Las Plumas Football Summer Body Weight Workout Program By: Strength and Conditioning Coach Chase Hayes All workouts can be found on the internet and demonstrated on Youtube If you have any questions you can text me at (530)990-1123 Dynamic Warm-up: 1. High knee pull-10 yards; Make sure you’re staying tall and pulling your knee to your chest. 2. High knees-10 yards; try to get as many reps as possible in ten yards. 3. Butt kickers-10 yards; same as high knees try to get as many reps as possible. 4. Figure 4’s-10 yards; pull foot to your chest don’t pull your chest to your foot. 5. -10 yards; push hips into ground to get a deeper stretch 6. High kicks-10 yards; each kick try to get more out of a stretch. 7. Inch worms- 10 reps; walk all the way out into a plank then walk back in to standing. 8. Body weight squats w/ 1 sec. Pause at bottom-10 reps 9. Fire hydrants-10 reps each side 10. Hip rotations- 10 reps each side

Week 1 Monday: Upper Body

Dynamic Warmup


A. Push Ups 4x12

B. Bench Dips 4x15

Chin Ups 3xMax Reps

Plank Shoulder Taps 3x30

Close Grip Push-Ups 3x8

Core- Plank 3x45 sec. ​ Conditioning- 300 Yard Shuttle x 2 ​

Week 1 Wednesday: Lower Body

Dynamic Warmup


BodyWeight 4x15

Reverse Lunges 3x12 Each Leg

Glute Bridges 3x12

Single Leg Body Weight RDL 3x12

Calf Raises 3x20

Core- Side Plank 3x30 sec. Each Side ​ Conditioning- 10x20 Yard Sprints (15-25sec. of rest between each set) ​

Week 1 Friday: Total Body

Dynamic Warmup


Burpees with Push Up 3x10

Reverse Lunge to Knee Drive 3x8 Each Leg

Inchworm to Low Plank 3x10

A. Wide Push Ups 3x10

B. Squat to Press 3x10 (Anything that has weight that will make you work and isn’t too heavy to press overhead)

Core- Prone Cobra 3x45sec. ​ Conditioning- 5,10,15 Sprint to Backpedal ​

Week 2 Monday: Upper Body

Dynamic Warmup


A. Push Ups 4x15

B. Bench Dips 4x20

Pull Ups, Chin Ups or Inverted 3x10

Front Raise 3x12

Hammer Curl 3x12

Core- Plank 3x1min. ​ Conditioning- 10-20-30 Suicide Sprints x6 ​

Week 2 Wednesday: Lower Body

Dynamic Warmup


BodyWeight Squat 4x20

Elevated Reverse Lunge 3x10 each leg

Glute Bridges with 2 sec hold at top 3x12

Single Leg Body Weight RDL 3x15

Calf Raises 3x30

Core- Side Plank 3x45 sec. Each side ​ Conditioning- 12x30 Yard Sprints (30-45sec. of rest between each set) ​

Week 2 Friday: Total Body

Dynamic Warmup


Burpees without Push Up 3x20

Squat Jumps 3x10

A.Inchworm to Push Up 3x12

B.Plank Shoulder Taps 3x20 each arm

Jump Lunges 3x10 each leg

Core- Prone Cobra 3x1min. ​ Conditioning- 5-10-5 Pro Shuttle 8x1(4 in each direction) ​

Week 3 Monday: Upper Body

Dynamic Warmup


A. Push Ups 5x20,15,15,12,10 (72 reps total)

B. Box Dips 5x20,15,15,15,Max reps (last set do as many as possible)

Pull Ups, Chin Ups or Inverted Row 3x10

Lateral Raise 3x12

Alt. Hammer Curl 3x12

Core- Plank with 2x45 sec. each side ​ Conditioning- Suicide Sprint 5,10,15,20x6 ​

Week 3 Wednesday: Lower Body

Dynamic Warmup


A.BodyWeight Squat 5x20

B.Jump Squats 5x10

Walking Lunges 3x20yards

Single Leg Calf Raises 3x10 each leg

Single Leg Glute 3x10 each

Core- A.Flutter Kicks 3x30sec. B.Heel Touches 3x20 ​ Conditioning- 12x40 Yard Sprints (45sec.- 1 min. Rest) ​

Week 3 Friday: Total Body

Dynamic Warmup


Burpees with Push Up 5x12

A.Walking Reverse Lunge 3x10 Yards

B.Split Squat 3x12 Each Leg

Close Grip Push Up 3x12

High to Low Plank 3x15

Core- A.Mountain Climbers 3x20 B.InchWorm to Low plank 3x12 ​ Conditioning- L drill 6x1 ​