Dante: and (MLI3024)

MODULE MLI3024 MODULE 3 CODE LEVEL MODULE : Purgatorio and Paradiso TITLE LECTURER(S) Dr Angelo Mangini CREDIT 15 ECTS VALUE 7.5 VALUE PRE- MLI2001, 2051, or equivalent, and MLI2008 REQUISITES CO- None REQUISITES DURATION OF MODULE One Term TOTAL STUDENT STUDY 150 hours, including lectures/seminars 1.5 hours x 10 weeks TIME AIMS This module aims to build on the knowledge of the acquired in MLI 2008, with a more selective approach to the remaining two cantiche of the . The cantos studied deal with such themes as Dante's concept of love, poetry, friendship, free will, the relationship between Church and Empire, and will dispel the commonly-held view that the rest of Dante's masterpiece is in any way an anti-climax after the Inferno. INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES (ILO's) On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:

Module Specific Skills:

1) Demonstrate a sound general understanding of selected cantos and themes of the Purgatorio and Paradiso

2) Demonstrate an informed awareness of the historical, political, theological and literary context of the second and third parts of the Comedy.

Discipline Specific Skills:

3) After initial input from the course tutor, apply and evaluate critical approaches to the material under analysis independently.

4) Argue at length and in detail about an aspect of the topic, supporting the argument with evidence from the text and with opinions from secondary literature.

5) Use a range of critical terminology, applying it to independently researched material as well as to material introduced by the course tutor.

Personal and Key Skills: 6) Undertake independent researches on the basis of a taught course.

7) Adopt a critical approach to the selection and organisation of a large body of material in order to produce, to a deadline, a written or oral argument of some complexity.

8) Present a cogent and sustained argument in writing, in English, on an aspect of the subject of the student's own choosing, and selecting appropriate methods of exposition LEARNING/TEACHING METHODS Details of Learning and Teaching Methods:

1 lecture/seminar per week involving class discussions, oral presentations, and text analysis

Please, note that there will be two different patterns of assessment depending on the term in which the module will run: see the table below for details. ASSIGNMENTS & ASSESSMENTS Formative or % Form of Assessment: Size of the ILO's assessed Feedback method: Contribution: assessment by this e.g. assessment: duration/length Formative Short Essay 750 words 1-2-4-6-7 Written 100% Essays (term 1) 2 x 1250 words 1-2-3-4-5-6-7 Feedback Sheet 100% Exam (term 2) 2 hours 1-2-3-4-5-6-8 Feedback Sheet SYLLABUS PLAN Week 1: Introduction to Purgatorio and Paradiso: structure and theological background

Week 2 : Purgatorio Cantos I and II: the figure of Cato

Week 3: The pagans in Purgatorio and Paradiso

Week 4: Purgatorio, Canto II. Casella: friendship and poetry; the theme of friendship

Week 5: Poetry and poets in Purgatorio and Paradiso

Week 6: Student writing-up week

Week 7: Canto III. Manfred and excommunication: Guelphs and Ghibellines

Week 8: Church and Empire

Week 9 : Purgatorio, Cantos XV-XVIII: The five central speeches on Love and Free Will

Week 10 : Statius and Virgil in Canto XXII: Divine Justice and the pagans

Week 11: Beatrice: Love and the sacred INDICATIVE LEARNING RESOURCES Indicative basic reading list: Set texts:

• Dante, La Divina Commedia: Purgatorio, Paradiso, ed. U. Bosco & G. Reggio (Le Monnier); OR ed. E. Pasquini & A.E. Quaglio (Garzanti); OR ed. A.M. Chiavacci Leonardi (Mondadori);

• The Cambridge Companion to Dante, ed. R. Jacoff (Cambridge U.P.)

Recommended translations: Durling-Martinez (Oxford University Press); Singleton (Princeton University Press).


, ed. R. Lansing (Garland, 2000)

• Enciclopedia dantesca (Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana, 1970-76)

Indicative web based resources e.g. Webct:

A selection of critical readings and course materials will be made available on WebCT

Other resources: DATE OF LAST REVISION