
Approved and ordered this 1St day of August , A.D. 1946.946.

../4/ At the Executive Council Chamber, Victoria, Lieutaant.Gouerno?:


The Honourable Mr. Hart In the chair. Mr. Pearson Mr, Anscomb Mr. MacDonald Mr. lyres Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mn Mr.

To His Honour The Lieutenant-Governor in Council: The undersigned haa the honour to RECOMMEND:— re- 205'2/46 THAT under the provisions of section 68 of the "Game Act", chapter 108 of the "Revised Statutes of British Colum- bia, 1936", Regulations, to be known as "Game Regulations 1946-47: be made in the form of the draft Regulations annexed hereto.

DATED this 0i4141 r day of A. D.1946.

.AP44(1.7 ng At torney-Gen er al.

APPROVED this A.D.1946.

Presi ng Member of the Executive Council.


1. The prohibitions declared by section 18 of the "Game Aot," being chapter 108 of the "Revised Statutes of , 1936," as to the hunting, trapping, taking, wounding, and killing of game, are, subject to the provisions of sections 2 to 9, inolusive, of these regulations, hereby removed to the extent and within the period and limits and subject to the provisions hereinafter set out respectively, as follows:-

For the purpose of defining the open seasons for big game, game birds, and trapping of fur-bearing animals, the Province shall be divided into two districts, to be known as the Western and Eastern Districts.

"WESTEN DISTRICT" shall mean and include all that portion of the Province situate and lying to the west of the summit of the Kascade Mountains and south of the Electoral District of Atlin, except that portion of the Electoral District of Skeena covered by the watershed of the Lakelee and Zymagotitz Rivers.

"EASTERN DISTRICT" shall mean and include all of the remainder of the Province.

Provided for the purpose of the open seasons on migratory game birds, that portion of the Electoral District of Lilloott situate and lying to the east of a line drawn north and south (astronomic) of Alta Lake Railway-station on the Pacific Great Eastern Railway and that portion of the Skeona River and its watershed situate and lying within the boundaries of the Electoral Pistridt of Skeena east of a line drawn north and south (astronomic) through the mouth of Scotia River be construed and considered as lying within the eastern District.




(a.) BEAR (except ',:EITE or KERIYCDEI BEAR), in the Eastern District, open season on GRIZZLY BEAR, from September let, 1946, to June 30th, 1947, and on BLACK or BROWN REAR there shall be no close/ season.

Provided that no PEAR shall be trapped in the Eastern District.

(b.) CARIBOU, of the male sex, over one year of age, in the Eastern District. (exoept the Mackenzie, Lillooet, and Cariboo Flectoral Districts and that further portion of the Eastern District situate and lying to the south of the main line of the Canadian Pacific Railway), open season from September 1st, 1946 to December 15th, 1946.

In the Eastern aistrict situate and lying to the south of the main line of the Canadian Pacific ailway and in that portion of the Cariboo Electoral District situate and lying north of the 52nd parallel of north latitude and west of a straight line running due north and south from Kleena Eleene on the south to the most southerly point of Tsaoha Lake on the north, open sermon from September 15th, 1946, to October Ilst, 1946.

(o.) DEER (YULE, 7117E-TAIL, and CCAST), BUCVS CNLY, over one year of age, throughout the Eastern District (except 'TITE-TAIL DEER, in the North and South Okanagan and Similkameen Electoral Distrlate), open season from September 15th, 1946, to December 15th, 1946.

DEER ("r'HITE-TAIL only), DOES, over one year of age, in the Nelson-Creston, Cranbrook, Fernie, and the Columbia Electoral ^istricts, open season from September let, 1946, to September 14th, 1946.

7EER (MULE only), DOES, over one year of age, in those portions of the Columbia Electoral District situate and lying between a straight line running due east and vest and passing through Spillimaoheen Post-office and a straight line running due east and west and passing through Fairmont Post-office, open season from .7eptember 1st, 1946, to September 14th, 1946.

PROVIDED THAT THE HUNTING CR STFOTING CF PER FY THE USE CF SOMA SHOTGUN IS PROHIBITED TARCUGH(UT TH',".: -ASTERN DIL:TRICT. Provided further that these shall be no open season on any nemblr of the DEER family in those Portions of the Eastern District described as follows:-

In that portion of the Fernie Eleotoral District as follows: "Commencing at the junction of Morrissey Creek and Elk Piver; thence following the oast and south banks of Elk River to a point one-half pile south of the junction of Agwam and Elk Pivers: thence easterly followini: the summit cf the watershed on the south side of ligm'am River to a point on the said river one-half mile south of the junction of said river and Lodgepole Creek; thence in an easterly direction following the summit of the watershed on the south side of Loisepole Creek to the summit at the headwaters of said creek; thence northerly following the summit of the said watershed and westerly along the summit on the north side of said creek and Meadow Creek to a point on Morrissey Creek two wiles north-east from the mouth of said creek: thence along the south hank of said creek to the point of commencement."

In that portion of the Grand Forks-Greenwood Electoral District as follows: "Commencing at the junotion of 7illiamson Creek and the Pottle River; thenoe folbowing the east shore-line of said river in a northerly direction to the junction of Kettle River and Loathorse Creek; thence along said creek to its source; thence following the height of lend in a southerly direction to a point directly east of an unnamed lake forming the source of ::Tilliamson Creek; thence westerly to the east shore-line of said unnamed lako; thence following the south shore-line of said lake and nlliamson Creek to the point of commencement."

In that further portion of the Grand Forks-Greenwood Electoral District taking in all of the watershed of the Kettle River and Rendell Creek from their junction and thence in a northerly direction for a distance of approximately six (6) miles to the mouths of Damfino and Arthura Creeks.

