The Weil-Felix Test for the Rickettsioses
20 Lib. 265, preface, (RML). in Valletta, Rome .. p. 179. Ms. 142 E (a), foJ. 521. (RML). SCICLUNA, H. (1955 b). ibid., pp. 115 & 207. Ms. 142 E (b), fol. 323, (RML). VESALIUS, A. (1543), De humani corporis SCICLUNA, H. (1~55 a). The Church of St. John fabrica, Basilea, p. 164. THE WEIL-FELIX TEST FOR THE RICKETTSIOSES ETHELWALD E. VELLA B.Sc., M.D., F.R.C.Path., D.C.P., D.T.M. & H., M.I.Biol., L./R.A.M.C. r1.ssocia·te Professor of Pathology, RoyaJ Army Medical College, London Prologue patient's serum against this protozoal disease by testing the specimen against - A pathologist's lot is a happy one. of all things - B.C.G. used as a diagnostic Some things he does are to say the least, reagent in his laboratory test! most extraordinary even unbelievable, Now take this Weil-Felix test; the except that they are practical and there other day a young Caucasian patient com fore useful. Consider the bullock's heart, ing out of Africa developed fever with a freed from fat· and alcohol extracted - rash soon after landing in his native now use the resultant product to diagnose Britannia. One of the possibilities was Syphilis in Switzerland, Pinta in Paraguay obviously a rickettsial fever - so off went or Yaws in Zanzibar. Go down to the local his serum for screening against rickettsial abattoir and collect the dripping blood disease, and one of the tests done was, in from a bleeding sheep, or better still take fact. the Weil-Felix test, that is to say some horse's red blood cells - now mix doubling-up dilutions of the patient's them with the fluid portion of your serum from ]J in 20 to 1 in 10,240 are jaundiced patient's blood and you may placed in a row of test tubes and a drop pontificate that he or she is suffering from of a milky suspension of Proteus bacilli 1S Infectious Mononucleosis (or should it be pipetted into each.
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