327 bus time schedule & line map

327 Chatham View In Website Mode

The 327 bus line (Chatham) has 5 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Chatham: 7:20 AM - 2:55 PM (2) Gillingham: 5:20 PM (3) Rainham: 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM (4) : 8:48 AM - 5:10 PM (5) Snipeshill: 6:54 AM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 327 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 327 bus arriving.

Direction: Chatham 327 bus Time Schedule 50 stops Chatham Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:20 AM - 2:55 PM Bus Hub, Sittingbourne Tuesday 7:20 AM - 2:55 PM Ufton Lane, Sittingbourne 59 West Street, Sittingbourne Wednesday 7:20 AM - 2:55 PM

The Coniston, Chalkwell Thursday 7:20 AM - 2:55 PM 68 Road, Sittingbourne Friday 7:20 AM - 2:55 PM

Keyways, Sittingbourne Saturday 7:48 AM - 3:05 PM 163 London Road, Sittingbourne

The Billet, Sittingbourne Wilton Terrace, 327 bus Info The Long Hop, Key Street Direction: Chatham Key Street, Bobbing Stops: 50 Trip Duration: 66 min Pearce And Batt Garage, Key Street Line Summary: Bus Hub, Sittingbourne, Ufton Lane, 26-32 Key Street, Borden Civil Parish Sittingbourne, The Coniston, Chalkwell, Keyways, Sittingbourne, The Billet, Sittingbourne, The Long Ladyelds Close, Bobbing Hop, Key Street, Pearce And Batt Garage, Key Street, Ladyelds Close, Bobbing, Rook Lane, , Rook Lane, Keycol Newington Court Care Home, Keycol, Station Road, Newington, Playstool Road, Newington, Tuck Inn, Newington Court Care Home, Keycol Hartlip Hill, Breach Lane, Breach, Breach Lane, , Landrail Road, Lower Halstow, The Green, Station Road, Newington Lower Halstow, Holywell School, , Church, 32 High Street, Newington Upchurch, Woodruff Close, Upchurch, Wallbridge Lane, Windmill Hill, Otterham Quay, Three Sisters, Playstool Road, Newington Otterham Quay, The Angel, Lower Rainham, Ellison Way, Lower Rainham, Tilbury Road, Lower Rainham, Tuck Inn, Hartlip Hill Henry Street, Rainham, Railway Station, Rainham, The Cricketers, Rainham, Roberts Road, Rainham, Breach Lane, Breach Bloors Lane, Rainham, Pump Lane, Rainham, Tesco, Rainham, Eastcourt Lane, Gillingham, Featherby Road South, Gillingham, Woodlands Road South End, Breach Lane, Lower Halstow Darland, Barnsole Road, Darland, Jezreels Street, Gillingham, Gillingham Park, Landrail Road, Lower Halstow Gillingham, Byron Primary School, Gillingham, The Green, Lower Halstow Montgomery Road, Gillingham, Medway Maritime The Green, Lower Halstow Civil Parish Hospital, Gillingham, The Westcourt Arms, Gillingham, Copenhagen Road, Gillingham, Britton Holywell School, Upchurch Farm Mall, Gillingham, Medway Park War Memorial, Forge Lane, Upchurch Civil Parish Gillingham, King Charles Hotel, Brompton, Dockyard Main Gate, Chatham, Fort Amherst Council Oces, Church, Upchurch Chatham, Waterfront Bus Station, Chatham 3 The Street, Upchurch Civil Parish

Woodruff Close, Upchurch

Wallbridge Lane, Windmill Hill

Otterham Quay Otterham Quay Lane, Upchurch Civil Parish

Three Sisters, Otterham Quay Three Sisters Roundabout, Upchurch Civil Parish

The Angel, Lower Rainham Lower Rainham Road, Gillingham

Ellison Way, Lower Rainham

Tilbury Road, Lower Rainham

Henry Street, Rainham 213 Station Road, Gillingham

Railway Station, Rainham

The Cricketers, Rainham 85 High Street, Gillingham

Roberts Road, Rainham Sovereign Boulevard, Gillingham

Bloors Lane, Rainham

Pump Lane, Rainham Guardian Court, Gillingham

Tesco, Rainham 28 London Road, Gillingham

Eastcourt Lane, Gillingham South Avenue, Gillingham

Featherby Road South, Gillingham

Woodlands Road South End, Darland

Barnsole Road, Darland 139-141 , Gillingham

Jezreels Canterbury Street, Gillingham 410 Canterbury Street, Gillingham

Gillingham Park, Gillingham 483 Canterbury Street, Gillingham Byron Primary School, Gillingham 302A Canterbury Street, Gillingham

