Written Answers to Questions Not Answered at Mayor's Question Time

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Written Answers to Questions Not Answered at Mayor's Question Time WrittenAnswerstoQuestionsNotAnsweredatMayor'sQuestionTime on29January2014 CCTV inMetropolitanPolicevans QuestionNo:2014/0048 JennyJones HowmanyMetropolitanPoliceServicevanshaveyettobefittedwithCCTVcameras? TheMayor TherearecurrentlysevenvansfittedwithCCTVcameras,withafurther123remainingtobe fitted.ItisanticipatedthatallvanswillbefullyfittedwithCCTVbythesummer2014. Better JunctionsReview QuestionNo:2014/0049 JennyJones Thankyouforyouranswertomyquestion2013/4076.Pleasecanyouconfirmthatsincethe BetterJunctionsReviewwasinitiatedinJanuary2012noneofthefortymajorjunctionswhich havebeenreviewedbystakeholdersandtheTfL'sDesignReviewGroup,haveactuallybeen altereddespiteallofthemhavingbeenacknowledgedtobeserioushazards?Pleasecouldyou explainwhynoalterationshaveyetbeenmade? TheMayor Officersaredraftingaresponsewhichwillbesentshortly. WrittenresponsefromtheMayorreceived04February2014 Alterationshavebeendeliveredat11junctionsreviewedbyTfL'sDesignReviewGroup, includinganinnovative20mphlimitatWaterlooroundaboutandtwoearlystartsforcyclistsat Bowroundabout. Changesatotherjunctionsareinbeingdesignedandwillbesubjecttofullpublicconsultation. Weareabsolutelydeterminedthatallwillbedeliveredproperlyandtohighstandards,anda simplefocusonspeedofdeliverycouldputthisatrisk. Page 1 Monthly meetingswiththeMetropolitanPoliceCommissioner transparency QuestionNo:2014/0050 JennyJones Thenotesofthemonthlybi-lateralmeetingsbetweentheDeputyMayorforPolicingand CrimeandtheMetropolitanPoliceCommissionerarepublishedontheGreaterLondon Authoritywebsite.Intheinterestoftransparency,willyoupublishthenotes,redactedwhere necessary,ofyourmonthlymeetingswiththeMetropolitanPoliceCommissioner? TheMayor Yes,Iwill. Global Peace andUnity(GPU)ConferenceatExcelArena,23rd -24th November QuestionNo:2014/0051 DarrenJohnson Inyourresponsetoquestion2013/4643youstatedthatyoudidnotissueastatementof supportforthisconference.AstatementofsupportpurportedlyfromtheMayorofLondonhas beenontheconferencewebsiteforseveralmonthsnow.Doyoudenythatyoumadethis statementand,ifso,whatactionareyoutakingagainsttheeventorganisersovertheirclaim thatyousupportedthisconference? TheMayor Ididnotissueastatementofsupportforthe2013GlobalPeaceandUnityConference.The messagethatyourefertowasissuedin2008,andwasnotintendedforusebeyondthat particularevent. Southeastern Trains QuestionNo:2014/0052 DarrenJohnson WillyouworkwithSoutheasterntrainstoencouragecommuterstotakethetrainforthewhole oftheirjourneytohelppreventroadandcarparkcongestionfrombuildingupinandaround railstations(suchasFalconwoodstationintheLondonBoroughofBexley)whenrail commutersdecidetodrivepartoftheirjourney? TheMayor Officersaredraftingaresponsewhichwillbesentshortly. WrittenresponsefromtheMayorreceived04February2014 IhaveaskedTfLtospeaktoSoutheasternregardingFalconwoodandtocontactyoudirectlyto updateyouonthelocalsituationthere. Page 2 Exit fromBrockleyStation QuestionNo:2014/0053 DarrenJohnson Brockleystationusershaveexpressedgreatdissatisfactionthataftertakingthetroubleto listentocommunityconcernsandinstallticketbarriersatplatformleveltoallowstep-free