The regional solid waste exchange of information and expertise network in Mashreq and Maghreb countries

Case Study

SWM project in and Mount Lebanon Beirut and Mount Lebanon (Except Caza of Jbeil) - Lebanon Date of the implementation : 1997 - Present

Main issue and expected objective • An emergency plan with the execution starting in 1997 serving approximately 60 % of the total population. • Ensure proper management of solid waste in Beirut and Mount Lebanon (Except Caza of Jbeil) by collecting municipal waste from all municipalities/ through a private contractor (Sukleen), mechanical and manual sorting of municipal waste, composting of part of the sorted organic waste, and disposing of rejected waste in two Sanitary Landfills (Naameh for municipal waste & Bsalim for bulky waste) through a private company (Sukomi). • Ensure cleanliness of roads through street sweeping performed by Sukleen. • Extracted Gas from Naameh Landfill is flared. • Generated leachate from Naameh Landfill and compost plant is stored in tanks than transported to the Ghadir WWTP. Objectives: • The project is to provide an environmentally safe solution for SWM for Greater Beirut Area (Beirut and Mount Lebanon).

Expected results • Around 120 tons per day of compost • Closure of the Bourj Hammound and is being delivered to farmers in rural Normandy dumpsites located on the areas free of charge. shores. • Environmental conditions improved • Closure of all dumpsites related to within the area. municipal waste in Mount Lebanon. • The Normandy site has been • Cease of solid waste burning activities rehabilitated to form a major in dumpsites. development in Beirut. • Environmentally safe disposal of solid waste in the Greater Beirut Area. NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY ACTUAL RESULTS ACHIEVED BY THE An average of 2,500 tons of MSW ACTIVITY per day is collected by Sukleen to • A clean city and proper waste Karantina (around 1,600 tons per day) management in Beirut and Mount and Amrousieh (around 900 tons per

Lebanon. day) sorting facilities. After sorting, supported by • Around 6 % of recyclable materials recyclable materials (around 6%) are recovered and sold in the local are sold to the market, while 300 market. tons per day of organic waste are

• • • • • • contact : [email protected] • • • Case StudIES lebanon

SWM project in Beirut and Mount Lebanon

sent for composting. The rejects are COMMUNICATION AND subsequently bailed and sent to the COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION Naameh Sanitary Landfill for final • TV spots and billboards are used disposal. Moreover, inert materials in in some occasions for awareness addition to construction & demolition purposes. waste are taken to the Bsalim Sanitary • No significant community Landfill for disposal. participation is identified.

POLICY/LEGAL/INSTITUTIONAL PUBLIC PRIVATE COOPERATION CONTEXT • All engineering designs and • The project started on an emergency constructions were conducted by basis in 1997 due to severe private companies through contracts environmental problems following with the CDR. several objections from the Public. • Execution performed on a BOT basis. • No available legal instruments • CDR nominated consulting firms to administer the project (LACECO for treatment and DG Jones implementation. for collection). • The project is executed by the Council for Development and Reconstruction LESSONS LEARNED (CDR) commissioned by the Council of • Financially, collection and sweeping Ministers. should be performed by the • The Ministry of Environment Municipalities. supervises and monitors the project. • Treatment and disposal should be centralized. FINANCING, RECURRENT COST AND • Highly expensive treatment cost due COST RECOVERY CONTEXT to uncompetitive bidding and useless • The project in general follows a BOT components (Bailing & Wrapping). type of contract. The government provided necessary land requirements OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE and hangars. EXCHANGE OF EXPERIENCES AND • Cost is based on a price per ton basis EXPERTISE FOR MORE INFORMATION for each of the activities performed • The project provides an interesting CDR: Mr. Bassam Farhat; Tel: +961 (1) as follows: Collection: 30 $/t except model for an integrated solid waste 980096; Fax: +961 (1) 981252; Email: Greater Beirut Area that is 18,000,000 treatment solution for SWM problems [email protected] $/year, Sorting: 30 $/t, Composting: having a weighbridge, sorting facility, 37 $/t, Bailing & Wrapping: 30 $/t, sanitary landfill, gas flaring and a MoE: Mr: Bassam Sabbagh; Tel: +961 Landfilling: 52 $/t (Less than 400,000 compost plant. (1) 976555; Fax: +961 (1) 981532; Email: tons/year), 37 $/t (between 400,000 • Full involvement of the Private Sector [email protected] & 500,000 tons/year), 45 $/t (more at high standardized performance. than 500,000 tons/year) . Sweeping • The project is always subject to visits REFERENCES is only performed for Greater Beirut from different stakeholders related to Annual and Monthly reports of LACECO at an annual lump sum charge of SWM. (Supervising Consultant) 12,000,000 $. • The cost is charged to the municipalities and deducted directly from its budget through the Independent Municipal Fund. • No cost recovery system is put in place to date.