In that portion of the Similkanoen ''leotoral District as follows: "That portion thereof lying to the south of l'hipsaw Creek between the Hope-Princeton Road and the Similkameen and Roche Rivers and ramble Creek to where Cambie Creek enters the Three Brothers Mountain Grme Reserve."

In that portion of the Lillooet ::leotor•1 District as follows: "Commencing at the junction of Gun Creek and the Bridge River: thence in an easterly direction following the north shore-line of Bridge River to the junction of said river and Tyaughton Creek; thence following centre line of said creek in an easterly and north- westerly direction to the junction of an unnamed branch of Tyaughton Creek approximately one mile south of the junction of Taylor Creek and Tyaughton Creek; thence along the south shore-line of this unnamed creek in a south-westerly direction to the headwaters of Pearson Creek; thence along the east shore-line of Peasenn Creek to the junction of said creek and Gun Creek; thence alcng the north shore-line of Gun Creek in a south.. easterly direction to the point of commencement."

"DEER FAMILY" for the purpose of these regulations shall mean and include MUSE, CA:IBOU, DEER, and ":APITI (ELK).

(d.)MCOSE, of the male sex, over one year of age in the Atlin, Fort George, Peace River, and Omineca Electoral Districts, and that portion of the Skeena Electoral District situate and lying within the eastern District, open season from September let, 1946, to reoenber 15th, 1946.

In the Cariboo Electoral Distrioti those portions of the Lillooet Electoral District situate and lying to the north of the 51st parallel of north latitude and including all that portion east of he Fraser River, and that portion of the Kamloops Electoral District situate and lying north of the main line of the Canadian Pacific Railway, open season from September 23rd, 1946, to December 15th, 1946.

In the Fernie and Columbia Electoral Districts, open season from September 16th, 1946, to November 15th, 1946.

(e.)MCDNTAIN-SHRED, of the male sex, over one year of age, in that portion of the Eastern District situate and lying the north of the 56th parallel of north latitude, open season from August 15th, 1946, to November 15th, 1946.

In that portion of the Eastern District situate and lying south of the 56th parallel of north latitude and north of the main line of the Canadian National Railway (Prince Rupert to Jasper Line) and in those portions of the Cariboo and Lillooet Electoral riatriote situate and 17,ing tc the south of the Main Chilootin River and west of the Fraser River, open season from September let, 1946, to November 15th, 1946.

In the Fernie, Cranbrcok, and Columbia Electoral Districts, open season from September 1st, 1946, to Cotober 31st, 1946.

In that portion of the Kamicops Electcral District situate and lying within that area bounded on the east by Adams take, on the south by Sinmax Creek, and on the west and north by the westerly and northerly shore-line or boundaries of Johnson Creek and Lake and Sections23, 24, and 19 in Township 25, Range 13, west of the 6th meridian, open season from Cotober 12th, 1946, to Cotober 31st, 1946.

(f.)MCUNTAIN-GOAT, over one year of age, in the Eastern District, in that portion thereof situate and lying to the north of the 56th parallel of north latitude, open season from August 15th, 1946, to 7ecember 15th, 1946.

In the remainder of the Eastern District (except the South Okanagan, Grand-Forks-Greenwood, and Similkameen Electoral Districts), open season from September 1st, 1946, to Teoember 15th, 1946.

In that porti...n of the Similhameen Eleotoral District situate and lying west of the Ashnola River and south of the Similkaneen River, open season from September 15th, 1946, to September 30th, 1946.

(g.)WAPITI (ELK), of the male Ben, over one year of age, in the Fernie Electoral District and that portion of the Columbia Electoral District situate and lying to the east of the Columbia River, open season from September 15th, 1946, to November 30th, 1946.

In that portion of the Salmon Arm Eleotoral District situate and lying within the watersheds of the Upper Adams River and Garnet Creek, bothflow- ing into the north end of Adams Lake, open season from October 12th, 1946, to October 31st, 1946.

In those portions of the Similkameen and South Okanagan Electoral Districts situate and lying to the east of Okanagan Lake and River, open season from September 15th, 1946, to November 30th, 1946.

In the remaining portions of the Similkaaeen Electoral District, open season from November 1st, 1946, to November 15th, 1946.

That portion of the Fort George Electoral District situate and lying east of a straight line running due north and south (astronomic) and passing through the Red Pass Railway - station, open season from October 15th, 1946, to November 15th, 1946.


(h.)BEAVER, MUSKRATS, and OTTER (except SEA-OTTER), in that portion of the Eastern District situate and lying to the north of the 51st parallel of north latitude and in the Yale and Kamloops Electoral Districts, open season from March let, 1947, to May 15th, 1947; provided that in that portion of the Eastern District situate and lying north of the main line of the Canadian Pacific Railway, OTTER may be trapped from November let, 1946, to May 15th, 1947. In the remainder of the Eastern District, open season from March let, 1947, to April 30th, 1947.

ALL OTHER FUR-BEARING ANIMALS (except BADGER) throughout the Eastern District, open season from November let, 1946, to February 28th, 1947.

NOTE.- SQUIRRELS are included in the definition of fur-baring animals.

MIGRATORY G/WE BIRDS DAILY HUNTING TIME - ONE-HALF li"F P.70°P F"'"=ISF friTv Y,*-7 (i-1.) DUCKS (except WOOD and RIDER PUCKS), COOTS, GEESE, in the Eastern District, in the Peace River Electoral Dietriot; those portions of the Atlin, Omineoa, and Fort George Electoral Districts situate and lying north of the 56th parallel of north latitude, open season from September let, 1945, to November 15th, 1946.

