CURRENT OPINION The holistic view on perfusion monitoring in septic

Glenn Hernandez, Alejandro Bruhn, Ricardo Castro, and Tomas Regueira

Purpose of review To review recent evidence concerning the interactions between hemodynamic and perfusion parameters during , and to propose some basic foundations for a more comprehensive perfusion assessment. Recent findings Several recent studies have expanded our knowledge about the physiologic determinants and limitations of currently used perfusion parameters such as central venous oxygen saturation and lactate. Macrohemodynamic, metabolic, peripheral and microcirculatory parameters tend to change in parallel in response to fluid loading during initial resuscitation. In contrast, perfusion markers are poorly correlated in patients who evolve with a persistent circulatory dysfunction. Therefore, assessment of perfusion status based solely on a single parameter can lead to inaccurate or misleading conclusions. Summary All individual perfusion parameters have extensive limitations to adequately reflect tissue perfusion during persistent sepsis-related circulatory dysfunction. A multimodal approach integrating macrohemodynamic, metabolic, peripheral and eventually microcirculatory perfusion parameters may overcome those limitations. This approach may also provide a thorough understanding on the predominant driving forces of hypoperfusion, and lead to physiologically oriented interventions. Keywords central venous oxygen saturation, fluid challenge, lactate, microcirculation, tissue perfusion

INTRODUCTION mutually exclusive protocols [5,18]. As a result, the lack of an integrative comprehensive approach is A fundamental challenge in septic shock resuscita- && tion is to evaluate tissue perfusion [1,2]. Macrohe- evident, with notable exceptions [7 ,24]. This trend modynamic [3], metabolic [4&,5,6,7&&], peripheral contrasts with more holistic approaches in other [8,9&], regional [10,11,12&&] and microcirculatory settings, such as the multimodal monitorization pro- parameters [13–16] have been utilized to evaluate posed for neurocritical patients [25]. either perfusion status or resuscitation success. In this article, we will review recent evidence However, because of the extreme complexity of concerning the relationship between hemodynamic sepsis-related circulatory dysfunction, none of and perfusion parameters during septic shock resus- these markers have earned universal acceptance citation, and propose some basic foundations for an as the unique parameter to be considered as integrative perfusion assessment. the hallmark to guide septic shock resuscitation [3,5,6,9&,17,18]. During the last decades several potential resusci- tation targets have been explored. Among them, we Departamento de Medicina Intensiva, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de can mention supernormal hemodynamic objectives Chile, Santiago, Chile && [19], gastric tonometry [10,18], lactate [5,7 ], Correspondence to Glenn Hernandez, MD, Departamento de Medicina mixed (SvO2) or central venous oxygen saturations Intensiva, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Marcoleta 367, (ScvO2) [20,21], and more recently, sublingual micro- Santiago 8320000, Chile. Tel: +56 2 3543972; e-mail: glennguru@ circulatory flow [22], peripheral perfusion [9&]and & venous-arterial pCO2 gradient ( p(cv-a)CO2) [6,23 ]. Curr Opin Crit Care 2012, 18:280–286 Unfortunately, they have been tested in rather DOI:10.1097/MCC.0b013e3283532c08 Volume 18 Number 3 June 2012 Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. The holistic view on perfusion monitoring Hernandez et al. AQ1

