Trustees: The Hon. Dr Paul Flather (Chair); Sir Nicholas Barrington KCMG, CVO, FRSA; Prof Haroon Ahmed; Mr ; Ms Naila Hayat Noon; Dr Rosemary Raza; Mr Ahmad Hosain, Mrs Ameena Saiyid OBE, Dr Faisal Devji

25th Anniversary Dinner - 30th June, 2019 St Peter’s College, University of Oxford New Inn Hall St, Oxford OX1 2DL, UK

Name Position Professor Haroon AHMED VNEF Trustee; former Master Corpus Christi College, Cambridge

Mrs Anne AHMED Alumnae Association, University of Cambridge Dr Usman AHMED Doctor at the Royal Hospital & alumnus, Churchill College Cambridge. Ms Ayesha ALI Noon Scholar, Said Business School, Oxford (2018-19) Mr Taimoor ALI Noon Scholar; DPhil Soft Matter Photonics Group, Oxford (2016-2019)

Professor Sarah ANSARI Professor of History, Royal Holloway, University of London.

Dr Hasan ASKARI London based banker & art collector

Mrs Hasan ASKARI Mrs Farzana BADUEL CEO Curzon PR, London Mr Awais BAJWA Vice President TMT Barclays Investment Bank; former Noon Scholar (2006)

Dr Farooq BAJWA Director/Founder of law firm, Farooq Bajwa & Co., London

Dr Yaqoob BANGASH Modern South Asia, History Faculty, Information Technology University, Punjab

Professor Masooda BANO Professor of Development Studies, University of Oxford

Sir Nicholas BARRINGTON VNEF Trustee; former UK High Commissioner to Fellow at Pembroke College; former Managing Director, International Division, Oxford Dr Roger BONING University Press Mrs Anne BONING Research Associate, Health Economics, University College London (UCL); founder Pakistan Mr Nadir CHEEMA Bloomsbury Group VNEF Trustee; Professor of Indian History & Director of the Asian Studies Centre, St Antony’s Dr Faisal DEVJI College, University of Oxford Mr Alex DOW Investment Manager, Rathbone Brothers PLC Healthcare Research Associate, Gerson Lehrman Group, London; former Noon Scholar, BA Dr Gala FAROOQ Natural Sciences (2010-13) The Hon Dr Paul FLATHER Chair of the VNEF; Fellow, Mansfield College, Oxford

Baroness (Shreela) FLATHER House of Lords; Author of Women and Development

Dr Agha GHAZANFAR Former Principal, Aitchison College & former senior civil servant, Pakistan

Dr Jane GOVER Director of Student Fees and Funding, University of Oxford

Mr Hasan HAMEED Noon Scholar, Modern South Asian Studies, Linacre College, Oxford (2018 -19 )

Mr Mumtaz HASSAN KHAN Chairman/CEO, Hascol Petroleum Limited

Sir Tim HITCHENS President, Wolfson College; former UK Ambassador to Japan

Dr Ahmed HOSAIN VNEF Trustee; Corporate Lawyer, Pakistan

Mrs Abida HUSAIN Pakistani politician; former Ambassador to the US Dr Mahboob HUSAIN Associate Professor, Department of History & Pakistan Studies, University of Punjab

Mrs Shama HUSAIN Honorary Secretary, Pakistan Society London

Dr Humayun KHAN VNEF Trustee; former Director-General of the Commonwealth Foundation

Mr Former Chairman,

Mr Ali KHAN Co-author of ‘Cricket Cauldron: The Turbulent Politics of Sport in Pakistan’

Mr Omar KIDWAI Noon Scholar, BA (Hons) Natural Sciences, Cambridge (2018-21)

Ms Shahnaz LOCKWOOD Member of Pakistan Society London

Dr Adeel MALIK Research Fellow in Economics, Islamic Centre Lecturer & St Peter’s College

Mr Ehsan MANI VNEF Trustee; former President of Pakistan International Cricket Council

Mrs Frances MANI Director, Associated Shipping Services Limited; Chartered Accountant Professor Mark MOLONEY Fellow and Tutor in Chemistry & Tutor for Welfare, St Peter's College Mr Kaveh MOUSSAVI International Human Rights Lawyer; Wolfson College, Oxford Rt Revd Dr Michael NAZIR-ALI former Bishop of Rochester Mrs Valerie NAZIR-ALI Ms Naila Hayat NOON VNEF Trustee Ms Natasha NOON Equity Research Analyst, Goldman Sachs Mr Nasir NOON Businessman Mrs Afifa NOON Mr David PAGE Co-Director of the Media South Asia Project, the Institute of Commonwealth Studies at London University; former BBC correspondent’ Mrs Helen PENNANT Director, Cambridge Commonwealth, European & International Trust, University of Cambridge

Mr John PENNANT Senior Principal Gifts Fundraiser, Kings College London (KCL)

Mrs Bashan RAFIQUE CEO, All Pakistan Women's Association UK Mrs Atto RAFIQUE Mr Zafar RAFIQUE Mrs Rosemary RAZA VNEF Trustee; Writer on South Asia

Nasreen REHMAN Writer and Screenplay write; alumna, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge

Mrs Ameena SAIYID former Managing Director Oxford University Press, Pakistan; Literacy Festival Professor Yunas SAMAD Emeritus Professor, South Asian Studies, University of Bradford Mrs Josefina SAMAD Senior Research Officer, Overseas Development Institute (ODI); former Noon Scholar (DPhil Dr Moizza SARWAR Social Policy, 2007) Ms Victoria SCHOFIELD Author and Historian; Chair, The Round Table Commonwealth Journal Fellow, Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies and Lecture, Institute of Social and Cultural Dr Mohammad TALIB Anthropology, University of Oxford. Mr Stephen WILLIS British Finance director Former Deputy Director, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS); Bloomsbury Dr David TAYLOR Pakistan's Advisor Mrs Anne TAYLOR Director/Founder Interaction Chempharm Ltd; Teaching & Research, Reading University; Dr Muhammad YAQOOB former Noon Scholar (DPhil Chemistry, 2001-03);

H.E. Mohammad Nafees ZAKARIA High Commissioner for Pakistan and Honorary President of Pakistan Society London