In the Salmon Arm, North and South Okanagan Electoral Districts, and that portion of the Similkameen Electoral District situate and lying east of a line drawn north andsouth (astronomic) through the City or Town cf Hadley, open season from October 1st, 1946, to December 15th, 1946. In the Skeels. Cariboo, Lillooet, Kamloops, Yale, Revelstoke, Kaslo-Slooan, Roseland-Trail, Grand Forks-Greenwood, Nelson-Creston, Cranbrook, Fernie, and Columbia Electoral Districts and those portions of the Atlin, Cmineca, and Fort George Electoral Dietriots situate and lying south of the 56th parallel of north latitude and that portion of the Similkameen Electoral District situate and lying west of a line drawn north and south (astonom1o) through the City or Town of Hedley, open season from September 15th, 1946, to November.29th, 1946.

(1-2.) WILSCNIS SNIPE, in the Cistern District, in the Peace River Electoral Distriot; those portions of the Atlin, Lmineca, and Fort George Electoral Districts situate and lying north of the 56th parallel of north latitude, open season from September let, 1946, to Septnmber 30th, 1946.

In the Salmon Ann, North and South Ckanagan Electoral Distriots, and that portion of the Similkameen Electoral District situate and lying east of a line drawn north and south (astonomic) through the City or Town of Hedley, open season from October 1st, 1946, to October 31st, 1946.

In the Skeane, Cariboo, Lillooet, Kamloops, Yale, Revelstoke, Kaslo- Slooan, Roseland-Trail, Grand Torks-Greenwood, Nelson-Creston, Cranbrook, Fernie, and Columbia Electoral Districts and those portions of the Atlin, Cmineoa, and Fort George Electoral Districts situate and lying south of the 66th parallel of north latitude and that portion of the Similkameen Electoral District situate and lying west of a line drawn north and south (astronomic) through the City or Town of Fedley, open season from September 15th, 1946, to 'T)stober 15th, 1946.


(j.) CALIFORNIA QUAIL, in the South Ckanagan and Similkameen Electoral Districts, open season from Cotober 19th, 1946, to November 11th, 1946.

(k.) EUROPEAN PARTRIDGE, in the Kamloops and North Okanagan Electoral ' Distriots, and in that portion of the Grand Forks-Greenwood Electoral District situate and lying to the east of a line drawn north and south (aetonomio) through the station of Eholt, cn the Kettle Valley Railway, open season from Cotober 19th, 1946, to October 31st, 1946.

In the Lillooet Electoral District, open season from October 19th, 1946, to Cotober 23rd. 1946.

Provided that the hunting AI/shooting of EURCPEAN PART1IDGE in the electoral districts mentioned in this clause shall,kn the first three days of the open season, be between the hours of 12 noon and 4 p.m., and during the remainder of the open season, on each day, between the hours of 7 a.m. and 4 p.m.

(1.) CRUSE (BLUE and FRANKLIN'S only), in the Eastern Distriot, in those portions thereof known as the Peace River, Cmineoa, Skeena, and Atlin Electoral Districts, open season from September 15th, 1946, to Cotober 31st, 1946. In the remainder of the Eastern District (except Fort George, Cariboo, Lillooet, Salmon Arm, Similkameen, and South Ckanagan Electoral Districts and that portion of the Nelson-Creston Electoral District situate and lying east of Kootenay Lake and River eoi■441414-portrioo-e4641nr

open season from September 15th, 1946, to October 15th, 1946.

GRCUSE (RUFFED, commonly called ...anon, in the Eastern District, and in these portions thereof 'mown as the Peace River, Omineca, Skeeaa, and Atlin Electoral Districts, open season from September 15th, 1946, to October 31st, 1946. In the remainder of the Eastern District (except Fort George, Kamlooplillooet, Cariboo, Revelstoke, Salmon Arm, North and South canagen, and Similkameen Eleotoral Districts and that portion of the Nelson-Creston Electoral District situate and lying east of Kootenay Lake and River), open season from September 15th, 1946, to September 30th, 1946.

In the Revelstoke Electoral Distriot, open season from (ctoblr let, 1946, to r)ctober 15th, 1946.

ORrUSE (T-AIRIE-CHICKEN or SHARP-TAILED), in the Eastern District, in the Cmineoa Electoral Pietrict, open season from September 15th, 1946, to September 30th, 1946. In the Peace River Electoral District, open season from September 15th, 1946, to Cotober 15th, 1946. (m.)PTAHVIGAN, in the 'astern District, in those portions thereof known as the Peace River, Cmineca, Skeena, and Atlin Electoral Districts, open season from September let, 1946, to October 31st, 1946. In the remainder of the Eastern District (except Fort George, Cariboo, Lillooet, vale, Kamloops, Salmon Arm, North and South Ckanagan, Similkameen. Cranbrcok, Ferrie, fled Columbia Electoral Districts and that portion of the Nelson-Creston Electoral District situate and lying east of Kootenay Lake and River), open season from September 15th, 1946, to 'ctoher 15th, 1946.

(n.) PHEASANTS, COCK BIRDS rrty, in the vastern nist-tct, in the Salmon Arm, Kamloops, North and South Ckunegan, nr.nd 7orks-Preerwood, Electoral Districts; those portions of the Cariboo and Til'ocet Electsral Districts situate -ed lying along the Fraser River from tiske Creek and tie 52nd parallel on north latitude, c' the north, to the southern boundayy of the Lillocet Electoral ristriot, en the south extending a distance of ten miles on the weal stole on the 7raser Fiver and on the anst side of acid river to the eastern boundaries of said electoral districts; in that portion of the Yale Electoral District situate and lying to the north of the 50th parallel of north latitude and in the Similkameen Electoral-District (except that portion lying between Ashnola Bridge and the One Mile Bridge), open Benson from Cotob,r 19th, 1946, to November 17th, 1946.

CCCK BIRDS ONLY, in that portion of the Nelson-Creston Electoral District situate and lying to the south of Lockhart Creek, open season from October 9th, 1946, tc Cotober 20th, 1946.

