For Whom Did Christ Die? A Dialog on Definite Atonement (6 of 8)


DEFINITE AMYRALDIANISM UNIVERSAL ATONEMENT ("FOUR-POINT ATONEMENT (SUBLAPSARIAN CALVINISTS") (ARMINIANS) CALVINISTS)74 Historic Francis Turretin, Saumur (Cameron, Martin Luther, Proponents John Owen, George Amyrault, , Whitfield, Jonathan Testardus), Wardlaw, , Charles Edwards, Charles John Brown, Richard Finney, John Miley, Hodge, Charles Baxter, John Phillip Melanchthon, Spurgeon, Louis Bunyan, John Martin Chemnitz Berkhof, B.B. Newton, Lewis Warfield, John Sperry Chafer Murray Current J.I Packer, R.C Henry C. Thiessen, Billy Graham, I. Proponents Sproul, John Millard Erickson, Howard Marshall, MacArthur, Roger Robert Saucy Clark Pinnock, Chuck Nicole, Leon Morris, Smith D.A. Carson, Wayne Grudem, Alan Gomes Traditions Confessional Most Methodists, Reformed & Dispensationalists, Nazarenes, most Presbyterian many Evangelicals charismatics and Churches; some Pentecostals, some Baptists Baptists Atonement Usually penal Moral Government, Theory substitution Acceptance theories Order of 1. Permission of Fall- 1. Permission of Fall- 1. Permission of Fall- Decrees guilt, corruption & guilt, corruption & guilt, corruption & total inability. total inability. total inability. 2. Election of some 2. Gift of Christ to 2. Gift of Christ to to life in Christ. render salvation render satisfaction possible to all. for the sins of the world. 3. Gift of Christ to 3. Election of some 3. Remission of redeem the elect and for gift of moral original sin to all ground offer to all. ability. and gift to all of sufficient grace. 4. Gift of Holy Spirit 4. Gift of Holy Spirit 4. Predestination to to save the to work moral ability life of those who redeemed. in the elect. improve sufficient grace. 5. Sanctification of 5. Sanctification by 5. Sanctification of all the redeemed and the Holy Spirit. all who cooperate regenerated. with sufficient grace. Sources Louis Berkhof, Lewis Sperry Chafer, George L. Bryson, Systematic The Five Points of Calvinism: Weighed Loraine Boettner, Paul Enns, The and Found Wanting The Reformed Moody Handbook of Doctrine of Theology Guy P. Duffield, and Predestination Nathaniel M. Van Millard J. Erickson, Cleave, Foundations James Buchanan, Christian Theology of Pentecostal The Doctrine of Theology Justification Henry Clarence Thiessen, Lectures in John Miley, Charles Hodge, Systematic Theology Systematic Theology Systematic Theology Chuck Missler, The Anthony A. Sovereignty of Man Hoekema, Saved by Grace Chuck Smith, Calvinism, John Murray, & the Redemption: Word of God: A Accomplished and Calvary Chapel Applied Perspective

John Owen, The Larry Taylor, Death of Death in Calvinism vs. the Death of Christ Arminianism: A Discussion of William G.T. Shedd, Doctrine Dogmatic Theology Richard Watson, David N. Steele and Theological Institutes Curtis C. Thomas, The Five Points of H. Orton Wiley, Calvinism: Defined, Christian Theology Defended, Documented

Benjamin B. Warfield, The Plan of Salvation

Canons of Dordt

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