points during initial resuscitation in 41 patients KEY POINTS with septic shock [9&]. We found that capillary refill All individual perfusion parameters have extensive time, lactate and heart rate improved in parallel limitations to adequately reflect tissue perfusion during during 6 h of fluid-based resuscitation. In a previous persistent sepsis-related circulatory dysfunction. landmark study, ScvO2 and lactate exhibited a com- parable recovery trend during early resuscitation Assessment of perfusion status based solely on a single [20]. A more recent study, by Ait-Oufella et al. parameter can lead to inaccurate or && misleading conclusions. [35 ], demonstrates that the opposite is also true. A worsening peripheral perfusion was associated A multimodal approach integrating to increasing hyperlactatemia in refractory septic macrohemodynamic, metabolic, peripheral, and shock patients. eventually microcirculatory perfusion parameters might These data taken together suggest an intricate overcome those limitations. relationship between macrohemodynamics, per- fusion parameters and microcirculatory flow indices. All these elements are affected by hypovo- lemia and tend to improve in parallel in fluid- INITIAL CIRCULATORY DYSFUNCTION responsive patients. Their relative changes, though, AND RESPONSE TO EARLY are not well correlated. The beneficial effects RESUSCITATION of fluids may be explained by an increase in cardiac Although many mechanisms are involved in the output, a decrease in the neurohumoral response pathogenesis of sepsis-related circulatory dysfunc- to , and by direct effects at the micro- tion [26,27,28&,29], hypovolemia is clearly the pre- circulatory level [26]. The clinical expression dominant factor in preresuscitated patients early on of these effects is variable according to several after hospital admission [30&]. Depending on the preexisting factors such as preload responsiveness, severity and time course of hypovolemia, patients the magnitude of adrenergic induced redistribu- may exhibit an impaired peripheral perfusion, tive vasoconstriction, or local microvascular dys- hyperlactatemia, low ScvO2, and altered microcir- function. culatory flow, whether or not they are hypotensive. The fundamental challenge in this phase is rapid A couple of studies have explored the relation- and complete reversal of the low-flow state secon- ship between hemodynamic and perfusion para- dary to hypovolemia. Simple, readily available and meters in this preresuscitative phase. Trzeciak validated monitoring tools such as subjective per- et al. [31] found an early significant correlation ipheral perfusion and lactate can be used to guide between macrohemodynamic parameters, lactate this process. Normalization of these parameters and microcirculatory flow alterations. Payen et al. indicates a successful reversal of initial circulatory [32] confirmed these findings in 43 septic shock dysfunction. Such an approach was recently dem- patients undergoing initial resuscitation. They onstrated to be as effective as ScvO2-guided resusci- found that microvascular reactivity assessed by near- tation, but appears as more practical for the pre-ICU infrared spectroscopy (NIRS)-derived techniques setting [5]. However, a significant proportion was correlated to cardiac index and lactate levels. of patients may develop a persistent circulatory The cornerstone of initial resuscitation is fluid dysfunction characterized by variable degrees of loading. A series of dynamic studies evaluated the volume-refractory hypotension and/or perfusion effects of a fluid challenge in this setting. Pottecher abnormalities. et al. [33&&] observed an improvement in sublingual microcirculatory perfusion after fluid adminis- tration in septic shock patients. Interestingly, PERSISTENT CIRCULATORY improvement in microcirculatory flow correlated DYSFUNCTION AFTER INITIAL significantly to changes in global hemodynamics. RESUSCITATION In another septic shock study, early fluid loading Persistent circulatory dysfunction after fluid resus- improved mean arterial pressure, cardiac index, citation can be expressed through diverse clinical SvO2 or ScvO2 values, lactate levels, pulse pressure profiles. In our opinion, at least three distinct hemo- variation and microcirculatory flow in parallel [34]. dynamic patterns can be recognized at this stage: Other studies explored the time course of overt or classic septic shock (vasopressor require- changes in several perfusion parameters during early ments and hypoperfusion) [36], cryptic shock (per- septic shock resuscitation confirming previous find- sistent hypoperfusion without hypotension) [37&], ings. Our group evaluated changes in metabolic and and a state of persistent sepsis-related hypotension peripheral perfusion parameters at different time without hypoperfusion [38&] (Fig. 1).

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Initial circulatory dysfunction

Initial fluid resusciation

Persistent Resolved√ circulatory dysfunction

Persistent hypotension without hypoperfusion

VP Cryptic shock

HP Classic shock


FIGURE 1. Clinical patterns which can be recognized in patients with persistent sepsis-related circulatory dysfunction. HP, hypoperfusion; VP, vasopressers.