CCCK BIRDS CNLY, in that portion of the Kaslo-Slcoan Electoral District situate and lying within a radius of five miles of the post-office of "akusp, open season from October 12th, 1946, to October 15th; 1946.

Provided that the hunting or suoctinc of PHEASANTS in those portions cf the Eastern District provided with an open season (except Nelson-Creston Electoral Distriot).shall, on the first three days of the open season, be between the hours of 12 noon and 4 p.m., and during the remaining day% in said district between the hours of Ta.m. and 4 p.m.

In the Electorel District of Nelson-Trenton the hunting or shooting of PHEASANTS shall, cn the first day of t'e open season, be between the hours of 12 noon and 4 p.m., and on each or any day during the remainder of the open season between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.


PIG G'14.1,'

(o.)BEAR (except 'HIn: or KER"CDEI BEAR), throughout the "!extern District, open season, on GRIZ7LV BEAR, from September 14th, 1946, to June 30th, 1947, and on BLACK or BROWN BEAR there shall be no closed season.

Provided that nc BEAR shall he trapped in the Western District.

(p.) DEER (MULE,and COAST), BUCKS C!'LY, over one year of age, on Vancouver Island and including all of the island in the Comox and Hanaimc and The Isl.nds Electoral Districts, open season from September 14th, 1946, to November 30th, 1946.

BUCKS CIEY, over one year of age, throughout the remainder of the Western District, open season from September 14th, 1946, to Decembdr 15th, 1946.

(q.) MOOSE, of the male sex, over one year cf ago, in those portions of the Mackenzie and Cariboo Electoral Pistriots situate and lying north of the 51st parallel of north latitude, open season from Septv..b-r 23rd, 1946, to December 15th, 1946.

(r.) MCUNTAIN-GCAT, over one year of ace, throughout the Western District (except on Vancouver Island), open season from September 1411,, 1946, to December 15th, 1946.


(s.)ALL FUR-REPRING A' IMr\LS (except FEA-rTTERand BADGER), in those portions of the 'estern District situate and lying north of the 51st parallel of north latitude, open season from November let, imr, to February 28th, 1947; and in those portions situate and lying south of the 51st parallel of rorth latitude, open season from. December 1st, 1946, to February 28th, 1947. P"ovided that the foregoing shall not &poly to the trapping of BEAVER, 'ITSKPATS, and T"TER in that portion of the Till cost Electoral District situate and lying to the east of a line drawn north and south (astronomic) of Alta Lake Railway-station on the Pacific treat Pastern Railwm- and including the watershed of the Tipper Iillooet Diver. Provided further that there shall be no open season for the trapping cf clEAMR cn Vancouver and ueen Charlotte Islands.

BEAVPR, MUSKRATS, and OTTER (except FEL-OTTER), in that portion of the Lillooet Electoral Distrint situate and lying to the east of a line drawn north and south (astronomic) of Alta Lake Railway-station on the Pacific Grert Eastern Railway and including the watershed of the Upper Lillocnt River, open season from December let, 1946, to April 30th, 1947.

NOTE.- SOlUIPPELS are included in the definition of fur-bearing animals.

MIGRATORY CANE BIRDS DAILY PUNTING TIME - 0NE-VAL7 un"P wn-YInv "M"IvTrr " F-u" Ar"R 97FSP7 (t-1.) DUCKS (except 'VOCD and FIRER DUCKS), CCOTS, and GEESE (except BLACK "BRANT and 7,1;Ci7 GEESE), in that portion of the Western District situate and lying north of the 52nd parallel cf north latitude and including all of the -ueen Charlotte Islands, open season from November 1st, 1946, to January 15th, 1947,

Throughout the remainder of the Western District, open season from Cctober 19th, 1946, to January 2nd, 1947.

(t-2.) 'WILSON'S SNIPE, in that portion of the '"'extern Distriot situate and lying and north of the 52nd parallel of north latitude and including all of the !ueen Charlotte Islands, open season from November let, 1946, to November 30th, 1946.

Throughout the remainder of the Western District, open season from • October 19th, 1946, to November 30th, 1946.

Provided that in those ;I:mtions of the Western District known as the Dewdnoy, Chilliwack, Delta, North Vancouver, New Westminster, Vancouver-Point Grey, Vancouver Fast, and Burnaby Electoral Districts, the hunting and shooting of migratory game birds shall cease on each day designated and at or on the time mentioned hereunder:-

October 19th to Cotober 71st 8.40 p.m., November let to Povember 14th 5 15 p.m., November 16th to December 31st....4.50 p.m., January let to January 14th 5 00 p.m., January 15th to January 31st 5 20 p.m., February let to February 14th F.50 p.m.

(Legal time when shooting can be commenced on Cetobdr lfth, 6.10 a.m.)

PIGEONS (BUD-TAILED), throughout the W4stern District, open season from September 14th, 1946, to September 30th, 1946.

BLACK BRANT and S'CY GEESE, in that portion of the Western Distriot situate and lying north of the 52nd parallel of north latitude and including all of the Queen Charlotte Islands as well as Oak Ray, Victoria City, Esquimalt, Saanich, Cowiohan-Newoastle, Nanaimo and the Islands, Comex, and Alberni Electoral Districts, open season from Deoember 15th, 1946, to February 28th, 1947,

Throughout the remainder of the Western District, open season from November 30th, 1946, to February 14th, 1947.

Provided in that portion of the Lower Mainland known as Boundary and Vud Bays, in the Municipalities of Delta and Surrey, no one shall shoot or hunt BRANT or use brant decoys, guide or assist in any way to hunt BRANT on more than two days (or part of two days) in succession, and in no case on more than two days in each week (and for the purpose of this regulation Sunday shall he considered as the first day of the week). No person shall set out more than one flock of brant decoys and no flock of such decoys shall consist of more than fifty, and no two flocks shall be placed near each other than two hundred (200) yards in the areas mentioned herein. Further, no more than one blind must be maid for each set of brant decoys except that this prohibition shall not apply when blinds are constructed so that they are parallel to each other.