access,TfLarenowclosingthesebarriersat9.00pmeachevening.CanyouaskTfLtoreview eitheritsstaffingarrangementsoritsaccessarrangementstoallowcontinuousstep-freeaccess outofthestationthroughouttheevening? TheMayor AtBrockleystationthesecondaryexitfromthesouthboundplatformisclosedafter21:00. UnfortunatelyTfLhashadtodothistopreventfare-evadersenteringandleavingthestation unchecked. TfLrecognisethatthisisnotthebestsituationforthosewhoneedtousethis(step-free)exit after21:00.However,customerscanapproachamemberofstafforusetheclearlysigned intercom,andthestaffmemberwillbehappytoopenthegatetoassistwithaccess. Loughborough Junction QuestionNo:2014/0054 DarrenJohnson GivenanOvergroundstationatLoughboroughJunctionwouldprovideakeyinterchange betweentheOvergroundandThameslink(Suttonbranch)andwouldbetheonlysuch interchangeinsouthLondon,wouldtheMayorensurethatevaluationoftheoptionsforan OvergroundstationhereisincorporatedintothenextTfLbusinessplan? TheMayor TfLhaspreviouslylookedatthefeasibilityofaLondonOvergroundstationatLoughborough JunctionandalsoatBrixton.Unfortunately,constructingastationateitherlocationwouldbe verydifficult-andthereforeverycostly-becausetherailwayisnotonlyonaviaductbutthe tracksarecurvedandonagradient.Asaresult,anybenefitsofstationsattheselocations wouldbeoutweighedbythecostsandsotheywouldnotoffervalueformoney. However,theLondonBoroughofLambethhasrecentlycommissionedastudytoreviewand updatethepreviousanalysistoseeifthereisabettercaseforanewstationonthisroute.TfL isassistingLambethwiththisstudyandtheoutputsareexpectedlaterintheyear. Page 3 Oxford Street -Highways Authority QuestionNo:2014/0055 DarrenJohnson Thankyouforyourresponsetoquestion2013/3406.AspertheTrafficManagementAct2004, WestminsterCityCouncilmustgainapprovalfromTfLinexercisingitsroleasthehighway authority.ThiswasconfirmedbytheHeadofTransportforLBWestminster,inanemailtothe SecretaryofWestminsterLivingStreetson13thDecember2013.Willyounowprovidea responsetoquestion2013/3406withthisinmind? TheMayor TheresponseprovidedforMQ3406/2013isstillrelevant.WestminsterCityCouncilisthe responsiblehighwayauthorityforOxfordStreet.However,asOxfordStreetispartofthe StrategicRoadNetwork(asopposedtotheTransportforLondonRoadNetwork),Westminster wouldconsultwithTfLonanyproposedchangestothelayoutorspeedlimitonOxfordStreet. Cycle Hirecontract QuestionNo:2014/0056 DarrenJohnson GiventheterminationoftheBarclayscyclehirecontract,isitnowtimeforTfLtoinitiatea thoroughreviewoftheschemeincludingsponsorship,contractualarrangements,hirecharges andgeographicalscopeinordertoensureLondongetsthebestpossibleschemeinawaythat doesnotdetractfromtheinvestmentneededforimprovingcyclesafetyandinfrastructure? TheMayor Officersaredraftingaresponsewhichwillbesentshortly. WrittenresponsefromtheMayorreceived04February2014 TfLisconstantlymonitoringandreviewingtheoperationofthescheme,exploringand developingthecustomerexperienceensuringwearedeliveringthebestpossiblescheme. Withregardtothesponsorship,theBarclayssponsorshipwillendinJuly2015.TfLisinthe processofappointingathird-partysponsorshipadvisortoworkwithustoreviewthecycling portfolioincludingbutnotlimitedtotheCycleHireScheme.Theoutputwillbeusedto developtheoptimumoperationalandcommercialstrategy. Page 4 Cycling budget QuestionNo:2014/0057 DarrenJohnson