Peace Medals Box: 32
Ronald Reagan Presidential Library Digital Library Collections This is a PDF of a folder from our textual collections. Collection: Blackwell, Morton: Files Folder Title: Peace Medals Box: 32 To see more digitized collections visit: To see all Ronald Reagan Presidential Library inventories visit: Contact a reference archivist at: Citation Guidelines: National Archives Catalogue: INDIAN PEACE MEDALS IN AMERICAN HISTORY FRANCIS PAUL PRUCHA THE STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN MADISON MCMLXXI ------ PHEFACE Thr,iugh the ages, medals have heen among the This hook, therefore, has two distind but related i::· ,-t lll! riguing of historical artifacts. There is some parts. Part One presents the history of the use of r h?ng in their solidity and permanence, in the tight the medals in American dealings with the Indians, :,::'.:t:t1 ion.,; placed hy their very nature upon the including enough indication of previous European ., r· :,tic· de,;igns they can bear, and in the beauty practice to set American usage in proper perspec , r the metals from which they are struck that make tive. Part Two is a catalog of the individual medals, r:i,-dal,; ideal vehicles for the symbols of a culture or with a brief history of the designing and manufac .rn ;ig,:. When in my studies of American Indian turing of each. I have documented both parts ex ,d11te relations I came upon the silver medals pre tensively, for materials on the medals are often •t·nt(•d by the United States government to the elusive and buried deep in other records, and the ! ndinn chiefs, I was at once caught by a strange footnotes will supply a sure g-uide for persons who Li 0 ci1rntion.
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