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• • • • • • contact : [email protected] • • • The regional solid waste exchange of information and expertise network in Mashreq and Maghreb countries

Case StudIES Lebanon

SWM Project in Zahle Haouch el Omara, Zahle - Lebanon Date of the implementation : 2011 - Present

Main issue and expected objective • Ensure proper management of solid waste through sorting of municipal solid waste prior to final disposal in close-by Sanitary Landfill. • Landfill Gas is flared and leachate is stored in an evaporation pond. • The project provided an environmentally safe solution for SWM for the Caza of Zahle.

Expected results consultants and contractors. Also, • Closure of Zahle open dump. an equipped green waste compost • Cease of burning municipal solid plant was provided but remains un- waste in Zahle. operational, despite some successful • Environmentally safe disposal of solid trials that were conducted on green waste in the Caza of Zahle. waste. • Train the local community on proper management of solid waste. POLICY/LEGAL/INSTITUTIONAL CONTEXT ACTUAL RESULTS ACHIEVED BY THE • The project was executed under ACTIVITY the SWEMP project (Solid Waste • Around 19 municipalities transport of Environmental Management its MSW to the ZCSWT. Program) which was financed by the • Around 8 to 10 % of recyclable World Bank in the late 1990s. materials are recovered and sold in • Municipality of Zahle is fully in charge the local market. of Zahle Center for Solid Waste • The old dumpsite in Zahle was Treatment (ZCSWT). completely closed, fires stopped and • Some trials were implemented by old waste was transported to the the municipality of Zahle to collect a ZCSWT and disposed in the sanitary tipping fee per households for SWM, landfill. but in the absence of solid waste management legal framework, it was NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION OF impossible for the municipality to ACTIVITY collect this fee. An average of 140 tons per day is transported by around 19 municipalities FINANCING, RECURRENT COST AND to the ZCSWT. The collection and COST RECOVERY CONTEXT transportation is performed by each • Each municipality should pay a tipping municipality within their respective fee at the entry of the ZCSWT of 13 $/ jurisdictions. Also, the ZCSWT itself ton. supported by is managed by the municipality of • Cost of operation is around 23 $ / Zahle with the support of specialized tonne which 4 $ / tone is covered by