UPL.411 GAME BUDS. • (u.) CLLIFCUIA QUAIL, on Daturna and Saltspring Islands and that portion of the Mackenzie Electoral District situate end lying on the Mainland between Jervis end Toba Inlets, open season from Cctcbnr 19th, 1946, to October '1st, 1946.

On the "ainlrnd, in that portion thereof known na the municipality of Delta, open season from October 19th, 1946, tc October 27th, 1946.

Cn Vancouver Island, in the Esquimalt and Saanich Electoral Districts, open season from October 19th, 1946, to November 3rd, 1946.

Provided that the shooting of CALIFC1-PIA (TAIL is prohibited in the North Saanich District, on Vancouver island, on the following days, namely: October 20th, 27th, and November 3rd, 1946.

(v.)EUROPEAN PARTRIDGE, no open season anywhere in the 7estern District.

(w.)GROUSE (BLUE only), throughout the "'extern District (except Texada, Hornby, and Denman Islands, the islands in Hove Sound, that portion of the Mackenzie Electoral Diatriot situate and lying on the Mainland between Jervis and Toba Inlets, that portion of the Mainland situate and lying to the east of Howe Sound and the Gulf of Georgia, including the whole of the Pewdney Electoral District and that portion of the Lillooet Electoral District situate and lying in the Western District), open season from September 14th, 1946, to October 31st, 1946.

On Hornby Island and in that portion of the Mackenzie Electoral District situate and lying en the Mainland between Jervis and Toba Inlets, open season from September 14th, 1946. to September 30th, 1946.

GROUSE (RUFFED, Cor-norly called WILLCIO, throughout the Weatern District (except Saltepring Island, the islands in Howe Sound, and that portion of the Mainland situate and lying to the east of Howe Sound and the Gulf of Georgia, including the whole of the Dewdney Electoral District, and thatportion of the Lillooet Electoral District Situate and lying in the Testern District), open season from (otober 19th, 1946, to October 31st, 1946.

(c.) PHEASANTS, COCK PIMS 'NLY, in the Tastern District, on Vancouver Island (exoept that portion situate and lying north of Oyster River and that portion of the Alberni Electoral District situate and lying to the west of the Beaufort Range), and on the Mainland (except those portions thereof known as the Squamieh Valley and that area situate and lying between Howe Sound and Toba Inlet, and that further portion known as the Skeane Electoral District), open season from Cotober 19th, 1946, to November 17th, 1946.

Provided that the shooting of PHEASANTS is prohibited in the Forth Saanioh District, on Vancouver Island, on the following days, namely: October 20th, 27th, November 3rd, 10th, and 17th, 1946.

COCK BIRDS (NLY, on Saltspring, North Pender, and Payne Islands, that portion of the Alberni Electoral District situate and lying to the west of the Beaufort Range, and that portion of the Prince Rupert Electoral District known as the Amen Charlotte Islands, open season from October 19th, 1946, to Fovember 'rd, 1946.

Provided that the hunting or shooting of PHEASANTS, -HUT or PUFFED GROUSE, and CALIFCRNIA QUAIL, in those portions of Vancouver Island provided with an open season shall, on the first two days of the open season, be between the hours of 12 noon to one-half ',our after sunset, and on each and every day during the remainder of such open season from one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset, Throughout the remainder of the Testern District, provided with an open season, on each and every day, from one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset.

(y.) PTAR!'IGAN, in the Prince Rupert 7lectoral District, open season from September 14th, 1946, to October 15th, 1946.



In respeot of big game throughout the Province as defined in the "Game Act," no person in that portion of the Province in the Eastern District north of the main line of the Canadian National Railway (Prince huport to deeper line) shall at any time kill or take or have in their possession during the entire open season more than two CA,IRCU and two yoUTAIN-SFEEP, all of the male sex, over one year of ego.

In the remainder of the Eastern District provided with an open season on CARIBCU and YUNTAIN-SHEEP, no person shall nt any time kill or tyke cr have in their possession during the entire open season -Tore than one CAEIBUT and one -(TINTAIN-SHEEP, all of the male sex, over cne year oe Wree Throughout the Province no person shall at any time kill or take or have in their possession during the entire open season more than one MOOSE, two MOUNTAIN-GOAT, one WAPITI (ELK), all over one yoar of age, and three BEAR other than GRIZZLY BEAR, and one GRIZZLY BEAR between September 1st and December 31st, 1946, and one GRIZZLY REAP between January 1st and June 30th, 1947, except in that portion of the Province situate and lying north of the 57th parallel of north latitude and west of the Rooky Mountains the bag-limit for the entire season in said area shall be two GRIZZLY REAR.

In the Eastern District no person shall at any time kill or take or have in their possession during the entire open season more than two DEER of the male sex, over one year of age; provided that in the Nelson-Creston, Cranbrook, F4ernie, and Columbia Electoral Districts the seasonal bag-limit shall be three DEER, one of which may be a 7MI7E-TAIL DEER of the female sex, over one year of age, except that in that portion of the Columbia Electoral District provided with an open season for the hunting of doe deer, the seasonal bag-limit shall be three PEER, two of which may be of the female sex, over one year of age. In the 'extern District (except Vancouver Island and that portion of the Mainland situate and lying east of Rowe Sound and the Gulf of Georgia including all of the Dewdney Electoral District and the islands in Rowe Sound) no persons shall at any time kill or take or have in their possession during the entire open season more than three rEER, of the male :sex, over one year of age; on Vancouver Island, no person shall have in his possession at any one time more than one PEER and for the entire season not more than three PEER, cf the male sex, over one year of age; and in that portion of the Mainland situate and lying east of Howe Sound and the Gulf of Georgia including all of the Dewdney Electoral District and the islands in Howe Sound not more than two rEER for the entire season.

