2013 Annual Report Family Services of the North Shore

WHAT’S INSIDE Strengthening our community through

TaMessageble of fromCont thee ntsBoard counselling, support and education. President and Executive Director

2012/2013 Agency and Foundation Message from the Board our vision A connected community where people care for one another. Board of Directors President and Executive Director Community Programs We lead with our hearts 2012/2013 Agency and our values FoundationCounselling Board and Preventionof Directors We embrace diversity and inclusivity Programs Leaders in Mental Health We act with respect and integrity Thank You to our Supporters Meet our Youth Leadership Advisory We promote learning and growth BoardCouncil (Youth on Accreditation LAB) Standards We foster collaboration and connection AnnualFinancials General Meeting

AgendaDonor Recognition

www.familyservices.bc.ca 2013 Message from the President and Executive Director

We are very proud of all we have We continue to be in awe of the incredible accomplished over the last year at Family work being done by over 300 volunteers on Services of the North Shore and know behalf of our Agency and community. This that none of it would be possible without year we welcomed 10 new talented and our generous donors, corporate partners, committed volunteers to our Agency as passionate volunteers, and exceptional staff. part of our Youth Leadership Advisory 2012/2013 Working together we have been able to provide Board (see next page). We also learned that counselling, support, and education services after 32 years of partnership with Lion’s Gate Agency & Foundation Board to over 7000 people in our community. A client Hospital providing volunteer coordination ~ constituted under the BC Society Act...... in our counselling program said it well, services for the Palliative and Supportive Care program that Coastal Bohdan Bodnar I have struggled all my Health had decided to consolidate the President, Agency Board life, and because this program within their existing services. While Director, Foundation Board program is affordable, this has been an “ending”, we agree with I am improving with Sue Chow “ many of our long standing volunteers that we President, Foundation Board therapy and I am very should see it as an opportunity for expansion Past President, Agency Board grateful! of the volunteer program into the community.

Susan Green Over this last year we have continued to Thank you again for all your support and Director, Agency provide innovative, quality services while” involvement with Family Services of the North & Foundation Board laying a new foundation that will ensure we Shore. We are so fortunate to work within are meeting the evolving needs of our diverse a community that is concerned for the most Nancy Harrison community. We welcomed Julia Staub-French vulnerable, confident that change is possible, Treasurer, Agency & Foundation Board into her new role as Executive Director and committed to supporting programs that on July 1, 2012. Julia previously held the truly make a difference in so many lives. Coryn Hemsley position of Clinical Director and brings her Director, Foundation Board deep understanding of the issues facing our Darlene Kennedy community to her leadership of the Agency. Director, Agency Board Our Board of Directors is in the final stages of approving our new 2013-16 strategic plan Kim Larsen-Mellor which sets the Agency on a path towards Director, Agency Board greater financial sustainability, community engagement, innovative programming, and Graham McIsaac public policy influence. We are now using Director, Agency Board our website and social media sites (facebook, Cynthia Orr twitter, linkedin) to bring awareness to our Julia Staub-French Bohdan Bodnar Director, Agency Board programs and education to our stakeholders. Executive Director Board President

Alison Parry We have just completed our third accreditation Director, Agency Board through the Council on Accreditation (COA) with our reviewers telling us that “the strength Bruce Sanderson of your services are a benefit to the community Director, Agency Board and you are poised to do great things.” for over 60 years we have assisted

Ross Stringer We could not agree more. Director, Agency Board 7400+ families & individuals ...... www.familyservices.bc.ca 2013

We are learning playing growing&

I hope family centre Enhancing support and connection for new parents The [I hope] staff have Paint sticky hands, friendships forged over • 9948 visits, representing 730 adults and changed the way I parent, play dough and a chorus of song sets 1,095 children in the Learning Together the way I connect with and the atmosphere for learning, playing and Through Play (LTTP) drop in programs understand my child and growing together in our I hope family centre “ this will impact us for our • 275 families participated in the Parent Child programs. We know that a strong sense whole lives. Mother Goose programs offered at West of attachment and a connection to family Vancouver Memorial Library, I hope family and the community sets the foundation for centre (both locations), and lifelong resilience and enhanced emotional Infant Development Program. ” and intellectual development. Families come 9948 together with us at I hope to explore the world • 390 women came with their children with their children and to have conversations for support, education and referral to our family visits with adults and leave with relationships built Breastfeeding and Postpartum Support on shared experiences of family. group.