In contrast to the preresuscitative phase, more correlation between systemic hemodynamics and complex mechanisms may lead the pathogenesis of thenar basal StO2 or its recovery slope after a vas- persistent circulatory dysfunction [27,39]. Vascular cular occlusion test assessed by NIRS. Other experi- dysfunction induces vasoplegia, capillary leak and ences have found no association between ScvO2 and distributive abnormalities [29]. Myocardial depres- lactate clearance [5] or peripheral perfusion changes & sion is frequently manifested by a decreased left [9 ]. Moreover, discrepancies between ScvO2 and & ventricle ejection fraction [28 ]. The role of micro- p(cv-a)CO2 values after initial resuscitation have been circulatory derangements has been highlighted in also described [6]. recent years and these abnormalities may hasten the Therefore, in contrast to the preresuscitative development of tissue hypoxia and/or multiple phase wherein all perfusion markers tend to organ dysfunction [30&]. It is likely that evolution improve in parallel, during persistent circulatory into different expressions of persistent sepsis-related dysfunction individual perfusion markers may circulatory dysfunction is influenced by the relative change in unpredictable or even opposite direc- preponderance of any of these mechanisms at the tions. Consequently, the assessment of perfusion individual level. To add more complexity, other status based solely on one marker can lead to incom- factors such as hyperadrenergia [40], hypermetabo- plete, inaccurate or misleading conclusions. This lism [41], hyperinflammation [42], organ dysfunc- highlights the necessity of a multimodal approach tions [43] or the effect of concurrent therapies for this phase. may further complicate the interpretation of each perfusion marker. Several recent studies support the heterogeneity INTERPRETATION OF PERFUSION of hemodynamic and perfusion profiles in persistent MARKERS: TOWARD A MULTIMODAL sepsis-related circulatory dysfunction. Boerma et al. APPROACH [44] found no correlation between peripheral per- Hypoperfusion is not a simple and unique con- fusion, microvascular flow index and systemic dition. Several mechanisms are potentially involved hemodynamics in 35 septic patients after fluid resus- and are distinctively reflected on perfusion citation. In the same line, Lima et al. [45] found no parameters leading to a wide array of clinical

282 Volume 18 Number 3 June 2012 Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. The holistic view on perfusion monitoring Hernandez et al. AQ1 profiles. An integrative approach including at least a normal tissue perfusion because of several reasons: macrohemodynamic, metabolic-related and periph- First, Vallee et al. [6] found persistent abnormal eral perfusion parameters may aid to identify the P(cv-a)CO2 values in 50% of septic shock patients predominant pathophysiological determinant in who had already achieved normal ScvO2 values after each individual case, and to guide physiologically initial resuscitation. Second, ScvO2 is in strict terms based therapies. a regional monitor. We demonstrated that the Although hypoperfusion is the most common maneuver of sedation and connection to mechan- cause of hyperlactatemia [7&&], increasing evidence ical ventilation rapidly normalizes this parameter in for nonhypoxic-related mechanisms has recently septic patients subjected to emergency intubation expanded our understanding of the physiological by decreasing regional oxygen extraction, but this meaning of lactate in sepsis. Sustained hyperadre- does not assure the correction of global tissue nergia [40,46&,47], hypermetabolism [41], hyperin- hypoxia [48]. Third, as severe microcirculatory flammation [42], liver dysfunction [43], among derangements could theoretically impair tissue others, may contribute to hyperlactatemia. Thus, oxygen extraction capacities, a normal DO2/VO2 interpretation of this parameter is particularly diffi- relationship may coexist with profound tissue cult in some cases. The distinction between these hypoxia [29]. Moreover, abnormally high ScvO2 two scenarios (hypoxic versus nonhypoxic hyper- values have been recently shown to be associated lactatemia) may strongly impact the therapeutic to bad prognosis [49&]. Therefore, an isolated normal approach. As an example, treatment of a nonhy- DO2/VO2 relationship is not sufficiently sensitive to poxic-related hyperlactatemia with sustained efforts rule out tissue hypoperfusion in patients with per- aimed at increasing oxygen delivery (DO2) could sistent sepsis-related circulatory dysfunction. lead to detrimental effects of excessive fluids The assessment of peripheral perfusion in the or inotropes. context of hyperlactatemia may provide additional On the contrary, the ability of some patients to physiological information. An abnormal peripheral maintain normal lactate levels even under severe perfusion may be caused by a low cardiac output and circulatory stress provides additional valuable infor- thus a complementary evaluation of cardiac func- mation. It suggests an adequate physiologic reserve, tion through invasive or noninvasive techniques is a relative indemnity of multiple underlying mech- obligatory. It should also prompt a reassessment of anisms involved in lactate genesis or metabolism, preload status, as triggering of adrenergic response and is associated to a better prognosis [38&]. by ongoing hypovolemia could induce peripheral Our recent study involving 302 septic shock vasoconstriction. patients supports this notion since patients with More sophisticated techniques assessing micro- sepsis-related hypotension without hyperlactatemia circulatory oxygenation, flow or reactivity have exhibited a very low mortality of less than 8% [38&]. been helpful as research tools. NIRS can be used In contrast, the presence of hyperlactatemia even to evaluate tissue oxygenation at the thenar without hypotension (cryptic shock) is associated to muscle, and complementarily can give relevant a very high mortality risk as was recently shown by information about microvascular reactivity [13]. Puskarich et al. [37&]. These parameters exhibit a significant correlation From of our point of view the real challenge in with other markers of peripheral perfusion [45]. overt (classic) or cryptic shock is to determine the In addition, videomicroscopic techniques have source of persistent hyperlactatemia. Therefore, lac- allowed to directly visualize microvascular flow, tate assessment should be the starting point for a especially at the sublingual mucosa [15]. Microcir- multimodal perfusion monitoring approach. A prac- culatory flow or density abnormalities have been tical integrative algorithm to interpret hyperlacta- described and linked to bad outcome [15,16]. temia is shown in Fig. 2. Microcirculatory dysfunction with microvascular In a septic patient, the foremost priority is to shunting could contribute to the genesis of rule out a hypoxic cause for hyperlactatemia. hyperlactatemia in selected patients. We recently Analysis of ScvO2, P(cv-a)CO2 and peripheral per- demonstrated a significant correlation between fusion may be helpful. The presence of a low ScvO2 hyperlactatemia and microcirculatory derange- clearly indicates an imbalance in the DO2/ oxygen mentsinalargeseriesofsepticshockpatients.A consumption (VO2) relationship. This finding very high proportion of patients with hyperlacta- should prompt an aggressive DO2/VO2 optimization temia more than 4 mmol/l presented severe micro- strategy as was demonstrated by Rivers et al. [20]. In circulatory dysfunction [50]. contrast, the presence of normal or even supernor- As microcirculatory derangements can be mal ScvO2 values, as frequently observed in ICU present even in patients with normal peripheral patients, should not be interpreted as evidence of perfusion and ScvO2 values, a microcirculatory

