Dayspring Fellowship Theological Positions What kind of a is Dayspring Fellowship? When the Elders of Dayspring examine the Bible, they find that we don’t fit neatly into any particular Denomination or Tradition. The traditions listed below reflect concepts and doctrines where Dayspring finds its roots. Some we see the Bible teaching, some we do not. Each tradition has many more distinctives, which are not listed here. These are the major distinctives of each. ⊗ indicates that Dayspring does not feel that approach or doctrine reflects what the Bible teaches on that subject.


I. I. Supreme Authority of Scripture I. Sola Scriptura ⊗ I. Extra-biblical revelation equal with A. Bible is Word and Words of God ⊗ A. Bible contains the Word of God A. Bible is Word and words of God scripture B. must be viewed from New Covenant Scripture Authority of Authority

II. Trinitarian Theology II. Trinitarian Theology II. Trinitarian Theology ⊗ II. Oneness/Jesus Only Nature of God

⊗ III. ⊗ III. Dispensational Theology III. New Covenant Theology ⊗ A. Covenant of Works/Covenant of Grace ⊗ A. History divided into many distinct A. Old Covenant fulfilled in Christ in New ⊗ B. Moral Law = 10 Commandments Dispensations Covenant ⊗ C. Sabbath = Sunday ⊗ C. Sabbath = Sunday B. Eternal Law of God = 2 Commands ⊗ D. Church = New Israel ⊗ D. Church & Israel are 2 Peoples of God C. Christ, not Sunday, fulfills the Sabbath

Theology ⊗ E. Old Testament commands in force unless ⊗ E. Old Testament commands have nothing to D. Israel only saved if “in Christ” Systematic canceled in the do with believers E. Old Testament profitable but not covenant binding

IV. Calvinistic Soteriology ⊗ IV. Arminian Theology IV. Five Sola’s of the IV. Arminian Theology A. Five Point ⊗ A. 20th Century despite Historic A. Sola Scriptura (by Scripture alone) B. precedes faith Calvinism B (by Faith alone) C. God’s absolute sovereignty in all things ⊗ B. Regeneration follows faith C (by Grace alone) D. Dual Imputation of Righteousness essential ⊗ C. God limits His sovereignty to give man D. Solo Christo (through Christ alone) for Gospel E. Soli Gloria Dei (to God alone be the Glory)

Soteriology free will E. Good works will always follow faith with God D. Faith=man’s decision; God must honor

(Nature of Salvation) (Nature ⊗ V. Church Issues V. Church Issues V. Church Issues (Dayspring Unique) V. Church Issues A. Plurality of Elders ⊗ A. Rule by Deacons A. Lord’s Supper every Sunday – open to all A. Non-cessation of spiritual gifts ⊗ B. for Infants B. Baptism for Believers Only baptized believers (conscience) B. Spiritual Warfare ⊗ C. Baptism = admission to privileges of Church C. Baptism = Symbol of salvation important B. All preaching to be Christ-centered C. Contemporary Music in Worship membership as an act of obedience C. Emphasis in Worship Music on theological allowed if scriptural content D. Baptism by Sprinkling D. Baptism by Immersion content rather than emotive music ⊗ D. Interpreted tongues in Public Worship E. Lord’s Supper = Spiritual Communion ⊗ E. Lord’s Supper = Mere Remembrance D. Christ-focused worship ⊗ E. Experience over scripture F. Church Discipline ⊗ F. Rare Church Discipline E. Church Discipline to bring unrepentant ⊗ F. Seeking second baptism of Spirit with Church Issues ⊗ G. /Councils G. Local Autonomy of Congregations believer “to his senses” tongues H. Centrality of preaching theology H. Emphasis on preaching and evangelism ⊗ G. “Name and claim it” faith power VI. Christian Liberty VI. Total Liberty of Conscience

in Christ Freedom VII. Government Relations VII. Government Relations ⊗ A. Magistrate (State) enforces correct doctrine A. Separation of Church and State B. Voluntary involvement of Church members in political activities Relations Government

VIII. Eschatology VIII. Eschatology VIII. Eschatology A. No Future Millennium ⊗ A. Mainly Pre-Mil position A. Now-Not-Yet understanding of Kingdom B. Resurrection of Just and Unjust for Day of ⊗ B. Resurrection of Just and Unjust for Day of Judgment at the end of the Age Judgment after 1,000 year period Eschatology (Nature of End Times) of End (Nature

Revised February 2016