Jessie’s Legacy Our Provincial eating disorders prevention program In a society that is so often We have had an eventful and productive year radio shows, two TV spots, 14 newspaper silent and judgmental in the Jessie’s Legacy program, getting our articles, and we also wrote magazine articles of eating disorders, prevention information out to an even wider and blog posts. We trained facilitators in depression and other audience throughout BC. We have been busy five more BC communities with our Family “ mental conditions, with telephone prevention counselling and FUNdamentals early childhood development I will dedicate much Bohdan Bodnar referrals. We have significantly increased program for parents and their children of my future to Board President our social media presence maintaining a under six. Over 100 BC families have now spreading the word. thriving Jessie’s Legacy Facebook page participated in this program promoting a There is help, there is as well as the PEDAW (Provincial Eating positive relationship with food and activity. hope and there will always Disorders Awareness) Love Our Bodies, be people that care and Love Ourselves (LOBLO) Facebook, Twitter understand. I cannot Love Our Bodies, Love and Blog. We held a Flashmob contest; thank you enough. Ourselves + Jessie’s Legacy distributed over 10,000 LOBLO wristbands and delivered over 26 Speaker’s Bureau presentations to 480 students on the North 1661 Shore and 483 students in the Lower ” families & individuals Mainland as well as hosted five events for facebook likes parents and professionals. Jessie’s Legacy and PEDAW staff were involved in seven supporting our community

Christmas Bureau Helping struggling North Shore families during the holidays

Our Christmas Bureau program on the My words cannot express North Shore supports low-income families the full emotional experience and individuals over the holiday season and wondrous joy you through our Sponsor a Family program. brought to my family this Last year 755 hampers were distributed “ Christmas. I was completely to over 1900 people living on the North overwhelmed by your Shore. Our goal is to help everyone enjoy kindness! a hearty meal on Christmas day and ...... to ensure every child receives a toy on Christmas morning. Over a seven-week To the very kind and ” period 135 volunteers donated 1075 generous family who hours of their time to make this brought beaming smiles all possible. “ to my daughters’ faces on Christmas morning and tears of joy to their Mummy - thank you. 775 hampers ” ......

Palliative and Supportive Care Volunteers 32 years of caring support

The heartfelt commitment of our 115 Palliative While Vancouver Coastal Health ended their and Supportive Care Volunteers resulted in contract with us after 32 years of dedicated 10,900 hours of dedicated service in 2012 support, we are currently working with our to terminally ill patients and their families. volunteers to identify new opportunities within our community. Clients at the North Shore Hospice and on the Palliative Care Unit of Lions Gate Hospital were offered mealtime support and companionship, as well as comfort and stress relief through gentle massage and energy work 10,900 from our volunteers. On a weekly basis, our hours of service volunteers also visited palliative care clients in their homes, and offered opportunities for respite, companionship, walks and visits to the library. As well, they welcomed, supported and 115 volunteers comforted clients in the chemotherapy clinic and in weekly relaxation groups, and were also instrumental in supporting the bereaved. Will the locks hold? Will I be able to care for the children on my own? Will I ever feel safe again?


Stopping the Violence Program Helping women in need ...... Our counsellors in the Stopping the Violence to reduce our current waitlist of over program delivered 2, 327 hours of counselling 60 women. I am more powerful services to 132 women in the past year. These The following are comments from making decisions and women have learned how to manage their women in the program. anxiety, make positive changes in their lives, “ happier than before. and keep their kids safe. “I have more self esteem.” ...... While violence against women and children “Learning about setting boundaries; developing emotion regulation; learning ” may appear “invisible” within our community, we continue to see a significant demand for about the effect abuse has on me; identifying these counselling services and are working red flags for abuse in potential relationships.”

Individual, Couple and Family Counselling Affordable counselling for people in our community ......

