’s flora. It was a great course and in my asmuchasIdid.

Contributionscanbe: Postedto:TheEditor,P.O.Box1733,PortElizabeth6000 Faxedto:0415858513-Emailto: [email protected] Editor:ColinStretton-Tel:0415851147 AssistantEditor: Lisbet Demeyer -Tel:0413683810