Second Assembly Plenary Meeting (3) Votes and Proceedings For

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Second Assembly Plenary Meeting (3) Votes and Proceedings For Second Assembly Plenary Meeting (3) Votes and Proceedings for Tuesday, 20th May 2003 The meeting commenced at 2.00pm Motion to elect to the Panel of Chairs The Business Minister proposed the following motion to suspend Standing Orders NDM1480 - To propose that the National Assembly, acting under Standing Order 34.4 agrees to suspend standing order 6.12 to enable no named day motion (NNDM1479) tabled today, to be debated in Plenary on Tuesday 20 May 2003. A vote was taken on the motion For 52; Abstain 0; Against 2; Total 54 The motion to suspend standing orders was carried Motion to elect to the Panel of Chairs The Business Minister proposed a motion under Standing Order 34.5 to suspend Standing Orders to allow the Assembly to consider the following motion: NNDM1479 - To propose that the National Assembly, in accordance with section 57(5) of the Government of Wales Act 1998, and Standing Order 9.3, elects the following members to the panel from which the chairs of the subject committees are to be selected: Rosemary Butler Janice Gregory Christine Gwyther Ann Jones Alun Ffred Jones David Melding Peter Black A vote was taken on the motion For 55; Abstain 0; Against 0; Total 55 The motion was carried Motion(s) to elect to the 7 Subject Committees - No motion was tabled Motion(s) to elect to the Standing Committees - No motion was tabled Motion(s) to elect to remaining Assembly Committees - No motion was tabled 2.03pm First Minister’s Question Time The first 12 questions were answered. Question 9 was withdrawn. 2.52pm Point of Order relating to Question Time Alun Cairns on the length of answers to oral questions. The Presiding Officer confirmed that the guidance on Assembly Questions specifies that answers must be succinct. 2.54pm Business Statement More than 10 Members objected to the business statement A vote was taken on the business statement: For 39; Abstain 0; Against 16; Total 55 The business statement was agreed 2.59pm Point of Order Nick Bourne on answers to written questions tabled before the election period. The Presiding Officer confirmed that Ministers can reply to questions tabled in the First Assembly. 3.02pm State of the Nation Debate NDM1476 - The National Assembly believes that the Welsh Assembly Government’s commitment to implement its manifesto, as endorsed by the people of Wales on 1 May 2003, and building on the achievements of the previous Government and in partnership with the Westminster Government will lead to the spread of greater prosperity and social well-being to the people of Wales as a whole, in line with the principles of social justice. A copy of the manifesto can be located on the Internet using the hyperlink. The following amendments were tabled: Amendment 1 - Jocelyn Davies (South Wales East) Delete all after the 'National Assembly' and replace with 'calls on the Welsh Assembly Government to ensure: 1. better delivery on its pledges than the previous Government; 2. the spread of greater prosperity and social well being to the people of Wales as a whole in line with the principles of social justice; 3. greater transparency and accountability of ASPB's; and 4. an early statement on the need for primary legislative and tax varying powers. The Deputy Presiding Officer took the Chair Amendment 2 - Kirsty Williams (Brecon and Radnorshire) After 'implement' delete 'its' and replace with 'Welsh Labour's' Amendment 3 - Kirsty Williams (Brecon and Radnorshire) Delete ‘as endorsed by the people of Wales on 1 May 2003,’ Amendment 4 - Jonathan Morgan (South Wales Central) After 'endorsed by' insert '15% of' Amendment 5 - Jonathan Morgan (South Wales Central) Delete all after '2003' and replace with: 'must lead to promises being kept, public services being improved, and increased spending being turned into effective investment.' Amendment 6 - Kirsty Williams (Brecon and Radnorshire) Add ‘hopefully’ between ‘the Westminster Government will’ and ‘lead to the spread of’ Amendment 7 - Kirsty Williams (Brecon and Radnorshire) Add new point at end of motion: ‘The National Assembly calls on the Welsh Assembly Government to fulfil the commitment of the previous partnership government to reduce all primary school class sizes to 25 or fewer within the second term of the National Assembly.’ A vote was taken: Amendment 1 For 10; Abstain 0; Against 45; Total 55 Amendment 1 was defeated Amendment 2 For 26; Abstain 0; Against 29; Total 55 Amendment 2 was defeated Amendment 3 For 26; Abstain 0; Against 29; Total 55 Amendment 3 was defeated Amendment 4 For 26; Abstain 0; Against 29; Total 55 Amendment 4 was defeated Amendment 5 For 21; Abstain 0; Against 34; Total 55 Amendment 5 was defeated Amendment 6 For 26; Abstain 0; Against 29; Total 55 Amendment 6 was defeated Amendment 7 For 26; Abstain 0; Against 29; Total 55 Amendment 7 was defeated The motion For 29; Abstain 0; Against 26; Total 55 The motion was carried The meeting concluded at 5.12pm ************** The Assembly will sit again in Plenary at 2.00pm on Wednesday, 21st May 2003 E P Silk Clerk to the Assembly DOCUMENTS LAID SINCE THE ASSEMBLY LAST MET Documents Laid on 20 May 2003 Welsh Assembly Government's Response to the Audit Committee Report on ELWa - LD2099 Documents Laid on 16 May 2003 Food Standards Agency Departmental Report May 2003 - LD2098 .
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