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Initial fluid resuscitation

Hyperlactatemia (persistent)

Evaluate perfusion markers

ScvO2 P(cv-a)co2 Peripheral perfusion

All normal One or more altered

Nonhypoxic Hypoxic hyperlactatemia hyperlactatemia

Metabolic-related Evaluate DO2 and VO2 Less clear sources sources

↓ ↑ Unclear DO2 VO2 DO2/VO2 status

Sustained hyperadrenergia Microcirculatory Regional hypoxia? ↓Preload ↑Work or breathing hyperinflammation derangements? ↓Cardiac output Fever Hypermetabolism Anemia Pain Liver dysfunction Agitation Others

FIGURE 2. Assessment of hyperlactatemia in patients with persistent sepsis-related circulatory dysfunction. Status of perfusion

markers can aid on differentiating between nonhypoxic and hypoxic causes of persistent hyperlactatemia. DO2, oxygen

delivery; P(cv-a)CO2, central venous-to-arterial carbon dioxide difference; ScvO2, central venous oxygen saturation; VO2, oxygen consumption.

assessment through different technologies might useful in the context of multimodal perfusion provide valuable data for a better interpretation of monitoring but their precise role should be microperfusion [29]. Eventually, these techniques addressed by future research. could be incorporated in a multimodal monitoring algorithm for a more comprehensive understanding of persistent tissue hypoperfusion, especially in CONCLUSION the context of discrepant signals from other classic Sepsis-related circulatory dysfunction is usually parameters. manifested as an early hypovolemic state that Although the assessment of hepatosplanchnic can be completely reversed with initial fluid resus- perfusion has a strong physiological rationale, citation, or eventually progresses into a persistent unfortunately technical limitations have precluded circulatory dysfunction. In contrast to a quite pre- further development of valuable tools such as gastric dictable course during the initial phase, persistent tonometry [18]. Rather novel techniques such as circulatory dysfunction can be expressed in complex transcutaneous assessment of indocyanine green and heterogeneous patterns. All individual per- plasma disappearance rate have become available fusion parameters have extensive limitations to [11]. We believe that these techniques could be adequately reflect tissue perfusion status in this

284 Volume 18 Number 3 June 2012 Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. The holistic view on perfusion monitoring Hernandez et al.

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