Minolta Image Winter 2003/4 • 2
Vol 4 No 37 WINTER 2003/4 Dimage 7i photo by David Kilpatrick Cover WINTER 03 ID2 1 7/1/04, 5:07 pm 10% off repairs and servicing for MI MEMBERSHIP IN FOR MA TION MA FOR MEMBERSHIP IN readers he Minolta Club Cam era may be able to take out an war- TCheck Scheme now runs Information on this page is printed in each ran ty on a cam era which has just all year round, taking the been repaired, or over hauled. seasonal load off the serviceClub issue for yourChecks benefi t – please use it. &The war ran ty is an op tion al department. We are now told ex ten sion of the usual six-month that Service will give Club Call 01908 200400 for service! repair guar an tee to a full two Checks ‘absolute priority’ years. This offer is ad min is tered and these will nor mal ly be digitalWarranties products There is a difference between and un der writ ten by Do mes tic accomplished with in 3-4 Club Check tests include the Club Check and a Service. & General In sur ance Com pa ny. days of receipt. This is great shut ter speed accuracy, ap- The check may show that your Some parts for older mod els are news but please be sure er ture ac cu ra cy, metering ac- shutter speeds and so on fall now no longer avail a ble, and to allow a little more time cu ra cy, and focusing accuracy. within ISO tolerances, but a Konica Minolta have to re strict – and please do not send They also include checks for Service may allow ad just ment these war ran ties to the list be- equip ment to the Club’s cor rect electronic operation, to better than ISO stand ards.
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