Local resident submissions to the County Council electoral review

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Dorset County

Personal Details:

Name: Anne Clements



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

The new boundary for Maiden Newton ward is much better as we are the hub village for Wynford Eagle, West Compton, Toller Fratrum and Toller Porcorum. Less convinced about Kingcombe Wraxall Hooke and Rampisham though. It would be better to place these within another ward. Also it makes no sense for Chilfrome Chalmington and Frome St Quintin to be in the same ward as Sydling. There is no connection between the two valleys. This latter group should be in with Maiden Newton, making boundaries of the A37 to one side and the roman road to the south. So my proposal would be that the Maiden Newton Ward should comprise: Maiden Newton, Compton Valence, West Compton, Toller Fratrum and Toller Porcorum , Chilfrome, Chalmington and From St Quintin. Sydling and Up sydling should go in with Grimstone, Stratton, Forston, Godmanstone, Neter Cerne , and Up Cerne. Having lived in both Sydling and Maiden Newton, the dividing line of the A37 is a strong one, with most of Sydling's links being with Cerne Abbas and the Cerne Valley. Maiden Newton's boundaries need to encompass the villages currently in the Sydling group but Maiden Newton side of the main road. There is no strong linkage between Sydling and Chilfrome, Chalmington and Frome St Quintin.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4203 03/11/2014 Fuller, Heather

From: Fuller, Heather Sent: 01 December 2014 13:40 To: Ward, Lucy Subject: FW: Lytchett/ Upton boundary

Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged

From: Sent: 01 December 2014 12:56 To: Reviews@ Cc: Subject: Lytchett/ Upton boundary

The Review Officer (Dorset)

Local Government Boundary Commission for England

Layden House

Turnmill Street

London EC1M 5LG

29th November 2014

Dear Sir or Madam,

Ref. The Boundary Commission’s Review of Electoral Boundaries in Dorset

For and Upton I very strongly prefer that the whole of our town including Council’s (PDC’s) polling districts EP, EQ and EO, that is Upton East and West and Lytchett Minster should remain together in one division.

With regard to ’s (DCC’s) proposals, I strongly object to the Lytchett Minster EO Polling District being separated from the rest of our Town and included in the new division proposed by

1 DCC, with , , Morden, , , Moreton, Bovington and . If that were to occur it would be an unacceptable outcome.

My reasons for wanting all the parts of our town to be kept together in one division are:

1. The “Lytchett Minster and Upton” Town Council represent Upton east and west and Lytchett Minster EO.

2. All the residents in our town should be represented by one Dorset County councillor and not have, as suggested by DCC, the 390 electorate in Lytchett Minster EO polling district represented by a different county councillor who could live as far away as Morten. 3. Lytchett Minster and Upton is a close knit community having many common services and facilities. Those services and facilities are – The Upton Infants and Junior Schools. Upton Health Centre, Upton Library, Lytchett Minster & Upton Community Centre, Upton Working Men’s Club, Lytchett United Royal British Legion (located in Upton), Grove Youth Club and many other smaller groups all located in Upton. We also have the Lytchett Minster (senior) School, Lytchett Minster Sports Community Trust and Day Centre for the elderly, all located in Lytchett Minster village, plus four churches, two in Upton and two in Lytchett Minster. Lytchett Parish Church in Lytchett Minster and St Dunstan’s is in Upton and are one church led by the Reverend Canon Jean de Garis. 4. Our school, Yarrells Preparatory School in Upton, uses Lytchett Minster Parish Church for concerts. I am resident in Upton but regularly attend Lytchett Parish Church for services and to sing in musical events held there. As proprietor of Yarrells Preparatory School, I am a stakeholder in the local community and attend the Upton and Lytchett Community Forum. The two parts of the community, Lychett and Upton, regularly work together on projects and are a united force. We strongly urge that the close communities, Upton and Lychett are NOT separated. 5. Lytchett Minster EO polling district covers Lytchett Minster, and villages and they have no connection or involvement what so ever with the areas in the DCC’s proposals – that is with Bere Regis, Bloxworth, Morden, Affpuddle, Briantspuddle, Moreton and Bovington. 6. The A35 and B3067 make good highway links between Upton and the rest of the town. 7. If the 390 electorate in Lytchett Minster EO polling district were added to the DCC’s proposed division with Upton east and west joined with Sandford and Holton Heath that would make the total electorate slightly higher than the 8,500 recommended maximum. That would be a small percentage increase and it would be a very small price to pay in order to keep the whole community in one division, joined up with the rest of our town and being served by one County councillor, especially as the vast majority of our residents are easily contactable in a fairly small area.

