The Close-Combat Files of Colonel Rex Applegate Written by Col
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FEBRUARY 2017 ISSUE 40 PREVENT INFECTION | FULL AUTO | EAT PIGEON TACTICSANDPREPAREDNESS.COM TACTICS ANDPREPAREDNESS SKILLS AND SURVIVAL FOR ALL SITUATIONS A SNIPER’S STALKING TIPS FOR HUNTERS BY: JOE CHAMBLIN / PHOTOS BY OLEG VOLK Stalking is the term used when the lion hunts on the savannah and the tiger prowls the jungle. t is also the term used to define a specific depending on the mission, enemy, support type of movement or patrol. In a mili- available and terrain. Whether you are a sol- Itary environment, it is the term used to dier approaching a skilled enemy, a civilian describe a sniper moving in to make a kill. fleeing danger or a hunter seeking suste- A stalk is usually the final movements of a nance, it pays to study some of the sniper’s sniper or sniper team at the end of a patrol skills. What can you learn from a sniper’s that puts the individual or unit inside of their training? hide site or final firing position, and in range Prior to stepping off on an exercise, the of his intended target or targets. There are scenario will be outlined. The sniper will be many variations that may be implemented given information regarding continued on next page NAME OF ARTICLE HERE CONTENTS A SNIPER’S STALKING TIPS 01 FOR HUNTERS BY JOE CHAMBLIN GEAR REVIEW: SURVIVAL SNARE 04 AND FISHING PACKAGE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: 05 THE CLOSE-COMBAT FILES OF COLONEL REX APPLEGATE WRITTEN BY COL. REX APPLEGATE AND MAJ. CHUCK MELSON REVIEWED BY CHRIS GRAHAM FULL AUTO FOR CITIZENS 07 BY CORY TRAPP INFECTION PREVENTION 11 AND TREATMENT BY CHRIS CASSELL HERBAL MEDICINES AND 14 ESSENTIAL OILS: OREGANO BY JOHN GALT PIGEON FOR DINNER 17 BY KELLY ALWOOD PROFILES OF COURAGE: 20 GREGORY STEVENS Once the sniper has established his shooting position, he must next STAFF range the target and time its movements in his “window.” DAVID MORRIS and “OX” Publishers the area, the terrain, the enemy composition Once the sniper has reached his objective CHRIS GRAHAM Editor and the target. Usually during the training, rally point he will stash the gear he will not another sniper or snipers are role playing be needing for his stalk. This will be the snip- JOHN HIGGS Copy Editor the enemy observers watching for and try- er’s first look at the area he will be working ing to catch him. Once the sniper receives in and will be when he reassesses his ini- BETTY SHONTS Graphic Designer the information, he will look at the area and tial route selection and adjusts as necessary. determine a primary and secondary route After he has determined his primary route based upon the maps and imagery he has and has cached his gear in a good concealed OUR LAWYERS INSIST WE MAKE THE FOLLOWING DISCLAIMER: You available. These decisions will be based on position, he will begin to camo up and cut may die in an emergency, even if you follow this training to the the cover and concealment provided by and add vegetation to his person and gear. letter. You might get hurt doing some of the exercises suggested, hurt someone else, or be subject to civil or criminal liability if vegetation and micro-terrain and the known Usually for this the sniper will use a drag you do anything mentioned in this newsletter. Verify that the ac- enemy movements in the area. These con- bag for his sniper rifle. This will need to be tions mentioned are legal where you are before even considering them. This is presented as a tool to help increase your chance of siderations will also factor in to the gear camouflaged as well and is usually hooked surviving natural and manmade disasters. While we guarantee and equipment he will bring with him on to his belt by a line for the inevitable slow your satisfaction with the information, we can not guarantee your survival or well-being. The author provides information about his the mission. If the area is a rural field and or drag through the brush. Contrary to popu- experiences and preparations and gives general information. He is wooded area he will more than likely use lar belief, the sniper is usually not on his not an accountant, doctor, investment advisor or attorney and is not in the business of advising individuals on their specific situ- his ghillie suite and wear a removable kit stomach the entire stalk. He utilizes differ- ation. If you need specific professional assistance, please contact he can stash at his objective rally point or ent methods of movement based on the ter- a local professional. cache site. If