Canyouconfirmthatthe£913mforcyclingstartedin2012/13?Willtheunderspentmoney carriedoverfromthe2011/12cyclingbudgetbeinadditiontothis£913m? TheMayor Officersaredraftingaresponsewhichwillbesentshortly. WrittenresponsefromtheMayorreceived10March2014 Wehavemadeanunprecedentedfinancialcommitmenttocycling-£913millionovertheten years2012/13to2021/22,morethanthreetimesourpreviously-proposedlevel,andmore thantwicewhattheGovernmentisspending,overthenextfewyears,onthewholeoftherest ofthecountryputtogether. BecausethestandardsrequiredintheMayor'sCyclingVisionaremoreambitiousthanbefore, andtheprogrammeismuchlargerthanbefore,theprogrammehashadtobeextensively redesigned.Thisiswhatwehavebeendoingoverthelasttenmonths,inconjunctionwiththe dozensofotherstakeholderswhoseconsentweneed-theLondonboroughs,theRoyalParks, theCanal&RiversTrust,NetworkRail,theLLDC,landowners,developersandothers. Whatthismeans,ofcourse,isthatwithintheten-yeartotalof£913million,whichisfixed, yearlyspendingtotalswillchange.Spendingthisfinancialyear-whichhasbeenmainlya planning,capacity-buildingandconsent-gatheringyear-willbelessthantheamounts budgeted. Aswemovefromtheplanningandconsentstagetothedeliverystage,spendinginfuture yearswillbegreaterthantheamountsbudgeted. Nounderspendislosttotheprogramme;itwillbeaddedtotheamountsavailabletocoverthe overspendsinfutureyears. Questionslikethisbetrayamisunderstandingofourpurpose.Ourpurposeisnottospend moneyforitsownsake,ortomeetsomeannualspendingquota.Bothwouldresultinwaste andfailure.Ourpurposeistodeliverhigh-qualitycyclingfacilities. CycleHireScheme Page 5 Involvement ofN ationalStandardcyclingtrainers QuestionNo:2014/0058 DarrenJohnson WillyouensurethatNationalStandardcycletrainerswillbeinvolvedintheconsultation processonimprovingcyclesuperhighwaysandcanyougiveanassurancethatthoseinvolvedin deliveringcycletrainingwillbeproperlyrepresentedinthejunctionreview? TheMayor Officersaredraftingaresponsewhichwillbesentshortly. WrittenresponsefromtheMayorreceived28February2014 Yes. Cycling under -spending QuestionNo:2014/0059 DarrenJohnson Onthe14thJanuaryyoustatedthatunder-spendingonTfLcapitalprojectswasa'factoflife'. Giventhatyouhaveunderspentyourcyclingbudgetbyaroundaquarteroverthelastsixyears, doyouthinkitwouldbewisetoover-program,sothatallthemoneyyouhaveallocatedis actuallyspent? TheMayor Officersaredraftingaresponsewhichwillbesentshortly. WrittenresponsefromtheMayorreceived28February2014 Ifindthisfocusonspendingtotalspuzzling.Ourfocusisonthequalityofoutcomesdelivered withourbudget,notonthequantityofmoneyspentinaparticularperiod.Goodschemestake timetodesign.Itwouldbewhollywrongtospendthemoneyonsecond-rateschemessimply forthesakeofspendingitwithinthe"right"year.Allmoneywillbespentonhigh-quality, Vision-compliantcyclefacilities. Page 6 Staffing anddeliveryofthevisionforcycling QuestionNo:2014/0060 DarrenJohnson Yourpressreleaseofthe6thNovemberannounced"over100additionaldesigners,engineers andtrafficmodellerswillbesoughttohelpdeliverthemassively-expandedcycling programme…"However,accordingtoTfL"ThepostswillnotallbenewstafftoTfL-some headcountwillbefilledbyexistingstaffwho'roll-off'asprojectsarecompletedorinternal staffsecondments,andwillsupplementedbyadditionalresourceonlywherenecessary."Can
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