Throughout the Province no person shall at any time kill or take or have in their possession during tho entire season more big game animals than the maximum number to be permitted to be killed, taken, or had in possession in any distriot.



No person shall in any district hereinafter designated kill or take on any one day any greater number of game birds than the daily bag-limit hereinafter set out respectively; nor kill or take or have in their possession, throughout. the Province during the entire open season, more game birds than the maximum number permitted to be killed, taken, or had in possession in any district.


COOTS: Daily bag-limit, 25; season bag-limit, 150. DUCKS (except :COD and EIDER DUCKS): daily bag-limit, 12 in the aggregate of all kinds; season bag-limit, 125 in the aggregate. GEESE and BLACK BRANT: daily bag-limit, 5 in the aggregate of all kinds; season bag-lhnit, 25 in the aggregate; except in the Nelson-Creston Electoral District, wherein the daily bag-limit'shall be three (3) geese in the aggregate of all kinds and the season bag-limit shall be fifteen (15) geese in the aggregate. PIGEONS (BAND-TAILED) ('!astern Distriot only): daily bag-limit, 10; season bag-limit, 50. IILSCN'S SNIPE: daily bag-limit, 8; season bag-limit, 50.



CALIFORNIA ':HAIL: Daily bag-limit, 6; season bag-limit, 24. "UROPEAN PARTRIDGE: Daily bag-limit, 4; season bag-limit, 20, except that in the tillooet Electoral District, the daily bag-limit shall be 3; season bag-limit, 12. GROUSE and PTAF-IGAN (except PDAIrJE-C"IfKEN or SHARP-TAILED GROUSE): roily bag-limit; 6 of one species or 12 of all species; season bag-limit, 50 in the aggregate. PRAI,1E-CHICKEN or sHARP-T',ILED ER(USE: In the Peace River Electoral District: Daily bag-limit, 6; season bag-limit, 50. In the rmineca Electoral District: Daily hag-limit, 4; season bag-limit, 15. PHEASANTS (Cock birds only): Daily bag-limit, 4; season bag-limit, 20 (except the Yamlcops, Salmon Arm, Nelson-Creston, Gr-nd Forks- Greenwood, Kaslo-Slocan,Flectoral ristricts). Daily bag-limit, 2; season bag-limit, 12, in the N.lscn-Creston and 'Ir^rvi Forks-Greenwooi Electoral Districts. Total and season bag-limit, 2, in that portion of the Kaslo-Slcoan Electoral District provided with an open season. In the Kamloops and Salmon Arm Electoral Districts the daily bag-limit for the first three days of the open season shall be 2 birds per day and during the remainder of said open season the daily bag-limit shall be 4; total Beason bag-limit, 20.



CALIFORNIA MIL: Daily bag limit, season bag-limit, 20. CRUISE: Daily bag-limit, 6 of all species of which not more than 3 shall be Ruffed or Willow; season bag-limit, 24/of all species, provided that on vancouver Island no person shall have in his possession at any one time more than two days bag-limit. PHEASANTS (COCK BIRDS ONLY): Daily bag-limit J4 season bag-limit, 20. PTAErIGAN: Daily bag-limit, 6; season bag-limit, 24.

Every person shall, upon the request of any Came Warden or Constable, Burnish satiafeatory proof to him of the locality and date on which any game was by him killed or trken or had in possession.

P. The prohibitions declared by subsection (1) of section 26 of the "Game Act" as to the buying, selling, and having in possession of big game, so far as same relate to game lawfully killed or taken, are hereby removed to the extent and within the periods and limits and subject to the provisions hereinafter set out as follows:-

(a.) !!COSE and CA2IRCU, bulls over one year old, in the Atlin and (mimeos Electoral Districts, north of the 57th parallel of north latitude, from September let, 1946, to December 15th, 1946.

(b.) BEAR (except ''WHITE or KERVCDEI REAR), throughout the Province at any time during the open season.

Provided that no other big game cr portion thereof shall b' sold in any part of the Province.

'a. The cpen seas,ns declared by these re:ulations shall not apply to the following parts of the P-ovince, namely:-

(a.) Kaien Island, in the Prince Rupert Electoral District.

(b.) That portion of the rewdney lectern District known as the Colony Farm, and that farther portion of said electoral distriot in the vicinity of Harrison Hot Springs, more particularly described as follows: "Commencing at the mouth of an unnamed slough entering Harrison Lake nest of the Harrison Hot Springs Hotel; thence along the south shore-line of said enflamed slough to the Agassit-Harrison Highway; thence northerly along sail highway to Farrieon Lake; thence masterly along the shore-line of said lake to the point of commencement."

(o.) That porticn of the /District Municipality of Burnaby known as Central Park.

(d.) That portion of Nanaimo Harbour and vicinity described as follows: "Between high-water mark cn Vancouver Island and a line drawn as follows: Commencing at Breohin Point, /Departure Ray, near the City of Nanaimo; thence in an enstsrly direction to the most masterly point of vewcastle Island; thence along the shore-line of rewoaetle Island in a northerly, easterly, and southerly direction to the moat easterly point of Reweastle Island; thence to the most westerly point of Protection Island; thence south-easterly to Gallows Point on Protection Island: thence to Jacks Point on Vancouver Island; thence in a we ,terly direotion to Stevens and ..;rishtls shingle-mill cn "anocuver Island." (e.) That portion o' the Velson-Creston Eleotorql District described as follows: "Ccmrenoing cn the nort', shore c" the West Arm of Kootenay Lake at ,Pillow Point :farf; thence following the Duhamel or Wile Creek Road to the intersection of the said Duhamel Creek E.oad aith the First :Test Fork of Duhamel Creek; thence following the said '::est Fork to its score e; thence in a southerly direction following the divide betneen Tuhamel Creek and t.''a West Arm or Kootenay Lek,' and rrohman Creek to the mouth of said Grohman Creek; thence across the 'Teat Ar- of Kootenay L ke to the south shore of the said "est Arm to a 'oi-t ',roan as the ololy.1-ter-house; thence following the south shore of the said Test Arm in en easterly direction to a point opposite 7Tillow Point -Tart; t',encle across the said 'Test trm to the point or ocnmlnonlent." Provided that the provisions of ti-is clause shall apply only in respect to the hunting of game Liras.