• • • • • • contact : [email protected] • • • Case StudIES lebanon

SWM project in Zahle

selling the recyclables to recycling • The municipality has put in place new facilities. improvements for the overall facilities • The project was initially financed by which include the construction of a the World Bank through a loan to hangar for the composting plants the Lebanese Government then the and a potential project to generate Lebanese Government supported 3 electricity from the gas collected from years of operation. the landfill. • The USAID through CHF provided financing for construction of new OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE facilities (sorting, composting, EXCHANGE OF EXPERIENCES AND leachate treatment, tire shredder, EXPERTISE etc.). • The site provides an interesting • Currently, the project is financed by model for an integrated solid the municipality of Zahle. waste treatment center having a • Tipping fees from participating weighbridge, sorting facility, sanitary municipalities is collected monthly. landfill, leachate management, gas • The sales of recyclable materials flaring and a compost plant to be provide a certain income depending operated soon. on the market. • The site has been subject for several • The tipping fee and income from site visits from local Lebanese and recyclables cannot cover 100 % of the international visitors benefiting from cost incurred. the experience of the Zahle in SWM, knowing that the Caza of Zahle is the COMMUNICATION AND only area which have an integrated COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION waste management in the rural areas • A serious of awareness campaigns were conducted by the municipality FOR MORE INFORMATION of zahle through different NGOs (CHF Contact the municipality of Zahle- financed by USAID to sort organic Maalaka: waste generated by restaurants and • Tel: +961 (8) 820225 hotels, T.e.r.r.e. Liban to sort papers • Fax: +961 (8) 820224 in schools, ...) • Email: [email protected]

PUBLIC PRIVATE COOPERATION • All engineering designs and constructions were conducted by private companies through contracts with the Government or the municipality of Zahle. • This kind of cooperation is still active.

LESSONS LEARNED • Sweeping, collection and transport of solid waste should be done by the local municipalities. • Treatment and disposal is best to be done on a regional level (by Mohafaza). • Sorting and recovery of recyclable materials can reduce the overall cost. • Small municipalities are having hard supported by time paying the tipping fee that is still low to recover the cost of operation. • Having all facilities at the one site location reduce the cost of operation.

• • • • • • contact : [email protected] • • • The regional solid waste exchange of information and expertise network in Mashreq and Maghreb countries

Case StudIES Lebanon

SWM in the union of municipalities of Tyre Ain Baal, Tyre - Lebanon Date of the implementation : 2009 - Present

Main issue and expected objective • Ensure proper management of solid waste through sorting and composting of municipal solid waste. • The project should provide an environmentally convenient solution for SWM for the Caza of Tyr. • Minimization of waste amount going to Ras el Ain open dump in Tyr.

Expected results municipality within their jurisdiction. A • Stop burning of municipal solid waste tipping fee is not charged upon entry to and stop waste disposal in Ras el the SWTF. The SWTF is managed by Ain dumpsite (dump close to the the union of municipalities of Tyr Mediterranean Sea shore). using the support of specialized • Reduce the amount of waste for consultants and contractors. disposal to maximum of 30% from the Also, a tunnel composting initial waste stream. plant is in operation. • Train the local community on proper However, no results are management of solid waste. available yet on the quality of the compost. ACTUAL RESULTS ACHIEVED BY THE ACTIVITY POLICY/LEGAL/ • Union of municipalities of Tyr is more INSTITUTIONAL CONTEXT in charge of Ain Baal SWTF. • Union of municipalities of • Around 17 municipalities transport of Tyr is fully in charge of Ain its MSW to the Ain Baal SWTF. Baal Solid Waste sorting and • Around 6 % of recyclable materials composting facilities. are recovered and sold in the local market. FINANCING, RECURRENT COST • The dumpsite in Ras el Ain is still AND COST RECOVERY CONTEXT used for rejects disposal. • The project was initially financed by a grant from USAID through the YMCA NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION OF for the supply and installation of ACTIVITY equipment in 2005. An average of 140 tons per day • The civil works were financed by is transported by around 17 the EU through OMSAR in 2009 that municipalities to the Ain Baal SWTF. were completed by the union of supported by The collection and transportation municipalities of Tyr. services are operated by each