it is an urban area he will bring rain. Four common movement techniques ©COPYRIGHT 2017 TACTICS AND PREPAREDNESS. ALL RIGHTS materials for an urban hide site and bring are: the weasel or crouched walk, the hands RESERVED. THIS PUBLICATION CONTAINS MATERIAL PROTECTED UNDER INTERNATIONAL AND FEDERAL COPYRIGHT LAWS AND all his gear with him on the stalk. When a and knees crawl, low crawl and skull drag. TREATIES. ANY UNAUTHORIZED REPRINT OR USE OF THIS sniper conducts stalking exercises he usu- Each of these techniques move the sniper MATERIAL IS PROHIBITED. NO PART OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED IN ANY FORM OR BY ANY MEANS, ally starts from the end of a regular patrol or progressively lower to the ground and are ELECTRONIC OR MECHANICAL, INCLUDING PHOTOCOPYING, movement. For the training, he has reached done at a slower pace the lower you go. RECORDING, OR BY ANY INFORMATION STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL SYSTEM WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE his objective rally point or staging area. The weasel walk is done when the enemy AUTHOR / PUBLISHER. 2 TACTICS & PREPAREDNESS FEBRUARY 2017 STALKING TIPS FOR HUNTERS is farther away and the terrain allows for up- tion and change out his personal and gear’s Every movement, no matter how small or right movement. The hands and knees crawl camouflage accordingly. If he finds himself subtle, must be calculated and thought out. is done when the vegetation and terrain is in very restrictive vegetation he will need to Stalking is like the ultimate game of chess; lower or less pronounced and the enemy slowly cut himself a path with his veg clip- you must out think your opponent. is closer. The low crawl is done when you pers or find an alternate route. He must take Once the sniper reaches his final firing need to lower your profile further, move- advantage of every piece of micro-terrain, position or hide site, the slow and painful ment needs to be slowed and the enemy is cover and concealment that he can. process of identifying the target and setting close. The skull drag is a painfully slow form One may ask, “How does the sniper know up his shooting position starts. Just like ev- of movement done in sparse vegetation how far he has travelled and where his loca- erything else, this must be done with delib- when micro-terrain is minimally conceal- tion is?” This is done by using checkpoints erate precision. The sniper must first iden- ing. Movement is measured inches at-a-time that are very distinct terrain features and by tify his target. This will be done by utilizing with this technique. The terrain and proxim- knowing from experience how long it takes existing loop holes or openings in the veg- ity to the enemy will dictate which move- to move. The sniper should have a good etation, terrain or structures. The smaller the ment type will be used and for how long. It pace count or time hack based on the type opening the better. The sniper will scan the is important to remember that a stalk is like of movement he is using. The sniper needs target area until all or a portion of the target a marathon, not a sprint. to know how long it takes to go 100 meters is identified. Then he must work his opening As the sniper moves, he must be very cau- in his kit using all forms of movement. This by pulling back his position or moving lat- tious not to disturb the vegetation and wild- will allow him to have a very accurate gauge erally until he can see the target and main- life around him. This is done by using very on how far he has moved and where he is in tain the most concealment and cover that slow and deliberate movements. The sniper relation to his rally point and target. he can. It is a dual between observation and must be aware of everything around him The sniper must continually scan the tar- security. The sniper is looking for the per- and continually keep in mind the location get area and his surroundings thoroughly at fect balance that will allow him to take his of known enemy positions. He must be care- every stop or break. He should have mental shot without producing a signature that will ful to push or pull the vegetation toward or check points on his route where he must compromise his position. away from observers and not to bump tall stop and scan the area. He should never Once the target and loophole is identified, plants or structures that will telegraph his move unless he knows exactly where his the sniper must build a stable shooting plat- movements. As the sniper moves, he also next stop or stops are.