Montgomery Road, Gillingham 2 Milton Road, Gillingham

Medway Maritime Hospital, Gillingham

The Westcourt Arms, Gillingham 247 Canterbury Street, Gillingham

Copenhagen Road, Gillingham 113-115 Canterbury Street, Gillingham

Britton Farm Mall, Gillingham 18 Skinner Street, Gillingham

Medway Park War Memorial, Gillingham

King Charles Hotel, Brompton

Dockyard Main Gate, Chatham The Cut, Chatham

Fort Amherst Council Oces, Chatham Khartoum Road, Chatham

Waterfront Bus Station, Chatham Globe Lane, Chatham Direction: Gillingham 327 bus Time Schedule 42 stops Gillingham Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 5:20 PM Bus Hub, Sittingbourne Tuesday 5:20 PM Ufton Lane, Sittingbourne 59 West Street, Sittingbourne Wednesday 5:20 PM

The Coniston, Chalkwell Thursday 5:20 PM 68 London Road, Sittingbourne Friday 5:20 PM

Keyways, Sittingbourne Saturday 5:20 PM 163 London Road, Sittingbourne

The Billet, Sittingbourne Wilton Terrace, England 327 bus Info The Long Hop, Key Street Direction: Gillingham Key Street, Bobbing Civil Parish Stops: 42 Trip Duration: 49 min Pearce And Batt Garage, Key Street Line Summary: Bus Hub, Sittingbourne, Ufton Lane, 26-32 Key Street, Borden Civil Parish Sittingbourne, The Coniston, Chalkwell, Keyways, Sittingbourne, The Billet, Sittingbourne, The Long Ladyelds Close, Bobbing Hop, Key Street, Pearce And Batt Garage, Key Street, Ladyelds Close, Bobbing, Rook Lane, Keycol, Rook Lane, Keycol Newington Court Care Home, Keycol, Station Road, Newington, Playstool Road, Newington, Tuck Inn, Newington Court Care Home, Keycol Hartlip Hill, Breach Lane, Breach, Breach Lane, Lower Halstow, Landrail Road, Lower Halstow, The Green, Station Road, Newington Lower Halstow, Holywell School, Upchurch, Church, 32 High Street, Newington Upchurch, Woodruff Close, Upchurch, Wallbridge Lane, Windmill Hill, Otterham Quay, Three Sisters, Playstool Road, Newington Otterham Quay, The Angel, Lower Rainham, Ellison Way, Lower Rainham, Tilbury Road, Lower Rainham, Tuck Inn, Hartlip Hill Henry Street, Rainham, Railway Station, Rainham, The Cricketers, Rainham, Roberts Road, Rainham, Breach Lane, Breach Bloors Lane, Rainham, Pump Lane, Rainham, Tesco, Rainham, Eastcourt Lane, Gillingham, Featherby Breach Lane, Lower Halstow Road South, Gillingham, Woodlands Road South End, Darland, Barnsole Road, Darland, Jezreels Canterbury Street, Gillingham, Gillingham Park, Landrail Road, Lower Halstow Gillingham, Byron Primary School, Gillingham, Montgomery Road, Gillingham, Medway Maritime The Green, Lower Halstow Hospital, Gillingham The Green, Lower Halstow Civil Parish

Holywell School, Upchurch Forge Lane, Upchurch Civil Parish

Church, Upchurch 3 The Street, Upchurch Civil Parish

Woodruff Close, Upchurch

Wallbridge Lane, Windmill Hill

Otterham Quay Otterham Quay Lane, Upchurch Civil Parish

Three Sisters, Otterham Quay Three Sisters Roundabout, Upchurch Civil Parish

The Angel, Lower Rainham Lower Rainham Road, Gillingham

Ellison Way, Lower Rainham

Tilbury Road, Lower Rainham

Henry Street, Rainham 213 Station Road, Gillingham

Railway Station, Rainham

The Cricketers, Rainham 85 High Street, Gillingham

Roberts Road, Rainham Sovereign Boulevard, Gillingham

Bloors Lane, Rainham

Pump Lane, Rainham Guardian Court, Gillingham

Tesco, Rainham 28 London Road, Gillingham

Eastcourt Lane, Gillingham South Avenue, Gillingham

Featherby Road South, Gillingham

Woodlands Road South End, Darland

Barnsole Road, Darland 139-141 Watling Street, Gillingham

Jezreels Canterbury Street, Gillingham 410 Canterbury Street, Gillingham

Gillingham Park, Gillingham 483 Canterbury Street, Gillingham

Byron Primary School, Gillingham 302A Canterbury Street, Gillingham

Montgomery Road, Gillingham 2 Milton Road, Gillingham

Medway Maritime Hospital, Gillingham Direction: Rainham 327 bus Time Schedule 33 stops Rainham Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM Bus Hub, Sittingbourne Tuesday 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM Ufton Lane, Sittingbourne 59 West Street, Sittingbourne Wednesday 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM

The Coniston, Chalkwell Thursday 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM 68 London Road, Sittingbourne Friday 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Keyways, Sittingbourne Saturday Not Operational 163 London Road, Sittingbourne

The Billet, Sittingbourne Wilton Terrace, England 327 bus Info The Long Hop, Key Street Direction: Rainham Key Street, Bobbing Civil Parish Stops: 33 Trip Duration: 45 min Pearce And Batt Garage, Key Street Line Summary: Bus Hub, Sittingbourne, Ufton Lane, 26-32 Key Street, Borden Civil Parish Sittingbourne, The Coniston, Chalkwell, Keyways, Sittingbourne, The Billet, Sittingbourne, The Long Ladyelds Close, Bobbing Hop, Key Street, Pearce And Batt Garage, Key Street, Ladyelds Close, Bobbing, Rook Lane, Keycol, Rook Lane, Keycol Newington Court Care Home, Keycol, Station Road, Newington, Playstool Road, Newington, Tuck Inn, Newington Court Care Home, Keycol Hartlip Hill, Breach Lane, Breach, Breach Lane, Lower Halstow, Landrail Road, Lower Halstow, The Green, Station Road, Newington Lower Halstow, Holywell School, Upchurch, Church, 32 High Street, Newington Upchurch, Woodruff Close, Upchurch, Wallbridge Lane, Windmill Hill, Otterham Quay, Three Sisters, Playstool Road, Newington Otterham Quay, The Angel, Lower Rainham, Ellison Way, Lower Rainham, Tilbury Road, Lower Rainham, Tuck Inn, Hartlip Hill Henry Street, Rainham, Railway Station, Rainham, The Cricketers, Rainham, Roberts Road, Rainham, Breach Lane, Breach Bloors Lane, Rainham, Pump Lane, Rainham, Tesco, Rainham Breach Lane, Lower Halstow

Landrail Road, Lower Halstow

The Green, Lower Halstow The Green, Lower Halstow Civil Parish

Holywell School, Upchurch Forge Lane, Upchurch Civil Parish

Church, Upchurch 3 The Street, Upchurch Civil Parish

Woodruff Close, Upchurch

Wallbridge Lane, Windmill Hill

Otterham Quay Otterham Quay Lane, Upchurch Civil Parish

Three Sisters, Otterham Quay Three Sisters Roundabout, Upchurch Civil Parish

The Angel, Lower Rainham Lower Rainham Road, Gillingham

Ellison Way, Lower Rainham

Tilbury Road, Lower Rainham

Henry Street, Rainham 213 Station Road, Gillingham

Railway Station, Rainham

The Cricketers, Rainham 85 High Street, Gillingham

Roberts Road, Rainham Sovereign Boulevard, Gillingham

Bloors Lane, Rainham

Pump Lane, Rainham Guardian Court, Gillingham

Tesco, Rainham 28 London Road, Gillingham Direction: Sittingbourne 327 bus Time Schedule 53 stops Sittingbourne Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 8:48 AM - 5:10 PM Waterfront Bus Station, Chatham Globe Lane, Chatham Tuesday 8:48 AM - 5:10 PM

Fort Amherst Council Oces, Chatham Wednesday 8:48 AM - 5:10 PM

Dockyard Main Gate, Chatham Thursday 8:48 AM - 5:10 PM The Cut, Chatham Friday 8:48 AM - 5:10 PM