In conclusion I hope you will be able to allow the whole of our town to remain in the same Dorset County polling division.

Yours faithfully,

Natalie A Covell (Mrs) BA, MSc


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Dorset County

Personal Details:

Name: John Grantham



Organisation Name: None

Comment text:

This is a chance to stop the chronic duplication of resources between Dorset County Council and WDDC Council, by absorbing WDDC into DCC. The 'land grab' by WDDC in central Dorchester in order to build their new District offices came just ahead of the Lehman's melt-down and dramatic cut-back in local govt funding, services and staffing. WDDC councillors did not know that it would be 37 months before replacement public parking could be made available because they did not know that there would be no new parking available in Charles Street till a new shopping development had been completed. There is duplication of effort in all sorts of areas - from Flooding control to duplication of councillors in both organisations and duplication of councillors attending Parish Council meetings. The large council chamber in County Hall is unused for a considerable % of the week and could be used instead by West Dorset District council. A great savings and efficiency opportunity. John Grantham.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/3929 30/09/2014

Fuller, Heather

From: Fuller, Heather Sent: 24 November 2014 08:57 To: Ward, Lucy Subject: FW: Lytchett Minster and Upton

Follow Up Flag: Follow Up Flag Status: Flagged

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: Richard Hiles Sent: 22 November 2014 15:39 To: Reviews@ Subject: Lytchett Minster and Upton

Dear sir,

I understand that in the proposal to revise the electoral boundaries, Lytchett Minster and Upton would be split. I am deeply opposed to this proposal for the following reasons: ‐ Lytchett Minster and Upton is a single town with one town council; ‐ Lytchett Minster and Upton is a single parish; ‐ Lytchett Minster and Upton is a single community: in many aspects of life in the town, the two are very closely linked, examples ranging from the fact that Lytchett Minster School is attended by essentially all pupils from Upton, to groups such as Scouts and Guides being Lytchett Minster and Upton, to the fact that those who live in Lytchett Minster consider Upton to be their community centre.

It is madness to create an artificial divide of this sort for the sake of a numbers game. The population of Lytchett Minster is relatively small, so keeping it with Upton would not significantly imbalance the electoral numbers. After all, the arrangement has served well for many years and I'm sure those in Lytchett Minster would feel less represented by being apart from Upton than by having their vote worth slightly less in being part a bigger electoral constituency. At the very least, the people of Lytchett Minster should be given the choice.


Richard Hiles (Resident of Lytchett Minster and Upton)

1 Fuller, Heather

From: Fuller, Heather Sent: 24 November 2014 08:57 To: Ward, Lucy Subject: FW: (no subject)

Follow Up Flag: Follow Up Flag Status: Flagged

From: Sent: 23 November 2014 10:29 To: Reviews@ Subject: (no subject)

I think the division of Lytchett Minster and Upton is ill judged as, due to their proximity, the issues concerned blend into one. making solutions very difficult as there will always be a "we don't deal with that part!" altitude and nothing will be resolved.

Mike Holmes

1 Fuller, Heather

From: Fuller, Heather Sent: 01 December 2014 10:15 To: Ward, Lucy Subject: FW:

Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged

From: Sent: 30 November 2014 16:47 To: Reviews@ Subject:

Sent from Windows Mail

Ref; Lytchett Minster/Upton boundary change.

Schools, Churches, Clubs, Associations etc. are all integrated and function as one town. It would be a retrograde and unhelpful step to divide a community that has been one for so many years. I wish to add my signature to the petition to prevent the split.