(f.) That portion of the South Okanagan Electoral District, in the vicinity of Kelowna, known as Lot 1', Plan 1920, 'sovooe Division of Yale District. (Comprising land surrounding trout-ponds near Kelowna.)

(g.) That portion of the Salmon Arm Electoral District, in the vicinity of Sioamous, more particularly described as follows: "Ccmmenoing at the south-east oorner of Lot 525; thence in a northerly direotion following the west shore-line of Sicamous Narrows to the Gov-rnment 'Nnrf; thence in a north-westerly direction to the mouth of Eagle River; thence in an easterly and southerly direction following the shore-line of Shuewap Lake and Sioamoue Narrows to the south-west corner of Lot 452; thence in a south-westerly direction across Sicamoua Narrows to the point of commencement."

Provided th-t the provisions of this clause shall apply only in respect to the hunting of game birds.

(h.) That portion of Ganges Harbour below high-water mark lying north of a straight line running from ScotrPoint due west to the nearest point on the west shore-line of said harbour.

(i.) That portion of the Skeane Electoral District known as follows: "All that area in the vicinity of Terrace /bounded on the north by the main line of the Canadian National Railway; on the south by the centre line of the Skeena River, inoludins Lot 4355 (Braun's Island), Lot 5759 (an unnamed island), and Lot 675' (Ferry Island); on the east by the bridge joining Lots 368 and 374; and cn the west by a line running direotly south of the south-:cost corner of Lot 1705 to the centre line of the Skeane River."

(j.) That portion of the Vaokenzie Electoral District as follows: "Commencing at the point of intersection of the southerly boundary of Lot 1153 and the west shore of Cousins Inlet; thence westerly 1,800 feet; thence northerly 3,000 feet; thence easterly 3,000; thence northerly 1,500ifeet; thence enaterly 1,500 feet; thence northerly 1,500 feet; thence easterly 600 feet; thence northerly 4,400 feet; thence easterly 3,000 feet; thence southerly 2,500 felt; thence easterly 13,200 feet to the intersection of the northerly boundary of Lot 205 and the west shore of Link Lake; thence following the west shore of said lake in a south-westerly direction to its intersection with the south .boundary of Lot 1151; thence westerly 7,300 feet; thence northerly 1,5700 feet; thence westerly 2,500 feet; thence north-westerly 5,600 feet to a point on the west shore of Cousins Inlet at the mouth of rartin River; thence following the west shore of Cousins Inlet in a south-westerly direction to the point of commencement."

(k.) That portion of the Yale Electoral District described as follows: "Commencing at the north-east corner of Lot 695; thence westerly along the northerly boundaries of Lots 695, 790, and 815 tothe easterly boundary of Lot 1287; thence northerly along the easterly boundary of Lot 1287 to the north-east corner thereof. thence westerly along the northerly boundaries of Lots 1287 and 1138 to the shore of Lake of the Woods to the westerly boundary of Lot 1138; thence southerly along the westerly boundary ofLot 1138 to the northerly boundary of Lot 1120; thence westerly along the northerly boundary of Lot 1120 to the north-west corner thereof; thence southerly along the westerly boundaries of Lots 1120, 887, and 606 to the south-west corner of Lot 606; thence easterly along the southerly boundary of Lot 606 to the westerly boundary of Lot 447; thence southerly and easterly along the boundaries of Lot 447 to the northerly bank of Cuilehena Creek; thence north-easterly and easterly along the northerly bank of Ouilohena Creek to the easterly boundary of Lot 490; thence northerly alone the easterly boundary of Lot 490 to tho southerly boundary of Lot 695; thence easterly along the southerly boundary of Lot 695 to the south-east corner thereof; thence northerly along the easterly boundary of Lot 695 to the point of commencement (all lots herein mentioned being in the Kamloops Division of Yale District)."

(1.) That portion of the Electoral District of Esquimalt as follows: "All that portion of Eseuimalt Harbour and Royal Roads, below high-water mark, situate and lying north of a straight lige extending from the north-east end of Lagoon Spit and Macaulay Point."

(m.) That portion of the Esquimalt Electoral District as follows: "Within one hundred (100) yards on either aide of the Soo0 water-flow line between Sooke Lake and Humpback Reservoir. The discharge of firearms on or across this water- flow line for any purpose is prohibited." (n.) No person shall hunt or shoot aigratory game birds below high-water mark in those waters on Vancouver Island known as Brentwood Bay and Tod Inlet extending south of a straight line running east and west from Sluggett Point to Willis Point and allthat strip of land covered by water, in width one thousand (1000) feet, mea- sured seaward from high-water mark of the easterly shore of Vancouver Island, and which extends from the northerly extremity of the Esquimalt Spit to the Albert Head Lighthouse, Esquimalt Land District as well as that strip of land three hundred (300) feet in width measured inland from said high-water mark, and which extends from the southerly extremity of said Esquimalt Spit to the said Albert Head Lighthouse.

