Swiss Finance Institute Research Paper Series N°18-05 Is Liquidity Risk Priced in Partially Segmented Markets? Ines CHAIEB University of Geneva and Swiss Finance Institute Vihang ERRUNZA McGill University Hugues LANGLOIS HEC Paris Is Liquidity Risk Priced in Partially Segmented Markets?∗ Ines Chaieb Vihang Errunza Hugues Langlois University of Geneva and McGill University HEC Paris Swiss Finance Institute ∗We are thankful for helpful comments from Francesca Carrieri, Joost Driessen, Frank De Jong, Thierry Foucault, Jiro Kondo, Kuan-Hui Lee, Ioanid Rosu, Angelo Ranaldo, Sergei Sarkissian, seminar participants at McGill University and HEC Paris, and participants at FMA Europe 2017, SGF 2017, Emerging market conference at IGIDR 2017, and World Finance Conference 2017. Chaieb is at University of Geneva and Swiss Finance Institute, Geneva, Switzer- land, email:
[email protected]. Errunza is at McGill University, Desautels Faculty of Management, Canada, email:
[email protected] and Langlois is at HEC Paris, France, email:
[email protected]. Chaieb acknowl- edges financial support from the Geneva Finance Research Institute and the Swiss Finance Institute research grant 2012-1-006, Errunza acknowledges financial support from the Bank of Montreal Chair at McGill University, IFM2 and SSHRC. Langlois is grateful for financial support from the Investissements d’Avenir Labex (ANR-11-IDEX- 0003/Labex Ecodec/ANR-11-LABX-0047). 1 Is Liquidity Risk Priced in Partially Segmented Markets? Abstract We develop an asset pricing model to analyze the joint impact of liquidity costs and market segmentation. The freely traded securities command a premium for liquidity level and global market and liquidity risk premiums whereas securities that can only be held by a subset of investors additionally command a local market and liquidity risk premiums.