Fiona Norman Robert Ovetz Sean Winkler Alberto Bayo Lewis Hodder Luca Wright Joel Hellewell Aflie Hancox Winter 2020
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Winter 2020 ISSN 2632-7732 Fiona Norman Robert Ovetz Sean Winkler Alberto Bayo Lewis Hodder Luca Wright Joel Hellewell Aflie Hancox Winter 2020 3 Editorial no. 2 4 Reflections on Hong Kong 6 When workers shot back Robert Ovetz 12 Social democracy and its discontents Alfie Hancox 17 Bolsheviks without Soviets Luca Wright 20 Lessons from LulzSec Alberto Bayo 22 Fully Automated Luxury Communism Lewis Hodder 24 People's Republic of Walmart Sean Winkler 26 Bullshit Jobs Robert Ovetz 29 Why We Lie About Aid Joel Hellewell 30 Who Killed Cornelius Cardew? Fiona Norman Robert Ovetz, Ph.D. is a contingent lecturer in political Joel Hellewell researches methods for forecasting infectious science at a university in California in the US. He is the author disease outbreaks at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical of When Workers Shot Back: Class Conflict from 1877 to Medicine. You can follow him at @HellewellJoel. 1921 (Brill 2018, Haymarket 2019) and the forthcoming tentatively titled Workers’ Inquiry: Strategies, Tactics and Sean Winkler is a postdoctoral research fellow in Philosophy at Objectives of the Global Working Class (Pluto Press). the National Research University – Higher School of Economics in Moscow, Russia. His areas of specialization include Early Modern Luca Wright writes on Marx and historical communist Philosophy and the Sociology of Science/Technology, and his movements and from time to time helps out at Ebb Magazine. areas of competence include 20th-century French Continental Philosophy, Daoism and Soviet philosophy. Alfie Hancox is an MA student at the University of Warwick researching the British Black Power movement. Alberto Bayo is an editor of Ebb Magazine and a Marxist-Leninist from the United Kingdom with a background in engineering. He is Fiona Norman is a community musician based in Berkshire. interested in orthodox Marxism and its role in 21st century politics as well as technology, infrastructure, and other hands on ways to Lewis Hodder is one of the editors of Ebb Magazine. improve people's living conditions. Editors Lewis Hodder Alberto Bayo Editorial Assistant Luca Wright Summer Oxlade All content is available online to read and download for free at You can also follow us on Twitter @ ebb-magazine and support us on Patreon at If you want to contribute to Ebb, you can submit your work to editorial@ebb-magazine. More details can be found on Cover image Edvard Munch, Workers in the Snow, 1912 ISSN 2632-7732 Editorial no. 2 n our last editorial we asked, ‘What would it take for people to believe that the UK, US, and Europe aren’t the “good guys”?’ amid constant news coverage that demonised Nicolas IMaduro’s resistance to the attempted US-backed coup. Since then, reactionary forces in Bolivia bolstered by the US have removed Evo Morales, the first indigenous president of Bolivia, and forced him into exile in Cuba. After the failure of the coup against Nicolas Maduro people on the left saw this as America’s paper tiger falling under its own weight, as its privatised military becomes increasingly bloated and inefficient, but this failure only testifies to the class consciousness and strength of the Venezuelan people and its military. To paraphrase Nietzsche’s famous dictum, that which is falling must be pushed – and that push cannot come any sooner; Iran and Iraq’s right to self-determination has been obscured and played against them after the tragic downing of a passenger jet from Iran to Ukraine, and the ground that the US has been preparing in raising tensions with China is paying off in the rabid Sinophobia we see reaching new levels over the outbreak of coronavirus in China. Those on the left that swear by the strict definition of socialism and communism to discredit countries in imperialism’s sights must instead turn their attention to our bourgeoisie. To quote Lenin in his ‘Theses for an Appeal to the International Socialist Committee and All Socialist Parties’, a ‘socialist of another country cannot expose the government and bourgeoisie of a country at war with “his own” nation, and not only because he does not know that country’s language, history, specific features, etc., but also because such exposure is part of imperialist intrigue, and not an internationalist duty.’ At the same time, those focussed on our bourgeoise must not overlook all the ways in which oppression manifests itself and fall into reaction. It remains essential to not fall behind the working class but to lead it. As Luca Wright recognises: we see ‘communist parties in the UK struggle with basic social problems that are easily resolved elsewhere, condemning trans- struggles as a conspiracy and reverting to homophobia and racism of the most reactionary element of the working class.’ In Britain especially, reaction continues to grip much of the left as social democracy received a decisive blow – yet social democrats are determined to relive this loss as they prepare for the next Labour leadership battle. While, on the other hand, opportunists parrot the right’s renewed zeal with the creation of Worker’s Party, a rebranding of the CPGB-ML (flat-caps and all), as they declare that ‘obsession with identity politics, including sexual politics, divides the working class’, and calls for a ‘socialist system’ with ‘control of our borders, both physical and financial.’ It is a sad state of affairs when Britain’s communist parties cannot conceive and overcome basic social problems; when they sooner turn to the right and believe the media of the bourgeoisie rather than the oppressed in their own countries; when communist and workers’ parties have been overtaken by liberal movements in their demand for citizens’ assemblies and strikes. But the question remains; the question of workers’ councils. 3 Ebb Magazine Reflections on Hong Kong estern propaganda has be another ‘brown’ country the US can the measures to protect the Chinese a foothold on audiences invade, it still bears the same hallmarks Communist Party, revolution, and around the world. of racism, bigotry, and shallowness the their people. But to fall for the West's Without basic fact- imperialist media utilises in its quest for propaganda and allow its Orientalist Wchecking or even the pretence of unbiased regime change. narrative to take root in our perspectives rhetoric, mainstream media pounces China's current and historical ‘author- against China is unacceptable. They are on enemies of capital with ludicrous itarian’ rule has been misrepresented for our comrades. They are closer to our accusations. After Iraq and Venezuela, the benefit of Western propaganda, from ideals than any capitalist country in the Western media now has its sights on China the Chinese revolution, to the Cultural West. Without the proper diligence, we to continue its imperialist agenda with all revolution, all the way down to Tianan- may be aligning ourselves with the true its ‘credibility’ still intact. It also just so men Square, and Westerners in the left oppressors (whether it’s the US or the happens that Hong Kong is rallying, with continue to gobble up Western propagan- CIA), rather than those fighting against the United States' fingerprints all over the da that goes against the country. But let's them with established socialist countries unrest. say there are leftist, Marxist, or even com- that have overthrown capitalism and The mainstream media approach to munist groups in Hong Kong that are ad- feudalism. the protests in Hong Kong is nonsensical vocating for independence; let's say they Demands for Hong Kong’s independence and war-hawkish, and they are waiting have strong theories, praxis, and reasons from China become increasingly absurd. and goading on another ‘Tiananmen’-like as to why independence will be great for Hong Kong heavily relies on China for its massacre while the Chinese government the masses. In this hypothetical situation, own financial stability, despite its gigantic has done everything they can to let’s go far as to say that they were 100% economic inequality; 55% of Hong Kong’s preserve peace and respect the Special independent and not using any western trade and 80% of its tourists are from Administrative Regional Status. Those funding or backing, they are still a mi- mainland China. Hong Kong’s GDP with white-saviour complexes nevertheless nority. But 37,000 NGOs in Hong Kong growth slowed down but by 2017 it was promote the same false narratives, and receive money from the corrupt NED back on track, only to be hit by the trade Hong Kong protesters are using this to organization, US State Department, and war with the Anglo countries – which is a their advantage – waving signs in English, CIA, and numerous Hong Kong leaders bigger obstacle than the local unrest. American flags, and even singing the US and organizers have met with US officials If Hong Kong protesters were not national anthem as they make their way to including Ted Cruz – all drowning out waving imperialist flags, or even refusing US consulate. any chance of promoting a working class and rebuking the aid of the West for its If you want to witness the epitome of agenda. Does any leftist sincerely think independence, this conversation will be mainstream media failure, just see the that an independent Hong Kong would vastly different. If this was not the case, shallowness of their coverage of the Hong allow any sort of socialism or Marxism in communists could really analyse how Kong protests. But it’s the same with their country? China might deal with this problem Venezuela only, this time, they have a We can no longer ignore the semantics internally.