High Street, Brompton Saturday 8:50 AM - 5:10 PM Lennox Row, Gillingham

King Charles Hotel, Brompton

Medway Park War Memorial, Gillingham 327 bus Info 4 High Street, Gillingham Direction: Sittingbourne Stops: 53 St Mark's Church, Gillingham Trip Duration: 64 min Skinner Street, Gillingham Line Summary: Waterfront Bus Station, Chatham, Fort Amherst Council Oces, Chatham, Dockyard Copenhagen Road, Gillingham Main Gate, Chatham, High Street, Brompton, King 125 Canterbury Street, Gillingham Charles Hotel, Brompton, Medway Park War Memorial, Gillingham, St Mark's Church, Gillingham, The Westcourt Arms, Gillingham Copenhagen Road, Gillingham, The Westcourt Arms, 2 Rock Avenue, Gillingham Gillingham, Medway Maritime Hospital, Gillingham, Byron Primary School, Gillingham, Gillingham Park, Medway Maritime Hospital, Gillingham Gillingham, Jezreels Canterbury Street, Gillingham, Jezreels, Gillingham, Barnsole Road, Darland, Byron Primary School, Gillingham Woodlands Road South End, Darland, Featherby 302A Canterbury Street, Gillingham Road South, Gillingham, Eastcourt Lane, Gillingham, Tesco, Rainham, Caldew Avenue, Rainham, Pump Gillingham Park, Gillingham Lane, Rainham, Bloors Lane, Rainham, Roberts 497-499 Canterbury Street, Gillingham Road, Rainham, Holding Street, Rainham, Wilkinsons, Rainham, Railway Station, Rainham, Henry Street, Jezreels Canterbury Street, Gillingham Rainham, Tilbury Road, Lower Rainham, Ellison Way, 422 Canterbury Street, Gillingham Lower Rainham, The Angel, Lower Rainham, Three Sisters, Otterham Quay, Otterham Quay, Wallbridge Jezreels, Gillingham Lane, Windmill Hill, Woodruff Close, Upchurch, 18 Watling Street, Gillingham Church, Upchurch, Holywell School, Upchurch, The Green, Lower Halstow, Landrail Road, Lower Barnsole Road, Darland Halstow, Breach Lane, Lower Halstow, Breach Lane, 143 Watling Street, Gillingham Breach, Tuck Inn, Hartlip Hill, Playstool Road, Newington, Church Lane, Newington, Newington Woodlands Road South End, Darland Court Care Home, Keycol, Rook Lane, Keycol, Ladyelds Close, Bobbing, Pearce And Batt Garage, Featherby Road South, Gillingham Key Street, The Long Hop, Key Street, The Billet, Sittingbourne, Cryalls Lane, Sittingbourne, The King's Eastcourt Lane, Gillingham Head, Chalkwell, Cockleshell Walk, Sittingbourne, Bus South Avenue, Gillingham Hub, Sittingbourne

Tesco, Rainham

Caldew Avenue, Rainham Caldew Avenue, Gillingham Pump Lane, Rainham Guardian Court, Gillingham

Bloors Lane, Rainham Denbigh Avenue, Gillingham

Roberts Road, Rainham

Holding Street, Rainham Ashurst Place, Gillingham

Wilkinsons, Rainham 5 Station Road, Gillingham

Railway Station, Rainham 88B Station Road, Gillingham

Henry Street, Rainham 213 Station Road, Gillingham

Tilbury Road, Lower Rainham

Ellison Way, Lower Rainham

The Angel, Lower Rainham Lower Rainham Road, Gillingham

Three Sisters, Otterham Quay Three Sisters Roundabout, Upchurch Civil Parish

Otterham Quay Otterham Quay Lane, Upchurch Civil Parish

Wallbridge Lane, Windmill Hill

Woodruff Close, Upchurch Woodruff Close, Upchurch Civil Parish

Church, Upchurch

Holywell School, Upchurch 7 Forge Lane, Upchurch Civil Parish

The Green, Lower Halstow The Green, Lower Halstow Civil Parish

Landrail Road, Lower Halstow Landrail Road, Lower Halstow Civil Parish

Breach Lane, Lower Halstow

Breach Lane, Breach

Tuck Inn, Hartlip Hill 1 Hartlip Hill, Hartlip Civil Parish

Playstool Road, Newington London Road, Newington

Church Lane, Newington Newington Court Care Home, Keycol Keycol Hill, Newington Civil Parish

Rook Lane, Keycol

Ladyelds Close, Bobbing Ladyelds Close, Bobbing Civil Parish

Pearce And Batt Garage, Key Street 26-32 Key Street, Borden Civil Parish

The Long Hop, Key Street

The Billet, Sittingbourne 211 London Road, England

Cryalls Lane, Sittingbourne 112 London Road, Sittingbourne

The King's Head, Chalkwell 45 London Road, Sittingbourne

Cockleshell Walk, Sittingbourne

Bus Hub, Sittingbourne Direction: Snipeshill 327 bus Time Schedule 44 stops Snipeshill Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 6:54 AM Medway Maritime Hospital, Gillingham Tuesday 6:54 AM Byron Primary School, Gillingham 302A Canterbury Street, Gillingham Wednesday 6:54 AM Thursday 6:54 AM Gillingham Park, Gillingham 497-499 Canterbury Street, Gillingham Friday 6:54 AM