• • • • • • contact : [email protected] • • • Case StudIES lebanon

SWM in the union of municipalities of Tyre

• Currently, the project is operated • Disposal of the rejects remains a by the union of municipalities of Tyr problem. through a private contractor and • Doubts on the quality of compost and financed by the Lebanese Government the quantity of inert (less than 30 %) through the OMSAR. still arise. • The cost of operation is around 22 $ / tones and is being financed by the OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE government for a period of 3 years EXCHANGE OF EXPERIENCES AND through the OMSAR EXPERTISE • The Ain Baal facility provides a COMMUNICATION AND solid waste treatment having a COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION weighbridge, sorting facility, and a compost plant applying the tunnel • A series of awareness campaigns technology. related to Integrated Solid Waste Management were conducted by FOR MORE INFORMATION an environmental consulting firm Contact the Union of Municipalities of (MORES), and financed by the Swedish Tyr: Development Cooperation (SDC) in • Tel: +961 (7) 349217 cooperation with the UNERWA and • Fax: +961 (7) 349217 several Italian NGOs. • Email: [email protected]

PUBLIC PRIVATE COOPERATION • All engineering designs, constructions and operation were conducted by private companies through contracts with the union of municipalities (operation) or the executing agencies YMCA or OMSAR (construction and consulting) • This kind of cooperation can be active.

LESSONS LEARNED • Sweeping, collection and transport of solid waste should be done by the local municipalities. • Treatment and disposal is best to be done on a regional level. • The union faced long time difficulties in completing the construction of the facility and may face similar problems for the operation specifically in securing the necessary finances.

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• • • • • • contact : [email protected] • • • The regional solid waste exchange of information and expertise network in Mashreq and Maghreb countries

Case StudIES Lebanon

SWM in the union of municipalities of Jbeil Jbeil city and members of the union - Lebanon Date of the implementation : On Hold

Main issue and expected objective • Ensure proper management of solid waste through sorting and composting of municipal solid waste prior to final disposal. • The project aims mainly at transforming the Hbaline dumpsite into a sanitary landfill.

Expected results and transportation is performed by each • Stop burning and hazardous disposal municipality along with the payment of solid waste in Hbaline open of tipping fees upon entry to the site. dumpsite. A tender will soon be launched • Environmentally safe treatment and to operate the sorting and disposal of solid waste in the Caza of composting plant including the Jbeil. rehabilitation of the dumpsite • Train the local community on proper to transform it into a sanitary management of solid waste. landfill.

ACTUAL RESULTS ACHIEVED BY THE POLICY/LEGAL/ ACTIVITY INSTITUTIONAL CONTEXT • Waste is still disposed in the dumpsite • The open dump site was a of Hbaline without treatment potential project under the transported by the municipalities in SWEMP program and it was the Caza of Jbeil. rejected due to objections • A composting plant (drums by local communities and technology) was constructed and political interferences never operated (only tested). • The site is managed by the Union • A sorting conveyor line was recently of municipalities of Jbeil. added to the facility and financed by EU through OMSAR and is not FINANCING, RECURRENT COST AND operated to date. COST RECOVERY CONTEXT • The project was initially financed NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION OF by a grant from USAID through the ACTIVITY Pontifical Mission for the construction An average of 80 tons per day is of the composting plant (big drums technology) in 2003. transported by around 35 municipalities supported by and 40 villages in the Caza of Jbeil to • The conveyor belt with Trommel the Hbaline dumpsite. The collection screen was financed by the EU

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SWM in the union of municipalities of Jbeil

through OMSAR in 2010 that OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE were delivered to the union of EXCHANGE OF EXPERIENCES AND municipalities of Jbeil but still not EXPERTISE operated yet. • The Hbaline project once operated • In the near future, the project will provide solid waste treatment should be operated by the union of having a weighbridge, sorting facility, municipalities of Jbeil through a and a compost plant applying the private contractor and financed by the drum technology. Independent municipal fund. • The rehabilitation of the dumpsite • A proposed solution for a proper and the operation of the facilities may management of the facilities was turn the site into an interesting model offered by a private company which for integrated solid waste treatment consists on the operation of the similar to Zahle project. sorting and composting plants and the rehabilitation of the dump site. FOR MORE INFORMATION Contact the Union of Municipalities of COMMUNICATION AND Jbeil: COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION • Tel: +961 (9) 546690 • A series of awareness campaigns • Fax: +961 (9) 541942 were performed in 2002 – 2003, but • Email: [email protected] recently no major communication and community participation were conducted.