(o.) All that pa reel or tract of land lying within the following described boundaries and being part of Esquimalt and Goldetream Land Districts; "Commenoing at a point on the west side of the Island Highway,. situated three hundred (300) yards northerly from the junction of said Island Highway with the Sooke and Metohoein Road; thence in a westerly direction parallel to and distant therefrom three hundred (300) yards from the northerly boundary of the Island Highway to the westerly boundary of the Esquimalt Land District; thence southerly along said boundary to the shore of Langford Lake; thence westerly, southerly, and easterly along the said shore of Langford Lake to the said westerly boundary of Esquimalt Land District; thence southerly along said boundary to the southerly boundary of the Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway right-of-way; thence easterly along the said southerly boundary to its intersection with Dunford Road; thence southerlyat right angles to the said railway right-of-way a distanoe of three hundred (300) yards; thence in an easterly direotion parallel to and distant therefrom three hundred (300) yards from the said railway right-of-way to the intersection of the said right-of-way with the Island Highway; thenoe in an easterly direction parallel to and distant therefrom three hundred (300) yards from said Island Highway to the westerly boundary of the Sooke and Metol-osin Road; thenoe northerly along the said westerly toundary of the Sooke and Hetohosin Road and the Island Highway to the point of commencement."

(p.) All and singular that area or tract of land situate, lying, and being in the Municipality of Delta and which may be more partioularly described as follows, that is to say: "Commencing at a point on the west boundary-line of Green Road at intersection of south boundary of District Lot 116, Group 2; thenoe westerly along the south boundary of District Lot 116 to Chilukthan Slough; thenoe southerly along the easterly bank of Chilukthan Slough to intersection of north boundary of King Edward Street produced; thence westerly along north boundary of King Edward Street produced and continuing along north boundary of King Edward Street to east boundary of Fairview Road; thence northerly along the east boundary of Fairview Road to intersection of northerly boundary of Savoy Street produced; thence south-westerly along the northerly boundary of Savoy Street produced and continuing along the northerly boundary of Savoy Street to east boundary of Church Street; thenoe north- westerly along the easterly boundary of Church Street produced to the southerly bank of Fraser River; thence north-easterly following along the bank of the Fraser River to its intersection with the west bank of Chilukthan Slough; thenoe southerly along west bank of Chilukthan Slough produced to southerly boundary of River Dyke Road; thence north-westerly following along the south-easterly boundary of River Dyke Road to intersection with the west bank of Crescent Slough; thence south-easterly following along the west bank of Crescent Slough to its intersection with the west boundary of Green Road; thence southerly along the west boundary of Green Road to point of commandment."

(q.) That portion of the Fernie Electoral District described as follows: "Commencing at the south-oast corner of Lot 7996; thence in an easterly direction to the south-west corner of Lot 6745; thence following the south boundary of said Lot 6745 to the west bank of the Fording River; thence down the west bank of the Fording River to the function of said river and the Elk River; thence up the east bank of the Elk River to the point of commencement."

Provided that the provisions of this clause shall not apply in respect to the trapping of fur-bearing animals.

(r.) That portion of the Kamloops Electoral District described as follows: "All waters of the North '"hompson, South Thompson, and Thompson Rivers, bounded on the north by the Canadian National Railway Bridge (Main line) at Kamloops Junction and on the east by the Kamloops-Blue River richway Bridge, at Kamloops, and on the west by the Kamloops-Tranquille Highway Bridge."

Provided that the provisions cf this clause s'-1111 apply only in respect to the hunting of game birds. 4. No person shall at any time kill or attempt to kill any MIGRATORY GAME BIRD, PHEASANT, PARTPTPGE, or 'TAIL with a rifle, or hunt as defined in section 2 of the "Game Aot," any game birds in any field or on or over any cultivated land by . using an automobile or other vehicle thereon.

The use of any shotgun eauipped with a NYPAR SIGHT in the hunting or shooting of game birds is prohibited.

5. The open seasons declared by these regulations shall not apply to the hunting, taking, or having in possession of MAIL, PHEASANTS, PRAIRIE-CHICKEN (SHARP-TAILED CRUSE), or PARTRIDGE, at any place when the surfsoe of the ground at that place is covered with anew.

6. No person shall hunt, kill, or take any "((SE, CARIBCU, .1APTTI (ELK), or PEER while swimming, and the hunting, killing, or taking of any game by the use of tracer bullets or tracer-shot shells is prohibited.

The use of .22-calibre rifles loaded with rim-fire shells; the use of Spitzer type Pull metal cased bullets and the use of the U.S. Carbine .30 H-1 automatic rifle or any other firearm that can be or is classed as a machine gun or sub-machine gun, in the hunting of big game, including DEER, is prohibited.

The killing, taking, or trapping of fur-bearing animals by the use of spring-pole traps anywhere in the Province is prohibited.

7. No person shall hunt, kill, or attempt to kill any '.igratory Game Bird on any area where baiting is being done or has been done at any time within the calendar year immediately preceding such hunting, killing, or attempting to kill, and no person shall hunt, kill, or attempt to kill any !'igratory Game Bird by the use or aid of batting, whether being done at the time or has been done at any time, and without regard to the distance intOvening hetweer. the place where such hunting, killing, or attempting to kill is done and the place share baiting is being done cr has been done; and for the purposes of this variation betting shell be interpreted as the attracting or feeding of any wild bird or wild mamnal with corn, wheat, oats, cr o+-her !rain or products thereof, or any food placed tc drcoy any mill bird cr ma7:7al.

t\irther, the use of live decoys in the hunting or taking of any "igratory Came Rirda is prohibited.

8. 'here is no open season on any name other than in the open districts and during the periods mentioned in the foregoing reralations.

9. The open seasons declared by these regulations shgll cease to be in effect in any area covered by a °leisure order issued by the Forest Servioe of the Department of Lands and Forests -nd continue to be ineffective luring the period covered by such Forest Closure 'rder. All times mentioned in these regulations rearmost to Pacifio Standard Time. The electoral districts referred to in these regulations cover such districts as constituted at July let, 7946.