Our Individual, Couple and Family We also provide Employee Assistance My therapist understands Counselling program offers services for a fee counselling for clients referred to FSNS by my problems and helps me on a sliding scale, made possible due to our Vancouver and Toronto Family Services gain much insight as generous community. Over the past year, our Employee Assistance. These referrals are “ to what they are and how team of six staff and three contractors saw clients who work or live in our community and I can deal with them 405 clients from diverse cultural backgrounds prefer to be seen on the North Shore. Over ...... and orientations who were seeking help for the past year, we received 136 referrals from depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress, this source. ” relationship issues, grief, and other problems interfering with their sense of well-being or ability to realize their goals. 405clients caring for everyone

Family Preservation Counselling Helping families in crisis

Our Family Preservation program offers Clients are surveyed at intervals throughout I have struggled all my in-home support to parents who are struggling the year for feedback about our services. life, and because this to parent their children effectively in the midst These are a few of their comments: program is affordable, of a variety of challenges, such as poverty, I am improving with domestic violence, mental health issues, “These services are invaluable to the “ therapy and I am very community as a whole. This is one of the only substance misuse, or abuse/neglect. Our grateful! skilled counsellors provided over 2000 hours places that provides affordable therapy for of support for 80 families this past year, helping people in our community.” to build resilience and strength while potentially “My therapist understands my problems and ” reducing the number of children who might end helps me gain much insight as to what they up in foster care. This program also provided are and how I can deal with them. Keep up 2000 an eight-week Couples Therapy Group to help the good work the Agency provides to the hours of support improve communication, reduce conflict, and community.” expand resources. As their own relationship improves and becomes stronger, parents have greater capacity to parent their children more effectively.


Diversity and Inclusion Our long term commitment to our clients, staff, volunteers and community

We are very proud of the work we have been • 8 members of our staff (including our doing over the last year to ensure that we are Executive Director) participate on our creating an inclusive environment within our Diversity and Inclusion Committee to provide organization that supports and reflects our education and support to all staff. diverse community on the North Shore. These • We are engaged in a full review of our new initiatives are built on a solid foundation marketing materials, client forms and website of equal opportunity policies, hiring practices, content. and agency wide diversity training and have enabled us to achieve significant results; • We are a member of the North Shore Welcoming Action Committee. • We can now provide a broad range of services in Farsi, Mandarin, Cantonese, • We are partnering with North Shore Korean, Spanish and French. Multicultural Society to provide support groups for newcomers to Canada. • 24 staff has participated in an intensive 8 week study group aimed at deepening each staff members awareness of power, privilege, oppression, heterosexism, and marginalization. staff members 8 Diversity & Inclusion Committee Youth Leadership Advisory Board Volunteers Our new outreach program to connect with more youth ...... We are so proud of the work done The Youth Leadership Advisory Board on our YouTube channel), spoke with over over the last year by our exceptional (Youth LAB) launched in September 2012 by 180 youth in our community, and used social youth leaders! recruiting 10 exceptional youth from across media to create awareness about the issues. the North Shore to work with our staff and They also worked with staff to create a We are grateful to Cisco Foundation find creative ways to reach at risk youth who communications strategy that reduces stigma and Northshore Auto Mall for their are struggling with mental health issues and encourages youth to get the help they financial support. (anxiety, depression, sexual abuse, eating need. Thank you Jane, Laura, Renee, Chloe, ...... disorders and bullying). They created a very Savannah, Samantha, Aga, Matthew, David powerful video presentation (Check it out and Hazel.

Child and Youth Counselling and Prevention Program Expanding to meet the needs of our community

In the past year, our Child and Youth and/or bullying. Our youth oriented website Counsellors provided over 2000 hours of www.need2talk.ca provides an additional counseling services to 140 children and youth strategy to reduce barriers for youth to receive who were struggling with anxiety, depression, services. bullying, disordered eating, and sexual abuse. We began the year with 20 children on our I like to come to counselling waitlist and due to the generosity of so many to talk about issues that are in our community, no child or parent has to wait bugging me and explore these to receive our counselling services. We also “ issues with someone who has partnered with Safeteen International to deliver an objective viewpoint … not school based workshops to educate children like with one of my friends. and youth about sexual abuse, sexual assault, ” 140 children & youth

www.need2talk.ca THANK YOU to all our committee chairs, 2013/2014 Events volunteers, donors and corporate sponsors ...... for your generous support of our Agency and it’s signature and community events.

Our fundraising results were strong this past year, thanks to the generosity of our loyal and supportive Christmas on the Shore donors. We held three fundraising events: the Winter Family Ball, in support of our Child and Youth An intimate evening at Counselling and Prevention Programs; Christmas on the Shore, in support of the Christmas Bureau; The Beach House Restaurant and an inaugural event in support of Sue Bauman, our retiring Executive Director, which raised in support of the Christmas funds for our Stopping the Violence Program. Through these events we raised over $490,000 in net Bureau. Date to be announced. revenue, or close to 40% of our fundraised revenue. Our other major sources of fundraising came ...... from our fall direct mail campaign in support of the Christmas Bureau, United Way donor designations, and many major gifts, including legacy gifts, throughout the year.