PUBLIC PRIVATE COOPERATION • All engineering designs and constructions were conducted by private companies through contracts with the union of municipalities or the executing agencies (Pontifical Mission) or ministries (OMSAR).

LESSONS LEARNED • The union faced long time difficulties in completing the construction of the facility and may face similar problems for the operation specifically in securing the necessary finances. • Disposal of the rejects remains a problem if no rehabilitation of the dumpsite is foreseen. • The choice of technologies did not succeed. • The lack of finances was always a problem. • The consequent failures in this project should be avoided in the future.

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• • • • • • contact : [email protected] • • • The regional solid waste exchange of information and expertise network in Mashreq and Maghreb countries

Case StudIES Lebanon

SWM in Aytaroun Aytaroun - Lebanon Date of the implementation : 2006 (rehabilitated in 2009)

Main issue and expected objective • Ensure proper management of solid waste through sorting and composting of municipal solid waste. • The project should provide an environmentally convenient solution for SWM for the city of Aytaroun.

Expected results A windrow composting plant is currently • Stop burning of municipal solid waste. being operated and the results of the • Reduce the amount of waste for produced compost are good. disposal. • Train the local community on proper POLICY/LEGAL/INSTITUTIONAL management of solid waste. CONTEXT • Municipality of Aytaroun ACTUAL RESULTS ACHIEVED BY THE is fully in charge of the ACTIVITY solid waste collection and • Around 6 to 7 % of recyclable treatment sector materials are recovered and sold in the local market. FINANCING, RECURRENT • Around 50 to 60 % of organic COST AND COST materials are being composted. RECOVERY CONTEXT • The remaining rejects are transported • The project was initially for disposal. financed by a grant from • New villages (Blida & Maroun Er CDR through the ESFD for Ras) are transporting its waste to the the construction of the sorting facility. and composting plant in 2006. • The extension and rehabilitation of NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION OF the facility were financed by the GIZ ACTIVITY through EFL in 2009. An average of 15 tons per day is • Currently, the project is operated by transported to the Aytaroun SWTF. Also, the municipality of Aytaroun through the collection and transportation is labors employed on a contractual performed by the municipality within its basis and financed by the municipality jurisdictions. The SWTF is also managed of Aytaroun from its own budget. by the municipality of Aytaroun and • The cost of treatment of the Solid employs labor workers on a contractual Waste is reaching a maximum 20 USD supported by basis. per ton.

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SWM in Aytaroun village

• Recyclables are sold in the local OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE market at the varying cost and the EXCHANGE OF EXPERIENCES AND compost is generally sold for around EXPERTISE 100 to 135 USD per truck of 10 m3 • The Aytaroun facility provides a solid capacity. waste treatment model for small scale facilities having a weighbridge, COMMUNICATION AND sorting facility, and a compost plant COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION applying the windrow technology. • Several awarness campaigns were • Maximum of 30% of inert materials conducted in 2006 and 2008 in the after sorting and composting are village of Aytaroun. being transported for final disposal. • New plans for sorting at source awareness are being prepared in FOR MORE INFORMATION coordination with schools and local Contact the Municipality of Aytaroun: organizations and communities. • Tel: +961 (7) 450955 • Fax: +961 (7) 450956 PUBLIC PRIVATE COOPERATION • Email: [email protected] • All engineering designs and constructions were conducted by private companies through contracts with the executing agencies ESFD (Economic and Social Fund for Development) or municipality (administered by Environmental Fund of Lebanon EFL). • For the exception of the construction of the plant, no involvement of the private sector in the operation phase.

LESSONS LEARNED • Sweeping, collection and transport of solid waste should be done by the local municipalities. • Treatment can be very successful on similar size small scale projects. • The disposal of rejects will remain a problem and should be managed on a regional level.

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