Mennonite DNA Project Y Chromosome Data Discussion by Tim Janzen: January 2021
[email protected] The Low German Mennonite DNA Project Y chromosome data is available for download as an Excel spreadsheet. The headings are self-explanatory. There is a dark gray row between each surname. Thick black lines separate the various subgroups within surnames if there is more than one progenitor for that surname. In a few cases, it is unclear if a haplotype belongs in a specific subgroup. In such cases there is a question mark after the number in the subgroup column. Y chromosome STR marker values that are different from the modal value are highlighted in yellow. In such situations, a mutation has occurred within the past 500 years or so in one of the lineages from the original progenitor of that surname or subgroup. If the earliest known ancestors were known to be brothers the names of the brothers are highlighted in blue. The FTDNA kit numbers for new participants since the last update a year ago are highlighted in green. In some situations there is additional information for some multi-copy markers such as DYS459, DYS 464, and CDY on the Family Tree DNA website that is not included in the spreadsheet and the cells in the spreadsheet are highlighted in brown where this is the case. The information wasn’t included in the spreadsheet for simplicity, but the data can be found in the project’s website at after any project member has logged into the FTDNA website.