We have had a successful year and look forward to rolling out our new formal donor recognition program

Last September, we added a new position to the team, with the hiring of a Director of Development, Winter Family Ball and we have taken this opportunity to develop a three-year plan for fundraising within the organization. Our signature gala fundraising As part of this process, we reached out to our individual and corporate donors, service clubs, Board event to raise money for innovative, Members and community partners to understand how they would like to see their donations allocated affordable, quality programs and within our organization and how they would like to be recognized for their donations. The result is a services for children and youth. new formal donor recognition program which we are now in the process of implementing. Donors who Sunday, December 1, 2013 give over $500 per year to Family Services of the North Shore will become a Circle of Hearts member, The Fairmont Vancouver Hotel with benefits escalating at five defined giving levels, ranging from Bronze to Heart and Soul donors...... More details on this program, and its benefits, will be introduced in the coming months, so be sure to stay tuned.

Council on Accreditation Standards Christmas Bureau Accredited until June 2017 4th Annual Toy Drive Saturday, December 7th We successfully completed our third accreditation cycle having met and exceeded the performance Northshore Auto Mall and quality improvement standards of COA. Our peer reviewers remarked that our Performance and ...... Quality Improvement Committee is “knowledgeable, committed and very respectful of the work.” 2013/14 Annual Performance and quality never ends. We are always looking at new ways to improve the services General Meeting we offer to clients and ensure that our services are welcoming and accessible for all. Tuesday, June 10, 2014


Family Services of the North Shore acknowledges the contribution of the Government of Canada, the Province of , the City of North Vancouver, District of North Vancouver, and the Community Partner District of .

#101 - 255 West 1st Street, North Vancouver, BC V7M 3G8 t: 604-988-5281 f: 604-988-3961

www.familyservices.bc.ca | www.need2talk.ca Charitable Registration #’s: FSNS Foundation 864745575RR0001 * FSNS 119061240RR0001 ......



Financials & Donor Recognition


Charitable Registration #’s: FSNS Foundation 864745575RR0001 * FSNS 119061240RR0001 Annual General Report 2012 / 2013 Financials For the 12 months ending March 31st


REVENUES: 2013 2012

Government Contracts 1,942,843 2,109,621

Fundraising, Donations and Grants 920,705 888,453

Client Fees 138,947 125,916

Investment and Other Income 41,086 49,069

TOTAL REVENUES 3,043,581 3,173,059


Salaries and Benefits 2,212,669 2,161,554

Transfers to Other Agencies 513,881 646,958

Premises 219,680 212,268

Office and Sundry 128,939 111,740

Program 125,552 101,693

Promotion and Communication 72,368 70,048

Consulting Fees 32,997 119,567

Amortization 24,992 25,264

Staff Development 13,002 12,203

Diversity Implementation 4,615 6,409

TOTAL EXPENSES 3,348,695 3,467,704

OPERATING DEFICIT (305,114) (294,645)

Transfer from FSNS Foundation 306,000 295,000

Gain / (Loss) on Investments 49 (114)


Audit performed by Rolfe, Benson LLP Chartered Accountants, Vancouver, BC Complete Audited Statements Available on Request FAMILY SERVICES OF THE NORTH SHORE FOUNDATION

REVENUES: 2013 2012

Special Events 532,906 316,077

Donations 142,837 142,475

Investment Income 28,173 27,075

TOTAL REVENUES 703,916 485,627


Salaries and Benefits 98,052 85,020

Special Event and Fundraising Costs 97,649 83,340

Office and Sundry 7,842 7,105

TOTAL EXPENSES 203,543 175,465


Transfer to FSNS (306,000) (295,000)

Gain / (Loss) on Investments 18,482 (7,523)