Michael S. Houchen, . and also that of my wife, Marjory J. Houchen of the same address.


Fuller, Heather

From: Fuller, Heather Sent: 01 December 2014 13:40 To: Ward, Lucy Subject: FW: Proposed Boundary Changes in Dorset

Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged

From: Stephen Link Sent: 01 December 2014 12:35 To: Reviews@ Subject: Proposed Boundary Changes in Dorset

Dear Sir/Madam,

With regard to the Dorset County Council’s proposal to put the Purbeck District Council’s (PDC’s) polling district Lytchett Minster EO (comprising Lytchett Minster, Organford and Slepe villages) into a polling division, proposed by the Dorset County Council, together with Bere Regis, Bloxworth, Morden, Affpuddle, Briantspuddle, Moreton, Bovington and Lytchett Matravers.

I object to the above proposal and ask that the PDC’s polling district Lytchett Minster EO should be kept in the same county division with PDC’s polling district ‘Lytchett Minster and Upton West’ EQ or with the PDC’s polling districts Lytchett Minster and Upton East EP and West EQ).

Residents in Lytchett Minster, Organford and Slepe, (Lytchett Minster polling district EO) are all part of the ‘Lytchett Minster and Upton’ community and the whole community is administered by the Lytchett Minster and Upton Town Council with Town councillors from Upton East, West and Lytchett Minster on that Town Council. The residents of our community enjoy a considerable number of joint services and facilities for example two pubs, two Upton churches, the Lytchett Minster and Upton Town Council offices, Lytchett Minster and Upton Community Centre, Grove (Upton) Youth Club, Upton Working Men’s Club, Lytchett United Royal British Legion plus numerous dshops an many small local community organisations, all of which are located in Upton East and West. In addition we have the Parish Church, the United Reform Church, the Lytchett Minster Sports Community Trust all located in Lytchett Minster village. In contrast, the proposed new district is not a cohesive area as I believe few of our local residents will have reason to visit the villages and hamlets forming part of the new area.

In conclusion I ask you please to ensure that our community is kept in one division and not split up in order to achieve an equal number of electorate in each division. In this respect I believe your policies allow you to accept a variation in the maximum permitted number of electorate in a division if the alternative would mean breaking up a community and that is precisely what it would mean if the DCC proposal is approved.

Yours faithfully,

Stephen Link,

Sent from Windows Mail


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Dorset County

Personal Details:

Name: Paul Noyce



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

Everything is great just the way it is. SHOULD NOT become part of Weymouth

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4256 17/11/2014 Fuller, Heather

From: Fuller, Heather Sent: 01 December 2014 16:33 To: Ward, Lucy Subject: FW: Ref. The Boundary Commission’s Review of Electoral Boundaries in Dorset

Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged

From: Sent: 01 December 2014 16:27 To: Reviews@ Subject: Ref. The Boundary Commission’s Review of Electoral Boundaries in Dorset

The Review Officer (Dorset)

Local Government Boundary Commission for England

Layden House

Turnmill Street

London EC1M 5LG

Dear Sir or Madam,

Ref. The Boundary Commission’s Review of Electoral Boundaries in Dorset

For Lytchett Minster and Upton I very strongly urge you to ensure that the whole of our town including Purbeck District Council’s (PDC’s) polling districts EP, EQ and EO, that is Upton East and West and Lytchett Minster should remain together in one division.

With regard to Dorset County Council’s (DCC’s) proposals, I strongly object to the Lytchett Minster EO Polling District being separated from the rest of our Town and included in the new division proposed by DCC, with Bere Regis, Bloxworth, Morden, Affpuddle, Briantspuddle, Moreton, Bovington and Lytchett Matravers. If that were to occur it would be an unacceptable outcome that would impact negatively on the local community. We currently enjoy many shared community initiatives that specifically cover Lytchett Minster and Upton jointly and separating these is most undesirable in terms of the way the community would be affected.

My reasons for wanting all the parts of our town to be kept together in one division are:

1. Lytchett Minster and Upton is a close‐knit community having many common services and facilities. Those services and facilities are – The Upton Infants and Junior Schools. Upton Health Centre, 1

3 Fuller, Heather

From: Fuller, Heather Sent: 01 December 2014 10:18 To: Ward, Lucy Subject: FW: The boundary Commission's Review of Electoral Boundaries in Dorset

Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: Sandra Palmer‐Snellin Sent: 28 November 2014 21:30 To: Reviews@ Subject: The boundary Commission's Review of Electoral Boundaries in Dorset

Our community has come to hear of plans to put Organford, Lytchett Minster and Slepe into a Dorset County Council polling District EO which covers an area as far as Affpuddle and Bovington. I believe it would be logical to be linked with Lytchett Matravers and Lytchett Minster.

Would this mean we are to be represented by a Councillor who is based in our local community? Will modern technology give us the freedom to contact this person directly?

Would this new representative have more power than a Purbeck District Councillor?

Am I right to think that this tax payers funded excercise is to achieve equality in numbers of electorate?

Please let me know the answers to my questions as we have always found our current Councillors to be approachable, helpful and available.

Kind Regards, Sandra Palmer sent from my iPad

1 Rev Jean de Garis

25th November, 2014

The Review Officer (Dorset) Local Government Boundary Commission for England Layden House, Turnmill Street London EC1M 5LG

Ref. The Boundary Commission’s Review of Electoral Boundaries in Dorset

Dear Sir / Madam,

I am the Team Rector for Lytchett Minster and Upton and Rural Dean of . I have lived in the parish for 16 years. I feel that I know the area and the people extremely well.

There is very real disquiet – and indeed anger – at the proposed splitting of Lytchett Minster from Upton by the Boundary Commission. We function very harmoniously as a single unit and the thought of Lytchett Minster being subsumed in a merger with Bere Regis, Bloxworth, Morden, Affpuddle, Briantspuddle, Moreton, Bovington and Lytchett Matravers really makes no sense to us. We feel strongly that the whole of our town (Upton East and West and Lytchett Minster) should remain together in one electoral division.

The “Lytchett Minster and Upton Town Council” represent Upton and Lytchett Minster – it would be quite unacceptable, in my opinion for this to change. For the sake of the unity of our community, all of our town should be represented by one Dorset County Councillor, not split (with a small percentage being hived off to somewhere perhaps as far as Bovington).

Lytchett Minster and Upton is a close knit community having many common services and facilities. Our local schools, Health Centre, Churches, Library, Age Concern Day Centre, Youth Club and Sports Community Trust all work across Lytchett Minster and Upton.

Lytchett Minster polling district covers Lytchett Minster, Organford and Slepe. We have no connection or involvement what so ever with the areas in the DCC’s proposals – that is with Bere Regis, Bloxworth, Morden, Affpuddle, Briantspuddle, Moreton and Bovington. The A35 and B3067 links between Upton and Lytchett Minster very effectively.

I sincerely hope that these proposed changes do not take place. I live in Lytchett Minster but I feel absolutely part of Upton. I hope very much that you ensure that the whole of our town remains in the same polling division.

Yours faithfully,

Rev Canon Jean de Garis

Team Rector of the Lytchetts and Upton Rural Dean of Poole

The Review Officer (Dorset) Local Government Boundary Commission for England Layden House Turnmill Street London EC1M 5LG

30th November 2014

Dear Sir or Madam,

Ref: The Boundary Commission’s Review of Electoral Boundaries in Dorset

As a local resident and shopkeeper who owns property in both Upton and Organford I am writing to you in regard to the Dorset County Council’s proposal to put the Purbeck District Council’s (PDC’s) polling district Lytchett Minster EO (comprising Lytchett Minster, Organford and Slepe villages) into a polling division, proposed by the Dorset County Council, together with Bere Regis, Bloxworth, Morden, Affpuddle, Briantspuddle, Moreton, Bovington and Lytchett Matravers.

The people living in the whole of Lytchett Minster and the Upton area are very close knit and enjoy the use of many shared services as well working and socialising together. This is clearly demonstrated by having a joint town council, which is very effective for all of the residents.

It seems incomprehensible to split this community, and having more than one county councillor covering the area. We need to ensure that common views and decisions can continue in the future as our community grows and whilst I accept boundaries can be changed to in relation to large towns i.e. , Poole and Christchurch, it would do immeasurable damage to such a small community as ours should this change take place.

Communities are more important than balancing numbers and I am sure there are ways of resolving this issue without damaging our community spirit.

Please listen to the residents or engage more fully with the community before you make such an important decision. Like myself, I feel many residents were unaware of this possible change and I only became aware through a chance conversation with a fellow resident.

Please confirm receipt of this letter and place my strong opposition to this proposal on record.

Yours sincerely,

David C Sargent

Fuller, Heather

From: Fuller, Heather Sent: 28 November 2014 09:33 To: Ward, Lucy Subject: FW: Boundary Commission's Review of Electoral Boundaries in Dorset

Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged

From: Pat Silwood ] Sent: 26 November 2014 14:52 To: Reviews@ Subject: FW: Boundary Commission's Review of Electoral Boundaries in Dorset

From: Pat Silwood Sent: 26 November 2014 14:14 To: '[email protected]' Subject: Boundary Commission's Review of Electoral Boundaries in Dorset

The Review Officer (Dorset) Local Government Boundary Commission for England Layden House Turnmill Street London EC1M 5LG

26th November 2014

Dear Sir or Madam, Ref. The Boundary Commission’s Review of Electoral Boundaries in Dorset For Lytchett Minster and Upton I very strongly prefer that the whole of our town including Purbeck District Council’s (PDC’s) polling districts EP, EQ and EO, that is Upton East and West and Lytchett Minster should remain together in one division. With regard to Dorset County Council’s (DCC’s) proposals, I strongly object to the Lytchett Minster EO Polling District being separated from the rest of our Town and included in the new division proposed by DCC, with Bere Regis, Bloxworth, Morden, Affpuddle, Briantspuddle, Moreton, Bovington and Lytchett Matravers. If that were to occur it would be an unacceptable outcome. My reasons for wanting all the parts of our town to be kept together in one division are: 1. The “Lytchett Minster and Upton” Town Council represent Upton east and west and Lytchett Minster EO. 2. All the residents in our town should be represented by one Dorset County councillor and not have, as suggested by DCC, the 390 electorate in Lytchett Minster EO polling district represented by a different county councillor who could live as far away as Morten. 3. Lytchett Minster and Upton is a close knit community having many common services and facilities. Those services and facilities are – The Upton Infants and Junior Schools. Upton Health Centre, Upton Library, Lytchett Minster & Upton Community Centre, Upton Working Men’s Club, Lytchett United Royal British


Fuller, Heather

From: Fuller, Heather Sent: 02 December 2014 09:18 To: Ward, Lucy Subject: FW: Electoral Review of Dorset

Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged

From: Michael Tomlinson Sent: 01 December 2014 19:37 To: Reviews@ Subject: Electoral Review of Dorset

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am a former resident of Lytchett Minster and currently reside in Lytchett Matravers. I also happen to be a Parliamentary Candidate for Mid Dorset and North Poole.

This contribution is in relation to Lytchett Minster and I would like to register a strong objection to the proposal to divorce Lytchett Minster from Upton. As proposed, the village and surrounding community will be split from Upton. Residents living in Lytchett Minster, Organford and Slepe villages (as I used to do) are part of the ‘Lytchett Minster and Upton’ community. In particular, it is part of the Town Council of Lytchett Minster and Upton. As such it would be strange for the community to be split up.

Not only does it form part of the same Town Council as Upton, but it also forms part of the same District Council seat, of Lytchett Minster and Upton West. Indeed, the neighbouring seat is known as Lytchett Minster and Upton East.

To give just a flavour of the community, it includes, for example, two churches: one in Lytchett Minster and one in Upton. But both form part of the same Parish, deriving its congregation from the same community. It also includes the local youth group and day centre for the elderly, which is shared across both Lytchett Minster and Upton.

The polling district EO is relatively small. Although it would push the number of residents in the County Division of Upton above the desired threshold of 8,500, I would suggest that it would remain within touching distance of that figure, and would not increase the workload of a County Councillor intolerably. In fact, given the close‐knit nature of the community of Lytchett Minster and Upton (including Organford and Slepe), it makes sense and would be of assistance to the community as a whole to be served by one and the same County Councillor.

Finally, I note from the plan that the draft proposal for the County Division “A” (effectively ) is above the threshold of 8,500. The division which currently includes Upton, but excludes Lytchett Minster (marked “C” on the proposed plan) would not be a dissimilar figure.

I very much hope that the Commission listens to the strength of feeling within the community, that Lytchett Minster should remain part of the same County Division as the rest of Upton.

Yours faithfully,

Michael Tomlinson


Michael Tomlinson Prospective MP for Mid Dorset and North Poole



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Dorset County

Personal Details:

Name: Rod Webb



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

I object to DCC's proposal for splitting the parish of Wool and joining our parish with a more urban environment at the town of Wareham. Wool is made up of three separate communities, Bovington, East Burton and Wool. DCC's proposal splits part of Bovington and part of East Burton. These splits will mean that the County Councillors representing the new proposed ward will have to attend more parish council meetings to ensure that the views of the electorate are communicated via the appropriate parish council. I cannot see this working. Also, in joining with urban Wareham the townspeople of Wareham would probably have an unfair advantage over the rural parishes of Wool and East Stoke. If the original ward of Egdon Heath was kept then all the parishes in the ward would remain intact and the numbers of the electorate would still be within the specified limits. I therefore propose that the Ward of Egdon Heath be kept, this would ensure a fairer outcome of this review and would keep the parish of Wool together without splitting the electorate.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4261 24/11/2014 Fuller, Heather

From: Fuller, Heather Sent: 26 November 2014 09:15 To: Ward, Lucy Subject: FW: LYTCHETT MINSTER & UPTON BOUNDARIES

Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged

From: Stuart Welford Sent: 25 November 2014 21:50 To: Reviews@ Subject: LYTCHETT MINSTER & UPTON BOUNDARIES

Dear Sir/Madam,

I have been amazed to hear in the last few days of the Boundary Commission's plans to separate Lytchett Minster & Upton! This must not happen, because for example:-

1. Of the two Parish Churches, one is in Lytchett Minster while the other is in Upton; & there are two other churches of different denominations, one in each community.

2.The main Secondary School in the area is in Lytcett Minster with the two feeder Schools in Upton.

3.The Town Council, though housed in Upton is entitled "Lytchett Minster & Upton Town Council".

4. The local magazine, "The Clarion" is for Lytchett Mister & Upton.

5. et al

To have neighbouring communities in different wards, just to keep electorate numbers below a nominal figure, seems ludicrous. And to have different County Councillors could be counter productive.

Many local societies & organisations such as the Health Centre, the Community Centre, the British Legion, the Working Men's Club, the Scouts & Guides, the Grove Youth Club etc, all contribute to the good Community relations we have here.

Please reconsider the Boundary Commission's proposal, so as to retain a good working community.

Yours sincerely

Stuart & Ann Welford



The Review Officer (Dorset) Local Government Boundary Commission for England Layden House Turnmill Street London EC1M 5LG 25th November 2019 Dear Sir or Madam, Ref. The Boundary Commission’s Review of Electoral Boundaries in Dorset For Lytchett Minster and Upton I very strongly prefer that the whole of our town including Purbeck District Council’s (PDC’s) polling districts EP, EQ and EO, that is Upton East and West and Lytchett Minster should remain together in one division. With regard to Dorset County Council’s (DCC’s) proposals, I strongly object to the Lytchett Minster EO Polling District being separated from the rest of our Town and included in the new division proposed by DCC, with Bere Regis, Bloxworth, Morden, Affpuddle, Briantspuddle, Moreton, Bovington and Lytchett Matravers. If that were to occur it would be an unacceptable outcome. My reasons for wanting all the parts of our town to be kept together in one division are: • The “Lytchett Minster and Upton” Town Council represent Upton east and west and Lytchett Minster EO. • All the residents in our town should be represented by one Dorset County councillor and not have, as suggested by DCC, the 390 electorate in Lytchett Minster EO polling district represented by a different county councillor who could live as far away as Morten. • Lytchett Minster and Upton is a close knit community having many common services and facilities. Those services and facilities are – The Upton Infants and Junior Schools. Upton Health Centre, Upton Library, Lytchett Minster & Upton Community Centre, Upton Working Men’s Club, Lytchett United Royal British Legion (located in Upton), Grove Youth Club and many other smaller groups all located in Upton. We also have the Lytchett Minster (senior) School, Lytchett Minster Sports Community Trust and Day Centre for the elderly, all located in Lytchett Minster village, plus four churches, two in Upton and two in Lytchett Minster. • Lytchett Minster EO polling district covers Lytchett Minster, Organford and Slepe villages and they have no connection or involvement what so ever with the areas in the DCC’s proposals – that is with Bere Regis, Bloxworth, Morden, Affpuddle, Briantspuddle, Moreton and Bovington. • The A35 and B3067 make good highway links between Upton and the rest of the town. • If the 390 electorate in Lytchett Minster EO polling district were added to the DCC’s proposed division with Upton east and west joined with Sandford and Holton Heath that would make the total electorate slightly higher than the 8,500 recommended maximum. That would be a small percentage increase and it would be a very small price to pay in order to keep the whole community in one division, joined up with the rest of our town and being served by one County councillor, especially as the vast majority of our residents are easily contactable in a fairly small area. • In conclusion I hope you will be able to allow the whole of our town to remain in the same Dorset County polling division. Yours faithfully Mr and Mrs Wright Fuller, Heather

From: Fuller, Heather Sent: 24 November 2014 08:57 To: Ward, Lucy Subject: FW:

Follow Up Flag: Follow Up Flag Status: Flagged

From: lynn wright Sent: 23 November 2014 15:58 To: Reviews@ Subject:

Dear Sir or Madam, Ref. The Local Government Boundary Commission’s Review of Electoral Boundaries in Dorset I wish to object to the following Dorset County Council’s proposed changes to the electoral boundaries for Dorset Polling Divisions. Their proposed changes are: 1. For Lytchett Minster and Lytchett Matravers, to be joined with Bere Regis, Bloxworth, Morden, Affpuddle, Briantspuddle, Moreton and Bovington. 2. For Upton (east and west wards), Organford and Slepe, to be joined with Sandford and Holton Heath.

My objection is that Lytchett Minster village should be kept with Uptond (east an west wards) and with the Organford and Slepe villages for the following reasons: They are all part of the Lytchett Minster and Upton Parish. The Lytchett Minster, Organford and Slepe villages are all part of the Purbeck District Council’s Lytchett Minster Polling District EO. Upton (east and west Ci.e. PD Polling Districts EP and EQ) plus the Lytchett Minster Polling District EO (includes the villages of Lytchett Minster, Organford and Slepe) all come under the auspices of the Lytchett Minster and Upton Town Council. All these areas are a close knit community using the same services and facilities, which are: Our three schools, the Upton Health Centre, Library, Lytchett Minster and Upton Community Centre and all the local shops that are located in Upton. To split Lytchett Minster from Organford and Slepe one would need to define which roads are included in each division and which properties on Dorchester Road would be in which division. Lytchett Minster has no connection or involvement what so ever with Bere Regis, Bloxworth, Morden, Affpuddle, Briantspuddle, Moreton and Bovington. There are only about 150 properties in Lytchett Minster village plus the outlying roads and adding this number to the proposed Upton, Organford and Slepe division would have minimal adverse effect on the percentage of electorate for that division.

I look forward to confirmation that Lytchett Minster village will not be separated from the rest of our community. Yours faithfully

Lynn Wright