

0.5 N hydrochloric by 2,4-dinitrophenylhy- Leaves kept in complete darkness as well as drazine. Pyruvic acid was added as a carrier. illuminated leaves formed radioactive carbohy- Experiments with chlorella are in progress in drates. When, however, leaves were placed in which the C*O2 uptake will be measured simul- the dark for two and one-half to three hours prior taneously by gas as well as radioactive analysis. to the administration of C*O2 the formation in The heavy isotope, C13, when made avail- the absence of light of radioactive carbohydrates able in sufficient quantity, undoubtedly will be could not be detected. The chlorophyll contained capable of wider application than the short- radioactivity after exposure to C*O2 in the light lived radio-carbon used in these experiments. but not after exposure in the dark. We wish to thank Professors James Franck, The bulk of the radioactive material found in Robert Emerson, G. K. Rollefson, C. B. Van Neil, the plant is soluble and is not carbohydrate, D. R. Hoagland, and Dr. M. Burton for many carbonate, keto , or pigment^.^ valuable suggestions. These results seem to indicate that the cell We are indebted to Professor E. 0. Lawrence contains substances, either directly involved in for the use of the cyclotron which made these phytosynthesis or in respiration, which react with experiments possible. C*02 reversibly in a non-photochemical process. This work was facilitated by W. P. A. assistance A more complete report of these and other to the Radiation Laboratory. experiments now in progress will be reported later. (6) Note added in proof: experiments in progress demonstrate Summary that in the green algae, chlorella, a considerable fraction of the radio- active substances formed is also non-carbohydrate. Using short lived radioactive carbon, Cl1, as DEPARTMENTOF an indicator, the assimilation of C*Oz by barley LABORATORYOF PLANTNUTRITION has been studied. C*Oz fixation has been ob- RADIATIONLABORATORY UNIVERSITYOF CALIFORNIA served both in the absence and presence of light. BERKELEY,CALIFORNIA RECEIVEDDECEMBER 15, 1938



The reaction of with aromatic hydrocar- In this investigation, propene and isobutene were con- bons in the presence of anhydrous metallic halides densed with benzene using anhydrous ferric chloride as the to form alkylated aromatic was first catalyst. The ferric chloride was sublimed directly into the reaction flask. Propene was obtained by dehydrating observed by Balsohn.2 with ethene isopropyl with phosphorus pentoxide and isobutene and propene in the presence of aluminum chloride3 was prepared by heating t-butyl alcohol with oxalic acid. and propene and with boron fluoride4 has There was no evidence of a reaction between the anhydrous been investigated. Ferric chloride usually has ferric chloride and benzene, but heat was evolved upon the been found less satisfactory in the Friedel and passage of the into the well-stirred mixture. The Crafts reaction than aluminum chloride, but it has resulting mixture was filtered and the filtrate distilled using a Snyder' eight-bulb column. been found more satisfactory in the preparation Milligan and Reid8 reported an optimum temperature of ketones6 Fractions of cracked gasoline6 were of 70-90' for the condensation of ethene with benzene condensed with benzene using ferric chloride and using aluminum chloride, but with propene and benzene at monoalkylated were obtained. 80" using ferric chloride, there was no condensation. This (1) From a thesis hy L. L. Carpenter submitted in partial fulfil- indicates a lower optimum temperature for ferric chloride. ment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in With an excess of benzene, very little diisopropylbenzene is Chemical Engineering. formed. Equimolar quantities of isobutene and benzene (2) Balsohn, Bull. soc. chim., [2] 81, 539 (1879). (3) Berry and Reid, THISJOURXAL, 49, 3142 (1927). with ferric chloride yield t-butylbenzene principally; two (4) Slanina, Sowa and Nieuwland, ibid., 57, 1647 (1935). moles of isobutene to one of benzene yields 1,4-di-t-butyl- (5) Nencki, Ber., SO, 1766 (1897); Meissel, ibid.. Sa, 2419 (1899). (6) Kuryndin, Voevodova and Rosskazova, J. Applied Chem. (7) Hill and Ferris, Id,Eng. Chem., 19, 379 (1927). (V.S. S. R.),10, 877 (1937). (8) Milligan and Reid, THISJOURNAL, 44, 206 (1922). 664 RICHARDE. REEVES Vol. 61 benzene as the principal product. There was a marked Two moles of isobutene with one of benzene and 0.15 absence of by-products. mole of ferric chloride gave 65% of a solid product which was Isobutene was condensed with benzene using aluminum identified as 1,4-di-t-butylbenzene since it melted at 75'; chloride under the same conditions employed with ferric the product obtained by nitrating with fuming nitric and chloride. There was more of the isobutene concd. sulfuric acids at 25' melted at 190.5'. The yellow and the yield of alkylated benzenes was 11% smaller. product obtained by oxidation with chromic anhydride in To investigate the relative catalytic activities of ferric glacial sublimed at 100'. This agrees with and aluminum chlorides on alkenes, two moles of isobutene the properties of 1,4-di-t-butylbenzene." The solid was passed into separate 100-ml. portions of carbon di- from the aluminum chloride catalyzed reaction containing 0.15 mole of the chlorides. With alumi- was identical with the product obtained with ferric chloride num chloride, 27 ml. of a product was obtained which dis- as shown by a mixed . tilled between 145-260", while with ferric chloride, only 10 ml. was obtained and this had a boilingrange of 1OC-228". Conclusions With propene and excess benzene and 0.3 mole of ferric 1. Ferric chloride will effect condensation of chloride, 91 of the condensation products was isopropyl- propene and isobutene with benzene at room tem- benzene, b. p. 152-153", azo 1.4930.9 With isobutene and benzene in equimolecular ratios and perature. 0.3 mole of ferric chloride, 89% of the condensation prod- 2. Condensation takes place at room tempera- ucts was t-butylbenzene, b. p. 167-168', azo 1.4960.9 ture in greater yields than at higher temperatures. It was converted to the acetamino derivativelo which 3. Ferric chloride produces a larger yield of melted at 168-170". alkylated benzenes and less polymerization than (9) "International Critical Tables," McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., aluminum chloride. New York, N. Y.,1926, Vol. I, p. 277. (11) Beilstein, 4th ed., Vol. V, p. 454. (10) Ipatieff and Schmerling, THISJOURNAL, 69, 1056 (1937); Simons and Archer, {bid., 60, 986, 2952 (1938). COLLEGESTATION, TEXAS RECEIVED SEPTEMBER 20,1938


Crystalline saccharolactone (I) recently has Saccharolactone methyl ester (11) may be saponi- been proved by Schmidt and Giinthert' to be the fied to potassium acid saccharate, or converted to 3,B-monolactone of saccharic acid. On mild saccharic acid diamide. It gives a crystalline treatment with diazomethane saccharolactone was benzylidene compound whose structure has not found to yield a crystalline methyl ester (11),m. p. been determined. The ester also reacts further 113-114'. The structure of the ester was es- with ethereal diazomethane to give the unsatur- tablished by applying the procedure of Jackson ated lactone (111), m. p. 87", which was previously and Hudsonla as used by Schmidt and Giinthert : described by Schmidt, Zeiser and Dippold.2 namely, the isolation of oxalic and d-tartaric acids Experimental following periodic acid cleavage (between C&5) All melting points reported in this paper were observed and subsequent oxidation with in the in a modified Fischer-Johns apparatus mounted on the presence of calcium carbonate. stage of a polarizing microscope. Specific rotations were determined with the D-line of sodium light and at 26' COOH COOCHa COOCHa I I I unless otherwise specified. HCOH HCOH HCOCHI Saccharolactone Methyl Ester.-Five grams of saccharo- I I 1 lactone,3r4m. p. 132-134°,6was dissolved at room tempera- ture in 350 cc. of dry , and the solution immedi- HCOH HCOH ately cooled in an ice-bath. To this was added a cold r'" rFH rE," ethereal solution of diazomethane until a faint yellow color- 01 01 II COCHl ation persisted for a few minutes after thorough mixing. HYoH I H7°H 7 I L-COI -e0 IC0 (2) 0. Th. Schmidt, H. Zeiser and H. Dippold, Ber., 70, 2402 I I1 I11 (1937). (3) H. Kiliani, ibid., 68,2344 (1925). (1) 0.Th. Schmidt and P. Giinthert, Ber., 71, 493 (1938). (4) K.Rehorst and H. Scholz, ibid.,69, 520 (1936). (la) E. L. Jackson and C. S. Hudson, THISJOURNAL, 69, 994 (5) A lower melting sample of saccharolactone failed to yield the (1937). crystalline ester until purified by recrystallization from .