The financial support received from our donors, funders and partners during 2012-13 has been significant. With this support we have achieved our goal for the year in being able to continue to provide a breadth of programs. Financial highlights for 2012-13 are as follows: • We received continued support from the Provincial and Federal Governments, the United Way, and the North Shore Municipalities. • Total revenue from Government Contracts was $166,778 lower than the previous year. The primary reason for the decrease is that host agency duties for our contract with the Public Health Agency of Canada were transferred to another agency during the second quarter, at our request. Transfer payments to other agencies have subsequently been reduced on the expense side. Our core funding for this contract remains intact which provides funds for some of our Family Resource Programs in the I hope family centre. All other government contract funding remained at similar levels to the previous year. • Total Agency expenses were $119,009 lower that the previous year, primarily a result of lower transfer payments made to other agencies (as mentioned above). We continue to be prudent with our spending; there were nominal increases in some expense categories. Consulting fees were $86,570 lower than last year when additional costs were incurred (and funded by Public Health Services Authority) for the FUNdamentals program, an early childhood, Jessie’s Legacy program to help families foster a joyful relationship with food and activity. • We fundraised an incredible $1.6 million through generous donations from many individuals and corporations; a very successful Winter Family Ball; and two additional special events – Christmas on the Shore, and an event held in honour of retiring Executive Director, Sue Bauman. • The market value of our investments (particularly our Family Services of the North Shore Foundation Investment Fund held at the Vancouver Foundation) finished the year on a strong note, with unrealized gains reported for March 31, 2013.

We have concluded the year with an excess of revenues of over $200,000 which is being held in the Foundation as investments. These funds will be used to financially support all of our services and programs in 2013-14, with particular emphasis on the following: • Increasing our Child and Youth counselling capacity to ensure that children, youth and their families do not have to wait for counselling services at acute times of stress in their lives; • Additional support for our parenting and education programs throughout the year; and • Continuation of our Youth Leadership Advisory Board outreach and prevention activities.

Our fundraising target for 2013-14 is $1.6MM. We are confident that with your support we will succeed in our vision of a connected community where people care for one another.

Nancy Harrison Board Treasurer CaringCaring for forour our community community for forover over

Thank you to our 2012/2013 Donors We could not have done it without you! We are very proud of our accomplishments over the last year and know none of it would be possible without our generous donors. Your gift has truly made a difference.

The following list reflects contributions of $500 or more between April 1, 2012 and March 31, 2013.