Jezreels Canterbury Street, Gillingham Saturday Not Operational 422 Canterbury Street, Gillingham

Jezreels, Gillingham 18 Watling Street, Gillingham 327 bus Info Barnsole Road, Darland Direction: Snipeshill 143 Watling Street, Gillingham Stops: 44 Trip Duration: 67 min Woodlands Road South End, Darland Line Summary: Medway Maritime Hospital, Gillingham, Byron Primary School, Gillingham, Featherby Road South, Gillingham Gillingham Park, Gillingham, Jezreels Canterbury Street, Gillingham, Jezreels, Gillingham, Barnsole Eastcourt Lane, Gillingham Road, Darland, Woodlands Road South End, Darland, South Avenue, Gillingham Featherby Road South, Gillingham, Eastcourt Lane, Gillingham, Tesco, Rainham, Caldew Avenue, Tesco, Rainham Rainham, Pump Lane, Rainham, Bloors Lane, Rainham, Roberts Road, Rainham, Holding Street, Caldew Avenue, Rainham Rainham, Wilkinsons, Rainham, Railway Station, Caldew Avenue, Gillingham Rainham, Henry Street, Rainham, Tilbury Road, Lower Rainham, Ellison Way, Lower Rainham, The Pump Lane, Rainham Angel, Lower Rainham, Three Sisters, Otterham Guardian Court, Gillingham Quay, Otterham Quay, Wallbridge Lane, Windmill Hill, Woodruff Close, Upchurch, Church, Upchurch, Bloors Lane, Rainham Bishop Lane, Upchurch, Mill Lane, Hartlip Hill, Tuck Denbigh Avenue, Gillingham Inn, Hartlip Hill, Playstool Road, Newington, Church Lane, Newington, Newington Court Care Home, Roberts Road, Rainham Keycol, Rook Lane, Keycol, Ladyelds Close, Bobbing, Pearce And Batt Garage, Key Street, The Holding Street, Rainham Long Hop, Key Street, The Billet, Sittingbourne, Ashurst Place, Gillingham Cryalls Lane, Sittingbourne, The King's Head, Chalkwell, Cockleshell Walk, Sittingbourne, Borden Wilkinsons, Rainham Grammar School, Sittingbourne, Memorial Hospital, 5 Station Road, Gillingham Sittingbourne, Rectory Road, Snipeshill, The Sittingbourne School Grounds, Snipeshill Railway Station, Rainham 88B Station Road, Gillingham

Henry Street, Rainham 213 Station Road, Gillingham

Tilbury Road, Lower Rainham

Ellison Way, Lower Rainham The Angel, Lower Rainham Lower Rainham Road, Gillingham

Three Sisters, Otterham Quay Three Sisters Roundabout, Upchurch Civil Parish

Otterham Quay Otterham Quay Lane, Upchurch Civil Parish

Wallbridge Lane, Windmill Hill

Woodruff Close, Upchurch Woodruff Close, Upchurch Civil Parish

Church, Upchurch

Bishop Lane, Upchurch

Mill Lane, Hartlip Hill Hartlip Hill, Hartlip Civil Parish

Tuck Inn, Hartlip Hill 1 Hartlip Hill, Hartlip Civil Parish

Playstool Road, Newington London Road, Newington

Church Lane, Newington

Newington Court Care Home, Keycol Keycol Hill, Newington Civil Parish

Rook Lane, Keycol

Ladyelds Close, Bobbing Ladyelds Close, Bobbing Civil Parish

Pearce And Batt Garage, Key Street 26-32 Key Street, Borden Civil Parish

The Long Hop, Key Street

The Billet, Sittingbourne 211 London Road, England

Cryalls Lane, Sittingbourne 112 London Road, Sittingbourne

The King's Head, Chalkwell 45 London Road, Sittingbourne

Cockleshell Walk, Sittingbourne

Borden Grammar School, Sittingbourne Avenue of Remembrance, Sittingbourne

Memorial Hospital, Sittingbourne 19 Glovers Crescent, Sittingbourne

Rectory Road, Snipeshill The Sittingbourne School Grounds, Snipeshill Swanstree Avenue, England 327 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in London. About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved