Chapter One: Fantasy Versus Reality
UNIVERSITEIT GENT 2006-2007 ASPECTS OF POWER IN THE PROSE OF MARY GAITSKILL FROM A PSYCHOANALYTIC PERSPECTIVE WITH FOCUS ON SADOMASOCHISM PROMOTOR Verhandeling voorgelegd PROF. DR. GERT BUELENS aan de Faculteit Letteren en Wijsbegeerte voor het verkrijgen van de graad van licentiaat in de taal- en letterkunde: Germaanse talen door ALISE VAN HECKE - JAMESON ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I could not have completed this thesis on my own and there are many people who, both directly and indirectly, have aided me in my efforts. In particular, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to my promoter, Prof. Dr. Gert Buelens, not only for his initial interest in my topic, but also for his guidance, patience, suggestions, and critical commentary, all of which were both motivational and beneficial. I also wish to thank my good friends Elke, Johan, Kathy, Lucie, and Veerle, my brother, Ralph, and my future brother-in-law, Jeff, for their emotional support and encouragement during this trying year. My sister, Annette, deserves recognition for reading my very first, very rough draft and for keeping me sane through our telephone chats. I wish to honor the memory of my Aunt Lynne (November 1937-April 2007) who always believed in me and encouraged me to continue my education. My husband, Omer, receives extra special thanks, as he originally discovered Mary Gaitskill and planted the idea which has since grown into this thesis. Words cannot express my gratitude for his unending support and patience. I thank him for reading many of my previous drafts and offering thoughtful advice. I have also benefited from his computer skills, which saved me much precious time.
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