• 1250 Lonsdale Developments Ltd. • Jeff Davis • Cheryl and Randall Jespersen • A&W Food Services of Canada Inc. • Douglas Davison • Yolanda and Kay Jessel • African Breese Imports • Joanne Schillington and Steven Dean • Anne-Marie and Peter Kains • Diana Budden and Neil Alexander • District of North Vancouver • Darlene and Michael Kennedy • Allwest Insurance • District of West Vancouver • Deborah Keyes • Jill and Derek Amery • Louise Donovan • Nickole MacAuley and Robert • Andrew Mahon Foundation • John Doolan Kirstiuk • Lorena and Craig Angus • Catherine Dorazio • Kiwanis Club of Capilano • Anomaly Productions Ltd. • Dorigo Systems Ltd. • Kiwanis Club of West Vancouver • Anonymous Donors • Edgemont Village Business & • Michael Korenberg • Andrea and Jason Armstrong Professional Association • LaCas Consultants Inc. • Army Navy & Air Force Vets • Catherine and Gunnar Eggertson • Lakes, Whyte LLP • Jane and Ian Austin • Anne Elliott • Gabrielle and Gordon Lancaster • Sara Bailey • Kathy and Guy Elliott • Kristy Brinkley and Kevin Layden • Cynthia and Paul Balfour • Equal Balance Fitness • Carlota and Derek Lee • Ashley Willard and David Bauman • Jirayr Eran • Angela and Graham Lee • Sue and Bob Bauman • Morris Ergas • Literacy BC • Kim and Rick Baxter • Ernst & Young LLP • Lower Lonsdale Legacy Fund - City • Bentall Kennedy - Remco Daal • Barbara and William Esaw of North Vancouver • Maetel Grant and Allan Best • Estate of Jean Baird Bamford •  Market Corp. • Doris and Bohdan Bodnar • Lori and Jim Falconer • Barb and Jeffrey Lunter • Zohra and Kerry Bonnis • Yulanda Faris • Lynn Valley Korean Methodist • Anne Beaulieu and Rob Booker • Brian Fensom Church • Borden Ladner Gervais • Fidelity Investments Canada ULC • Lorraine and Patrick Ma • Samantha and Jimmy Bosa • Christiane Dubuc and Charles Forgie • Lynda and Reay Mackay • Anna and Dale Bosa • Bill Fox • Nancy Adie-MacKay and Alex • Cynthia and Nick Boyd • Terence Fox MacKay • British Pacific Properties Ltd. • Billy Garton • Jo-Anne and Kevin Mahon • Lianne and Andrew Britnell • John Geeling • Zahra and Hanif Mamdani • Linda and Graham Brown • Shannon and Scott Gelbard • Gordon Marshall • Karen and Steven Bruk • Marie Genest • Vivian and Darren Martin • Nancy Harrison and Paul Buitenhuis • Cindi and Mark George • Susanne and Don Matheson • Carol Piercy and Colin Burge • Diane and Grant Gisel • Kim and Jeff McCord • Nicole Sauder and Allan Burgmann • Isabel Gordon • Mary and Dan McDougall • Janice and George Burke • Kim and Kevin Gould • Amy and Donald McInnes • Lesley and Winston Cabell • Susan and Peter Green • McKibbin Marketing • Arlene Gladstone and Hamish • Stephanie and Vance Hackett • Dave McMurray Cameron • Tara and Abeir Haddad • Susie and Gary Meister • Anne Dillon and Ted Cape • Jean and Bob Hadgraft • Abigail and Tom Merinsky • Capilano Lions Club • Cecilia and John Hall • Marlene and Barry Mitchell • Julie and Mario Car • Carol and Mark Hannah • Gayle Hunter and Brian Moghadam • Nancy and David Chapman • Judith Hardy • Nancy Morrison • Gary Charlwood • William Heese • Mount Seymour Lions Club • Deborah and Phil Chemerika • Jennifer and Robert Heffel • Brian Mulvihill • Susan and Rod Chow • Linda and Tim Heintzman • Melanie and Munesh Muttucomaroe • Andrea Hamilton and Neil Chrystal • Coryn and Paul Hemsley • Vikki and Gordon Neal • Church of St. Francis in-the-Wood • Gail and Barry Hicklenton • Neptune Bulk Terminals Ltd. • Chutter Underwriting Services Ltd. • Sandra Maduke and Bryan Hicks • Ann Neumann • Cisco Systems Canada Co. • Hobbs, Winter & MacDonald • Lisa Wolverton and Ford Nicholson • City of North Vancouver • Maria Wiesner and Paul Hollands • Northshore Auto Mall • Dorothy Colins • Hollyburn Country Club • North Shore Credit Union • Sharon and Hugh Cooper • Erin and Wayne Holm • North Shore Optimist Club • Krista and Chris Cooper • Joanne and Joe Houssian • North Shore Studios Management Ltd. • Debbi and David Cottrell • Houssian Family Foundation • North Vancouver Chamber of • W. E. and Y. V. Couling • Linda Getz and Andy Hromyk Commerce • Diana and Tom Cowden • HSBC Bank Canada • Golrokh and Arjang Nowtash 101-210551- W2est55 W1stest St. 1 st St. • Wendy and Cameron Currie • Mimi and Jim Hudson • M. O’Callaghan North NoVancouverth Vancouver, BC r, BC • A. M. Da Roza • J.T. Foundation • Leah and John O’Neill V7M 3VG78M 604.988.52813G8 604.988.5281 • David Nairne & Associates • Jason Soprovich Realty Inc. • Marie and Kevin O’Neill www.familyservices.bc.cawww.familyservices.bc.ca CaringCaring for forour our community community for forover over

• Beverly and Robert O’Neill • Towers Watson • Gergana Kouzeva • Cynthia Orr • Shelagh and Lance Tracey • Craig Lees • Janice O’Sullivan • Trends Electronics International Inc. • Andrea and Alan Linsley • Dorothy Owen • United Way Anonymous Designations • Lori Patrick Design • Pacific Newspaper Group Inc. • United Way of Greater Toronto • Jean McIlhargey • Pacific Spirit Foundation • Shelagh Van Kempen • Norma Rodgers and Douglas Miller • Park Shore Motors BMW • Vancouver Foundation • Camille Mitchell • Lori and Todd Patrick • Kees Vanderwerff • Murphy Battista LLP • Vanessa and Walter Pela • Vidalin Family Foundation • North Shore News • Lorna and Ronald Penhall • Wendy Carter and Brian Wallace • Obsession Bikes • Perez Engineering Ltd. • Wallmark Homes Ltd. • Olilia Designs Inc. • Phillips, Hager & North Investment • Janelle and Kyle Washington • Sara Bailey and Sang Park Management Ltd. • Coleen and Richard Weir • Park Royal • Shelley and Christopher Philps • Wesbild Holdings Ltd. • Predator Ridge Gold Resort • Terry and Mark Pillon • Wesgroup Properties LP • Anne and Glen Rattray • Paul Pocock Inc. • West Van Florists Ltd. • Redfish Kids Clothing • Wendy and Brent Pollock • West Vancouver Fire Fighters • Redonda Sport Fishing Charters • Rola and Andrew Priatel Charitable Society • Janet and Allan Riedlinger • Q4 Group Holdings • White Crow Communications • Dorothy and Bill Robertson • Pat and Tim Quan • Robert Wilds • Janet Robertson • Qwick Media Inc. • Joan Wilson • Tina Rowntree • Christine and Jeffrey Read • Ashley Witts • Safeteen • Elise and Richard Rees • Maureen and Fred Wright • Sarah McLachlan School of Music • Judith Rodenbush • Christina and Jeff Wright • Christopher Scott • Sheila and Peter Ross • Lisa Wrixon • SEASPAN Vancouver Drydock • Bonnie and Paul Rowe • Young Foundation • Neetu Shokar • Royal Canadian Legion Branch #114 • David Slater • Royal Canadian Legion Branch #118 • Shelley Staples and Bruce Spence • Samsung In Kind Donations • Gaylean and David Sutcliffe • Dorothy Sanders • Sweet Beginnings™ • Farah and Salim Sayani • 10net Managed Solutions Ltd. • Angela Talic • Carolyn and Michael Scholz • A/V Strategies • Nancy Burke and Ian Telfer • Gillian and William Schramm • Kimberly and James Allard • Ria Terins • Susan Scott • Anglo Celtic Ltd. • Sean Tetzlaff • Julie and Dean Shepard • Barbara and Robert Atkinson • The Beach House Restaurant • Sherwood Park Elementary • Au Fait Mama Designs Inc. • Nicole and Jason Turcotte • Audra and Jason Shull • Best Buy Canada Ltd. • Pauline Ursic • Lynn Smith and Jon Sigurdson • Big White & Silver Star Resorts • Vancouver Aquarium • Silver Wheaton Corp. • Blacks • Khori Vigneault • Rachel and Brett Simpson • Susan Brand • Colleen Walker • Shirley Smith • Brand.LIVE • West Vancouver Police • Meghan and Kevin Smith • Doug Buchanan • Zoe Chicoine and Rob Wilson • Diane and Ross Smith • John Burton • Carey and David Smith • Canucks Sports & Entertainment • Marilyn Diligenti-Smith and Wayne • Capilano Group of Companies FSNS acknowledges the contribution Smith • Carousel Cleaners of the Government of Canada, • Sofia and Amin Somani • Carrie Marshall Photography The Province of British Columbia, • Monica and Jason Soprovich • Margaret and William Chalmers City of North Vancouver, District of • Soroptimist International of North & • Heather Coffin North Vancouver, and District of West West Vancouver • Contact Printing & Mailing Ltd. Vancouver. • Laurie and James Speakman • Mike Cunning • Spectra Energy • DeCicco Family The accuracy of this list is important • Staburn Property Group Ltd. • DLO Move & Support Services Ltd. to us. If you do not wish your name • Kyra and Graham Stanley • DocySystems Integrations Inc. to appear on this annual list, or would • Starbucks Coffee Company • Lyn and Dean Duke like to report any errors, please call • Janice and Randy Staub • Dierdre Ert the Fund Development office at • Julia and Sheryl Staub-French • Fairmont Hotel Vancouver 604-982-2087. • Julie and Nick Steiner • Force Four Productions Ltd. • Lisa and John Stout • Lara and Clay Fuller • Jane and Robert Strang • Kelly and Jeffrey Fuller • Schona Rae and Alex Streicek • Stan Fuller • Louise and Peter Sullivan • Stewart Fuller • Lesley MacGregor and Brent Sutton • Goh Ballet Academy Together we are • Ida and Thomas Tait • Griffin Transportation 101-210551- W2est55 W1stest St. 1 st St. • TELUS • Hollyburn Country Club caring for our North NoVancouverth Vancouver, BC r, BC • TELUS Community Affairs • Imogen Hadfield V7M 3VG78M 604.988.52813G8 604.988.5281 • The Relling Family Foundation • Kerry Morgan, Notary Public community! www.familyservices.bc.cawww.familyservices.bc.ca